HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-12-10, Page 6Pago
• • 0.1* • mir-**Niki!P -11r,14-',P#1.4.-
DeCCIllber rOth, 1914
A, weather i'rephet predicte a very
eevere wierer eed late spritrg. We aro
•,:r hese' tieep and turnreeently cold
e.eeeinity in January ttod Feb.
reery 'Ii.000 are the reasons she gives
foe tile keid: teet ia in him:
hee eeen mere than a century- Finer., •
the Ire:tee '-'ratize tes
tristurieer'es ut tete equino,x as was ex-
p r..ee year. No stoi ms of any
tiegeee eppeared exeept tiong the
North leoe'le st,
t!,:e ,:ert the- worla *the lows and
ero need to speaking of
the rel:eive etentvphorie conditions,
wineh ncross the CQUIltry, pro-
ret.ee .1:.- changier in nur weather,
were e ine; eiwwly es at auy other
tne year, vitm:h is diffeeent
teri_.n at ;:eried of the
ferry:ie.; or ineeete are deeper in the
vetch, tie'el 1 titer burrowing .
itrmis are resting Jee;"•er,uu2bark
iet vow wood is emelt thieker, atei.
weorls ere thieker where roets will :teed
etieu. .‘;:i these imliertte severe,
In ainarzt every seetion of the coun-
try where there was a ehertr,ge of
tainfred dewing the Summer mouths.
Autumn rnies lia et. repiouished runuing •
springs, and ir cold weather does come
back live toe!: will not euilier for want
or water.
Rainy Auturns are pretty certain in-
dieations of. severe freezing during the
Winter, white dry Antuma months of-
ten foretell a mild, open Winter.
Auto= leaves tinted with frost in-
dicate early Winter, hut when the lea-
ves die and fall off without frost the
Winter will hold Mr late, but be mere
than ordinarily cold.
Corn 'husks and the chaff on grain
were heavier this season than commen,
and weed seeds are retained in lumvier
coverings than are usually noticed.
Our weather is thresult of a cause
and if we only get at the cause we can
eesily foretell the result. Watch and
see how these predictions compare with
the actual results.
- - —
When sending a present of a cake, or
one for a chureh tea meeting, instead of
placing it on a plate put it on a heavy
piece of cardboard cut to fit and cover-
ed v:ith a pane': napkin. It will look
well and there will be no plate to re-
turn to its owner.
If rubbers are a bit too big, stuff a
little paper into the toe; helps slot.
Eggs to be beaten or eream to be
whipped will foam mote readily if a
pinch of salt is added.
When making pancake batter, use
water instead of milk. You will find
the cakes lighter and better than when
made with milk.
.Deesicated (dried) milk when properly
prepared has been shown to be a useful
adjunct to the various artificial foods
for infants.
Do not try to extinguish gasoline
flames with water, Dry sand, or one
of the various fire extieguishers sold
for the purpose, will accomplish what
Is desired.
Pick out some of the nicest apples—
perfectly sound ones ; wrap each one
separately in paper and place them in a
box in a room which is cool all the
time (just so they don't freeze). They
will be sound long after all other apples
are gone.
United States Federal, state and
local officials have begun a campaign in
Illinois, the Department of Agriculture
uneounced to -day, to stop what is de-
clared was illegal trafficin impure eggs.
"From evidence gathered," the de-
partment stated, "there seems to be a
definite market in Chicago for rots and
spots' at $2 a case of thirty dozen.
"AIthongh there is a certain demand
for inedible eggsfor technical purposes,
such as tanning leather, most of the
rots and spots that reach Chicago are
first broken and frozen and then sold to
bakers for use in cakes and other forms
of food."
Advanced temperance reforms aro
indicated in Manitoba by Premier Rob-
lin's announcement of a new Govern-
ment policy to secure early closing by
Rev. L. P. Vanier, Benedictine,
Superior of the Abbey of Notre Dame
du Lac, at Sherbrooke, was drowned,
with his servant, in Lake Memphrema-
gog, their motor boat being crushed in
the ice.
The Wakatnbas. a Battu tribe, is the
most highly civilized tribe of Africa.
They understand ironworking, make
use of & decimal system of calculation
and have a goodsystem of music.
Half the joy of life comes from get-
ting good out of things as we go along.
Some of us are always putting of our
enjoymeete. Aftee a while we expeet
to take a rest, ane a friend, reed a book,
But after a while never cornea; the good
time we are looking forward to lies as
far away as ever, Alt our life is spent
in meaning to overtake it and enjoy it.
Meanwhile we toil. drudge, and grew
old, peseing by with unseeing eye the
happineee we might get out of every
" 55c. PER DAY
A TRIFLING arnount,—.what does it
mean? Just this: That you, as
representing the average Canadian
citizen, can square off your account
with our army of factory workers, by
making sure that at least 55 cents
worth of the things you buy, in your
ordinary every day shopping, arernade
right here in Canada -.-the country that
gives you your own living.
