HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-01-07, Page 6ACiitar►„tris Magistrate tee *, m:1.7 ilaia1LI:11; ;t.,t>r.” a balite hey •• .�i: till t, „I),;1.. chili nti, rim e yetis nee ime u ac:t for. I K'..,4 4 in his li are," `!'da ::a Zatn iseii' poisoning •tc.li'eeee 5o Cent$ a tiee. stem Coke I t ow; 1." a.,1ilicvrsinrs', •;,a the rc.L1-'11,41,1.1 g 119%. c .:€1 r,:�li ❑t tit: . , a:: t,, (1,3 any • g. -tail . n, i.:vla'l Aqui. .t. 1.,very h ,tnc techs , e: , 9, eczema, biar.>d diet,;:,i at; sail it at ihs W4i U SM.ai4I •4•,i A Chief - o ,renin b; j i g::ie.i freta l+!uti,l poise.+n. ing ari' Ing twat xt-t5,icct eif a small ll snare. 1,'t rat,. n r ee of ei.7,•1l t, or an elem. et :•,;y ?..,, 1. t1+ air ii Led of vai., a a t .•,,,. t-, i -rt a e:air :,tel teethe in i eg1. e',01 rt,;, lag 7_11;1.1%1 r., C..ltcty. F,tat. 1h1. 1 , ill a:� iT.tlSCpaiC th!t a 3;i11.11 to nay skin.iz ,; orui,a:yitmakes 'Woe pationii•gini. pus•Able. In tv,uIg I ues-llek y„u have. three gA:JgP+a > g,+'ii;f in Pt unci fin fawn•1 li't, r, 11.ah1'g se^,tthiag.,u3.iou:e•l,tic. 'I'xy it v.itliout delay, TUE WI"(;I-IAlM TIME: A 'r: -`gun b�.1 .aw .a �~`•.-vf.;r ,.., t. , , - t •-,„ L, t:.,,r:gin ' Cr � rt^leresiare the ;.••, d lt•:t sa..„a l y di- ,•,. r It yo,ir p szir•nuint i:; vih i y nt c4e31,1, y„et F', havQ til k.:,ia ^, us by it lseise tee, 1.8 it.” Ti, er? 1y it at t, 1 i11'i itis vi• +v tn' ; •,: ,• 1n Ftteup (to isty Nunn 1 .•:,h1 ) 1..1 e [sine end item ,+ tt,i<, I . tO i .un• !Int: Co., T"rom.., and we will t': ,ill yt 1 i• of t.,tm•hak. P,,nt; ?3:: hi'n skin of littlrc' l:crl•:el �ilitald, r ti€ .c, . CI 311100 I y , yet g,uc, i.rial ennri,la to h• :.f e ',torte of I. ,ng years' btantiblo Ail drely,ibt.5 riled .,t,ac,, 5 .a. 14,r 3for i)I z5. THE DETECTIVE CAMERA.. RA. It 'Will Reveal as 'gar; ed Signature ' ,Vb re Ill icroraei>A)Iyr: Fail. The camera has bee:il trequently inx ruanc:tial in the d 't; . Cull of Criniinets. In case of i.,.?r eteey photo- gr.phy is invaluable, for there is no forger in the world clever enough tc baffle its detective skill. An inter- esting proof of this •t;as provided o few years ago in ate case of a forged will. An enlarged photograph re. vealed the penciled lines over which the signatures of the testator and witnesses had hen writtme,hhor.gb no trace of there was visible through the microscope. This is one of the peculia files of the calve-.., Haat it brio,,:, to fight marks which are inrianam through a microscope, just as it has beer known to Reveal the.. iii ; ns of �aea :e. and smallpox several tonsil before they became visible to the naked e e. Where a forged rignaturo is sue. peeled the method adopted. is to tette photographs of the e :uin and sup- posed faleb sigaaturee, :Iagni y each a hundredfold or more and compare the results. Undee this c -r.:.al test the slighte.:: diecrepeees bceoniei exaggerated oat of elteee .^.arbianet to the siy^,a:aa.tire, at>el€, a ,¢ Mem of hesitancy --for few forgers can :'rite a- counterfeit signature with pe fecI eaca and fluency - stands revealed. A forged banknote, ,iowev-c ciin- utoly and faithfully the r x `:Ial may have been costed, cannot deeei.e :he of the camera, which will :;hate not oily the slightest deviation from the genuine note, 1,at also any dif- ferenee in the texture of the paper used. In a recent ease, v:Iv e a s.:e- tisn of a Oiseh had ten re.:it.;ved an' anethcr p;eee in the fora t.f rule et:hetitt..ted writ^ infinite :atilt, the c..mera resented the fraud at once showing 'exactly where the new and old paper were join' d.