HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-02-25, Page 8II • Page S THE WINGFI.A.M TIMES fr_.. PERSONALS Prot. FCao#4 Weaver t7( ,M. tuiert Voe Mr. Mex. Young was In London for, r p' Tali,( 1 a few days. Teacher of Elementary and Ad- ' Miss Lanny Green, of Woodstoek, is vance(i Piano 1?la;%'s<Ir and 11 visiting at her home here. Voice Productson Mr. Hugh Ross, of Clinton, wan call- i 15 years Practical Esperieuce I ing on friends in Wingham on Thursday . Residence and and Studio Mrs, Wm. Armstrong, of Lucknow, 21 I]uflerin Aves Londoni is visiting with her son, Mr. A..1. Arm - 1 IN ?MIRIAM, THURSDAYS 11 ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c, Notices Under This head ten cents a line Ser arca. insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. - TRUNKS AND VALISES:-B1g stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. FOR SALE -A good second-hand cutter for sate at a bargain. Apply to R. A. Currie. CEDAR RAILS WANTED -- Telephone to The Western Foundry Co., Limited, Wingham, No. 85. r of alman partic- APPLES FOR SALE - A num barrels of No. 1 Northern Spy, Sweets and Russe' apples. Mars from D. McPherson. Rooms TO RENT -In dition, suitable for o e Apply to 43-2 NOTICE -Owing to the change in business all accounts owing to Field Bros. must be paid by March lst ar,d payment can be made at the store of Wm. Field. FIELD BROS. $15 weekly for few hours work in your home locality showing grocery samples t) your friends and neighbors. Men wanted everywhere. Samples free. THE CO-OPERATIVE UNION. Windsor, Ontario. st-class con - r dressmaker. D. BELL LOW FARES TO THE CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS VIA CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY. Four splendid daily trains from the New Passenger Terminal, Chicago to San Diego. Choice of scenic and direct routes. Double track' Automatic electric safety signals alt the way. Let us plan your trip and furnish folders and full particulars. B. H. Bennett, Gen. Agt., 46 Yonge St., Tor- onto, Ont. 38-3t. strong. Messrs J. A. McLean and J.:1. Milts were in Goderich last week serving on the Jury. Mrs. C. M. Walker and Miss Mildred Walker, were visiting for a few days in Ingersoll. Mr. H. B. Elliott was in Stratford on Monday atteeding a meeting of the Huron and Perth Press Associatiation. Miss Ethel Cameron has returned to her home in Napanee after a three weeks' visit ac the home of her cousin. Mr, H. A. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson with family, and Mr. and Mrs. .A. J. Arm- strong spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, of Lucknow. Miss Hilda McCall of Toronto was visiting for over Sunday with friends io Turnberry, and rendered a beautiful solo in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening last. MINOR LOCALS. -Come to Winght ul on Dol*lpr Day. -Big bargains on Dollar j y in shoes at W. J. Greer's. www' -Envelopes in large variety t the TIMES stationery store. -Greer's Shoe Store fqr ig Bargains in Footwear on Dollar y iri411040113230201113.4111101011nretrall01.0.13111.111M11111111MairagMZIMIZO 1001111114001.11101 -Buy your stationary, maga es; etc, at the TIMES stationery sto . -15 Pairs Misses' Shoes. al izes for $1.00 on Dollar Day at eer's Shoe Store. -Regular monthly meeting o the Town Council will he held next !. onday Farm for Sale. Lot S. 14, 15, 16, Con. 1, Morris, 100 a acres; well watered; good buildings; G large bearing orchard; 15 acres bush suitable for stock or grain farming. pi 3?' miles from Wingham, owner retir- M ing. Apply to W. CLI GG, Proprietor. C