HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-02-25, Page 5February i8th , [ 915 THE WINGHAM TIMES e•• Page 5 ti rov•wwwfaliiiwww404...wwwviviva.wilkii, j 25 PER CENT, DISCOUNT For Dollar Day, Feb. 24th, e will hand you back 25 cents on every dollar's worth of goods you buy for cash from us on Dollar Day. We sell everything a man or boy wears, except shoes. W. A. CAMPBELL THE CLOTHIER 46/91,1411011111,14 4411/14.41110111.1110.10114411.111,0•IDAL *06,11111.41,..41, BABY'S OWN TABLE I'S PIE HOME DOCTOR, Na home where there are tie ones should be without a box • aby's Own Tablets. They urs al he minor ills of babyhood anthei arompt use wnen baby is ailin w r save the mother many anxiousYTenis and babymuchh pain. Concer ng them'Mrs. Pau' Nem- on, Tugaske, Sask.. writes: "We con- sider Baby's Own Tablets as good as a doetor in the house and every time odr little one is ailing they soon set him right again." The `1'abets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 67.O1:AVIr A Soeial, under the auspices of Bel - grave Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist church, will be held et the home of W. J. Proctor, 4th line, Morris, Friday evening of this week. Everybody will be made welcome. rM M%IMMMMeA/tsltllfweriMM MM M " Who's Your Grocer? We're Bidding for Your Trade. H AVE YOU TRIED marketinghere? Call and;llet us fill your next order. If you want clean, fresh Groceries of the best quality at lowest prices we have them -Choice Groceries, Fresh Fruits, appetizing Smoked; Meats, high grade Teas, pure Confectionary, all leading brands of Breakfast Foods, and best Canned Goods on the market. Your order will be filled promptly and;(satisfaction is left with Henry T. Thomson "The House of Quality'' S Free Delivery Phone 9 Fast Service.. 10 'O.i til` DAY. BARGAINS. ij IA DOLLAR0 4.0 10 1°.” ,• Once more we offer you special Prices for Dol- iii hi' lar Day.. �. 01 Come with the Crowd. Shop Early. And jr1 (6 make our Store a place of convenience. tr 'ft 'Highest Prices for all kinds of Produce. - e Lace Curtains 411 Reg. 2.50, 2.00, $ Day $1.00. Brocaded Velvets. 8 yards for $1.00 Curtain Nets. Reg. 35c per yd., 5 yards for $1. House Dresses Pinks, Blues, white reg. $1 75. .$ Day, $1. Underskirts 14 ladies Underskirts in gray or Black. Sale Price, $1. Prints 10 yards for $1. Hose Men's, Ladies' and Childrens' hose, 5 pair for $1.00.:;am,;; Umbrellas and Parasols. $1.50 each, special $I Day $1.00 10 yds towelling for $1.00. 25 Girls' Sweater Coats $1.00 each, Men's best quality leather Mitts $1,00 a pair. All fancy silks, reg $1.50, 1,25 for $1.00 afyd, Men's wool Socks, 5 pair for $1.00 .t. 20 ladies flannel waists, reg. 2.50 for $1.00 3 pr Black Cashmere Gloves for $1,00 fl% 10 yds frilling for $1,00 lir A Special Dress Goods Sale 3 yds for $1.00 ill Men's Best Silk Neck Ties, 3 for $1.00. t1 Suit Men's wool underwear. Canned Goods, assorted, 12 Cans for $1.00 25 Bars of any Soap for $1,00 it/3 lbs (40c) tea for $1,00 a1 4 lbs (30c) tea for $1.00 I* 25 lbs rice for $1.00 Railway Fare paid to shoppers within forty purchasing $15,00 worth of Goods, ,41 Hanna & Company Mail Orders Promptly Fiilecil$p drone. 70 EAST WAWANOSU. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Reid were visiting for a few days with Mrs. Reid's brother, Mr. N. L. Brandon, , in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. McGee have re- turned home after an extended visit in the West, visiting at Seattle, Van- couver and other points. Many friends are pleased to welcome them home. WEST WAWANOSII. A pioneer resident of this township passed away in London on Wednesday of last week in the person of Mary O'Leary, relict of the }ate„ Patrick O'Callaghan, aged 79 years. The de• ceased lady had been in poor health for some months. For many years she was an esteemed resident of the division sideroad. The remains were brought from London and the funeral took place on Friday morning from the residence of her son, Mr. D. O'Callaghan to the St. Augustine, R. C. cemetery. GOD ERI Dan C. McLeod. an ex -mariner, while assisting in shifting some grain vessels at the Western Canada Flour Mills here was instantly killed Friday morning. A heavy chain thrown over a snubbing post, to which a snatch block was hook- ed and through which a heavy car, line was operated, was carried away, and the block striking the man in the thighs threw him on the concrete wharf, mangling his limbs frightfully and severing the top of his skull. He leaves a wife and a family of several children. VV.. STOO,. IvMAR.KETS Union Stock Yards -Receipts today an:ana Saturday included 72 cars, with 777 held of cattle, ,15 calves, 816 hogs, and 84 sheep and lambs, A short rue of cattle today, together with some demand from outside points, chiefly for U S. markets, stiffened the market and sent prices up probably 25e for on an average good butcher cattle. Several loads were bought on order by enmmission men, said to be acting for U. S. buyers. at $7.50 The top price fcr local buyers was from $7 to $7.25, while fe.,. to good butcher cattle were selling as ,;3.25 to `•0.3n (Stied butcher cows were steady to firm to about 15c or 20c higher. Stocker trade very quiet. Lambs (vete stiffer owing to the light run. Hogs were quoted l0c lower. Export ... , • ,y' 8 15 $ 8 40 Butcher cattle choice ... 7 25 7 So do medium.... 5 25 5 50 Butcher cows choice6 00 6 50 do medium .... , ... . . 25 5 50 do common . 4 50 5 00 do bulls ......... 6 25 0 75 Feeders .... ......... . 5 85 6 23 Stockers ... .. .. 5 50 6 00 i do medium ...'.....,... 5 50 6 00 do light.... 4 25 4 05 Canners and cutters .. 4 00 4 25 Milkers, choice ,.. 60 00 80 00 Springers .... .. ... 50 00 05 00 Common and medium..... 40 00 61 00 Lambs ..... ..... . .... 7 50 9 00 Light ewes .. 5 25 6 25 do bucks .., ... ... .. 3 50 4 50 Hogs fed and watered .. 7 75 do f,o.b 7 15 Calves 9 00 10 50 WINGHAnM MAIIIcET REPORTS. Wingham, February 10, 1015 Flour per 1001bs 4 15 to 4 45 Fall wheat 1 56 to 1 56 Oats .0 61 to 0 61 Barley .0 60 to 0 70 Peas... 1 65 to 1 70 Butter dairy ...0 25 to 0 25 Eggs per doz 0 30 to 0 30 Wood per cord •. 2 25 to 2 50 Hay per ton, ......... .•.13 00 to 14 00 Hogs ,,.,..7 40 to 7 40 ORIFY Wingham•s Dollar Day is going to be the biggest day of the year. Come to town and bring your friends. Tuesday afternoon, Feby. 16th, Robert Close, a well-known resident of Grey township, died at his home, Lot 28, Con. 6, aged 68 years, 5 months and 11 days, He had been in poor health for about a year but was only confined to bed for 3 or t days. Mr. Close was born in Addington Co., .Ont., where he was married 36 years ago to Miss Mar- garet Walker, who with 4 sons (Hugh, of Ratlaw, Alta.; Archie, with the 2nd Overseas Contingent, at Montreal; Alva, of Mervin, Sask.; and Willie, at home) and 2 daughters (Mrs. Geo. A. Hanna, of Vanguard, Sask.; and Mrs. R. Pink, of Trowbridge) survive. Mr. and Mrs. Close came. to Grey township in 1891 and have resided there contin- uously, Deceased was an industrious, honest andhonorable man,who was re- spected by a large circles of friends and acquaintances. He belonged to the Presbyterian church and was an active member of the Liberal party. PICTURE HOUSE A continuous Showswill be run at Picture House on Dollar Day of education and comic pic- tures for the entertainment of visitors in town that day. ADMISSION ONLY 5c. My Best advertisement is !T; G::lomers' Realnrnendation Eyestrain eui 1.1S VS headache, weak, tired