HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-01-28, Page 4etluti e d :lee; .in a ..tee (ease t L and le- iter leen,. rU McLEAR. PHONES: Residence 56. Office 644, Mill 64h, `1'CIE W1NGI-l:\V1 1'it►F. .1antely'' 28th, 1915 •� 2 - F ONE a 9't' - ^.M'.U..-.,'..6tASf;1l►,7±P� n marams A3,°. :4101'2 i a tiq ° x ! Sv I - ..a..... : .P_..x.. ,l.,.w..,>ie ',l 1n..S�. ALMOST .ot>t j Mr. anti Mrs A. el Lellan eelel•1 ated itf:i' :;nisi: 1 at':• til to e• geelen weft lu tI r i t i o 41. N� T`r4J Wise n leuce Buying t.t itIta[•f i''1 Li V: t',r •y .>, 1 S ' `3t i -.t ereryo -• els t e see d. 1 toe,,, ee �. Ill.^el,,liiey ..Beet, e .. �.... to II t needs tt voile ie tittle'. ` !t A't .il•'. , .L➢`:;'. en. fled .':11.3 els- . ' i Buy P j •• When You Buy front the Dealer Wl;t�.h� You Direct from Page U u TO LtaGDtIL'R'I'ine!`i?l','a r•03ee titt:t t 1114L1 L t-- l.. a'tdl; ' t.,elt'.o w(^.V I :PI" 1 ci!'t'ryoII by t tr• :n1;r,t li'tle ur 1.o in lntillte•1t'-t ill Ili:e 1 :• a•.•ie: leer. tee truth I tic` . , not v. el; 1 Te•rt..it'nti !1?l.t':13i `� # °t• .rs tido. Itlr. ile lY't it•• i; tugs,' 'feet' 'stn;. ! i tree tri i i12•'7. •�t•,n .a }. a• ee; :3g; ' talil till:Il _ _eo _ _ be _t at title .] it ,tis elm t1.1..- tie hueile a\t r her Ireestitly were •,l at els tree. es eels-' .l I t • i ' 'ir L t3 t ; 3 h H; •^ 1 I I u'l• t ! ti :ic•c• ni't ester the•then,tenial' noon. nee t:•9rv° for eliatl.:tit s Janet he left net Meter thanthanel+?itit:;;r' evening. ('asll:al Aelvertisemente :le:e ged up Lentil iia , of creel rete. . , iu.'. 1.,.. l .:t ill � :c i °telt, ta' I to%t 11"'"-'1Ytit'..: Isar lit. two \ Sr tr' Ie 1•'u tile, t t t it•. 3 ed Its,: til. fete , r;.t in lift` ,•how ( r.I1ets, end ie no •r at, •.1 T I ye arra. .A ' 4 ';et: t32'' ti one ;til 1 :tin ill ' h ' Aor made pew,. . _,•`.!G' l _, .'ill t;It". d . fere, flit:, wither r:+[:i..i w•el le;t1Y;9 of et tet tPa i';, 172' uii.,r..taint......•td Its. hard to find. i I3 \t: 841 ilii. V0;l' si • ,: s1l ii ' 'r v fi v h.S..' -n.nr :i.'•' -r: •:t+•:rt•tirt of i3• _ - - 1• peter thet e. hoe t.li. . 7. tt ' t• I t• drde n •, t� �cr oet� V FIRE ., LIFE ACCIDENT, SICKNESS Lf INSMA KI 11 REAL ESTATE 1 Several Good Bargains in Town Residence and first class farms. ( J. G. STEWART Phone 18OFFIC4E- GRIFFIN BLOCK. Box 426 CREAM WAITED PATRONS of summer creamer- ies and cheese factories, we want your cream during the winter months. Highest Prices Paid for Good Cream We supply two cans free and pay twice each month. Write for cans. PALM CREAMERY PALMERSTON - ONT. T. R. BENNET J. P AUCTIONEER Will ;ive better satisfaction to both buyer and and seller than any other Auctioneer and only charge what is reasonable. PURE BRED STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY Sates conducted anywhere intOntario Several good farms for sale. Sale dates can he arranged at 'Bees office. Write or Phone 81, Wingham NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES All; the Leading Canadian and Am- erican Magazines and Newspapers. We take subscrip- tions for all papers and Magazines. FANCY STATIONERY OF ALL twins TIMES STATIONERY STORE Opposite Queen's Hotel ,. - -- », ur. I`. ,e. rtlrrctlla l..c.M. Orr etie• and ('heirmeeter of St. Andrew's Church Towhee of 1'isr.oforte, Singing Violin Piano+ end Organs Tuned en I Reoairiel, Wingham, - Ont. f j ail tie, se mei' It i.•i t 'el.lie'`I)AY• J.ANUT.l1. 