HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-12-10, Page 8Page 8 I I LOCALS, The Fall Assizes aVe Wog held in Goderich this week, nuinbee of people from tewn and vicioity are attending the 'Winter Fair in Guelph this week. --The varioue municipal councils will hold their statutoey meeting on Tues- duy, December 15b. —Tbe Merchants' Brokerage Co. hen bad the front a their store brightened up by a fre eh eoat of paint, htyefive per cent of the bueiness failures in the United States are among firms which do not advertise, —Mr. A. Haines is this week repairing the granolithic walks on Joeephine street, some of the blocks having eunk. —Meesrs. Thos. Brown and M. W. Amish ong is thie week exhibiting some a their prize fowl at the Guelph Winter Fair. —You rave money, time ahd trouble by plating yonr renewal subscriptions to the dailies with us. See clubbing liet elsewhere in the issue. —Don't forget baby's feet in select- ing your Christmas shoes. We have hendsome styles. W. J. GREER. —Fountain pens, fancy calendars, papeteries, penants and a full line of otlaer goods suitable for Christmas gifts at the TIKES stationery store. —Postmaster Griffin has been con- fined to his home for some days on accouut of illness. Many friends will hope to hear of his speedy r novery. —Calendars: --Our calendars for 1915 are ready for distribution. We want you to have one: Please call. W. J. GREER —Mr. Wesley Welber, formerly of Wingham, has purchased the Waverly hotel property at Clinton and it is said he will convert the building into a factory. —Only a short time now in which to order your personal Christmas and New Year greeting cards. See the fine line of samples at the Tonns stationery store. —On Thursday and Friday last the Perry's Peerless Players gave two per- formances in the Town Hall, under the auspices,of the local fire brigade. Both plays were well patronized. —For "HIS" Christmas there is nothing he would appreciate more than a pair of tear handsome elippers, 80c to $1, 50. W. J. GREER. —Let all Canadians, men and women, young and old, show their patriotism and make Canada strong and prosperous by buying rnatle-in-Canada goods, thus providing work for Canada's sons and daughters. —The Bruce county council, at its session in Walkerton voted grants of $3,JG0 to Belgian aid, and $2,000 to the Red Cross Society, and recommended the council of next year to assist the Patriotic Society, —Mr. A. M. Carthew, manager of the Yank of Haenilton at Palmerston for several years, and popular in musi- cal melee, is removing to the Blyth agency. Mr. F. M. Haines of Blyth exchanges with Mr, Carthew. —Mr Jas. Walker, furniture dealer and undertaker has a new advt. in this issue. Mr. Walker has just entered his eightenth year in business in Wing - ham in the same stand. We wish him many more years of successful business m our town. —Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hawthorne, Greenoek, Ont„ announce the engage- ment of their second youngest daughter, Florence Olive, to Mr. Charles E. Clark of Toronto, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clark of Teeswater, the marriage to take place at New Year's. —An Editor should not be expected to know the names and residences of all your uncles, aunts and coueins, even if he should see them on or oft the train, Tell us about it. It's news that makes the newspaper„ and every man, woman and child can be associate editor if they only will, —Cases and deaths from communie cable diseases reported by local Boards of Heath in the Province for the month of November, 1914, numbered respece tively 982 auel 117. The figures for the same period in 1913 were, 1,120 and 119, Tuberculosis last month claimed 60 of the deaths, and diphtheria, 87. —The Tineee would be a splendid Christmae gift to the boy or girl away from home. Once a week as they would read it, they would be reminded of the love that promoted the gift. $1.00 sends it to any address in Canada, and $1.50 to any addrese in the United States. It is not an expeneive gift, but it will give pleasure. —At the annual meeting of the Hurcn Medical Aseociatioo, held in Clinton, December 8th, the following officers were eletted for the coming year :— President—Dr J. P. Kennedy. Vice- President—Dr. Mathell, Sec.