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The Wingham Times, 1915-03-11, Page 5
March 11th , t 915 THE WINGHAM TIMES G INC UT OF I have just returned from Winnipeg; after completing arrangement to ns;•r;ge in business there. This necessitates the clearing out of every doll II' +\v(rl'th of •...oc•d.: in this store within the next few weeks, Then down with the prices to c'eai out our olthe stock. T II' U N "DAY, l^i 41 `, fel' r9 1 771 L7 is the day that I have set for the opening of this great :;ale thc• 1'`'•'1'Ic• of `Vinghan1 and the surrounding country the greats :7t least of 11,si'g:Uns (.iter o.! ed 1c : e. Nothing marked up, Everything marled down. Men's, Youths' and Boys' `;uit Overcoats. `grousers, Hats, Caps, Shirt!,, Collars, "Pies, Underwear, Overall, Smocks Gloves, IIosiery, tie., etc., are ir.' !::c cl iu rl i5 Slaughter Sale. We cannot quote you prices on all the lines retluded, but below we will give } ou a few quotations. MENS OVERCOATS Regular 19.50 and 20.90 line, sale price Reg. 17.5o and 18.50 lines, sale price Regular 15.0o lines, sale price - - Reg. 12.5o and 13.50 lines, sale price. YOUTH'S OVERCOATS Regular 10.00 lines, sale price. -. - Reg.7.00, 7.5o and 8.00 lines,sale price n's Suits Regtiul.lr $2o, $21 and .$22 lines, s-llt, rice $ t 5 00 Regular $18 5or lines, si11e price 1 3,.00 Rt-gular $14, r 5 and $16 lines, sale ir. 10.50 Regular $12, 12 5n and 13,50 linos, . . e price - 8.50 ,Regal tr $to.o(', line, sale price - - 6.5o uiha' Long Pare` Scale: Regular 12.00 and 12.5o lines, sale price .Regular 7.00, 7.5o and 8.00, sale price Boys Suits -Regular 12.5o lines, sale price Regular 8.5o, 9.00, 9.5o and 10.00 lines sale price Regular 6.5o,7,50,and 8.00 line, sale price Regular 5 00 and 5.5o lines, sale price Regular 3.75 line, sale price - HABERDASHERY 10 doz. linen collars, some of them slightly soiled, regular 15c and 20c, sale price 3 for Men's cashmere and worsted hose, regular 50e sale price • • Boys' cashmere and worsted stockings, regular 50c, sa1G price Men's work shirts, regular 75c, sale ptice Men's wool underwear, regular $1.00, sale price Stanfiold's Red Label Underwear, re sale price Stanfield's Blue Label Undorwear, regular $L.50, sale price . Flannel shirts, regular $1,25, sale price All 50c neckwear, sale price 3 for Alt $2.50 soft and stiff hats, sale price.. 4 doz. boys' caps, regular 50c sale price x0 2.75 10.00 9.00 6.25 4.95 W. A. 8.25 4.75 8 5o 5 95 4.95 2 2.5o 25c 35c 390 570 7.5e 05e 1 15 85c 1 00 1 65 ( guhtr $1.25, pocket book MOND BY CAMPBELL osoNro Don't forget the date of the opening, Thursday, March i rth. Come with your well filled. Buy for future use. there will be no goods charged. 25c ? ii3f Wit"%ti 9w /t 1st 1st 1ti ART CLOTHES Thursday, Friday and Saturday we will have at our store a gentleman from the Art Tailoring Company to take special measurements for men's and young men's Spring Suits and Spring Overcoats odd Trousers, 1t1 10 10 10 !ct! 0 10 1�\ 1' and lft 1�t T Smart tailored clothes to those who wear Art Tailoring." Satisfaction guaranteed, 500 different patterns of high-class clothes, Prices $18,00, $20.00 $22,00, $25.00 and $30.00. Suit Sale This week we have in our window Twenty-nine Suits in brown and fancy tweeds in the newest styles, Nothing less than $12.00 and $15.00, all sizes, on sale for $7.88. Twenty-seven Boys' Suits, bloomer pants, sizes 22 to 33, on sale to clear $3.69 \I/ l�1 ST. HELENS. John McLeod, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod, second concession, Kin- loss, and Miss Florence Levis, of near St Helen's, were married at the par- sonage, Lucknow, by Rev. George Mc- Kinley. Mr. McLeod is a successful farmer in the West, where. the young couple will reside. OULROSS. Mr. Hector MacLean received a letter from an aunt in Inverness, Scotland, enclosing one from her two sons, Neil and Roderiek McLean, who are at the front with the Third Cameron High- landers. saying both were well and happy. These boys are only eighteen and twenty-one years respectively and have been in the war since the begin- ning of the conflict. JAb1ESTOW N • Word has been•received from Tessier, Sask., of the death of the 2 year old son of John and Mrs. Simpson, and