HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-02-18, Page 5.. ♦ 4./.•' ore.. "-►• i...... -nom February 18th , t9I5 weviivimmiwww"0"-"&"/""v", r25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT For Dollar Day, Feb, 24th,40 We will hand you back 25 cents on every dollar's worth of goods you buy •$ $ W. A. CAMPBELL $ •1lA�11•�i.•a►•a•��.��,tvN��.ti'��Ir�d�• tirVO'��1,7ti'V•'� for cash from us on Dollar Day. We sell everything a man or boy wears,.except shoes. THE CLOTHIER Q a °` Who's Your Grocer? We're Bidding for Your Trade. HAVE YOU TRIED marketing here? Call and _Pet us fill your next order. If you want clean, fresh groceries of the best quality at lowest prices we have them -Choice Groceries, Fresh Fruits, appetizing Smoked: Meats, high grade Teas, pure Confectionary, all leading brands of Breakfast Foods, and best Canned Goods on the market. Your order will be filled promptly and;(satisfaction is left with NOTHING GAN LG HMY'S 0 fA131 GTS, THE WINGHAMVI TIMES Page 5 Mrs. Alex. 13 chard, Conn, Ont., writes:- d• zhter has used Baby's Own Tablet f' her baby and thinks there is not g to equal them for little ones. All mothers, who have used the Tablets, say the same thing. They break up colds, regulate the bowels and stomach and keep the little ones healthy and happy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Henry T. Thomson "The House . of Quality" 0Free Delivery ' Phone 9 Fast Service.* 1011811111/11.11181111111101001 * fh •�� • TDOLLAR DAY BARGAINS. ,1, �1 ilk lk Once -more we offer you special Prices for Dol- 'I 111 lar Day. /11 7'1 Come with the Crowd.. Shop .Early. And i�\ ipmake our Store a place of convenience. 1.0 'Highest Prices -for all kinds of Produce. Lace Curtains Reg. 2.50, 2.00, $ Day $1,00. Brocaded Velvets. 3 yards for $1.00 Curtain Nets. Reg. 35c per yd., 5 yards for $1 House Dresses Pinks, Blues, white reg. $1 75. :$ Day, $L Underskirts 14 ladies Underskirts in gray or Black. Sale Price, $1. Prints 10 yards for $1. Hose Men's, Ladies' and Childrens' hose, 5 pair for $1.00. '. Umbrellas and Parasols. $1.50 each, special $j Day .$1.00 t1 fp ' I'1 Ifs 1.0 I,' l�\ ;.4 TEESW' ATE r; Messrs Arch, and David Kirkland when about to return home from Wing - ham Horse Fair on Tuesday were met by a runaway horse to which a cutter was attached. They were unable to get out of the .way quickly enough and the two horses ran straight into each other, the point of the shaft of the cutter penetrating about six inches into the shoulder of Mr. Kirkland's horse. This necessitated the services of a veterinary and the horse was left in his charge. It will be several days before he can be removed by train to it's home stable. -The News. LIVE STOOL% /MARKETS Toronto, Jeb. 15th - Union Stock Yards -Receipts to -day included 1571 cars, with 3,005 head of cattle, 153 , calves, 2,141 bogs, and 445 sheep and lambs, The cattle trade was decidedly slow and draggy to -day, in fact not so slow for a long time. The packers were practically out of the market for the earlier part of the day, apparently waiting for and expecting a material lowering: of prices, Stoc: •r trade was quiet. Fair demand for good mileh cows, but common not wanted. Lambs were about steady, with a light run. There was a big cut in hog rrice:s, the packers' quotations being 40e below last week. L+'xport ,.,.$ 8 15 Butcher cattle choice.... 7 00 do medium a 25 Butcher cows choice6 00 do medium......... 5 25 do common „ 4 50 do bulls.., (i 25 Feeders 6 25 Stockers .... Calves fi 25 do medium ... 5 50 do light.... 4 25 Canners and cutters 4 00 Milkers, choice .,. 60 00 Springers 50 00 Common and medium.. 40 00 Lambs .... 7 50 Light ewes 5 25 do bucks ... .. ... ... 3 50 Hogs fed and watered... 