HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-11-26, Page 4; T. R. BENNET J. P. AUCTIONEER Will give better satisfaction to both buyer and and seller than ' any other Auctioneer and only ; charge what is reasonable. PURE BRED STOCK SALES A SP.ROTALTY Salesrconducted anywhere in Ontario Several good farms for sale. Sale dates can be arranged at i Trmns, office. Write or Ph3110 81 Wingham Page 4 THE WLNGHAM TIMES NOVCITIber 26tb1 19t4 eloss-vaieva.11,*(a'alev"444441".44,VII FOR kitchen stoves and ranges, base burners and heaters. furnaces and hot water heaters, open grates and fire -places, steam boiler , smithing porposes. We sell only the genu- ine D. L. & W. Coal Co,'s Scranton. Wood, slabs and kin- dling, charcoal and coke, J. A. MEAN LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Office Phone 64a, Mill Pone 64b, Residence 65. ii,sesdiveve.wswioviseceir‘seswewseses4 ennantatInantr-.A****ircaaantototanilMatetntOcbQ MEETING OF .0) HURON COUNTY COUNCIL • The Council of the Corporation * of the County of Huron will * meet in the Council chamber, in g. the Town of Goderich, Tuesday, * December the first at 3 o'clock. All accounts for settlement must I • be placed with the Clerk before ▪ this date. -§ • Dated at Goderich, Nov. 16th, * 1914. W. [ANE, Clerk, * osim*,:mqvpiAmmakme.,,z,mw40,..) CREAM WANTED PATRONS of summer creamer- ies and cheese factories, we want your cream during the winter months. Highest Prices Paid for Good Cream We supply two cans free and pay twice each month. Write for cans. PALM CREAMERY pALnot_ JOY I) J. G. STEWART Real Estate and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Insurance Moderate Charges Reliable Work —0— ,==== J. G. Stewart Griffin Block, Wingham. ESTABLISHED 1137'4 TiE WIN6HAM TIMES a.s. ELLIOTT, 1)uara5ura AND PROPIETOR VIIIRSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1914 •••••••••/1m0111/61•1. EDITORIAL NOTES It is being accepted in London that the stock exehange will not be opened until a new year opens. This will no doubt, influence the New York and other exchanges on this continent. Probably also the delay is for the best all round. The world never experien2ed such a dislocation of its financial affairs as came in the early days of August last, and the longer time there is given to adjust affairs before the speculators can get a chance to complicatethem the less is the final loss likely to be. -Mon- treal Gazette. Succession duties paid to the Provin- cial Treasurer for the fiscal year just closed amounted to $1,287,633, as com- pared with $1,146,144 for the fiscal year of 1912-12, an increase of over $141,0o0. Scarcely any benefit has been received from the increased scale of duties im- posed by amendments made by the law at the last session of the House. Eigh- teen months are allowed in which settlemen,t can be made by estates, so the augmented revenue under the new scale will not show itself for another year. "When on a visit to Spain a few years ago," writes a correspondent, "I was much impressed -as what tourist is not? -by Burgos Cathedral, whose twin towers, with their clustering filigree pinnacles, stand silhouetted against the blue sky, surely the most delicate lace - work ever executed in stone. The guide informed us that during the Pen- iosular War the French had ensconced themselves in these same towers, and from this coign of vantage were shoot- ing down at the besieging English. But the English, fearful for the de- struction of the exquisite shelter of their enemy, refused to make an assault. This fact has come very prominently to my mind during the recent vandalism of the twentieth-century Huns. Our rough British soldiers of a hundred years ago made no pretension to culture, yet the mystery and inajesty of a thing of beauty threw over them a restrain- ing spell, while the so-called exponents and apostles of Teutonic culture have so belied their name that the very epithet German culture will through the ages Oe a symonym for all that is ferocious, barbaric, and iconoclastic." - British Weekly. SIR WILFRID LAURIER. Seventy-three years ago last Friday at St. Lin, a Quebec hamlet nestling in the shelter of Laurentians, there was born to Carolus Laurier and his wife, Marcelle Martineau, a son, NS ilfrid Laurier. Probably there is no one now living in the village who remembers the event. Probably no one at the tinae ever imagined that across the span of three score and 10 years the steadily growing personality and influ- ence of the obscure land -surveyor's son would dominate Canadian political dev- elopment as no other personality has ever done in the life of the Dominion. To -day. Sir Wilfrid Laurier stands recognized throughout the world as the greatest of all Canadians, as the most conspicuous statesman in Greater Brit- ain. For