HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-12-03, Page 3December srd [914 THE WINGHAM TIMES se",11,41.1.10,1,1•1/1",1111"1"1" 1"1"111/11.11"1"16" 1", "BLAUTIFUL GOODS 01 A THE DOR WEND CO.,• OFT ONTO, LTD„ Cana a' premier hair -goods k house. announce their visit to Brunswick Hotel, Wingham, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 7TH, 1914 when there will be shown an exclusive sample stock of Quality Hair Goods for Ladies in Switcees, Braids, Transformations, Pompadours,Wavelet, etc .An invitation is extended to every lady to call and inspect these goods, "TUE DOREN- VVEND SANITARY , PATENT TOUPEE is an absolute nec- essity to every man who is bald. It will protect your health and years younger. INDETECTABLE FEATBERWEIGIIT IIYGENIC ..t make you appear Be sure and see them on day of visit. A demonstration places you under no obligstion whatever Remember the date -MONDAY, DEC. 7th. 111"1.4111o/sALIPAI .444 ..0.........**4 G >V* V 0 4 >4.044,40000.90000434.•N ..0 a 4 a 4 • 4 e Times Th !• 4. • . • . . • . • • . Clubbing Listo . . . • • • • • * • . .. • • . .• . • Times and Saturday Globe 1.90 • o 4--, • e Times and Daily Globe • 3.75 . 0 Times and Daily World 3.10 o . Times and Family Herald. and Weekly Star1.85 * * 0 0 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1,85 o * o 2.80 o 4 Times and Toronto Daily Star ... • • Times and Toronto Daily News.. 2.80 • o • .4.. Times and Daily Mail and Empire. 3,75 o 0 o Times and Weekly Mail and Erapire 1.60 o e . • 4. Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 .4. o Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) . , 1,60 • o o Times ann. Farm and Dairy 1.80 o o * Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press, 1.60 0 O Times and Daily Advertiser (morning) 3.75 o 0 O o * Times and Daily Advertiser (e% ening) , 2.85 • o 4, Times and London Advertiser (weekly)1.60 o .7, * Edition 3.50 • o Times and London Daily Free Press Morning .., 0 , * Evening Edition . 21..9805 : •• •:. , ‹. Times and Montreal Weekly Witness o o * o .0 Times and World Wide 2.25 o * 4Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg..... 1.60 * .0 9 • Times and Presbyterian 2.25 0 ' . Times and Westminster 32..225 o . 5 * * * 0 • Times, Presbyterian and Westminster o • o Times and Toronto Saturday Night 3.35 0 * o 4 Times and McLeatt's Magazine ,, 2.50 o * O Times and Home Journal, Toronto 1.75 * 4 * Times and Youth's Companion 2.90 * * 1:35 * * Times and Northern Messenger o * Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2:90 0 o 9 4 Times and Canadian Pictorial 1.60 o * 0 * Times and Lippincott's Magazine 3.15 9 o• O Times and Woman's Home Companion. 2.70 .0 o oTimes and. Delineator 2.60 o .o O Times and Cosmopolitan 2.65 o 4. o O Times and Strand 2.45 • 4 o 2.45 .0 O Times and Success. O Times and McClure's Magazine 2.10 • 4 0 • Times and Munsey's Magazine 2.85 e • 1.85 T, • Times and Designer • Tiines and Everybody's 2.20 • * • • These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great! . • 0 • • Britain. • • • • The above publications may be, obtained by Times: • :subscribers in any combination, the .price for any publica-: *don being the figure given above less $Loo representing 4* • the price of The Times. For instance: • • 4. 0 o The Time and Saturday Globe.... $1,90 . 0 • Tbe Farraer's Advocate ($2.35 less $1.00). 1.35 • • * : • • $3,25 • 0 • 0 *making the price of the three papers $3.25. • e . o • . The Times and the Weekly Sun .......... $1.70 o 0 • The Toronto Daily Star ($2.30 less 1.00)1,30$ 0 • • The Saturday Globe ($1.90 less 81.00) 90 • , + . • 4, • • •* • .. $3,90 • :the four papers for $3,9o, • • • • If the pubdcat on you want is not in above list let* • • :us know. We • ,n supply almost any well-known Cana-. • • •dian or American publication. These prices are strictly: :cash in advance •0 • • • • Send subscriptions by post office or express order to: * * I • • 0 * I The Times Office THE STORM. The gray mist drives acrOSO tbs sea And inland far as eye ean see', The night come on, we hear the roar Of breakers, all along the shore. But here inside our shelter rude No storm nor darkness can intrude; And love beside the cheerful blaze Site with her dreams of perfect days. Yet in this sweet security That like a dulcet melody , Fills sense and soul, from heaven blown Cornea a discordant undertone - The sense