HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-02-18, Page 4' Page 4. THF \Vi•'''GtoANI TlnTE F' brimrvv i th. 10 15 Gaal! Coa1! { (lovable le I).l..eti \\'. .+nan- o ton foal in all ei. e s. Ca unt II. Snothing.,>ud Steam Coal, t'lutreoal, Coke. Hard ant Seet't \\'ooel, Iatnt- her, Lath and Saieele. tvay, Litt handl _ tail ,deliverc.l promptly. To avoid '.ubstitatie+n :incl ianpieeeil ,eea S.•:•intor f"ash ler Logs noel IL -ad - :mg llllits. J. r U. PHONES: Residence 85. Offie'e G4a, Mill 64b, THE AuTE PAIN FROM NEURALGIA Permanently Cured Through the Use of Br. Wi Hams' Pink Pills. Neuralgia is not a disease—it is only ' a symptom, but a most painful one. It is the surest sign that your bleed is weak, watery and impure, and that for this reason your nerves are literally starving. Bad bleed is the sale cause of the piercing pains of neuralgia—goad rich blood is the only cure. In this you have the rea,o a way Dr. Williams' Pink Fills cure Leuralgia. They are the only medicine that contain a in the correct proportions the elements needed to make rich red blond. This 0 rich blood reachss the root of the trouble, soothes the angled nerves, drives away the nagging, ,tabbing pain 1 and braces up your health in other ways o . as well. here is motif Mr. C. J. Lee, Vatchell, Ont., says:—"For several ' years I was troubled at intervals with neuralgia in the heed and chest. The pain 1 suffered at times was most in- tense. i was continually doct•aring for the trouble, but found nothing to give I me permanent relief until began the i : use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Thanks to this medicine my blood has been re- ( stored to a healthy condition and every i( symptom of the trouble has disappear- ( ed. I can therefore, with confidence I recommend Dr Williams' Pink Pills to Iall who suffer from the fierce pains of ! 1 neuralgia." OPPOSE CUTTING GRANTS. Opfo4tion to the proposed i:tt+ng in h:": of grants to fall fairs, and the pro- pas;•dnet ion of the Mini..`„r '•a Agri- culture in doing away with government judges, formed two big items at the annual convention of the Ontario As- sneiation of Fairs and Exhibitions, i he'.d in 'i'oronto. This opp,..ition teal to an immense delegation to Hon. Jas. Puff, Minister of Agriculture, where, . as the spokesman for farmers .eit', they were •'fr1zen out". It was eon - sine roil by tar deputation tha: the Minister of Agriculture w:u; sut'.eratie, and they resolved to influene' titmem- bers of the Legislative from inch of t t t• it ridings in order to grew nt the I proposed reduction. I It was pointed rut that other depart- I meat; of the government were no' economizing as the Agricultural De•- ` 0 partment was, and c sc. ntiou was taken to this. At the opening session a resolution was brought in opposing- the proposed reduction of grants to agri- cultural societies which, for a quarter I of a century, had totalled 275,0011 with - 1 out any increase, in spite of the fact that the number of fairs had increased largely. It was pointed out that the f society was doing a splendid education- al work, and assisting materially to in- crease live stock and field crop produc- ' tion of the country. si.evtecesee•aivsswlea..wevevcebte You can get these Pills through any FL E, LIFE, ACCIDENT,(I (I ( SICKNESS (NSUR?NGI REAL ESTATE Several Good Bargains in Town Residence and first class farms. -0- J. G. STEWART OFFICE- GRIFFIN BLOCK Phone 184 P. 0. Box 426 L J T. R. BENNET J. P. AUCTIONEER Will give better satisfaction to both buyer and and seller than any other Auctioneer and only charge what is reasonable. PURE BRED STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY Sales conducted anywhere intOntario Several good farina for sale. Sale dates can be arranged at Tr.stEs office. Write or Phone 81, Wingham Mr. R. T. Cowell, A•l..C.li. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Church Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing Violin Pianos and Organs Tuned and Repaired. Wingham, - Ont. I CREAM 'WANTED CreameryHaving an up-tcedate -( full operation, we solicit your cream patronage We are prepared to pay the highest market prices for good cream and give you an honest business. weighing, sampling sad testing each can of cream received carefully and retnrnirg a fall statement of same to each patron. We fnoish two can. to each patron pay all express charges and pay every two weeks. Write for farther particulars or send for cans and give us a trial. SEAFORTH CREAMERY CO. SEAFORTIi, ONT. ` `t medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for x2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. TO W:BERRI. It is our sad duty this week to record the death of one of Turnberry's oldest pioneers in the person of Wm. B. Gray in his 77th year. Mr. Gray died at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. Charles Nickel, of Carrick, on Feb. 1st. He was born in the Township of Willmont in the County of Waterloo, and when sixteen years of age moved to lot eigh- teen, con 9, Turnberry where he stood the hardships of pioneer life and in the year 1863 he was united in marriage to Margaret Higgins of Stanley Township and together they toiled and hewed the forest for a home for themselves and family of six sons and three daugh- ter. There are now left to mourn his loss a sorrowing widow, three sons and two daughters, viz: John T. of Tran - ton, Man.; Wm. of London and Alex. at home; Mrs. W. J. Hogdson of Walk- kerton and Mrs. Nickel of Carrick. Mr. and Mrs. Gray for forty-seven long years resided in Turnberry and in Feb. 1903, moved to Howick, where they spent eleven years. Then moving to Carrick to the home of their daughter, Mrs. Nickel. where Mr. Gray passed away. The funeral on Feb 4th to Wrox- eterer cemetery was largely attended Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones. DRAY BUSINESS Having purchased the Dray Business from Wm, Breckenridge, I am peel ared to take care of business in this line. Your work will be given careful and prompt attention. )I A share of your patronage solicited. Robt. McGEE Phone 10 MACHINE SHOP We are prepared to prompt. ly take care of all kinds bf machinery repairing, , Grain Chopping Try us wi yokir next oerder. We we' sativfae- ilatt. E. MERKLEY & SON Phone 84. P.O. Box 88 A delegation from the agricultural societies of Howick, Blyth and Wing - 1 ham interviewed A. H. Musgrove, M. P.P. on Saturday last and asked for his support in maintaining the grants as i at present. Mr. Musgrove gave the delegation the assurance that he would I do all in his power to protect the inter- , ests of the agricultural sacieties. ,� n;;7ri(If, t ._ � • TO ENJOY WINTER Prof. Frankland demon- strates that COD LIVER OIL generates more body -heat than anything else. In SCOTT'S EMULSION the pure oil is so prepared that the Mood profits from every drop, while it fortifies throat and lungs. If you are subject to cold hands • or feet; if you shiver and catch cold lit easily: take SCOTT'S EMULSION for one month and watch its good gill effects. 14-40 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. ..,........._ .... TIE DOMINION BANK SIR EDMUND 0. OSLER. M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VIOE-PRESIDENT, C. A. BOGEP.T, General Manager. This Bank Offers Farmers a complete and satisfactory banking services ' „, Sale Notes collected on favorable terms, and advances made on such notes at reasonable rates. i1 The Savings Department is a safe and convenient depository for your money. Interest at current rates is paid on deposits of one dollar and upwards. 'I►, tij l I {1 I One dollar opens an account in the Savings Department, it 4i WINGHAM BRANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. • FANNY CROSBY. London Advertiser.