The Wingham Times, 1914-12-17, Page 8Si< '3,S11_ gg./9 V 2' S41 V Page 8 MINOR LOCALS. –Municipal nominations will be held on Monday, :December Ileth. –Leave your ordeve for 1915 diaries at the TIMES Staiitincry Ettore. –Penants of various styles now on vale at the TIMES stuticnery store. --Parltetio Ludy Cnrye fouatain pens now on sale at the TIMES station- ery store. –We cafe reade,• for any immense busi- neea in Christmas Feotwear. Come and ' Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Armstrong. see our tlisplay. Mr. A, E. Bradwin, of Goderich, was W. J. GREER visiting for over Sunday with his par- -Fancy calendere, Christmas cards ents, Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Bradwin. and picture post cards on sale at the Muss stationery store. –Give the boys and Girls or excel- lent Shoes or Slippers for Christmas. Nothing name sensible. W. J, GREER. –Mr. A. M. Crawford has this week purchased the National hotel property from Mr. L. W, Hanson. –A nice line of stationery in fancy boxes, suitable for Christmas gifts at theTneES stationery :store. \ A. man's repentance a Mrs. Thos. Gregory is visiting for a is idwaysincere_at the time. few days with frier& in Toronto. qr. Dick Mann, whhosspent the Gain a woman's sympathy and the lo ' season on the S. S. Manitoba, has re - THE WINGHAM TIMES PERSONALS POINTS!) PARAGRAPHS. on* battle Is half won. turned home.One sure way to save money is not to Mr. L. Thomown a flock of automobiles, son, of Arden, Mane visiting for a few days with his brother, We know a spinster who thinks Mr. U. TMonism husband is better late than never, . Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson, and An epicure says that a lot of divorces family, of Goderich, eve visiting with come out of the frying pan. The henpecked husband should re- joice that he isn't a Mormon. –Don't forget to let the TIMES, know who your Christmas visitors are, or where you spend your Christmas. –Wouldn't Mother enjoy a pair of our Comfortable Felt House Slippers? Remember her at Christmas time W. J. GREER. –Mr. Wm. Gannett has been suffer- ing with a sore finger for some time and on Tuesday had it amputated. –Dr. J. E. Tarnyln, one of Winghatn's most highly esteemed residents has been seriously ill for the past few days. –The amount of town taxes received on the December payment amount to $17050.45, making tb,e total received to date $32083.72. –The TIMES can secure yor city, daily or weekly newspapers or maga- zines at a saving to you. Your orders will receive prompt attention. –All the leading magazines and news- papers now on sale at the TIMES station- ery. If it is a Canadian, British or Amercian periodical we can secure it for you. –December 25th, 7 p. m , in Salvation Army Citadel, entertainment given by the children, Christmas tree and visit of Santa Claus. See later announce- ments. – Mr. Geo. Denyer has sold his house and lots on Patrick street (the Grierson property) to Mr. H. Thomson. The transier was made through Ritchie & Cosens. –A special meeting of the Wingham L. 0. Y. B., No. 11 will be held in the Orange Hall on Friday evening of this week. All members are requested to attend. –A felon on the left thumb caused a good deal of trouble to Mr. Frank Mooney and on Tuesday owing to the bone commencing to decay the thumb had to be amputated. –Mrs. William Cooper of Clinton an- nounces the engagement of her young- est daughter, Edna V., to Dr. R. G. Struthers, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Struthers, Galt, Ontario. The marriage will take place quietly the latter part of the month. –Saturday and Monday were busy days at the banks in Wingham. Rate- payers of Wingham, Turnberry, Morris and East Wawanosh were paying in taxes. Monday was the last day on which taxes could be paid in order to save percentage being added. –The Christmas entertainment of St. Paul's Sunday School will be held in the basement of the Church on De- cember 23rd. Tea will be served at 5 o'clock. The entertainment will com- mence at 7 p. m. Tharp. Admission fee is 10 cents. Sunday School Scholars of St. Paul's free. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. D. Perrie preached in the Pres- byterian Church at Chatham on Sun- day last and Rev. H. Dickie, D. D., of Chatham, conducted the services in St. Andrew's Church, CHURCH OF ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE On Thursday evening last an address on "Missions in India"was given by Mr. R. W. Allin, Educational Secretary of the Missionary Society of the Church in Canada, in the basement of St. Paul's Church. Mr, Allin is a very delightful speaker and gave an interesting ac- count of the work of the Church among the natives of the District of Kan gra on the boundary of Thibet. The address was .illustrated by a series of splendid lantern slides showing the condition of the natives of India and their very pressing need of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The speak- er was listened to with much pleasure by those present as evidenced by the hearty applause which greeted the vote of thanks moved by Mr. Alderson and seconded by Mr. Nash. The meeting closed with the beautiful hymn, "Fight the Good Fight", and the National An- them. Mr. Allin is not a stranger to the congregation of St. Paul's having lIelped to conduct a series of mission study classes here about two years ago, and many are pleased to see him again. Sunday evening Rev. E. G. Dymond preached the third of the series of special sermons on the "Four Last Things", "Hell" taking as his subject "Fear not them which kill the body but fear him who is able to cast both body and soul into Hell". The preacher drgw the attention of his congregation to the many references in the New Testament to the punishment of those who live wickedly in this life, and the just and perfectly natural retribution which follows a Godless life in this world, in contradiction of the theories propragated by some that there is na "Hell". He said it was as one lived here in likeness to Christ or without Christ so would each one find their own spiritual state in the life to come, and left with his hearers the solemn warn- ing that each one was fitting himself here for that state in which he would live in the life hereafter. Next Sun- day, the last in Advent, the rector will preach on the subject, "Heaven". There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion next Sunday at 8.30 a.m. *hen the Brotherhood of St. An- drew will attend in a body. Wednesday evening service at 7.30 Subject "God's Workers". • MARRIED SMITH—Ross—At "Fairview," the home of the bride, Elizaneth street, on December Otli, 1914, by Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A., Mr John E. Smith, of Brandon, Man., to Miss Eliza (Lizzie), daughter of Mr. David Ross, of Bussels. HAINES—BRYcE—At St. Andrew's Manse, on December 9th, by Rev. D. Perrie, Mr, Thomas M. Haines, of East Flambore to Miss Nettie Bryce, daugh- ter of Mr. Geo. Bryce, of Turnberry. MED. Cowan–In Wroxeter, on Dec. 4, Jos. Cowan, aged 80 years, 8 months and 4 days. Wallace–In Howiek, on Dec, 8th, Iris Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wallace, in her 3rd year. LoWERV–In Belnnore, on December 7th, Mrs. H. Lowery, aged 75 years, 8 months and 27 days. MoNivEte In Wingham, on Deceit- ber 13th, Thabella Einlayson, wife of Alexander MeNiven, aged 73 years and 6 months, DORN BitoWet –In Grey Township on De - ember 8th, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus D. Brown; a daughter (Ruth Evelyn.) WOODS–In Grey township, on Decem- ber 6th, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wavle.; a daughter. RODa–In Morris, on December 3rd, to Mr, and Mrs. Neil Robb; a son. ROBE1tTS0N-111 East Wawanosh,on December 8th to Mr. and Mrs, Adan Robertson: a daughter. BELGRATE A meeting of the Patriotic League and of all ladies and gentlemen in the community interested in their work will be held in the Foresters' Hall on Saturday evening, December 19th, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of making arrangements for the holding of a patriotic concert in the near future. DRINK AND CRIME. The girl who is a good cook usually deserves