-Treas.— Dr R. 0, Redmond. A Motion Was made and approved, that the protestion would attend, without charge, the families Of all soldiers going tO the front. —Dr. J. M. Field, 1,P.S. for East Hirron, Was offered by the Edimatien Department the position of English :nester in the &Waal School,. at SOM., ..••••••••••••.••••••• 4.11. • • THE WINGHAM TIMES ford. 'While the poet le loolted on as a most desirable one, and commands a higher salary than Inspector, Dr. Field decided to remain where he is, though appreciating the complirrient paid him ny the unsolicited and unex- pected offer as promotion, When evening falls you like to gather round the teble, and rea the whole family does. The Week 114 of Toronto has departments of i eereet to everyone, from the market nd editor ior father, dosyi to ory for the bee . asul a bright Iau ful home page for mother and th Os. It is- all in- teresting, and every issue is well worth while. How would it be for a Christ- mas gift, it would certainly be a Pro- fitable one, and help you make the farm pay, PERSONALS Mr. James Bowman, M. P. was in town on Tuesday. Mr. Wesley Walker, of Guelph, was a visitor in town this week. IVIr. Edward Holloway is in Goderich this week serving en the jury, Mr, James Flower, of the Bluevale road, is serving on the jury at Goderich. Mr, Ed. Everett, 'of Hanover, was calling on old friends in town last week. Mr. John Raley of Fewest is spending this week with old friends in Wingham and Bluevale. Mrs. I. N. Crowston and her two daughters, of Langside, were visitors in town over Sunday. blies [Cathleen U. Telford, "-Army Nurse" of Halifax, England is visiting Mies L. Hazel Bramble. Mrs, Mkt, Arbuckle, of Saskatoon is home visiting with her mother, IVIrs. Hugh Hamilton who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. R. 13. Currie, of Ed- monton are spending a few weeks with relatives and old friends in Wingham and district, Messrs. Thomas Brandon, of town, and J. A. Brandon, of Belgrave, went to Drayton on Saturday to visit a brother-in-law who is ill. Mr. and Mrs, John Glenn will leave for-Wingham this week to spend the winter with their daughter, Mrs. George Spotton. —Listowel Banner. Mr. Geo. Walker returned to his home in Brantford last week accompanied by his niece, Miss Ella Walker, of East Wawanosh, who will visit for a few weeks in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane, of East Wawanosh and Mrs. D. H. Campbell, of Morris were in New Hamburg last week attending the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. Meeks. Mr. Harry Whitworth, who has been in Wingham for some time left last week for his home in Norwich, Eng- land. Mr. Whitworth intends enlisting in the Old Land and should he not be accepted will return to Wingham in the spring. CHURCH NOTES.. The Dorninion Government has set aside Sunday, January 3rd, as a day of intercession and prayer on behalf of the British allied cause, and to the memory of those who have fallen in battle. The same Sunday will be observed in Great Britain in the same manner. CHURCH OF vr. PAUL TETE APOSTLE Wednesday evening service at 7.30. It. W. Allin, the assistant Secretary of the Missionary Society of the Canadian Church will address the con- gregation in the interests of the N. W. and Foreign Missions, on Thursday evening, December 10th, in the base- ment of the church. The lecture will be augmented by lantern views. Mr. Allin specially invited the atteralance of the men at this meeting. The Junior Chapter of the Brother- hood will meet at 7.30 and the Senior Chapter at 8 o'clock at the Rectory on Friday evening. On Sunday morning last Rev. E. G. Dymond made an appeal to his