HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-01-07, Page 8f:Y4Il <'ir17 h� "I,76✓'Jfl F"-: fv-r c:;,'id �',», -` u- r 7 r.d._7 Cs. ti. t.- ]t`r!,[,rr,.➢e•.�e�,-5 u, r Se•+�r-..5rxar'r Page 8 THE WINGIIAM TIMES MINOR LOCALS. -The 'Ugh awl Public Schools re- opened on Monday. -Don't fail to be in Wingham en Moue Day, R4telrivitlar,, Jai•eary 13th. Local of tion Wii;3 sustained in Tees - water on Monday by a majority of 14. .-----Mr. Thiel. Tele formerly of Wing - bang was elected a member of • youth- ampten Council on Monday. The Rosary. The Fendell S it Com- pany will present the cos y in the Opera House on Friday n t. -The new municipal councils will hold their inaugural meeting on Mon- day morning next at 11 o'clock. -Horse Day in Wingham on Wednes- day, January 16th. Come to town and sell your horses and secure bargains being offered by .our merchants. -We are pleased to report that Mr. W. R. Dyer, who has been confined to his home through illness for some time, is now recovering. --The by-law to cut of six liquors licenses in London wee carried by a majority of 150. A similar by-law was defeated in Hamilton, ---Do it now. What? Pay for your copy of the TIMES in advance. We can give you clubbing rates on any newspaper or magazine. -At the annual meeting of School Section, No. 5, Turnberry, Mr. George Wheeler was elected as trusts "in place of Mr. Edward Jenkins, who etired. • - Mr, Fendell offers $ .00 for a couple to be married on t , stage, He has been.taken up on offer. Don't miss this Saturday night in the opera house. -Wingham. Guelph. Goderich, Clin- ton, Strathroy, Thaniesville, Orange- ville, North Bay and other Ontario municipalities voted in favor of woman suf'rerage on Monday. -Two changes have been made in the teaching staff at the Wingham High School. Miss E. C. Garrett, of Windsor taking the place of Miss Cooper and Miss Beatrice Kettlewell, of Toronto taking the place of Miss Anderson: -Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Bailey wish to express their appreciation and thanks to all those who so very kindly gave aid and sympathy to the late Mrs. Arr_ey' during her illness, especially the super- intendent and staff of the General Hospital. -Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy gave a dance in the Council Chamber, New Year's Eve for their daughters, who were home from the University for the Christmas holidays. Over one hundred guests were present and report a most enjoyable evening. CHURCH NOTES. Missionary services will be held in the Wingham Methodist Church next Sunday, both morning and evening. The pastor will preach at both services. Morning subje^t, "Our Need." Even- ing, "A Day of Good Tidings." Splen- did music. All are welcome. CHURCH OF ST. PAUL TIIE APOSTLE On Sunday last intercessory services according to the form issued by the Archbishop ' of Canterbury were ob- served in St. Paul's Church at both services. During the day prayers, hymns and psalms especially appropriate to the occasion were used. Rev. E. G. Dymond preached very strong and ,elo- quent sermons on the war and its lessons. Taking as his text in the morning, "Humble yourse:ves therefore under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you in due time" he warned his congregation against the spirit of pride, self-righteousness and arrogance which characterizes the enemy, but in all humility and contrition to ask God's mercy and help in this crisis; that this spirit must permeate the Allies before they dare implore the help of the Spirit of God on their side. In the evening the rector preached from the text, "Lord thou wilt ordain peace for us frit thou hast wrought all thy works in us." The attendance during the day was large and the services hearty. Mid -week service will be held on Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. MARRIED Prof) Frank Weaver LG,S, Concert Ort;snist, t ieuist,'V oic Specialist Teacher of kali Artisil Si 1.1 sears Pre lc . x;+erience Residence