HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-03-18, Page 2Page 2
ranr1 HaliWay uystem PUBLIC SCIHOOI. REPORT
Town Ticket Office;
We Can issue thew:nth th tiel:Mts via
popular rout e.t,fi,1 ri 4i 1.L:t in .tmt t ea
-East, Weers sl?utit Northwest. Mani-
toli)„ Pee :Ile (!.Elft. str.
D 1-,g t.,A, t' l a nli to dr':4tina-
tion r i l scud r is".tl ii1n:.tin ^_;ivc'n VOL 'reloy
trttvellit).7 •::iii he make pleasant and'.
free . enia aeoyene.n Tourist aeri'.
return 4 ti; ctL poiuut'i alst) (51
sale at .., • .I `, and with all'
prey. iiia,:; ..
Sir:00 .'nii t ti.; :a t; ' ,. t:, tR anyp('int {
in Clan li . t r, , will b.' ail
rsnerii•its Sein n bort or
rein r.a
info 7 3 ::ora awl i, P '
Tesir TS)
�:a' i (73. 1•.D..
Tiva-Js (.):. Cc', Le,'E:., 11::ni, Ont.
Int 4 04
F..13, i.L�u.),.y •i. t.• 411r4 a ANT) PliovinTt?F.
TO a'<DvizL T%SEt S
Notice of eilaii'sos must be left at this
odi.ce not later than saturday noon.
The copy for (lenges must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week
(Listowel Banner.)
Willis, the shoe merchant of Wing -
ham. advertises as though he were in-
terested in getting the people's business
and in keeping it from going to mail
order houses. A paragraph in his ad-
vertisement, which appears in the
Wingham Times, reads: We have two
prices - cash and credit- and our cash
price is exactly the same as the lowest
advertised in any Canadian catalogue.
Yes, competition is keen in these days
and it takes merchants like Willis to
succeed in spite of it.
Because a local merchant has no com-
petitor in his home town does not mean
that he is not up against competition
and should not advertise. Far from it.
The mail order houses are strong on
the advertising and the most aggressive
competitor the home merchant can
have. Unless he is prepared to meet
this outside competition by carrying
good goods, giving good service and
keeping his goods constantly before the
public by use of the local papers, the
trade will gradually but surely find its
way to the mail order houses i.t the sac-
rifice of his business and the community.
It takes an aggressive merchant,
nowadays to make things hum in the
smaller towns and one of the best ways
of being aggressive is by advertising
judiciously and. persistently.
If all the home merchants would give
up advertising in the local papers the
flood of catalogues would grow larger
and larger from year to year until
eventually the departmental stores of
the big cities would have the bulk of
the country trade corralled.
Yes, Mr. Merchant, your business is
at stake and the way to save it is to
advertise and BACK IT UP.
People rarely value a newspaper at
its real worth. It gives them the news,
advertisements of things they want,
and good reading matter. But news-
papers are used, when read, to light
the fire, put under carpets, wrap up
parcels, line cupboards, make warm
waistcoats and bed covers, and turned
to many other uses, And the publishers
don't charge anything extra for all
By the nse of improved ovens which
collected the by-products, the coke in-
dustry of the United States saved $16,-
070,000 last year, which would have
been wasted by old methods of manu-
What if this were your son ?
An aurin ns, ;47h r -stricken mother ap-
pealed to us teoentty. Site wrote:
"1 li.Lve a son fifteen years of age who
has title. culosor in one 3ui e. 1 have not
the mean. to give hint the care he should
have. '!'he doetora say that with proper
este and attention there is every hope that
ti.' feria fully recover. I would be very
t , C tt(L . ,f be C.L n.d 1+e admitted. to the
hi r.kokn I t- e, Itostut;.l if possible."
Sin ;,.uie that ynrrr son or ,your daughter
K, .,'14 consumptive. Suppose, that. he or
saa e to halo arid wasted and shaken by a
atie.i,gth-papl+ing cough. Sop-
/ hut }"it 1•:•(he't tie money to provide
O.-• bwdlt 'meeto, yi n,e,liciue, nourishment,
n t 51 i11ted tiadr.:.l treatment. Think
w: + •. Ideta.i'1 is bet' it wand be to you to
k,•=•µ ch•,t ii.,, Miisl,,,kn Free ilespitul for
('ii,". eripte•t.. stands rosily to help I
I , 'Na`•etvrwli( to t1I0 M%04o1<14.I4'.ree 14e .
o...0 t •r Corr.thstprivit4 wilt he, gratefully
a• t r::' • led teiss ti' . j. Hage..Cliatirinime
1 L,•. ,( .r,• t',rert'„Lire-e, 144 Spadini' Avenue,
or k I)unis.tt. Set te(ary-'f'reasurer, ,347
lharLg '>tre ut West, Toronto.