and aching eyes. Other things may give relief but perfeetly adapted glasses are the only c•u're. , The most. important thing •shout, a pair of glasses is ( he SKILi. of the specialist cialist wh+- fits them. If I cannot help you, I say If I can I do thoroughly. sat isfa et he: guaranteed with every r I y pair Of glasses. I supply ad sive free. C. B. 6'/lLKINSON Eophthalmic Optician Edward St. Wingham Over twenty years practical .experience. DOLLAR DAY OFFER To the person making the P� largest cash purchase, or pur- chaser of Seeds, Flour, Feed or any goods in our store on Dollar Day, we will give I Bag of "Quality" Flour "THE BEST OF ALL FLOURS" All kinds of Grain taken in exchange for goods which will count as cash. 251hs Oatmeal for $1.00 1111111111.11111• HOWSON &' BROCKLEBANK 'Phone 40 Buy 'your Seeds from us and be sure of clean crops. Valuable Properties for Sale. (1) The property on the north east corner of John and Centre streets, known as the Mill's Memorial Hall. (2) The dwelling and stables on the north side of John Street immediately west of the Anglican Church. Full particulars apply to W. F. VANSTONE, C. P. SMITH, tf A. E. SMITH, R. VANSTONE. cpm mmoaMomoMoYoMIn5rinomodouhAntotbtanNotetmootaChoefrOlm roan mrinailro�mmo�o�oi>>m+m+alintnh�!Vetrircan&Q I The Ten Comrnandnients,MilaaliMMEMISOMMO. MORRIS Dollar Day in Wingham on Wednes- day, February 24th. Come to town that day. Jos, McKinney has just returned from a visit in Torontc. While there he pur- chased a thoroughbred Short Horn Durham Bull. "Wasford Bugler" is his name and itis a fine animal, weigh-, ing about 1,000 pounds at 15 months old. Last week Reeve Shortreed had a bee hauling the Milton pressed brick from the C.P.R. car at Walton for his proposed new residence to be 'erected this coming season. The gravel is hauled and work will begin as soon Spring opens up. It will be a modern home. The people of the Jackson appoint- ment are, pleased to hear that Rev. George Jewitt, of Blyth. has acceptefi the invitation from the Official Board to continue as pastor for the next Con- ference year, commencing in June, Jackson's appointment belongs to Blyth' circuit. Rev. Mr. Jewitt is doing faith- ful work. The vacant desks of Dr. A. E. Ross (IKingston) and Mr. D. M. Hogart (Port Arthur) in the Legislature, who enlist- ed for active service, carried a silk' onion Jack on Thursday afternoon. Dr. Ross is 'with the first contingent in' France, and Major Hogarth is Trans- port Officer in the Army Service Corps for the second contingent. He is at present in Winnipeg. The suggestion came from Mr. A. H. Musgrove (North Huron), and was carried out on the Premier's instructions. I Keep them and you will be happy all year. 1. A ttention. 2. H ave your hens lay now. 3. W atch for quality, it counts. 4. I nsist on entering our cream contest. 5. L et us give you satisfactory results. 6. F eed your cows, it pays. 7. 0 rder your cans now. 8. R ing us for produce prices. 9. D eliver your cream early on Dollar Day. 10. S end your cream to us, all year. Creamery Contest open to all Silverwoods Ltd., London, are giving $10.00 for a prize for the best can of cream, to consist of not less than 50 pounds of cream testin not less than 30 per cent. and not higher than 40 per cent, delivered to our warehouse. We will test it here and will pay you 38c per pound butter fat. We supply empty cans call for one.)) Office174A. H. W I LFORD Residence 108 Wholesale Produce. asolcc waM4a+0A0V4VtAuctoP Maa�wwawm�wPPVAKQAMaxMWAAMAAR:0/070ww00414tiWrowo .�.�r'h,�„«�►arM..rw��e..rri�in.,1rM.�+Mwr��/t/.u.