and ,studio 621 Merin Are„ London I11IN WINtGHAM, THURSDAYS ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Head ten cents a line for first insertion ; five cents for subse- Qiwat insertions. TRUNKS AND VALISES; ---Big stock of select from at lowest prices, W. J. GREET. FOR SALE - A car load of good feed corn at 75 cents per bushel. Apply to A. Fox, Whitechurch. Good house to rent.. Apply to Geo. Wraith, Victoria Street. To 1terr-A good house on Catherine street for rent. Get particu rs from J. W, Dodd. NOTICE -Owing to change in business all, accou is fog to Field Bros. are now due ..' can be settled at the store of W ield. FIELD,,ll'Iids, WANTED -Applications f tion of Sec'y,-Treas. of Agricultural Society Fair) will be recgiv signed up to .1 Currie, President, ham. the posi- Turnberry jlttingham Fall by the under - re!. 20th. W: J. R. No, 3, Wing - CLOVER THRES-iING The undersigned are prepared to thresh clover. For dates and terms apply to CRAIG & GILLESPIE, Whitechurch. Phone 5-611 or 3-611. . 35-2 Farm fol- Sale. Lot S.5:1 15, 15, 16, Con. 1, Morris, 100 acres; well watered; good buildings; large bearing orchard; '15 acres bush suitable for stock or grain farming. age miles from Wingham, owner retir- ing. Apply to W. CLEGG, Proprietor. Iiinnnes-•-WlineenI: -At the Metho- dist I arsonage, Pelgrave, by 11ev. I. W. Kilpatrick, 13. A.. on December 24th. Mr. Nelson A. Higgins, teacher at Ilelgrave, to Miss Violet Selena Wheeler, of Morris township. Gallaway-•-•Underwood--On Dec. 16, by Rev. T. M. Wesley, B. A., Sarah Fidelis Underwood. daughter of Jas. Underwood, Howick, to Wilbert Galla- way. Sangster-Gilmar a- At the Manse. Wroxeter, on Dec. 23, by Rev. T. M. Wesley, B. A., Annie Gilmer, of (Car- rick, to Thomas Sangster, of Howick. McLaughlin-gu�tehison--At the resi- dence of the bd�ide's parents, by the Rev. A. B. Dobson, on I)ee. 26th, Miss Marion C. Hutchison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hutchison, of Fordwich, to Mr. L, F. McLaughlin, of Rogthern, Sask. Struthers--Cooper---Ori Wed. Dee. 80, 1914, at Clinton, by the Rev. W. L. Rutledge, D. D., Edna Vena, daughter of Mrs. Wm., Cooper, to Robert Gordon Struthers, M. 13., eon of Mr. and Mrs. It. G. Struthers of GaltOntario, n ario, DRAY BUSINESS Having purchased the Dray Business 11 �� from Wm. Breckenridge. I am prepared to take care of business in this line. Your work will be given careful and prompt attention. A share of your patronage solicited. Robt. McGEE Phone 10' MISS SPARING Licentiate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized ,teacher of Flet- cher Music Method, Simplex and Kin- dergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations in Piano and Theory. Theory taught by correspondence. Classes Opened Sep, 21 'Phone 165 PLEASANT VIEW FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, 100 acres cleared, 20 acres hard wood bush; well fenced; good state cultivation; wind mill; good water; bank barn ,82x52; good out -buildings; two storey brick cottage, 11 rooms. ROBERT LEATHORN, tf Bluevale. . Shorthorns For Sale Herd -headed by t'Favorite Character," Imported. 4 BULLS 4, From 10 to 12 months old. These youngY bulls are an exceptionally fine lot. Some of tnem are ready for ser- vice and are thick, sntooth, fleshy fol- lows. Correspond or give us a call if you want something good. J. G. FYFE, 14. R. No. 4, Wingham. Broadview Farm, 1e miles south of Wingham. ANNUAL MEETIN The annual meeting of t�,, urnberry Agricultural Society (. tigham Fall Fair) will be held in t • )ouncil Cham- ber, Wingham, on, '' rsday, January 21st, 1915, comma ng at 1.30 o'clock, p.m., for receiving reports, electing officers, a Board of Directors, and transacting any other business which may be brought before the meeting. W. 3. Currie, I. B. Elliott, President. Secretary. Dr. Hugh A. Stevenson Was elected Mayor of London by '642 majority over Mayor Graham, opossionamislisMIMPloollualitio JANUARY FU SALE I, $5000.00 worth