of fear, the vague unrest That stabs the heart and ehills the breast - For those at sea, whose hopes go down, And stare, in mountain billows drown. God pity them! We can but pray That he who knows the trackless way And holds the storm at His command Within the hollow of His hand. • May send His angels swift And strong To bear their tortured ships along Till their unfettered eyes behold The Pilot's.fiag their own enfold, -George Edward Day in Springfield Republican. TO MEN WHO ARE BALD. Do not fails to see PROF. DOREN- WEND, of Toronto, who will be at the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham, on Mon- day, December 7th, with a large sample stock of hair toupees and wigs, the greatest constructions in the world. They securely adhere to the head, can- not be detected from a person's own hair, are a marvelous protection to the head, and a necessity to enable every bald man to appear as he should. Over 250,000 now worn by business, profes- sional and leboring men. THE FREE DEMONSTATION. offered in private show -rooms, at the hotel, should at least induce YOU to call and have one tied on. Remember the )3runswick Hotel, Wingham, on Monday, December 7th. : • Stone Block t • * : WINGHAM ONTARIO : • ••04••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••IL A • .0.44114.44-44.44,44t.4401,4, .14' 4. '44 . -"TEEL, Somehow 'a woman seems to get more for her money than a man. She seems) to have a better appreciation of the intrinsic value of a dollar. She knows "just the things that look best" and "wear best" and where they are sold at lowest prices. Women are readers of advertising because they find that it pays. They keep posted because they turn the knowledge to the advantage of their own pocketbooks. Experience has taught them that it pays to .deal with men who advertise. The steamship Calcutta, placed atthe disposal of the Belgian Relief Fund Commitee, will carty from Montreal about the first of December, 70 carloads of foodstuffs and 3,000 tons of wheat. Manchester, Eng., last year import- ed 44,649,800 gallons of oil. Missouri in two years has received $159,000 from its corporation tax. By allowing its inmates perfect free- dom and employing them at useful oc- cupations an insane asylum in Prussia effects about 20 per cent. of cures an- nually. American "cowboy" pictures con- tinue to captivate Spanish children and even the'whole public India's cotton crop ie estimated at 5,201,000 bales. St. Louis has 148,294 registered vot- ers. Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S cAsTo R I A Rt. Rev. G. Thornloe, Bishop of Al- goma, was again chosen Bishop of Ottawa, and finally accepted the office. James Thom, former manager of the White Star Dominion Line offices in Canada, died in Montreal after a long illness. When a man is big he is always hear- ing nice things about his massive frame, majestic poise, heroic stature and the like. When a woman is big, the kind- est thing she cam:expect to hear is that she looks Fite -a baby elephant. Wm. G. Wilson, yardman on the Pere Marquette Railway, was instantly killed at St. Thomas by falling off the pilot of an engine when ft struck an obstruction and was doubled up Crippled With Rheumatism And Skeptical After Trying Many Medicines -Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver PIM Cured Him. When the kidneys fail to purify the blood the poisone left in the system cause pain and suffering, such as back- ache, lumbago and rheumatism. Read how this skoptie was cered by Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Mr. li'. W. Brown. Kingsbury, Rue., writes: -"I have been completely cur- ed of backache and lame back by using Dr. Chase's Kidney -lever Pills I also recommended the pills to a man who was a cripple from rhetunatistn. He was skentical, as ho said that he had tried nearly eveeything on earth. Finally he consented to try them, atxd to his eurpriso was greatly bedefited in the first week, and the pains left les legs until he was eo stipple he Could walk without pain or difficulty. Dr. Chase's ICidney-Liver Pills have worked wonders in this place, and we think there is no medicine like them." Dr. Chase's Mdney-Liver Pills, one Pill a dOse'26 Cents a box, 5 for $1,00; 11 dettlete, or Fldmaneen, atee &Coe Toroeto. WOMAN'S BEST MEDICINE Mrs, Kelly Advises all Women to Take "Fruit-a-Tives" ONT., Ana, 26411. tnts. "I can