—London Standard -__- i Like cif tai 5'aI ler. • I think that the life of _e husband- man of all re 1 ers is the most d :1 cta- blo. It is honorable, it is amusing. and with jttdiciotm management it is profitable. In indulging these .feelings I am led to reflect how much more de- lightful to the unndebauehed mind is tae task of making improvements on the earth titan all the vainglory that can be acquire ,i from ravaging it by the most uninterrupted c• -rear or con- quest. I know of no pursuit in which •more real and important service can b+ rendered to any country than by improving its agriculture, its breeds of useful animals and other branches of a husband::Ian's care.—Country Gentleman. Ali the Bank's Fault. Mrs. Earroa.s was worried. That feet was evident to her husband, al- though nhe endeavored to maintain a cheerful manner. Before the evening meal was over, however, he discotier- ed the cause of her anxiety. "Will," said she, "I am very much afraid that my bank Is in a bad way." "How foolish, Mabel! Don't let that cause you a moment's worry. Why, it's one of the strongest finan- cial institutions in the state. What- ever got that idea' into your head?" "Well, it's very strange," replied Mrs. Barrows, still unconvinced. "They've; just returned a check of mine for $40 marked `No funds.' " HOW TO 1^I:EVcr'i' i''.v 1'. An mince of pr•v"„tietx is worth a p.+tllirl of carr..,. it':. flit•+ nidi o'd story mei it apt:lice to peelte•y dieeensea as well as to other di':ortlers. "Prarentine," imys John R. Hayes, of the Poultry Departarent. of the University of Wisconsin. "is the most i satisfactory method of treating roup." '1'his troublesome disease h.' has found ccxi be prevented in these ways; By keeping the house dry, well ven- tilated and clean; by making the fowls imereise on cold, 'wee clays in the hese in a deep litter of straw; by breeding from strong;, vigorous heads; by feed- ince clean, wholesome feeds, and by taking every precaution to prevent the introduction of • the disease into the flock. If in spite of there precautions the disease does appear. Mr. Hayes recom- mends that the poultryman make up.a strong solution .of permanganate of potash an!I then each day pour enough of this into the drinking water to give it a violet or.wine color., Mount Rainier's Shadows. There are some wonderful shadow effects produced by and upon the ;ie gentle snowy cone of Mount Rainier. It sometimes happens that the sky as seen from the city of Tacoma just be- fore sunrise Is covered with a dome of cloud 15,000 feet or more in beigbt, while behind the peak, toward the east, 'the sky is clear. In such circumstances the rising sun casts the shallow of the great mountain upon the cloud curtain overhead in the form of a vast blue triangle, the point of which rests upon the apex of the peak. At other times the shadow of the earth can be seen creeping up the cone in a distinct curve, while the gush of sunset stains the snow above the line of shadow to a deep pink. . The British Crown. The present crown of the English king was originally made for Queen 'Victoria at her coronation In 1838. The principal jewels were taken from older crowns. The most noted stone is the great ruby which was given to the Blau Prince by Peter the Cruel after the battle of N'avarette in 1361. It was also worn by Etenry V. in the crown eiing his helmet at the battle of *Shecourt in 14111. --Philadelphia Press. Poor Consolation, -Oh," said be, with liffected indiffer- armee, "there are just as good ffsb in the sea as ever were caught" "Better ," the girl who had rejected ern replied pointedly, "better firm their point of view, because they may never be eaught"•--8ixehange. ll,ii.tilii=.41••=larassigalitllikillillOZ11011140..O0C1,741. -44 Many of the birds which have de- Chas. An4re was fined $200 and casts, veloped roup or exceedingly bald colds should be removed from the house nod the houses disinfected with coal tar dis- , infectant or a five per cent. solution of carbolic acid. Unless the birds are vatl- cabl'e it is advisable to kill and burn or'. bury all sick fowls. - With all birds worth the time