Shorthorns For Sale e' Herd -headed by "Favorite Character," P Imported, d' 4 BULLS 4 51 From 10 to 12 months old. These young bulls are an exceptionally fine d lot. Some of tnem are ready for ser- It smooth, h flesh fel- are thick,m Y vice an d, lows. Correspond or give us a call if T you want something good. J. G. FYFE, F R. R, No. 4, Wiggham. d Broadview Farm, 17 miles south of 5 ((��Winng��h}}am. U r`A,f1 Double TORONTO TORONTO Unexcelled Highest WINTER to California, Fast Trains Low For full Ticket Agents Dist. Paas. H. B. ELLIOTT, Agent, Phone Agent, Phone n�jrr,�� TRUN Track --CHICAGO -MONTREAL Train Class Pea'I all the way c q Service n of Equipment I TOURS 1 Florida and r Sunny South -Choice of Routes E Fares now in effect. s particulars consult G. T. R. t or write C.E. Horning, Agent, Toronto. I Town Passenger and Ticket 4. W. F. BUROMAN, Station , O. CANADIAN'1*"''''�� _ ACIFIC . Improved TORONTO Via. "Lake Fast time Bowmanviile, Belleville, Particulars or write Toronto. W. A. SA NDER:lO1` IX. H. BREMER, Service MONTREAL ;OTTAWA Ontario Shore Line" to Whitby, Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, etc. from C. P. R. Agents, M. G. Murphy, D. P. A., , Town Agent, 'phrne 7 Citation Agent, 'phone 4i PROPERTY VOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his house and one-fifth acre lot in the vil- lage of Belgrave for sale. House is two-story brick, containing ten rooms and good cellar. Good framo'stable on property. Everything in good re- pair. Get full particulars on the prem- ises or address. JAMES CUNNINGITAM, 38tf Belgrave, _Ont, PLEASANT VIEW FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, 100 acres cleared, 20' acres bard woad bush; well fenced; good state cultivation; wind mill; good water; bank barn 82x5'2; good out -buildings; two storey brick cottage, 11 rooms, ROBERT LEATITUR0f', DItievalev rening. -20 Pairs Boy's Boots at $2.00 for $1,00 on reer's Shoe Store. r-_ular $1.75 oIlar Day at -Mr Andrew Wilson, of Zetland has irchased a fine driving horse from essrs Ross & Bell. -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, inadian Order of Foresters onriday ening of this week. -Have a pull at the strir¢s in W. G. atteson's window on Dl'far Day and raw something worth from 50c. to $8. )c. a pull. -Walter Stuart, a well-known resi- ent of Lucknow, owner of the electric ght plant and planning mill, d' on hursda . Y -Have a pull at the strin in W. G. atterson's window on o ar Day and raw something worth from 50c to $8.. Oe. a pull. -A meeting of the Temperance As - elation will be held in the C. o. F. call, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. county Secretary Powell is expected to e present. A. full attendance is re. uested. -A son of Rev. S. G. Brown, of Al- onte, a member of, the Princess 'atricia's Regiment, died recently in ranee. The young man is a former gingham boy, his father having been ublisher of the TIMES some eighteen ears ago. -Fire caused by a chimney blaze arty Thursday night completely de- troyed the Mallough House, a temper- nce hotel at Dungannon, and damaged he Goderich Rural Telephone Company's ffice next door. The Coderich fire rrigade was summoned, but the fire vas out when it arrived. CHURCH NOTES. i Communion service will be held in St. ndrew's Presbyterian Church on Sun- day morning, March 7th. Preparatory service will be held on the previous Friday evening. D AY WtDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 DAY We are preparing the greatest values ever offered in Wingham for this day and promise to make this store, the centre for Bargains. R E E! $RO,OO Cash Prize absolutely Free 1F R E E! $10 in cash given to the Largest Cash Purchaser at our store on Dollar Day- WINGI-IAM'S GREAT BARGAIN DAY Bargains in all departments, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Suits, Overcoats, Sweater Coats. Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, House Furnishings, Rugs, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Lace Curtains, Curtain Materials, Dress Goods, Silks, Ladies' Waists, Skirts, Coats, Furs, etc. -We wilt mention only a few of the many bargains, but came in and be convinced that this store will be the greatest bargain centre for that day. 5�tr00 worth of Furs, Fur and Fur -lined Coats specially priced for . DOLLAR DAY at big savings. Ladies' Kid Gloves, 5 doz sizes 53:1 to 7, Black. White and Tan, $ Day, 2 pair for $1.00 300 yards heavy Messaline Silk, Black, White, Navy, Brown, Sky Blue and Pink, regular $1.25 and $1.50 a yd, $ Day $1.00 5 dozen White Waists, all this season's goods in fine Lawn, sizes 34 to 42, special $1,00 1000 yards, Mill Ends of Towel- lings, Flannelettes and Cottons, 10 yd ends. Regular value 12?c to 15c a yd, special $ Day, 10 yds for $1.00 AND REMEMBER THE EARLY BIRD 0 BRING YOUR DOLLARS 200 yds pure Irish Table Linen 72 inches wide. Regular va I u e $1,25 and $1.50 for $1 a yard 5 dozen Men's Cashmere Socks and 5 dozen Ladies' Cashmere Hose all sizes, specially priced 3 pair for $1,00 5 dozen Ladies' and Men's Um- brellas and Parasols regular values 1.50 to $2.00 special at $1.00 ' 300 Ladies' Sweaters and separ- ate Skirts, all new, fresh stock new- est styles and colors. Regular price up to $4,00 for $1.00 each MAKE KING BROS. STORE your headquarters. Lots of Room, Heat and Light and a Houseful of Bargains. COME EARLY AS THERE IS SURE TO BE A TOWN FULL OF BUYERS AND WE WISH TO SERVE EVERYBODY TO THE BEST ADVANTAGE. GOODS PURCHASED ON DOLLAR DAY ARE NOT RETURNABLE. KING Limmossinammitonstm■rmmsenmawfamane An Extraordinary Bargain IN MENS' BOOTS Regular $4.50 and $5.00 lines for $2.37 PER PAIR One Shoe of each Pair (with Size Ticket attached) is being shown in South Window *ice W. H. WILLIS & CO. SOLE AGENTS "Queen FOR LADIES uality NOININIMIVINMONW MISS SPRUNG Licentiate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized teacher of Flet- cher Music Method, Simplex and Kin- dergarten. Pupils prepared for Cons;irvatory examinations in Piano and Theory. Theory taught by correspondence. CHURCH OP ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE. Wednesday evening service during Lent will be held in the Church at 8 o'clock, instead of 7.30 as formerly. The Teachers' monthly meeting will be held in the Infant Class room on Thursday evening at g o'clock. Classes Opened Sep, 21 'Phone 165 APPLICATION TO PAR- LIAMENT CHANGES IN TRAIN SERVICE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL- WAY. EFFECTIVE MONDAY. MAR,CH 1. 1915. Effective Monday, March 1, Nos, 719 and 722. on the. Elora s sion will run as mixed trains i straight passenger, daily e day, on the following ache No. 710 will t ave Ca 15 a.m.; Erin, 0.45; Orton, 11,30; lw 12.05 p.m.; F Elora 12.45 p.m. No. 722 will leave Elora, 3.15 p.m. Fergus, 3.55; Spier, 4.05; llelwood, 4.20; Orton, 4.55; Hillsburg, 6.25; Erin. 5.50; arriving Cataract Jct., 6.10 p.m, Effective same date, trains Nos. 671 and 672, now running between London and Windsor, daily except Sunday, will be discontinued beyond Chatham, Further particulars from Canadian t s ivi- ead of pt Sun e: et vet., 10. isburg, 10,05; , 11.55;. Spier, s, 12.35, arriving NOTICE is hereby