HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-01-14, Page 4RSTtAAlii.h 1B1) 157;: Coal W1N 1IIAtl1 r IMES. Coal $ $° �ilLl��x, PUAT,Tal: na AND Pitoi'isroa 10.0.410.•1: ton Coal in all sizes. ('ann•11,Stnithing,aud Steam Coal, Charcoal, Coke, IIard and soft Wood, Lwn- bcr, 1.'itiz and Shingles al- ways on baud'and delivered promptly. 7'o avoid aub,cti tiou and .taps,.iti,ni oz•der';I).L. & W. Scranton Coal. ('ash for Logs and Head- ing Dolts. �a McRAN PHONES: Residence 55. Mill 64b, Office 64a, asesassesaasesestesesseertteesaleestasevastelSal FIRE, . LIFE, ACCIDENT, c SICKNESS I `I 6 E II REAL ESTATE (� Several Good Bargains in Town Residence and 1 ( first class farms. () J. G. STEWART OFFICE- GRIFFIN BLOCK Phone 184 P. 0. Box 4.26 J CREAM WAITED PATRONS of summer creamer- ies and cheese factories, we want your cream during the winter months. Highest Prices Paid for Good Cream Ii We supply two cans free and pay twice each month. Write for cans. PALM CREAMERY PALI1ERSTON - ONT. Sale Notes collected on favorable terms, and advances made on such notes at reasonable rates. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week T. R. RENNET J. P. AUCTIONEER Will give better satisfaction to both buyer and and seller than any other Auctioneer and only charge what is reasonable. PURE BRED STOCK SALES A SJ'I O7ALTT Sallee conducted anywhere in Ontario Several good farms for sale. Sale dates can be arranged at TIMES. office. Write or Ph ine•8 I, Wingham NEWSPAPERS AND NATwo full shows at the Picture House tonight (Thursday) under the auspices of the Ladies' Patriotic Society. Also musical program by local talent. Come and show your sympathy with the cause. Admission ten cents and up- wards anything you would like to give IHelp the good work of the Red Cross 'ocietg by your presence tonight. f .1.13104111 THURSDAY, JANUARY 14. 1914 EDITORIAL NOTES The financial statement of the Do- minion for the month of December em' phasizes the continued falling off in revenues which will be the serious taxation problem the Government will have to solve when Parliament meets. Since the outbreak of the war there has been a decrease of nearly $17,000,- 000 in total revenue, as compared with the last four months of 1013. For December the decrease was $3,763,526, as compared with the preceding Decem- ber. For the full calendar year the figures are still more ominous. The total revenue for the past twelve months was $135,893,766, a decrease of no less than $44,621,299, as compared with 1913 On the other hand, the ex- penditures for the ordinary cost of ad- ministration have increased by more than $15,000,000, and in consequence the national debt has made an unparal- leled jump during the course of the year. At the end of December last the net debt stood at $276,744,164, as com- pared with $303,502,104 at the end of 1913, an increase of a little more than $73,000,000 during the course of the year. The war curiously enough has not affected the stamp issue in Canada. Instead of decreasing it has grown, a fact which doubtless is due in part to so many Canadians being in the old country and the heavy correspondence taking place with them. The issue in Decem- ber totalled $1,720,492.43, as compared with $1,661,099.89, an increase of $58,- 492.54. As against December 10years ago, this is an increase of over a million dollars. For the nine months of the fiscal year the stamp revenue was $11,- 189,'780.31. an increase of $66,074 65 over the same period of 1913. THE COUNTY COUNCIL. Following are the Reeves and Deputy Reeves, who will form the Huron Co. Council for 1915.