highly recommend 'Tritit-a- tives" because they did, Inc an awitil lot of good and I cannot speak too highly about them. About lour years ago, 1 conuneuced taking "Frnit-a- tives" for a general break -down and they did nie a world. of good. We bought a good many dollar's worth, but it was money well spent because they did all that you claim for them. Their action is so pleasant, compared with other laxatives, that I found only pleasure, as well as health, in taking them. They Seemed to me to be particularly suited to women, on account of their mild and gentle action, and I trust that some other women may start taking "Pruit-a-tives" after readingmy letter, and if they do, I ant satisfied the results will be the same as in my own Case". MRS. W. N. KELLY "Fruit-a-tives" are sold by all dealers at soc. a box, 6 for $2,eo, trial size, 25c, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Pruit-a-tives Lituited, Ottawa, GERMANY COUNTED ON SHORT WAR. •A special writer in the Westminster Gazette (London) says that American friends of his who were in Germany when war broke out, assure him that Germeny counted on a short war. "Hence," says this writer, "the series of rushes -the rush to Paris, the rush to Warsaw, and the rush to Calais -and the trampling down of obstacles, legal and moral, which stand in the way of German necessity sprinting to its goal. My American friends surmise that the economic as well as the military prep- arations of Germany were laid down for a war which would be brought to a triumphant conclusion within three months, and that, if this calculation miscarries, the economic factors wil- come powerfully into play against Ger- many at the end of this period." How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the past 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all busines transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALLING, K1NNAN & Wholesale Drugists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucuous surfaces of the system. Tes- timonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. j77-7"-% POULTRY c* -4 NOTES rsx CJI,BARNITZ RIVIERSIDI PA. 1 OIIRDSPONDrNCE striaciup erhese articles and illustrations must not be reprint ed without special permlaslonel Go To THE HEN, VAIN MEN. rhe hen cocks not her head with pride As o'er her daily want she goes, Nor doe& she throw an extra fling When out parading with her beaux. She casts no slur at lowly quacks, Nor does she say to humble goose: "The eggs you lay are very few. You really aren't of much use." She does not say to guinea hen, "'Vs plain you only own one dress," Nor does she slur the strutting turk About his awful queer headdress, She does not boast of royal blood, Though Biddy is a feathered queen; She can trace back her pedigree To cocks that strutted Caesar's green. She does not brag about her crop, Though it's a billion -plus a. year. Her earthly aim seems but to work And make the cost of eggs less dear. The peacock that don't earn a cent Spreads his big tail and blows his horn, But Biddy does not crow at all, I3ut works all day from early morn. And human roosters strut and crow, And many do not earn their feed, But Biddy, steady on the job, Brings millions for the nation's need. Go, sluggards, to the toiling ant, And you who strut and think you're men Come bow before the queen of birds And learn a lesson from the hen. C. 21. BARNITZ. Attention has been called by the French Academy of Medicine to the alarming spread of leprosy. London last year imported 8,329,114 carcasses of frozen mutton and lamb, mainly from Australia. The Baravian Government has award- ed a gold medal to Senorita Hedy Ra- ceme, the Brazilian painter, for a series of paintings exhibited in Munich recent- ly. The Northwest Mounted Police are contributing one day's pay per month, amounting to nearly $20,000 a year, to the Patriotic Fund. Four -hundred and seventy-eight Aus- tro -Hungarians and sixty-eight Ger- mans made entries for homesteads in the prairie Province during August and Sep temper. Potatoes From Maine. The United States deenrtinent of tie riculture has adopted new quarantine regulations foe shipment tatoes. This is to prevent the sill, 11 .of powdery scab. The new rules %New into effect Aug. I. Tee reeithe.ene provide that no potatoes shall he woe (el front any tHRIrtilllinva n1(.0 'init.'', they are dilly certified -i. fli f,o eilu,.. tulle or seed use 011(1 .11, inl. l;lel lll :Iv I 4)1%.11111e(t With (I'll 1111 -11 rttlt,4 1,,, 0.. tlIlll OP Ilt.tt'll1S1I1'.