HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-12-10, Page 4• Pg e 4 A THE WINGHAM TIMES WY. December oth, 1914 Irsdaseseeerviesevemoisellio 1 1 c A OR kitchen stoves and ranges, base burners and heaters, furnaces and hot water heaters, open grates and fire -places, steam boiler, smithing porposes. We sell only the genu- ine D. L. & W. Coal Co,'s Scranton. Wood, slabs and kin- dling, charcoal and coke, 1 A. MdfAN LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Office Phone 64, MiR Pone 64b, Residence 69,. ileaegsassaveseessassaasiseasessyyses4 ...•••••••,..410M.11.11•01401r,•41.1110MM.V•1•10.4 WANTED 1000 LBS. TURKEYS CASH VINO1110111911,10, JIMMOINIONING.11.011 T. FELLS' Phone 22 Butcher Shop ) CREAM WANTED pATRONS of summer creamer- ' les and cheese factories, we waet your cream during the winter months. Highest Prices Paid Per Good Cream We supply two cans free and pay twice each month. Write for cans. wrimormi.• PALM cREAmERY PALrIERSTON - ONT. .............••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••VP•01 T. R. BENNET J. P. AUCTIONEER Will give better satisfaction to both huver and and seller than any other Auctioneer and only charge what is reasonable. PURE BRED STOCK SALES A SPECIALTX !Ales comic/deo anywhere in Ontari Several good farms for sale. Sale dates can be arranged at Trsme, office. Write or Phlue 81 Wingham A J. G. STEWART V Real Estate and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Insurance Reliable Work Moderate Charges 11 J. G. Stewart Griffin Block, Wingham (6,114/t."41,WVW141.4,4441A-$1 Times Stationery Store ...........,.......,.. FoR ............-..,............,...„ i Christmas Greeting Cards $ 1 Christmas Papeteries $ E Writing Paper, 'Writing Pads nvelopes, i Inks, Pencils Blank Books, Playing Cards $ i USTABLISEED tErn ME WINfillAN TIMES, R itutaoTT, Ptratasuna AND income:roe >>>>>> >4> >1> 4141: < NT A A THURSDAY, DECEMBER In, 1914 A llArry Tuou6HT A A MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. A A There are no indications that rate -1 At payers are becoming enthused over the FA approaching municipal elections. With the wer and the financial problems of the day most men are carrying enough in their craniums to disturb their equanimity. However, the waris going to be fought to a finish with the allied forces emerging triumphant, there will be a revival of business with the hum of Canadian industry as great as ever, and the resultent better times. Electors might turn a little of the attention that is now given to war speculation, to eivic affairs. Those who remain at home must look after the corporation' e business while otisers are in the smoke of battle fighting for the British Empire and world-wide civilization and christianity. What is wanted is a strong, healthy interest, based on the importance of civic affairs and a wise and judicious administration. Electors should pry into affairs themselves, Obtain as much information as possible on all phases of civic legislation and not hesi- tate to begin an agitation to place in office men of ability and integrity who can be relied upon to serve faithfully and conscientiously for the betterment et the town. When the ratepayers generally mani- fest the interest in civic affairs that they should, there will be fewer com- plaints and more satisfactory legislation. Wingham is at a critical period in her history. The tax rate is high and for a few years careful management is neces- sary in order that the town may be safely carried oyer the period until some of the debenture indebtedness is wiped out. There should be concerted action ta.kon to place in office men, who are seized with a determination to serve the town to the best of their ability, should be such as to ensure their elec- tion. W1NGHAM PATRIOTIC FUND. The following is a statement of all cash