The Wingham Times, 1914-11-26, Page 8Page 3 THE WINGIIAM TIMES MINOR LOCALS. -Good sleighin:s starbel on Saturday last. -Business as mind. Do your Chriet- nation we do not speak of the Germen people but of the Kaiser. The address was fOrceful, instructive and inspiring, and was listened to by' an appreciative audience. Rev. Mr. Penrose made a few remarks and the ehole rendered Inas shopppig early. some excellent eelections. A silver -1.7he TissEel to new subscribers to offering was taken at the door and January 1st, 1916, for $1. amounted to $17.50. At the close the -Buy your megtieines and news. Whiteehurch Patriotic and benevolent papers at the TIMES dace. .A.ssoeiation was formed with the follow - ng cflicerst-President, Dan Martin Chriettneso will be here in four weeks. Do your Christmas shopping -Mr. R. A. Taylor has sold his tailor- ing buelneeeto Mr. Orval Taylor, who is now in possession. -The Hambourgs, the best enter- tainers ever brought to Wingharn, in the opera house on Tuesday evening, December 1st. -At the next municipal elections Tara and Shallow Lake will vote on the repeal of local option, while Hepworth will vote to obtain it. -Little Anna Forgie is, we are glad to bear, nicely recovering after under• going an operation last week in the Wingham General Hospital for adenoise and tonsilitis. -"Business as usual" is unmistakably the.slogan in Wingham, Those who would get the most out of business shouldcall upon the advertising columns of the TIMES for assistance. -Bro. Elliott has built an addition to the Wingham Times office and is spreading himself like a green bay tree. We are glad to notice these signs of prosperity. -Brussels post. -Here is good advice from an ex- change; -"Talk up business. Quit whining. Appear cheerful. Make the best of it and look pleasant. Send the calamity howlers to the guard house." -Private greeting cards, Christmas cards, Christmas seals, Christmas papeteries and many other ar t- icles suitable for Christmas presents now on sale at the TietEs Stationery store. The Provincial Secretary stated to- day that before the first of next year the old Central Prison will be handed over to the wreckers and the last pris- oner taken to the new institution at Guelph. -A. special Patriotic program will be given at S. Paul's A.Y,P,A. meeting on Monday evening, Nov. 30th. All the young people are invited to be pre- sent, enjoy the program and join in the Patriotic songs, etc. -The Toronto Star gives some good advice. "Don't believe all you hear. When you hear a wild rumor do not help to sprdad it all over town. Silly People will spread the yarn fast enough without help from sensihle people." -Mr. Ross Binkley, who is serving with the Canadians at the front has written an excellent letter to the Hamil- ton Spectator which will appear in our next issue. Mr. Binkley is a brother of our townsman, Mr. L. F. Binkley. -Ratepayers seized with the import- ance of voting intelligently at the municipal elections should make it a point to ascertain as much information as possible in regard to civic adminis- tration of 1911 without waiting until nomination night. -An error in last week's TieSets in the Turnberry Council minutes made it appear that the notnination meeting would be held at 10 o'clock p. m. The nomination meeting will be held in the Foresters' Hall at Blueyale, on Mon- day, December 28th at 1 o'clock p, m. - You keep abreast of the times when you read the Weekly Sun of Toro It is a farmer's newspaper, and means, market reports, editori ial farming articles, spec ments for all th family, " opinions," whe e the their say -and features of in all farmers. year the Sun is on the job. Do you read it? When renewing your subscrip- tion for this paper we will be pleased to take your subscription for the Sun. Vice -President, Frank