HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-11-19, Page 4Page 4 vem 4KrittiLltgril$1; 11$111 GUARD THE CHILDREN Om. THE W1NGHAM TIMES TuE W19511,01 U B. liCIALLOTT.,, Ptrnota AND Faift11/4TOlt T".URSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 191,4 EDITORIAL NOTES Tablets are moth rs' est friend in pre- The acre of land on the South -East All accounts f Statistics of Canadian trade for Sep- ternber, as just published by the De- partment of Trade and Commerce, show Mr. W. H. Ferguson was attending - MEETING OF the Provincial Convention of the Women's lestitute at Toronto last The all is the most severe s son of week. • :a the year for colds- one davIa warm ' Mrs. S. C. Near. of Toronto, was re- The Council of the Cor Miss Emma Jermyn, • the Town of ' oder -4 HURON COUNTY COUN while the next is wet an cold, and • t Town In the Co ncil little ont•s are seized th colds that She was formerly may hang on all wint . Baby's Own of Morris. •• December the flawing old friendships in this township. of tha County 'of II unless the mother is on r guard the the effect of war conditions in restricting both imparts aud exports. Imports of merchandise for the second mouth of the war totellad $3607:67,572, a decrease of $17,772,983, or about 33 per .cent as compared with September of last year, Exports of Canadiau produce for the month totalled $31.,769,610, a decrease of $5,251,en,a, or about 15 per cent. Exports of foreign produce however, which totalled $8,717,481, increased by nearly five millions, as compared with September of last year. The greatest falling tff in exports was in agricultur- al produce, which totalled only $7,478,- 798 for the month,. Returns of revenue in thedepartment of lands, forests and mines, for Ontario for the fiscal year just closed, show a total income of $9,311,198. This • is $458,0n5 less than the estimate present- ed to the House last session by the Provineial Treasurer, but much better than was expected a few months ago. The revenue for 1912-13 was $2,793,809. Sir Robert Borden arrived home from Virginia Hot Splengs on Monday. The Premier seems greatly improved by his rest on the golf links, There is consid- erable cabinet business awaiting disposal but no sign of a session of parliament before January et- February. A German war magazine flatly de - Mares that "the objeet of the war is the overthrow of England." At last, very likely, we have the essential truth of the matter. Aaa previous German explanadons to the effect that Ger- wasfered into the war to resist the 'Slav menaee." may row be dis- counted. England would have been jastified in going to war, even without the exeuse of the German violation of Belgian neutrality. for undoubtedly she had a strong suspicion of Germany's real "object" from the beginning. - Providence, R. I. Journal. venting or banistj colds Tbey act ' a gentle laxative by k ea it ag corner of Alex. McLauchlin's fine farm, as the bowels and stomach free and sweet. which was sold many years ago and up - An occasional dose will prevent cold or on which houses were built, has been use of the Tablets will quicklcure . purchased by Mr. eleLauchlin, thereby y it , if cold does come on suddenly the prompt The Tabletare sold by medicine deal- restoring the full 100 acres. The build- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box faom ings were remoyed before got it. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. EUTECJIIIRCEt A patriotic lecture entitled "Pan - Germanism and the Kaiser" will be de- livered by Rev. Dr, Thurlow Prager of Owen Sound, in the Presbyterian Church here on Mondiey evening, November 23r4, at 8 o'clock. This address will be slightly different from the famous one delivered at Belgrave recently. How- ever, being sornewhat more popular it will be more interesting as well as pro- fitable. Special music in the way of patriotic solos, duets, male and mixed quartettes and choruses will be render- e.d under the charge of Miss Marjorie Gordon. A silver offering will be taken at the door, the proceeds for the bene- fit of the Patriotic fund. At this meet- ing a patriotic