HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-02-11, Page 3• , .- -- ---' ., .-.•-......e........,.w....... �..-.......«..... _ ,
February lith , £915
Children Cry
They do me wrong who sat• T
no more,
When once I knock and fail 'c
you in;
For every day I stand outsi .r 1. -
And bid you wake and rise to ;F ri,,
and win.
Wail not for precious chane,'- • 1
Weep pot for golden ages
Each night I burn the records n'
At sunrise every soul is born : i •.
Laugh like a boy at splendours the
have fled,
To vanished joys be blind and de,,'
and dumb,
My judgments seal the dead pat wit')
its dead,
And never bind a moment yet t
Jr .,•
Though deep in mire, wring not your -
hands and weep -
I lend my arm to all who say "I
'filo shame -faced outcast ever sank so
But yet might rise and be again a
man. -
Art thou a modrner? Rouse thee from
the spell;
Art thou a sinner? Sins may be for-
Each morning gives thee wings to fly
from hell,
Each night a star to guide thy feet
to heaven.
-Waltee Malone.
Memphis, Tenn.
di1 Use For OM •
Always bears
Signature of
„•• .bsve.'r
••••••00•••••••••••••••:!••••••••••••••••••• -era
:;The Times
Clubbing Lis
e • •Times and Saturday Globe 1.90
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Times and Daily World 3.10
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Times and Toronto Daily. Star 2.80
Times and Toronto Daily News., 2.8Q
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a Times and McLean's Magazine . , 2.50
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ri, Times and Northern Messenger 1.35
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:making the price of the three papers $3.25.
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•the four papers for •$3.9o. ,*
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*us know. We - 0n supply almost any well-known Canal
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Stone Block
i' i
! .•t
• orad ai. once
,lent. After I
•bo••es, I realized
:v cured and what
so, was that they
•v, causing no path
els, All those who
•:c Constipation
%). example and take
:-ttees for they are the
iciee that cur's".
"Fruit -a -Lives" are sold by all dealers
at 5oc. a box, 6 for ez.5o, trial size,
z5c. or sent postpaid on receipt of price
I by Fruit•a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
• r•ur• t..
piano anti
:•• invention
. rd pedal;
ith d.•ciu+•t
alien of all
, • ne smallpox
S:A'E OF lililtr, ("ITV or EDO 1 s9
Fr,w,t•..l eete. with that he
is s' i• the firm of F. J.
hr ua,y tt siuieg business in the
�mty 1 oi. de, t:uunt‘ and State afore-
2aid, ,m.; i said firm will pay the
:ir to ii alai every case of Catarrh
c,,:id rt d cured by the use of
3a11' i vaturr'o Cure
Seen n tohefore me and subscribed
my presence, this 6th day of Dec.,
A. D. 1886.
(Sea!) A. W. GLEASON,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal -
v, and acts directly on the blood and
nucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials free.
F. J. OH1tNEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Soli by all Druggists, 75e.
Take Hall's Family Pile for con-
View From Mount Mgt.
Tho mountain or the Rigi, in Switzer-
land, commands a panorama of 4013
miles in circumference, which includes
the lovely lake of Lucerne, and is un-
surpassed for beauty. The Rigi was
known to only a few travelers in the
eighteenth century, but after the peace
of 181E it became a resort for the curi-
ous, the first dwelling having been
erected in 1814. Now many hotels are
in a flourishing condition, and it is
popular even in winter. There is a
little chapel, with Its walls covered
with votive tablets, for many have been
the victims in the ice gorges of this
lofty peak.
The pipeflsh tat.; care of their young
in a manner that is entirely peculiar.
The newly laid eggs are taken care of
by the male, which has a sort of fold
on each side of its body. Beneath
the "flaps" he keeps the eggs until the
young are hatched and sufficiently
grown to take care of theffiselves.
While in the "flap" they are fed by the
mother, upon whom falls the duty or
foraging around fur, food.
Had No Power
Over the Limbs
Locomotor Ataxia, Heart Trouble and
Nervous Spells 'Yielded. to Dr.
Chase's Nerve rood.
It would be easy to tell you how
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food cures loco-
motor ataxia and derangements of
heart and nerves, but it may be more
satisfactory to you to read this letter.
Mrs. Thee, Allan, R.F.D. 3, Sombra,
Ont., writes :-"Five years ago I suf-
fered it complete breakdown, and fre-
quently had palpitation of the heart.
Since that illness I have had dizzy
spells, had he power over My limbs
(locomotor ataxia) and could not
walk straight. At night I would have
heveire• tiotSoua specie, with heart pal-
pitation, end would shake as though
I had the ague. I felt improvement
after using the first box of Dr, Chase's
Nerve Food, and after continuing the
treatment earl. clew Walk, eat and sleep
well, have no nervous spells and do
not require heart medicine. I have
told several of my neighbors of the
splen did re/sults obtalned from the Use
of Dr, Chase's Nerve Food."
