HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-11-12, Page 5November I2th 1914. „.„,,..,........,,..„..„............,,,..,...., 1 BOYS SUITS $4.95 1 i E are giving a very special price on Boys' 0 Suits this week. There are 65 of them in • the lot ranging in sizes from 2$ to 35. They con- sist of Navy Serges and Fancy Tweeds. There are both two and three piece Suits in the lot. Regular $5.50 to $9.00, on sale at 12 Boy's Buster Brown Suite in navy and fancy tweeds, sizes 20 to 1 26. Regular $5.00, on sale at Regular $5.50 to $9.00 • $3,50 12 BoyeBuster Brown and Sailor Suits M navy and fan* etweede, sizes 20 to 24, regalar $3.75 and $4.00, an sale at $2,50 6 only Boys' light -weight short Overeoats, shower proof, sizes 27 to 80, regular $5,00, on sale at.. $3.50 W. A. Campbell " The Clothier tiVII*4101,116,11V*116/01•10101/0.46/0,44/~1,11ALliv*Wk.101101W8.4 1 , TRY A PAIL OF APPLE BUTTER JAM This is a very cheap article at 6 cents per pound Con- sidering. the high cost of sugar. " Merkley & Son PHONE 84, P. O. BOX 62 Wingham, Ont. THE WINGHAM TIMES IrDAPYOIS. Miss Luella Shaw spent the week- end at her pereutal home hi Bluevale. People are busy pulling and taking up their turnips. The fine weather has been faVorable foethis work, Mr. James Martin has almost finished his seoson's threehieg. Be is Pow homeward bound, t17 Li ITEOlitOrtOIX On IVIonday evening, November 23r6, a patriotic feeture will be delivered in the Presbyterien church at 8 o'cloelt by Rev, Dr.Thurlow Fraser, of Owen Sound, "Pen-Germanistri and the Kaiser." The fame of this address has already spread throughout the district and a large crowd is antieipated. Special music is being prepared by the musical talent in the village and it is expected that brief remarks will be made by Other speakers. A. silver offering will be taken at the door, the proceees be- ing devoted to the Patrietie Fund. Let the offering be liberal. At this meet- ing a patriotic organization will be formed for Whitechurch and communi- ty. All are welcome. NOs1DX The annual anniversary services in connection with the Langside Presby- terian chureh will be held on Sunday and Monday, Nov. 15th and 16th, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. respectively. The morning and evening services on Sun- day will be in charge of Rev, M. Mc Arthur, of Kincardine. On Monday evening there will be a tea meeting, The special feature in connection with this gathering being an lecture en_ tiled "Wit and Humor," by Rev. A Logan Greggie, of Toronto, whose reputation as a public speaker is al- ready well-known in this community. Special musical selections will he rend- ered by the choir in charge of Miss Term Moffatt, at both the Sunday services as well as on Monday evening. All are heartily welcome. .= 0...• eso "se • ee • '............., • .... • .... ...‘ Ae • 01'. OW . C; OW • SO • O. , 00 .100 • A.'. • ole. . el v OW . Oa" PO • 0, . 00e. 00 . /01, ' /NO . AW ' lia"... "..... . '.., . ‘..., ...• ".... .... . .... • '... "4.0 '"%.1.174:. ?. - . • - . ?te 10* •1.0 LADIES'. SUITS * Ift T .4.0, • 9! 40 1.0 Saturday Night Sale to ,* mormairmaiiimorimmosowir * * (.0 4.0 Watchourwindows . * 40 1:0 ,.1-0 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Iv." * * -I.0* (se for display of odd lines of Ladies' Suits in navy, ilA blacks and tweeds, sizes 34 to 42. f0 .1.0 No Suits to be taken on approval. M. * * 4„0 SALE PRICE $5.98. fr. * 1? * fe •10 . Sale at 7.30 P. M. * * 1.0. ,f0 $* * .10 ff 0,1.. or * t.0 ''* "'Uri s Raincoats 1.0 1.0 * 10 Our full range of Men's "True -Fie Rain- * irk coats, all guaranteed. All new high grade goods, 1.e kfes regtdar sleeve. We are clearing these Coats at iffi 1.0 this season of the year for $7.98 Regular price 111 * * $10, $12, $15. * SALE PRICE $7.98 ..