- Ashfieid -0. Stewart. Blyth -Dr. Milne. Bayfield -Thos. Thompson. Brussels-Jno. Leckie. Clinton -Jas. Ford. Exeter -J. W. Taylor Colborne -S. Bissett. Goderich-Robt. Elliott and J. C. Laithwaite. Goderich Township -W. H. Lobb. Grey -R. Livingstone and J. Brown. Hay -L. Kalbfleish. Hensall-Thos. Hudson. Howick - R. Harding and L. Demmer - Hag. Hallett --John Fingland. McKillop-Jno, Govenlock, Morris -J. Shortreed. Seaforth-John A. Stewart. Stanley -John McKinley. Stephen -W. R. Elliott and John Love. Turnberry-J. Mulvey. Tuekersmith -A. Crich. Usborne-F. Ellerington. Wawanosh E, -J. M. Campbell. Wawanosh W• -R. B. Murray. Wingham -S. Mitchell. Wroxeter -C. Reis. The Warden will go to the Liberals this year and the run will probably go between Dr. Milne of Blyth and Jno. Govenlock of McKillop Twp., and it will be a toss up who will get it. All, the Leading, Canadian and Am- erican Magazines 1 and Newspapers. We take subscrip- tions kr all payers and Ma;a ass. 0; FANCY STATIONER ERY OE .# ALL IIIINDS r �.,..,..4...:....,. , STAT Set y *t the Ye7t'ir to ey Petolttw yr Iry ru)ik' r>C uemetic, help tli rhe ty t. ' sttt.M dine Nir t s ib w• it i tar risa F well es Y: bl*.�i►. 'r IS YO R y .Y BLOOM RICH? Poor good j l is the indirect cause of much atter sickness -it dliocvs chills, invites colds and sickness. Nasatleattsr alone makes blood- s -sat &.pts or liquors -and the nourish- ing Seed ha ScotC "a kmelsfon charges c . !w bbrd With winter richness r...(i .e_r reraec the red corpuscles. las aCod Liam Oil warms 40 Cdr, fortMKss time lungs, a+alato* rheumatic TOUR Wit' HAS It. last Eittlesuttstrivnts. 'F'HF t;-1 A VI `1'1MR. antlttvl" I4th, 1015 MINOR LOCALS. -Have you renewed s our subscrip- tion to the TIMES, -Read Ezra Merkley & Son's new advt. in this issue. -Huron County Council will meet at Goderien on Tuesday, June 2dth. - 10 cents will pay for grinding your skates at Merkley's. Satisfacti( n guaranteed. -Any people with children who are in need can procure soup free of charge by calling at T. bells. -Mr Will Simmons, of Brandon, formerly of Wingham, is going to the I front with a company of Winnipeg soldiers. -All the leading magazines are on sale at the Tireus stationery store. If we have not in stock the particular: magazine you desire, we will procure it. - Division Court will be held in Wing - ham to -day (Thursday) at 9 o'clock a. m. with His Honor Judge Holt presid- ing. There are a number of cases on the docket. -Little Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chandler, fell while playing on the ice Saturday last and broke her collar bone, but we are glad to say she is doing nicely. -The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary, Wingham General Hospital will be held next Monday afternoon the 15th inst. at 4.15 in the council chamber. - Joseph Barber, who has been over fifty years Clerk of the Division Court •at Kincardine, was last week presented with a purse of gold, in honor of his ninetieth birthday. - The hockey team played the return game in Lucknow on Tuesday evening. which resulted in a victory for the visiting team The score was 8 to 3. Wingham has now a lead of two games. -The Session of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church last week engaged Mr. Colwell, of Dunnville, as choir leader and organist. Mr. Colwell has had a number of years experience and was very highly recommended. - Miss Olive Cruickshank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Cruickshank, B. Line of Turnberry, has been engaged as assistant Dictarian at the Toronto General Hospital. Many old friends here will wish Miss Cruickshank success in her new position. - Walter Rose oi< Teeswater disposed of a cockerel and 5Iullet for $35 for the pair to a man in Smith's Falls. He filled this order last week and since then has received from the same town an order for 1000 eggs and 800 baby chicks to be delivered in the spring. - The TIMES this week received a re- newal of subscription from our former townsman, Mr. G. McIntyre, of Oak River, Man. Mr. McIntyre informs us that his son, Ewart McIntyre has gone to the front to serve with the Cana- dians,' holding the rank of Sergeant Major. -G. V. Hounsell, late of Wingham, has bought out the baking business of H. Stowe, on Kingston street, and is now conducting it. Mr. Hounsell is a practical baker of over 14 years experi ence and understands the requirements for a good trade in that line. He hopes the people of Goderich will give him a trial share of their patronage, promis- ing to "make good" therein.