of Furs must be turned into cash this month. All Furs Guaranteed. Sale Prices Strictly Cash Some of the Wonderful Prices to start the Sale Mink Muffs s„„,,,,,y' ii only made, from good qual- ity Northern Mink showitig 4 to. 0 dark stripes. Reg $40.00 to $50 00 for [+27.50 Black Wolf Sets Made from choice bright skins in latest animal style, reg $35.00 and $50.00 for $27.50 and $35.00 Labrador Mink Set 1 only Stole and Muff made from the most select skins, trim- med with tails, reg :1200.00 set for $135.00. Western Sable Muffs and Stoles 20 only made from heavy furred skins in latest 'styles, reg $15.00 to $20.00 for $9.75 The very choicest Fur, Fur Lined and Fur Collared Coats selling without regard to cost: Men's Racoon Coats Selected from the choicest of skins, with quilted Italian lin- ing, reg $150.00 for $115,00. Men's China Dog Coats These make a splendid wear- ing Coat and will stand lots of hard wear, reg $20.00 to $25.00 for $16.50, Ladies' Fur Collared Coats with Alaska Sable Collar, plain Italian lining, interlined with shams, making it wind proof, reg $47,50 for $35.00 Ladies' Fur Lined Coats Made of extra quality black beaver cloth, sable collar, heavy dark muskrat lining, reg $82.50 for `$57.50. TERMS: /ill Furs Cash. All 1914 Accounts are now due, and must be paid this Produce Wanted KIN ROS 'Phone 71 Agents for Standard Patterns NOMIEMS"830521EMS•0112EMBUMMENNIMEE=BRONEMNIMISSEZVJ month. • I CREAM WANTED I IP Having au up-to-date Creamery in full operation, we solicit 3 our cream patronage. We are prepared to pay the highest market prices for good cream and give you an honest business. weighing, sampling and testing each can of cream received carefully, and returning a full statement of same to each patron. We funish two cans to each patron pay all express charges and pay every two weeks - 'Write for further particulars or send for cans and give us a trial. SEAFORTH CRE BY CO SEAFORTII, ONT. IIIIMMIERBENNEMEMEMIGMa SCRANTON OR LEHIGH COAL WOOD KINBEING At Lowest Prices. A. J. Cantelon OFFICE WITH Dominion Express Co.'s Office � RAM qY' G AND TRUNK SYs Double Track all the Way TORONTO --CHICAGO TORONTO --MONTREAL Unexcelled Train Service Highest Class of hquipment, WINTER TOURS t� California, Florida and Sunny South Fast 'Trains --Choice of a Routes Low Fares now in effect. For full particulars consult G. T. It. Ticket Agents or write C.E. Horning, Dist, Pass: Agent, Toronto. H. B. ELLIOTT, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent, Phone 4. W, b, BURGMAa, Station Agent, Phone 60. New Train Service TORONTO-MONT- REAL-O`1"`I"AIALA. Via 'take Ontario Shore Line" Fast time to Oshawa, Port Hope, Co- bourg, Belleville, Trenton, etc. 'W. A. SAN 17A11ISON, Town Agent, 'phone 97 J,H, BREMER, Eta tion Agent, 'phone 7 / C = KEEP THIS IN MIND As An Illustration We sell all kinds of BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS And Remember -This at the Lowest Prices advertised in any Canadcatalogue. Our prices change the same time as new catalogues are issued. Ladies' Rubbers which we sold up to last week for 65 cents are now 55c, etc Wiugham Horse Fair Wed. 13th O W. H. WILLIS & DO NOT FORGET IT SOLE AGENTS weep FOR LADIES uaNty S sISit 1 rmstr The Merchants' Brokerage Gompany The New Year is here and so are we with the goods at right prices. We have again gone through our stock, and have cut prices on all lines. Look through this week's list, and 'you will be convinced that you are getting best value for your money at this store MEN'S STORE 5 Suits Men's Suits in Tweeds and Worsteds, Reg. $18 for $12; reg. $15 for $10; reg $10 for $7.00 Boys' Suits, Tog $5 for 33 48; reg $4 for $1 98 Many other lines at equally low prices Odd Pants Reg $1 50 for $1; reg $2 for $1 48; reg $3 for $2; heavy tweed pants $2 25 for $1 48; heavy tweed pants reg $3 25 for 2 25; corduroy pants reg $3 for 1 98: overalls reg $1 for 89c; overalls reg $1 25 for $1 Men's smocks reg $1 for 80c; Men's lined smocks, extra