organization will be formed for Whitechurch and community. All are welcome. Our highly esteemed and widely knowh medical man, Dr. Jamieson, who for the past 18 years has given faithful and consciencious services, to the people in the immediate neighborhood and for miles around in their sickness and all other ills that flesh is to, has dispursed of his large practice and all things per - alining thereto, to Dr. ,White, B.A., of Ft. William. The latter gentleman has been in possession for the past few ' weeks, and is already gaining the con- fidence of the people by his quiet and unobtrusive manners of taking hold and doing things. Dr. White comes to Whitechurch well recommended and by all appearances he will not betray the trust of his many sponcers. He is a young man well up in his profession and is a earful and willing worker. He is apparently out for the strict application of his duties to the public. He is already, as said, enjoying the confidence of niany and will add more and more friends be his lists as he becomes better acquainted The Doctor has not as yet moved his family here but hopes to have them with him shortly. Dr. Jamieson is strictly out of prac- tice for the time being and is making Whitechureh his home still for a time yet, just enjoying a well deserved and much needed rest. There 'eras no services held in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday last, This was owing to special Anni- versary services being held at Langside church and the outcome of the day there was of a disapointing nature to the whole countryside. Old Sol did not appear in all his glory at any time dur- ing the day -instead dark deep clouds hovered around and the rain fell and the wind howled a dismal refrain and it was damp, bleak day all around, hence the good odd walls of the church did not bulge out as was expected by some ow. ing to the jam of people, but. alas, it was a slim gathering of the few most devoted ones who attended to hear some special sermons and singing as the choir bad spent considerable time in preparing an excellent song service for the occasion. VENTILATION OF FARM BUILDINGS. — — Ventilation of Farm Buildings is the tit1e. of a recent bniletin prepared by Mr. J. H. Geisdale, B. Agra Director of Darninien Experimental Farms, and Mr. E. S. Archibald, B.A., B.S.A., Dominion Animal Husbandman, and issuecLas Bulletin Numb78 of the regular series of the Experimental Farm BialleEns. This is an illustrated publication of thirty-two pages and treats exhaustiveiy of the subject of ventilation. Daring the past ten years or more much experimental work has been carried on at the Experimental Farm in Farm Building Ventilation, and the iesults of these experiments are clearly outlined, and from them, recommend- ationsare set forth, and these only after most thorough investigation and repeated triai under every likely con• - dition or handicap. The bulletin is divided into three parts: Fart 1 is en- titled Ventilating the Cow Barn; Part 2, Ventilating the Horse Earn, and Part 3, Ventilating the Piggery. The Rutherford system of ventilation, which is fully described and illustrated in this bulletin, is now in operation in the barns and stables 011 all Experiment- al Farms and Stations from Prince Edward Island to British Columbia. Copies of this bulletin may be obtained on applization to the Publications Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. The Temiskaming and Northern On tario Railway will show a net return cf $250,000fcr the Ontario Government for the year -which closed October 2.1 This is the same figure as a year ago, *bile the year preceding gave a return of $510,060. This is upon a capital in- vestment of $19,000,000. As interest charges oa that amount is $;190,060, the Government will have $45).000 to make up. — Hon. William Templeman, former Fedeial Minister of Mines of Inland Itoovenue, died at Victoria, B.C. ) Strength for Motherhood MOTHERHOOD Is not a time for experintent, but for proaan qualitiet, ancl nothing exceeds the value of good cheer, needfill exercise and SCOTT'S EMULSION. LCOTTS EMULSION charges the blood