-[Gode- rich Star. -Prof. Frank Weaver, voice special- ist and Concert Pianist of London com- mences teaching in this town on Thurs- day next. He wishes to inform the public that he will be pleased to accept both elementary and advanced' pupils in all branches oh piano playing and voice production. Prof. Weaver' will visit and teach at the homes of all pupils and will prepare for all ' examinations, if necessary. Pupils desirous of obtaining a first class training will please con- sult Prof. Weaver at the residence of Mrs. Boyd, Shuter street. CHURCH NOTES. Missionary services will be held (D. V.) next Lord's Day in the Methodist Church. Mr. William Gibson, of Lon- don will speak at both services, 11 a.m. and 7 p. in Mr. Gibson is an able speaker and his sermons will be full of interest. Splendid music. Everybody welcome. MINIM OF ST. PAUL TIlE APOSTLE Holy Communion will be celebrated at 8.80 a.m. next Sunday when a cor- porate attendance of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew is expected. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew wil Meet at the Rectory on Friday even'ng at 7.30. Wednesday evening service at 7.80, The rector will give an address on the Revision of the I rayer Book. On Monday evening a meeting was held in the basement. to organize a Chancel Guild resulted in the election of the following officers: President, Miss Eleanor Cor- nyn; VIce•President, Mrs. Alex. Porter; Secretary, Mrs. E. B. Walker; Treats tl'er, Mrs. R. Vanstone. Tip to the present the Guild has a Membership of fourteen. WINGHAM BRANCH; A. M. SCULLY, Manager. Bank o0 laniihon Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Paid-up, 3,000,000 Surplus - - - 3,750,000 THE DOMINIONBANK BIR EDMUND a. OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEW$, VIOC'PResipeeT. C. A, BOGERT, General. Manager. When a young man first makes his alliance with a financial institution by opening a Savings Account, he should - look ahead to the time when his bank book will aid his ad"ancement. A growing bank balance assures an employer that a younh man has master- ed the principal of economical manage- ment. This Bank Offers Farmers ' a complete and satisfactory banking service. Wingham, Ont Sale Notes collected on favorable terms, and advances made on such notes at reasonable rates. The Savings Department is a safe and convenient depository for your money. Interest at current rates is paid on deposits of one dollar and upwards. One dollar opens an account in the Savings Department, WINGHAM BRANCH; A. M. SCULLY, Manager. Bank o0 laniihon Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Paid-up, 3,000,000 Surplus - - - 3,750,000 AN IMPORTANT ALLIANCE. When a young man first makes his alliance with a financial institution by opening a Savings Account, he should - look ahead to the time when his bank book will aid his ad"ancement. A growing bank balance assures an employer that a younh man has master- ed the principal of economical manage- ment. C. P. SMITH, Manager Wingham, Ont lV ROXErE tL. The marriage of Mildred. daughter of Mrs. George Harris, Wroxeter, to A. Raymond Lecky, "The Farm," Londonderry, Ireland, took place at the bride's home on January 4, the Rev. T. M. Wesley officiating. The bride, who was given away by her mother, wore her travelling suit of navy blue serge and a black hat with ostrich mount and mink furs. There were no attendants, and Miss Maud Ferguson of Walton played the wedding march. Death has again been in our midst and this time claimed as a victim Geo. Nicholson,, a most ;highly esteemed pioneer of this locality. in his 83rd