DI:P'r I.
Senior Fourth
Tota! 499. honours 3v0.
IL Nel)onald•
(4 Ah,,n
(: S:bith
R Barrett ........ . . .... .... 472
(= Fixter
A Gould
S Robinson
N Morden
J Ard ..... ........ 372
Class B
Pa 0:.1 240. Total 61(0,
1, Lewis 561
I tt ,its :n . . 5110
0 Pieneess 523
aneles' 5 '1
I) Clesc c,v ... 517
;or .:..,.. . . 514
t 450
t ...
........ •351.
I Hower
A Davidson
lie er
C Dosd .
J Ch istie . .. )0
(. 1.np'tl:t 11
V I) avi , •rn :•u 1
11. .i1(':t. "t
9;Ql.r' P .•11
1 lit dh ' �7
tt 1) 2. 1
'no .i.r•on...,
elree it 215
at' i � (
ai I>, nn• 167
L, Z.tebrie:;.; 150
1 ' a for Fourth
Goo ii♦ ':,
k'. tL)le ...
1t nt kresOn , . .318
A imlay 3'1(1
C isdanla.. ... 300
C Baker 104
✓ Hamilton 280
T Sanderson 985
Ito Allen ... 280
H Angus.... 2711
S Brown .277
C Lloyd. ....270
L Jarvis... ?,73'.
R Smith
P Joynt 266
M Passmore• .. ..... • .... 265
G Dow .. 264
H Aitchison ........ .......263
L Sturdy 256
M Coutts .... 255
J Saint a •...249
S Lockeridge 214
F Hinscliffe ....2133
E Musgrove ....209
L Robinson ..164
Senior III
Examined in Arith. Spell., I.
, Gram,
and Geo. Total 586.
John Davidson 555
C Merkley .,. .,555
H Hoffman.... ............544
S Bell • 539
H Gannett ....537
B Currie ......... .........519
C Bell -. 515
Mildred Walker .... ..510
K Nichols ., ,...........508
A Williamson :.................507
.Marg Robertson 497
O Hutton .. ...... ... 495
M Johnston .. ..... ..... 484
Mary Robertson .. ......... 483
E Wood .,..........483
A Thomas .. ..481
C Hardy ... ...... .... ...479
J Allan .. 473
E Angus ..,.. 474
A Taylor 466
E Rintoul ........... 465
M Reid ...461
C Pocock . .... ........ .454
Cl Pocock .. ...453
V Hill.... 452
I Reid ... 449
V Johnston .... ...........445
K Wilkinson ................443
A Galbraith 432
J Lutton 430
G Scott. 429
H Hamilton .403
A Blackball ...392
C Dixon 363
Clifford Robertson• .. • 314
Madeliene Walker.} .... 314
G Holmes./ 218
Those marked i missed exams.
, ,)n
h 1'.(1ny
v)ni:" •1 V.
Total - . ,:,
I'. Cm vi., .. 4725
C: ▪ 1 ,) . .et;1n . .... .. .413
L WiLi;u..ssn .. .... . 413
L li:.)i.i es.. 412
H Bees ,. 41(1
C t'rviels hat.k ... ... 406
R M c 1. '„d .. 400
D l'uaen 398
J Car: 390
L San Jerson 385
E Vary 360
B Boardman ..... 363
L Zurorigg...... . ......363
W Leel: riuge . 361
M 13ei.ey ...., .... 30
W Mann .,. 353
S Hutton.... ..... 352
I Lutton
L Hanna.... ..... ..