‘* iti .* Sale at 7.00 P. M. M. fe. * -41.0 4.0.. SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY fe *. * omt to .* * lo H A N N .A .8Z C 0 or.o. 40 * * * * oPhotte 10. Wingham f# 'aM 't BUTTEUICK PATTEMIS A WAYS IN' STOCK ST Virus DANCE. iloothyr Severe as Corea .Through the Use of Dr. ' Williams' Pink Pills. St. Vitus donee is a common four) of nervous trouble, which affects not only young children but men and women as well. The only elave liee in plenty of pure blood, because good blood is the Ilia food of the nerves, Dr. Williams' Pink pincure the met severe cases of St. Vitus dance, because they eau - ally make the rich, red blood that feeds and restores the etarving sbattered nerves. This has been proved in hun- dreds of cases, among them that of Mrs John Darman, Lotion, Ont., who says: "About a year ego I found mesa self becoming very nervous, At •lie outset I did not pay very, much ten - tion to it as I thought th trou would pass away. In this 1 w s cl. ppointed for I soon found myself idly grow- ing worse. My right ar i and leg be- gan to jerk and twitch all the time, even when I was in bed, and I found great difficulty in walking or doing any work. Finally the trouble affected my speech and it was with difficulty I made myself understood. Of course I was doctoring for the trouble, but was not being helped, and finally the doctor wanted me to go to the hospital for treatment. This I did not care to do, and it was at this stage that 1 de- cided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. By the time I had used four boxes I felt much better, and in a short time longer I was quite well and strong. My neighbors look upon my cure as quite wonderaul, and indeed 1 think it is, and shall alwal s be grateful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for rne." These Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or can be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. DLYTH. Word was received in Blytte on Wed- nesday morning of last week, that • Mr. Wm. Habkirk, a former resident, had passed away very suddenly atGoderich. It seems that on Tuesday evening he returned from his work at the Western Canada Flour Mills, and after;was en- gaged in dressing when he suddenly fell and expired in a few minutes. He had eomplained for some time of pains in the neck, but there was no thought of the sudden ending of all things earth- ly. The deceased was married to Miss Tema MeNevin, of Dungannon, some years ago, and they resided in Dungan, gannet), Auburn, Blyth and Goderich. While a resident here he was well liked by those who knew him. Besides his widow, he leaves to mourn his loss a family of six as ..follows: -Joe, Jean, Grace, Kate, Mary and Will, besides he leaves his mother, and his brothers, John and Yoe, and sisters, Belle and Jean, who are all located in the West. GO It MU. . , At Young Methodist Church, Winnis peg, Man„ on Thursday, October 29th, a very quiet but pretty marriage was solemnized at 11 o'clock in the morning when Mr. William. A. Edwards, of Saskatoon, Sask., and Miss M. Henrietta McGill, youngest daughter of Mr. Robt. McGill, ef Gorrie, Ont., were united in matrimony by the Rev. Mr. Whiting, The bride wore a gown of silk embroid- ered net over Cream Duchess setin with trimming of swansdown and brilliants with a large picture hat of black velvet and plumes and earried a bouquet of bridal roses, lillies of the valley and maidenhair fern. After the ceremony the bridal party had luncheon at the Fort Garry Hotel. The young couple will spend their honeymoon in Winnipeg and other Westegn cities before going to their home in Saskatoon. Misses McGill was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McLaughlin after her arrival in Winnipeg. EAsie is,Atif.A.NOSD. The Young