7 60 do f.o.b 7 05 9 00 wHLTEOHvnuR The monthly'meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held in the church on Wed Feb. 10th, Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart presiding. An unusually large attendance marked this second meet ing of the new year. Mrs. D. Kennedy and Miss M. Martin were in charge of the program and both gave interesting papers on "Our Educational Missions." The topic for March is "Our Medical Missions," led by Mrs. J. Gillespie and Mrs. D. Jamieson. A sewing meeting will be held in the basement of the church on Wed., Feb. 24th, at which lunch will be served., On Sanbath evening the Young People's meeting was in charge of Mrs. Stewart, thetopic being "Solid Found- ations of Life". A very helpful paper was, given by the leader, followed by a solo by Miss M. Gordon. The topic for Feb. 2lst is "Favorite Chapters of the Bible", the leader, Mr. D. Kennedy. Mr. C. L. Gillespie, who is taking a course in butter -making at the O. A. C., spent the week -end at his home here. 110 yds towelling for '$1.00. 25 Girls' Sweater Coats $1.00 each, Men's best quality leather Mitts $1,00 a pair. All fancy silks, reg $1.50, 1,25 for $1.00 aryd, Men's wool Socks, 5 pair for, $1,00 ,,i1, 20 ladies flannel waists, reg. 2.50 for $1.00, y3 pr Black Cashmere Gloves for $1,00 ,,, l 10 yds frilling for $1,00 ,! ill A Special Dress Goods Sale 3 yds for $1.0.0 illi Men's Best Silk Neck Ties, 3 for $1.00. y1 Suit Men's wool underwear. iii • • Canned Goods, assorted, 12 Cans for $1.00 al Z 25 Bars of any Soap for $1,00 * 3 lbs (40c) tea for $1,00 a/ 1l 4 lbs (30c) tea for .$1.00 25 lbs rice for $1.00 • ii Railway Fare paid to shoppers. within forty miles 1l• )'i purchasing $15,00 worth of Goods, % tl><iiii lir 31., Hanna 81 Company ' tiii tip; 44. Mail Orders Promptly Filled ;11 'Phone 70 9; Aft: 4 $840 7 25 5 50 6 i;0 5 30 500 0 75 6 5(1 (i 35 (i 00 4 65 4 25 $') 00 05 e0 6) 00 9 (I0 6 25 4 50 11 00 WINGFRAa11VIA.,cjcir IMPORTS. Wingham, February 10, 1015 Flour per 100lbs 4 15 to 4 45 Fall wheat 1 56 to 1 56 Oats ...061to061 Barley .0 60 to 0 70 .,....1 65 to 1 70 Peas Butter dairy Eggs per doz Wood per cord Hay sper ton Hogs . 0 25 to 0 25 „030to030 2 25 to 2 50 13 00 to 14 00 .740 to 740 CULEOSS. A pretty wedding took place in St. Charles Roman Catholic Church, Detroit, Mich. on Tuesday, February 9th when Miss Effie A. McCormick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. McCormick, was mar- ried. to Mr. John L. Cronin of that city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Hewlett, assisted by Rev. Father Blair, of Walkerville, Ont. The bride was attired in a gown of white duchess satin and net, trimmed with ermine and silver brocade, and carried a bouquet of white Kilarney roses and white orchids - and maiden hair fern. Miss Genevieve McCormick, sister of the bride, was the bridesmaid and wore blue crepe de chene trimmed with chiffon and cream lace and carried pink roses and white orchids with maidenhair fern. Mr. George Cronin, cousin of the groom, acted as best man. After the ceremony the bridal party motored to the home of Mr. G. Cronin, uncle of the groom, on Fairview avenue, where breakfast was served, after which the happy couple left for Wing. ham, where they were met by some friends. Later about sixty guests had dinner at the home of the bride's parents, and in the evening dancing was enjoyed by many young friends of the bride. Music being furnished by Messrs Fitzpatrick, Mowbray and Mc- Kinnon, accompanied by Miss Leah Mc- Cormick. The bride's evening gown was yellow satin trimmed with chiffon and beads. The groom's gift to the bride was a pearl pendant. PICTURE HOU A continuous Show wi run at „ Pictu ouse Dollar Day of education and