with life-sustaining rielitess, suppreossea norms tonditions, alds the quality and quantity drunk eatd insures inefficient fat. its OD alMa _OIL feeetages very' Its UWE and stoDA iteea bad maks tetwthina AvoliSaaintoetts. The Rev. McArthur of Kincardine occupied the pulpit at both services. On Monday night the big tea meet- ing was on and another disappointment as regards to the attendance was ac- corded the willing workers of the oc- casion. While the rain bad ceased, its place was taken by a genuine old bliz- zard that had the effect of putting a rep. to grader, $6.80; Wm. Robertson, great big dent in the finance part of rep. to grader, $1.51); McKinnon Bros.4 the program the receipts only being! gravelling, $179.48; Geo. Cruickshanks, about $24. However, an enjoyable ' insp, $7.n0; David Woods. insp., $10.00; time was hid by those present. Wm. R. Yeo, brushing, $9.75; Janes Our esteemed general, merchant, Mr. Moffatt, brushing, $4.70: S. King, Thos, Henderson, is right up-to-date brushing, 7.95; Geo. Wright. rep. cabl these days in improvements. He has vert, $2.00; John Metcalfe, sod, gravel' not only added largely to his stock many and stone -sink hole, '$51.28: W. Mar- 4 lines of "Canada made goods," but his store puts on a look of thrift of attrac- tiveness that does credit to the owner. Tom however is not it, if not all of it. He believes in comfort for his many patrons and at the same time enjoys a bit of it himself and family so to cap the climax, as it were, he has gone and put a dandy new furnace in so that the whole establishment is aglow with warmth and comfort. The furnace is one of Gurney's best make and was installed by Mr. W. J. Bove of Wing - ham. Many friends will regret to learn that Mrs. Thos. Henderson is confined to bed, nursing an agrivated attack of la grippe. CLINTON leeenelallantlentneeeteal ation n will inber, in Tuesday, e ir at 3 o'clock. 5• ettlernent must .t ..-e• be placed with the Clerk before * •A• this date. ,oa Dated at Gederich, Nov. 16th, i te - 2. 1914. * 5 W. LANE, Clerkc. , t • netateeette*Watente'teeeteeetetateenetteMeat a While driving home from from town Saturday afternoon, Mr. William Per- due and his wife were thrown out ofi their buggy, and Mr. Perdue was in- stantly killed. The horses took fright ' near Wise's Corner, became unrnanag- able, and ran the buggy into a tele- phone pole, and Mr. Perdue struck the pole, and Mrs. Perdue suffered a severe shaking up, but may recover. The Perdue family were among the earliest settlers in Goderich township. BLTTR. Mr. Joseph Strothers has received the appointment as issuer of marriage licenses for Blyth. A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mrs. J. W. Mills, Queen street, Blyth, on Tuesday of last week, when her daughter, Flarence became the bride of Rev. F. E. Clyseaale, of Carlstadt, Alberta, Rev. Geo. Jewitt, assisted by Rev. C C. Kaine, brother- in-law of the bride, performed the cere- mony. To the strains of Mendelsohn's Wedding March, played by Mrs. Kaine, her sister, the bride walked into the parlor leaning on the arm of her brother, John, who gave her away. The couple were unattended, but two of the bride's nieces, Luella Keine and Elizabeth Mills, acted as ring bearers. The bride looked very charming in a gown of ivory cream satin. After partaking of lunch and receiving congratulations the happy couple were conveyed to the C. P. R station, and left for their home at Carlstadt, where the groom is station- ed. LUC KNOW James Johnston now lies in a pre- carious condition at the home of his brother William, as a result of an ex- plosion and fire on Saturday night that nearly cost the lives of himself, wife and six months old babe, About 11.30 he attempted to kindle a fire in his kitchen range. The fire was burning slowly and he attempted to hasten it with kerosene. Taking a four -gallon can he poured some on the blaze. The can slipped and the entire contents fell into the Bre. Immediately there was an explosion and the whole room was soon a mass of flames. His clothing ablaze, Johnston ran into the yard and endeavored to put out the fire by rolling on the ground. But for the prompt as- sistance of John C. Murdock, a neigh- bor, he doubtless would have been burnt to death. His wife was badly burned about the face and arms as she rushed into an adjoining room to secure their six months' old baby. The child was unharmed though it was carried out through.the flames and smoke. T C BNB ERECT. Council met as advertised. All mem- bers present. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and adopted on motion of Messrs Wheeler and McBurn- ey. By -Law No. 14 was read three times and passed also By -Law No. 15 for the purpose of holding a public meeting in Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, on Monday, December 28th, at 10 o'clock p.m. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued: - Wm. S. King, Court of Revision and selecting jurors, $5.80; Wm. Holmes, shall,. work and insp., $14.50; Thos. Appleby, drain across con. 10, $6.00; J. Hindman, tile $6.30; W. J. Greer, exp. and telegram. .67; A. Stapleton, rep. to Jenkins' culvert, $13.80; John Reid, plank, $9.65; J. Mulvey, jurors and B. ' of H. $11.00; P. Powell, jurors and B. of H., $19.00; Dr. Redmond, salary M. 0. of H., $25.0); Wm. Cruickshanks, Be of H., $8.00; Gavin Wilson, part salary, $30.(0; .1. W. Ross, error in taxes, $1.00. Wheeler -Adair. That next meetingl he held in Bluevale, ,Tuesday, Decem- ber 15th, at 10 a.m. P Pow, Clerk. Farm for Sale. mommivimmm Lot S. la 15, 16, Con. I, Morris, 100 .Aecording to an Ottawa dispatch, acres; weil Watered; good buildings; about $5,f00,000 has been subeeribedi large bearing orchard; 15 acres bush throughout the country for the Canatli. suitable for stock or grain farming. an Patriotic Fund and H. 13. Ames. M. miles ft6tri WIngham, owner rettr- P., secretary of the tuna, states that mg` APPIY t° w. this will be sufficient for one year. I CPIAtropGgito.t. SAVE MONEY Save from $18 to $20 by having your SUIT OR OVERCOAT Repaired, Dry, Cleaned and Pressed We also put on Velvet Collars and make alterations. We never disappoint. All work guaranteed JOHNSTON'S Cleaning & Pr ssing Works 'Phone 179 "We Know How" under new management. CHAS. G. JOHNSTON Manager a....-.--...........-........-..........--------. eanallealeeetellalieteseell11111,11 Times Stationery Store Christmas Greeting Cards Christmas Papeteries Writing Paper, Writing Pads Envelopes, Inks, Pencils Blank Books, Playing Cards Magazines and Newspapers All Leading Magazines and Newspapers . on sale and subscriptions taken. Private Greeting Cards See our samples of -Private Christmas Greeting Cards. You should leave your order early. TIMES STATIONERY STORE Opposite Queen's Hotel tuuweievieutitusuutesuutaswes-4 NEINRIMIRRIR THE London Advertise MORNING -NOON -EVEN Edition $2.00 per Year Mail Outside City of on All the W All M Quo• tations Sporting News THE BEST NEWSPAPER VALUE IN WESTERN ONTARIO • Delivered thiough your Post Office or over your Rural Route Same Day as Published for $2.0) per year Orders left at the Tlf1E.5 OFFICE Wmgham, laid receive prompt .aen- tion. o Are You Ready to Defend Your Country? YOUE4aulurredgitom join and 33rd ready when the call to arms comes. ANY able bodied 'man over eighteen years of age is YOU can either join either 'for home service or for service abroad. WRITE, Telephone or See Capt. N. T. SINCLAIR, "B" COMPANY, 33rd REGIMENT WitIgh&M PROPERTY FORikSALE The undersigned offers for sale bis I mite and one fifth acre lot in the vil- 1. ge of Belgrave for gale. Houee is tuo-story brick, contsinkg ten rooms at d good cellar. Gotal hne stable on operty. Everything In good repair. t full particulars on the premises or neaten .1a1tra Cummtnnam, tf Belgrave, Ont, AL OR kitchen stoves and ranges, base burners and heaters, furnaces and hot water heaters, open grates and fire -places, steam boiler smithing porposes. We sell only the genu- ine D. L. & W. Coal Co,'s Scranton, Wood, slabs and kin- dling, charcoal and coke, 1, A. MEAN 1 LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Office Phone 64a, Mill Pone 64b, Residence 65. ileeeereseteeaseesuusesstausousieveettei FOR SALE NGHAM SALT WORK'S OLD ESTABLISHED BUSINE$S First class wholesale and re- tail trade. No other salt well within 30 miles, plant in good order, reason for selling, failing health. F. G. SPARLING WINGHAM, ONT. CREAM WANTED ^ s 1.A•settitaM011406.110N/SMOVISEHasaasso....