nearly half a century he has stood unsullied and unshamed in the fiercest light of party politics, a pride to all Canadians. After forty years' continuous membership in the House of Commons, after twenty-six years as leader of the Liberal partv, over fifteen of which were spent as Prime Minister of his country, he is still erect of bear- ing, there is still the wonted fire in his words, still the same keen, virile and undisputed leadership. He stands to- day the most dominant personality, as well as the most picturesque and most influential figure in the Dominion. Robert Sayer of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., is under arrest, charged with high treason in ferrying Austrians BL htErAR[D acroas the border. The Dominion Government has taken up the London Treasury bills, amount- ing to £1,700,000, maturing yesterday, the last outstanding. Are You Ready to Defend Your Country? YOU are urged to join th. 1. -3rd Huron Regiment and be ready vhen the calf to arms comes. ANY elle heeled man over eighteen years of age is YOU tan either join either for home service or for service abload. WRITE, Telephone or Se? Capt. N. T. SINCLAIII,1 "B" COMPANY, 33rd REGIMENT Wiligharn Eetrthly angels are all right, but 110 MANY CHILDREN are ander-size, under -weight with pinched fates and poor blood; they do not complain but appetite lags, they have no anibition and do not progress. Such children need the rich medicinal nourishment in Scoies Emulsion above everything else; its pure cod liver oil con - tiling nature's owe blood -forming, flesh - building fats which quickly show in rosy checks'better appetite, firm flesh end sturdy frames. If your children are languid, tired *Then rishig tat& cold easily or find their studies diffitult, give them Seort'a Emulsion; it supplies the very food ele- meats that their systems lack. Seotes Entailea contains no harmful drugs and is so good for growing children there isn't rmanh excitement in being lt'aa PitY to keep t from then*. soarriadtO one. kott & Lime, roseate, Oita*. TRY A PAIL OF APPLE BUTTER . JAM This is a very cheap at th. le at 6 cents per pound con- siOerirg the high cost of sugar. E. Merkley & Son PHONE 84. P. 0. BOX 62 Wingham, Ont. or===i0=To==== o 0 0 LIVE POULTRY WANTE 2ND We will load a car of Live Poultry at th WINDHAM GRAND TRUNK DEPOT, and will pay the following CASH CES HMIs 7e per lb Gee Chickens . 9e per lb Ducks ......9.; per lb ..... 9c per Ila eys. 14c per lb Roosters...6c per lb This will be our last loadin your town this year. We will guarantee service and satisfaction to you as on .previous loadings. Will appreciate it if you will inform your neighbors. 11 SDICOE POULTRY CO. j 0 _ CULROSS. Council met in the Town Hall, Tees - water Nov. 18th. Members all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Case -Donaldson -That we open a piece of road on cons. 9 and 10 first sideroad and that we appoint the Reeve and Jno. S. Armstrong to have the same done as soon as possible. Carried. Case -Donaldson -That whereas a petition has been presented to this board asking for a drainage scheme of the Teeswater river describing an area of 2000 --acres signed by seVenteen petitioners. That under the present financial strengancy this council to take no action in the matter until com- pelled to do so. Armstrong- McPherson -In ammend- ment. That we adopt the petition and have the engineer take estimates. For the motion Donaldson - Case -Kuntz. For the amendment Armstrong -Mc- Pherson. Amendment lost, motion carried. McPherson - Armstrong T h a t whereas this council has raised two culverts opposite lots 17, Con. 10 and 11 that were lowered by A. H. Thacker without authority of this council, and as it cost this municipality the sum of nine dollars, and whereas the said A. H. Thacker was notified to replace them and he did not comply. That the clerk write Mr. Thacker to forthwith the said nine dollars and if not paid by the first day of December, action is to be taken in court to recover said amount. Carried. McPherson -Donaldson -That we cut the bush opposite lot 9, Con. 12 and that Jno. Armstrong have the same done. Carried. The council then adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, Dec. 15th or at the call of the Reeve. CHAS. BUTTON, Clerk. GREY. Mrs. C. Martin, of Harriston, and Mrs. John Holmes, of Molesworth, are in -attendance at the bedside of their father, John Bishop, 5th Con., who continues very low. Ross McKinnon, son of Mrs. Hugh McKinnon, 7th con., who has been in the West has enlisted in the aecond contingent to go to Europe and is now in Montreal. He has taken quite an interest in military affairs and we hope he will come back without a sear when the war is over. The 100 -acre farm of Jarnes Botz, llth con., has been purchased