heavy $1 48 Overcoats A large range of Men's and Boys' Overcoats in fur and tweeds. Men's fur overcoats reg $25 for 17; Men's overcoats in - black beaver cloth with fur collars, reg $18 for 12; Men's tweed overcoats reg $16 for 0; Boys' tweed overcoats reg $8 and $9 for 4 and 4 50 Sweatercoats and Sweaters Men's sweatercoats reg $5 for 3.18; Men's sweatercoats reg $4 for 2 08; Men's sweatercoats reg $1.50 for 98e; Men's heavy sweaters reg $3 for 1 98; these are exceptionally good value and just the thing for men at outside work. Boys' sweatercoats rag $2 50 for 1 98; Boy's sweatercoats reg $1 50 for 98o;, Boys' sweaters reg $1, for 68c -» Underwear Men's heavy wool underwear rag $1 25 for 79e; medium weight, reg $1 for 68e;light weight, reg 60c for 43e; fleece lined, rag 60c for 39c; Boys' fleece lined underwear reg 35e for 23c Shirts Men's work shirts reg 600 for 43c; rag $1 for 68c; Men's,fine shirts reg $1 25 for 89c; reg $1 for 69c; Men's night shirts, reg $1 for 78c; reg 85c for 63c . Collars and Ties Men'S linen collars reg 15c each 3 for 25c; Men's rubber collars reg 25c for 19c - Men's.ties reg 300 for 19c; reg 35c for reg ,50c for. 38c - Caps Men's caps reg 50c for 35c; reg 75c for reg $1 for 75c; reg 1.50 for $1; ian Lamb caps reg $7 for 4 48 25c; LADIES' STO • We have a 1.-- assortment of Furs -left over the Xmas trade. which must be clbared and will sell at slaughtering prices. Among them are Black Fox, Black Wolf, 'Coon, Grey Squirel, Per- sian Lamb and Persian Paw Setts 'Ladies and Misses' Coats Ladies' coats reg $15 for 6.48; reg $16 for 7.48; reg $16.50 for $8; reg $25 for 12.50 Misses' coats rag $8 for 4.48; Children's coats $6 for 3.48; rag $4 for 2,48 The balance of our Mantle Clothes will be sold at less than Maker's Prices: Dress Goods Black and white shepherd's cheek rag 25c 19e; Heavy blue serge reg 75c and $1.75 for 48c and 1.10; All -wool plaids reg 75c and 85c for 48c and 58c; Black serge reg $1.75 and 1.25 for 85c and 1.10; 15 pieces dress goods reg $1,50 and 1.00 to clear 'at 43e; Navy corduroy velvet reg $1.50 to clear 90c; Velveteens in all colors reg 75c for 43c, Silk velvets, all colors, Tog $1.25 for 75c; Silks, black, and navy pailette silk reg $1.50 for 1.10; Satins and other silks at half price. Underskirts Ladles' satteen underskirts reg $1.50 for 98c; reg $1 for 63c; reg 25c forz158c; Satin un- derskirts reg $2.50 for -1.48 Gloves adies' Kid gloves in black and colors reg $1.25 for 69c; Ladies' silk lined and tin - lined "Kayser" gloves, reg 50c for 39c; reg 25c for 19c; Ladies' fur lined mocha gloves, reg $2 for 1.65, Leather mitts lined rag $1.25 for 89c Ladies' Underwear • All -wool Pen Angle combination suits reg $2.50 for 1.75; Watson's combination suit reg $2.50 for 1.75; Fleece lined vests and drawers reg 75c for 48c; reg 50c for 33c; All -wool vests and drawers reg $1 for '79c; Union vests and drawers reg 90c for 68c; vests and drawers reg 35c for 23c; Also a large assortment in all sizes of children's underwear to clear at 33e and 23c A good range of ladies' fancy neckwear and handkerchiefs to clear at reduced prices Our'shoe stock is something we can cer- tainly talk about, as we have a great range of men's, women s and children's shoes, in light medium and heavy lines, at prices never before heard of Groceries 7 bars Conifort Soap for 25c; 4 bottles Ex- tract for 25c; 3 cans corn, peas and tomatoes for 25c; 14 lbs granulated sugar for $1; 15e boxes of matches for 12c; Corn flake rag 10c for 8c; 4 boxes corn starch for 25c; 2 tins best baking powder for 25e; 2 cans of salmon for 25c; 6 tins sardines for 25c We talo Dried Apples, Potatoes, Butter, and Eggs morwoormineastnimioimitamenl The MERCHANTS' BROKERAGE Co.. Kerr's Old Stand offi !ti S'f7c":99 J`. �.!i C -.'y aA �• -1 C'.:7r2�i .v' rfi''Per `'q`eVli C,ry SrPe /¢^ r1g5. tez :ts a,].r';.lt r,%.¢ .1e �`ae��t>]e �r�^..�e�5 t✓t.'�t .7e.nt..sl �w.w�t``Jt`sltl..3 r....cl, t_ 'Wingham cr�xc Coy C!� Veni C/)ct_ ctl