HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-12-10, Page 2Page 2
grand Trunk RailwaySystem $11°11)(1gIv° fl exam* to the w°41 11 °f REPORT OF W. 13, S. FOR NOV,
16.1. 4/6* 44•401.
their unflinching and determined desire I
to maintain roue."
TOWn'Ticket Office miTttheeecvtrtemalel tehoetlfAermrienrgieownitcho;
We can issue through tickets via "If there was reason for holding a '
ponular routes, to any point in America „i b •
e ration over the historic fact of a I
West. South, Northwest, Mani-
toba.Pacific Coast, etc, century of peace, there is doubly the
. . for ce
Baggage elite -keit through to destine-
eason celebrating peain the
; i
tion and full information given whereby light of the awful war n which Europe
travelling will be make pleasant and i$ engaged."
free from annoyance. Tourist and I
The Nw York "Time" asked edit -
return tickets to above points also on
ale at lowest figures, and with all °rI.
a"Y• ee
"Why ahold the plan to cele ,
prevailing advantages. 'celebrate a centary of peace, between
Single and return ticket* to any point the two branches of the English -speak -
In Ontario. Your ousiness will be ap- ing race be deferred on account of the
preeiated, be your trip a short or a war in Europe, in whieh one of them is
long one. involved?" And continued, "it will be
We can ticket you through to any
pvint th Europe on all leadine steamship
lines, Prepaid orders also issued.
If it's about travel, we have the
inforinatiou and will give it to you
Town Agent G,TR.
Times Office, Wingham, Ont,
Notice of changes must be left at this
office net later than saturday noon,
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted, up
to noon Wednesday of each week
TiE WiNella TIMES,
B. EirLIOTT, Purtraisuert &ND Pla(reITOrt
all the more appropriate that we aud
our British brothers shall call the at-
tention of the world to the wonderful
benefits that have followed the long un-
interrupted reign of peace between us,
and, so far as may be, to its causes,"
A Rural Survey of ,the County of
Huron, Oat., has been made by co-op-
erating organizations of the Presbyter-
ian and Methodist thurches, and a re-
port of this survey in a book of 56
pages has just been issued by the Sec-
retary a the Survey Committee, Rev,
S.F. Sharp, Exeter. It is a very valu-
able piece of literature dealing, as it
does exhaustively with Religious Con-
ditions, The Young People, Religious
Education, The Puhlie Schools and
Farm Conditions in this fine part of
Ontario, The discoveries of the Com-
mittee are set forth in the book not in
words only, but by photographs and
diagrams. The results of the survey
are not altogether conducive to con-
tentment on the part of the leaders in
church and state in Huron County.
For example, since 1875 the rural sec-
tions have lost 40 per cent. of their pop-
ulation. "In the diminished population
the overlapping of different denomina-
tions is more painfully evident. Divid-
ed into so many denominatiOnal groups
the work among young people in any
one church is made difficult." The sur-
vey reveals the fact that 49 per cent
of the churchea of Huron have not gain-
ed or lost ten or more members in ten
years, 26 1-2 per cent of the churches
are decreasing. The women and girls
more societies than men and boys, the
proportion is 22 1-2 to 1. Eitel the mem-
bership in such societies is on the wo-
men's and Oils' side as against men's
and boys' in the proportion of 40 to 1.
Altogether the survey report constit-
utes almost an indictment of the con-
ditions obtaining in rural Huron be-
cause of their repressing efforts upon
the life of the young people. The light
has bee a let in, the result oeght to be
an improving of conditions. This in-
vesttgestion of Huron's affairs ought to
be repeated in every County of every
Province. The politician glosses over
the facts that a survey like this prop-
erly exposes. -Canada Presbyterian,
Should the Hundred Years of Peace
celebration between Canada and the
United States and between Great
Britain and the United States be aban-
doned because of the war? This ques-
tion has evoked a considerable amount
of discussion both in Canada and the
United States. In a circular just issu-
ed by the Canadian Peace Centenary
Association the answer is given, The
Association took the wise course of
consulting the Executives of the Brit-
ish and American organizations and of
requesting the opinion of a large :nun -
bar of leading men throughout Can-
At a meeting held in Ottawa on Au-
gust 18, last, the following resolution
was passed: -
"That the Association desires to re-
cord its opinion tha I, notwithstanding
the present war there should be an ap-
propriate celebration commemorative
of the Hundred Years of Peace between
the British Empire and the United
States. The Association recognises,
however, that having regard for the
very serious nature of events arising
out of the war, it would be inexpedient
to attempt at present, definite arrange-
ments as to time and place for a cele-
bration of an international character.