grandson of Andrew Simpson, of James- town. The laddie had been ill with pneumonia for two weeks and was re- covering nicely when both ears started tobeild and he had not sufficient strength eft to fight it off he succumbed we are sorry to state. He died on February 18th and was buried from the church the Saturday following. Old friends here will sympathize with Mr and Mrs. Simpson in the loss of their bright little boy. SiORR19. About 6.15 o'clock on Saturday eve- ning, reb'y 27th, Mrs Jas. Nichol, Lot 17, Gth line, paid Nature's debt, passing i, peacefully away, aged 36 years, 3 months and 52 days. She leaves her husband, a daughter, Florence, 13 years iiiof age, and a baby son 3 weeks old. Deceased's maiden name was Alice al ill ji ' it ,,ill iii if/ HANNA & COMPANY oi ,.iii il1 iii Mail Orders Promptly Filled f 'Phone ?O tl1 ,tii 0.1 t4s j Frances Douglas, whose girlhood was spent on the adjoining farm to the one on which she died, being the 3rd daugh- ter of Jno. and Mrs. Douglas, She was married 15 years ago last October to her now bereft partner, Anaemia was the cause of her death. Mrs. Nich- ol was held in high esteem by a wide circle of friends. She was interested in the betterment of the world and had associated with others, last fall, can- vassed for the Patriotic Fund and later for the Upper Canada Bible Sooiety, Mr. Nichol and other relatives share largely in the sympathy of the com- munity in their bereavement. fEETFIING TIME TROUBLES. Baby's teething time is a period of anxiety for mothers unless baby's stomach is kept sweet •and his bowels regular. No other medicine has been found so valuable during teethiygg time as has Baby's Own Tableto: They make teething painless anof by their use baby gets his teeth6 easily that the mother scarcely-itnows they are coming. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. F. Goldsmith, Nelson, B. C., writes: "Baby's Own 'L`ablets are a u other's greatest help during the teethir g per- iod" The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicir e Co., Brockville, Ont. BELGR. 0. v.: The Ladies Aid of the Preshy terian Church will hold a social in the base- ment of the church on Wednesday, March 17th, when a good programme of Irish and Scotch selections will be given. Everybody is welcome. Come and have a good time. Don't forget the date. 'EAST WAWANOSH. Mr. R. B. McGowan disposed of his fine 290 -acre farm, to Mr. Robt. John- ston, jr., who will take posses: ion at once. We understand the figure paid for it was in the neighbourhood if $10,- 000. This farm is well situated only a short distance from Blyth and we think Mr. Johnston has secured a valuable property. We understand itis I\ r. Mc- Gowan's intention to move into Blyth. BRUSSELS The appeal suit of Graham vs. Guerin, over the sale of what was 'Town as the Currie butcher business in B(ussels, came up for bearing in Toronto. Mr. Querin won which will probably settle the natter. The shop has been closed for several months. Dates for Melville new church open- ing have been set, viz , Easter Ss bbath and the Sabbath following. Rev. Dr. Ross, of Toronto, will officiate on the first date. He presented the new pulpit to the church and it seems fitting that he should give the first Gospel message from it, particularly after so long and successful a pastorate as his was. Ar- rangements are not yet completed for Sabbath, April 11th, as to whom the preacher will he. Rousing Tea meeting will be held on Monday, April 5th, for which a fine program is in course of preparation. Harry B. Litman of New York claims a divorce because his wife prefers better tango dancers than he is. � ISARD'S KEDUCTION ,SALE(,) Money 'av�ng Cittrnees +awl0•41i s •s rJtrrst« s .,+ , .,wa.,.,,s/ treAs '+M'w+tM'l,r gilt.irda!! !if ?JO 131h, II 3a ga ri sii oughout the Tw© Stores READ THE LIST Women's Wear Store ' to pieces, yd wide heavy Flanelettes, light and dark p .sterns reg 12% for lac 8 pieces dark Wrapperettes 12 for roc 6 Ladies' Raincoats, all prices, to clear at ,$ I .00 5 Girls' Raincoats to clear at $1.00 7 Women's Winter Coats to go) at $2.95 8 Girls' Winter Coats must go at $2.5o Pure Linen Roller Towelling reg 12::- sale price roc 500 yds Factory Cotton 