People's Society of Cal- vin Church will hold a box social in School house No. 11, on Tuesday even- ing, November 17th. A good program is being prepared and there is a good time in store for all who attend. It is with feelings of deep regret that we this week chronicle the sudden death of Verna May Beatrice Taylor, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor. The young lady was in her eighteenth year and had been in her usual health when suddenly called on Saturday last to her heavenly home. Miss Taylor was highly esteem- ed by a large circle of friends and her sudden death has cast a gloom over the community. The funeral on Monday afternoon to the Wingham cemetery was very largely attended. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick, of Belgrave and Rev J. W. Hibbert, of Wingham. The pall -bearers were George And Harold Currie, George Prentice, Wilfrid Pocock, George Walker and Richard Deacon, TI Members of the deceased young lady's Sunday School elas, with her teacher, Mrs, J. .1. Kerr, attended the funeral in a body, Among those from a distance wise attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, Hanover; George Prentice, Collingwood; James Taylor, Mrs. Humphrey,' Mr, end Mrs, John F. Linklater, Teeswater. To, the bereav- ed family will be extended the sincere sympathy of the ecentrainity. A randier of Cochrane Alta George Creighton, has donated a carload of hore ses to the British Government. Fresh strawberries were sold on the market at London, Ont., RUPTURE Cstele JeATAS MDOTTOU) J. Y. Egan, Specialist of Toronto INonderfut Method Retains Rupture Without Knife, Danper or Pain. 010 style truss torture ism longer necessary. galling', slipping trusses, barbarous methods of acatifig rupture done away with by the wonder- ed invention of a specialist who has devoted fifty years to thls 0110 study, The marvelous SIAN •TURATRUS" 13 illte.Ildta to give instant re - def, rest and security without operation. It ;taps all Irritation, restores rupture to natural position, and old trusses are thrown away._ Multitudes of mired men, women andebildren. testify. Greatest success where others fall. Nothing complicated, no pain -lust a natural retentive method at small cost. Immediate relief guaranteed. No foreign mai/ order lies. Safer to patronize a Canadian personally. Do not delay; tear oft coupon now. Free Rupture Coupon. IThis coupon, upon presentation to J. Y. Egan, spedapst,14 East ICing St., Toronto, Who Will visit the towns below, entitles bearer to free comultation and examination of samples. Ask at hotel dace. Note dates. Queen's Hotel ViLINGHAIVI Sat. Sun., Nol.z. 21-22 (ALL DAY AND NIONT) 2 DAYS ONLY wet: seem is. nen/eters Toronto, Nov, 9 -Utile». Stocks Yards -235 cars, with 3,944 cattle, 182 calves, 1,438 hogs, 1,999 sheep and lambs, and 989 horses. Nxport , ,e3 15 $• 8 40 Butcher cattle choice.... 7 60 7 75 do mediem. 7 50 7 60 Butcher cows choice... 0 40 6 60 o mediu do commonm - ..... " : 1 6 g 1•1 :172, do bulls 6 35 6 59 Feeders 6 00 6 50 Stockers ........ 25 6 50 do medium , 5 25 5 75 do light..' . . ..... 4 25 4 75 Canners andcutters . 3 50 4 10 Milkers, choice 75 00 100 00 Springers ,... „ .. 50 00 95 00 Common and medium40 00 6e 00 Lambs --------------775 85 Light ewes ------------5 25 5 50 do bucks..............4 00 5 2i Hogs fed and watered .. 7 50* do f.o.b 7 15 Calves 9 00 11 00 WI1GElia.31:ttA.u5or Imo° tars. Wingham, November 11, 1914 Flour per 1001bs 3 15 to 3 60 Fall wheat 1. 35 to 1 05 Oats .0 40 to 0 43 Barley 0 52 to 0 52 Peas .. ... ,1 30 to 1 30 Butter dairy ...0 26 to 0 30 Eggs per doz ...... .... „.. 