„,...... November luth, 1914 m........_........ _ THE DOMINION BANK OM EDMUND a. OSLER, M.P. PRESIDENT. W. P. MATTHEWS, VIOSPREGIOERT. •C, A. BOGERT, General Manager. ,. Capital Paid up . . . $5,963,000.00 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits . 6,963,000•00 A Savings Department Is conducted at every Branch of the Bank where deposits of $1.00 and upwards are received and interest at current rates added. ' I It is a safe and convenient depository for your money. WINGHAM BRANCH; A. M. SCULLY, Manager. .4=xcezzaziartastir MISS SPARING ^ Licentiate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized teachc r of Flet- cher elusic Method, Simplex and Kin- dergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations in Piano and Theory. Theory taught by correspondence. Classes Opened Sep, 211 'Phone 165 .1.1.34411.1[7,1,117...61“...11110,111:11=1•11MMIMIMII. DRAY BINESS Having purchased the Dray Business,* from Wm. Breckenridge, I am prepared to take care of business in this line. Your work will be given careful and prompt attention. A share of your patronage solicited. Robt. McGEE Phone 10 pATRONS of summer cr er- I ies and cheese fac s, we want your cream ring the winter mont s. Highest Pr aid fo. .00d Cream We supply two cans free and pay twice each Month. Write for cans. PALM CREAMERY PAUIERSTON - ONT. Imommomimimftsomr.•••••mmom...../..mmomv.m......Mommimmomommroarm.m..) T. R. BENNET J. P. AUCTIONEER ill give better satisfaction to both buyer and and seller than any other Auctioneer and only charge what is reasonable. PURE BRED STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario Several good farms for sale. Sale dates can be arranged at Tiaras. office. Write or Phone 81, Wingham J. G. STEWART ( Real Estate and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Insurance Reliable Work Moderate Charges —0 — J. G. Stewart Griffin Block, Winghatn eweeeweeweseetwasesesweswe The House of Handmade Clothes Let's Go One Better While the made in Canada movement should be en- dorsed by every loyal Cana- dian why not go one better and buy Made-in-Winghatn Clothes. We guarantee fit a.nt work- tnanship equal to the finest eity tailoring and our prices are lower for the same quid- ityof material. Let us help one annther by eireulatiug our money in our own town and by 'so doing our town ia bound to prosper. Snit or A, n overeoat u u anti up, R. A. TAYLOR Ladies' and Gents' Tailoring. Lavavawvevaivawawevelvaiiii Bank of Hamilton Capital Authorized Capital Paid-up, Surplus - - - $5,000,000 3,000,000 3,750,000 THE MEN BEHIND A Banking institution gots strength as much from the men who direct its affairs as from the actual capital invested, /Money deposited in the Fank of Hamilton is guar& d by men well known for business h• integrity, and acumen—men who value sem', ity more than high profits. To this policy is due a surPlui which is one quart, -r larger than its c.‘pital —the rt. salt of over 40 years conser- vative management. C. P. SMITH, Manager Wingham, Ont COLD WEATHER NEEDS Sweater Coats A sp'endid assortment in Men's, Boys' and Children's Sweater Coats., guaranteed pure wool. Overcoats and Suits, We have a splenaid range of Overcoats from $5.00 to $20.00 Plaid Mantling For ladies' and children's coats. This is guaranteed all wool and was purchased last Spring before price of wool advanced. Right uo to the minute for `style. Blankets, Comforters, Etc. Flannelette Blankets in 11-4 and 12-4 at the old price. All wool Blankets such as Alexandria, and King Edward, those nice downy kind that feels cosy and warm. • Rubbers Rubbers of all kinds and sizes for the damp weather. Alt kinds of Produce Wanted "rommerosimns••••, ThelBest Grades .of FLOUR always On hand. IFIMMIMIlme.y.•••••••••0061.1111•1•11••••111MIMINIIIIMITENt J . A. MILLS Successor to T. A.Milis PHONE 89. WINGHA1VI, ONT. ,0÷