a better husband than she gets. It's easier to make a bad matter worse than it is to make a good mat- ter better, This is a free country, but you should be ashatned to say some of the things you think. The more a man makes love to a woman the more she admires another man to whom she has to make love. When a young man begins to attend church regularly it's an easy matter to discover the female in the case. PARTING. [New York Times] Sodger lad, 0 sodger lad, The dawn will see ye marchin' The nicht drags on–its dark is out Wi' searchlichts, urchin'. Sodger lad, 0 sodger lad, D'ye mind our Summer meetin'? And noo, ye'll gang. The heather's dead eienna keep frae greetin'. Sodger lad, my Badger lad– • D'ye mind, my time is nearin'? Alone–alone–wi'out yer hand! How shall•I keep from fearin'? Sodger lad, 0 sodger lad,. Far, far, awe' ete're I'll not dare count the leagues an' days– Gude God! The cocks are ,crowin'l Sodger lad, my luve, my dear, Awake! The morn is grayin'! E'en tho' my heart drags, sick wi' dread, I wouldna have ye stayin'. A WARM WINTER June weather prevails in California, the ideal Wintering place, reached com- fortably and conveniently by the Chica- go and North Western By. Four splendid trains daily from the new passenger terminal Chicago–The Overland Limited, fastest train to San Francisco; The Los Angeles Limited, three clays to Land of Sunshine, the famous San Francisco Limited and the California Mail. Rates, illustrated matter and particu- lars on application': B. H. Bennett, General Agent, 46 Yonge St, Toronto, Ont. –For •'HIS" Christfiuis there is nothing he would ap eciate more than a pair of our han4 me slippers, 80c to W. . GREER. – Calendars:–Our cajdars for 1915 are ready for distribtftion. want you to have one: Please call. To the Editor - 1 commend to yeur readers the fol- lowing from the `Pioneer. "A Grand Jury sitting in Chicago a few days ago made a deliverance upon the liquor question which ought to have the careful consideration of everyone who seeks the welfare of his fellows. It said:" "We find that a large percentage of the crime brought to our attention is caused directly by drinking malt or al- coholic liquors, and we call the attention of the public to the need of more stringent regulation of this traffic. We find that a large percentage of those charged with crime are from seventeen to twenty-five years old and that in nearly every case they drank malt or alcoholic liquors before or during the commission of the crimes for which they were indicted. We seriously question the wisdom of the state entering into a partnership with these interests for the sake of an apparent profit (through the license ey- stem) but which is really a dreadful economic loss, and through this part- neribip feeding drink to these boys with one hand while with the other hand it mates out punishment for wrongs in which the etate is really a participant." 11. Arnott, M. B. M. C. P. S. The long Marsh dram near Windsor, neerly nine miles long, said to be the longest Of its kind in Western Ontario, A Man mist eithet make way for himhas just been completed, at a cost of Lehlf or get out of the way of others. , tt50,000. J. GREER –Don't forget baby' et in select- ing your Christmas es. We have handsome styles. W. 37 GREER. ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Head ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. Useful Christmas 671511s womassemailiam THAT WILL ENABLE YOU TO GIVE YOUR USUAL PRESENT sa411:1-- 1 7. TRtTNRS AND VALISES:—Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J, GREER. Good house to rent. Apply to Geo. Wraith, Victoria Street. • 'tea 401.1•11 SCRANTON OR LEHIGH COAL WOOD KINDLING At Lowest Prices, R. J. Cantelon. OFFICE WITH Dominion Express Co.'s Office 01110=1.01111.1•ILM•4414111.1•011alidails PUBLIC NOTICE. Copy of a Question to be submitted to the electors of the Town of Wingham by the Municipal Cdtincil of the Corpor- ation of the Town of Wingham. Are you in favor of all married women who have the necessary qualifications voting on Municipal Matters? Gloves-. 