—The death of Fanny Crosby, the blind poetess and hymn writer at the advanced age of ninety-five years, removes from this life a figure that for many years has held a unique place in the church life of the Christian world. It would be dif- ficult to tell just how great an influence she has been in the religious sentiment of the English speaking nations, more particularly in America during the last fifty years. Her hymns especially mir- rored the spiritual strivings and long- ings of man and women. Has there ever been a revival, great or small, that has not echoed to the strains of "Rescue the Perishing," one of the most gripping and touching hymns ever written in any language, In Sunday school, prayer meeting, chapel house, cathedral, on the street corners, wher- ever men have met to worship there have been heard times without number, the sacred songs of . Fanny Crosby. Millions of men and women have been comforted by them, lifted from the depths to fresh endeavor. They have been translated into almost every language and carried to the most re- mote parts of the globe. No factor of evangelical work of the past fifty years has done greater or more noble service in the cause of spiritual uplift than her hymns. Fanny Crosby is dead, but her hymns are deathless. On Dollar Day t':fs ;I $5.00 worth of Goods will be given out Ow of this store to the cash customers r- t chasing the largest amount of - cods in A 0 this store on that day. � Be sure and see a Bargains ticketed lj qi in the windows and store for $1 Day only J !cep W. U. Patterson f� t The Great Watch Joctor )s)7lc 'W INGHAM F .OUT. 1I - i4t e411Ili A4F'r'a, res- ,...-.moi-4.4-ii•6-'a.`t at.,.. --A -P.,4-wV'ntiVm.4i Gis-7t.�' - s+svva o —Dollar day in Wingham-on Wednes- day, Feb. 24th. .' Come to McGee's Grocery For your bargains on Dollar Day. Note ra few of the bargains. 1-2 doz. Clover Leaf cups and saucers; 1-2 clot 7 or S inch plates; 1-2 doz. Fruit Servers for. $1.00 3 -piece plain white Toilet $1.00 Set for.......- i 1-2 :doz. plait hite Cups and Saucers; dos, 7 or 8 inch plates; sere doz. fruit 4)$11...00001OU : 1 I atiou Art Glass Berry '.. 1 and 6 Fruit Sec- ]. small platter $1..00 ers for Four of the following lines ed below must be selected to com- prise your dollar's worth of goods If only one line or less than four be purchased we will charge regular price. 3 cans Aylmer Tomatoes for 25c 3 cans Aylmer Corn for ... 25c 3 cans Aylmer Peas for.... 25c 7,bars Comfort Soap for.... 25c 3 pkgs Kellogg's Co n Flakes, 25c 4 pkgs Quaker Corn Flakes 25c 4 pkgs Corn Starch .r . .... 25c 6 bars Sunlight Soap ... 25c 2 bottles Catsup 25c 2 3 -lb tins Clark's Pork and • Beans ... 25c 3 lbs 35c Black Tea, loose 1.00 332 lbs 35c Japan' Tea, loose 1.00 0 packages Snowflake Am- monia for 25c 3 lbs Currants for ... .., 25c 3 lbs Raisins for 25c 2 cans Salmon for 25c We will display in our window several other lines of goods to comprise our Dollar Day bargains. R. S. McGEE Opposite Bank of Commerce INGBAM'S BOLL WILL BE HELD ON Wednesday, Feb 24th, 1915 It is the purpose of the Business Men and Merchants of ngham to make this one of the most sensational bargain days the town has ever known. The purchasing po - r of One Dollar will be greater than ever before in the history of Wingham. A Dollar Bill will do good service Dollar Day. ' Watch the advertisements ands come to Wingham prepared to, take h• = our share of the big bargains. PRIZES FOR DOLLAR DAY By the Businessmen's Association Registered Mare,any class,shown on halter Agricultural Team - Single Driver - Sweepstakes to best horse in town on Dollar Day - First two will be judged other two at 3 p.In. $4.00 to farmer bringing in the largest load of people to town before t p.m. $2.50 to the farmer bringing in the largest load of per- ple to town b• fore 2.30 p.m. $5.00 --to the person purchasing the most goods in -Wingham up to 7 p.m. on Dollar Day. at 11.30 $3.00 $2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 a.m. and the $3,oa to the person driving the longe4t dis'ance to Wiigh im on Dollar Day. $3 oo to the largest family regi4ter.ing in Wingh-am on Dollar Day. . Ali prizes. except for largest loads, are payable in goods from any store in town. All entries and registrations must be made with the Secretary, Abner Cosens, at Ritchie & Cosen'' Office. Other Special Prizes. $5.00 in goods by W, G. Patterson to the person buy- ing the most goods in his store on Dollar Day. too lbs of Quality Flour by Howson & Brocklebank to the person