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, He a box,
6 for $2.50, eta dealers, or Ednianson,
Bates :tr Co„ hint i ^.d, Toronto,
Proceedings of •
the Banking House of the Institution, 'Toronto, on Wednesday 27th
January, 1615,
Among those present were noticed :
C. W. Smith, William Davies, A. R. MacDonald (Epsom), Sir Ed-
mund B. Osier, A. W. Austin, Robert Ross, (Lindsay), E, H. Osler
(Cobourg, �C. A. Bogert, A. Pepler, C. H. Edwards, H. R on,laytn r,
Allan McPherson (Longford Mills, E. A. Begg,W.R.
Brock, W. D. Matthews, C. C. Van Norman, H. R. Van Norman, Wal-
ter J. Barr, R. J. Christie. James Carruthers, Hon. Thos. Crawford,
Richard Brown, Charles Walker, H. W. Hutchinson, E. W. Hamber,
.1. G, Ramsey, Alan R. Ramsey, Cawthra Mulock, C. E. Lee, D'Arcy
Martin, K.C„ Charles B. 'Powell, L H. Baldwin, Edward Galley, James
E. Baillie, John F. Kavanagh. Andrew Semple, James Mathews, Wil-
liam McLeish, J. C. Eaton, William S. Kerman, Peter Macdonald, N.
Hockin, Frank H. Macdonald. Rev. T. W. Paterson, J. E. Finkle. H, B.
Hodgins, Harry L. Stark, Albert Nordheimer, J, K. Niven, William
Ross, W. J. Fleury, A, C. Paull, Capt. Dudley F. Jessopp, W. C. Har-
i-ey, Graham Campbell, Edward Burns, William Mulock, jr., W. L.
Matthews, Hon. J. .1. Foy, K.C„ M.L.A„ George N. Reynolds, F. C.
Taylor (Lindsay), H. T. Eager, Frank Arnoldi, K.C., IIon. Duncan J.
McIntyre, Alex. C. Morris, F. L. Patton. F. S. Wilson (Piston),
Crewe, A, Monro Grier, K.0 , F. E. Dingle, Thomas Long, Edwin
Roach, Dr. Charles O'Reilly, F. L. Fowke (Oshawa), Aemilius Bald-
win, Dr. R. M. Bateman, V. H. E. Hutcheson, James Scott, F,. J.
Harris (Hamilton), J, B. Bell, R. S. McLaughlin (Oshawa), A. E.
Ferrie, W. Gibson Cassels, Joseph Walmsley, M. S, Bogert (Mont-
real), Stephen Noxon, D„ Henderson, K.C„ Leighton McCarthy, K.C.,
G. H. Muntz, George McDonald, John M. Baldwin, Thomas Arm-
strong, M.D., A. J. Harrington, L. A. Hamilton, A. H. Campbell,
H. S. Osler, K.C., J. Harry Paterson, E. C. Burton (Port Perry), J.
Gordon Jones, H. Gordon MacKenzie, W. Wallace Jones, F. C.
Snider, W, Cecil Lee, N. W. Tovell, H. E. Smallpiece, N. F. Davidson,
K.C., Joh., I'lrstbrook, J. J. Cook, John J. Dixon, R. M. Gray, W. H.
Knowlton, H. S. Harwood, F. D. Brown, Thos. He Wood, A. R. Bos-
well, K.C., Samuel Jeffrey (Port Perry), William Crocker, E. C.
Jones, F. H. Gooch, J. 0, Buchanan, Jno. Leckie, W. C. Crowther,
Sir Henry M. Pellatt, C.V.O., W. H. Edwards,
It was moved by Mr. W. R. Brock, seconded by Mr. A. W. Austin,
that Sir Edmund B. Osler, M.P., do take the chair, and •hat Mea
C. A. Bogert do act as Secretary.
Messrs, A. R. Boswell, K.C., and W. Gibson Cassels were ap-
pointed scrutineers.
The Secretary read the Report of the Directors to the Sharehold-
ers and submitted the Annual Statement of the affairs of the Bank,
which• is as follows:
The Directors beg to present the following statement of the re-
sult of the business of the Bank for the year ended 31st Deceinber,
Bala14:nce Of Profit and Loss Account, 31st December, 1913..$ 647,688.32
Net profits for the year• after deducting all charges and
making full provision for bad and doubtful debts ... 925,364.94
Premium received on new Capital Stock 188,655.20
Making a total of $1,761,708.46
Which has been disposed of as follows:
Dividends (quarterly) at Twelve per cent. , ..$716,244.67
Bonus, Two per cent 119,992.00
Total distribution to Shareholders of
Fourteen per cent. for the year $836,236.67
Contribution to Officers' Pension Fund 25,000.00 •
Contribution to Canadian Patriotic Fund . , 25,000.00
Contribution to Canadian Red Cross Society2,500.00
Contribution to Belgian Relief Fund 1,000.00
Transferred to Reserve Fun+l-Premium on
New Stock 188,655.20
Written off Bank Premises $100,000.00
$ 400,000.00
$ 284,316.59
Reserve for possible depreciation in value
Balance, of ,Profit and Loss carried forward
Balance at credit of account, list December, 1913 ... , ..$6,811,344.80
Transferred from Profit and Loss Account
37,000,000 . 00
E. B. OSLER, President,
C. A. BOGERT, General Manager.
In the hist Annual Report your Directors made reference to the
general financial and commercial depression then existing, which con-
dition was much intensified through the outbreak of the war in
Europe in July last, necessitating the exercise of unusual care in ad-
ministrating the affairs of the Bank. it has been our endeavor to
fully provide for the requirements of deserving borre\vers, particu-
larly those engaged in producing and marketing the foodstuffs of the'
country, at the same time maintaining strong cash reserves and
liquidity of assets. This policy has been satisfactorily carried out.
The earnings were somewhat smaller than in 1913, but justified
the declaration of the usual dividends and bonus after ample provision
had been made for all accounts of a doubtful character and for possi-
ble depreciation in the value of assets.
The Directors feel that you 'will approve of certain unusual dis-
bursements that were made from the profits of the year, namely, con-
tributions to the Canadian Patriotic Fund, the Canadian Red Cross
Society, ati:d the Belgian Relief Fund, reported in detail in the State-
It wilt:be observed that the issue of new Capital Stock of the 15th
of February, 1913, is now fully paid up, the Capital Account standing
on 31st December, 1914, at $6,000,000, and the Reserve Fund at
$7,000,000. ,
A notable event in the history of the Bank has taken place since
the. Shareholders last met, in the completion of the new Head Office
Building, which was occupied in November last. The results obtain-
ed may be• considered highly satisfactory. Allowance has been made
for the natural growth of the Bank's business, and every facility has
been provided for the convenience of. its customers; furthermore,
To the Editor:-
ditor:The Editors of the Technical World
say, "Emperors, business men, social
reformers, are all agreed upon one
thing; alcoholic drinks work positive
harm. A single glass of beer lessens a
man's efficiency seven per cent.
Imagine then what larges quantities of
wine, gin or whiskey will do. The up-
to-date employer will not keep men
who drink even in moderation. The
Secretary of the Navy will not allow
them on our warships; every command-
er in the field today in Europe is lead-
ing a sober army. Everywhere the
brains of the world recognize that alco-
holic liquors weaken both muscle anti
mind power."
For many years the people have been
demanding of the Provincial Govern-
ment that the use of alcoholic liquors
for beverage purpores be prohibited,
but so far without any result worth
mentioning from either of the political
parties. Local prohibition wherever it
has been given a fair trial has proved
to be a great blessing t6 the community
but is handicapped by some wet muni-
cipality close at hand. But even under
those adverse circumstances it has been
such a benefit that the people would
tot go back to license except in a very
few exceptional Cases. Even in Toron-
to Junction, and other places, where
liquor can be had bar crossing the street
it has worked great good. Phis shows
that if a bunch of Men are passing a
saloon they may go in; whereas if they
have to go round a block for it only the
n'd chronic drinkers will do so.
H. Arnett,
considerable revenue will be derived trona the space rented by the
various tenants of the building,.
During the year Branches were opened at Fort Frances, Ont.
and in Toronto at Yonge and Hayden 'streets, and at the corner of
McCaul and St. Patrick streets.
The following Western Brunches were closed, as the business
secured and the prospects did not justify their further maintenanee:
Hanley, Sask.. Clareeholm. Alta.; Granville Street Branch, Vanoou.,
ver; South Hill Branch, Moose ,taw; Hillhurst Branch, Calgary/
Riverside Branch, Calgary; Fcrnwood Branch, Victoria.
In accordance with $;'tion 56 of the Hank Act, and following
their anointment at the last Annual General Meeting a complete audit
of the afatrs of the Bank was made by your Auditors, Messrs, G. T.
Clarlcson and U. J. Dilworth, whose certificate is attached to the
Statement now submitted.
In addition the usual inspections of all the Branches of the Bank
have been made during the twelve months under review, and the
Head Office Cash. Investments, and Balance Sheet of the 31st De-
cember were verified by a committee of your Directors.
E. B. OSLER, President;
Toronto, 27th January, 1015.
It was moved by Sir Edmund B, Osier, M.P., seconded by Bir.