B Joynt...... ..343
H Simpson 322
K Cruickshank • .316
✓ Dennis,... 314
K Munro .. 805
J Adair ....305
M 'Angus.... , . . 292
A Carruth ......275
R Holloway.. 273
J Johnston..,.. 272
C. Boyce.. 272
F I' Bennett ..-265
C Donaldson .... .... 262
S Page..... ... .260
E Stevens , ... 259
M Stratton ... ..259
A Mitchell.. ..258
C Hinscliffe ... .:..242
G McTavish ... ... ..,242
C Cook ,..241
M French .... .. 239
F Aldington.. ... .... 228
M Henderson.. . , .. ....227
E Gibson.... ... 195
C Caseniore .... ....184
A Williams ... 181
V Robinson........ .174
E Henderson ... 155
W Howe .. .... ....153
J. Casemore.. 131.
V. Bell ....:. 116
J Hayles ...100
Sr. Class
Perfect in spelling through month
J. Davidson; A. Taylor, C Bell, C. Po-
cock, A Williamson and E. Rintoul.
Senior Section -900.
N Boardman 806
A Baird.... ....806
D Fells .......791
C Zurbrigg ... .... 762
E Kew 761
E Ricker .... .758
D Lynett ..147
K Hutton.... ......741
HMilis .. •. ... . 736
A Munro .. .. 738
A Anderson 732
D Perrie 727
P Dyer ... ........ ..... ... .724
C Dow 724-
24V Joynt 692
G Cruickshank 679
R Sanderson .., 678
I Day 666
Laura Ellacott .M18
J Vanstone.... ... 604
S Donaldson .... 573
N Varey ..464
M Carruth ..460
Lillian Ellacott........... ... 314
M Dalgleish . 217
Junior Section
S Holmes .,..786
E Bennett.... ....... .734
H Mundy....... 668
M Johns ...............•667
L Campbell ......648
L Johnston ... ....634
W Ellacott .. ...590
H Wilson 577
k'. Sparling ........• .,..565
F Piper ...540
M Seli .., 519
F Sell... . ... ... 511
C Hingeton..... ...........492
V Forler . 470
M Linklater ......446
IHell ..................445
W Angus 435
Class A
Total 613.
N feard 564
AIrwin..... ...,... .,558
S Harrison .551
MVanatone ....ls50
M Redmond 541
N Carruth 532
RClark 509
EWild 507
F Frost 5t)(3
D Piper' 5011
K DanBldeon ..... .....,503
N Clark..y ............... 501
A Brown .... 498
LCampbell r......,., ..489
M Cosens..........., 488
Total 444.
B Coutts ......438
T Stricker 433
L Hicks ....432
D Lloyd 430
C Bennett . . 425
M Holloway 416
A Cloakey .....•415
H Wright.......... ..414
A Field ... 409
H Caslick ......405
E Blackhall .... .......389
W Clark...... ' ....380
C Pattison.... .... ....368
K Dymond . 367
W Kew ........ 366
P Johnston 362
V Campbell.... ........361
H Aitcheson - .. ,...361
W Sturdy ...358
'M Hill .... ..355
M Schaefer.... .... ... 350
E Amsbury .... .... ..345
F Forgie ... , 344
E Lynett...... ,..... .343
C Hardy .... 328
F Bell ... 327
B Duffey.... ...320
D Thomas ..318
W Bailey...... .... 313
M Holmes ....307
K Carter 305
G Ard ........ ... 294
3 Carruthers.... .... ..251
D Levis ,252
Jr. Class
Total 536.
R Carr ....526
E Williams ..., 520
C Louttit ....... ..510
•B Jarvis ,.... 495
. W Ricker .... .... .....4833
I Aldington 481
E Lewis ..475
C Tennant ....470
F Page . 461
M Tennant ,4oti
I Ellacott ... ....... ...449
C Dickson .. ............ .•447
I Hurter ......403
H Wild ...... ., 372
W Scott..,. ..,... , .343
G Anderson.. .. 340
W Laundy 382
Division VII
Class IV
Aggregate 950.
N Fixter ...
A Corbett ....
G Robertson
M Vansickle
K Dinsley ,...
P Pilon
E Carr ..,
A Pullen ....
E McLean .•,
L Bennett •
Angus •..
Finleyley ..
M Gurney
R McDonald
L Pearen
H Bowden
Ii Boyce
G Rintoul •..
R Lockman
G eft Led t ..
E Thornton ..,
W Leant ., r,
Ciao III
Aggregate 750.