by Henry Hoover, of Saginaw, Mich., a brother to R. J, Hoover, 9th con., Grey town- ship, who pays the sum of $5,000 for it, getting possession on March 1st next. Mt. Betz iS in the West at the present Ulna and the farm has been worked by Dickson Bros. Property is desirably located and will make * fine home for Mr. Hoover and family. They were former residents of East Wawanoth, Mr. Hoover being a sister to Reeve Campbell of that toonahip. Farm was in poesession of the Botz family for the past 50 or more years. Hog brittles sell for $243 a ton in England. CRYING CHILDREN. When baby cries it is becau unwell -not because he is b as so many imagine. Cryin the little one has of tellin what ails her i and the wise other cattle o cry. Whe ' baby give him Ba s will soon be • again. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Jas. Gaudreau, Notre Dame des Bois, Que., Says.. "My baby cried day and night and 1 was greatly discouraged. I began giving him the Tablets and he was soon happy, healthy and fat." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine oo., Brockville, Ont. e is atured the way his pains stantly tell simply by his es a great deal n Tablets and he BRUSSELS I3ishop Williams, of London, conduct- ed confirmation service in St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday evening lat. Robert Thomson shipped two cars of live poultry to Buffalo and New York this week. Turkeys, ducks, geese and chickens were sent. In the elections in Cavalier County, North Dakota, Henry McLean was re- elected senator and Robert Work was once more successful as county treasur- er. Both were former residents of Brussels. Cleveland Denbow is here from the West, where he has been for several months. The local Red Cross Circle which has only been in existence a very short time, has been very busy, as is shown by the large shipment of the following goods they sent to the headquarters at London last week: It contained 72 pairs of socks, 21 pairs wristlets, 11 scarfs, 42 flannel shirts, 21 nightshirts, eight sleeping caps, six surgical shirts and two sheets. Mr. M. A. Taylor, who conducts the restaurant here, helped the Red Cross Circle considerably on Wednesday even- ing by giving an oyster supper to all those who cared to partake. The waiters were members of the circle. The proceeds Were all handed over to the circle. Mr. Taylor takes a great interest in this work, and his example will likely be followed by others, JAMESTOWN. The Ladies of the aatriestown Wom- en's institute made a canvass of this community for the Red Cross Fund and collected the tidy sum of $56.30. They are workers all right. A Patriotic Concert under the aus- pices of the Women's Institute will be held in Victoria Hall on Thursday, Dec. 3rd. An excellent literary and musical program is being prepared. Last week the fine 100 acre farm of the late Edward Bryans, Lot 12, con 2, Grey township, Was Sold to lames Me- Cutcheon, of Lender', a son of the late W. II. McCuttheori, formerly of Grey township: Purchaser gets possession on the first of next March. Mrs. Bry- sins and daughters will probably take up residence id Brustels. Mr. and Mrs. Bryans were old and highly esteemed residents of the 2nd Con, Mr. Me. Cutcheon sold his farm near Mitehell year or so ago and now comes tack to his old hotne township. Meats, fish, Poultr The highest BEEF, PORK, FISH, P LTRY sdaclass t T. S' Phone 22 Butcher Shop Give a trial. You will be pleased. L Highestprice paid for hides I and skins. 31-5 .........................i SAVE MONEY Save from $18 to $20 by having your SUIT OR OVERCOAT • Repaired, Dry Cleaned and Pressed We also put on Velvet Collars and make alterations. We never disappoint. All work guaranteed JOHNSTON'S Cleaning & Pr:ssing Works 'Phone 179 "We Know How" under new management. CHAS. G. JOHNSTON Manager ........................-....—......,....... IIMIIIIIIIIMMINCIMINIIIIIIIMCIIIMOMME15113111611110M13111111 THE London Advertiser MORNING -NOON -EVENING Edition $2 00 per Year by Mail 'Outside City of London All the War News All Market Quotations All Sporting News THE BEST NEWSPAPER VALUE iN WESTERN ONTARIO "'Delivered. through your Post Office or over your Rural Route Same Day as Published for $2.03 per year. Orders ieff at the TIRES OFFICE Wingham, wilt receive prompt °Am. tion. e -9.114.11,110111411.114,411.1S14,11441111,411411 Times Stationery Store F R Christmas Greeting Cards Christmas Papeteries Writing Paper,- Writing Pads Envelopes, Inks, Pencils Blank Books, Playing Cards Magazines and Newspapers All Leading Magazines and Newspapers on sale and subscriptions taken. Private Greeting Cards See our samples of Private Christnaas Greeting Cards. You should leave your order early. TIMES STATIONERY STORE Opposite Queen's Hotel L.4.44,46.444,4 PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale his house and cne fifth acre lot in the vil- lage of Belgrave for sale. House is two-story brick, containten rooms and good cellar. Good ffilime stable on property. Everything in good repair. Get full pare:m.)1ms on the premises or address J_AmEs CUNNINGHAM, tf Belgrave, Ont, Farm for Sale. Lot S. M, 15, 16, Con. 1, Morris, HO acres; well watered; good buildings; large bearing orchard; 15 acres bush suitable for stock or grain fanning. 