Mat sum, 55 cents a day, equals WO
per year. Time are S,0001000 people in Can-
ada.If for the support of every one of them,
there was spent MO a year on ,:anadian
made goods it would give us a factory output
of K600,000,000.
Back in 1910 11, Canada was enjoying
pretty good times, but the total factory output
then was less than $1,200,000,000,
Yon can easily bury the hard times of to-
morrow under the coppers you spend on odds
and ends to -end to -day, just by using a little
intelligent discrimination, by saying to the
"Nothing but' Made in Cana-
da' for Mine."
Relief at Once liveries, etc., are exempt, as well as
tailoring, and its allied oceupations
where carried on as part of a retail es -
Cure Certain tablisliment. The same principle is
Conelusive Evidence That Dr. Chase's
Ointment Cures Itching Piles.
Mr. John G. McDonald, Pietou, N.S.,
writes:—"I used Dr. Chase's Ointment
for itebing piles, and found that the
first applieation gave relief. After
using a few box:c.,s of the ointment I
was completely curyd, and can rf:com-
mend it highly to all sufferers from
this disease. You have my permission
to use this letter for the benefit of
Mr. James M. Douglass, Superior
Junction, Ont., writes:—"Por about
six years I suffer(41 from piles, and
oftext could not work for two or three
days at a time, so rat was the suf-
fering front pain and itching. Doctors
treated me in vain, and I tried many
treatments before I came a.eross Dr.
Chase's Ointment. Two boxes of Dr.
Chase's Ointment cured me, and for
several months 3: have had no return
of this annoying ailment."
There can be no doubt that Dr.
Chase's ointment is the most effective
treatment obtainable for every form
of piles. 60 cents a box, all dealers,
C ' ndmanson, Eates & Ob., Limited,
The Workmen's Compensation I3oard
has about completed its work on placing
the various industries in their proper
grouping and a phamphet is beingissued
giving‘ detailed information as to the
clasees and as to what industries are
brought under the Att.
The board has adopted a number of
regulations, making elear the intention
of the Act ib respect to the inclusion of
certait industries or occupations, and
making clear the exemption a several
about whieh there has been POMO doubt.
The most impottant of these mete
the demand of the retailers thet in-
eidentel marelfaetdring darried On tn
connection with purely retailing busi-
ness be not covered by the Aet. Whole-
salers and retailers, hotels, sarAges,
applied to the manufacturing parts of
grocery shops, butcher shops, drug
stores, jewelry stores, eta.
Other regulatious provide for exemp-
tion in dairying industries, telephone
systems, laundries, cleaningestablish-
ments, etc., when less than six men
are employed.
Machine shops, repair shops, ete..
are included only when ineidental to an
industry covered by the Act. The same
applies to such incidental employment
as delivery service.
A man's repentance is Always sincere
—at the time,.
Gain a woman's sympathy and the
battle is half won.
One sure way to save money is riot to
own a flock of automobiles.
We know a spinster who thinks a
husloatad is better late that never.
An epicure says that a lot of divorces
eoree out of the frying pan,
The henpeeked husband should rejoice
that he isn't a Mormon.
A man must either make way for
himself or get out of the way of others.
This is a free eountry, but you shoold
be ashamed to say some a the things
you think.—Chicago News.
When Blood is Poison.
The blood must be fiiterecil otherwise
you are poisoned. If the kidneys fail
the liver is over-worked, and becomes
torpid. By using Dr. Chase's Kidney -
Liver Pills ybu get both these filter-
itig organs- working right, and also en.
sure healthful action of the bowels.
For this reason these Pills are an ideal
family triedieiee. They cure biliousness,
conatniation, claroaie indigestion and
kidney disease,
Children Cry
I don't know why it is that most ev-
ery farmer can judge the age of a
horse by looking at its teeth, but fails
when he cotnes to judge the age of a
cow. The matter is just as simple,
and, while perhaps not so important, is
worth knowing how. When the calf is
born it has a central pair of milk teeth
but the remaining pairs appearing
within the firet month. These milk
teeth are replaced with permanent ones
and herein is the key for estimating a
eow's age with a fair degree of at
Ae age of 18 months the central
pair of milk teeth is replaced by the
permanent ones which are larger and
about twice as broad as the first pair.
Other pairs come at intervals of about
nine months, The settend pair, making
four permanent teeth, appears at the
age of 27 months; the third pair at the
age of three years; and the two end
teeth are easily distinguished by their
larger size.
After the fourth year there is little
change in the appearance of the teeth
until they begirt to wear. In a few
years, however, the teeth begin to get
narrower and at the end of the ninth
year there is considerable spaee be-
tween them. From this time on they
keep shrinking, discoloring, and finally
begin to drop out one by one. a a cow
has horns the age may be estimated
quite atcurately by adding two to the
number of rings on the horns, After a
little practice in eXateining mouths ono
can tell just about how old a cow is by
looking at her teeth,
Chinea 1012 imports front all scam
were valued at P50,091,808; exports
le The Case of Boll: owl
When, boils or pimples start to break
out on your fare -or body you may rest
assured that the blood is ie. an itenure
state, and that before you ean get rid of
them it will be necessary for you to
purify it by using a good medicine that
will drive all the impurities out of the
Burdock Blood :Hitters 38 a blood puri-
fying remedy. One that has been Olk the
market for the past forty years. One
that is known from one end of the country
to the otheeus the best blood purifier
in existence. It cures boils, pimples and
all other discaeee arisiug from bad blood.