congre- gation in St. Paul's to more loyally support Huron College, London, as the theological college of their diocese, and explained the important work being done there. At the close of Morning Prayer there was the regular monthly, celebration of Holy Communion with a large number of communicants pres- ent, among which were the newly con- firmed members, in most cases being accompanied by their parents. who thus participated with their children on the solemn occasion of their first Eueharist, The newly confirmed afterwards had their certificates filled in by their rector, and thus were made full mem- hers of the church. At Evening Prayer the rector preached on "Iudgineot", emphazieg the importance and value of chaeacter on that last great day when the secrets of all hearts shall lee reaeale ed. Fine aothems wete rendered by the choir at both services. Regular serviees will be held in the Methodist Chureh next Sunday both morning tend evening. Pastor will preach at bah serviees. All are veelcon1e, Canada's revenue for the past eight months howed 24 million dollen dee crease as compared leeith the eanee period laet year, Custeina reteipti pare tictilarly declining. AMY. • +4111,••,.4•46.1i* 6.. A WARM WINTER June weather prevails in California. the ideal Wintering plaee, reached com- fortably and conveniently by the Chica- go and North Western Ry. Four splendid trains daily from the new passenger terminal Chicagoeahe Overland Limited, fastest train to San Francisco; The Los Angeles Limited, three days to Land of Sueabine, the famous San Franeisco Limited and the California Mail. Rates, illustrated matter and particu- tars an application: B. IL Bennett, General Agent, 40 Yonge St., Tomato, t. Public School Board. Regular routine business was trans. acted at the meeting of the Public Scheol Board on Tuesday evening. It was also decided to do same necessary repairing at the scheol building at once. At the elose of the meeting the inern- cers of the Board and officers were treated to oysters by Principel Posliff, Christmas Greeting Cards, Private Christmas cards, with the senders's name and greeting printed on them, are coming into general use, The TIMES has a series of beautiful earn for this purpose aod samples may be seen at this office. Orders should be left early, so that the printing may be done and the cards delivered in good tkue. Premier Flemming of New Bruns- wick has accepted the nomination as Conservative candidate for the Federal seat of Victoria and Carelton, and will resign his seat in the Legislature, and the Premiership, thus avoiding dismissal hv the Lieutenant -Governor. There are now four vacant seats in the Commons — Lendon, Terrebonee, Westmoreland and Jacques Cartier. noels 1VIoLuAN-1n Blyth. on November 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McLean, a daughter, AnToN—At Belfast, on November 29th, to Mr. and Mrs, Albert Alton; a son. BLAKE - In Ashfield, on November 80th, to Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Blake; a daughter, BLAKE - in Ashfield, on November 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blake; a daughter. ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Hotices Under This Head ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Blg Stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. FOR S./mu—Jersey cow, „due to calf December 10th. JOHN REID tf Wingham. FOR SALE —Christmas Trees. Orders taken at T. Fells' shop, .T, CALVERT FOR SALE— One good working team of horses, also one second-hand wind- mill. Apply to t.f. A. H. WILFORD. SCRANTON OR LEHIGH COAL , WOOD KINDLING Af Lowest Prices. R. J. Cantelon OPP= WITH Dominion Express Cod's Office CHRISTMAS SAILINGS. • In connection with the Chri tas sailings of Canadian Pacific St ship "Missanabie" and Allan Line team - ship "Scandinavian" from est St. John, December 15th, t Canadian Pacific Railway vetll ierate solid through special trai posed of first and second class e' ; 'ment and lunch