HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-12-10, Page 5111,111. -41,1111., km, December loth i914. rivrovki,,,,,,,ww*Avoeseitelviiketv"iiii,wwwwwwwwwi Christmas Gifts If you desire a Christmas Gift for a Man or a Boy get them where he always buys his wearables. Get them HERE and then you can't go wrong, A Man always appreciates sotrtethirm he can wear and be will appreciate it rnoreso this year. M.01,4k.mikekm. 'OUR CHRISTMAS TIES • Every man and boy always expects a Christmas Tie and he gen- ally gets it. Our Holiday Neckwear is the choicest shown. Exclus- ive silks from exclusive makere, 25e, 50c, '75e, $1.00. .1102•1.11101..0.1. OTHER CHRISTMAS HINTS Bath Robes Shirts Gloves Collars Arm Bands W Mufflers Sweaters . Suspenders Hosiery Handkerchiefs Dress Shirts Underwear Cuffs 'Garters Hats,Caps' A,. CAMPBELL $ THE CLOTHIER IblivilbellAl.111,111e111,1eitelre. 01===i0=10====11 0 1===f0 ; 11 APPLE BUTTER TRY A PAIL OF JAM This is a very cheap article at 6 cents per pound con- sidering the high cost of sttgar,. E. Merkley & Son PHONE 84. P. 0. BOX 62 Wingham, Ont. 1 0===1.=.11== .1=0 AL, • 1 • All, . •41.., • ••%, 0_2_1W • .771:6- '•••• • ••••• • • •1111N • *••• • ••••11. • CN • C— r I it` • 1.g.Christmas ! Christmas !; 1.10 enseanseasessemeassove '10 10 • Christmas! 14.V1 411, Once more we are doing our best to offer you •a line of Christmas Novelties and Christrnas presents of the newest assortment for women and children in Fancy Dress Goods, Fancy Silk Waists, Silk Mufflers, Silk Sweater Coats, Silk Aviation Cans, Linens, Guest Tou els,Embroidery, Drapes, Table Cloths, Linen Handkerchiefs, Ern- broidery Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Initialed ..H,ndkerchiefs, Laundry Bags, Tango Collars, Pin Cushions, Brooches, • Cuff Links, Perrin's Kid Gloves, Perrin's Cape Gloves, Ladies' Neckwear, Ladies' Parasols and Suit Case Umbrellas. MEN'S SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS, SHOPPERS Biggest and newest line of Neckwear to show you in Silk Kitted Ties, Plain Silks, each tie boxed separately. Silk knitted Mufflers, Armlets, Tie Pins, Cuff Links, Suit Case UmbrtIlas, Fancy Knitted Vests, Fancy Plush Ve ts, Perrin's Grey Suede Silk Lined Gloves, Men's Seater Coats, Silk Braces, and . many other suggestions to offer you—tin those who shop arly. 41 4.81 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED, kei HANNA & CO. 'Phone 10 Winghant, Ont. BOTTERICK PATTERNS ALWAYS IN STOCK THE WINGHAM TIMES EAST wAwANosit Air. 3, J. Fryfogle and assietants were out to Mr Arehie 13rydgeo re- modelling an up to -date windmill. The farmers are either beeetning wealthy or else they are getting very lazy as many a them ere installing litter -carriers. UsTO WL On Tuesday night of laet week about 11 o'clock the proprietor of the Queen's Hotel when closing for the night, took a look throgh ail the rooms to see thet everything was alright. When entering a back sitting -room, but very little used, he found Mr. Samuel Klein- schrotb, a well-known and respected retired farmer, who had been a resi- dent of Listowel, for the past two years, sittiug in a ehair, dead. He was 57 year of age and leaves a widow and a grown-up family, 'smog/eve: • The Farmers' Club will meet in the Foresters' Hall on Tuesday evening, December 15th. Irwin Hilliard, K. 0., of Morrisburg, Conservative, was elected to the Ontario Legislature in a bye -election in Dundas county, the constituency of the late Sir James P. Whitney, by a ma- jority reduced from 673 to 59, his ap- ponent being John A. Campbell, Liber- al, of Ormond. [Intended for last week,' Mrs. Joe Youill has been spending a few days a her parents home, Mr. and