With this exception it is decided that
the Association proceed with its educa-
tional and other work as far as may be
At this meeting letters were read
from. Sir Robert Bordon and Sir Wil-
frid Laurier. One sentence of Sir Rob-
ert Borden's letter expresses his view
clearly: -"The projeet of marking in
an appropriate manner the completion
of a century of peace between the
British Empire and the United States
ought surely to command the widest
sympathy. That terrible storm of war
now sereetting Europe, the ravages of
which reach even to the shores of this
eontinent, brings into clearer relief tho
mare eXcefient way which these two
great powers have foetid and followed,"
Sit Wilfrid Laurier is also equally ern-
7,he tie: -"I am certainly of the opinion
thet the eelebratien should not be in-
terfeie d with by the war. On the con-
teryat this moment more than ever,
it would be tdvisable Una the Ameri-
cen ptople and the Cariadian people
"For God SaKe,
Let Me Stay!
/Ye teeeenal %%eh ell the intensltyhs
weei.eileAt lardy and eeld ((eel() leamter
It. %tie trembled. Teitru luticeit iti
stramerl, niixiosi• firs. "1 b trA
twn iho train," be st.tri. I
here 1 es‘n turtle() out re aly boardmg Immo,
1 have been turned out of hotel in my
cm it town. Ths 1, ieta bon,ital refused me
eeiniseion, /Celiac!y wee is InC rot
(looter, lef% trio Etiiy."
This tin;iii h,,d heee a reiiway cowl citron
Ile had looney to pny for him neuds o lie
al..pbet1 to t tiettehattetineeetanarormin
Ser tr.:elm:A.1e re tile aitt :LP! VI 11101 hs.Jd lea
lite in 104 inip--cGaNililiptirt,. Net neae
ie. ;Fere* w thou t tri eye rid without frieude,
*het t them With their hopeleet know.
ledge that people shun them, they believe
It futile to seek relief. It their bvett are, to
be nitre they tr.nst h llIghtf011t end sup,
plied *lt nourishumut, medicine, and
(anent.. To do the, eoata money. Will
you oceitri but* 4 trifle ter hetet in this effort
*easy* lycas Pleurse art quIekly. Winter
Li bernaght krea suffering.
Cireirritsatinne to the. &I viskOlrie Pree
pod ivr C,ousumptil. ea *III be gratefully
kar-off te... W. J. .thips, thermal*
Ru% e SresciiiM Avenue,
or ft t riber. err tory • I'verieuttt I. 347
Lu4 tite eta Woo.. Tutoeto,
Mr. Donald Johneton, Dominion Fruit
commissioner, is late in announcing, if
not in discovering that too many apples
have been planted in Canada and that
as a result production will presently ex-
ceed consumption. If he is right, heavy
loss will fall upon English investors
and city people who were mislead by
selfish and imaginative advisers, Any-
one who studied apple growing care-
fully ought to have noted the fact that
very widely in the best districts orchards
wtre not profitable. If they noted the
fact they were erroneously persuaded,
no doubt, to despise the farmer's busi-
ness judgement. Spraying and co-oper-
ation in marketing were to work won-
ders arid they did wonders during a
period of inflatioe, There is no account-
ing for the psychology of a boom. Mr,
Johnston narrates that in British Col-
umbia orchards were valued at two
thodeancl five humired dollars an acre
and are now held at a thousand, and
that in a country far from market, with
diffieult shipping facilities and produe-
ing not good though beautiful apples.
It is generally understoed that Lord
Grey and his friends got coat on the
rise. -Weekly Sun.
Report of 5. S. No, 8 East Wawanosh
for November.
Form IV Sr., Total 300 -Laura 13one
Form 111, Total 800 -Annie Page 273,
Alberta Stapleton 221, Annie Menzies
207, May Menzies 183, Mary Bolt 161,
Irene McDowell 151, James Page 99.
Form II Sr., Total 283 -Lewis Done
251, Agnes Gibbons 243, Ethel Page
1081, Myrtle Henry 180, Alex Menzies
121, Aleatha McIntosh 102.