2e t9 :a,, 1 1'dlo on tt o -•-tl • t'or t.',•ai: DIM atilt lc eh:ldrt'n is lir 1„A- FIRE, i t l D TORIAL "If one of these days of trial we elite rte with a freeh lerapective of reit:giv: values, with a new enthusiasm and t uiekeneed faith in OA, then with our vast territore, embracing such versed wealth of rr,cutees, heir of an inheriteu.'e that is heq'leethe"d to us by what is still the foremost nation of the world. welded together in bonds of loyalty that are cemented by gratitude, and made firmer still by memories of sacrifice, roused to a consciousness of the place that we mean to fill in mould- ing the destinies of this great continent, and most of all established and strength- ened by those normal forces which are the main fibres of national greatness -- even though the darkness seems to gather around us to -day, who shall ven- ture to forecast the glory of the dawn- ing to -morrow?" This was the peroration of an inspir- ing address which Rev. Dr. W. T. Her - ridge, Ottawa, Moderator of the Pres- byterian Church, delivered in Toronto last week. )3LL'e ORE A quiet wedding took place at Tees - water Manse Jan. 14th when Margaret E. daughter of John Aitken was joined in the bonds of matrimony to Freder- ick Johann. The young couple spent the next few days in visiting friends in Harriston and Gorrie afterwards re- turning to their future home near Bel - more. Friends and acquaintances join in wishing them a long and happy jour- ney throLgh life. W HITxo13IIRCH The Red Cross Workers of this locality recently sent a box to Toronto contain- ing the following articles: -6 pillows, 35 shirts, 19 long night shirts, 8 short night shirts, 8•scarfs, 1 cap, 86 emirs of socks, 2 dozen pairs of wristlets. The gift has been acknowledged as follows: - Head Office, 77 King St. East Toronto. Jan. 21, 1915. Miss M. Beecroft, Secretary Red Cross Workers of Whitechurch, Wingham, Ont. Dear Miss Beecroft: - I beg to acknowledge receipt of yours of the 16th inst enclosing a shipping bill for supplies shipped. An official receipt will be - sent for these by our storekeeper upon arrival, and I shall be glad if you will kindly thank the members of your Branch for this handsome contribution. Yours very truly, Noel Marshall, Chairman Executive Committee The anhual report o[ the Whitechurch Presbyterian Church for 1914 shows that the year was closed with a member- ship of 173. During the year eight were added by certificate and eighteen by profession. Four members were removed by death and four by certi- ficate. The total contributions for the year amounted to $3457.34 and of this amount $53L93 was for missions. The congregation in every way had a very prosperous year and is doing good work under the pastorate of Rev, J. Tire Stewart. The meeting of the Young People's Guild on Sunday evening was conduct- ed by Mr. Fred Davidson, who gave an interesting and profitable address on the tonic, "Favorite characters of the Bible and why." Several members discussed characters whose lines appealed to them, drawing help- ful lessons from the stories of their struggles and temptations. The topic for Jan. 31st is "Our Foreign Missions: Their Needs and Claims," and the meet- ing will be in charge of Misses Mary Paterson and Lou Bgiestone. TOO MANY CHILDREN are under -size, under -weight with pinched faces andpoor blood;they- do he doncomplain but apite lags, they 'nave no ambition and do not progress. Such children need the rich medicinal aourisltntent in Scott's Emulsion above everything else; its pure cod liver oil con- tains nature's own blood -forming, flesh - building fate which quickly show in rosy cheeks, better appetite, fire flesh end sturdy frames. If your children are Ianguid, tired when rising catch cold easily or find their studies difficult, give them Scoff's Emulsion; it supplies the very food ele- ments that their systems lack. Scott's Emulsion contains no harmful drugs and ie so good for growing children. We a pity to keep it front them. ?4"47 Scott a Zorn*, Toronto, Ontario. I Plea, which speetely brit t ti , h, a t 1, str eel Th,.:;.llc'vel (1111,4 t .d• i thol5tind.e of e: t„i:<c:imr A. ()wee, t1uu,. tt, 'mired it: teat -Awe ionic l; , d•tu;,hter 1 Attu . says:--" `it•e'•tt eel a•;o sly Ihealth was in e wretehed condition. of :,1 r. 411 i,Scfii.S to Albert Elliott, t My whole system seemed to be rue of 4th line of Turniters,'. 