HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-02-18, Page 3February x 8th , 1915
Page 3
`l 1Iselkih' APAiriee dies,' (i eel : sKti lkilkI cd t' &, 'ii: ti ` 4 ti'iki.'14O W P 4ik♦Y1c
c�,r Prof,�Pember of the well
f known hair store, Toronto,
B will be in Wingham at the ir
r Brunswick on Thursday, Feb -11.1
rutiry 18th, with a full line of
the latest styles in hair goods
for ladies and gentlemen, man-
ufactured from the finest
`1 European hair and perfection u
For Bald Ment
•'' The Pember Lightweight Ventilated iiq
,Toupee or Wig is the°moat natural sub -J'
Lstitute for your own hair ever produced,,,
also consult him about any scalp
Brunswick Hotel, THURSDAY FEBI VARY lath
cal-Acn-W ? .4�?Sis,--"4 -ViM.4W�r`?:. 4e- W7nW-? VHF Vi o'n V% -r...4 . r e V -n a:i3
♦4•♦44444♦4.44+4,00e4.44^410 0040♦0♦oo♦♦o♦♦4♦♦♦A♦a>>004)T
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Cared Both Stomach Trouple
and Headaches
PAI.11fItRSTON, ONT., JU2IH loth, 19x3,
"I really believe that I owe my life
to "Fruit -a -fives". 1;,ver since child.
hood, I have been under the care of
physicians and have been paying
doctors bills. I was so sick and worn
out that people on the street often
asked me if I thought I could get
along without help. The same old
Stomach Trouble and distressing
Headaches nearly drove me wild.
Sometime ago, I got a box of "Fruit
a-tives" and the first box did me good.
My husband was delighted and advi-
sed a continuation of their use.
Today, I am feeling fine, and a
physician meeting me on the street,
noticed my improved appearance and
asked the reason. I replied, "I am
takingFruit-a-tives". He said, "Well,
if Fruit -a -fives are making you look so
well, go ahead and take them. They
are doing more for you. than I can",
"Itruit-a-tives" are sold by all
ealets at 5oc. a box. 6 for $2.50, trial
size 25c. or sent postpaid on receipt of
price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Nothing Unusual.
"He has learned to love another.
"Are you surprised?"
"Yes; aren't you?'
I "No; he always was an apt student'!
There are some forms of poverrti.
Would" snit me, I am sure.
For instance, if I had my way
I'd choose tobe land poor.
eine people would rather eat the
`rennin of dependence if it has a "lisle
Sem on it than to take it without the
Senior Division.
Examined ins Arithmetic, Grammar,
Geograp by and Composition.9
�Totul 400, Honours300, ass 290`
AHibbert ........... ....362
J Christie 352
C Isard ..346
It Hewer ...,.,.,,342
V Davidson 339
P Johns ....338
J Nicholl .. • 338
MPiper ..............330
C Smith.•.......,, .327
HMcDonald.... .... ........318
G Allen 302
W Walker 301
A Davidson ....301
M Bennett 282
F Sturdy ... , • • ......277
H Mann 262
SMcLean ,.,. 332
T Murch ............ ,240
W Dear 233
I Hewer ....299
C Angus.,.. 205 .
F Robinson 193
H Angus 183
L Zurbrigg 182
Via„„- Junior Division
R Anderson .853
M Coultes 320
S Brown 809
C Baker 308
L Jarvis ...., 305
G Dow , . . , .. ,279
G Fryfogle 272
C Adams 26')
M Allen .... ....263
T Sanderson ... 250
S Lockeridge 243
M Passmore .. ....... ....2:19
H Angus 236
H Aitchison 233
L Sturdy 230
0 Hamilton .... ... 228
A Imlay •. .. 223
J Saint ... ..........220
P Joynt 219
C Lloyd ....... , ..217
S Robinson 182
F Hinscliffe ... ... , .. 164
R Smith 160
E Musgrove ..146
Examined in Arithmetic, Grammar
and Spelling. Total 527.
Mildred Walker ............ 501
0 Hutton 489
Margaret Robertson ....... 489
E Wood ... ............ ,...486
A Williamson .... 482
C Bell .. .,,.474
C Hardy .. 469
A Taylor ...., 1........446
M Reid ....... .............433
I Reid . ....... 429
B Currie ............ ... 428
A Thomas . ....... . 421
H Hoffman .420
H Gannett 41.2
M Johnston ' 411
A Galbraith .... .......... 408
J Davidson .. ,.404.