12 1-2 for roc 300 yds Factory Cotton, 34 inch wide, 15 yds for $.1.o0 4 pieces Dress Goods, reg 5oc for 25c 1 piece heavy Table Linen 5oc for 39c 3 pieces 25c Curtain Net, reg 25 for 20 8 Sweatercoats, Girls' and Women's, $1.5o sale $1.00 u,ro pairs Flannelette Blankets, large, sale, $I.5o. 5 pieces white English Longcloth 15c sale 12?:. • 10 doz. Heavy Ribbed Hose 35c value, sale 25c. 2 doz. Corsets new style reg price 75c sale 59c. 3 doz. Lace Collars regular value 5oc. IZ price 25c. 6 only underskirts sold at 1.50 sale $ r 12 pairs Women's Dongola Boots $2.5o for $ r.95• Men's Wear Store. to Len's Suits t() clear, Worsteds and fancy Tweeds, reg. price: $ I o, and $ 12, your pick for $7.90. Men's Heavy Shirts regular price 75c, 2 for $1.25 10 pairs Men's Boots to clear at $1.25 12 pairs Men's Boots, $3 for sale $1.98 Men's heavy black Overalls sale 75c Men's peak Caps, fur band, 75c for 50c Boys' Sweatercoats, reg. 75c sale 50c Men's Sweatercoats, reg $ t.5o for $ t Men's Underwear, 75c to $r for J9c Fur (Collared Coats on sale for $15.00 Men's Fur. Coats (Black China Dog) sale $15.00 Men's Overcoats to clear reg $to for $8.95 Boys' fancy Tweed Suits, $3 for $3.95 Grocery Bargains 7 bars Soap (Laundry) for 25C 14 lbs. Granulated Sugar 3 lbs 'Black, Green or Japan 35c Tea for $2.00 2 cans Maple Leaf Baking Powder 25c 2 cans good Salmon for 25c 6 lbs good quality Rice fot 25c 3 cans Peas, Corn or Tomatoes 25c WANTED. • Butter Eggs, White Beans and Dried Apples. "Best Prices." H. E. ISAIRD & .CCJVIPANY Frederick Little, head -miller in Beaverton grist mill, was caught in the machinery while oiling it on Saturday, and so terribly injured that he died yesterday morning. The right of:free re-entry for Chinese leaving Canada to visit their native land has been extended from one year's time to six months after the termina- tion of the war. LIVE STOOK MARaETS Toronto, March 8 -Union Stock Yards -Receipts to -day, 117 cars, with 2,292 head('of cattle„ 91 calves, 1,511 hogs; and 198 s eep and-lambs,une 'While there was a fairly good active local demand;for;;butcher cattleito-day, the market as a whole was not more than barely steady at last week's dos - ng prices. The run was comparatively a heavy one, over 2,300 offering, and in many casestshippers;were disposed to make concessions rather than carry the cattle over, with the chances looking to the possibility of;;lower markets later in the week. ®===. M f ASeveral Cgood loads ofe,extra ichoice beef cattle sold up to $7.70 and $7.85, but the average for good butcher cattle was around $7, one or two loads going at x$7.25 and; $7.35. 'Good medium butcher were selling at $6.25 to $6.50. Stockers around $6 to $6.25, with a quiet demand. Lambs steady, light ewes firm. Hogs steady to firm at $8.25 off cars. Export $ 8 15 $ 8 40 Butcher cattle choice6 50 6 90 do medium 6 00 6 25 Butcher cows choice5 75 6 25 do medium. .. 5 25 5 60 do common 4 50 5 00 do bulls 6 00 6 50 Feeders t 6 00 6 35 Stockers 5 76 6 25 do medium .. 5 75 5 85 do light 5 25 5 50 Canners and cutters4 25 4 75 Milkers, choice .. 60 00 80 00 Springers 50 00 05 00 Common and medium40 00 61 00 Lambs .... ... .. 8 50 111 50 Light ewes .. 5 25 7 50 do bucks ...... ... ... 3 50 4 50 Hogs fed and watered... 8 00 • • do f.o b7 65 Calves . 9 00 11 00 WING ElAbt MARKET REPORTS. Wingharn, February 10, 1015 Flour per 100 lbs 4 15 to 4 45 Fall wheat 1 66 to 1 56 Oats 0 61 to 0 61 Barley 0 60 to 0 70 Peas.... 1 65 to 1 70 Butter dairy ...0 25 to 0 25 Eggs per doz 0 30 to 0 30 Wood per Cord .,, 225 to 2 50 Hay per ton.... 13 00 to 14 00 Hogs ,..,,7 40 to 7 40 NEW SPRING GOODS ARRIVING We are receiving and passing into stock New Dress Goods, Serges, Voiles, Crepe Cloth, etc., New English Prints, Towelling, Table Linens,, Shirtings and Cot tons. We ...have a few Soecials: for next week, Good Cotton Shirts 3 fori$I.00 Good Print Shirts 2 for $1.00 These are extra good values but must be cleared out to make room. 25 per cent. discount on all Winter goods during March. q cans extra good salmon for $ I .00. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE AND GRAIN TAKEN IN EX- CHANGE FOR GOODS, J. A. MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGEAM, ONT.