Mr. Andrew E. Collier, River Glade,
N.B., was troubled with bolls for years,
in fact, did not know what it was to be
rid of them untielte used Burdock Blood
Bitters. It cured him.
Mr. Otto Boyce, Yarker, Ont., had
his face and neck break out with pitnples.
Re tried several kinds of medicine with
out suceess. Two bottles of Burdock
Dieted Bitters bauished them.
B.B.B. is menufaettured only by The
T. Milburn Co., Litnited, Toronto, Ont.
{Edwin C. Booth, in IV:cntreal Mail.]
Little lonely woman watching o'er the
te re,
Tell me what you look for with your
wistfol eyeof grey.
Far beyond the ocean I have sone and
What a mother's heart can love her
eyes tan see elway.
Do by day I see them—Jay by day I
hear them
Hear the murmur of their voices ever
in the sea,
And my heart is yearning, yearning to
be near them,
Children I your mother am: ery
"Mother" heel; to me.
Make me proud, my children, that one
word niv heart shall fid;
Grey-hair'd England is your mother;
call her "Mother" still.
Little lonely woman, watching o'er the
Let your bosom swell with .ride, your
mother's heart rejoice.
Far beyond the ocean you heve sons
tied daughters;
Sens and daughters switt RS flame to
leap up at your voice.
Whisper but a summons, sigh to them
in need,
East and West and North and South
sound beck the answering hum.
Stir of children marebing ; beat of
hearts that eleed ;
Thunder of ten thousand lips: °mother,
here we come
England, Mother England, all our bleed
cries back to thee;
Blood of Kinship beats to blood like
waves that seek the shore,
131nd us close, 0 mother; let as gather
at thy knee:
Hand in hand there let us stand, thy
children evermore.
The Manitoba Department of Agri-
culture has obtained exce/lent results
from an experiment that was taken
this year for the eradication of wild
oats. A field of forty acres was found
to be badly infested with wild oats, and
the experiment conducted gave good
results, show that it at least reduc-
ed the amo of the wild oats in
the field
The land was "skim plowed" ex-
tremely thin in the fall of 1913 and
harrowed once and back. The wild
oats were then permitted to grow until
June lst, when the field was found to
be a perfect mat of wild oats from six
to nine inches high. During the first
week in June the field was plowed about
five inches deep and immediately har-
rowed while damp, and sown with bar-
ley at the rate of 144 to 8 bushels to the
acre, Apparently all the wild oat seed
near the surface had germinated dur-
ing the spring, for when the crop of
barley was cut and stooked there were
only about three stooks in the field
which showed wild oats. The field will
be summer fallowed now and laid out
for demonstration purposes.
Do not suffer
another day_with
Itching, Bleed -
Ing, or -Protrud.
Ing Piles. No
surgleal oper.
a ti o n required.
Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at onoo
and as certainly pare. YOU. 60e. a box; all
dealers, or Zdmanson, Bates & Co.. Limited.
Toronto. Sample box free If you mention thin
Paper and enclose go, stamp to pay postage.
The Old Fashioned Purging
and Griping Action of Pills
Is Now Done Away With.
Laxa-Liver Pills geatly
unto& the secretions, clear away all,
waste atfd effete matter from the system,
and give tone and vitality to the whole
intestinal tract.
They do this by acting directly on the
liver, and making the bile pass through
the bovvels instead of allowing it to get
into the blood, and thus causing coiled -
nation, jaundice, catarrh of the stomach
and eintitat troubles.
IvIrs.L.M. Ratchford, Peterboro, Ont.,
writes: "Having been troubled for
years with coostipatioit, atid ttyieg many
different retnediee whith dkl me no good
whatever, I was asked to try Milbure'e
Laxa-Liver Pille„ I have found them
most betteficial, for they are Andeed
spletulid pills, and vf ean gladly remit -
mend them to all people who miter from
Laxe.-Liver Pills are 25e
a Vial, 5 virile for etele, at all driiggiets
or &Mere, or mailed direct ott reecipt
priee by The T. Iteilburo. Co., Limited,
e`nrouto. Ont.
We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and can supply your wants in),
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
• Leave. your order with us
when in need of
Or anything you may require in the printing line.
Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
• The Times Office
Winghaill) • Ont.
Every Bell Tele-
phone is a Long !
The Acme
• of Efficiency
can attain the highest
point of efficiency in your
business by a systematic
and consistent use of the LONG
• If you have never given
the TELEPHONE as a business •
producer a proper , opportunity
' Ask "Long Distance" for rates.
t8 c The Bell Telephone Co.
We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and can supply your wants in),
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
• Leave. your order with us
when in need of
Or anything you may require in the printing line.
Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
• The Times Office
Winghaill) • Ont.