'T'ae hr;de , down and the doctor seemed puzzled at wore a gown of copenlla••on Wee silk. my condition. T had no appetite, vier- A span of white I1 r e*. welt the young, • y9 sten would leave me breathless, and I of the bride s sister, ' vias troubled much with dizziness.. All couple to the home the medicine I took did me no good and Mrs J. L. Bell, where they partook of I was steadily growing weaker. My a sumptuous wedding supper in the u• ..:tree l life e • t.:seem t?AI, e. only 01' wo- tr'; ;' fief 0titiit:I!• leek oboe. Al ,, 'tt.y wedding, t.l,#k p': ce at the ;limn - /led cut roe. 1 thous:eels, met le-se,eetigeell'ln;;;3te , t!', da• sada , Jan. e is droved by the 211t11, were) Rev. I. W. Kiip.ttriak s. fj mother urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and before I had taken them very long I began to feel like a new man and continuing their use I was re- stored to complete health. I now recommend them to all run down in health as they are the best medicine I know of." Sold by all medicine dealers, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxe ',for $2.50, from The I)r. Williams' ledi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. We sell Money MakeOrder Ferti- lizer from us. I i money maker. A. H. Wilford. FOitDYC E. Miss Mary O'Callahan is at present visiting friends in Greenock. Miss Millie Lever and brother, Chas., spent Sunday at Win. Champion's. Mr. John Boyle is cutting wood for Mr. F. Doyle. Mr. W. Adair has been visiting at C. F. Martin's for a couple of days. Mr. Ed. Haines has been laid up with the la grippe. We hope he will re- cover soon. ST. HELENS. Rev. Mr. Thyme of Palmerston preached last Sunday in the Presby- terian Church in the absence of Mr. Macintosh. Frank Todd's team are drawing lum- ber to Button's factory in Lucknow. John Durnin got three fingers cue in the grain chopper. Jas. Aiteheson, Jas. Anderson and Jas. Lyon all had parties last week. Frank Irwin is chopping and rolling grain here every Monday and Thursday. Mr. Wm. Humphrey is still on the sick list. His two daughters from Guelph are with him at present. Messrs Elgin and Arnold Barbour of Erin are visiting in this vicinity. The Literary Society programme last Friday evening was a decided success. A good debate is arranged for Friday evening this week. There is no charge for admission. Everybody come -and bring your friends. It begins at 8 p.m. The annual meeting of the sharehold- ers of the Public Hall, St. Helens, will be held on Monday, Jan 25th. All shareholders are requested to be pre- sent The apuual meeting of the Rifle Club St. Helens, will be held in the Forest- ers' Hall on Jan. 28th. The annual meeting of the Public Library was held on Jan. 10th. The officers elected for 1915 were as fol- lows: President - Rev. Mr. Mackintosh, Vice -Pres. -D. McKenzie. • Secretary -T. B. Taylor. Treasurer. -W. E. Gordon. Librarian -Miss Colina Clark. Directors -Mesdames Peter Clark. W. E. Gordon, Messers W. I. Miller, Peter Clark, John Joynt, Will Ruther ford, Ross Murray and R. Robinson. mewls Tuesday afternoon of last week the remains of Mrs. Jno, Robertson, form- erly of the 13th Con, of Grey township, were interred in Brussels cemetery on the arrival of the 3.45 train from Itin- cardine, Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A., con- ducted