neces- sary to give them individual treatment the following will likely prove success- ful: syringe a saturated solution of permain- ctust boric acid ed paper, Thoroughly clean the nostril and eye of all the cheesy material that has col- le^ted• Inject into the nostril with a ganate or potash ann into the eye and nostril, This treat• ment must be followed several times a day until improvement is noticed when the permanganate of potash can be omitted. The boric acid should be con- tinued until the nostrils are dry and all enlargement of the eye hits disappeared. It is not advisable for most people to attempt to remove the mass that col- lects beneath the eye by an operation and if taken in time the other treat- ment will prove effective, or three rtjonths in jail, for selling liquor to members of the 21st Battalion at Kingston. • • James Russell, a Minto farmer, after being the first to congratulate his granddeughty, Miss Margaret Camer- on, on her marriage to Mr, Charles Gordon, in hiq home, suddenly passed away while coitvereing with his sister. Technically )peaking a hair's breadth is seventeen 'ten -thousandths of an inch. A. large reeta.urant in Hamburg is housed in a building made of compress- An American )expert has been en- gaged by the Atxtralian state of Vic- toria to re -open a Tong closed factory and revive the beet sugar industry, It has been demonstrated that over- grazed stock ratges on the national forests can be isrought back to use under a system tf regulated grazing faster that! if the _ are left unused. TRIFLING amount, ---what does it mean? Just this That you, as ;,1 representing the average Canadian citizen, can square off your account with our army of factory workers, by making sure that at least 55 cents worth of the things you buy, in your ordinary every day shopping, aremade right here in Canada ---the country that gives you your own living. That sum, 55 cents a day, equals $200 per year. There "are 8,000,000 peoj)le in Can- ada. If for the support of, every one of them, there was spent $200 a year on Canadian made goods it would give us a factory output of $1,600,000,000. Back in 1910-11, Canada was enjoying pretty good times, but the total factory output then was less than $1,200,000,000. `Yon can easily bury the hard times of to- morrow under the coppers you spend on odds and ends to -end to -day, just by using' a little intelligent discrimination, by saying to the shopkeeper— "Nothing but ` Made in Cana- da' for Mine. • The Ut ra%lire ci Zito hitelten some. times ,nhads a light on the traits of historical person^ge:a, For example, it is not ltnintereeting to read in a book of recollection:; of the origin of that rather agreeable dish of bread - crumbs, fruit and epics known as "apple charlotte. It appears that the thrifty wife of George III, in- vented the pudding itt order to use up the weekly palace cruris. Doing It. Old Lady (to grocer's toy) ----Don't you know that it is very rude to whistle when dealing; with a lady? Boy—That's what the guv'nor told me to do, mum, .`Told you to whistle?„ "Yes'm. Ile said if" we ever sold you anything we'd have to whistle for the money,"—London Fun. The Ubiquitous Purist. vicar—I'm sorry to hear you've been so poorly. You must pray for a good heart, Thomas. Thomas—Ya-as, zur. But it's my liver wot be wrong, ye know, zur.— London Telegraph, !t.,l ;:Ile P, ia'3 t •islet xLt, I•r i,otrnt• h4iili 1'ile1, ',o setruica.' earn. atter, required, Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and as certainly intro you. USc. a 1.M. all dealers, or Edneanson, hates y Lo., Limited, Toronto. Sample box free if you mention this paper and onolese 2c, stamp to pay postage. t O 0000.. 