W. D. Matthews, and RESOLVED. That the Report be adopted,.
The retiring Auditors, Messrs. Geoffrey T. Clarksop and Robert
J. Dilworth, were reappointed Auditors for the current year,
The thanks of the Shareholders were tendered to the President.
Vice -President and Directors for their services during the year, arid.
to the General Manager and the other Officers of the Bent; for th'
efficient performance of their respective duties.
The following gentlemen were duly elected Directors for the en-
suing year : Messrs A. W. Austin, W. R. Brock, James Carruthers,
R. J. Christie, J. C. Eaton, J. J. Foy, K.C., M.L,A., W. D. Matthews,
A. M. Nanton, E, W. Hamber, H. W. IHIutchinson, and Sir Edmund
B. Osler, M.P.
At a subsequent meeting of the Directors, Sir Edmund B. Osler,
M.P., was elected President, and Mr. W, D. Matthews, Viee-President
for the ensuing term.
31 December, 1914.
Capital Stock paid,'
Reserve Fund
Balance of Pr
Dividend No
Bonus, Tw
So that liquid soap can be used for
washing clothes there has been invent-
ed a receptacle for holding it at the
top of a washboard.
A native of Liverpool, Peter Adair,
asserts that since he was fourteen - he
is now seventy -two -he has walked
over half a million miles.
A German's military service has our
phases -active service, serving on the
reserve, in the Landwehr, and finally
rn the Landsturm.
Practice targets for the British navy
have been built pp from many plates of
steel. any of which can be cheaply re-
placed when injured.
',' num etroet caH,*e -eau """'"i14'" or
EW,G 1!1`T CbM �AI�iX�Ei)
'`=TORONTO ' I tom
$ 6,000,000.00
$ 7,000,000.00
carried forward 284,316.59
payable 2nd January, 1915 170,979.10
er Cent., payable 2nd Jan., 1915 119,992.00
dends unclaimed 725,75
tal Liabilities to the Shareholders... $13,585,013.44
es in Circulation $ 4,143,040.00
alance due to Dominion Government 1,552,861.65
Deposits not bearing interest.$ 8,597,303.89
Deposits bearing interest, in-
terest accrued to date,,. 49,169,692.86
Balances due to other Banks in Canada....
Balances due to Banks and Banking Corres-
pondents in the United Kingdom and
foreign countries
Bills Payable
Acceptances under Letters of Credit
Liabilities not included in the foregoing..
Total Liabilities to the Public
Gold amid Silver Coin
Dominion Government Notes
Notes of other Banks
Cheques on other Banks
Balances due by Banks and Banking Corre-
pondents elsewhere than in Canada....
$ 1,604,941.79
Dominion and Provincial Government Se-
curities, not exceeding market
Canadian Municipal Securities, and British,
Foreign, and Colonial Public Securities
other than Canadian, not exceeding
market value
Railway and other Bonds, Debentures, and
Stocks, not exceeding market value •
('all and Short (not exceeding thirty clays)
Loans in Canada on Bonds, Debentures,
and Stocks
Call and Short (not exceeding thirty days)
Loans elsewhere than in Canada".
-..tther Current Loans. and pfscoents in. Catt-
ado. (less rebate"of interest)
•ither Current Loans and Discounts else-
where than in Canada (less rebate of In-
terest) 12,248.16
Liabilities of Customers under Letters of
Credit, as per contra 465,673.80
Real Estate other than Bank Premises . , 20,343.23
Overdue Debts (estimated loss provided .tor) 114,606.10
Dank Premises, at not more than cost, less
amounts written off 5,051,778.65
)eposit with the Minister of Finance for the
purposes of the Circulation Fund 263,900.00
'lortgages on Real Estate sold 13,872.11
inher Assets not included in the foregoing. 799.36
E. B. OSLER, President. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager.
We have compared the above Balance Sheet with the books anti
tccounts at the Chief Office of The Dominion Bank, and with the cer-
tified rete ns received from its Branches, and after checking the cash
a3id verifying the securities at the Chief Office and two of the principal
nchcs on December 31, 1914, we certify that, in our opinion, sucl'
Balance Sheet exhibits a true and correct view of the state of the
Bank's affairs, according to the best of our information, the explant:
tions given to us and as shown by the books of the Bank.
In addition to the examinations mentioned the cash and securities a
the Chief Office and two of the principal Branches were checked an,'
verified by us during the year and found to be in accord with tl:•
hooks of the Bank.
All information and explanations required have been given to is
and all transactions of the Bank which have come under our notir -
have, in our opinion, been within the powers of the Bank.
of Clarkson, Gordon & Dilworth, C.A..
Toronto, January 19th, 1915.
»�r.�.M��r...ti•.q�ta+..�I�M'M..M►4ww.r+.I�M1 �i/
To New Subscribers
We will send the Times to New
Subscribers to any address in
Canada to January 1st,
1916, for
75 cents
Leave your orders early
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