given that an Ap- plication will be made by the Corpora- tion of the Town of Wingham to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at the next Session thereof for an Act. (1) To authorize the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham to pass By-laws without obtaining the assent of the Electors for the issue of debentures for a term not exceeding thirty years and to bear interest at such rate as Council may deem expedi- ent for the following purposes:- (a) $12,000.00 for the payment of the float- ing indebtedness of the said Corpora- tion; (b) $1,200.00 for the settlement of a damage claim against the, said Cor- poration. (2) And to permit the said Corporation of the Town of Wing - ham to invest it's Sinking Funds in any debentures issued under any By-law or By-laws that may be passed in pursuance of this Application. The existing debenture debt of the said Town of Wingham is as follows: Waterworks ....$ 48,263.86 Electric Light 39,309.15 Sewers 19,522.06 Local Improvements (Town's share) .... Town Hall Public School High School .... ..... Bonus Loans Rod Machinery 3,849.41 Market and Cemetery .... . 3,000.00 1,310.22 4,000.00 9,825 95 17,434.03 , 32,220.16 Less Sinking Funds $180234.81 30,568.2/ $1.49,660.60 of which no part, either of principal or interest, is in arrears, The reasons for requiring the further issue of debentures are as follows; (a) To enable the said Corporation to pay off it's floating indebtedness which was incurred partly in executing works of a permanent and necessary character and partly through the failure of a Manufacturing Industry to repay mon- ies loaned to it by the said Corporation by way of a bonus; (b)To settle a claim against the said own for dam- ages owing to the death of an employee, Dated at Wtnghani this Second day of Pacific Ticket Agents, or write M. 0.1 A.D., 1915. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, DUDLEY HOLMES, Toronto. it. 40.0 • Solicitor for Applicant. r S Sof" l C rr, S.1 uc.S�v: &SuS�c✓S tis vSS�',ciS bSUS iSv'SuS�ciS The Merchants' Brokerage Co. S i SSSSSv The Mercharz a' Brokerage Co. FEEL 24 ON DOLLAR DAY FEB. 24 We Will Demonstrate the Buying Power of Your Dollar We will make One Dollar buy more goods than it ever did before. How? This store is the store of the town. We didn't invent this phrase, but we are proud to accept and adopt it, because it is true we are Breakers of High Prices, and we have bought and sold over $55,000 worth of Merchandise since Aug. 8th, 1914, a proof that the buying public of Winghatn and surrounding country know the true. •value of The Merchants' Brokerage Co,'s Store. Read the Price List below of the Different Departments in our Store. Dollar Day in "our Clothing Department partme n 6 only Men's Tweed 3 piece suits, sizes 32 to 30, regular $5 00,.$6.00, $7.00, Dollar Day only, per suit ...............$2.0O Men's Tweed Suits, 3 pieces, all sizes. regular 8.50 and 10.00, Dollar Day. only, per suit .. ....... ... .... $5.00 Children's Buster Brown Suits, age 3 to 7, regular4.50, Dollar Day only, per()uit..$1.00 All Men's Winter Cloth Overcoats, for Dollar Day only, at half price. Men's Odd Pants in heavy tweed cloths, dark grey patterns and corduroy, regular 2:25 to 3.00 per pair, Dollar Day ouly, per pair $1.00 Boys' Overcoats and Pea Jackets; Freize cloth, regular 3.60 to 5.00, Dollar Day only, each .. $1.00 Men's Frieze Overcoats, plaid linings, regular 7.60 each, Dollar Day, each .. /51.00 Dollar Day in ctur Men's Furnishing Department.. Men'sNegligee Shirts, regular 1.00 each, extra special Dollar Day, 2 for .. ..... $1.00 5 ,pairs of our regular 35e per pair Mens Socks, Dollar Day.... . ....