G Angus...
N 'ward's
L Clouse......
.... 845
• 840
..,. 835
.. 805
▪ 710
i... 415
... 390
.,., 8r)
.140 715
..,.,t 6670.
B Brown
W Coleman
II `S.itteni
p :':f( kes
9' :•int
1! Iol)n Y1'n
V. ,'(10
March 18th, t 915
• it.
. :) r. e, 1.. Roe
, , on
d, ;
t .1:
I: • v,;tli., P );,# .•,
1 . '„ ..:!t' Arms.;)
I1•nr. • , .ii 0017,,41, 1'x)1:'101', I'..:.,kl
r' + •''et• 12intritll.
l;•, Ii I'.?(rkSOn Motrin.
C. J. Brock, 7'cue;t: ,.
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y, M. O. A. PLUG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue
free, Enter any time.
J.W. Westervelt 3, W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal -, 19°1 Vice PAiccoun t
1.,)A' i<et, t'vevr is -par
R fuer+ rf S. S. No. 11, Tupnberry for
the r. -doth of • February.l" The names 11
ars. .tl;set'd in order of in.'rir.
Jr. IV Total 531 -Olive Groves, 469.
Sr. III Total 467 G. Groves, 356;
E. Shrig!ey, 337,
Jr. III Total 277 -Donald Ch-ghcrn,
Sr. •II Total 048 L. Darnell, 605;
T. Lockridge, 510; M. Hart, 450; G.
J.. ,RLit 353 - It. Campbell, 4:11;
A. Kendali,.440; A. Lockridge, 838; L.
Cruikshank, 216; 51. Dennis, 213.
Pt. II Total 414-E. Shrigley, 339;
F: Wilson, 200; A. Wilson, 226; D.
Dennis, 215; G. Finlay, 191; 0. Cruik-
shank, 171. •
Sr. I Total 509-M. Wells, 482; H.
Kendall, 404; M. Hart. 405; B. Camp-
bell. 229; W. Darnell, 51.
Jr. I Total 371-Elmer•Shrigley, 289.;
E. Shrigley, 275; G.,,,Deyeli, 259; C.
Deyell, 228; J. Cleghorn, 222; C, Wilson,
186; N. Potter, 116; W. Dennis, 93.
Report of S. S. No. 8, Morris, for
February. Pupils examined in History,
Geography, Spelling, Arithmetic.
Total 350 Honours 75 per cent. Pass
60 per cent.
Jr. 1V -Ernestine Sellers, 86 per cent.;
George Brewer, 65;. Lorne'lurvey, 64;
Charlie Souch. 50.
Sr. III -Elva Warwick. 82 per cent.;
Cameron Mustard, 64; Charlie Bosman,
60; Cora Souch 50,
Jr. III - Geo. Fell, 70 per cent.; Wil-
mer Kerney, 68; Ethel Garniss, 03;
Frank Garniss, 50.
Sr. II -Harry Garniss, 82 per cent.;
Elmer Forbes, 78; Marjorie Grasby, 76;
Winnie Allen, 74.
Jr. II - Jack Allen, 80 per cent.; Al-
fred Johnston, 70; May Warwick, 08;
Fred Brewer, 66.
Jr Pt. II Genaral work Total 500,
To pass 225 -Walter Sellers, 465; Janet
McVettiel 443; Fraser Mustard, 395;
Adella Turvey, 375; Lillian Garniss,
368; Bertha Souch, 351; Charlie War-
wick. 346; Doris Allen, 240.
For window cleaners there has been
invented a ladder with suction cups on
its feet to prevent it slipping on smooth
Sicily grew 22,500 tons of almond in
.As The Result
Of a Neglected Cold
He Contracted
Mr. W. 'r. Allen, Halifax, N.S., writes:
"I feel that I would be doing you and
your great remedy, Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine_ Syrup, a gross injustice if I did not
write and let you know the wonderful
results that I have obtained from its
"Last spring I happened to contract a
cold. Of course, this is a common oc-
curence, and I did not take any particu-
lar notice of it at the time. However, it
did not break up as quickly as colds
generally did with me, so after two weeks,
and no sign of improvement, I began
to get alarmed, and went to my local
physician, who informed me that I had
contracted severe bronchial trouble as a
result of neglecting my cold. He pre-
scribed some medicine for me,, which I
took for about two weeks without any
sign of improvement. I. was getting
pretty much discouraged by then, but
one day a friend happened to be itt to
whom I was relating my trouble, end he
advised me to try Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine SS r P, saying that
verybeneficial fi results from its use in
a similar ease. I took his advice end
procured several bottles horn thy advice_
gist. After taking it, according ht die.