the burial service at the grave- side. Deceased passed away last Sun- day, at the home of her son, in McGill. vray township, Middlesex Co. in her 83rd year. She had been in failing health for some time but only bedfast for 5 weeks. The infirmities of old age was the cause of death. Mrs. Robert. son's maiden name was Catherine Buchanan, she being a sister to Jno. and Alex. Buchanan, old residents of. Grey. Birthplace was St. Anne's, Cape Breton, coming West when 19 years of age to Harperhey. About the year 1864 she was united in marriage to Jno. Robertson and they took up their abode on Lot 12, Con 13 Grey township, then an unbroken forest. Mr. Robertson died there in 1881, and wag interred In Brussels cemetery. The family moved to Bruce Co. in the fail of 1803 where they resided nor 13 years going to Middlesex County in 1945. presence of the immediate relatives. The evening was spent in music, games and dancing. Mr. and°Mrs, Elliott will leave shortly for their home in the 'Vest is a'ad many friends here extend eongrat- ,aces.• reveryeeseseesei ;,, e; ulations. . YOU PAY 1---3iattltfat't ureses factory(•list (iueludieg mater- ials, lat.'s, Ulaellint'ry, sliperilti patience, etc.) 2-M;ani..tet tit et''s :alvet•ta iill.*, ettl`t.. 5 Idtint11'ttvturter s:=civ; an `n's travelling expellees 4.Manufcietthee', r<alenlnl•u',, rollout>:.iuu.,. i.-M';luul•attnr.'r';i interest on dealer's "titue- +l• ..4m(1t." 6 ;lanut'at'turt'r'.s allt,wr.ueo e,n' heti debts. 7 Finnut'ae•t ur#'t•'s tlruiits, 3 Ilealer'e property iuveetntent Neve, stuck, e 9 Ova ' tet: ul t':';, etc, ) N ii!' t -.1 Un ole,tttttlUr'ti t•�i "tune-al'ts,•' la I) : ,s -11:ut:aur•' fur gilt debts, 11 Dealer's proles, ..rt. 1n Ii G 4e °' f... " " Y • "........ a.! 1 . , }jt , • r 1 1.9 9, i l9 r i, j 9 •3 (, c, Vii, ,l ., e, Ede t 9 ; r.,.., 5., , ii, a. i �t ,19, . 9 02 l:5.; e,e. ii,} v u? 9, 9. i 10 48 ?OS e a„ ..1 5? `1, ;J, M, 8 ao e2 iii='. : s, s, A :is''?, a/. 9, i fit res l., i. roiya?,%3,`3a'i?°.h710A. 9.9 el e eroe, No.) GAIIGE. .29 34• .33 35 :30 YOU Pe.Y OeILY 1--Man'il;tt'ttir,'r':, feet ery e•1•41, (iueia;lin mater. ind9, lal;.11 snaellinery,lUt"riotendencc, ett'.) 2-Ma!ltiltie•i til...10a adv..,ci I'^1ltg t'e`a. ;, %Iautlfarlfurl'•:: prolila. a And tho other tight Sig items which you f _r don't Loan' ropri esow,��. the e.tts'a actual valtaw of ?age I enc : 'ver ordinary fence. thee, vin u .1 keep in your pock- et eve., a e you buy Page Fence. • ^ .1 *PINS?. 1 >0.41 .l fear, 4: t tools eeft. Cate e.25 12 -ft. lite eeeSi 1 01 35 -ft. Gate $',.L':, Cate 25 lbs. Staples 25 lba. Wire rrS.xrl•r rnic ON o. F r:3 ua .CO.13 on OVER PAGE WIRE FENCE CO., LTD. When you buy nrdinnry t'i'me through tin' dealer - you're giving dollar bills for 1i0e. worth of forme. When you buy direct from PAGE you get more nearly 100 real value for your mon- ey than with other fence bought in any other way. 1LtiJ your order to PAW,' today. Freight 2511'(I 'on orders of $!0 or Oyer. DEPARTMENT No. 84, 1137 &ling st., West TORONTO 87 Church St. e WALIIERVILLE THE DOMINION BANK I e1R EDMUND B. oSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. 0. MATTHEWS, YIOE-PRESIDENT. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. Capital Paid up , $6,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits . 7,300,000,00 A Savings Department is conducted at every Branch of the Bank where deposits of $1.00 and upwards are received and interest at current rates added. It is a safe and convenient depository for your money. WINGHAM BRANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. 44�ri'�7i,�1.1!•'r�.4�ttB-'f?.V�f,�ti rs.V6-�r,\�Vi-`r3.�7f,4A�rt.1�%.