Henry; Secre- tary, Rev. J. Ure Stewart; Treasurer, Roy Patton with an Executive of three members, Rev. Mr, Penrose, Duston Beecroft and John Gillespie. An organ- ization of the ladies was formed witli Mrs. Sperling, President; Mrs. (Rev.) J. U're Stewart, Vice -President; Miss Beecroft, Secretary; Mrs. Emerson Treasurer; and Mrs. Frank Henry Chairman of Work Committae. On Decembet lltla (Friday) afternoon and evening a Sunday School Institut will be held in the Presbyterian chum' under the direction of the Presbytery. Among the speakers will be Rev. Dr. Dickey of Chatham and Mr. Harol Waite of Toronto. Fuller particular will be given later. It is hoped the the Presbyterian Sabbath Schools will be making preparations for the same as speedily as possible. LANcksiDR The anniversary services in connectio with Langside Presbyterian chure were a very fair guccess considerin the unfavorable weather experienced On Sunday, Rev. M. McArthur, of Kin cardine, delivered two forceful sermon which were greatly appreciated. 0 Monday evening after the tea meeting, Rev. A. Logan Geggie, o Toronto, delivered his famous address "Wit and Humor," and certainly hel his audience spell -bound throughout th evening. Although the weather wa very favorable $75 was received at th services on Sunday and Monday even ing, The ladies deserve the highes credit for their faithful work. at sPec- depart- er people's ders may say ess list of bright and importance to ty-two weeks in the RURAL TELEPHONES. The following statistics concernin the workings and standing of the dif ferent Telephone Companies hereabout which we take from the report of th Ontario Railway and Municipal Boar for 1012 will be of interest to the peopl of this County. The report gives th following figures concerning the variou Companies; McKillop, Logan and Hi bert Co. has 370 phones on the syste 124 miles of poles; 266 miles of circui and the receipts of the year $8,054 wit expenditures of $7,795; Molesworth li dependent Telephone Company has phones, 22 miles of poles and 35 mil of circuit with receipts of $928 a expenditures of $921; North Huron Te ephone Company has 433 phones 1 miles of poles, 366 miles of circuit, wit receipts of $15,958 and expenditures $14,757; Sprinkbank Telephone Co pany has 111 phones, 33 miles of pole 79 miles of circuit, receipts of $1,3 and expenditures of $896; St. Mary' Kiekton and Eastern Telephone Co pany has 670 phones, 200 miles of pole 500 miles of circuit, receipts $7,856 a expenditures of $4,707; Wroxeter Ru Telephone Company has 202 phones, miles of poles, 126 miles of circuit, ceipts of $4,615 and expenditures $4,652; Crediton Telephone Associati has 112 phones, 70 miles of poles, 1 miles of circuit, $1,321 as receipts a $900 as expenditures; Mount Car and Centralia Telephone Associati has 23 phones, 11 miles of poles, miles of cireuit, receipts $256 and expenditure of $232; Hyndrnan Priv Line Exeter has 40 phones, 22 miles poles, 22 miles of circuit, receipts $180 and an expenditure of $220; H Municipal Telephone System has phones, 105 miles of poles, 175 miles circuit, receipts of $8,731, and an penditure of $7,883; Brusssels, Mor and Grey Municipal Telephone Syst has 799 phones, 180 miles of poles, miles of circuit, receipts of $6,111 an expenditure of $5,044; Goder Township Municipal System has phones, 130 miles of poles, 190 miles circuit, receipts of $5,991 and an penditure of $1,939; Goderich Ru Telephone Company has 485 phon 174 miles of poles, 480 miles of circ receipts of $22,832 and an expendit of $22,820; Moorsville Telephone A dation has 40 phones, 5 miles of poles miles of circuit,receipts of $376 and an penditure of $367 Salkeld -Andrew's T phone Association has 8 phones, 2 m of poles, 2 miles of circuit, receipts $60 and an expenditure of 60; BI Municipal Telephone System