received up to date in aid of the War Relief Fund in Wingham. The list is still open, and the Treaserer be glad to receive any amounts, great or small, for either the Patriotic, Red Cross or Belgian Relief Fund: - R Killip $1, E C White 2, Edgar Pat- tison 5, Geo Mason 10, Wallace Hough 2, King Bros 10, Peter Deans 1, Ross & Bell 1, Jas A Haugh 2, 0 V Hayden 1, H W E Tamlyn 1, John Galbraith 5, Rev J W Hibbert 5, Merchants' Broker- age Co 5, Mies R Bowden 50c, Wm Field 5, John Lockridge 50e, John Fislaer 1, Josiah Wells 50, Helen Wells 25e, Mrs A Forsyth 1, Ed Worden 1, A F Bailey 1, Geo T Robertson 2, Miss E Rush 3, Jas Stearin 2, W J Haines 1, W H Haines 1, W H Rintoul 2, 5 A Morton 5, Mrs Lawrence and family 1.50, Z Lockman 25c, C Bowden 40c, R A. Tay- lor 1, F Bowden 1, J Holland 50e, W Stokes 1, Weir Elliott I. Miss Brock 1, Miss J Brock 1, A W Webster 1, Alex Carson 1, Chas Sutton 1, W H Gurney 5, Jos Gibson 1, Geo Wraith 1, Mrs W Moore 2, Miss Mulvey 1, Miss Galloway 50, Bradshaw Kerr 1, F 8 Ballagli 5, 3 Mitchell 2, M White 1, R A Currie 2, G R Smith 10, W McPherson 1, Jas A Isard 5, F A Morris 1, Dr G H Ross 5, John Quirk 1, A. Friend 1, Dudley Holmes 10, Wm Dore,5, Jos Ruddy 1, .1 A Mills 25, J G Gannett 1, Miss Hen- derson 1, Mrs R W Adams 1, Mrs Gil- christ 1, C G Templeman 25c, A Friend 25e, John Radford 50c, Mrs Haslam 50; 11 Parker 50, A Nichol 2, W Fryfogie Urias Sherk 1, Miss S Farquharson 1 1Canada Furn Mfrs 25, 0 E MeLean John Reid (Lower Town) 1, E M Murch Sec, R C Mann 50c, Mrs E Aitcheson 1 S Bennett 15, J 3 Mitchell 5, T T Mc- Donald 1, 5 5Davis 1, W A Miller 1, Misses Reynolds 15, Dr Hareoly 5, Ivan Johnston 1, J E Swart's 5, Mrs Weir I M E Zurbrigg 5, Frank Lewis 1, Fran- cis Lewis 1, Robt Beattie 2, R Van - stone 25, Bert Taylor 1,M E Armstrong 2, H B Elliott ;.0, 5 G Stewart 5, John ' McCallum 2, T C Graham 5, E Mehood 1, Jos Hemingway 2, Mrs J 13 Duffey Magazines and Newspapers $ IAll Leading Magazine and Newepaperei,neale and eubegiptione taken. 1 Prime Greeting Cards 81-4. i,f Privgte Christmas Grtl.ting Cards. • Y401 1-31tOilla lease yOtrOr 1 TANNERY STO Opposite Queen's Hotel 1 4411444444144644414444144444464,4 Have you Catarrh? h nasal breathing impaired? Does your 4hroat get husky or dogged? Modern science proves that these symptoms re- sult from run-down health. Snuffs arid vapons are inf. tating end useless. The oil -food in Scott's Emulsion will enrich and enliven the blood, aid nutrition and assist nature heck the inflammation and heal the sensitive membranes. Shun Akalinge mixtures ' *tf upon SCOT211 11) 4 A A A A We have •a fine assortment in the following : A A Ladies' and Gents' Watches, Gold and Silver Brace - A let Watches, Diamond and Pearl Rings, Pearl. Sunbursts, Pearl Necklets and Pendants, Cameo A Necklets, Cameo Rings and Brocches, Scarf ,A Pins and Fobs, Lockets and Chains, Bace- Iets, Cuff Links, Silverware, Pearl -hand- led Flatware, Cut Glass, Jewel Cases,. Clocks, Ladies' and Gents' Um - A brellas, White, Ivory and Ebony A Toilet and Manicure Sets, Mili- tary Brush Sets, Xmas Pap-, eteries and Post Cards. FOR CHRISTMAS A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A Special Values in Christmas Gilts 444 A A A A A. M. Knox 'PHONE 65 OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL tllf.