Form II Jr., Tote! 270 - Ruth, Mattes
125, Evelyn Gibbons 08.
Form 1, Total 100 -Ella Page 124.
Primary Ste, Total 75 -George Page
Primary Jr., Total 75-Gwendoline
McDowell 401,
e Theme marked I Were absent pert, Of
the month.
1 M. A. Smith, teacher.
Senior IV. Maximum 350.
P Johns
R Hewer , 257
C 'surd , , 280
A Hibberte . 279
Nicholls • .274
5 McLean „ „. 264
Smith "260
5 Christie ...... .... 260
IHewer .... • , , 258
H McDonald , , 257
G Alen „ 253
II Mann - .245
T Murch .„ 229
W Dear 229
Sturdy . 227
✓ Davidson 224
M Piper . 210
. 190
• Angus . 1.93
W Walker 169
}I A.ngos ....... . 167
M Bennett 125
1. Gilham. ... 110
Junior IV
• Bilker 303
S Brown. , 296
A. Imlay ..277
G Fryfogle 271
II Angus-. ........... 263
M Coutis 258
E Musgrove..., .... 255
C Adams ..... ..... ...236
M Allen , 235
R Anderson , 232
T Sanderson . , ...... 224
M Passmore 223
• Lloyd 214
R Smith ..... -210
F Ilinscliffe 202
O Hami:ton .194
L Jarvis „ . 191
P Joynt ..... .100
S Robinson 184
S Lockeridge „ .164
H Aiteheson. .....159
L Sturdy ....153
Saint, 0 Dow, W Anderson,
Examined in Arith. Lit. Comp, and
Spell. Total 454.
A. Thomas 396
A Williamson ...............93
H Gannett. , 383
B Currie..., 378
A Kennedy 376
M C Walker 376
M /3 Robertson ...........376
H Hoffman. 374
A Taylor 378
M Robertson 368
Robertson ..... . ........365
I Reid .
S Bell'
Bell 358
K Wilkinson 358
A Galbraith „356
V Hill 354
Hardy 345
E Angus „343
• Blackhall . ,842
J Davidson . .. .340
E Rintoul ..... 339
X Nichols 337
V Johnston .... ........ 333
C B Pocock,.... .... 332
0 Hutton ,.382
E Wood ........ „. 328
J Lutton 326
II Hamilton 310
M Johnston 285
C Pocock ..... 276
• Scott 276
11/1 Reed „....., ..... 272
M F Walker 272
j Allan . , 270
A Gilham. _265
Dixon 1.97
Perfect in Spelling -E Angus, A. Wil-
liamson, V Hill, M Robertson, A Tay-
lor, C B Pocock, CI Pocock.
CI ass A. Marks obtainable 800
NI3oarciman 719
G Cruikshank 718
Vanstone. .. .. ..692
P Dyer. . 671
X- Kew. , , 667
D Fells ... ..... .„, . •665
E Ricker ... ... , . ......... 654 '
ID .. . 640
13 Perrie. .. 627
K Hutton ... ........ 627
A. Munroe ,.. ...... .. 623
0 Dow .613
O Zurbrigg . 608
R Sanderson 699
V Joynt.. , . ... ..... ........591
N Varey .. . .... .586
L Ellacott.. . 577
1-1 Mills. ... .. .... . 574
S Donaldson . .. .„..562
D Lynett , , .... .., ..., 552
L Ellatott . ....
A Anderson .... ..... ,.. - 475
It'l Carruth ... .... 399
M Dalgleish 377
Class B
13 Holmes 728
Fl 13ennett • .., .... .. , .664
M Johns . „ .... . , 662
II Mandy 658
H Wilson „ 581
L Joheston ., .... . 544
W Ellacott ... .. , . - .. 539
I Bell ... .. ... „... -511
A Sturdy . 490
F Piper.... .. ... . . 464
F Sperling . . 433
M Selz .... . - 415
W Angus , . • ... .... .407
R Williams .405
C 111 tiptoe 303
la Seli 353
V Varier - 271
Class A. Total 883,
M Coeens . ...... .. .... 779
M Redmond .... , 763
N Isard . . .... 761
A Irwin., . „ .... . 751
X Donaldson . - 716
M Vaestone .. . , , 133
S Harrisoe . .. '738
P Freon .. . .. • -704
G PiXtare . 684
Piper .., . . . „ 683
L Cambell.. .. 674
E Wild.......... .056
e . . 654
A Brewn . , 643
It Chirke ., ..... ... . • ......608
II Carruth 696
A Gould.. .. • ... .... . - .573
It Barrett 566
N Clark ... -500
N Morden ..... . • . .,.. 500
5 Robietim . ........ . 289
Clese B. Total 833
L Loyale .778
MPiton .. .... ,....... 749
I Watson .720
E Taylor .