Mrs. G, W. Proctor. Mr. McKenzie, Edmonton, is visiting his sister, Mrs. W, J. Geddes. Our citizens were sorry to hear of the death of Jackie Hill at his father's home in London, he was 9 years of age, a bright loveable •child, youngest son of Thee. Hill, formerly of Belgrave. A contest has been concluded in con- nection with the Adult Bible Class of Knox Church for attendance at the contest the losing side entertained the winning side to a banquet which was held last Friday night in the basement of the church. In the neighbourhood of sixty were present including the teachers and officers of the school by special invitation. A hot fewl supper was served at 6.30 and a good program rendered, consisting of recitations by Rev. Mr. Boyle, Miss Harrison, Mrs. W. 11. Ferguson; vocal selections by Mrs, James Michie, Charles Cole, Jas. Taylor; address by Mrs. Charles Camp- bell, Mr. Nelson Higgins, also the secretary -treasurer, Mrs. W. IL Fer- guson reported 53 on the attendance roll with 30 of an average attendance. S. HELENS. did not see you at the concert, Donald, No, Walter, I would not have missed it for a good deal, either, but it was impossible for me to be there. I hear that it was good, and there was a fine crowd? It was, I t ink, the very best ever given in St. s, which is saying a good deal, and e house was crowded to the doors with the most at- tentive and orderly crowd I ever saw. There were three speakers ; Rev, Mr. McKinley, of Lucknow, Rev. Mr, Mc- Intosh, of St. Helens, and Mr, Mus- grove, M. P. P., of Wingham. Mr. George Anderson, of Lucknow, was un- expectedly called to Winnitieg and was much disappointed at not being able to be present, The speakers were all m their best form and gave stirring and instructive addresses, and the attention and aPplause they received showed the appreciation of the audience. And Doeald, you should have heard that Lueknovv bunch of singers! they cer- tainly excelled themselves. There were Mrs. George Anderson, Mrs. T. Reid and Miss Robertson, Messrs Reid, Acheson, Allan and Neil McCallum, piper. They gave us solos, duets, quartettes, both mixed and male, itndin the best of style, and gave them so cheerfully and freely that it was pleasure to hear them. The White- church boys came over with ten of their members under Captain Carrick and gave an interesting drill, but they were much handicapped for room on the platf or m. They had a couple of Red Cross nurses Who attended to their wounded in the bayonet charges. Then they sang, "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground", led by Mr. Eggleson, in splendid voice, and finished with the Royal salote to the Nationel Anthem Miss Clark, of St. Helens, tang a beautiful solo and Harry Macey tow sang a solo and had to respond with An .encore. What joke did they speing on Webster and. Me - Quillen,' Walter? Well it seems that they went cosi hunting one night and Cap, Webster, expeeting that he might have to take his men to the front soon, end watching for a chance to test their endurante and clbse observance of orders, ordered MeQuillan to watth a tree that they had run a con up, this McQuillan did till morning, while the Cap. got the coon and made for home. Webster says that that is the kind of stuff heroes are made of. Now you can take thie for what it is worth, Donald, my authority is the Lucknow quartette. 