% .*g.ifili Ill 1.k 1‘,1 ti,Itiltg growers lime weei ht tee, • • t ten by 1, Nt(Ittl':11 lir,. •• .. t. •1 .il .. ItttoltS 1111('1111141 1,t • .• .. • ..• l(trild end 11:1111In. • 1 • t.; .; t. 11 1)1'08(.1111..1 t. ,.! ..... .. t ,t litell :Ill) Ill tIlt• • t ' . • II .. i let illnitrttlli n , i. t, • ' .. • .. .,i iiy Siniilli• 411:4";!. • - .. .•, i d.i tl inill0r any on" • - •• • t •• - - .1.(e, They iner. ii -e - e -, tr:::.•is tltrebf. lretline seli'etril e;ti il 'i":1 .1,::: : : a Personal Excenthm. On patlende we put special stress. All protects shoutd commence wite it 'Tits sernething ethers ahoold nosame,. While we Ourselves dispense with it. -Washington Star She KileW a Way. Ele (attor the pronosnli-Mv saisry $1,600 a yenr. Now. tienrest, who la the ICBM yell Mit% von PAO live 1711 year.? She -Well. how touch credit cab yen get1-Saeramento Union. SOWER CARE OF SHEEP ANO LAMBS The greatest whit in the preventive et' the maggot tly is to keep the ewe: and lambs well slacked and clean bo. kind, writes W. it, Gilbert in 1,, titt Na Ilona! Stockman. 'The shepherd should he armed with Et pair of shears wino, !Jo makes bis rounds and auy sheep that are inclined to seuill' 11 little or any Unit tire Wet find dirty behind should kIff.; eatight and a:I the dirt clipped off. Otherwise the tly will strike there more readily than anywhere else. Wheu Millets by the fly the ewes, more eve- - -ally the lambs, will hold their heads ilown, Continually wagging their tails •tud endeavoring to bite the place af- fected, and if not attended to will pall off all the wool. When badly bitteit they will lie behind a bush away from tbe rest of the flock in great torture, or as far under a hedge as possible out of the sun. When found they should at once be taken to some sheltered place and THE BUFF TURKEY. The whole turkey tribe in this COUR- try consists of seven varieties -the Bronze, No White Rolland, Black, Buff, Slate and Bourbon Red - and the Buffs hold no mean place in the strutting, baldheaded bunch for beauty and utility. It is similar to the rest in that de- lectable taste and satisfying quality peculiar to the wonderful bird when 1 Photo by C. 15I. Barnitz. 171,0011 OP RUFFS. roasted to a turn and served with cranberry sauce and crisp celery, but it differs from all the rest in color as does the Slate, the other live resem- bling each other more or lees in color and marldngs. ft is pure huff in color, except the wings, which shade down to almost white. The eyes are dark hazel, beak, shank and toes bluish white and the carun- cles on its bald bead and throat wat- tles are the same changeable colors as with the other varieties. Those who study the magnificent Bourbon Red quickly come to the con- clusion that it is 2 cross of Buff and Bronze. While the Buff is not so common as the other turkeys It has the same quick sale and is of a size to f3t the call. BUPF STANDARD Pounds. Cock 27 Hen Cockerel 12 Pullet WEIGHTS. Pounds, 18 • 12 MIIMM1101•1•10...1. The Southdown is the generally accepted type of the mutton and short wool sheep. The breed takes its name from the downs that line the southern coast of England. Its smooth, even 'way, its round, clean barrel, its short legs, lts fine head and broad saddle make it profitable to breeder and farmer. Southdown mutton has long been valuee highly, both abroad and in America. Thu wether shown is a pure bred South- down. washed with either cold spring wate or with water as hot as the patient eau beer it without weeding, Personally prefer the hot water, just as lwt as , au belie it on the back or ins band After the wool has dried a little apple t few drops of spirits of tar rubbei Into the wool to prevent Ihe flies 1111 11 striking the sante place,. \Vidal the, will du if not stopped in time. If no feelly bitten the ;Mete, will be righ 01 the course or rpw 11ny8. but cam .4hullid he taken to cart Mine it thee eighty and see thet it Is perfectly free rein maggots. Mug:gots %elite) tbey olive begin 81. ('.';13'8 ineke uphill ;Ind \ell! inerease:•at .11 enormous roie it' not attended to. 1 leive siem sheep that leive twee missed eme day in linti slutpe the next morn. inee enduring horribie torture, tette most of the wool pulled off. But