GBisbee,. ".,.. ., • • , • -.679
DCoakey.... - , ....... -.068
M Dennis 654
0 Bowers .. ...... ..... .• 649
VAmesbury • - ,.,,.......•.-029
A Scott .. ........ „ 611
W Brooks 6 41114 011
F Poceek.. e 557
0 Mason ..... . - .., ...... „ 48$
L Bell . .. 468
ERogers ... ..., ,... • .. , 414
II William.- ...,399
M Dinsley ......... . - ....„ 150
Total 425.
V Robertson „. . .. .. • , , • e106
E Currie -...". ,,400
L. Zurbrigg „ .
K Cruicaseank.... . .340
K Munro-. , .. , ...- . .....$38
R McLeod ,„. " . • , „ „ • eee
L Sanderson.- . .„ .. , 334
B Joynt . ..,. . „. ,• .„, 330
L Holmes....„,„ - , ... ..., , .326
°Donaldson , . .......... „ _324
C Cruickshank....$20
F Bennett 3\.------810
✓ Dennis . , . ... 806
A Williamson .... - .. .204
13 Boardman . ... . ...... .398
EGibson -. „..,.... ... . .. 395
J Johnston .T.286
O Hinscliffe ....... .... 286
W Mann .• ..282
L Hanna - „..282
E Varey .274
C Lockman . „ 268
M Bailey • ,268
A. Williams .265
ILinton ...., ... . .. .... ,256
j Carr 254
R Holloway . , ., 250
V Robinson , , .246
R Brown .244
A Carruth.„.• ,... ....... ..232
J Casemore . „. ,.„ ,.. 220
A Mitchell . .216
W Lockridge . .. . 210
S Page. . 204
S Hutton . . .„ .198
G McTavish .... ... ..194
AI Stratton , ,.190
C Boyce 184
O Casemore 178
M Angas • .166
H Aldington ... ., .. ° -.166
E Stevense- . ....... 166
C Cook . 152
5 Bayles. ... , . „ ... 136
P Aldington . ..... .. ... .128
3 Adair.. .. , 124
M French., .118
S Bennett „ .110
Sen, Div. Total 600.
B Coutts. ....585
C Bennett,572
L Hicks ...... ... ..,571
D Lloyd ..
D Thomas - - 567
Id Holloway.... ... .. 553
A Cloakey,... ... .583
II Caslick 525
11 Aitcheson .. ..... -520
I) Davis .... - .• ......514
.A. Field... .•.. 505
M Schaefer 504'
8 Duffey -.494
F Isard 487
F Bell . ..476
E Amesbury
C Pattison...... . , . 461
.7 Carruthers.. ...... 436
P Johnston..................378
C Wright 356
Jr. Div. Total 600
E Lynett, ... 547
W Kew 520
0 Tennant 483
M Holmesn 479
T Stricker .. ...... 475
II Wright...-. .... ..468
E Forgie ... 467
K Dymond .. 446
W Bailey.. 431
E Blackball .. 428
111 Hill.. ... .. -427
O Hardy, . ...... ....,, .427
W Clark...... .... „.400
G Ard.... 95
W Sturdy..., .... "893
I Hunter., .. .••• -381
J Cook.... 323
Class IV
O Anderson 900
R Carr., ..830
B Jarvis .. .785
CLouttit.... .... . ,.... ..... .735
E Williams ...685
E Lewis.... 595
M Tennant.- . . 585
I Aldington.. „ 580
I Ellacott....560
C Dickson.. , . -.655
F' Page., 420
H Wild.. 405
J Taylor- , , s. 150
W Scott.,
Class III, Total 850.
AI Vansickle..