buying the largesr amount of goods in them store on Dollar Day. AWES NSW $to.00 by Silverwoods Limited, London, for the best can of cream delivered at A. H. Wilford's ware- house. Can to contain not less than 5o lbs., to test not less than 30 .per cent. and not more than 4.0 per cent, butter fat, quality and flavor corsidered, cream to become property of Silverwoods Limited, at 33c. per lb. butter fat. See our special advt. $to.00 in cash by King Bros, to the person purchasing the largest amount of goods in their store on Dol'ar Day. $6 oo by Geo. B. Armstrong, of Culross, in service fees for best team of heavy draught or agricultural mares, any age. $15.00 lads' or gent's gold watch by A. M. Knox to party holding the properly numbered receipt imosiammississmalemess Do your shopping early in the day and get better service. Townspeople in particular ate asked to do their shopping before the noon hour. HORSE BUYERS—Sir Adam Beck's representatives will be in Wingham for the purpose of ptfrcbasing Army Horses. Horses will be inspected at yard next to A. H. Wilford's Produce Warehouse. RAILWAY RATES—The following return fares to Wingham will be in effect to parties of ten or more wishing to come to Wingham on Dollar Day: --Kincardine $1.15, Ripley 80c., Lucknow 50c., Whitechurch 25c., Listowel $1.20, Atwood 95c., Ethel 70c., Brussels 50c., Bluevale 25c., Clinton $1.00, Londesboro 75c, Blyth 55c, Bel - grave 25c, Harrison $1.10, Fordrvich 70c, (Corrie 55c, Wroxeter 50c, Teeswater 40c. Remember the Date : Wednesday, February 24th, 1915 „, ii„,__._ ______________ ___ ____. _ .-;:_. 'I►, tij l I {1 I r . Bank. of Hamilton Capital Aut,horize,I 85,000,000 Capital Paid-up, 3,000.000 Surplus 3,750,000 SAVING Saving money does not indicate a miserly or stingy character, hitt rat her one with self respect and foresight. The best stay -is to open a Savings Ac- count here. It is the sate way as well as easy and convenient. The money is always available for an emergency. C. P. SMITH, Manager Wingham,.Ont h 'I .,.ra' i lZl' 150 -Tr ',IF, ;y --` 0. -- l** �'U OD Mil GI i' ''.7TJ i FANNY CROSBY. London Advertiser.—The death of Fanny Crosby, the blind poetess and hymn writer at the advanced age of ninety-five years, removes from this life a figure that for many years has held a unique place in the church life of the Christian world. It would be dif- ficult to tell just how great an influence she has been in the religious sentiment of the English speaking nations, more particularly in America during the last fifty years. Her hymns especially mir- rored the spiritual strivings and long- ings of man and women. Has there ever been a revival, great or small, that has not echoed to the strains of "Rescue the Perishing," one of the most gripping and touching hymns ever written in any language, In Sunday school, prayer meeting, chapel house, cathedral, on the street corners, wher- ever men have met to worship there have been heard times without number, the sacred songs of . Fanny Crosby. Millions of men and women have been comforted by them, lifted from the depths to fresh endeavor. They have been translated into almost every language and carried to the most re- mote parts of the globe. No factor of evangelical work of the past fifty years has done greater or more noble service in the cause of spiritual uplift than her hymns. Fanny Crosby is dead, but her hymns are deathless. On Dollar Day t':fs ;I $5.00 worth of Goods will be given out Ow of this store to the cash customers r- t chasing the largest amount of - cods in A 0 this store on that day. � Be sure and see a Bargains ticketed lj qi in the windows and store for $1 Day only J !cep W. U. Patterson f� t The Great Watch Joctor )s)7lc 'W INGHAM F .OUT. 1I - i4t e411Ili A4F'r'a, res- ,...-.moi-4.4-ii•6-'a.`t at.,.. --A -P.,4-wV'ntiVm.4i Gis-7t.�' - s+svva o —Dollar day in Wingham-on Wednes- day, Feb. 24th. .' Come to McGee's Grocery For your bargains on Dollar Day. Note ra few of the bargains. 1-2 doz. Clover Leaf cups and saucers; 1-2 clot 7 or S inch plates; 1-2 doz. Fruit Servers for. $1.00 3 -piece plain white Toilet $1.00 Set for.......- i 1-2 :doz. plait hite Cups and Saucers; dos, 7 or 8 inch plates; sere doz. fruit 4)$11...00001OU : 1 I atiou Art Glass Berry '.. 1 and 6 Fruit Sec- ]. small platter $1..00 ers for Four of the following lines ed below must be selected to com- prise your dollar's worth of goods If only one line or less than four be purchased we will charge regular price. 3 cans Aylmer Tomatoes for 25c 3 cans Aylmer Corn for ... 25c 3 cans Aylmer Peas for.... 25c 7,bars Comfort Soap for.... 25c 3 pkgs Kellogg's Co n Flakes, 25c 4 pkgs Quaker Corn Flakes 25c 4 pkgs Corn Starch .r . .... 25c 6 bars Sunlight Soap ... 25c 2 bottles Catsup 25c 2 3 -lb tins Clark's Pork and • Beans ... 25c 3 lbs 35c Black Tea, loose 1.00 332 lbs 35c Japan' Tea, loose 1.00 0 packages Snowflake Am- monia for 25c 3 lbs Currants for ... .., 25c 3 lbs Raisins for 25c 2 cans Salmon for 25c We will display in our window several other lines of goods to comprise our Dollar Day bargains. R. S. McGEE Opposite Bank of Commerce INGBAM'S BOLL WILL BE HELD ON Wednesday, Feb 24th, 1915 It is the purpose of the Business Men and Merchants of ngham to make this one of the most sensational bargain days the town has ever known. The purchasing po - r of One Dollar will be greater than ever before in the history of Wingham. A Dollar Bill will do good service Dollar Day. ' Watch the advertisements ands come to Wingham prepared to, take h• = our share of the big bargains. PRIZES FOR DOLLAR DAY By the Businessmen's Association Registered Mare,any class,shown on halter Agricultural Team - Single Driver - Sweepstakes to best horse in town on Dollar Day - First two will be judged other two at 3 p.In. $4.00 to farmer bringing in the largest load of people to town before t p.m. $2.50 to the farmer bringing in the largest load of per- ple to town b• fore 2.30 p.m. $5.00 --to the person purchasing the most goods in -Wingham up to 7 p.m. on Dollar Day. at 11.30 $3.00 $2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 a.m. and the $3,oa to the person driving the longe4t dis'ance to Wiigh im on Dollar Day. $3 oo to the largest family regi4ter.ing in Wingh-am on Dollar Day. . Ali prizes. except for largest loads, are payable in goods from any store in town. All entries and registrations must be made with the Secretary, Abner Cosens, at Ritchie & Cosen'' Office. Other Special Prizes. $5.00 in goods by W, G. Patterson to the person buy- ing the most goods in his store on Dollar Day. too lbs of Quality Flour by Howson & Brocklebank to the person buying the largesr amount of goods in them store on Dollar Day. AWES NSW $to.00 by Silverwoods Limited, London, for the best can of cream delivered at A. H. Wilford's ware- house. Can to contain not less than 5o lbs., to test not less than 30 .per cent. and not more than 4.0 per cent, butter fat, quality and flavor corsidered, cream to become property of Silverwoods Limited, at 33c. per lb. butter fat. See our special advt. $to.00 in cash by King Bros, to the person purchasing the largest amount of goods in their store on Dol'ar Day. $6 oo by Geo. B. Armstrong, of Culross, in service fees for best team of heavy draught or agricultural mares, any age. $15.00 lads' or gent's gold watch by A. M. Knox to party holding the properly numbered receipt imosiammississmalemess Do your shopping early in the day and get better service. Townspeople in particular ate asked to do their shopping before the noon hour. HORSE BUYERS—Sir Adam Beck's representatives will be in Wingham for the purpose of ptfrcbasing Army Horses. Horses will be inspected at yard next to A. H. Wilford's Produce Warehouse. RAILWAY RATES—The following return fares to Wingham will be in effect to parties of ten or more wishing to come to Wingham on Dollar Day: --Kincardine $1.15, Ripley 80c., Lucknow 50c., Whitechurch 25c., Listowel $1.20, Atwood 95c., Ethel 70c., Brussels 50c., Bluevale 25c., Clinton $1.00, Londesboro 75c, Blyth 55c, Bel - grave 25c, Harrison $1.10, Fordrvich 70c, (Corrie 55c, Wroxeter 50c, Teeswater 40c. Remember the Date : Wednesday, February 24th, 1915