HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-04-08, Page 8.Summer Dress Materials Showing NOW 36 Inch Embroidered Chiffon Very sheer white Chiffon embroidered in white and Belgium blue in pretty floral effects, per yard $1.25 Cotton Voile Flouncing 45 inches wide Fine even weave with neatly embroidered pattern in allover and flouncing, extra value, per yard ..$1.25 and $1.50 Striped Cotton Voile Very effective patterns in black and white also neat check and floral designs, prices per yd 15c and 25c 50c French Ninons Fine sheer materials in great demand for blouses, otc, black, white and dolor, per yard Extra Value in Rain Coats Specially Priced for April Showers Ladies' Gabardine English Ladies' Double Texture Raincoat, Extra Value $12.50 Made from all -wool gabardine, water proof material with Raglan Coat. Special $12.50 sleeve and belted back, sizes 3.4 to 44. Wool Paramatta Rain Ladies' Rubberized Reff Rain Coat, Special $5.00 This is one of the best values shown, made with close fitting collar, belted back and storm proof cuffs, sis:es 16, 18, 20 and 34 to 42 in grey, tan, navy, black for $8.75 Made from extra quality rain proof material with belted back and storm proof cuffs, sizes 34 to 44, fawn, black, grey and heather mixtures. House Furnishings Before buying your spring requirements see us for Linoleums, Oilcloths, Stair Carpets, Rugs, Window Shades, Brass Rods and Stair Pads. See the Kirsh Flat Brass Window Rods. PRODUCE WANTED $1 00, 81.25 Have beautiful window decorations Nothing gives so much pleasure as a well decorated window. Your windows will be the envy of your neighbors if you use the Flat Rod -for curtains and draperies Guaranteed not to.sag or tarnish There is a Kirsch Flat Rod in a color to match your woodwork or draperies. Every rod contains a written guarantee that it will not sag or tarnish. it's so easy to have an attractive window with the Kirsch Flat Rod We have many Stew designs in curtain anddraperyftbrics. Come ii --sec them. 'Phone 71 i \ � BROS•Agents for • Standard Patterns ussaussussumaimessassmasessmaummommommonueusamoomessmissooliessistaj Page 2 THE WINGHAM TIMES April 8st 1915 MINOR LOCALS. We have a few tons of.$rtilizer left. Order now.- A. II. Wil 10 oRD. -Anyone wishing to purchase young hens call upon A. H. WILFORD. Buy Steele Briggs and Rennies Seed. None better. For sale at J A. Mills, Seed Store. We are still pa i highest cash prices for butter d eggs. -A. H. WILFORD. -Regular monthly meeting , of the Public School Board will be eld next Tuesday evening. Enter the Field r• Competition , at once by ordering y ie Fertilizer. - A. H. WILFORD. -A number of school reports cover- ing the neighboring townships are crowded out of this issue. -Officer Phippen received by express on Tuesday from Mexico, via Montreal, a beautiful talking parrot. -Printed visiting cards for ladies and gentlemen in boxes of fifty at seventy- five cents at the TIMES office. -Cash paid for goose and duck feathers at Walker & Clegg's Uphol- , ster Factory, Wingham, Ontario. -Mr. J. J. Fryfogle's delivery of farm niachinery has been postponed from Tuesday of this week until Tues- day of next week. We have a car load ot'bran at the G. T. R. station, which we are selling at $25.50 pertun in lots HOWSON& BR CKLEBANKr -Mrs. Wm. Goy slipped and fell on the verandah in front of her home on Monday afternoon and fractured her left arm in two places. -The corn cutting and sowing outfit of the Turnberry syndicate was disposed of by auction on Friday last by Auction- eer Bennett to Mr. Thos. Gilmour. -Mr. Wm. Jackson, a highly esteem- ed resident of Blyth, died suddenly on Saturday last. He had been secretary • of the Blyth Agricultural Society for some years. -Mr. Geo. Joynt, one of the leading citizens of Hensall, passed away on Thursday last. He was a brother-in- law of Mrs. Joynt of town and a broth- er of Reeve Joynt of Lucknow. -The remains of Mrs. Sarah J. Bryant passed through Wingham from Mt. Forest on Monday for interment in Blyth cemetery. The deceased lady was a pioneer resident of the Blyth district. -Mr. Geo. T. Robertson has purchas- ed from Mr. A. M. Robinson, the frame house on Victoria street and the frame house on Minnie street. Mr. Robertson will likely build a new dwelling on the Minnie street'lot. . Mrs. Geo. Walker, of the B. Line of Turnberry. is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. McMichael in Rochester, N. Y: She was accompanied by her daughter, Miss Reta Walker, who will spend the summer in Rochester. Clover of all kinds, Timothy Seed, Orchard Grass Seed, and all permanent Pasture Grass Seed, Bran, Shorts, best grades of Flour, Grain of all kinds bought and sold. The old reliable seed house. J. A. Mills, Wingham, Ont. -The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital will be held on Monday the 12th at 4.15 in the Council Chamber. A full attendance is requested as busi- ness of importance is to be considered. -The directors of the West Welling- ton Agricultural Society have unani- mously decided, owing to the war, to hold no exhibition at Harriston this year. Exhibitors from whom member- ship fees were retained last year and those who have paid this year will be entered as bona -fide members for 1016. DOKN HAYDEN-In Howick, on March 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hayden, Boundary West; a son. Hum -In Howick, on March 18th, to Mr. and 'Jars. Wm. Huth, 12th con. ; a son. WALKER -In Wingham Genera; Hos- pital, on March 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walker, a daughter. ROBINSON-In Wingham, on March 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robinson, a daughter. DIED RAINEY-In Howick, on March 28th, Elizabeth Bunt, beloved wife of Mr. Geo. Rainey. con. 11, aged 70 years and 3 days. MCCLENAGHAN - In Wingham, on April 4th, George McClenaghan, late of Whitechurch. in his 85th year. ARMSTRONG -In Lucknow, on Friday, April 2nd, Celia E. B., infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Armstrong Rev. Father O'Leary, D.D., leaves to -day from Cellingwood for Toronto, to take charge of St. Joseph's parish. Chiropractic When the spine is right, a body is right. A Chiropr or will keep your spine rigl ,.that you may have contneed oil health. If your health • is .ady poor a course Of Chir tie Spinal Ad- justments will put your spine right. J. A. Fox, D. C. Graduate Chiropractor Wingham, Oat. ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Head ten centline for first insertion; five cents fo• subse- quent insertions. SERVANT WANTED- ply to Mrs. N. T. Sinclair, Fra ce• TRUNKS AND VALISES: -Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER, FOR RENT -House and shop on Vic- toria Street together or separately, Apply to George Wraith. tf EGGS FOR HATCHING -Rhode Island Reds, Pringle strain. 81 per ing. Apply to Walter Paterson. To RENT -Four rooms ' the Griffin Block suitable for housekeeping, Apply to C. N. GRIFFIN. WANTED -An apprentice or an im- prover to the tailoring business. Apply to E. C. White, ladies' and gents' tailoring, 47-3 MACHINE REPAIRING - Bring your machine and general repair work to E. Merkley & Son. Satisfaction guaran- teed. FOR SALE -I have a carload of first class American Corn, at 82c per bushel, also a quantity of Buckwheat fit for seed. A. Fox, Whitechurch, Ont. 48-3 C. Templeman. John St., is open to take in ladies' and gents' suits to clean and press at reasonable prices, all or- ders can be called for and promptly at- tended. PORE SEED-Tne best seed obtainable, selected for purity, large, bright colored seed, specially recleaned. Red Clover, Mammoth Red Clover, Alsike Clover, Alfalfa and Timothy. KING BROS. SALE or Cows -D. E. McDonald will hold an auction sale of first-class milch cows, springers and calves in Wroxeter, on Saturday afternoon, April 10th. John Purvis will be the auutioneer. 2t W H ITEOHU80$ Dr. D. Jamieson and Mr. Robt. Hen- derson were visiting for a few days with friends in Toronto and Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry spent a few days with relatives in Hamilton. Mrs. J. Ure Stewart spent the Easter vacation with Hanover friends. Miss T. Paterson of Toronto was a holiday guest at the home of her brother, Mr. McK. Paterson. Messrs John Kennedy and Arthur Smith of London and Mr. Russel Mac- Kay of Guelph, spent the week -end with friends here. Mr. Charles Gillespie left on Monday for Seaforth where he has secured a position as butter -maker for the coming season. Miss Annie H, Henry is visiting at her home here. Miss Bertha MacKay of Wingham spent Sunday at her home, Miss .L. Longman conducted the Guild meeting on Sunday evening when the subject was "Conquering Dis- couragement." The meeting for April 11th will be in charge of Wm. Henry. The many friends of Mrs. Jessie Win- field, relict of the late Edwin Winfield, will be sorry to learn of her death which occurred at the home of her daughter, 'Mrs. D. Smith, in Saskatoon, on March 30th. Deceased was Miss Jessie Smith, born in Montrose, Scotland, 76 years ago, corning to Canada at the age of 15 and settling near Elora, where she lived until her marriage to Mr. Edwin Win- field. They then moved on their farm near Whitechurch now owned by Mr. Jacques, where they lived until moving into Whitechurch some 40 years ago, where she resided until going West last August, with her daughter. In religion deceased was a staunch Pres- byterian, being a member of the con- gregation at Whitechurch. She leaves to mourn her loss, one daughter, and four sons, viz: Mrs. D. Smith, Saska- toon, Sask., Robert, of