'Long white icia Gloves $1 50 pair; • Guaranteed long Kid gloves, white, black and tan, $2 75 pair. Handkerchiefs–Fancy linen Handkerchiefs at 2 for 25e, 25e each, 35e or 3 for $1, better ones at 50c, 75e, $1 and $1 50. Silk Stockings --Black, white; pink, sky, blue, paddy green, copen- hagen and Canary. Extra value $1 50 pair. Ladies' Parasols with Silk Top, gold or stirling silver handles at $2 to $5 Silk Dress Lengths in heavy black Messaline Silk, specially priced at $10. White Waists in the latest styles in white voile and Marquesite at $2 50, $3 50 and $4 Gloves–Guaranteed Kid Gloves at $1 25 and $1 50 pair; black', white, tan, brown, grey, navy and green. Ladies' Hand Bags–Beaded bags and, solid leather ip black and. colors at $1 to $6 50. Ladies' Silk and Wool Shawls. Suitable for old ladies, in black gray and white at $1 to $3 50 each.. Pure Linen.Table Cloths and Napkins, sold in sets or separate, values $3 to $10 set. Fancy Linen Centres, Bedroom Towels and Pillow Shams, specially priced at 75c, $1 a.ncl $1 50. Furs–Ladies' Black Wolf Set in the latest style, stole trimmed with head and tails, large empire muff, $50 set. Persian Lamb, Mink, Alaskan Sable and Mink Marmot, Stoles and Muffs in all the latest styles, from $5 to $100. Ladies' Fur and Furlined. Coats, specially priced for Christmas Trade. .Men's Wear–Our stock is complete in all the latest novelties. suit- able for men's gifts, silk ties, scarfs, gloves sox, housecoats, sweatercoats, etc. PRODUCE WANTED. Strictly new laid eggs 40c doz. Bright dried apple5c lb. Choice Dairy Butter 25c lb. Dressed Poultry highest prices. &MIME/. k KING BROS ii.sea'Phone 71 Agents for Standard P=s •=••••••••11•10m•Ill. December x 7th, 19 x rb11,%111/41101046/%114,44~41VSAVNIANIIIAAVW IMPOSSIBLE! ....masisumnimmonarapaumamom To Buy Christmas Presents more Seasonable or more Sensible For Men or Women, Girls or Boys or for tit) Kiddies than Slippers, Felt Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, Moccasins, Hockey Shoes, School Shoes, Overstockings, Leggings—or in fact anything in the Shoe line numarmeassesmumwAi * 1111•1111111111M01211 SANTA CLAUS Has A Full Stock Of These Lines At This. Store W. H. WILLIS & SOLE AGENTS Queen FOR LADIES Wuality te411.411/akellb11.40/11,11,41.0Nelbseereieleetteaba4041ete Mr. Justice MacDonald of British Columbia has decided that an alien who is a peaceable citizen is entitled to his tights under the laws. Fred Whiting was instantly killed and James Smith mortally injured by beipg struck by the Grand Trunk "Pacific Exchange" at London, their horse being 'killed and their sleigh demolished. Take notice that the above is a true copy of the Synopsis of a Question which has been taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the Corpor- ation of the Town cf Wingham and that the votes of the Electors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon at the ensuing Municipal Elections. On Saturday the 2nd day of januaty, 1915, the Mayor of the said Town of Wingham shall attend at the Town Hall in the said Town of Wingham at eleven o'cloek in the forenoon to ap- point persons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid and at the final summirig up by the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of promoting or opposing this question respectively. The Clerk of the said Town of Wing - ham shall attend at the said Town Hall at eleven O'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday the 5th day of January, 1915, to sum up the votes for and against this question. The date of the first publication of this notice in the Wingham Times was Thursday, the 10th day of December, A.D., 1614. JornP GttOVES, 83-3 Clerk. The United 'States Government has lifted the embargo which has been on Canadian potatoes since last December. G AND TRU Rh SYSTM CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR FARES Single Fare Dec. 24-25, good for return until Dec, 26; also Dec. 81, 1914, and Jan. 1, 1915, valid fer return until ,Jan. 2, 1915. Fare and One -Third Dec. 22-23-24-25, good for return until Dec. 28; also Dec. 30 and 31, 1914, and