HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-11-26, Page 5November 26th 1914 rill01.110101101"‘1041/4W411/110W0.101.1b$W101,11,1106440%4 1 ATTENTION 1MEN There is no time to lose. Winter is here in I earnest. You will require warm clothing and this is the place to make your purchases. 1 Sweater Coats—For men and boys, all sizes, all prices, good assortment of colors. Underwear—For men and boys, two piece and combinations, several weights and qualities. Gloves and Mitts—Lined and unlined, for dress wear and for work. Hosiery – Heavy cashmere wool and worsteds. Special prices on boys', youths', and men's overcoats and suits. THE WINGHAM TIMES W., A. CAMPBELL THE CLOTHIER goo& iteelp,""fiet‘4e/11.41,46isli ^elk, Iv.. 4/0411VS, volo4144‘,44,41rivitrik, ....111•••••••••••=1.......* Amm••••••••••••••••. *cmmand ,..tuaczraretwouzzir, 91 'VI= r.M73. aZerir=1,23 ,:l "arguawamotamsonealluergilmaraguissseateuzzEro=4:0 r4 DA. C, Men of Affairs II7••• have little time to study the finer details of clothes effici- ency and yet they realize the importance of good clothes to themselves, com- mercially and soci- ally. To such men, the 't'tV A.lArkt Ir.1, • V.1.00,41. A AAVVAt•A rIa.rolv,40f, •nr •1 X•••Vr.Yr.. er•,••trom {IL", Art{7,4 A Cr A,. Or,. • ART CRIMES service we render here is a tremendous advantage. Correct style in all our offer- ings is absolutely assured, and the dependable quality, workmanship a n d value giving charac- teristic of all our merchandise. The men who put their fashion outfitting in our hands get grati- fying results to sus- tain their judgment. .••••••mwatrasSMIENNIMINIMMINOIRIBIE111.4117111111111111■1011111107 CLOTHING WHITE AS A GlIOST. • Pale or Sallow Gheeks One of the first Signs of Anaemia Pale and sallow cheeks, with blanch- ed lips and gums, and dark circles un- der the eyes, are tne first sigris that anzemia has begun its deadly progress. This first warning is followed by great weariness and breathlessness after any exertion. You grow melancholy, with frequent headaches, awake in the morn- ing feeling tired You become morbid and nervous, starting at the slightest noise, and your heart palpitates violent- ly even on going up -stairs. Most girls from fourteen to twenty suffer from anmmia. Neglect to supply new blood to the languishing, bloodless body, means a life of misery—indeed it is an open invitation to that most hopeless of of all diseases, consumption. The new, rich blood that cures zernia and give new health and str is readily created by Dr. Willie Pills. That is why these cured more cases of bloo blood disorder than any They have m e thou women stro bright eyes cause they new, rich, r Pink s have ness and er medicine. s of girls and and rosy, with energy, just be - the body with the lood of health. Here is a typical nstance. Miss Laura Demp- sey, Auburn, N.Y., says: "For several months I was in a very bad state of health, with many of the symptuns that accompany anemia. I was pale and bloodless, had headaches, and would be breathless at the least exertion. Hav- ing tried a number of medicines without relief I naturally became discouraged and began to fear that I was doomed to continued illness. At this stage a friend urged me to try them. I did so and thanks to the pills I am now enjoying the best of health, and feel that I Can- not recommend this splendid medicine too highly." Other weak and ailing girls an also obtain new health and -strength through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer, or they will be sent by mail post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. vorturcir,. While Mr. Bert Thompson was en- gaged in drawing gravel one day last week he had the misfortune to have one of his valuable horses drop dead. Messrs. Wellington Dow and Stew- art MeBurney have about finished their last contract a graveliing for the season in the vicinity of Donnybrook. Mr. Andrews, who is living in the West, formerly of Goderich, is visiting with Mr. Daniel 1N1artin, Miss Winnie Haines is visiting for a few days at Mr. Edward McQuillan's. LIVE STOUR, MAR E. gTs • Toronto, Nov. 23—Union Stock Yards —215 cars, with 4,143 cattle, 187 calves, 3,075 hogs, and 2,673 sheep ,and lambs The immediate effect of the lifting of the embargo from Canadian cattle was a boost in prices at the Union Stock Tards to -day. Best butcher steers and heifers were up 15c to 25c over last week's prices, and one load of extra choice steers showed a still better ad- vance, selling at $8.25. There was in -fact, a firmer tone to the cattle trade all round, though quotations• on the lower grades were markedly higher, as on the better grades. There was a good active trade in canners and cut- ters, and in the medium class of butchers. Lambs were firm and higher for good light stock. Hogs were quoted lower at $7.40, fed and watered. moult's' Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McEwen, lst line, will have the heartfelt sympathy of their friends in tha loss they have sus- tained bythe death of their little daughter, Helen Winnifred, which oc- curred on Wednesday evening of last week, aged 10 months and 8 days. The child had been ill for only a few hours. The funeral on Friday after- noon was _largely attended. The ser- vices at the house and grave were taken by Rev. Crawford Tate, of Bluevale. Export .................