comic pic- tures for the entertainment of visitors in town that day. ADMISSION ONLY 5c.' My Best Advertisement is my costars' Fiicommendation (eyestrain causes lieidn weak, tired and aching ; 'es. ()thee things may give chief Mit perfectly adapts t, lasses are the only cure. The most iiiipo. nt thing ;:bout a pa' • if , sses is the SE ILL if t u ect.Ilist wh: fits them. If I eann help you, I say so. If. I can I do thoroughly, Satisfaction guaranteed with every pair of glasses. I supply a(lvieo f'l'ee. e, C. B. WILKINSON Eophthalmic Optician Bcawarzl St. Wingham Over twenty years practical experience. DOLLAR DAY OFFER To the perscn making the. sh chase, pur, chaserlargest ofcaSeepurds, Flouror, F-;,. or any goods in our stor.•.''on Dollar Day, we wil give . !card Day Bargains BIG PARCELS OF BARGAINS FOR DOLLAR DAY IN BOTH STORES, LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR SECTIONS. Be on hand Early WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24th WITH YOUR DOLLARS We are after many of them as we can get. You will be sur- prised at what. $1 will do. Space will only permit us to quote a few of the many DOLLAR BARGAINS awaiting you here. Bag of ` Qua ' " ' Flour "THE BEST ;+F L FLOURS" All kinds o Grain taken in exchange for goods which will count as cash. 25111s Oatmeal for $1.00 HOWSON & BROCKLEBANK 'Phone 40 Buy your Seeds from us and be sure of clean crops. Valuable Properties for Sale. (1) The properly on the north east corner of John and Centre streets, known as the Mill's Memorial Hall. (2) The dwelling and stables on the north side of John Street immediately west of the Anglican Church. Full particulars apply to W. F. VANSTONE, C. P. SMITH, ,tf A. E. SMITH, R. VANSTONE. poeiifli uigle ii5Ais betanitbcMa' *Taniettnanibi althmoofil od AoMeMintolvtivetto tlsoMKuohtdoTlb?P? tos(r+ohc(r Corn'mdndments,�.The,..T�n�. 1 3 1 3 31 1 3 I e1ORKIM. On 'Tuesday, 23rd inst., an auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., will be held at R. T. Miller's farm, Jamestown. He has rented his farm, hence sale will be unreserved. George Haney, Bluevale, was award- ed the contract for the new school house in S. S. No. 10, 1st line, at $2,150. Building will be 27x42 feet, with 14 foot walls and cottage roof. Will be con- structed of brick, Cement basement with 7 foot walls and cement floor. There will be two cloak rooms and a teacher's room, all to' be heated by a furnace. School will be wainscotted with Georgia pine, hardwood floor, slate blackboards and altogether will be one of the best among the modern school house's. It will be ready by the opening of the Fall term in September. An eiliCient Building .Committee has the work in charge and Contractor Haney will do a good job without any doubt. This will be the third school house in the section. First one was log, built by a bee among the old settlers in 1858. When some- thing better was required the late Allan Ramsay erected the present frame school house 42 years ago, hauling the lumber from the McAllister mill. Cen- tred was $550. Material from old school will be utilized in the proposed new building. A number of overseas training depots for each branch of the service are to be established by the Militia Department. Keep them and you will be happy all year. 1. A ttention. 2. H ave your hens lay now. 3. W atch for quality, it counts. 4. I nsist on entering our cream' contest. 5. L et us give you satisfactory results' 6. F eed your cows, i pays. 7. 