Wilmer, B. C., Harry of Chicago, Ill., Ted of Teller, Alaska, and Bertram of 'Saskatoon, Interment took place in Saskatoon. ISLUEVALE. Report of Easter Promotion Examina- tions held in Bluevale Puolic School. Pass 60 per cent, Honors 75 per cent. From Jr. IV to Sr. IV• -Annie Smelt- zer 77 per cent, Harvey Haney 72, Har- vey Messer 67, Ella Dobie, 65 Eldon Mc- Kinney 65, Roy Thomson 63. From Sr. III to Jr. IV -Pierson Mc- Intyre 86, Margaret Curtis 66, Stella Elliott 64, Stanley Gallagher 42. From Sr. II to Jr. III -Edgar Mc- Michael 80, Bertha Gannett 76, James Watson 76, Robert Tulloch 72, Archie McKinney 61. From Jr. II to Sr: II -Jean Black 78, King McDonald 77, Cecil Dobie 62, Clifford Elliott 60. From Pt. II to Jr. II -Harold Watson, Roy Thomas. Willie Mundell, Charlie Gannett, Harry Elliott, Thomas Calvert. From Jr. Pt. II to Sr. Pt. II -Charlie Messer, Beatrice Dobie, Cecil Stewart. Sr. IV -Examined in Spell., Read., Writ., Draw., Arith., Gram., Comp., Inst., and Geog. t failed in one subject. Cameron McDonald 80, Cora Jewitt 67, Leonard Elliott 64, tJames Dobie 60, ttBella Errington 48.-C. M. Messer, teacher. Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA i tui 01 fid! Vt Com. CN t I Gi C/ C1 CN / / vScSf •'c�l�- t . tial ,fir �l5"tvS .SN S c5'ri5''Iv EARLY SPRING SALE The mild weather of the past week has made us all think The demand for Spring Goods has been large at this ear consequence we are featuring Spring Necessities th' also a very attractive list of bargains. Dress. Goods Reg $1.5o to clear at per yard 98c 85c 68c. Reg $1.25 Reg $1.00 12 only pieces reg 5oc, 75c and $x for per yard - 38c House Furnishings See our new and up-to-date stock Lace Curtians, Scrims and Muslins. Spring. date. In week, giving her Departments Big Boot values for everyone. Unusual sale of Table Linen$. Grocery Department We reduce the high cost of living in our Grocery Depart- ment. THE MERCHANTS' Wingham S^ 5STQ BROKERAGE CO. MIRE Ontario. C1 / tial C/1 t✓i / rviZ L/1 cn Mr. R. T. Cowell, A.L.C.M. Organist mi.? Choirmaster of St, Andrew's Church Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing Violin Pianos and Organs' Tuned and Repaired. Wingham. - Ont. After eighteen years' service as post- master of Berlin, Mr. Chas. F. Niehaus has retired. The TIMES Office is the best place to get your printing where you get good work always and all ways. How Much for Yo Any one will pay you 28c. CAS is equal to 331/c. • er Lb. Cream? FOR BUTTER. ,This R FAT. If you are not getting this, urn your butter and bring it to us. Also your eggs. We pay highest cash price, Watch for our advertisement next week, We will give you some information, THE WM. DAVIES CO., LIMITtD Two Great Leaders QUEEN QUALITY SHOES FOR WOMEN And Our, O FARMER SHOE. For hien This latter is made of Real Calf. AIways keeps soft. No tacks or thread to hurt you and is 'equal to hand made. The price is $3.5o and the cash dis- count of 25c brings it down to $3.25, Mill W. H. WILLIS & CO. SOLE AGENTS ueen uaJi itf FOR LADIES qi››)››»›››»«-..cc,<«‹‹‹‹‹.€0 fk, TO BL FIANGLD BtFORL JULY 1st vvi. v V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V 20 Thousand rolls of Wall Paper having the most up-to-date designs suitable for every room in a person's house. Prices range from 5c a roll up. Call in and have a look over our large stock Sample Books sent to your home if required Let us show you our special order Sample Books. A. M. KNOX Opposite National Hotel 'Phone 65 V V V V V V' V V V ib: V V »»>a»»»ccc<cc <„<<<< My Best Advertisement is my Customers' Rbcommendation Eyestrain causes headache, weak, tired and aching eyes. Other things may give relief but perfectly adapted glasses are the only cure. The most important thing about a pair of glasses is the SKILL of the specialist who fits them. If I cannot help you, I say so. If I can I do thoroughly, Satisfaction guaranteed with every pair of glasses. I supply advice free. C R. WILKINSON Eophthalmic Optician Edward St. Wingham Over twenty years practical experience. William Wallace Buchanan, the well- known temperance lecturer and journa- list, died at Winnipeg aged 60 years. "A Man's Ability' is his Passport. "..) Prof. Frank Weaver LG,S,M, Concert Pianist, Vbioe Specialist LONDON ONTARIO Teaches all branche, Piano and Organ Playing. Voice Culture and Artistic Singing a specialty. 16 years Practical Experience WINOHAI1, Thursday and Friday. Information and Terms at Mrs. Boyd's Residence, Shifter Street. MISS SPARLING Licentiate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized teacher of Flet- cher Music Method, Simplex and Kin. dergarten, Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations in Piano and Theory, Theory taught by correspondence. Classes Opened Sepi 21. 'Phone 165