counter car, leavin Toronto 9.40 a. m., December 14th, running direct to steam- ships' side. Particulars from any C. P. R. Ticket Agent, or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. PUBLIC NOTICE. Copy of a Question to be subinitted to the electors of the Town of Wingham by the Municipal Council of the Corpor- ation of the Town of Wingham. Are you in favor of all married women who have the neeessary qua)ifications voting on Munielpal Matter •••• Take notice that the ale is a true copy of the S nopsis a Question which has been ken i o consideration by the lelunicipa Co cil of the Corpor- ation of the To cf Wingham and that the votes o ie Electors of the Said Municipality will be taken *thereon at the ensuing Municipal Elections. On Satifrday the 2nd day of Janizary, 1915, the Mayor of the said Town of Wirighain shall attend at the TOWA Han in the saict Town of Wingbarn at eleven o'cloek in the forenoon to ap- point persons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid and et the Anal summing up by the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of promoting or opposing this question respectively. The Clerk of the said Town of Wing* ham shall attend at the said Town Hell at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday the 5th clay of January., 1015, to sum up the votes for and against this question. The date of the first publication of this notice in the 'Wingham Times was Thursday, the 10th day of December, A, D., 1914. JOHN?. GEOVEs, 88-3 Clerk. issimmvasiossimmanosonsummoss THE CASH RUYER'S GUIDE 1 Useful Christmas Gifts WILL BE APPRECIATED THE MOST Do Your Xmas Shopping Early before Lines become broken. Get First Choice, For Ladies For116n For Children Silk Parasol Kid Gloves Silk Hosiery Fancy Hanclkfs Fancy Hand Bag Silk Dress Silk, Waist Fancy Collar Set Silk Ties Silk Mufflers Silk Shirts Silk Hose Kid Gloves Smoking Coat Lounging Robe Sweater Coats Fancy Handkfs. Kid Gloves Sweater Coats Silk Scarfs Wool Hoods Winter Coat Fur Sets Mitts and Groves Farmers: We want your Produce. Highest Price. Choice Butter 25c per ib.,- Bright Dried Apples Sc per lb. Strictly Fresh Eggs 40c per doz., Dressed Fowl at Market Prices. KING BROS Phone 71 Agents for Standard Patterns tiiiiiii,061101111,164friVRAAkArikAVZ 1.44AVIAIAllilletetpliAbAkel EIRMIMIIIIIIMMISIMINNO,1111111111111111M11 • December iot11,191 Oneofthe most Useful and Sensible 1 For Any Lady CHRISTMAS PRESENTS is t Pair Queen Quality Shoes $ Queen Quality Shoes $ are the nicest, best fitting and most up-to-date Shoes for women W. Ho WIIIIS & CO t II $ Sole Agent,09,..,710",,,?tail For Ladies that are 'made roffialinummOnsinn1 !CREAM WANTED 1 Having an up-to-date Creamery in 1 full operation, we solicit your cream patronage. We are prepared to pay the highest market prices for good cream and give you an honest busittbaa. weighing, sampling and tasting eaoh can of cream received carefully and returning a full statsment of same to each patron. We funish two cans to each patron pay all express charges and any every two weeks. Write for further particulars or send for cans and give us a trial. . S EA F 0 R jaltallAINFRY CO, liraminmeriameamouvannioli G AND -TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO -CHICAGO TORONTO -MONTREAL Unexcelled Train Service Highest Class of Equipment WINTER TOURS TO CALIFORNIA -FLORIDA and SUNNY SOUTH The Grand Trunk Railway is 'the most direct route from all points east through Canada, via Chicago, Detroit or Buf- falo. FAST TRAINS —CHOICE OF ROUTES Full particulars and berth reservations at G.T.R. ticket offices. H. 13,1ILLIOTT, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent, Phone 4. "iiV, P. DUKODLAN, Station Agent, Phone 60. CANADIAN in P_ACIFIC IskY: Ito* WIPITZR TOURS TO TEE LAX)) Or Sunshine and Summer Days THE "CANADIAN" rag Time Between MONTREAL -TORONTO DETROIT!CHICAGO Particolard horn Canadian Paelfio Tieket Agents, or write &LG. IVIorphy, Dirtriet Paasenger