tions, for about two days, I ,noticed. •
decided improvement, and from that
day on I began to get better, And h rim
days I was in my usual health. I Ott.
cider this an excellent showing, for yareg
remedy, and tan highly retommW Wee
anyone afflicted as I was, Isbell
put in a geod word for it whenever the
tow tires itself."
tapif4rewiate Dr. Wood's Ntinfikae.
�'431rLt 1u . •'f
any druggist drttottt 1
p r
Price, 25c and ,'50c. The genuine it
manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited. Toronto, one
f s
C r
O,t > io's ;3- ,t I)i is:•.1
r.erainiass Penis
n ..
iu.,t ren tors in t ac'tl 1)S t L' th r?'
nam aurata
Co na area'
4N,� , t `
rJ 3 "rnl3.!" ., st a"i
Tci graphy
Our graduates suppceed and
you should read our large, free
catalogue. Write for it at once
Agent for
Allan Line a
Cunard Line,
?`r'a `)
Donaldson Lines. •
;situ:+: tv
Canadian Northern .Lines
Ocean Steamships.
FA R M :.. RS
and anyone having live stook or other
arttoles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
%Ise the same for sale in the Tllana. Our large
oiroulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not get a customer. W• can't guarantee
that yen will sell because you may ask more
for the article or stook than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the Tauri and try this
plan of disposing of your stock and other
.A Sheffield, Eng., firms has received
from Holland a contract for the manu-
facture of 50,000 army pocket knives to
be made to the pattern of those hither-
to imported from Germany.
BAPTIST CHURCII-Sabbath services
at 11 .. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School
at 2:;iu p. m. General pray'r mec:tin '
on Wednesday ct eniligr. ltev, A. C.
Riley, pastor. B. N. P. U. meets
Monday evenings 8 p. m. W. D.
Pringle, S. S. Superintendent.
METIIODI T ("1111 .;ii --Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p. =n. Epworth League
every Monday evening, C..enel'al prayer
meeting on \Veclne'viay evenings. Rev.
J. W Bibi ort, i)c:atNr. P. IJuclianan,
S. S. SuiierhP',.dnt t.n'.
PRESBYTERIAN Cinmmc.1I-Sahbath ser-
vices at 11 a. re. and 7 p. 'nday
School at 2::1) p. ilt. (hull ,1 I' Lyar
meeting onWednotd t,• e'. 1 nl. gs. Ray.
D. Perm,pastor. ter. s Lewis, ,
i;. uperiut• ad "nt.
ST. PAUL'.:, CIIUI;CH, I'ia1:'t..OP AI,--Siab-
bath services at 11 a. n1. and 7. n. at.
Sunday School at 2.30 p. ra.• Rev.
11. G. Dymond Rector. Ale:4. Al-
ii.,.•on, S. S. Superintendent.
at 11 a.m, Op.:e, cad p.m. en -Sunday.
At o'clock on Thursday evening.
There will be special mu sic provided in
the Sunday evening service from 7 to
POST OFFICP-••Oe ice hour;; from 8a.m.
to 0:30 p. m. Open to hex holders from
7 a. m. to 9 p. In. P. Fisher, postmast-
PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will be
open every afternoon from' 2 to 5:30
o'clock, and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock. Miss M. McTavish, lib-
TOWN COUNCIL -Dr. A. J. Irwin,
Mayor; S. Mitchell, Reeve; L. F.
Hinkley, A. M. Crawford, W. A. Currie,
V. R. Vannorman, W G. Patterson and
D. Bell. Councillors; John F Gloves,
Clerk and Treasurer. Board meet
first Monday evening in each month at
8 o'clock.
Wm. Robertson W. A.. Campbell, Dud-
ley Holmes, A. Tipling, A. E. Lloyd,
Robt. Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves
Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in
Council Chamber on the second Tues-
day of each month.