0 30 to 0 30 Wood per cord 2 25 to 300 Hay per ton ... .... .. .10 00 to 10 00 Hogs700 to 7 00 Subscribe for the Times P. C. Duimage a noted poultry fancier died at Leedon, Ont., Dr. Bradfield Patterson, one of the oldest Freemasons in Canada, died at Barrie aged 94, Grey county farmers have contributed for patriotic purposes 35 carloads of oats told patatoel. Minto tewriehip farrnera gave 3,500 beshels of Oats. Captein Kendall, formerly of the t fn, press of Ireland has been promoted from Lieutenant Naval COMmancIer to Commander nf the tritish auxiliary cruiser Calgarian. OJ' Every.Bell T de - phone is a Long DistanceStation The Acme of Efficiency you Can attain the highest point of efficiency in your business by a systematic and consistent use of the LONG DISTANCt TgLEPFLONE, It you have never given the TtLEPHONZ as a business producer a proper opportunity BEGIN NOW. Ask "Ldrig Distance " for rates. The Bell Telephone Co. OP CANADA. Page 5 hard's Saturday Bargains "rhese Cut Prices on Season- able Goods just a time when you are likely to want them, should make Buying easy, Only room to quote a few of the Many Bar- gains awaiting you here. .t it 111 Ladies' Winter Coats 3118t in, Very snappy styles. Fancy tweed effects. Regular e12 to $12,50 Coats, Saturday price $9.75 10 Women's Coats made of fancy curl cloth and diagonal weaves, fancy coleus.), $15 Coats Satorday $1.1,95 A clearing line of Girls Coats ilp to $500. Value for $2.95 Women's Top Skirts to clear, made of plain cloth mid tweed effects, reg - $3 39 Bargain in HOW', 10 dos Wool 13111,11e:its. heavy ribbed Hose, all sizes, gains in Blankets. 35e value Saturday tMc special for Sit torda,y Price $5, *later -day Women's Underwear, white or grey Underwear, Vests and drawees, regelae 35c Hee, Saturday _25e Dress Plaids and Checks of good quality and weight 12 1-2 value for 10e Snap in Flannelettes, 10 piece, ard wide cloth at 12 1-2c, Saturday 10c Flannelette Blankets, large size, fine quality English Blankets, grey or white, ;special for Saturday. $1.50 Coneforters made of fancy chintz, good size, Saturday price . $1.25 Lace Collars, new Conan Just received, cream or white, velem up to 50e, on sale for. .25c Ribbons, 'Wide Hair Rib- bons, all colors, regular price 15c, Saeurcla.y, 100 Men' Store Men's Soits at vo(. prices. T3argains for Hat o;,11:iy 41 I $9,75 :ki:d ;41 .1.1)1 Boys' fleece lined Mader - shirts and Drawee, Satin•day `2a Men's heevy ribbed Sleets and Drawers, all sizes, special Saturday '15c elen's and. boys' Caps wins inside halide, speciel cut price Saturday . . „ , .... • 50c " Sweater Coats. Specialline of heavy Sweet er Coats, Sat- urday Boys, overcoats, speciai cot priem-,:. Saturday $3.00, $3.50, $1,00, $1.50, $5.00 TWO STORES WING TIAN ra.aftwoorryWornaroni.sW*.es..........a. tawispaa041000:00001weigeosaPOIMMAlleafto HEADQUARTERS FOR FAMILY GROCERIES,, If you have not tried us with an order for HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES do so now and see how we fill et. Fruit and Vegetables in Season and our aim is to please in quality and promptness of delivery. TEAS Atrial of our Bulk Teas will convince you that the quality is the best and the price is unchanged at 30e, and 40c. Henry T. Thomson "The House of Quality" feeePOPCIth gitSt~igi0110/01111011101440.14 Phone 9 Fast Service. ' gFres metivery es, ees assesseee • s "Sresee-olreeS"effee. " MADEIN CANADA" The Ford Coupelet A ear of style in a elites by stself. Beauty in de. sign.- Rich in eppoiatinent. ROotny and comfort- able. Every detail in material, make and finish (*aeries the highest quality. Ford efficiency and largo prOducfion making., Making possible the follow- ing price, Fully Equipped (f.o.b. Fore.4 Oid.),.$850 4.* Buyers of this praetical toorcl ear will share in profits, if we sell et retail 30,000 now Ford ears between Aug- ust 1914 and .eegust 1915, FoaD MOTOR COMPANY OV CANADA, LtallTial- At M. CgAWFOilD, Agent, Vitiogham