... 403
. 398
• Frank .1 Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore-
said, and that said firm will pay the
for each and every case of Catarrh
that .cannot be cured by the use of
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Swoin to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of Dec.,
A. D. 1886.
(Seal) A. W. GLEASON,;'• -
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-
ly, and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
• Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's e'amily Willa for con-
"What would -you consider evidence
of a clever modern woman?"
"A clever modern woman?"
"The same."
-Well. 1 should think if she were
'wealthy she would keep her divorce
lawyer on a salary."
Righteous Indignation.
"I hive discovered a lot of graft in
the city hall. Got a dead open and
shut case. with all the proof."
"What are...you going to do—report
it to the grand jury?"
"Yes, if ,they refuse to let me in on
Desirable Condition.
"I hear you are going hi for physical
"I certainty am."
"Why such rashness?"
"1 have heard that It is possible to
get too strong to work," •
Cleared Up.
"Have you been reading the Shake-
speare -Bacon controversy?"
"Every word of it."
"And what is your conclusion?'
"That somebody Wrote it."
Was Troubled With
Nervous Prostration.
Many people although they know of
nervous prostration do not know what
the symptoms afe, The principal ones
are, a feeling of fright when in crowded
places, a dread of being alone, fear of
being in a confined place, a horror of
society, a dread of things falling from
above, fright at travelling on railroad
trains, and disturbed and restless, un-
refreshing sleep, often troubled with
Mrs, George Lee, Victoria Harbor,
Out., writes: "I am writing to tell yor
of the experience I have had with Mil.
burn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I was so
nervous I could not do my own work,
'I did not want to see any one, or would I
go any place. My nerves were bad for
three yeat8;•and my heart was ro had it
made the tremble all over. I took three
boxes of your pills, and I never was better
than I am now. I weigh 20 pounds
more theft,/ ever did."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills ate
50c per box, a boxes for $1.25, at all
dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of
Lice by The T. Milburn Co.. Limited,Toronto, Oat.
V Hill
C Pocock ....... ....
K Nichols
C Robertson ..
E Angus
S Bell 3k1�
MRobertson .... .. .. ...380
H Hamilton ,..... . , . 380
V Johnston ..., .., 377
E Rintoul ........ .... 366
3 Lutton •••• ....._ 363
J Allen .... .... ....
A Blackball .......
K Wilkinson ' 305
C Dixon 303
C Pocock ... , 288
Geo Scott ... 280
Madeline Walker 220
Perfect in Spelling through month
Annie Blackhall, Edith Wocd, Oswald
D Cloakey
M Dinsley
....... ,.,..5550
L. Lewis... 640
V Amabury. ...528
H IM gogers • * • • ...524
A Scott 524
G Bisbee.... 512
I Watson ...510
G Bowers.... 510
E Taylor 505
M Dennis ..500
S Bell..,,,. ..490
W Brooks,., 464
H Williams 386
C Mason ..368
A Forgie ..4 • . 318
Total 450.
E Currie C 445
L Holmes .................4Q1
A Williamson 392
K Cruikkhapk .391
R McLeod 387
M Henderson 386
B Joynt 379
M Stratton 378
R Brown 371
J Johnston .....365
K Munro..359
C Cruickshan.357
L Harina . ,.•. 355
I Lutton.. • ...,551
E Varey ..349
L Zurbrigg.... 348
C Donaldson. ... .. 347
B Boardman 345
` FAldington. 343
L Sanderson .. 342
M French ....342
la Simpson... .............339
C Lockman....337
R Holloway .316
F Bennett ....315
W Lockridge., 313
J Carr,. ..... ,....... ... 312
C Hinscliffe .... 301
V Robinson ' „390
S Hutton .. ,,,, 297
C Casemore ... . ...231
C Cook •285
A Carruth ................282
V Robertson 282
J Adair ....278
M Bailey..... •..•.. .. .278
V Dennis . . 170
M Angus . ... 274
E Henderson .. 273
W Mann . ..• 272
D Pullen . ..... ...,263
S Page .240
E Gibson.... .... .... 234
A Williamson ..... ...222
G McTavish .... ........ . . 221
J Bayles.. 221
W Howe ... ,..2.9
E Stevens 203
V Bell 176
J Casemnre..... 169
C. Boyce .161
A Mitchell .150
Sr. Division
Senior Division
G. Cruikshank 607
N. Boardman ..... .... • 596
D Fells .593
J. Vanstone... ,..... ... 581
C Zurbrigg ..... .. .........579
D Perrie .............. .... 575
I Day 567
E Kew . ...... .. .... 560
K Hutton 553
L Ellacott 539
E Ricker 534
V Joynt .•..519
Lilian Ellacott 517
H Mills 515
A Baird • .509
. A Anderson .......... • .. .. 501
A Munro.... 497
S Donaldson 485
P Dyer..... 479
C Dow ........... .475
N Varey 445
R Sanderson 433
D Lynett 393
M Carruth 345
M Dalgleish 107
Junior Division
S Holmes 569
.E Bennett 528
M Johns 614
W Ellacott.... 500
F Sperling , 481
I Bell 448
L. Johnston 445
H Wilson .. • •, ..444
W Angus ..4:.4
F Piper... 410
C Hingston 400
M Seli.. .391
R Williams... . . .......380
H Mundy 376
A Sturdy ...... . 370
F Seli ......... ..........341
V Forler 309
L Campbell .279
Class A. Total -619
M Cosens 693
K Donaldson ... 582
N Isard .... 575
S Harrison ... 563
1 Redmond ....663
N Clark.. .. 535
It Barrett 630
R Clark.... .•.•....• 521
D Piper... 518
G Fixter 513
L Campbell 608
F Frost.., ., 5e8
J Ard...... .... ... ......496
8 Robinson ...,. 400
N Morden..... ... . 481
A Irwin .... . , . 466
A Gould . 456
E Wilde..461
A Brown .... .s, 4J2 •
II Vanatone .. , . . , die n. Q+'i".'
UCanal'... `t.r,t ' j
Class 1B.—' r : 7 • lt':::.,. . Y MI FlETC'HER'S
S. Frost .........555• 1 CAST O R I A
Total 440.
A Cloakey ..437
C Bennett 436
T Stricker ...... 420
D Lloyd ... .,. . .. 416
M FIolmes 407
E Amsbury .... 406
F Isard ... ... ..405
B Coutts 404
F Bell 403
L Hicks ... . .. .,. 401
H Caslick ......... .... ..400
P Johnston ...... .... ... 399
M Schaefer .. 395
Si Holloway • 387
D Livid .. 385
C Wright . .. ..... ,..383
A Field .... . 376
W Clark ' ...... 356
D Thomas ... 355
V Campbell .. .. ... 345
C Pattison 345
H Aitcheson. 332
J Carruthers 208
Jr. Division
Total 440.
H Wright 408
W Sturdy 405
W Kew 396
B Duffey . ...394
K Dymond .. , ... ... 382
K Carter 373
G Ard 357
E Blackball . .347
M Hill . 345
C Tennant . . ..338
W Bailey.... ..... .... 327
,E r orgte 309
C Hardy 255
I Hunter ... 248
E Lynett ............ .. . 200
Division III
Total 415 ,
C Louttit .... ..407
E Williams ....., .... . .406
B Jarvis 405
I Aldington .,.. •.399
F Page 394
C Dickson .... 385
R Carr 383
G Anderson .381
M Tennant 375
I Ellacott ............ ••368
W Ricker... 357
W Scott .................... 341
E Lewis ..336
H Wild 311
J Cook
D Haller ,.. 267
Division VII
Class IV
Aggregate 900
A Corbett . ....... 870
P Pilon 850
G Robertson ......... .... 835
N Fixter 826
E Carr. ....785
L Bennett 710
M Vansickle . 690
E McLean ........ .. . . 665
M Schaefer, 645
V Finlay..•. ..,• 600
A Pullin 595
R McDonald ,.... 570
M Gurney .660
K Dinsley 520
H Bowden .. 515
F Angus .... ..505
L Pearen .. 495
G Rintoul ............. ... .. 435
G Ledeitt.......... .... .. 435
W Levis • .. .... .. 405
H Boyce .....
R Lockman 370
E Thornton .......... . ... 336
Class III
Aggregate 750
G Angus
L Clause .. ...,
H Sutton ....
W Coleman ,.•
N Edwards ........... 450
L Johnston ..395
T Saint ,,,. ,, 365
P Stokes,
B Browns
M Fells
W Hunter .210
Class II
J Adair
MCloakey . . .......... . .....
J Brooks...:,,,..
JMcGee ... .... .•
H Groves
K Taylor
M Saint , .
F Robertson
H Hales ,.
Al Christie
C Hingston
Report: of S. S. No. 8, Morris for
Januar. ;Pupilafexaminediin Spelling,
Arithmetic,ti'Terature and Grammar.
t diigtes examination for which pupil
was absent,'"Total-350.1 ' m"""r
Ir�r: IV—Ernestine Sellers 82 per cent,
sergerewer 63, 'Lorne Turvey 51,
it Charlie Souch 48.
Sr. III—Elva Warwick 85, Cameron
Mustard 68, Charlie Bosman 64, tCora
Souch 55:
Jr. III—George Fell 72, t W ilmer
Kearney 64, i -Ethel Garniss 62, Frank
Garniss 61.
Sr. II—Marjorie Grasby 86, Winnie
Allen 67, 'flurry Garniss 04, 'Elmer
Forbes 62.
Jr. II—May Warwick 80, Alfred
Johnston 70, Jack Allen 56, Fred
Brewer 54.
Jr. Pt. II, General Work—Walter Sel-
lers 484, Janet McVettie 465, Fraser
Mustard 399, Bertha Souch 381, Charlie
Warwick 342, Adella Turvey 316, Doris
Allen 232, Lillian Garniss 215.
M. E. Fryfogle, teacher.
The following is the report of S. S
No 8, East Wawanosh.
Sr. IV.—Total 240—L. Bone 176.
Sr. III.—Total 320 - i -A Page 216, I.
McDowell 156, M. Bolt 149, A. Staple-
ton 140, [A. Menzies 135.
Jr. III.- Total 320-'1J. Page 180, W.
Bolt 126, •1M Menzies 106.
Sr. II.—Total 290 -tA. Gibbons 212,
M. Henry 194, [•L. Bone 150, to Men-
zies 134, iE. Page '131, A McIntosh
Jr. II. Total 280 tR. Menzies 1511,
E. Gibbons 134. -
Pt. I.—'Ella Page good.
Pr.— George Page •very good,
A —J. McDowell excellent.
Those marked t were present every
M. A. Smith, Teacher.
For Infants and Children
in Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
the !y
Signature of
Col. William Smith, former command -
officer of the 28th Perth Regiment, and
for 57 years a resident of Stratford,
died there in his 80th year.
Hon. Joseph Martin, M. P. for St.
Pancras, Eng., has bought the Van-
couver Times, and will edit a new
Liberal paper, The Evening Journal.
Supposing you know one of your cows
has a test of 3.4 per cent of fat for the
first month she is milking, have- you
any certainty of what she will teat ler
the next two months or the last two?
One cow in the herd may keep at that
first test for three or four months run-
ning, another may give far richer milk
the third month and the test may in -
create steadily; or again, with two
cows both increasing in the test during
lactation, one may increase far more
rapidly than the other. Hence, at the
end of the season one cow may have
given considerably more fat than another
which gave about the same weight of
It will thus be seen that the question
of sampling as well as weighing a cow's
milk is of great importance. Neither
is it sufficient to sample and test the
mixed milk of the herd; individual
quality is worth study. It should be
plainly stated in addition that the times
demand more attention being paid to
testing, for the simple reason that the
general average test seems to be steadily
decreasing. As milk is valuable in pro-
portion to its cream, or to its test of
fat, it is important for the dairymen to
know which are his high -testing cows.
He may want a ' p, cially rich milk for
his own table use; he may want an
extra good price when selling a high -
testing cow; he may want to raise
heifers likely to test at least as high if
not higher than theirdams;.o evidently
it will pay him to know the test of each
cow he owns. It is a simple matter to
take samples on three days per month,
and get a composite sample tested once
a month. Ask the factory in your
section to do the testing, speak to the
dairy recorder about it, or write to the
dairy division, Ottawa, for full inform-
ation about getting your samples tested
8 eoxeM Ottre,l
' Mrs. Nettie Massey, Consecin, Ont.,
writes: `• I'hree doctors described my
trouble as psoriasis, and one said I
could never ne cured. The disease
pread all ewer ri,e, even on my face
and head a id the staling and burning
way hard to bear. 1 used' eight boxes
of Dr. Cease's Ointment and am entire-
ly cured—not a sign of a sore to be seen.
I ca' hardly praise , the Ointment
enough "
Dr. W. Wilfred Campbell, the emi-
nent Canadian poet, addressed the
Hamilton Canadian Club, urging men
to respond to the Empire's call.
The man who understands women it
the man who has a jolt coming to him
and will be at home to receive it.
There isn't much doubt that old
. Mother Nature and Satan himself con.
spired when poison ivy was brought
into existence.
'A. person who has to run up against
a freight train before he can get an
Idea into his head is what you might
call stupid.
A bank account is rarely one of the
assets of a man who works nothing
but his imagination.
The sweetheart of your youth is sure
to turn up for the first time in tea
years when you have a smudge on
your nose and a week's dissipation to
your discredit.
A girl hardly ever gets so mad that
she win refuse a five pound box of
Children Cry
To New Subscribers
We will send the Times to New
Subscribers to any address in
Canada to January 1st,
1916, for
1 75 cents
Leave your orders early
Your order for any newspaper
or magazine will receive
prompt attention