Ricker, M. A., Principal and Specialist
in Science; G. R. Smith, B. A., Special-
ist in Mathematics; Mr. C. M. Ewing,
M. A., Classics; Miss M. 1. Whyte,
B. A., Specialist in Moderns and His-
tory; Miss E. C. Garrett, Art
and Mathametics; Miss B. Kettlewell,
Commercial Work and History.
Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss
Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans-
ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley.
BOARD OF HEALTH. -Dr. A. J. Irwin,
(chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter,
John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C.
Redmond, Medical Health officer.
A Word of Gratitude.
"In justice to humanity I want to tell
you that I was a great sufferer from
itching piles, and have found Dr.
Chase's Ointment the best treatment
obtainable," writes Mrs. Fred Him,
Brodhagen, Ont. "It gives instant re-
lief and I can recommend it to any
sufferer from this dreadful disease."
20 Years Ago
From the TIMES of March 15, 1895
We are sorry to learn that Mr. Geo.
McKenzie is confined to the home by
Mr. Geo. Good, who has carried on
business in town for some months past,
has. made an assignment for the benefit
of his creditors. We are sorry that
Mr. Good has not found business -profit-
able in Wingham, but suppose a good
deal is attributable to the prevailing
A panel is to be placed in the chancel
window of the new Episcopal church,
Wingham, in memory of the late Rev.
W. Davis, who was for nine years
pastor of that parish. The expense is
to be borne by the five sons of deceased.
The snow storm of Saturday last de-
layed the trains somewhat, and the
afternoon train on the Kincardine line
did not reach here until about 10 o'clock
Sattirday night, having been stuck in a
snow drift near Ethel for some hours.
Whenit reached here it was cancelled,
and on• Sunday the line was opened to
Mr. Geo. McKenzie was called to
Thorndhle one day last week, by the
death of his eldest brother.
Mr. J. G. Stewart is 'attending the
meeting of the Orange Grand Lodge of
Ontario West, in • St. Catharines, this
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Page left town on
Saturdny'to-sttend•the funeral of lMrs.
Page's father, Mr. Parish, Mitchell.
Miss Sicily Page,left on Monday for
Mitchell to resume her duties es milliner
in that place.
Armstrong --In East Wawenosh, on
the 18th inst., the Wife of Mr, Thos.
Armstrong; a son.
Scrimegour -Winmill-At the Metho-
dist 'parsonage, Blyth, on Februat r
26th, by the Rev, George Buggin, Mt,
Albert Scrimegour to Mies Elmina
Winmill, all of West Wawanoeh.
'Wingham General Hospital
ae Winonaan Dm
The Times Office Stone Sleek.
TIatu4 O(n 4'11'8.11:tri t t t:7--51 00 t'e,r (mnum
in .'trot'..., : 1,te t<• =., , u•: • ' , o Timer
lliycon• .
rita) 1 ,(11 t:rro•tr•1 ire i) oil, oaveot at the
opi.i•)n of the nab Li, lits.
Pnir.t'I,At' AovtinrIx1I.:s'r$
One %ear Si 10 (8c ertch inat'rionl
Sx Months ,
Three Months 1.00 (131 "
Me Sleuth .04 (leo " 11
OLIOV, a• .'£9
(Under Government Inspection)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS -which
include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15.
per week according, to, location of
room. For further information, ad-
Miss L. Matthews.
Box 223, Wingham Ont.
;1", al:Itf(i't,i'ainitr 11v„-(,l)tl,a,'. 11
f ,r.A i it 'i'itl•f1 p,^ lin•, fir
0,4 i 11114 rl „ta n1 , i )•1. A.114,1,11 n r
a iptt , 1 (ul tw.dv ? It 114 t) 1'1 1'.171'1.
Bust •5,itI ofrite li•1:,,.1nlatl'.i,S1.01
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Railway Timetable
TitAiais Laays ion
London - . -. 8.85 a.m..- 8.00p.m,
Toronto aEast - 8.45 a.m.. -. 8.10p.m.
i1)noardlne-11.50 a.m -.- 8.15 p.m.
enaivz rue&
Kincardine ....AM a.m
- 8.10 p.m.
London...... _ ..., .. -. 11.54 a.Av1.. _ 7.135 pen.