W Ricker,.. .. . 800
A Corbett . •.• 720
N Plater. .. 720
P Pilon . . . . -.715
L Bennett ... ..• 655
0 Calver 4 6/ 6 580
11 Angus ... ,., , -570
• E Carr ,• ,, ,,,490
O Ledeitt . , .... . 805
W Levis... ... -.345
M Schaefer. . 260
L Pearen.... .-255
VFinlay ., 286
0 Robertson.... .....„235
R McDonald..." .... 175
T Saint... .. ,. ,.. 170
R Loeltmen- e, ..,.,160
M Fells „ , , , t • AC>
Ail Gamey. .... . - ..,140
E Moreton .... . 135
0 Rintoul ....,... . ,... ,125
W Coleman ...... „100
K Dinsley .. .... ... 30
Class II.
11 Bowden, N Edwards, 11 Lynett,
Boyce, G Angus, P Stokes H Sinto
L Clouse, L Johnston, W' Hunter,
Brown, J Beooke. lVI Cloakey, Grove
X Taylor, .1 IVIcOee, J Adair M Seth
T Baker, F Itobertstm, /1 Hales.
, The Governteent of New South Write
is about to etect a tentralized stat
employment bureau for dorYieetic sc
Jatke, pet monkey en beard th
British eeuiser Loyal, hat been in three
wart - the Smith Afrittate the flexor
and the present conflict. Diming the
Loye.Pai retent engegement With Ger-
'MO destroyers Jack* hid In a 6911
December loth,
Subjeets taught by expert instructors
at the
Lolkonacni, ONT.
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. /et, Catalogue
free. Bitter any time.
J.W, Wettervelt .I. VI. Westervelt, Jr.
Ptincipl chat tend AccoUntant
lo Vice-Prierisal
o 8 tratfordetOnte is ita school
with a continental :reputation for
high grade work andifor the suesess
of its graduates, a school with su-
perior courses and;instructors,, We
give individual attention in Com-
mercial, Shorthand, and Telegraphy
Departraents. Why attend else-
where when thete is room here? 1
You may enter any time.
Write for our large free 'catalogue
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines,
Canadian Northern Lines
'Ocean Steamships.
and anyone having live etre* or other
articles they wish to dlepoee a, should adver.
time the same for sale in the Tuns. Our large
oiroulation tells and it will be strange Indeed if
yon do not get a customer. We can't guarantee
that yen will sell became yen tiler ask more
for the article or stock than it is worth, Send
yorix advertisement to the Twee and try this
plan of disposing of your stook and other
Children Cry
W i N611AM
. 20 Years AA0
From the TIMES of Dec. 7, 1894
Mr, E. C. Clarke, Mrs. Clarke and
Miss Edith left on Wednesday morning,
per C.P.R., for their future home -St.
John, N. B. -
The warm spell bas taken almost
all our snow off.
The C.P.R. afternoontrain, on Fri.
da' last, was several hours late, and nc
mail on that line was received from the
east that day.
Mr. J. R. McKelvie is having new
and.more modern windows put in the
Star Restaurant, this week. They will
improve the appearance of the building
very much.
The work of pile driving at the pump-
ing house of the waterworks has beer
completed, and a meat substantial- jot
has been done. '
Mr. Thos, illeClyrnont, a former busi.
ness man of this town, but who bre
been residing m the Southern Statef
for some years, is in town this week
renewing aecentietances, He looks aE
if the southern climate agrees will
him. t,
Mr. Thos. Robinson, of Winnipeg,
Man., is e guest of his brother-in-law,
Mr. Thos. Gregory, for a few days,
Mr. Robinson will be remembered In
many of our citizens, he having beer
the contractor for the construction 01
the CeP,R, into this town.
We are in receipt of a neatly printec
eight -page paper, ealled "Progress,'
issued by the Regina (Assa). Inclustri
al School, in which our old friend, Mg
D. C. Munro, formerly of the Timer
staff, is a teacher.
Miller - In Whiteehttrch, on Novelle
bar 30th, Thomas Miller, aged 65 years.
Spain devotes '3,500,000 acres tc
I olives. * ta
Six trieketers who played for Late
eashite ate now io the army. Spooner,
who has been wounded, and Lieut,
Brooke are at the frent, and 11. Gar•
nett, Dean W. Tyltiesley and II. Tyld.
esley have recently jollied.