•<<<<<<<<"<<"< it+ >>>>>>>>>>>+ 25e, Mrs Bosman 1, Mrs 11 Hamilton 50e, A E Smith 5,3 Doig 50e, W B Elliott 1, Miss C J Farquharson 2, D Hamilton 50c, Win and Miss Fessant 15, Wilfred Reid (E Waw) 2, R Deyell (Turnbery) 2, Ed Small 25e, Henry Aiteheson 10c, E Aitebeson 10c, J 3 Fryfogle 1, A Friend 1, 0 P Edwards 5, Mrs Halliday 5, Mrs Young 2, Misa Pearson 1, W J Boyce 2, W D Varey 10, D Somers 1, Miss E V Cooper 5, ;Nliss M I Whyte 10, Miss B E Anderson 10, W 5 Howson 5, John Hewer 2, Amos Tipling 2, Allen Fralick 1, Geo Hounsell 1, August Homuth 1, Geo McKenzie 5, Simon Dow 2, Sas McKie 6, Thos Bennett 1, L W Levis 2, Mrs Marsales 5, Thos T Field 5, John Nichol (Turnberry) 1, Chas Elliott 50e, Dr Irwin 60, 0 M Ewing 10, Walker & Clegg 100, R A Graham 5, John A Morgan 1, T S Bran- don 1, A E Coling 1, Mrs Fleuty 1, Miss M McLean 1, Mrs. P Fisher 5, 0 Dallas 2, Mrs Thos Deans 1, Mrs Taugher 50c, John Glenn 2, Fred Hinkley 2, Chas Campbell 50c, Mrs 0 Campbell 50e, Miss NfcBurney 2, Mrs Addison 50e Lawson Bisbee 5, John Stone 1, Mrs Forler 1, Mrs Geddes 1, Miss E Gracey 5, Mrs A 3 Nicholls 2, Mr Seaborn 5, Swanson & Jacques 2, Geo Carr 5, A J Walker 1, D Rae 1, Mrs T 0 King 2, Mrs Bap- tist 1, Peter McLaren 5, Rev D Perrie 5, M Knechtei 1, Wm Paul 25e, Miss Clow 50e, Mrs Coulter 25e, A Mellwain 1, Wm Isbister 5, S Chittick 1, Thos Gregory 10, Miss McCracken 1, Dr 3 A. Fox 1, Mrs Geo C Hanna 2, N T Sin- clair 10, Herb Campbell 10, Geo Spot. ton 10, Fred Johnson 5, Jos Pugh 500, W F Burgman 10, Jas Begley 1, Mrs Shortts Lei 0 McDonald 1, Mrs Grace Todd 50; Mrs Herdsman 1, John Helm 50e, Win Jones 1, Ed Help e 1, Rev 3 S Blair 5, Mrs A T Ford 50; W Saunders 1, Harry E Ricker 10, T Garret 1, W A Currie 1, Miss A Garret 40e, Mrs I, Fender 1, Mrs John Campbell 1, Wil- bert Wellwood 2, Mrs Amey 1, Ed Harrison 1, Miss L Rutledge 25, Wm Guest 1, A McGillyray 1, Ezra Merkley 1, Eldon Peterrnan 25c, Rintoul 25, W 5 Hutton 60c, R Osbourne 50c, R D Harriton 50c, Errold Groves 50e, W Angus 1, E Barnes 1, John Imlay 50e, Geo Cartwright 2, SV Ellicott 1, Mrs 3 Rogers 25e, T Lytton 1, 3 A Currie 1, Geo Allen 2, Thos Wilson 5, Mrs Jas Phelan 1, 0 S Blackball 2, P H Baker 1, A L Posliff 3, Robt McGee 5, C N Griffin 2, John Anderson (John St) 5, hIrs McKinley 1, Wm Cornyn 50; Frank Howson 3, John 0 Currie 5, Miss Rotledge 25, R Ogram 25e, Mrs 11 more 51!c, Edwin Lewis 1, Harry Allen 1, Mrs A Porter 1, Arthur Angus 1, Mrs Wm Ciuest 1, Wm Murray 50c, 3 W Scott 1, Thos Bower 50e, Coll. at meeting 7.57, Geo Phippert 3, Bal from Watch Fund 4.20, Football and Base- ball Clubs 30, A German Sympathizer 2e, J.B Ferguson 6, Mrs 3 Adams 50e. A E Porter 5, R Allen 5, Miss M E Pisher 1, hiss Elder Me, The subscriptions above amount to 75 12. Additional enbseriptions will be published as paid. In case of an ler kindly notify Annent COSENS, Treaeurer, The Militia Departmeet will, by meaes of purchasing eommiteions, buy the five or six thousand horses for the Isecond contingent direct from the farmers, PATRIOTIC SOCIETY NOTES The following letter has been received by the President of the Ladies' Patri- otic Society of Wingbann- Mrs. R. C. Redmond. Ladies' Patricide, Society, Wingham, Ont. MADAM: -We beg to acknowledge re- ceipt of the six boxes of clothing which you have so kindly forwarded to our Relief Work. We are deeply grateful to you for this splendid gift and beg you to kindly covey our expreseions Of gratitude to all the contributor's to the magnificent gift. In the name of suffering Belgium, please accept our heartiest thanks for yourself as well as for all those who co- operated with you to this donation. Yours very truly, Signed. H. Prud 'Homme, The Honorary Treasurer. A furthur donation of $2.0D -toward the Belgian Relief has been forwarded and the Ladies' Patriotic Society vill be very pleased to forward any fur- ther contributions they may receive from those who desire to assist The Ladies' Patriotic Society has- opened a subscription list in aid of the Red -Cross work and shall be very pleased to re - receive additional subscriptions, which will be forwarded direct to the head- quarters of the Red Cross Society. Following the list of amounts already reteived:- Ladies' Patriotic Society, $200.00; W.C.T.U., $8; Miss White, $10; Miss Fessanti, $5; Mrs, McKie, $5; Mr. B. Wellwood, $1; Rev. Father Fellow, $2; Mr. J. B. Ferguson, San