has phones, 162 miles of poles, 254 mile circuit, reeeipts of $3,400 and an penditure of 3,282; MeKillop Mu pal Telephone System has 303 pho 180 reifies of poles, 180 miles of cite receipts of $4,750 and an expenditur $4,550; Tuckersmith Municipal T phone System has 640 phones, 212 of poles, 525 miles of circuit, reee of $13,836 and an expenditure of 263. It will thus be seen that in H County alone or practically Huron t were 6,484 phones in use in 1913 u 1832 miles of poles and with a ca WIILTROMIR011 On Monday evening, the Presbyterian Church was fairly well filled for the purpose of hearing Rev. Thutlow Fraser, D. D., of Owen Sound deliver a lecture on "Pan -Germanism and the Kaiser." In it the speaker showed that the Ger- man nation. but 41 years old, had envied Britain's greatness and having found out one of the great secrets of such, namely the colonization principles, had been putting forth every effort to ex- tend her territory not only in Europe - but beyond the same. The aim also is to have the German influence and methods established throughout the whole world, believing that the end justified the means such as the sword, breaking her treaties, etc. The Dr. traced quite clearly the German in. fluences brought to bear on the nations ni of the world during the past years, thus leading to the stuggles that have taken place up to the present time such as the Boer War, the struggle between Turkey and Italy, the Balkan wars and the present European war. Only one nation has corne to the help of the Ger- expenditure of $352,290. mans since they declared war and that is Turkey. The other nations of the e J. IL McA.rthur and George Gr World, though not at present fight ing with 13ritain sympathiv. with /are dead and Mrs. McArthur Wag al lvr. When we speak. of the Gt+nnts» asphyxiated at Clifford. mu** I I I W IV IV ,I, Mr IV ,I. WV,' ". ' • ' . . '---------.. A. M. KNOX — Watches Diamonds Jewelry Silverware and cut glass for Christmas presents. Gold and silver- headed um- brellas, white ivory and ebony manicure and toilet sets. Stationery. Pen- nants and Post Cards. Watch and jewelry repairing a specialty. PHONE 65 Opposite National Hotel. A WARM INTER June weather pr veils in California, the ideal Winter' place, reached com- fortably and con niently by the Chica- go and North W stern Ry. t Four splendi trains daily from the - new passenge terminal Chicago -The : Overland Li ed, fastest train to San Francisco; T e Los Angeles Limited, • three days Land of Snnshine, the ; famous Sa rancisco Limited and the k California ail. . Rates, il strated matter and particu- lars on a lication: B. H. Bennett, ! General Agent, 46 Yonge St., Toronto, , Ont. I ; ; ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. NotiCes Under This Head ten cents a line - for first insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. WA1-1TED—I0 cord dry cordwood suit- able for furnace C. N. GRIFFIN, ); TRUNKS AND V.ALISES:—Big s ek of s select from at lowest prices. . W . GREER. 9 a FOR SALE -Je ey , duo to calf 1 December 10th. JOHN R 0 "D tf angham. e e Fon SALE Chri-tm rees. Orders s taken at T. Fells' . . .T. CALVERT 1- 1; .. SCRANTON OR LEHIGH COAL h — 1- WOOD KINDLING '0 At Lowest Prices. :s el R. J. Cantelon 1- oPPICE WITH 34 Dominion Express Co.'s Office ,h )1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS a- s, Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Sectio a (81,ris:c:1,hpipaitalilipeoftnhe Revised Statutes ofpn rsos having claims agents s, twhi.7.0 (Mil oofr Gatoorugte thLeet,irtwhoerni4,-elgetetasderlil ri- of September, A . D. 1914 at the Town o ,, Walkerton in the County of Bruce, are re ', quired to send by post, prepaid, or to delive la to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicit° for the Administrai or on or before the Firs al