Toronto & Haat........ _ 2.80 p.m...- 0.15 p.m,
W.F. BURGMAN,Statlou Agent. Wingham.
H B ELLIOTT, Town Agent, Wingkam.
TaAIRB L7lAV7. roe
Toronto and Rad- _..-. 8.40 a.m.. - 3.10 p.m.
Teeewater __........ 1.00 p.m _-10.22 p.m.
Teamster-. 8.40 a.m. - - 0.05 p.m.
Toronto HAanp.m
W rnl[neatm p'm'8BSMAB
Good Local Agent
at once to represent the
Old and Reliable
Foothill Nursuries
A splendid list of fait and
ornam Intal stock for Fall
Delivery in 19r3 an d
Spring Delivery in 19 14.
Start at once and secure ex-
clusive territory. We
supply handsome free out
fit and pay highest com-
Write for full particulars,
$tooe& WolLiotoo1
Toronto - - Ontario
Tow Mann*
Anyoneeelidrn(aeketehanddeecrlbt., rtma)t
�tIaa�tckt aan.oSriMn oarboaliin yofahtp ee wl.eoher an
llen%tr ootlsaonnd lntial IMIUJ�eo i elntti
4 eeie, Ike: a nog(f .a nn a co.tleo.i
iciiCootke,twittosaOgh nIau eoe re
t er��a
i ✓■ lariat
8 r illiutrat
Mn eo ed woes
A autos of Nnl/ eatentleo tourgil. r eie vg;
greet.,do raS a year, poetaae prepaid, soot VI
N 363 Broadway,
N k
•�a dui if Et: iVaehln
. Ston, b.� .
OL- LXOEB-Corner 1':trick and Centre tits.
Offices 43
Residence, Dr• Kennedy r.48
Residence, Dr. Calder 151
Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery,
Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dis-
eases of the Nye, Lar, Nose and Throat.
Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses
properly fitted.
B. ROBT.0.exonto X), M.li.C.e, (krg)
L. R. O. P. London.
Office, with. Dr. Chisholm
W R. Hambly, B.Sc., M.D., O.M.
Wingham, Ontario.
S ecial attention pnid to diseases of women
and children, having taken post graduate
work in Surgery, Bartcriology and Scientific
Office in the Kerr residence. between the
Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118.
Dr. 1, R. Macdonald
Wingham, Ont.
Office -Stone Block, over the TIMES
Ostegpathic Physicians
Oculists, Neurologists
Disefrses Treated by Drugless Methods
Osteopathy cures or benefits when
other systems •fail.
Wingham office over Christie's Store
Tuesday, 11.30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wed
nesday, 9 to 11 a.m. Thursday, 9 to
11 a.m. and 4 to 9 p.m. Friday, 9 to
11 a.m. or by appointment.
J: A. FOX, D. C.
Scientific. afe. Happinessic, Drugless siis dependant upon
health. Whether your affliction is acute or
chronin, Chiropractic isequally successful.
Consultation free.
Office in Knox louse, back of Post
Office. Entrance over Presbyterian
Church Walk. 'Phone 191.
Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p.m.
ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. 8., L. D n..
Dental Colleger andr L! entiatee oY hue Ito J
OoIlgge of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
in,1liacdonald Block, Wingham,
deice closed every Wednesday afternoon
frotn.May 1st to Oot. let.
H. ROSS, D. D. S., L. D. S.
Honor graduate of the Royal. College of
Dental Suraacoons of Ontario and Honor gradu-
ate of the UI versity of Toronto, Faculty of
Office over H. E. Iaard & Co's., store, Wing -
ham, Ont.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
from May let to Oat. 1st.
rata • interest, MooCompartgaues, town and farm
property bought and sold.
Office,, Beater Block, Mailbox,
13ARR1STSR, Oto.
Wingham, Ont.
Barrister, Soliciter1 Etc
Office: Meyer Bioek,Winghalmw
Orders for the insertion of advertinemonta
such as teaohers wanted, hardness 'shanties
meeheniod ant ,articl
articles !6 sale, or in lac
any kind of an advt, in any of the, Toronto on
other city papers, may be left at the Truitt
oRoe. This work will receive prompt attention;
and will save people the trouble of remitting
fon and forwardlag adyertleetnenteo ]Lewes*
rates will be quoted on • estion, Leave
or Send your next work of this kind to the