Jan. 1, 1915, valid for return until Jan. 4, 1615. Above reduced fares apply between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and to Detriot and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N. Y. Full particulars and berth reservations at G.T.R. ticket offices. H. B. ELLIOTT, ti.town Passenger and Ticket Agent, Phone 4. W. F. ICUROMA.N, Station Agent, Phone 50. • WINTER TOURS TO THE LAND OF Sunshine and Summer Days TI -IE "CANADIAN" Fast Time Between MONTREAL -TORONTO DETROIT -CHICAGO Particulars from Canadian Pacific Tieket Agents, or write M.G. Murphy, Dirtrict Passenger Agent, corner Xing And Ininge Streets, Toronto. W. A.Penclertion, eetwn Arsenal -Ilene 47. Iseerner.atatten Agent, ramie es 101 c•Z CLA Li ki KA. cE V1 .ACLaraegq1aa: e.SiES N'SrlieeSTallSr Ireee SSSSSSS t.;S/FL:b'SreyS • &SSMSSS izeS TheMerchants'Brokel.a,AeGo. IS it any wonder people come 20 miles to do their buying at this store, where they get the real bargains. Ladies and Misses Coats, in all shades, weight and sizes, in the newest -styles right from the factory, bought at less than 50c on the $. . That is why we can sell $16.00 Ladies' Coats for $7.48, $15.00 Ladies' Coats for $6.98, $10.00 Misses' Coats for $3.48, $7.00 Misses' Coats for $2.98. Read price list carefully: MEN'S WEAR Men's Coon Coats, reg $65 for .....$10.O0 Men's beaver shell Coat with persian lamb col- lar, reg $25 for ,.......,.$19.00 Men's curly lined Coats • with beaver shell, German Otter collar, reg $18 for.. ..... .$11.98 Men's Odd Pants, heavy tweed, reg $3 for... $2,25 Men's Worsted Pants, reg $2 for $1.48 alen's Overalls, reg $1 for 89e Men's, Boy's and Girls Sweaters, reg$1.50for 98e Men's fleece lined Shirts or drawers, all size ..43e Boys' fleece lined Shirts pr drawess, all sizes .23c regular price 40c. Men's heavy wool elastic rib Underwear, price $1.25 for ,. 79e Men's Cashmere Hose reg 50c for 35e Men's heavy wool Sox, reg 35e for 25c Men's excelda Handkerchiefs, good value at ifte,10c each, 6 for 25o ..1rd'erivrEfirieriCollat-77e715c for ..10e Men's Rubber Collars, reg 25e for, 19e Men's Ties, pure silk, separately boxed for Xmas, good valtie at 50c for . 25c Men's Braces, good Value at 50c for. 25e Men's and Boys' Suits, all sizes on sale at a •Big Discount Boy Overcoats at half regular price Men's Tweed Overcoats, reg $15 for.. $9.19 Men's knitted Silk Mufflers, reg $1,50 for8o LADIES' WEAR, Etc. All heavy Mantle Cloths at half price Saturday ZIG and following week.= Ladies 'Seal Coat, reg price $50 for /3 1S• 0 0 Ladies Cott, Nate with coon sable collar, A 1**: -,4 shell, rag $18 for ..... $11.08 1 Coon Sett, large Muff and Throw, reg $35 for ,............. – . ......... $20.00 1 Mink Marmot Muff and Throw, reg $25 for ••$15.00 All other furs at wholesale prices. Ladies' fancy handkerchiefs and collars at Wholesale prices Ladies' Underwear, vests or drawers reg. price 35c for 23c Ladies' white fleeced vests or drawers regular 50c for .... 33e Ladies' wool vests or drawers regular 90e at68c Girls' underwear, all sizes ............ ,...... , 33e Yard wide silk, reg. $1 and $1.25 ....78e and 98e All dress goods at • Wholesale prices Table Lizien,:reg. 75e for 58c, ieg $1.50 for $1.19 Flannelette blankets, reg. $1.60 , ...........$1.39 Readymade pillows, reg. 50c •25e BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS l'Or 1 3 Eyelet HeavySnag 15roOf Rubbers, reg. $2.75, sale price $1.98 9 inch leather top, snag proof rubber, tea, $3.75, sale price $3.48 Boys' shoes, reg. $2.25 _. . Men's rubbers, reg. $1...... . . . 80c Ladies' best patent leather, cloth topped shoes reg. $4.50 and $5 .. Men's shoes, reg. $5 Children's shoes, reg. $1.25.... , ...... ......eba c GROCERIES Nuts and Candies for Christmas 7 bars Comfort soap. 4 bottles extract ..... 25c lb clirrrants for .“ 5 lb pail golden syrup • ,256 14 lbs Redpath sugar for ....... . „ $1.00 Dried apples 5c lb. Butter 26e lbStrictly fresh laid eggs 40e. dos, •414.6 —25c 250 .111101.11.. THE MERCHANTS BROKERAGE CO. KERR'S OLD STAND WINGHAM, ONT. S2_1MRPRIOWRS, VKASSII 5)12 FMK F)11_,TOSis'g?' .111.1eu 0,