0 rder your cans o v. 8. R ing us for produce pri 9. D eliver your cream e3rly on Dollar Day. 10. S end your cream to us, 'all year. Creamery Contest open to all Silverwoods Ltd., London, are giving $10.00 for a prize for the best can of cream, to consist of not less than 50 pounds of cream testing not less than 30 per cent. and not higher than 40 per cent, delivered to our warehouse. We will test it here and will pay you 33c per pound butter fat. We supply empty cans call for one. a. Office A. H. WILFORD Residence 174 A. 108 Wholesale Produce. DOLLAR DAY AT KNO Wednesday, Feb. 24 FREE $15.00 WA . H FREE Choice of Ladies' or' Ge ' s Gold-filled Watch . or Ladies' it -celet Watch. At this store you get a numbered receipt ticket with every $1.00 worth of goods purchased. The person getting receipt ticket with lucky number gets the watch. Receipts placed in sealed box at opened at 9.00 p.m. LOOK AT THE BARGAINS 6 1.75 Rogers` berry spoons..1.00 7 1.50 boy's watches.. 1 00 2 2.50 gold filled gent's watch 1.OU Chains .. 3 2.50 solid gold rings. 1 00 3 2.50 solid gold scarf pins..1.0)) 2 2.59 gents' fobs 1.00 3 2.5) lockets and chains1.00 3 2.50 cuff links 1.00 3 ' 2.59 gold filled 'trooches...1.00 6 1.'75 pieces cut glass 1 00. 1 only $5.00 8 day Oak Parlor Clock, cathedral gong strike for $1.00 3 $2.00 Alarm Clocks $1.00 1 $3.00 gilt clock .... 1.00 1 5.00 sugar Bowl. .. , .1.00 1 2,00 gold -lined (bon bon....1.00 1 2.25 silver loaf�eugarholder 1.00 1, 2.20 open cut glass salts...1.00 1 '2.25 sillier Card tray, ......1.00 1. 2.50 pr brass candle sticks 1.00 A. M. KNOX Phone 63 Opposite National Hotel 3 It 3 Two Stores ' Wingham Mon's Wear Store Ladies' Wear 1><I,en's All Wool Underware, $1.25 for . , .. $1.00 Men's heavy pants regular $1.50 for.... .$1.00 Men's Fine print shirts $1.25 to $1.30 for..... $1.00 Men's lined kid Gloves $1.25 sale.. , $1.00 Men's Felt Hats $1.50 to $2.00 on sale...... .$1.00 Men's cloth Caps with fur bands $..25 for $1.00 5 pair heavy 25c wool sox for .$1.00 Odd lines of Men's Boots to clear .. . ... .. $1.00 Small Boys' suits sizes 22, 23, to clear ...,... $1.00 Men's and Boys' sweater coats $1.50 for ... $1.00 Men's Flannel shirts $1.25 for.. .. .$1.00 Men's Heavy Smocks and overalls $1.25 for $1 00 TERMS CASH Store Girls' Winter Coats to clear at $1.00 Womens' Winter coats to clear at..... $1.00 Girls' rain coats to clear at$1 0+) , Womens' House dresses $1.50 for ,.,.$1.00 4 yds wide Table linen for .. $1.00 8 yds 15c English cambric for $1.00 5 yds curtain net 25c for... .$1.00 A few Dressing Sacques to clear . $1.00 4 pair heavy Ribbed 35c Hose for.... 81,00 4 yds 50c dress goods for$1.00 Wide black Silk $1.25 value $1.00 10 yds 12ic factory cotton for $1.00 Ladies' Kid gloves $1.25 for$1.00 Ladies' Allwool Underwear $1.25 for .... •81,00 Remnants to clear, your pick for $1.00 Ladies' top Skirts to clear at $1.00 Black or colored Dress goods $1 25 for .$1.00 Ladies' Waists value up to $2.O0for $1.00 Corsets regular value $1.25 for ..51.00 Remember These prices are for Dollar bay Only. tl. f, Istiiil & Company DAY FEB. 24 DAY. Come' and Swell the Crowds Meet Your Friends Save $s Feb. 24 HERE ARE A FEW BARGAINS 4o inch Silk Shades, light blue, rose, mauve, green, pink, and cream, reg price $1.50 to $1.75 per yd,, Dollar Day per yard . . . $1.00 25 Ladies' White Waists up to $1.75, each . $1.00 White Crepe Gowns reg $1.25 for $1 00 to yards Crum's English print reg 121'c for . $1.00 9 cans good Salmon, large tins, fresh . . . . $1.00 3 cans Maple Leaf Salmon and 3 Tomatoes $1.00 20 per cent, off all men's and boys' Suits and Overcoats. 3 ladies' Chincilla Cloth Coats, reg 25, $ day $17.00 Our Store will be full of such Bargains that day. We will give a meal ticket good for $1.00 dinner, on every $5.00 worth the Dry Goods purchased before noon that day. Come early, leave your wraps and make our store your head quarters that day. Successor to T. A. Mills PRONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT.