HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-02-11, Page 8r' eage 8 41 41 _ 41 41...-7.r;„+,ur THE WINGHAM TIMES February I i th .. 1915 Prof, Frank Weaver 1,G,S,M, Concert t'lnni-t, Voive t'pecialist Teacher of Elementary and Ad- venced Piano Playing and Voice Product/ion. 15 years Practical Experience Residence and Studio 62I Builerin Ave., London IN WIIilHAM, THURSDAYS ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices tinder This Head ten cents a line for first in.,'ctton; five cents for subse- quent insertions. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. Good house to rent. Apply to Geo, Wraith, Victoria Street. To RENT —A good house on Catherine street for reit. Get particulars from J. W. Dodd. Fon SALE—A good second-hand cutter for sale at a bargain. Apply to A. Currie. APPLES FOR SALE -- A ber of barrels of No. 1 Northern , Talman Sweets and Russo+ apipl . Get partic- ulars from D. McPhtl n. NOTICE—Owing to the change in business all accounts owing to Field Bros. must be paid by :Harsh 1st and 'payment can be made at the store of Wm. Field. FIELD BROS. Farm for Sale. Lot S. E4, 15, 16, Con. 1, Morris, 100 acres; well watered; good buildings; large bearing orchard; 15 acres bush suitable for stock or grain farming. 3;$ miles from Wingham, owner retir- ing. Apply to W, CLEGG, Proprietor. Shorthorns For Sale Herd -headed by "Favorite Character," Imported. 4 BULLS 4 From 10 to 12 months old. These young bulls are an exceptionally fine lot. Some of tnem are ready for ser- vice and are thick, smooth, fleshy fel- lows. Correspond or give us a call if you want something good. J. G. FYFE, R. R. No. 4, Wingham. Broadview Farm, 1}tmiles' south of Wingham. MLU=IfUHK. LW M Double Track all the way TORONTO --CHICAGO TORONTO --MONTREAL Unexcelled Train Service Highest Class of Equipment WINTER TOURS to California, Florida and Sunny South Fast Trains —Choice of Routes Low Fares now in effect. For full particulars consult G. T. R. Ticket Agents or write C.E. Horning, Dist. Pass. Agent, Toronto. H. B. ELLIOTT,'roWn Passenger and 'ricket Agent, Phone 4. W. F. BURGMAN, Station Agent, Phone 50. Improved Service TORONTO MONTREAL OTTAWA Via "Lake Ontario Shore Line" Fast time to Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Cobourg, Belleville, Trenton, etc. Particulars from C. P. R. Agents, or write M. G. Murphy, D. P. A., Toronto. W. A. SANDERSON, Town Agent, 'phone 7 .T. H. BREMER, station Ag eat, 'phone 47 Watch This Space For Dollar Day Specials. February 24th. A. M. KNOX Jeweller and Stationer Phone 65. • 1. MINOR LOCALS. —The Annual Spring Pair at Clinton will be held on. Thursday, April 1st. —Mr. John E. Wright has been ap- pointed as earetaker of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, —The Wingham Citizen? Band will furnish music at a patriotic carnival in Brussels on Friday evening. •--Harriston hockey team defeated the Wingham team in Harriston. on Tuesday by a score of 5 to 4. —Biggest 15 days' sale er field in Wingham, of General, chandise at the Merchants' tarok e Co. Set, ad. —The monthly reports of the Wing - ham Public School and other schools in the district are crowded out of this issue. • —The girls of Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. Hibbert's Class, of the Methodist Sun- day School, are making preparations to hold a concert in the Church on Friday evening, Feb 26th. Farther partici_ tars will be given later. —While at work in the Bell factory on Monday, Mr. F. W. Stricker had the end of his left thumb 'taken off. Mr. Stricker was working on the rip saw getting out material for the making of a tool box for himself. —Only 15 days in which to s re big bargains in all depart enof this store. Nothing but ... sins at the Merchants' Brokerage o. See ad. —The Lucknow Presbyterian Young Men's Bible Classteam and the Wingham High School team played a friendly game of hockey in Wingham ri " on Wednesday evening of last weel The visitors won by a score of 8 to —The entire stock broug ere must be closed out in 15 day . ou can save $ $ by buying at this s Merchants' Brokerage Co. See ad. —One of the old and highly esteemed residents of this section passed away on Wednesday morning ,in the person of Thomas Hart, of Lower Wingham. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock from the resi- dence of his son-in-law, Mr. Walter Doubledee, Maple street to Wingham Cemetery. B LTJ EVAL E. Dollar Day in Wingham on Wednes- day, February 24th. Come to town that day. Mrs. McKeown, of Stratford, spent last week with her cousin, Mrs. Jas. Maxwell of town. Next Wednesday night, Feb. 17th, the first session of the Bluevale Parlia- ment will open in the Foresters' Hal under the auspices of the Literary. Society to consider advanced legislation for the improvement of Bluevale and the country at large. Rev. D. B. Thompson will be Lieutenant-Goyernorl Robert Musgrove, speaker; S. Paul, clerk, and Craik Cleghorn, sergeant at arms; J. W. King will be leader of the Government and R. Shaw of the Op- position and the Cabinet will consist of J. W. King, Premier and Prov. Secre- tary; Ministers of Agriculture, Geo. McDonald; Education, A. L. Poslifi',; Forests and Mines, Rich. Johnston; Public Works. W. H. Haney; Finance, A. MacEwen, and Justice, Arch, Messer. The Opposition has gathered equally strong forces with which to battle for the rights of the people: • (Intended for last week) Mr. W, J. Masters has been making favorable progress since his operation in the Wingham General Hospital. Mr. Jas. Carberry has sold his house and lot to Mrs. Ralph and intends re- turning to Toronto next summer. During the recent beautifiul moon- light nights, the skating on the pond was excellent and a large number took part in this winter pastime. Last week the Literary Society had the pleasure of hearing a blackboard talk by President Haney, on "Short Cuts in Building," which was very practical and helpful. Such education- al features are to be more frequent in the work of the Society this season, now that an excellent blackboard has been installed. Mr. A. MacEwen con- cluded his account of Montreal, Quebec and the St. Lawrence closing with an eloquent picture of the trials and experi- ences of the French discoverers and martyrs that was listened to with deep interest. The Society was assisted in the evening's program by some friends from Jamestown. The recitations by Miss Pearl Payn and a musical selec- tion by Messrs Burk and Wa Jace re- ceiving warm applause. Mr: Harold Kearney was an immense success in his violin solos, and the other nnmbers were all enjoyable. Rev. I. 13. Wallwin, pastor of West- moreland Methodist church, Toronto, was the surprised recipient of a cabinet of silver presented by the members of his congregation on the occasion of the 255th anniversary of his wedding. The members of the church were present in numbers and the meeting was ,presided over by Dr. Conhoy. On behalf of himself and Mrs. Wallwiti the popular pastor made a .pleasing speech in acknowledging the gift. Rev. 'Mr. Wailwin was a former Methodist church pastor at Eluevale and he and Mrs. Wallwin are assured of cordial good 'wishes from the people of this locality. su4Tneie Dollar Day in Wingham on Wednes- day, February 24th. Come to town i that day. Rohr Nesbitt, of Morris. met with a bad accident while moving his sleigh Ion the barn floor, He had hold of the tongue of the sleigh but in some man- ner his fingers got between the end of the tongue and the wall, crushing them severely, but under the doctor's care he is doing nicely although suffering . con siderable pain. Thos. Pierce, 8th line, Morris, met with a very painful accident. He was on a ladder, tightening the bands around his silo when the wrench slipped and he fell to the ground, breaking his right leg in two places above the ankle and the large bone just below the knee. The injury is quite painful and will likely confine him to his home for some months. The marriage of Miss Lily Bewley, formerly of Brussels, Ont., to Wm. Ross, of Moose Jaw, took place quietly at St. Andrew's Manse, on Monday afternoon, January 18th, at 4.30 o'clock. Rev, W. 0, Wilson performed the cere- mony, The bride wore a becoming suit of navy blue velvet and black picture hat. Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Ross left on No. 14 for St. Paul and Minneapolis, and on their re- turn will reside at Estevan. The bride is a daughter of Richard Bewley, of the 7th line, and has been in the West for several years, Mr. and Mrs. Ross will have the best wishes of this community for along, happy and prosperous married life. James Speir, 6tn Iine, disposed of a choice Short Horn bull, "Red Conquer• or," 12 months old, to James S. Scott, a well known breeder of Short Horns in East Wawanosh, The dam and sire of "Red Conqueror" are both pedigreed and good ones. A good price was real- ized. Mr. Scott is to be commended on his enterprise and he will come out a winner." APPLICATION TO PAR- LIAMENT NOTICE is hereby given that an Ap- plication will be made by the Corpora- tion of the Town of Wingham to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at the next Session thereof for an Act. (1) To authorize the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham to pass Bylaws without obtaining the assent of the Electors for the issue, of debentures for a ' term not exceeding thirty years and to bear interest at such rate as Council may deem expedi- ent for the following purposes:—(a) $12,000.00 for the payment of the float- ing indebtedness of the said Corpora- tion; (b) $1,200.00 for the settlement of a damage claim against the said Cor- poration. (2) And to permit the said Corpotation'of the Town of Wing - ham to invest it's Sinking Funds in any debentures issued under any By-law or By-laws that may be passed in pursuance of this Application. The existing debenture debt of the said Town of Wingham is as follows: Waterworks $ 48,263.86 Electric Light .......... 39,300.15 Sewers 19,522.06 Local Improvements (Town's • share)..,. 1,310.22 Town Hall 4,000.00 Public School ..... , 9,825 95 High School 17,434.03 Bonus Loans 32,220.16 Bridge . 1,500.00 Road Machinery - 3,849.41 Market and Cemetery 3,000.00 $180,234.81 Less Sinking Funds 30,568.21 $149,666.60 of 'Which no part, either of principal or interest, is in arrears. The reasons for requiring the further issue of debentures are as follows: (a) To enable the said Corporation to pay off it's floating indebtedness which was incurred partly in executing works of a permanent and necessary character and partly through the failure of a Manufacturing Industry to repay mon- ies loaned to it by the said Corporation by way of a bonus; (b) To settle a claim against the said Town for dam- ages owing to the death of an employee. Dated at Wingham this Second day of February, A.D., 1915. DUDLEY HOLMES, 40-8 Solicitor for Applicant. AUCTION SALES ' Mr, R. T. Miller, lot 58, con, 1, Morris, (Jamestown) will hold an auction sale;of farm stock and implements on Tuetsday, February 23rd. There is a ggcrd list of stock 'and, implements and everything is to be sold as Mr. Miller has rented his' farm. John Purvis, auctioneer. HOUND FOR SALE. A'bitch, 1,1 English blood, : ' American fox, 14 years old, partly trained, black and tan in color This dog is bred from from first class stockand will make a good one. For further particulars apply at the TneEs office. .'TENDERS. WANTED The 'Secretary easurer of School Seetion'No, 3, T nberry, will receive seated tenders a to '7 o'clock p. in.. on February 18th t the erection of a school house, lens and specifications can be,seen at is residence, 10th con- cession of To berry. The lowest or any tender necessarily accepted. • RQBT. S. MUIR, Sec. -Trees., C;enannan, Ont.,. Valuable Properties for Sale'.' (1), 'The property on the north east Corner 'of John and Centre streets, knotvh as , the Mill's Memorial Hall. (2) :',Tho t3iveiljng .pnd stables on the north side of John Street immediately west of the Anglican Church. Pull particulars apply to W. P. VJrsTnrrs C.'P. Stoma, tf ',•� ,: A. B. SMrTl, R.'tAr1'8t'oNg. i.r...- 4141 4141 4141 ' REMEMBER DOLLAR UAY Wednesday, Feb. 24th We promise you greater values than ever before, and are preparing to give you such remarkable price reductions on all lines of Winter Goods, that the good effects of this money -saving will be felt for a long time Special Values ix New Spring Dress Mater- ials, Ready-to-wear, Etc. Silk Hosiery-warps, Silk Hosiery made from the finest of silk warps, guaranteed fast colors in shades black, white, pink, 'sky, canary, paddy,green and copenhagen. Extra value at $1.50 per pair. Silk f abftane'°The guaranteed washable- Silk, specially made for -waists, Lingerie and etc 36 inches wide, extra value at $1.00 per yard. 36 inch Black and Colors Messaline, -Pailette, and Patrica Mousseline Silk"..Guaranteed French dyed with extra rich chene, extra values $1.00, $1.25, and $1.50 per yard. Priestleys' Guaranteed Dress Materials We are agents for the well known line of Dress Goods, and have a good selection to choose from in the latest weaves and newest shades of smoke, grey, battleship grey, Belgian blue, mahogany, sand. and navy. prices $1.00 to $1.50 per yard. Fowne's English Kid Gloves Long or short lengths in 12 or 16 button, colors black and white, wrist length $1.25 and $1.50 per pair, elbow length $1.50 to $2.15 per pair. ,41.11,........ Produce Wanted Choice Roll Butter 27c per lb, Bright Dried Apples 6c per lb. Prompt attention given to phone or mail. orders. KING BROS. Phone 71 ' • Agents for Standard Patterns i 6 SCRANTON OR LEHIGH COAL WOOD KINDLING At Lowest Prices. R. J. Cantelon. OFFICE WITH Dominion Express Co.'s Office PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his house and one-fifth acre lot in the vil- lage of Belgrave for sale. House is two-story brick, containing ten rooms and good cellar. Good frame stable on property, Everything in good re- pair. Get full particulars on the prem- ises or address. JAMES CUNNINGHAM, 38tf Belgrave, Out, PLEASANT VIEW 'FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, 100 acres cleared, 20 acres hard wood bush; well fenced; good state cultivation; windmill; good water; bank barn 82x52; good out -buildings; two storey brick cottage, 11 rooms.. ROBERT LEATHORN,: 4141 tf' Bluevale. LOW FARES TO THE CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS VIA CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY, Four splendid daily; trains from the New Passenger Terminal, Chicago to San Diego. Choice of scenic and direct routes. . Double track' Automatic electric safety signals all the way. Let us plan your trip and furnish folders and full particulars, B. If, Bennett, Gen. Agt„ 46 Yonge St., Tor- onto, Ont, 38'3t. MISS SPARI.ING Licentiate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized teacher of Flet- cher Music Method, Simplex and Kinn dergarten. pupilsprepared for Conservatory examinations in Piano and Theory. Theory taught by correspondence, Classes Opened Sep. 21 'Phone 105 • $• K7ti411e110),tv111R/!'4llrrv7�11111,7' ^r'1rw111 ti #16111✓ { Rig Shoe Sale for Women ON FRIDAY NEXT At 4 p.m. precisely 46 pairs Women's 'high-grade Oxfords and Boots Regular prices $2.00 and $3.5o on sale at above hour for 1.17 per Pair. One ,shoe of each pair shown in North Window ♦ NM • W. H. WILLIS & CO. SOLE AGENTS ueen acu ity FOR LADIES , e,S0Sfl Sususv SuSiSi,S'� vs�'u�e' Sus !SS SSS `:s8Z8r8 GREAT 15 DAY SALE of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES AND CLOTHING ommencing SATURDAY FB. 13th, and continuing to SAT. - B. 27th filr7 Ci 1.4 iL ,i C Cel GM/5:7tJMi.' ,.r.l]CrS11M•)r. /l,t LRtYl,7t3^ BUSINESS IS GOOD W . We have bought and sold over $55,000 worth o erchandise since Aug. 8, 1914 and find that the secret of being able t • sell : ' • ' s cheap is in .the buying. We • have just purchased another big stock g - • ral merchandise at a very low rate on the $1, and have brought it here to o ear out. This means great bargains for the people of Wingham and surrou . nig country. Just think of it! All kinds of Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Furs and Boots and Shoes— just the kind of goods you are wanting—at a 'great saving. CAN YOU AFFORD TO MISS THIS CHANCE? This is, where $1 will do the work of $2. Never in our history were we in a posi- tion to give the public better bargains than during this sale. BE HERE. IT WILL PAY YOU. - 'Space" will not permit us to quote prices but you can buy Flannelettes, Prints, Ginghams, Cottons, Flannels, Corsets, Gloves, Sweaters, Ladies' and Children's Coats, Laces, Embroideries, Trimmings, Ladies' and. Children's Underwear, Men's and Boys' Underwear, Top Shirts, Overalls and Smocks, ' Odd Pants, Odd Vests, Suits, Overcoats, Dishes (plain and fancy), Shoes and Rtibbers for Men and Women and Children AT LESS THAN MAKERS' PRICES. GROCERIES 7 bars Comfort Soap 25c; 3 cans Peas, Corn or Tomatoes for 25c; 4 bottles Extract for 25c; 2 cans Salmon 25c; 3 lbs Currants 25c; 3 lbs Raisins 25c; 6 tins Sardines for 25c; Baking powder 10c per lb.; 2 bottles Catsup for 15c; 2 cans Lye 15c; Pickles, reg. 15c for 8c;' 4 pks Corn Starch for 25c4 EVERYTHING GOES DURING THIS SALE BE HERE SATURDAY, FEB 13 TERMS OF SALE :, CASH OR PRODUCE. Butter in Prints preferred, w.rrr+.ur..rw n..ar.... r.r The Merchants' BCo. 4141 4141 4141 BREAKERS OF HIGH PRICES. KERRS' OLD STAND, WINGHAM r:t- lam! jrg.. , Y I)L Si`5 r.7tri,s;`rF,Fiw5. a f