334 miles from Wingham, owner retir- ing. Apply to W. CLEGG, Proprietor. PLEASANT VIEW FAR FOR SALE 120 acres, 100 res clea , 20 acres hard wood bush well need; good state cultivation wi ill; good water; bank barn 82x ood out -buildings; two storey brick cottage, 11 rooms, ROBERT LEATHORN, tf Bluevale. THE DOMINION BANK 1111R EDMUND D. EISLER, tot,p., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, viog-PREalwarr, 0. A. EIOGERT, General Manager. Capital Paid up . , $5,963,000.00 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits . 6,963,000.00 A Savings Department Is conducted at every Branch of the Bank where deposits of $1.00 and upwards are received and interest at ourrent rates added, It is a safe and convenient depository for your money. WINGHAM BRANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. MISS SPARING Licentiate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized teacher of Flet- cher Music Method, Simplex and Kin. dergarten. Pupils prepared for Cons,,rvatory examinations in Piano and Theory. Theory taught by ,correspondence. Classes Opened Sep. 21, 'Phone 165 DRAY t USINESS .011,00.100.••••••1 OWN. Hayti,g purchased the Dray Business from Wm. Breckenridge, I am prepared to take care of business in this line. Your work will be given careful and prompt attention. A share of your patronage solicited. Robt. McGEE Phone 10 NOTICE. The Anmial Meeting of th hare - holden and Pat dns of th luevale Cheese and But r Comp •, Limited, will be held LI the esters' Hall, Bluevale, on Th acl 1 etember 10th, 1914, at 1.30 (MO ,. p.m. for the elec. tion Of a Board of Directors and the transaetion of any other business that may come before the meeting. By order 31-2 S. PAUL, Secretary. COLD WEATHER NEEDS Sweater Coati .A splendid assortment in Men's, Boys' and Children's Sweater Coats, guaranteed pure wool. Overcoats and Suits, We have a splendid range of Overcoats from $5.00 to $20.00 Plaid Mantling For ladies' and children's coats. This is guaranteed all wool and was purchased last Spring before price of wool advanced. Right uo to the minute for style. Blankets, Comforters, Etc. Flannelette Blankets in 1-4 and 12-4 at the old price. All wool Blankets such as Alexandria, and King Edward, those nice downy kind that feels cosy and warm. Rubbers Rubbers of all kinds and sizes for the clamp weather. All kinds of Produce Wanted ( The Best Grades of FLOUR always on hand. ••••••figeerwismomatranommarmimme.....• whato.••••• ""•••••••••••••••••••••• ...ro.orooradowrosiist As MILLS Successor to T. A. Milts PRONE 89. WINGITAIVI, ONT. Bank of Hamilton Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Paid-up, 3,000,000 Surplus - ' - - 3,750,000 BUSINESS TRAINING Many men have fallen short of business success because. as they grew in exper- ience, they neglected to cultivate habits of economy. • Every young man should keep a Savings Account, because personal economies train the mind to use capital wisely in business. Start now. C. P. SMITH, Manager Wingham, Ont ,_,,..<„ witij r,D rf,-T3 ''' ItU f ysial,k, ggk Offfli DOI : , 'W--• NOTICE. The Anmial Meeting of th hare - holden and Pat dns of th luevale Cheese and But r Comp •, Limited, will be held LI the esters' Hall, Bluevale, on Th acl 1 etember 10th, 1914, at 1.30 (MO ,. p.m. for the elec. tion Of a Board of Directors and the transaetion of any other business that may come before the meeting. By order 31-2 S. PAUL, Secretary. COLD WEATHER NEEDS Sweater Coati .A splendid assortment in Men's, Boys' and Children's Sweater Coats, guaranteed pure wool. Overcoats and Suits, We have a splendid range of Overcoats from $5.00 to $20.00 Plaid Mantling For ladies' and children's coats. This is guaranteed all wool and was purchased last Spring before price of wool advanced. Right uo to the minute for style. Blankets, Comforters, Etc. Flannelette Blankets in 1-4 and 12-4 at the old price. All wool Blankets such as Alexandria, and King Edward, those nice downy kind that feels cosy and warm. Rubbers Rubbers of all kinds and sizes for the clamp weather. All kinds of Produce Wanted ( The Best Grades of FLOUR always on hand. ••••••figeerwismomatranommarmimme.....• whato.••••• ""•••••••••••••••••••••• ...ro.orooradowrosiist As MILLS Successor to T. A. Milts PRONE 89. WINGITAIVI, ONT.