Jose, Cal., $5; Mr, Haines, $2; Miss McCracken, $1; Miss Lewis, $n; Mr. Francis Lewis, $2; -$242.00. Additional amounts will be acknowledged through the press. Ad- dress Mrs. R. C. Redmond, President, or Miss Lesvis See'y Treas. The lathes keep on hand a supply of wool and shall be very pleased to give it out to anyone who can knit. Those who have not Already been asked to knit or sew are earnestly requested to help with the work, the need for which increases daily. Particulars, tnaterial, wool, etc, may be obtained by apply- ing to Mrs Redmond, 130 WICK William Gilkinson, aged 95, wisp died reeently n Harriston, was the town's eldest citizen. Be was boro. in the County of Tyrone, in Ireland, arid came to Canada with his parents when eighteen years of age, settling on a farmin Howick Township, two miles west of Fordwich, where he remained until 27 years ago. Then he moved to Fordwieh and rernai' ed until two years ago, when he came to Harriston and lived with his son until his death. Ili% wife pre-deeeassd him in 1911. He is survived by four ,ons and four daugh- ters ; Melvin, of Hanover, William, John and Leslie, Harriston ; Mrs. Bert King, Gorrie ; Mrs. Thomas Werlin, Fordwick ; Mrs. James McGill and Mrs. Orr, Owen Sound. The burial took place at Fordwich and was conducted by the Orange Order. The late Mr. Gilkinson was probably the oldest mem- ber of the L. 0. L. in Ontario, having joined the order in the County of Ty- rone, Ireland, at the age 4:A cighteen, just before coining to Canada, 17 years ego, •••,•••,. SOCSSELS Fred Burchell and R. J. McLauchlin, of town, have made application to join the second Canadian contingent as clod- feurs. They are both thoroughly ex- perienced. Joseph Bolger. who has beers in the West for the past couple of years, has purchaeed the property in Brussels South, belonging to Alex. Stewart, A mock trial of the Kaiser, prepared by Principal Scott and put on by the boys of the high school, at a concert beid in the town hail was a grand •suc- cess. Grey, Morris and McKillop townships have each is.uerl an order for dog own- ers to muzzle or tie up their dogs. Miss Gertrude Araes, a pupil in Brus- sels' continuation school, had the misfortune to break her ankle while elimbing over a feece on her way to school the other morning. Reeve Leckie attended the county council session, Mrs. Leckie's health is much improved, and hopes are now entertained for her recovery. The Belt Telephone central has been closed here, and the long distance will be looked after by the Rural Telephone central. The total amount of taxes for which Brussels is liable for 1915 is $10,318. Five per cent, will be added on all un- paid taxes after December 14. O,LEiNANNA.N" Eaclie's Sunday School will hold their Christmas entertainment on Wednes- day, December 23rd. Admission 25e for adults. Children free. Proceeds for Belgian children, The body of Dr. M. D. Sudworth, young Ingersoll Physician, was found lying in a ditch on the Waterloo road. His death is a mystery. THE DOMINION BANK am EDMUND S. OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT, W. D. MATTHEWS, sameeessetiorr. C. A. BOGERT, General hIlanager, This Bank Offers Fanners a complete and satisfactory banking service. Sales Notes collected an favorable terms, and advances made on such notes at reasonable Wes. The SavInga Department Is a safe and convenient depository for your money. Interest at oerrent rates is paid on deposits of one dollar and upwards. One doller opens en eecouut in the Savings 'Department. WINGHAIVI BRANCH: A, M. SCULLY, Manager, MISS SPARING DRAY IIIISINESS Licentiate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized teacher of Fiet.e.ving purchased the Dray Business cher Music Method, Simplex and Kin- dergarten, Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations in Piano and Theory. Theory taught by correspondenee. PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale his house and one flftli acre lot in the vil- lage of Beigrave for sale. House is two-story brick, containing ten rooms and good cellar. Good frdene stable on property. Everything en good repair. Get full particulars on the premises or address JAMES CUNNINGHAM, tf Belgrave, Ont, Farm for Sale. Lot S.g,15, 16, Con, 1, Morris, 100 acres; well watered; good buildings; large bearing orchard; 15 acres bush suitable for stock or grain farming. 