this occurs only where there is had shet)' niel a fhee: in the care of an -xperieneed intin will very seldom to this state. • DON'TS. Don't despise "the day of small things." Little details of the biz make the :wheels of progress whiz. Don't be intemperate. This refers to temper and langRage as well as to booze. To Republicans, Democrats as as well as Bull Moose. Don't quote Scripture to the man who swindles you, That's casting pearls before swine. If it's done by mail let the postal authorities take a whack at him. Don't lose your temper and Jaw wrangle if your neighbor's hen files into your yard. Just pen her up and make him come for her every time. He'll soon get tired of that, and the hen too. Don't let your wife get the retpta. tion of having more chicken knowledge than you have. People will think you are lazy. Don't put louse powder on ducks and geese. They don't have the crawlers. Don't ride a hobby to death and go slow on chicken fads. Don't be righteously indignant o'er what the other fellow does when you do the sable thing Yourself. , Dot Say, "I kaVe the best in the world." Woo many follows are saYing W4 just WV/. It's getting M0A0p0a111111, At the Game, She (faceti0uelyi-Foul7 I don't See nue feathers. Ee - Well, you conld bardly expect to in Mkt game, you know. These are picked nives.-Phila- delphia Ledger. NO ALUM BAKINGPOWDElt AWFUL AaomEs OP WOLINDEVIA An article in the Deutsche Malaise ische Wocheriachrift by Prof. V. Curvy gives a description of how the tiermen wounded are treated in transport. Half the wounds have be inflicted by shrapnel, and dirty pieeis of uni- form are oftep dtiven 1010 Lilo flesh with the fragments of 014. Them tuo, soldiers lie soinetimei for rib% s ii the trenches, often half fall t.f w at, r, ex- posed to night frosts before tiwy are attendtd to. Then comes a long jeurn- ey on dirty trucks, as may as thirty wounded men lying on eaeh truck, without protection against the cold ow- ing to the quick adrance of hostile forces. It takes four to six days to go to Cambrai or Cologne, and all the time the wounded „receive no new dressing and hardly any refreshment. There are beautifully arrarged sani- tary trains, but those splendid hospital trains suffice for not one-tenth of the wounded. QUIET THOUGHTS The man with a cheerful disposition doubles his power.-Hilli.l. Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools. - Napoleon. A man's plainest duty is not always to those who have the readiest access to his ear. "Character is the result of two things: mental attitude and the way we spend our time." Every man feels instinctively that all the fine sentiments in the world weigh less than one, fine action. LoWell. It is not work that kills men; it is worry. Work is healthy. You can hardly put more upon a man than he can bear. Worry is rust upon the blade. -Beecher. THE FOUNT OF KNOWLEDGE. (Calgary News Telegram.) I had a hundred dollars once A fortune, pretty near! I kept it till I met a chap Who whispered in my ear: "Where river and a railroad meet A city sure must grow; I have a site like this" and-weil, I let my hundred go. Another hundred then I saved, And at the proper time I met another chap who had A mining venture prime; "It has machinery, shafts and all - The others paid for that! - You're just in time to get the cream" I coughed my hundred flat. And still another hundred bones I saved and salted down; I met a chap who had the ''bug" To start a "model town," "It means a fortune big," he said. "In privileges and rent; Besides it's real philanthropy." And then my hundred went. REV AND KAM TO AIMED AND CHILD. MRS. W1NSLOW*5 SOOTIIING SIMV.:1. has been t.sed for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLION'S of MOTHERS for th,r ext./xi:EN WI-ISLA TgETRING, with PERFECT SUCCE,SS. 11 SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN CTIRES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHCCA. 1( 1, lib, solutely harmless fle sere and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other Wad. Twenty-fivt cents a bottie. 1 1 s,„pee.fteleereapeteeteraeleesesseeeloseeeirla~oelesteeevelalloi'V THE TIMES I 1 We will send the Times to New I Subscribers to any address in Canada to January 1st, 1916, for To New Subscribers $ 1 0 0 034••••••1111.... Leave your orders early Your order for any newspaper or magazine will receive prompt atter' tion •.,