-�1��F.�^��,JFTV!-7h4t�7.�� PRODUCE COMPETITION - CONTINUED Last Fair Day our Butter and Egg Competition was a great suceess, We continue it on Next Fair Day, February Each entry must contain 25 lbs o utter, or 5 dozen Eggs. Prints must be rapp in butter paper labeled "Dairy Butter." R. Is st be wrapped in cheese cloth. Competition c .es at 4 o'clock. ..sa...-.4.,..,... airosAlitss.~.0~40040~0400•061. Who's Your. Grocer? We're Bidding for Your Trade. HAVE YOU TRIED marketing here? Call and let us fill your next order. If you want clean, fresh Groceries of the best quality at lowest prices we have them -Choice Groceries, Fresh Fruits, appetising Smoked; Meats, high .grade Teas, pure Confectionary, all tjleading brands of Breakfast Foods, and best Canned Goods on the market. Your order will be filled promptly and ;satisfaction is left with ca• Henry T. Thomson "The House of Quality" )liree Delivery Phone 9 Fast Servicer • 11(4 ortwoomomprowiimehowifromo." If five entries in each case, prize $1.00, if ten en- tries. prize $2.00, if fifeeen entries, prize $3.00, if twenty entries, prize $4.00, if twenty-five entries, prize $5.00., We are agents for Evans' Fertilizer, Remember it is the best you can buy. Leave your order with us. A. H. 'lMILFOftD Phone, Office 174 Wholesale Produce Residence 108 rumennosissumossomomemss I CREAM WANTED . Having an up-to•date Creamery in full opt.r.tion, we solicit ) our creche patronage We are prepared to pay the Mahe/4 market prices for good cream ants give you an honest business. weieetrg, sampling and testing each can of cream received carefully and retyrnirg a full statement of sumo to each patron. We fnnish two can. to each patron pay all express charges and pay every two weeks Write for further particulars or Send for cans and give us a trial. SEAFOR rH CREAMERY CO. 58.1 FORTH, ONT. al -la MISS SPARLING Licentiate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized teacher of Flet- cher Music Method, Simplex and Kin- dergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations in Piano and Theory. .Theory taught by correspondence. Classes Opened Sep. 21 'Phone 165 The 34th Battalion, third contingent, is eomfortably quartered in the Guelph Winter Flair building. DRAY EUSINESS Having purchased the Dray Business front Wm. Breckenridge, I am prepared to take care of business in this line. Your work will be given careful and prompt attention. A share of your patronage solicited. RObt. McGEE Phone 10 TENDERS WANTED The Secretary -Treasurer a School Section No. 3, Turnberry, receive sealed tenders up tt 7 o'cl' p. m., on February 13th for the eotion of a school house. Pla specifications &cations can be seen at his deuce, 10th con- cession of Turnberry. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBT. S. MUIR, See,-Treas.. Glenannan, Ont. PLEASANT VIEW FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, 100 acres cleared, 20 acres hard wood bush; well fenced; good state cultivation; wind trill; good water; bank barn 82x52; good Outbuildings; two storey brick cottage, 11 rooms. tf ROBBB.T LEA.T 1 E A{la, 20 to 30 Per Cent. OFF A LL hinter Goods Men's'Fur Coats, 'Coon, China Dog, Corean Beaver and Calfskin. All Men's and Boys' Cloth Coats and Reefers. Men's, Boys', Ladies' and Children's Sweatercoats. Ladies' Chinchilla Cloth Coats at 1-3 off Regular Price. We do not want to carry over any of these Goods. A full Iine of Fish now on hand. Pickled Lake Superior Herring, $1,6o per pail of 25 pounds. All kinds of Produce wanted. sssomlmlmlm.Sons•s1ms•.*ms.Sr..;SS*Ws•sS•osossms•msm•. JA MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGNAIV[, ONT. W IS THE TIME TO RENEW SUBSCRIPTIONS