Oor Infants and Children
in Os. For °vet 30 Years
ilisrays Usti,
SIsnett.te of
BAPTIST CIHMOH---Sabbath eervices
t 11 a. m. and 7 p. ni. Sunday School
t p, m. General prayer meeting
n Wednesdatr evenings. Rey, A. C.
iley, pastor. B. Y. P. IL meete
onday evenings 8 p. m. W. D.
tingle, S. S. Superintendent.
vices at 11 a. m, and 7 p, m, Sunday
School at 2:30 p. m. Epworth League
every Monday evening. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
J. W. Hibbert, pastor. F. Buchanan,
S. 4. Superintendent.
vices at 11 a, in. and 7 p. ire Sunday
School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer
meeting. on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D. Perrae, pastor. Frank Lewis, S.
S. Superintendent.
ST. PAucs CHURCH, Er1$001tAn-Saba
bath services at 11 a, in. and 7. p. rim
Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Rev.
E. G. Dymond Rector, Alex. Al-
deroe, S. S. Superintendent.
at 11 a,m., 3p.m, and 7 p.m, on Sunday.
At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening.
There will be spenial music provided in
the Sunday evening service from 7 to
POST OFFICE -Office hours from 8a.m.
to 6:30 p. m• Open to box holders from
7 a. in. to 9 p. tn. P. Fisher, postmast-
PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will be
open every afternoon fe nu 2 to 5:30
o'clock, and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock., Miss M. McTavish, lib-
TowN Colman -Dr. A. 3, Irwin,
Mayor; J. W. McKibbon Reeve. L. Pe
Wm. Binkleyi W. Isbister, ''
W, A. Currie,
A. Young, W G. Patterson and D. Bell,
Councillors; John F Gloves, Clerk and
Treasurer, Board meete first Monday
evening in each month at 8 o'clock.
Wm. Robertson, W. A. Campbell, Dud-
ley Holmes, A. Tipling, E Lloyd,
Robt. Alien, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves
Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in
Council Chamber on the second Tues-
day of each month.
Ricker, M. A.., Principal and Specialist
in Science; G. R. Smith, B. A., Special-
ist in Mathematics; Mr. C. 11,1. Ewing,
M. A..'Classics; Miss M. 1. Whyte,
B. A„ Specialist in Moderns and His-
tory; Miss E. V. Cooper. B. A., Art
and Mathametics; Miss B. E. Anderson,
Commercial Work and History.
Punic Smoot, TEACHERS. -A. L.
Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss
Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans-
ley, Mise Barber and Miss Bentley.
BOARD OF HEALTH. -Dr. A, J. Irwin,
(chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter,
John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C:
Redmond, Medical Health offieer.
Wingham Genoral Hospital
(Under Government Inspection)
18 rusrixamin
T847,10 or erresoitirme-st oo per annum
In Mimeo, $1..t0 if not paid. No paper discou-
tinned On all urreere are paid, exeent at the
option of the publisher,
One 'Year $4.0 (8c each i.
Three Months 1.69 (18e " / 4
One Mouth, .04 (leo "
One Week.. „. .20
Legal and other eh:all-sr advertisement% 10)
per Ilue Cr first iesertloe and. 4e par line for
Mal dub q5031 inserttoe. Measured by a
nonparlel said% twelve !tees to en ineh,
BesIness cards of six .1tees and under, 5,5.00
perkt:dYvee4rrt.isetrietits et $itun blies vie at, 812at
Ati°rutiseleVirsafriSalfec,aesates.,fonit8eaxtemeNinV °rat
linee, 25e eaoh insertloa ; 41 for first month,
50o tor each sub.sequeet moath Larger ad-
vertisemeats iu proportion.
Business notices (news typo) 5e per counted
line; as local or news matter. 10e per Rae (seat
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. ItrerES FOR PATIENTS-whieh
include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15.
per week aceording to location of
room. For further information, ad-
Anse L. Matthews,
Box 223, Wingham Ont.
Railway Timetable
London .. . . - 8.55 ft.In .see
Toronto &East 11.00 a.= - 8.46 San 2.80V"
emearaine -11.59 a.m... 2.80 p.m -7:0,26 pan,,
.4.14111V11 rade
Kincardine a.rn-11.00 ems- - 2.80 pan
London.... - 1L64 a m-
7.85 p
Palmerston- .. ,- a
11.24 ra
Toronto 84 p.m_. -• �.1S p.nl.
W.F. BUROU'AN' Agent, Winghani
Toronto and East - 8.40 a,m.• - 13 10 p
Teeswater ...... 1.00 p.m 1022
Altlervx PROM Pan.
Teetivrater 8 05 pan.