year. Daceased had not been in good Isealth for about a year, but only two weeks pre- vious to his death was the heart trouble from which lie suffered, critical, when medical aid and good nursing proved of no avail. With great patience Mr: Nicholson bore his sufferings until death released him on Wednesday, Dec. 23rd. The early part of his life was spent in Ramsay township with his parents, coming in the year 1856 to the sixth concession of Turnberry he took up a farm in the bush which he cleared, and built for himself every comfortable home, and where through years of per- severance, shrewd business judgment and economy he acquired a liberal amount of this world's- goods. In 1860 he married Jane K. Gemmill, who prov- ed a splendid helpmate to him, and to- gether they experienced the hardships and sacrifices of pioneer days. In 1900 they left the farm and took up their residence in Wingham where they lived for a short time, then moving to Wroxeter. Mrs. Nicholson predeceased her husband thirteen years ago. One adopted son, Mr. Allan Fralick, who is on the old farm, three brothers and two sisters, who will have the sympathy of the community Survive, The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon to the Wroxeter cemetery and was largely at' tended. The service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Wesley. Mr. Nicholson was a Liberal in politics and a member of the Congregational Church. Among those who attended the' fuheral from a distance were Mr. David Nicholson, brother, from Perth; a nephew, Mr George Nicholson, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Nevol, of Sault Ste. Marie; Miss Russell, Almonte; Mr. George Million, Teeswater, and Mr. James Reid, cousin of Teeswater. AUCTION SALES' D. E McDonald & Son will hold an auction sale of milch cows and young cattle at the National hotel on Satur- day, January 23rd, commencing at 1.30 o'clock p.m, There will be fifteen high-class dairy cows, in calf and calf at foot and fifteen first-class yea) lino and two year-olds.' John Purvis, auc• t'oneer. Mr. Geo. T. Robertson will hold an auction sale of stock, rigs, harness, etc., at his premises, corner of Victoria and Minnie streets on Saturday, January 15th, commencing at 2 o'clock. See bills for particulars. John Purvis, auctioneer. Mr. Milton Naylor, of lot 28, con. 9, Bast Wawanosh, will hold a clearing auction sale of farm stock and imple- ments on Priday, 'any, 22nd. Every- thing is to be sold as Mr. Naylor is giving up farming. John Purvis, auctioneer, MEETING OF MOP COUNTY COU The Coun it Of - ; Corpora- tion of he C .ntyof Huron will met. ' the Council Chamb in the Town of Goderi,Tuesday the 26th inst., at he hour of 3 o'clock W. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Goderich, this 12th day of January, 1915 TENDERS WANTED The Secretary -Treasurer School Section, No. 1J, Morris, •'ill receive sealed tenders up to 70'' ock p.m., on January 27th fo the ection of a school house. Plans a d . ecifiations can be seen at his resi. ce, 1st line of Morris. The lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. C. B. FORREST, Sec'y-Treas, 38.2t R.R. 2, Bluevale, Ont. Notice of Application to Surrender Charter. Take notice that after the publication of this notice once in the Wingham; Times, being a weekly newspaper ti= lished at the Town of Wingham • the County of Huron, the place w • e The Wingham Trading Compa , Limited, has its Head Office, an once in the Ontario Gazette, app ation will be made to His on, he Lieutenant Governor of 0 t: , by the said The Wingham Tra.'" g Company, Limited, for leave to surrender its Charter on the ground that the said Corporation has no assets, and no debts or obliga- tions. Dated at Wingham this 6th day of January, A. D. 1915. R. VANSTONE, wmgnam, r. U. Solicitor for The Wingham Trading 'Company Limited. 