3;6 miles from Wingharn, owner retir- ing. Apply to W. CLEGG, Proprietor. PLEASANT VIEW FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, 100 acres cleared, 20 acres hard wood bush; well fenced; good state cultivation; windmill; good water; bank barn 82x52; good out -buildings; two storey brick cottage, 11 rooms: ROBERT LEATHORN, tf Bleevale, TAX NOTICE, 1914. Tax payers are hereby notified that all taxes not paid by the 14th of December will have an addition- al 5 per cent, added. JAS. STEWART, 32-2 Colleetor. AUCTION SALES Mesare. R. and 0, Griffith, of lot 85, con, A., Howick, will hold an auction sale of farre stock and implements on Wednesday, December 10th. Every. thing is to be sold as the proprietors ere giving tip f erining. John Purvis, auctioneer. _ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given. that all par- sons having claims against the estate of Everett Everett, deceased, tete of the village of Whitechurch, who died on or about the 20th of October, 1914, are re- quired to send by post, prepaid, or de. liver to the undersigned Executors, at Hanover, Ontario, on ot befere the 19th day of December, 1014, their names and addresses, with full particu- lars of their claiins in writing, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, AtotttW ROW, Enwnitb E'Vettnans Executors, Hanover, Ont. Dated, Decemberlat, 3914. 32.3 Classes Opened Sep, 21 'Phone 165 from Wm. Breckenridge, I am prepared to take care of business m this line. Your work will be given careful and prompt attention. A share of your patronage solicited. Robt. McGEE Phone 10 ............___........_..................... SAVE MONEY I Save from $18 to $20 by 1 having your SUIT OR OVERCOAT Repaired, Dry Cleaned and Pressed We also put on Velvet Collars and make alterations, We never disappoint. All work guaranteed JOHNSTON'S Cleaning & kissing Works 'Phone 179 "We Know How" under new management. CHAS. G. JOHNSTON Manager pi...............o....-....-...........z,___.........--....---...-... THE DOMINION BANK am EDMUND S. OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT, W. D. MATTHEWS, sameeessetiorr. C. A. BOGERT, General hIlanager, This Bank Offers Fanners a complete and satisfactory banking service. Sales Notes collected an favorable terms, and advances made on such notes at reasonable Wes. The SavInga Department Is a safe and convenient depository for your money. Interest at oerrent rates is paid on deposits of one dollar and upwards. One doller opens en eecouut in the Savings 'Department. WINGHAIVI BRANCH: A, M. SCULLY, Manager, MISS SPARING DRAY IIIISINESS Licentiate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized teacher of Fiet.e.ving purchased the Dray Business cher Music Method, Simplex and Kin- dergarten, Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations in Piano and Theory. Theory taught by correspondenee. PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale his house and one flftli acre lot in the vil- lage of Beigrave for sale. House is two-story brick, containing ten rooms and good cellar. Good frdene stable on property. Everything en good repair. Get full particulars on the premises or address JAMES CUNNINGHAM, tf Belgrave, Ont, Farm for Sale. Lot S.g,15, 16, Con, 1, Morris, 100 acres; well watered; good buildings; large bearing orchard; 15 acres bush suitable for stock or grain farming. 