Toronto and Rest - -le 47 p.m :10..27 pm
.1. Et BlinEfriR. itzent,Winghara.
Good Local Agent
at once to represent the
Old and Reliable
Foothill Norsuries
A splendid list of frt.it and
main mita' stoA for Fall
Delivery in 1913 an d
Spring Delivery in. i9
Start at once and secure ex-
clusive territory. We
supply handsome free out.
fit and pay highest co'n-
Write for foil particulars.
Stone& Welliffellos
Toronto - Orktek.rio
otteA es YEARS*
COPylliGHTS all.
Atyone sending a sketeb and description inde
quick!? Ascertain our °lemon freessnether en
invention is probably prit4ri54ib9i,. Ottrik Muulos•
eons Knotty toned ent mi. gedoin303( on patinae
sent free. °Iciest *gene, /or socurine_patonts.
Admits men through Maim & co. melee
special notice, without emit e,Kt the
titlitif IC MeriOtt.
Abetelsoratily dimmed weekly. 1.4reost °Ws
(minion 41347 'moraine fewest. Terme fOr
Citividzi, 44.74 a searoottaae Inanahls Sold by
au nematesiers.
mgNN f et..24"1"4"4 New iftrk
wen eke, wo F Ste tifterdilogion. IX .
Cremes -Corner Patriek and Centre Sts.
Offices 45
Residence, Dr, Kenneds L43
Residence, Dr, Calder Id
Dr. Kennedy apeeializes in Sargery,
Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Digs
eeses of the 13ye, Han Nose and Throat,
Eyes thoroughly teeted. Glaseer!
properly fitted.
Le R. 0. P. London.
°face, with Dr. Chisholm
w.11.Hambly, B.Sc,, M.D., CAL
Wingham, Ontario.
Special attention paid to diseases of women
and children, heving taken post graduate
work in Surgery, Barteriology and SOientifie
Office in the Kerr residence, between the
Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118.
Dr. J. R. Macdonald,
Wingham, Ont.
Office -Stone Block, over the TIMES
Ostegpathic Physicians
Oculists, Neurologists
WIngham-Lis towel
Diseases Treated by Drugless Methods
Osteopathy cures or benefits when
other systems fail.
Wingham office over Christie's Store'
Tuesday, 11.30 a.m, to 9 p.m. Wed-
nesday, 9 to 11 a. m. Thursday, 9 to
11 a.m. and 4 to 9 p.m. Friday, 9 to
11 a.m. or by appointment.
J. A. FOX, D. C5
Chiropractic is suceessful 1 sae)) dieJoult
eases as Insanity, Epilepsy, Asthma, Rheuma-
tism, Eieodaches, Constipation, Chronie Stom-
ach, lever and Bowel Tronble,Female Trouble.
Office in Knox house, back of Post
Office. Entrance over Presbyterian
Church Walk. 'Phone 191.
Office hours; 2 to 5 pan., 7 p.m.
A% % D. S., D s.
notTrinlof :enitgWIal Surgery of the PerinsYlr sale(
tal College and Licentiate of the Royal
:501 Denial Sergeone of Ontario. Otto e,
cdonald Block, Windier*.
Office closed every 'Wednesday afternoon
front May lst to Oct. lat.
o IL 110SS, D. 13.8., L. D. S.
donor Wilate of the Royal College of
'rental Sur ns of Ontario and Honor gradu-
ate of the h versity of Toronto, Faculty of
Mice over EL E. Isard 84 Co's.. store, Wing -
barn. Ont.
Office (dosed every WtsliliiiidaSr afternoon
from May 1st to Oct. Ist.
Private and Company fonds to loan at lowest
rate of interest, Mortgages, town and farm
property bought and sold,
Mae, Beat et Sleek. Whigham
tr e
WIngtrani, Ont.
Darrister, Solieitort Etc,
°Meet Mayer I3 lock.Winghent.
Orden for the iniertioti of adtrertlinwoenie
such as teaohers wanted, Mildness chants*s
meatistios wanted, orttelos for sale, of in fart
any kind of on ,idyl. in any of the Toronto r.r
other city papers, May be loft fit the Trmat
°Moo. This work will reeelve prOmpt attention
and will 00.40 people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements, riwoot
rates will be quoted on appltehtion, Lear+,
or send your next work of this kind to gm
Truss orrice. Vitinghanit