��„ v,s ands Day rgedns BIG PARCELS OF BARGAINS FOR' DOLLAR DAY IN BOTH bTORES, LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR SECTIONS. Be on hand Early ► (DOLLAR DAY AT KNOX'S Wednesday, Feb. 24th, FREE $15.00 WATCH FREE Choice of Ladies' or Gent's Gold-filled Watch or Ladies' Bracelet Watch. At this store you get a numbered receipt ticket with every $1.00 worth of goods purchased. The person getting receipt ticket with lucky number gets the watch. Receipts placed in sealed box at opened at 9.00 p.m, LOOK AT THE BARGAINS 1 only $5.00 8 day Oak Parlor Clock, cathedral gong strike for $1.00 8 $2.00 Alarm Clocks $1.00 1 $3,00 gilt clock .... 1.00 1 5.0(1 sugar Bowl... ...1.00 1 2.00 gold -lined bon bon ...1.00 1 2.25 silver loaf sugarholder 1.00 1 2 25 open cut glass salts...1.00 1 2.25 silver card tray .. .1.00 1 2.50 pr brass candle sticks 1.00 6 1.75 Rogers' berry spoons..1.00 7 3.50 boy's watches.. .. 1.00 2 2.50 gold filled gent's watch chains .• 1.00 3 2.50 solid gold rings..... 1.10 :3 2.50 solid gold scarf pitis..1,00 2 2.50 gents' fobs 1.00 3 2.50 lockets and chains 1.00 3 2.60 cuff links . .... 1.00 3 2.50 gold filled brooches...1.00 0 1.75 pieces cut glass 1 00 Ar Ma K IA O X Phone 65. Opposite NattOnal Hotel WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24th WITH YOUR DOLLARS We are after many of them as we can get. You will be sur- prised at what, $1 will do. Space will only permit us to quote a few of the many DOLLAR BARGAINS awaiting you here. Men's Wear Store Men's All Wool. Underware, $1,25 for . $1.00 Men's heavy pants regular $1.50 for.... .. $1.00 Men's Fine print shirts $1.25 to $1.30 for.... $1.00 Men's lined kid Gloves $1.25 sale.. $1.00 Men's Felt Hats $1.50 to $200 on sale . ........ $1.00 Men's cloth Caps with fur bands $1.25 for $1.00 5 pair heavy 25c wool sox for .$1.00 Odd lines of Men's Boots to clear $1.00 Small Boys' suits sizes 22, 23, to clear - .' $1.00 Men's and Boys' sweater coats $1.50 for $1.00 Men's Flannel shirts $125 for.. ... $1.00 Men's Heavy Smocks and overalls $1.25 for....... ,$1.00 Ladies' Wear Store Girls' Winter Coats to clear at $1.00 Womens' Winter coats to clear at...... ,.. .$1.00 Girls' rain coats to clear at..51 00 Womens' House dresses $1,50 for $1.01 4 yds wide Table linen for... $1.00 8 yds 15c English cambric for $1.00 5 yds curtain net 25c for... .$1.00 A few Dressing Sacques to clear.. . $1.00 4 pair heavy Ribbed 3.1c Hose for ............. $1.00 4 yds 50c dress goods for$1.00 Wide black Silk $1.25 value $1.00 10 yds 121c factory cotton for $1.00 Ladies' Kid gloves $1.25 for$1.00 Ladies' Allwool Underwear $1.25 for .. .. ........... $1.00 Remnants to clear, your pick for $1.00 Ladies' top Skirts to clear at $1.00 Black or colored Dress goods $1 25 for $1.00 Ladies' Waist's yalue up to $2.00 for $1.00' Corsets regular value $1.25 for ..51.00 Remember These prices are for Dollar Day Only.. h. E, Isard & Company Two Stores WI/wham g DAY FEB. 24 $ DAY Come and Swell the Crowds Meet Your Friends Save $s Feb. 24 HERE ARE A FEW BARGAINS 4o inch Silk Shades, light blue, rose, mauve, green, pink, and cream, reg price $1.50 to $1.75 per yd., Dollar Day per yard .. . $1.00 25 Ladies' White Waists up to $1.75, each . $1.00 White Crepe Gowns reg $1.25 for $1 00 to yards Crum's English print reg t 21 for . $1.00 9 cans good Salmon, large tins, fresh . . . . $1.00 3 cans Maple Leaf Salmon and 3 Tomatoes $1.00, 20 per cent. off all men's and boys' Suits and Overcoats. 3 ladies' Chincilla Cloth. Coats, reg 25, $ day $17.00 Our Store will be full of such Bargains that day. 11•4 We will give a meal ticket good for $ l.00 dinner, on every $5.00 , worth the Dry Goods purchased before noon that day. Come early, leave your wraps and make our store your head quarters that day. J. A. MILLS Successor to T. A. Mlles PRONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. 11