37-1 LOW FARES TO THE CALIFOR EXPOSITIONS VIA CHIC & NORTH WESTERN Four splendid daily . ins from the New Passenger T• Inal, Chicago to i San Diego. C.o'- of scenic and direct routes. Dou.' , track• Automatic electric safety signals all the way. Let us plan your trip and furnish folders and full particulars. B. H. Bennett, Gen. Agt., 46 Yonge St., Tor- onto, Ont. 4141, 38-3t. PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his house and one-fifth acre lot in the vile lage of Belgrave for sale. House is two-story brick, containing ten rooms and good cellar. Good frame stable on property, Everything in good re- pair. Get, full particulars on the prem. ises Or address. JAMES CUNNINGHAM, 38tf Belgrave, Ont, Dr. Hugh A. Stevenson was elected Mayor of London by 642 majority over Mayor Graham. Con troller T. L. Church defeated Con- troller McCarthy for the Mayoralty of Toronto by a majority of 6,469. The Russian Government has ordered 20,000 saddles from Canadian moat. facturers. Dec. 31st January Sale 31st .X„91" N 011..' Everything left over from Christmas must be sold at and below Cost liziesismommosas Watches For Ladies Ladles' 14kt solid gold 15.1 Waltham, reg. $40.00 sale $29; Ladies' 14k1 gold Elgin or Waltham reg $16 for $11..75; Ladies' 14kt' gold filled Elgin or Waltham most reg $12 for $9; Ladies' or Gent's gold fd watch reg $10 for $7.25; La- dies' silver watch rdg $5 for$350 For Men Gent's 18 size 14k1, gold fd 17 jewel Waltham or Elgin movt reg $25 for $17.50; Gents 14kt gold fd case 17j Waltham or Elgin naovt, re g $20 for $14; Gents 13 size gold fd case 15j Walthaml or Elgin movt reg $16 for $10.50; Gents 16 size 14kt gold fd case, 17j Elgin or Waltham movt reg $22.00 for $15.75; Gents 16 size goldfdcase Elgin or 'Waltham movt reg $15 for $9.75: Gents 17 jewel silver watch, reg • $18 price $12.75; Gen is 17 jewel Waltham or Elgin movt, reg $13 for $8.75; Gents Elgin or Waltham movt in 'nickel case, reg $8, sale $5.25; Boys' watches reg $1.50 for 95e. Clocks Reg. $12 . $8.50 Reg. $10 .:. .....$6.75 Reg. $8 $5.25 Reg. $4 $2.75 Bracelet Watches Reg $35.00.... .... .... $25.00 Reg $15.00.... .. , .. .... 10.50 Beg $10 • ... ......... 7.50 beg $8 . ... 5.25 Reg $5 ........... 3.25 Reg $3 50 2.25 Ladies' Bracelets Regular $8.50 - $5.25 Regular $6.50 4:00 Regular $5 3.00 Regular $3.50 2.25 Pendant Necklets Regulitr $25.00 Regular $15 Regular $10 Regular $6. Ladies' and Rings $17.00 9.75 6.50 $ 3.75 Gent's Regular $55 39.00 Regular 1$50 28,00 Regular $25 1.7.50 Regular $20 1.4.50 Regular $15 9.75 Regular $I0 6.50 Regular $5,.,.. 3.25 Regular$3 50 2.25 Regular $1.50 1.40 Ladies' and Gent's Chains Regular $10... 6.00 Regular $8 .., 4.75 Regelar $5 2.75 Regular $3 1.65 Regular $9 1.25 Ladies' and Gent's Store Rings at exceedingly low prices. Special prices on Lockets, Chains. Ladies' and Gent's Fobs, Brooches, Scarf Pins, Cuff Links, etc. Large stock of Silverware and Cut Glass at and below cost. .A. 'PHONE 65 Awilimaaa Knox OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL, JANUARY 13TH Every person come to Wingham, Fair Day. Come young and old, a sleighride will do you good. Make our store your headquarters, good fires and rest room up stairs. We bid you welcome Space will not allow prices on all goods but here are a few for Fair Day only. All colors Silk, reg $1.75, Fair Day per yd 4 shades Silk Brocade, reg $1.75, Fair Day, per yard $1.19 $1.19 Crepe Silk, reg 75'c, Fair Day per yard 49c Ladies' Sweater Coats, reg $2.50, Fair Day each • 60 Ladies' White Waists, 1-3 off reg price. 1 Man's Coon Coat, reg $125, Fair Day $100.00 $ 65.00 $ 19.00 $ 19.00 10 " Beaver Cloth Coats 23, Fair Day $ 16.00 4 Ladies' China Silk Cloth Coats " " $ 15.00 A host of other articles in like reductions. Come early and leave heavy wraps here, All kinds Produce taken. $1.79 1 3 3 • .; " $ 85, Fair Day China Dog Coat $ 25, Fair Day Colt Skirl Coat $ 30, Fair Day J A. 111111LI-S Successor to T. A. Mills PEONE 189. WINGRAM, ONT. amowswemasille