000 0000oeef,- o 0 O 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 O 0 THE AMERICAN FARMER. There are certain public speak- ers who delight in telling us that the American farmer is a soil Ribber, that he does not try to conserve the fertility of the soil, but after all has been said there Is no class of people on the face of the earth who are interested in tilling the soil that are the su- perior of the men right here in this United States, says Kim- ball's Dairy Farmer. Now the American farmer is facing a new situation because of the tremen- dous demand that is to be made upon hint inthe next few months or years. He will be called upon to feed the nations of the. old world, and, while this represents a very handsome profit, it repre- sents a •moral obligation as well that he will be slow to overlook. Few people are working for their health, yet there are few _people who are so depraved that they wild not see the significance of this wonderful demand that will be made. The hands that are reaching out from across the sea begging for food, begging for those things that will keep life in the body and will protect from the cold and the ravages of hunger, will appeal to the best Principles of American rural cit iz. wh ters aroundenshipThe the greatholetbrotheringcen- - hood of man, and,a while strife may be keen, while the fight for wealth may occupy much of our time, still underlying it all there is this higher and nobler impulse Which invariably comes to light' when there is a special call made upon it; The optimism of the American farmer is supreme; it is his op- timism that makes the American farm home the greatest of its • kind. It makes the American • farming country the. most beau- • tiful on earth. .a�a.^,000 O O 0 O 0 0 O O O 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0000 O 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 d 0 0 0 0 0 So It May. She was a beautiful woman -and his. wife. Rut one night, getting home late and haring some excited ronver- satfon with, her in the hall, be said to himself: "A thing of beauty may be a jaw forever." TO HS lir;Lit ?tie ;la=st' o1 sl incii:'r ih'i+op.i anti •:• + and ele'c,x, While autumn thins theert,beaaa t,E'tilt. copse; Anil ever nIer a the violent life of r t:=,, x Grows keener its the ro:teatct foliage drops. 0 strog young lloerte within wit veins was 1,aopiug line like a fount, hate like a dar- shut high; My heart, o'er yours itt; lo(lox'oun ke ti,ilagr, T:t piers ctl with • sorrow, while in joy yen dig•. , Your asil"e, o'er the+'bate: of Prance e=l•.' scattred, But hold a fire more lint than ileeh of ours; The stainless flee., that flutters, frayed and tattered, Shall wave, and wave, like spring's immortal flowers. Ye.i, die, but in your death life' gtu ;i inteneer; • You shall not know the , shame of growing old: In endless joy you wave the holy censer, And blo'w the trumpet, the' your lips are cold. Life was to us a mist of Imitations; Death is a flash that shows es where .The Cm-101a')Patriotic Fetid•has now we trod; You, falling nobly for the righteous J' rx-"1'y' ;til , 14'1 Itr.) dri-ii i ° t. rx 2 tri) ,xli: w ci-, i;... a!iJ L.o.'u. t �•l.rVa WT.1 a la ,P..; rr pi••'1 e't t::e +.,t• ,s •eta :* xaav ct utt.,<;•t .c.rf. 1 y rr•l-tlr ` as .;i is i'i tat r arc 't: �j .. . p, a ,. :�t:,tta •rtl t.. ., tai ar.. a::t'I ,'c;. __.1 ,( time.•;i it will lie nt'. tar ;t an t'a purify itby t. 1.. ,d ,.,:L'e t '.t i will tris; all the Bard.. . lllool T,i t:' : i 1 g e l nt fyi ii r ,.'tly fD :c t! 1. 1` t ni '.he.. t for tht. it + i S , t i.tp tltati,LaraanfN,+.lbT.^' to the otl''r , 1.1e j ,. '.-. i l p''t1 . 'c -a e:; •;t: tic' l 1 c:ar' .1.+.:i;',:, ;;i" •,_ a'1 uti.ta-tla BOILS C;it `M^?. l'<i., Ain:irev l . d.:aliicr, ::', C:'.�t,,•. N.1i., nee t:cene;'g esti 1)`•rt. }'' �, in fact, iia n'=i is .. ,',:'.t. e:::: L's In. rid of them until he xvaa. 1 at:,du'l:. 'St n:cl Bitters. It ear 1 It i.