day of December, A. D. 1914, their names BM addresses, with full particulars of thei LHU claims in writing, and the nature of the se es curities (if any)held by them, duly vertifie, by a statutory declaration. of And further take notice that after the sai, First day of December, 1914, the assets of th )n said estate will be distributed by the Ad )0 ministrator among the parties entitled then tohaving regard only to the claims of whic Id he shall then have notice, and the estate wi notbegaps! Beigocfisatnrrbalohnn.s not flied at th el an Dated at Wingham this 8rd day of Noven ber, A. D. 1914. 13 R. VA N STONE, ,Wingham, V. ( an Solrfor the Adrainistrato te of "Mammy" Elizabeth Livingston< of who had been born in slavery, died £ ay Niagara -on -the -Lake at the age of 1( 88 years. of Sixteen bodies have been recover( '"- from the wreck of three vessels ne; rie Grand Marais, Mich., on Lake Superio tm , London's proposed postal tube is • 187 nd be nine feet in diameter and six and half miles long. It is to be fitted f, ich two tracks,each two feet wide,carryit ?,07 steel -truck operated by motors. TI of line proposed will be construct, throughout in the London clay. ral nc- es, lit; iiiittN are KECHNIE—In East Wawanosh, Nov. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Samt 60- Kechnie; a son. , 20 HENDERSON—In Kinloss, on Nov. 1 ex- to Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Hendersc 31e- a daughter. iles HOWARD—In East Wawanosh, of Nov. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Ho yth ard; a son. 444 McCAuLEY-In Brussels on NOVE , of ber 17th, to Mr. and Mrs, 'Newton b ex- CauloY, a daughter (Francis L. Mario; lei- MCCALL -In Morris township, le's November 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. W uit,' A, McCall, a son (William James.) , BARRER—At Chilliwack, B. C., 1 e ei• November 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chl el- A Barber; a son, (Leslie Enslicott) iles romp. ipts ., McEwEtv -In Morris, on Noverni 13,` 18th, Helen Winnifred, youngest daul [ron ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. IVIcEwl sere aged 10 months arid 8 days. sing SCHAEFER—In Winghamt on Nove ital ber 18th, Nelson Edward, infant son Mrs. Nelson Schaefer, aged six wee ScOTT -In Harriston, on Novend 19th, Janet Scott, aged 7,7 yeas. egg GATtItICK-III gdmont0150 On Nov( leet bop 28rd, James Garrick, fOrinerly Wingham, in his 75th year. I'Phone 71 • Agents for Standard Patterns rommassimagammommaimmommassi ommusinumumwomma.mmig,.......n Great Sale of Men's Fur and Fur Collared OVERCOATS Thursdav, Fridav and Saturdav only 10 ONLY CHINA DOG COATS $25.00 value for $17.25 These were purchased specially for quick selling and are exceptionally good quality being well furred and lined with wind breaks in the sleeve. Sizes from 42 to 48. Come ear'y and get first choice. 25 Men's Fur Collared Coats $18.00 value for $9.75 This is a clearing lot bought at a forced price to clear the lot out. They ure made from heavy BLACK BEAVER CLOTH with Persian Lamb or German Otter Collar and Reverse,heavy quilted Italian lining, REMEMBER These will be on sale only on the above dates and are STRICTLY CASH All sizes from 38 to 46, 410••• Wanted Choice Butter and Eggs, Dried_ Apples and Dry Picked Fowls. =Mb. /MIMI KING BROS AMMal•F 0,1111•* November 26th, 1914 stillkwswes'asseseswoseassevavwsessses RUBBERS FOR MEN AND BOYS Good solid rubbers that are cheap. Note our prices and also that these goods are not imperfect in any way„ Men's Rubbers, exactly as above cut, per pair 75 cents. Boys' Rubbers, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. per pair 65 cents. Small Boys' Rubbers, sizes 11, 12 and 13, per pair 55 cents W. H. WILLIS & ,CO. Sole Agents9/10ese-_ „„1 For Ladies 0114,411011.114141111e101"4101WriktM40114114AVIVINANA~1411444111,111111114 