$8 15 Butcher cattle choice.... 7 60 do medium 7 50 Butcher cows choice... 6 40 do medium.... 5 50 do common 4 25 do bulls 6 35 Feeders 6 00 Stockers 5 75 do medium .. . . 5 25 do light 4 25 Canners and cutters .. 3 50 Milkers, choice . 60 00 • Springers 50 00 Common and medium-- 40 00 Lambs . 7 75 Light awes . . .. 5 25 do bucks ... . 5 75 Hogs fed and watered .. 7 50 do f.o. b . , 7 15 Calves 9 00 TU EOM ERRX. A. very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walk- er on Wednesday. November 18th, at four o'clock in the afternoon when their daughter, Hanna M., was united in marriage to Mr. William R. Bur- chill, son of Mr. Samuel Burchill,a prosperous young farmer of Culross, by the Rev. J. W. Hibbert, of Wing - ham. The bride, who looked very charming in a gown of ivory crepe de chene with overdress of embroidered net, regulation veil and lily of the val- ley, and carrying a shower bouquet of chrysanthemums, entered the drawing - room escorted by her father to the strains of Lohengrin's Bridal Chorus, played by Miss Cilia Fleming, of Tor- onto, cousin of the bride. Immediate- ly after the ceremony, the guests, to the number of about forty, adjourned to the dining room where a sumptuous repast was served. The evening was spent in games and music, after which the young couple left for their home in Culross, amid a shower of confetti, where they will be at home to their friends after December lst. Many beautiful presents were bestowed upon the happy couple. The groom's gift to the bride was a cabinet of silver and to the pianist a pearl ring. :Men's and Boy's Newest Overcoats :Ladies' Tailored Art Suits and Coats -.4•••••444":•••••7----64.. HANNA 81 CO. 'Phone 70 VI/Ingham, Ont. BUTTEDICK PATTZRNS ALWAYS IN STOCK $ 8 40 7 75 7 60 6 50 5 75 4 50 6 51) 6 65 6 Oo 5 75 4 65 4 10 00 00 05 00 61: 00 8 00 5 50 6 25 11 00 WiNGRAIR ATA. RAM REPORTS. Wingharn, November 17, 1014 Flour per 1001bs 3 15 to 3 70 Fall wheat 1 12 to 1 12 Oats . 046 to 0 46 Barley .0 60 to 0 60 Peas . .1. 55 to 1 55 Butter dairy .0 20 to 0 30 Eggs per doz . . .... 0 30 to 0 30 Wood per cord .... 2 25 to 3 00 Hay per ton . 10 00 to 10 00 Hogs ... .... . ......7 25 to 7 70 ...•M•11011 EAST %VA WANOSH.. Minutes of Council meeting held on Nov. 16th. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and pass- ed on motion of Irwin and Stonehouse. By-law No. 9-1914 appointing place of nomination, places of election, Deputy Returning officers and Poll clerks was read and passed. The following ac- counts were ordered to be paid:— The Municipal World collector's guide, 50c; Wm Purdon, gravel and gravelling side line 30 and 31 Con. 13, $4.20; Hec- tor McKay, 60 yards of gravel, 36 00; Howson & Lawson, plank, $31.31; Jas. Tunney, repairing culvert, con, 4, $3.00; Wesley Kehue, repairing three bridges, $6.00; McKinnon Bros, cutting hill and widening road, Cons 12 and 13. $34.37; Wm. Naylor, inspecting same, $3.75; Wm. Naylor, drawing and putting in tile. con. 13, .85; Frank Gutteridge, tile, $1.68; Isaac Brown, tile, $13.50; Fred Toll, cement, tile and repairing the Toll Drain, $3.00; James Marshall, putting in eatch basin on the Toll Drain, $12,00; Dan: Martin, tile and wOrk on Western Boundary. $20.00; A. Porter- field, revising voters' lists, Judge's or- der, $37,11; Chas. Campbell, collecting, packing and shipping contribution of County to British GoVernment, $25.50; Geo. Poceck, work en Pocock Drain side line 89 And 40 con 14, $10.00; F. Anderson, refund on the Toll Drain, $124.24. The Council then adjonrned to meet again according to statute on Tuesday, Dee. 15th at 10 o'cloek. A. PORTtitP191,9, Clerk, Orlini."400011004440~"*P4101 tHigh Cost • of Living Page 5 o.witroairtelf.04.0ww/6.0.4044~000"0"~"..0a."."'"`rtftr4 Isard's reduced by buying your iDRY GOODS, GROCER- IES, BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN'S AND BOYS' fCLOTHING, LADIE S' fCOATS, SUITS, FURS, ETC., ETC. L At This Store IRead the list, then come iand see how we carry out our plan of REDUCING ? LIVING EXPENSES. — — 6 ...................._______........ Bargains in Groceries , i 14 lbs best,Granulated Sugar, $1.00 3 cans Peas, Corn, Tomatoes ...25c Best Oatmeal 6 lbs for "5c Corn Starch, per package .....08c lit 7 bars Soap for. : ... 25c Fancy Cakes, per lb ...... 10e 0 lbs fresh Rice • 25c 2 cans Maple Leaf Baking Powder for 25c 1 3 packages Corn Flakes for25c • Tin Pail Best Soda Biscuits ...25c 1 Pure Castile Soap, 25c bars for 20c Choice Salmon 2 cans for . "Se Good Sardines Se per can or 6 cans for • 25e Best Syrup in Pails for .. 25e Choice blend of Tea per lb .....35o Canada Laundry Starch 08e New Seeded Raisins per pkge10c 11. Every Day Bargains These Cut Prices on Season- able Goods just a time when you are likely to want them, should, make Buying easy. Only room to quote a few of the Many Bar- gains awaiting you here. Ladies' Winter Coats Just in. Very snappy i•.tyles. Fancy tweed effects. Regular .$12 to $12.50 Coats, Sale price 10 Women's Coats made of fancy curl cloth and diagonal weaves, fancy collars, $15 Coats Sale $11.95 A clearing line of flirts Coats up to $5 00. Value for .. $2.95 Women's Top Skirts to clear, made of plain cloth and tweed effects, reg - price $5, Sale $3 39 Bargain in Hose, 10 doz heavy ribbed Hose, all sizes, 35c value Sale 25c Women's 'Underwear, white or grey Underwear, 'Vests and drawers, regular 35e line, Sale .. ....... 25c Dress Plaids and Checks of good quality and weight 12 1-2 value for. 10c Snap in Fl an n ele t tes, 10 pieces, yard wide cloth at 12 1-2c, Sale . 10e Flannelette Blankets, large size, fine quality English Blankets, grey or white, special for Sale $1,50 Comforters made of fancy ehintz, good size, 5 a 1 e price . ,$1.25 Lace Collars, new Collars just received, cream or white, value up to 50c, on sale for..25c Ribbons, Wide Hair Rib- bons, all colors, regular price 15e, Sale. ,...„ 10c ISA 1,Vool Blankets. Big bar- gains in Blankets, See our special for Sate at .....153.00 Men' Store ,} 6 4t 4k ic' Men's Snits at cut pricOs. $ and Bargaill8 o n 5 a 1 e a t6.98, $7.95, $9.75. (41 . $ Boys' fleece lined1.7114.11tf-0 ' - shirts and Drawer, Sale.... 25 q and Drawers, all sizes, spec/zit Men's heavy ribbed Shirts Salelet'.i.: 'and Piboys' Caps with of heavy Sweater Coats, Sale Sweater Coats, Special line St . .... .... inside hands, special cut price Sale ... ..... .. , .. 50c . $1.50 ,1 I3oys' Overcoats, special $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 e u t prices, 5 a 1 e $3.00, C IT'S A LONG WAY TO TIPPERARY But a Short Way to Patterson's Jewelry Store 4 THINK of it, $9500 worth of Wa. es, Clocks, Cut Glass, Silverware and J elry all the newest designs. These goods we bought at the low price before t e war c menced, and can and will be sold fron per cent. less than the dealer who had t� buy them after the war began. This is a good chance for the people of Wingham and surrounding country to purchase swell Christmas gifts at a low price. Pearl necklets Bracelet Watches • Cut Glass • Pearl Pendants Tango Bracelets Gents' Canes Pearl Brooches Mesh Bags Ladies' and Gents' Suit Case Umbrellas Pearl Tie Pins Leather Goods Pearl Rings Stirling Silver Novelties Ladies' Watches Pearl Brac'elets Pearl Ear Rings Gents' Watches Silverware Manicure] Picces Pearl Handled Flatware 20 per cent. saved on diamonds. The largest stock this side of Toronto to choose from. W. G. PATTERSON HEADQUARTERS FOR I FAMILY GROCERIES If you have not tried us with an order for HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES do so now and see how we fill it. Fruit and Vegetables h -i Season and our aim is to please in quality and promptness of delivery. TEAS Atrial of our Bulk Teas will convince you that the quality is the best and the price is unchanged at 30e. and 40c. 1 1 Henry T. Thomson "The House of Quality" arree Delivery Phone 9 Fast Service.* WOWNO/014.1taT.041* al**141141.1.14~ 1 The Great Watch Doctor WINGHAM ONTARIO 11110111111111111111111MMIIIIMIIIIMIllsorrimmusamoi •••••••••.••••••••••••••• MADE IN CANADA" The Ford Coupelet A ear of style in ft class by stself. Rental' in de- sign. Rich. in appointment. Roomy and . comfort- able, Every detail in Mat 1141, make and finish carries the highest, quality. Vord efficiency and large production making making possible the follow big prim -, Fully Equipped (f.o.b. lor7a, Oat.) $850 Buyers of this practical Ford car will share in profits, if we sell at retail 30,000 new Ford cars between Aug- ust 1914 and August 1915. % FORD MOTOR COMPANY or cANAtm, taltrritu A. M. CDAWFODD, Dr aler Witighs.th -ley —