3;6 miles from Wingharn, owner retir- ing. Apply to W. CLEGG, Proprietor. PLEASANT VIEW FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, 100 acres cleared, 20 acres hard wood bush; well fenced; good state cultivation; windmill; good water; bank barn 82x52; good out -buildings; two storey brick cottage, 11 rooms: ROBERT LEATHORN, tf Bleevale, TAX NOTICE, 1914. Tax payers are hereby notified that all taxes not paid by the 14th of December will have an addition- al 5 per cent, added. JAS. STEWART, 32-2 Colleetor. AUCTION SALES Mesare. R. and 0, Griffith, of lot 85, con, A., Howick, will hold an auction sale of farre stock and implements on Wednesday, December 10th. Every. thing is to be sold as the proprietors ere giving tip f erining. John Purvis, auctioneer. _ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given. that all par- sons having claims against the estate of Everett Everett, deceased, tete of the village of Whitechurch, who died on or about the 20th of October, 1914, are re- quired to send by post, prepaid, or de. liver to the undersigned Executors, at Hanover, Ontario, on ot befere the 19th day of December, 1014, their names and addresses, with full particu- lars of their claiins in writing, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, AtotttW ROW, Enwnitb E'Vettnans Executors, Hanover, Ont. Dated, Decemberlat, 3914. 32.3 Classes Opened Sep, 21 'Phone 165 from Wm. Breckenridge, I am prepared to take care of business m this line. Your work will be given careful and prompt attention. A share of your patronage solicited. Robt. McGEE Phone 10 omml•1•,•••••••YMOM.ONIt JUST TWO WEEKS MORE TILL CHRISTMAS YOU will find our store well supplied with such as people should give this year GOOD SUBSTANTIAL GOODS such as people should give this year. For Men and Boys We have Overcoats and Suits, Socks, Braces, Shoes, Sweater Coats. Any of these would make a good suitable present for Xmas. For Ladies and Girls Silks for Waists or Dresses, Velvets, several shades; Sweater Coats, Belts, Ribbon for Belts, Hankerchiefs. Parasols,, Hosiery, Guaranteed Kid Gloves; Etc., Etc. All -wool Blankets We have the very best all -wool Blankets, the very best makes. Flannelette Sheets at oldlprices Any of these go to make the most suitable Xmas Presents, especially this year. All kinds of Produce Wanted The Best ara.des of FLOUR always on hand. JI Aa MILLS Successor to T, A* Mills PlIONt 89« WINGEAM, ONT. Bank of Hamilton Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Paid-up, 8,000,000 , Surplus - - - 3,750,000 SAVING EM Saseng money does not indicate a miser- • ly or stingly character, but rather one with self respect and foresight. The best way is to open a Sayings Ac- count here. It is a safe way as well as easy and convenient. The money is al- ways available for an emergency. C. P. SMITH, Manager 0--t tp litk - tn Do it' Winghain, Ont "..-Fj. j;, omml•1•,•••••••YMOM.ONIt JUST TWO WEEKS MORE TILL CHRISTMAS YOU will find our store well supplied with such as people should give this year GOOD SUBSTANTIAL GOODS such as people should give this year. For Men and Boys We have Overcoats and Suits, Socks, Braces, Shoes, Sweater Coats. Any of these would make a good suitable present for Xmas. For Ladies and Girls Silks for Waists or Dresses, Velvets, several shades; Sweater Coats, Belts, Ribbon for Belts, Hankerchiefs. Parasols,, Hosiery, Guaranteed Kid Gloves; Etc., Etc. All -wool Blankets We have the very best all -wool Blankets, the very best makes. Flannelette Sheets at oldlprices Any of these go to make the most suitable Xmas Presents, especially this year. All kinds of Produce Wanted The Best ara.des of FLOUR always on hand. JI Aa MILLS Successor to T, A* Mills PlIONt 89« WINGEAM, ONT.