1 must away, The unemployed situation is acute at Moe Jaw. Ralph Smith, T. N, 0. despatch, r at North Ray, son of Capt. W. 14 Sall h o' Orono, and Was Cora White ( f Bracabrioge, a school teacher from Feronia, lot their lives while elcating on Lake Nipissing, venturing out too Speaking at the annual meeting of North Oxford Reform Association, Mr, N. W. Rowell, K. 0., Provincial Liberal leader and M, P. P. for the constituency, announce 1 that he would offer to cce operate with Premier Hearst in a non- partisan dealing with the liquor traffic in Ottawa. LITT: ETOO JVCAUigErs Toronto, Dec. 7—Union Stock Yards —Receipts, Saturday inoluthd, 2 1 cars, with 3,684 eattle, 165 calves, 3,93 hogs, and 1,521 sheep and lambs. Trade was fairly active, and a good steady market to -day. Choicest bat- chers were, if anything, a little firmer, several loads selling at $7.75 to $8. Fair to good medium butchers steady at re- cent prices. The ren was heavy, and included a large proportion of canners and right rough cattle, and while there is still a good demand for canners, prices were inclined to shade off a little easier. Good veal calves, steady to firm. Steady demand for good mfich cows. Light lambs, steady. Heavy lambs, dull end inclined easier. Hogs 20c to 25c lower. Export $ 8 15 Butcher cattle choice. 7 60 do medium., 7 50 Budtochmereacoiuwnis . ca h. oice ... 6 40 do common .. 5 50 4 25 pedeodebru 6 35 slts.. . 6 00 Stockers ... ....... 5 75 do -medium . 5 25 do light..., 425 Canners and cutters .. 61 0050 Milkers, choice Springers'- 50 00 Common and mecliume•40 00 Li, iagmhbt e 2, v.v.e.s ..... . . . . . : 75 2255 do bucks .e ,.. .... ...., 3 50 Hogs fed and watered 7 25 do f.o,b „ 6 90 Calves 5 00 $ 8 40 7 75 7 60 6 50 5 75 4 50 6 50 6 65 6 00 • 5 75 • 4 65 4 10 00 00 95 00 64 00 8 50 5 70 4 50 7 35 10 00 WINGtk An 14A1tRET REPORTS. Wingham, December 9, 1914 Flour per 100 lbs Fall wheat Oats,. .. . . , .0 47 to 0 47 Barley .0 60 to 0 60 Peas . —, .1 65 to 1 55 Butter dairy .0 28 to 0 24 Eggs per doz ' , 0 35 to 0 25 Wood per cord ' . ' 2 25 to 3 00 Hay per ton 13 00 to 14 00 Hogs .. , • • .• •• • • , • • .., ,.7 00 to 7 00 ,. 3 15 to 3 70 1 12 to 1 12 crook at gaup °Cabe! Page "140'"*`#V141~1***440"*"*.ortisso."4"4044.01/04400010100"*0000400Aosi High Cost 4t of Living reduced by buying your DRY GOODS, GROCER- IES, BOOTS AND SHOES, fMEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, LADIES' fCOATS, SUITS, FURS, ETC„ ETC. fAt This Store Read the list, then come tand see how we carry out our plan of REDUCING LIVING EXPENSES. Bargains in Groceries 14 lbs best Granulated Sugar $1.00 3 cans Peas, Corn, Tomatoes..25e Best Oatmeal 6 lbs for 25e Corn Starch, per package 08e 7 bars Soap for. .... ...... ,25e Fancy Cakes, per lb , 10e 6 lbs fresh Rice .., ,. , ..... , 25e 2 cans Maple Leaf Baking Powder for, 25e 3 packages Corn Flakes for25e Tin Pail Best Soda Biscuits, 25c Pure Castile Soap, 25e bars for 20c Choice Salmon 2 cans for 25e Good Sardines Sc per can or ci5 6 cans for ""5e ?Best Syrup in Pails for .. .,... 25e Choice blend of Tea per lb .„ . 35e Canada Laundry Starch 08e ? New Seeded Raisins per pkge10e hard's Every Day Bargains These Cut Prices on Season- able Goods just a time when you are likely to want them, should make Buying easy. Only room to quote a few of the Many Bar- gains awaiting you here. Ladies' Winter Coats Just in. Very snappy styles, Faney tweed tqleets. Ioguta 12 to $12.50 Coats, Sale price *9.75 10 Wotnen's Coats made of fancy curl cloth and diagonal weaves, fancy coilars, $15 Coats Sale $11.95 A clearing line of Girls Coats up to $3 00. Value for $2.95 Women's Top Skirts to clear, made of piain cloth and tweed effects, reg., price $5, $ale .......... — ..... .433 39 Bargain in Hose, 10 dos heavy ribbed Hose, all sizes, 35c value Sale 25e Women's ITnderwettr, White or grey Underwear, Vests and. drawers, regular 33c line, - Sale 25e Dress Plaids and Checks of good quality and weight 12 1-2 value for 10c .Snap in Flannelettes, 10 pieces, yard wide cloth at 12 1-2c, Sale 