> : Ib A'IF'i. ter, CUttED. Mr. Otto Bare, e, Yorker, Cat., had his faceawl l neck brr.:i oat 'it;I pimple e. He tried several ki.cis of m;,,,iir-xaa with out Saieee'u. Two b..ttle, of Burdock Blood Bitter:: bani5'lr:1 them. ' B.B.B. is manufaet t...l only by The • T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, nations, Reveal the, unknown, the unhoped for, face of God. ( After long toll your labors shall not perish; After long toil your ' labors shall not come, Your ardent gesture, dying, Love shall cherish, As like a beacon you shall guide us home. -Edmond Gosse, in the London Times. Dutiful. The Old One -Von should always de- fer to your husband's wishes, my dear.. The New One -I've clone so ever since he told the that his one wish was to see are hauipy.-ihxcl:. . There was a time when a fellow be- gan at the bottom, but he ends there' now. . I It is surprising whht a lot of work a loafer will do In order to dodge; work. NERVES WERE BAD Heeds Weld Tremble to Ski Could Net Neld Paper to Read. a When the nerves become shaky the whole system stems to become unstrung and a generalfeeling of collapse occursb as the heart works in sympathy with the nerves. Mrs. Wm. Weaver,Shallow Lake, Oat., writes: "I doctored for a year, for ray heart and nerves, with three different dodos, but they did not see:.m, to know what was the matter with me. My nerves got so bad at last that I could not hold a paper in my hands to read, the way they trembled. I gave up doctoring thinking i could not get better. A lady living a few doors from me :ad- vised tee to try a box of Mllburn's Heart ani Nerve Pills, so to picase her I did, and I am't'antxkful to -day for doing so, for I am strong, and doing my own work without help." Millouries Heart and Nerve Pills are 1 ea per hex, 3 boxes for $1.25: at lift druggists or clealcrs, or mailed ddreet ort receipt of'rice by The T. Milb'n Cie ,, Limited, Toronto, Out. She Gained 50 Lbs. Mrs.. George Bradshaw, liarlowe, Ont., writes: "I was troubled for many years with weak, watery blood and dropsy I bad nervous headaches, dizziness and sinking Spells, and was, in fact, a semi-inv»lid. Doctors told me my heart and kidne,' s were diseased and gave me up. By using 10 boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Footi I have been cured of many of my old complaints and gained 36 pounds in weight." Motion pictures of insects in flight show that they regulate their speed by changing the inclinatioo of their wings rather than by altering the rapidity of their motion. So that a vessel can free itself when it has run aground there has been in- vented a false keel, easily detached. 'reaceht• l2,221,082. ' Battlefield trenches are now dug as • quickly as desired by the use of ex;• plosives. • Great Britian and Ireland consume 30,00,000 rabbits as food usually. Tn Lapl nd• a man who marries a girl• against the wilt:es of her parents may be severely punished. Carving ivory is an important in- dustry in India, China in 1913 exported goods valued' at $294,413.04. Mr; W. M. O'Beirn;. editor of The Stratford Beacon, was presented with a purse of $500 in gold on the occasion. of the 00th anniversary of the paper's- first aper'sfirst issue. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children Is3 Use For IP ver 30 Years Always bears the . Signature of We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can ,supply your wants in WRITING PADS WRITING PAPER ENVELOPES - BLANK BOOKS LEAD PENCILS " PENS AND INK BUTTER PAPER 'TOILET: PAPER PAP E TERIES, PLAYII': G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell. -at reasonable prices JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us whelp in need of LETTER HEAD NOTE HEADS BILL HEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES WEDDING INVITATIONS CALLING CARDS POSTERS CIRCULARS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. he Times Office STONE BLOCK Winghamc, Ont.