ft 1 r. 1 el 5, n; on W- Le - 00 01. a. CREAM WANTED === Having an up-to-date Creamery in full operation, we solicit your cream patronage, We are prepared to pay the highest market prices for good cream and give you an honest business, weighing, sampling and testing each can.o f cream received carefully and returning a full statement of same.to each patron. We funish two cans to each patron • pay all express charges and pay every two weeks. Write for further partienlars or send for cans and Rive as a trial. • SEAFORsT,HAFMA!ErRY CO er h- m - of s. er th- of AN INN rigra Double Track all the Way TORONTO --C H I.0 A GO TORONTO --MONTREAL The International Limited Canada's Train of Superior Servioo Leaves Toronto 4.40 p.mda Detroit 0.55 p.m.ancl Chicae MORNING SERVI Leaves Toronto 8 41.1-11, arris ssetroit 1.45pm., and Chicago 8.40 pen. daily. Last Train out of Toronto at Night Leaves 11.35p,na.,arrives Detroit 80..m. and Chicago 3 p.m. daily, assuring important connections with principal trains for Western States and Canada. FOR MONTREAL Leave Toronto 9 a.m.,8.30 pan. and 11 p.m. daily. Berth reservations, etc., at G.T.R. ticket offices. alimrawarso*•.i H. B. ELLIOTT, 'Xown Passenger ancl Ticket Agent, Phone 4. W, P. BURGMAN, Station Agent, Phone 60. WINTER TOURS TO THE LAND OF Sunshine and Summer Days THE "CANADIAN" Past Time Between MONTREAL -TORONTO DETROIT -CHICAGO Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents, or write M.G. Murphy, Dirtrict Passenger Agent, corner King and ironge Streets, Toronto, IV. A. f ande,rson, Town Aeent, ltOnO 49• Reerner,t3tItiott Agent, 'Mete El CAR tr. 21 40 21 0 21 1/3 21 FLY;$1, 311 `01 1.0 eea 311 141 C/11 Ve-re'r1S11.4K7cir-§i'S'il(MCSS'c'SSS'is:SZRVS11.82,S'PosS sSsLq Les es Es,' kes• Le' Le' Le' Le" S'••11.YR Le" LeSN-S1'71,Ls'IS"-I.L."\•S?lses• IS'4Seqr S c'14.31.3),S•al4 AlSISE,S The Merchants' Brokerage Co. HAVE BOUGHT $40,000.00 WORTH OF MERCHANDISE since August 1st, mostly at forced sales at a low rate on the Dollar..That is why we sell all kinds of goods at less than makers' prices. Read a few of our -Bargains. Read and compare prices with others. Suits 150 Men's and Boys' Tweed Suits at half price. $15.50 Suits will cost you $7.75 $12.00 Suits will cost you, 6.00 $10.00 Suits will cost yon 5.00 $5.00 Suits will cost you 2.50 Overcoats at half price. 200 Odd Pants at $1.48 Shoes Men's, Ladies', Girls', Boys', and Children's Shoes at wholesale prices. Underwear Men's $1.25 Wool Underwear for 79e Men's Fleece -Underwear, reg 50c and 60c goods for 43c • Boys' Fleaee Shirts and Drawers, all sizes from 22 to 30, on sale at 32c each, Furs Furs, Ruffs, Muffs, and Coats, one half the regular price and less. See them before you buy. -Raincoats $13,00 Raincoats for $8.48 $10.50 Raincoats for $7.48 .1 6.50 Raincoats for $448 Boys' Overcoats from 81.00 up. And a thousand other Boys' 50c Caps to clear 25c 3 pairs of ladies or men's Llama Hose $1.00 $2.50 Mantle Cloths for 81.48 $2.00 Mantle Cloths for 1.19 $1.50 Corded Velvet for 950 25 pieces heavy Dress Goods, reg $L00 to clear at 43c 11-1 Flannelette Blankets $1.39 Ladies' Jackets from $1.00 up 'Girls' 50c Tams for 19e Men's Shirts Men's $1.00 Shirts for 69c Men's $L25 Shirts for 89c Men's Work Shirts 430 Sweater Coats at makers' prices Trunks and Suitcases $4.00 Trunks to clear at $2.48 $2.50 Suit Cases to clear 1.68 $2.25 Suit Cases to clear 1.48 $3.25 Suit Cases to clear 1.98 $1.25 Telescopes 68e Groceries 7 bars Comfort Soap 25e Two 10c boxes Shoe Polish .... 15e 4 bottles Extract for . ........ 25c Bpackages Dates.. ...... ........,. 25c 3 bottles Catsup, 25c 4 packages Corn Starch. „. ...... ...25c things at makers' prices THE MERCHANTS' BROKERAGE CO. KERR'S OLD STAND womP WINGHAM. ONT. ee• <se r S12,,S1?KgS41) rori 611 Lejc/ va 1/1 ce)