1.0c Flannelette Blankets, large size, fine quality English Blankets, grey or white, special for Sale .... $1.50 Comforters made of fancy chintz, good size, S a 1 e price • $1,25 Lace Collars, new Collars just received, cream or white, value up to 50e, on sale for., 25c Ribbons, Wide Hair Rib- bons, all colors, regular price 15c, Sale. ..... ....10c 41 HSI 'Wool Blankets. Big bar- • gains in Blankets. See (Jur special for Stile „ $3,00 - Men' Store Men's Suits at cut prices.. Bargains on Sale at $6.08, $7,95, $0.75, and *11.00 Boys' t(q•ce lined Under- shirts and Drawer, Sale.,.. 25 Men's heavy ribbed Shirts and Drawers, all sizes,' special Sale . .. 75c Men's and. boys' Caps with inside bands, speeial cut price Sale 50e Sweater Coats, Special line of heavy Sweater Coats, Sale Boys' Overcoats, special c u t prices, S a 1 e $3.00, $3.50, $1.00, $4.50, 85.00 ISAR e.P..14~4^04-..1bil."4"triatreitilow-verbewel NOTRWIMCIMOIXre_ 010~00•~:00400,00.1"p•••••m•vmossig *Who's Your Grocer? We're Bidding for Your Trade. HAVE YOU TRIED marketing here? Call and let us fill your next order. If you want clean, fresh Groceries of the best quality at lowest prices we have them—Choice Groceries, Fresh Fruits, appetizing Smoked Meats, high grade Teas, pure Confectionary, all leading brands of Breakfast Foods, and best Canned Goods on the market. Your order will be filled promptly and satisfaction is left with Henry T. Thomson "The House of Quality" *Free tuelivery Phone 9, Fast Service.* otomilemoroftemosookowisv~stookatiegalloosso A good line of OAK ROCKING CHAIRS also 1 Couches, Centre -Tables.W ting Desks, Library Tables, Book Cases, Jar r Stands, Brass Beds, Kitchen Cabinets, Batty Cutters, Oak Dining Chairs, Picture Framing, Buffets, Extension Tables, Felt Mattresses, Hall Mirrors and Seats, Toy Sets 2 chairs and table, Music Racks, All suitable for Christmas Gifts. JAS. WALKER' Purnitnre Jealer and Undertaker kkkh••••k•e••••***. wlirtnuffUntat 1 The annital Christmas eatertrintozett, in connection with the Presbyterian Sabbath School here will be held on , Wednesday evening-, December 23rd. A splendid program in connection with the same is being prepared by the chil- dren and the christma8 tree will be no less an interesting feature. The attnal meeting of the White- church Cheese and Bettec yea t'a lug t,o., will be held in the For,!sters' Whitechurch, on Mmtlay, Decl,tn- bet 21st, 1914, at two o'clozk p. in, for the purpose of r+?ceiving a report of the business of the year. The election of A Boatel of Direetars for the year 1915, and for the transaction of any .other business that may be brought before the meeting, A full attendance 'of the shareholders and patrons is requested. IT'S A LONG WAY TO TIPPERARY But • a Short Way to Patterson's Jewelry Store THINK of it, $9500 'N,vorth of Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass, Silverware and Jewelry all the newest designs. These goods were bought at the low price before the war commenced, and can and will be sold from 25 to 50 per cent. less than the dealer who had to buy them after the war began. This is a good chance for the people of Wingham and surrounding country to purchase swell Christmas gifts at a low price. Pearl necklets Cut Glass Tango Bracelets Pearl Brooches Bracelet Watches Pearl Pendants Gents' Canes Mesh Bags Ladies' and Gents' Suit Case Umbrellas Pearl Tie Pins Leather Goods Pearl Rings Stirling Silver Novelties Ladies' Watches Pearl Bracelets Pearl Ear Rings Silverware Gents' Watches Manicure' Pieces Pearl Handled Flatware 20 per cent. saved on diamonds. The largest stock th!s side of Toronto to choose ffotn. W. G. PATTERSON The Great Watch Doc? wiNGHAtvr ONTARIO