Agent, corrierKing and Terige Streets, Toronto. W. A. Pandortoo, Towti Agent, Peens tie neetner,statioa Agene, PhOne 7 EM b,si&srms. ,,,S&SISSS (.2&Sis-SsS. e'4WSSS'g,S 4'S 3 4300% ‘'KESSSS ONLY 13 DAYS MORE TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS BUYING WE JUST received a large assoytnaent of Furs of all Kinds And Quality, Ladies'_and Misses Cloth Jackets, in many different shades and styles. The newest productions direct from the manufacturer. The best value ever offered in Wingharn. See them. We consider it no it no trouble to show goode. READ OUR Sweatercoats • Men's $5 Sweatercoats, sale price $3.40; Men' $3.50 Sweatercoats, navy with eedtrimening, $2,98; Men's $1.50 Sweatercoats, with red trimmings, 98c, ; Boys' wool Sweaters, regular $L00 for 68c.; Boys' Sweatercoats, in navy blue and gray, reg. $1,25 for 98c.; Girls' Sweatercoats in navy blue and gray, regular $1.50 fon, 98e Braces Men's fine Braces, regular 50c, sale price 25c.; Boys' Braces, 10, 12 and 15e. Sox 350 Heavy Wool Sox, for 25e; 50c Cashmere Sox, for 33c.; 350 Worsted Sox, for 230; Men's 25c. Rubber Collars, at 19c., or 2 for 35c.; Men's 15c, Linen Collars for 10c.; Men's 50 and 75c Ties, sale price 38c. (See window.) Men's Excelda Hand- kerchiefs, reg. 10c, sale price 6 for 25c; Men's $1.50 Silk Moffiers, sale 08c; Collar Buttons 5 for 5 ets; All Metes Hats at wholesale prices. Shirts Men's fine Shirts, $1.25, sale priee 89c; Men's fine Shirt* $1, sale priee 69o; Men's 00c work Shirts for 430, Men's Nightgowns Regular $1,00, sale mice 63e; Regular $1.25, price 7nc. Men's & Boys' Underwear sale Metes $1.25 wool Shits or Drawers for 79e; Men's fleece lined -Underwear for 48e; Boys' fleece lined Underwear, all sizes tip to 32, for 32c each; 13oys' Buster rown Suits reg. $4.50 for $1.98; Meseta Suits to delete regular $11.50 for $6.08; reg, PRICE LIST ; $16.00 for $9; Boys' Tweed Suits to clear, sizes 28, 30 and 32, regular $5 for $2,75; Men's heavy wool Pants regular $3 for $2.19; Men's heavy worsted Pants reg. $2.50 for $1.08; Men's heavy tweed Pants regular $2 for $1,49; Men's Overalls regular $1 for 89c; Men's Chinchilla Vests regular $2.50 for $1,48; Boys' Overcoats from size 24 to 32 at half price. $10 coats for $5; $8 coats for $4; $6 coats for $3; $5 coats for $2,50; Men's $15 and $16 Overcoats in dark tweed to clear at $9.48. Ladies' Underwear Regular 850 for 23c; zegular 60c fleece Shirts or Drawers for 48c; 90c v,00l Shirts or Drawers for 68c; Ladies natural wool combination, regular $3.09 for $LOB; Ladies' Whitewear at wholesale prices. Flannelette Blankets 11-4 for $1,30; FIan nelette-B6 inch wide, regular 12c for 10; DreSs and Mantle Goods . $1.50 heavy double width dress goods for 95c; $1 heavy double width dress goods for 43e; $3.50 Mantle Cloth for $2,25; $3 Mantle Cloth for 51.98; $1.50 Mantle Cloth for 98c; Ladies' Kid Mitts reg- ular 75e for 50c; Ladies' $1 Kid Gloves for 59c; Ladies' 50c Cashmere Gloves for 38e, Shoes and Rubbers • All kinds, sizes and quality at wholesale prices. Seo us before you buy anything in the Rubber and Shoe line. It will mean dollarto you. Groceri 7 bare soap for 25c; 4 bottles Extract for 25e; 8 cans peas, corn or tomatoes for 25c; Salmon, 2 cans for 25e; 4 bottles Catsup for 25e; the beet Snow-white Tleking Powder, 2 cans for 25e. Try it, 3 lbse Ctants for 25c; 3 lbs. Raisins for 25c; Sterling Mustard 2 bottles for 25c; 3 bottles Club Rouse Olives for 25c; Perline 40 box; 13lueber- ego regular 45e for 30c; 14 lbs. best Granulated Sogaf, for $1.00, Ladies' $16 to $18 Jackets for $7,481 Ladhis' $16 Jackets for $0.08; Mimeos $7,50 to $10 jackets for $3.48; Misses $6 and $7 Jackets for $2,98. Our Store will be open till 10 o'clock every evening during the month THE MERCHANTS' BROKERAGE CO. KERR'S OLD STAND S'f'SSSSV•1,,-.81,SSS - SYg,3gSSSi SIIST.8184',SSSSS'PySVSSVMS1 1,1 01 ;01 n5 117 n6lr'AC' ill/J1 JV01 t(y/C7))1 ck) c/) TRSCLRESTFie'rylc/t.41/1').)ri WINGHAM. ONT, SSW28-g "ASSW\g., A