$1.00 Men's Overalls, regular 75c per pair, Dollar Day., 2 pair . . $1.00 Men's Neckwear, regular 50c each, Dollar Day, 4 for $1.00 or each 25e Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear. regul- ar 1.00 per garment, shirts and drawers, Dollar Day, 2 for. ........ ..... $1.00 Extra Special for Dollar Day One Sweater Coat, regular 1.25 and a 60e Cap, Mitts or Gloves, Dollar Day, .... $1.00 Any Flat in our store, hard or soft felt, regular 2.00 and 2.60, Dollar Day, each, .$1.00 • Dollar Day in our Fur Department One sett of Coon Skin Furs, A-1 quality, regular 35.00, Dollar Day,..$18:00 One sett of Black Wolf Furs, good valve at 32.00, Dollar Day, .... . $17.00 One oly Fox Ruff, regular 15.00, Dollar Day, .. $5.00 Ladies Seal Coat, size 34, regular 50.00, Dollar Day for .. ... .$10.00 Extra Special for Dollar Day. 1 only Opp. Stole, regular 10.00, Dollar Day ... $1.00' 1 only Seal Caperine trimmed with Bocarine, regular 10,00, Dollar Day for.. $1.00 1 only Black Opp, Ruff, regular 7.50, Dollar Day for $1.00 I only ladies Fur Cape, regular 1200. Dollar Day, , - . .. .... .. $3.00 1 only ladies Fur Cape, regular 12.00, Dollar Day for $3.00. 1 ladies Fur Coat, slightly damaged, regular 20.00, Dollar Day, $3,00 Dollar Day in our Dry Goods Department Mantle Goods, 2.00 to 3.00, Dollar Day per yard .. $1.00 Prints, Ginghams, Ntuslins, Flannelettes and towelings, regular 12;ze to 15c, Dollar Day 12 yards for $1.00 Dress Goods -Regular 1.60 per yard, new spring goods, Dollar Day, per yard $1.00 Misery -Lama Hose, Dollar Day, 3 pairs for $1.00 Ladies' Corsets -Any corset in the store, Dollar Day.. $1.0O Ladies' Itid Gloves Regular 100, Dollar Day, 2 pairs for...-. $1.00 Dollar Day in our _ Ladies Clothing Department I only Tweed Coat, regular 22.50, Dollar Day for . . .• .$6:00 One lot of ladies Coats in black beaver and tweed, regular 10.00 to 15.00, Dollar. Day...... . $3.00 One lot of ladies Jackets from 5.00 to 10.00, Dollar Day.... .. . $1.00 1 lot ehildren's Cloth Coats, regular 3.50 Dollar Day for $1.00 Dollar Day in our Boot and Shoe Department Table No. 1 -Children's, regular 1.50'to 2.00, Dollar Day, per pair $1.00 Table No. 2 -girl's and boy's, regular 2.50 and 3.00, Dollar Day for , . .$2.00 Table No. 3 -Men's heavy leather top Rubbers, regular 3.75, Dollar Day for..$2.00 Table No. 4 -Ladies and men's, regular 100, Dollar Day $2.00 Table No. 5 -Odd lot of ladies and mens Boots and Shoes, reg 1.50 to 2.50, Dollar Day ...,.. $1.00, Dollar Day in our Grocery Department What you can buy for One dollar in Groceries, lean Herring,,, 15 1 bottle Coffee Liquid ....... 25 1 can Beans ...15 1 can Salmon .... 15 1 can Pineapple 15 I can Baking Powder ..15 1 bottle of Pickles .... .... .........20 1 box Royal Yeast............ 05 1 box cow brand Soda 05 $1.40 • All for $1.00 on Dollar Day. To Out -of -Town -Shoppers, we are extending to you an invitation to come to Wingham. ' We will pay your fore from the following places: Whiteehurch, Lucknow, Teeswater, Belgrave, Blyth, Brussels, i#luevale, Wroxeter, Gorrie and Fordwicb, providing you purchase $10.00 worth of goods in our store, Dollar Day, and present your return ticket for our inspection. rte... The MERCHANTS' BROKE . GE Co. l%err's Old Stand Wingham TR, 'ici'i:•:S r C'dxST S rCi i* 41,911,Ski S t T,SuS ,SliWSn 2i{li. •)? o2, i7ici1 S",-,!;01?- tf�ryntriS.h ✓Qt�n,-it�i f`✓, f` S/`I 17 1%, r Ll t `Sr Rill S Ycn/ti. -...a0116111011111161111181111".."-"..11111111111.-- � - - ter.. ..,s,,.Ww-.r _1. •-, ..: