HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-10-22, Page 2Page 2
Grand 'trunk Railway System T H"L ASr1-17D1 TRrE SC 4 RE OF 1 lb .0 , 1
1 e 1 ell ar mille7ti7g8 of Morris Coun-
cil met in the Township Hall on Mon -
TownTicket Office', A bulletin entitled :The Planting and deaeyee, r8)leeis)tetn"t °jilt:3 R2e3tehy.t. /4;ssllsiathle°g.m'eatnir-e
i Care a Shade trees" has just been is- following accounts were paidt-Jemes
via sued by the Central Experimental
We can issue through tickets Parish work on bide walk $19 10, Geo.
pop_ular routes, to any point la Americe Farm.
-East, West, South, Northwest, Mani. i This publication, which has been pre- Rechnoncl light on bridge $6.00, Wiling
toba, Pacific Coast, etc. i pared by Mr. F. E. Buck, P S. A. at bridge and three loads of gravel
' , James Peacock gravelling $1.10,
Baggage checked through to destine,- ' Assistant to the Dominion Horticultur- i Ed. Henderson filling at Ellis' drain
tion and fall information given whereby ist, contains practical directions and ! $6 60, meg° home lead of gravel 60e,
travelling will be make pleasant and ,
free from annoyance. Tourist andl advice in the selection of . shade trees, I
, Russell Fear cleening drain on 8th line
return tiekets to above points also ott their plapting, transplanting and sub- $2, John Plialen tile for culvert $9.00,
sale at lowest figures, and with all i sequent treatment and care, with notes Gordon McDonald two farrner,e bridges
prevailing advantages. ton the principal injuries and unfavourh dra$30Ward Gray approach
Single and return tickets to any point t able conditions to which shade trees are
Smitin .00,
$24.00, Robert Hetherington approach
in Ontario. Your business will be ap- subjected, especially in towns and cities.
preciated, be your trip a short or a $22.00, deviation road $12.00, McKin-
Lists of varieties suitable for street and non Bros gravetling West bridge
home planting are also given. $84.70, R. Whitemau gravel West
long one.
We cap ticket you through to any
point in Europe on Weeding steamehm
lines. Prepaid orders also issued.
If it's about travel, we have the
informetion and will give it to you
Town Agent G.T.R.
Times Office, Wingham, Ont.
Notice of changes mut be left at this
office net later than saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Caseel advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week
Ti Vilimillin TINES.
'.1.7,URSDAY, OCTOBER 2'2, 1914
This bulletin is No. 19 of the Second
Series of the Central Experimental
Farm, a copy of which will be. mailed
to those to whom the information is
likely to be useful and who make ap-
plicetion to the Publications Branch,
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa.
To the Editor -
A Convention of American Catholic's
held in Niagara Falls on August 5th,
recommended in part as follows: -
The liquor advertisements be not
mailable and that it is a misdemeanour
to ship intoxicants into prohibition
That liquor dealers and others inter-
ested in places where liquor is made and
sold, be disqualified from serving on
That abstinence from alcoholic drinks
be one of the gnalifications for civil
service and other political offices;
That no public money be used for in-
toxicants outside of hospitals;
That persons of either sex convicted
of drunkenness be disfranchised for
five years;
That temperance teaching be more
ample in private and public schools;
That we do all in our power to remind
working men, that alcohol frustrates
the best counsels of labor unions for
social and industrial betterment, is the
main cause of our two million tramps,
two millions of children doing men's
work in factories, fivemillions of de-
pendents on charity, six millions or
illiterates. eight millions of viomen
working away from home and fifty
thousand innocent girls annually going
into lives of shame and under the allur-
ing bait of personal liberty is the
working man's worst enemy.
Arnott, M.B., M.C.P.S.
There are rumors to the effect that a
Dominion election will be held this fall.
The people of Canada do not wish an
election at this time when everything is
in an unsettled condition. Commenting
on the matter the Lucknow Sentinel of
last week says: -
"There can only be one reason for
this movement to bring on a general
election. Those wile are promoting it
hope to snatch a new lease of power
from the electors on the strength of
the popularity of the Government's
loyal support of the Empire, and while
the Opposition may be restained from
harsh criticism by the fear of incurring
a reputation for disloyalty, or or sharp-
ly dividing the country at a time when
it should present an united front.
The movement appears to have gain-
ed considerable headway. At any rate
the leaders of the Opposition have
concluded that there is to be an election,
and have advised their supporters to
make all necessary preparations. It
cannot be, however, that the promoters
will have the approval of the govern-
ment supporters throughout the country;
and it may be that when the sentiment
of the Consirvative party as a whole
becomes known the effort to bring on
an election will be abandoned.
If there was no other good reason for
not bringing on an unnecessa y election,
it should be avoided for financial reas-
ons. An election costs the country a
great deal of money, and this isno time
to spend money needlessly. The expense
of our part in the war will be enormous.
Much of it will be paid through indirect
taxation and we shall not be directly
conscious of it But it must be paid
just the same. Besides, every man,
woman and child in Canada are making
direct contributions to patriotic and re-
lief funds in one form or another; and
it is only the beginnine. Surely this is
no time for a general election, especially
when the present parliament still has
two years of legitimate life."
The last word on alfalfa for horses
ernes fromes Nebraska. Prof. H. ,t.
Gramitch, of the agricultural college at
incoln, has written Extension Bulletin
23, detailing the results of efeeding test
and presenting letters from half a dozen
hot semen relating their experience with
altelfaSin all its forms of horses of all
Tom spans of 1,300 -pound mules and a
pair of 1.700-poand horses were fed three
months, giving one animal in each pair
alfalfa hay and I te mate an equal weight
of prairig hey. Tee grain for all was
equal parts of core and oats The hors-
es averaged 8 hours a day hauling 2 ton
meds of coal ned feed, and the mules 7
beare of the saine. work. The horses
(etch ate 29 Ms. of hay and 10 of grain
d lily at a ceat of '24ae cents: the mules
Lie 10 pounds of hay and 12 of grain at 0,
cist of 1614. cent All held their flesh
fairly well, but each alfalfa -fed anitnai
An nevi) Abetter than its mate. The
ga'ae were fro a 1 ; to 60 pounde per bead
favoue of alfalfa. The feed made no
tl • fer ewe. itt the health or working ea-
1..4!ity of the animals.
O..: r r. hes Mal six premiere since
teerfeder ition -Hort. J. S. McDonald,
87-1871; lien. Edward Rieke, 187I•4872;
Sir Oiiver \towel ;K2 -1S9(% Hon. A. S.
'Roy*, nape 1809; an- Veeseee Rose,
VG'S: Sir ,T 1'. Whittrey, 19054914.
ee, eee of ttlsOi fit alive to -day, Sir The averege niari acquires but few
.1 i. Whitney was the fleet to die in virtees Until the Obituary sdribe gets
dike, betty,
20 Years Ago
'‘From the 7'11viee of Oct. 19, 1894
One of the plate glass in one of the
doors in Macdonald'e block was broker,
one day last week, by a marble thrown
with a catapult. One of the figured
glass windows in the same block was
also broken by a stone, a few days ago.
elr, Jas. Parish, who recently pur-
chesed Mr. R. J. Green's brick resi-
dence, has disposed of it to Mr. D.
bridge 45c, Bert Jackson gravel West
bridge $13,35, Ed Ward inspecting West
bridge $10, William Abram lights and
fixing deviation road $11.00, Chas, G.
Campbell making tile, gravel and in-
specting $33..50, John Johnston sheep
killed by dogs $10. The following
amounts were paid for gravel; W. H.
Fraser $2.30, Robert Messer $5, James
Lawson $4 40, John McDonald $6.50,
James Carnaghan $4.00, 13. Jackson
$2.80, August Guhr 13. C. D, $465,30,
James Gibson $15, R. Cockerline $15,
Thos. Bielby $15, Wm. Laidlaw $15;
for building bridges across 13. 0. D.
Wm, Gray inspecting and cutting
weeds e5.50, Mrs, D. Campbell devia-
tion road $10, Municipal World supplies
$1.05, J. Tipadour drain $4,09, R. Vint
floor Cruickshank's bridge $170. Coun-
cil meets on Oct 26th,
A. MecEweer. Clerk.
In the Poultry Yard.
Hens that are wild and scary, that
fly out of the nest the moment one ap-
proaches, are never good layers. A
restless, excitable hen makes a pcor
mother. Her chick e grow -just like her.
On the other hand, when the mother
hen is tame the chicks have confidence
in thelr keeper and many troubles are
Fence -flying is largely due to a rest-
less nature. Hens are like some people
-they don't like to stay at home,
See that every provision is made for
thorough ventilation. Where houses
are improperly ventilated, frost is sure
to gather on the walls during winter,
which will produce dampness. Chick-
en -pox, distemper, roup and kindred
ailments in many cases owe their ori-
gin to poor housing.
If the pullets are now placed in their
winter quarters it will give them a good
chance to become acquainted with their
new home before they start laying. It
is well to have a china nest -egg in each
nest, which will guide them to the
proper place when they are ready.
The April -hatched pullets should begin
laying eggs this month.
For a disease that looks like cholera,
use the following: One gallon of soft
water and one-half ounce of common
copperas. I add one tablespoonful of
this mixture to a quart of hard water,
three times a week. This should be
given the fowls in a crock.
Rev. Cannon Davis, of London,
who preached in, St, Paul's church here,
a couple of Sundays ago, was, on Tues-
day evening last, inducted into the
Archdeaconry of London.
One of those events which usually
makes a stir in society, took place on
Wednesday, when Mr Thos. Henderson
of the Bluevale road, and Miss Clara
Linklater, of Lower Wingham, were
united in marriage, in the presence of
the immediate friends of the contracting
parties, at the residence of the bride's
mother. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev. D. Parrie.
Mr. Geo, L. Ireland lost a valuable
Newfoundland dog on Saturday last, it
istithought, by poisoning.
The long -pending case against Mr.
Wm. Carruth, of town, for assulting a
constable while on duty, was dismissed
on Wednesday. But ()smith was fined
$15 and costs for disorderly conduct on
the public streets.
Wm. McLean. a lad who at one time
was employed at the Brunswick House,
was tried before a bench of magistrates
on Wednesday, for stealing a pair of
boots from an employee of the house.
He was found, guilty and it was decided
that he should pay $2.n for the boots
and the costs of the court.
There was a light fall of snow on
Sunday keit, but not enough to cover
the ground.
Mr. John Kerr has removed his "Zair"
to the store next door to J. G, Field's
butcher shop,
The Rest Cure.
It is always easier to recognize the
need of a rest cure than it is to put the
cure into operation. First of all
there is the difficulty of deciding just
where and how to give it. Then it be-
comes necessary to pursuade the patient
to take it, and every rest -cure patient
is a problem by himself, and usually a
difficult one. It is quite possible to be
in urgent need of the rest cure and at
the same time to be more obstinate,
vociferous and unmanageable than all
the rest of the family put together.
That is why physicians advise attempt-
ing the rest cure in the home. It is
very likely to fail there in the case of
the patient, and to succeed in making
patients of the other members of the
family; for worn-out people are hard to
handle, although they may be perfectly
tractable and reasonable when they are
in the state of health.
That is the reason that a good sani-
torium is the best resolution of the pro-
blem. The patient is at once removed
from his oversolicitous family, and be-
comes simply one case among other
cases-althougb he may be tactfully re-
cognized as a very "interesting" one.
Furthermore, a life of gentle but in-
flexible rule and habit is established.'
The days glide by, and they are made
to glide and not to drag. which is, per-
haps, the most valuable secret of the
But unfortunately, many people who
need the rest cure cannot afford to ko
to a sanitorium. In those cases, we
must strive to attain as far as possible
the atmosphere and methods of the
sanitorium. Break the day up into
periods, and let them be punctually ob-
served. Try to get the patient into a
mood of willing obedience to some one
person, even if you have to pursuade
the doctor to play the ogre for that
purpose. Let the meals be a succession
of mildly exciting picnics Admit one
visitor a day no more- as a concessio,n
and a treat. And if you can possibly
find the money, have a professional
massage the patient at regular inter-
vals. Remember that an impatient,
intractable and thoroughly bored person
lying in bed is not taking a rest cure. -
Youths' Companion.
The Bathroom in the Farmhouse.
If it is impossible for you to have a
modern bathroom in your farmhouse at
present, then do the next best thing,
advises a correspondent of Rural New
Yorker. Just set aside a room wherein
each one in the house can wash the en-
tire body at least once a week. If you
can't get water piped into it perhaps
you can get drainage for water out of
it. When necessary yeti can do with'.
out either, but a tub you must have.
An enameled tub, neer or sedondhand,
is best, but tin will do or even a Wash
tub. Be sure to have a• stove in the
bathroom. If the room is small per-
haps an oil stove will do. With a
1 warm room and plenty of water the
bath will become a pleasare. It is well
, to have the bathroore as near the kit-
chen as possible, so as to be close to
• the hot water. it can then be rioted for
hand washing Venn 80 necessary to
men on the farm. The walls may be
painted or enaraeled some desirable
dolor, Atte table oil cloth placed where
the spleter conies,
[Detroit Free Press]
You may say you're independent,
You may boast your bit of power,
You may say, for fear or favor
You will falter not nor Cower.
You may stand erect and solid
When the cowards go to rout.
But I'll bet if you're a baby
That he bosses you about.
You may say that you are master
Of yourselr in everything,
You may boast a will of iron
And a faith to which you cling.
You may say no man can drive you,
Or comreand you with a shout,
But I'll bet your brown -eyed baby
Nightly bosses you about.
I will bet, if you're the father
Of a little two-year-old
And he comes to you with orders
Thateyeu Vo as you are told.
Be it right or wrong, no matter.
If it's only his command
You are on your knees to serve him
And you'd eat out of his hand.
the time a man finds out who
his real friends are he hasn't arty,
For Infants mad ChIldre*
InUse For Ovor 30 Years
Always bears ,40
Slnatote of i4V4te
Subjects taught by expert instructors
et the
Y. M.0. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept, 1st. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal chartered Accountant
so vice -Menai
The brick work of Mr. Wm. Dore's
new carriage slum has been completed.
This splendid structure will make a very
desirable and convenient factory, and
we trust Mr. Dore will find his invest-
ment a profitable one.
A plank sidewalk is being laid on the
north side of Patrick street, from
Josephine to Centre street.
Mr. and Mr. J. G. Murdoch, of Luck -
now, spent a few days in town this
week, the guests of Mr. Wm. Robert-
Kennedy -In Wingham, on the 14th
inst., the 'wife of Dr. J. P. Kennedy; a
McPherson -In Wingham, on the 17th
inst,, the wife of Mr. D. McPherson; a
Henderson-Linklater-At the resi-
dence or the bride's mother, Lower
Wingham, on the 17th inst., by the
Rev. D. Perrie, Mr Thos. Henderson,
of Morris, to Miss Clara Linklater.
Golley-Johnston-At the residence
of the bride's mother, Wingham, on
the 14th inst., by Rev. E. W. Hughes,
Mr. Jos. J. Golley, V. S., to Miss
Margaret Johnston, daughter of the
late W. H. Johnston.
Wilson -Suddenly, Oct. 12th in Wing -
ham, Crowell Wilson, ex -M. P. for
East Middlesex, in his 8th year,
Millman -In Wingham, on the 15th
instant, Sarah Millman, relict of the
late John Millman, aged 75 years.
(Lucius Harwood Foole)
"Peace be with you!" Where is the
peace I cry,
And where can freedom find a safe
In storm and strife one century goes
Another comes with gory hands and
The Prince of Peace again is crucified.
For Justice from her high estate is
The ancient metes and bounds are
thrust aside
By Caesars who would have and hold
the world.
The hosts go forth as in the days of
And Gog and Magog gather for the
And lo! the Celt, the Saxon and the
Divide his raiment with the Musco-
The Mongol hordes are on the march
once more.
Their Dragon banners flaunt the east-
ern skyt
From Manchu battlements is near the
And faint and far the Madedonian
"Vengeance is mine!" lis saith.
will repay."
What he bath peonnised thee will he
And if, unmindful of His sovereign
We Pow the wbirlWind, we shall reap
the atom.
Stratford, Ont., is a school
with a continental :reputation for
high grade work and for the sucsess
of its graduates, a school with su-
perior courses and instructors. We
• ' • '
October 2211d, 1914
BAPTIST CHURCH -Sabbath services
at 11 a, m. and 7 p. in. Sunday School
at 2:to p. m. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev, A. C.
Riley, pastor. B. Y. P, IL meets
Monday evenings 8 p. m. W. D.
Pringle, S. S. Superintendent.
METHODIST CHURCH --S abbath ser-
vices at 11 a, m. and 7 p. m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p. in. Epworth League
every Monday evening. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev,
J. W. }fibbed, pastor. F. Buchanan,
S. S. Superintendent.
give inuivieuai ateermem 111 VOI11-
mereial, Shorthand, and Telegraphy
Departments. Why attend else-
where when' there is room here?
You may enter any time.
. • • ..e... 'en,...et-, -.am. coletSIMATAWZW,
. Write for our large free catalogue.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line .
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern' Lines
Ocean Steamships.
and anyone having live stook or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver.
tise the same for sale in tho TIlsys. Onr large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not get a oustomer . We onn't gnarantoe
that ion will sell because you may ask more
for the artiele or stook than it is worth. 'Send
your advertisement to the Timis and try this
plan of disposing of your etook and other
Children Cry
C A S "T" 0 FZ 1 A.
vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p, in. Sunday
School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer
meetingon Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D. Perrie, pastor. Frank Lewis, S.
S. Superintendent.
bath services at 11 a. m. and 7, p. m.
Sunday School at 2:30 p, m. Rev.
E, G. Dymond Rector. Alex. Al-
deron, 5, S. Superintendent.
at 11 a.m., 3 p.m, and 7 p.m. on Sunday.
At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening.
There will be special music provided in
the Sunday evening service from 7 to
POST OFFICE -Office hours from 8a.m.
to 6:30 p. m. Open to box holders from
7 a. m. to 9 p. m. P. Fisher, postmast-
(Harold Begbie)
What will you lack, sonny, what will
you lack, .
When the girls line up the street,
Shouting their love to the lads come
From the foe they rushed to beat?
Will you send a strangled cheer to the
And grin till your cheeks are red?
But what will you lack when your mate
goes by
With a girl who cuts you dead?
Where will you look, sonny, where will
you look,
. When your children yet to be
Clamor to learn of the part You took
In the war that kept men xree?
Will you say it was nought to you if
Stood up to her foe or bunked?
But where will you look when they
give the glance
That tells you they know youflunked?
How will you face, sonny, how will you
• In the far off winter night,
When you sit by the fire in an old man's
And your neighbors talk of the fight?
Will you slink away as it were from a
Your old head shamed and bent?
Or say: "I was not with the first to
But 1 went- thank God, I went!"
Why do they call, sonny, why do they
For men who are brave and strong?
Is it naught to you if your country fall
And Right imsmashed by Wrong?
Is it foot -ball stili and the picture show
The pub, and the betting odds,
When your brothera stand to tyrant's
And England's call is God's?
—LT -
The Times Ofllee Stone Block,
TETON or SUB4ORIPTI0N-$1 09 per annum
in advanoe, 81.t0 tf not paid.No paper disoon-
tinned till all arrears are paid, except at the
opticu of the publi.har.
PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will be
open every afternoon fe en 2 to 5:30
o'clock, and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock. Miss M. McTavish, lib-
TOWN COUNCIL -Dr. A. J. Irwin,
Mayor; J. W. McKibbon Reeve; L. F.
Shelties/ Wm. Isbister, 'W. A. Currie,
A. Young, W G. Patterson and D. Bell,
Councillors; John F Gloves, Clerk and
Treasurer. Board meet first Monday
evening in each month at 8 o'clock.
Wm. Robertson, W. A. Campbell, Dud-
ley Holmes, A. Tinting, A. E. Lloyd,
Robt. Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves
Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in
Council Chamber on the second Tues-
day of each month.
Ricker, M. A., Principal and Specialist
in Science; G. R. Smith, B. A., Special-
ist in Mathematics; Mr. C. M. Ewing,
M. A., Classics; Miss M. 1. Whyte,
13. A., Specialist in Moderns and His-
tory; Miss E. V. Cooper. 13. A., Art
and Mathametics; Miss 13. E. Anderson,
Commercial Work and History.
Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss
Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans-
ley, Mise Barber and Miss Bentley.
BOARD OF HEALTH. -Dr. A. J. Irwin,
(chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter,
John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C.
Redmond, Medical Health officer.
This splendid weekly publication is
performing an unusually important ser-
vice to Canada during this greatest of
all international wars of the world's
history. World "Wide" selects and
and presents to its readers every Satur-
day the ablest articles by the ablest
writers in Britain and America on the
War eituation and its consequences. It
thus refieets the current thought of
hemispheres in these critical times.
"World wide" is therefore indispens-
able to every thinking man and
It is indispensable to YOU just now.
Eminent men all over the country se -
knowledge its great worth.
".Almost every article in almost
evoy issue you feel you would like to
put away among your treasures."
Subscription Rate $1,50 per annum,
ot me trial for three months for only
26 cents. Send to JOHN DOUGALL
& SON, publishers, "Witness" Block,
Wingham General Hospital
(Under Government Inspection)
One Year 5410 (80 each inserion)
Six Months " 60 10 "
Three Mouths L(19 (13o "
one Mouth .04 (180 "
One Week ' .20
Legal and other shall ir advertisements,
per line i'v first in 4eroloa aud ic pee line for
each subseque at in...mann. Zlessured I)/ a
nouparlel scale, twelve linei to au inch.
Business cards of six limes and under, $3.09
per year.
Advertisem vita et' Situ ins V Inset, Stas
tions Wante.i. Rouses for Salm or to rent,
Articles for Sale, eta , n,5 ex coding eight
lines, 25c enoli insertion; 81 for first mcatit.
50c for each subsevent mo ath Larger a 1-
vertisernects in proportion.
Business notices (news type) So per counted
line; es local Or news (natter. (0a per line each
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur-
nished. Open to all re,gularly licensed
physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS -which
include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15.
per week according to location of
room. For further information, ad-
Miss L. Matthews.
Box 223, Wingham Ont.
Railway Timetable
London -.- —..- 6.85 n.m- 3.80p.m.
Toronto & Eset11.00 a.m. 0.45 a.m..... 2.80p.m.
4ine00dine..11.59 pm._ - 9.15 p.m
Kincardine -0.80 a.m-11.00 Ran— 2.80 p.m.
London......- ......— 11,54 nan.... 7.85 pan
Palmerston.... — -1. 11.24 a.m.
Toronto & Rost- - 2.80 p.m— 9.16 p.m
W. F. BURGMAN' Agent, Wingham
Toronto and East- 0.40 a.m..... 5.10 p.m.
Teeswater . p.m- -10,22 pan.
Teeswater--. -6.40 a.m.- - 8.05 p.m.
Toronto andfast- .....12 47 p.m. -10.27 pan,
.7. H. BREMER. Agent.Wingharn •
Good Local Agent
at once to represent the
Old and Reliable
Foothill Nursuries
A splendid list of fait and
ornarn :ntal stock for Fall
Delivery in 1913 an d
Spring Delivery in 1914.
Start at once and secure ex-
clusive territory. We
supply handsome free out
fit and pay highest com-
Write for full particulars.
OirmoNS-Oorner Patrick and ()entre Ste.
Offices 45
• Residence, Dr. Kennedy J.48
Residence, Dr. Calder 151
Dr. Kennedy spenializes in Surgery.
Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dis-
eases a the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses
properly fitted.
Stone& Wellinatoni
Toronto - - Ontario
ooronualits agc.
. Anyone sending 11 sketoh and description may
qulakIy asoertam our opuston peetree whether an
invention ts probably patensot Vomeninioa,
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clone striotir conadontial. HOMO OK ratenta
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A IsaudliOnatly illustrated woes* vest dr.
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epa_tien ad, sOlentind Journal. rents for
,ItnnimArleti.Volkte Postage prepaid, sold by
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p.0:aieD! k41rtdsI
DB. rrif lea0.1,1111,2001IND, M. 14,C 8. (Rug)
Office. with Dr. Chisholm
W. R. Hambly, 13So., M.D., 0 AT,
Winghain, Ontario.
Special attention paid to diseases of women
and children, having taken post graduate
work in Surgery, Bartorlology and Scientific
°fiber in the Kerr residence, between the
Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54. . P. 0. Box 118.
Dr. J. R. Macdonald
Wingham, Ont.
Office -Stone Block, over the TIMES
Ostegpathic Physicians• •
Oculists, Neurologists
, WIngharn-Listowel
Diseases Treated by Drugless Methods
Osteopathy cures or benefits when
other systems fail,
Wingham office over Christie's Store
Tuesday, 11.30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wed-
nesday, 9' to 11 a.m. Thursday, 9 to
11 a.m. and 4 to 9 p.m. Friday; 9 to
11 a.m. or by appointment.
J. A. FOX, D. C.
Chiropractic is successful in each difficult
eases 88 Insanity, EPileosy, Asthma, Rheuma-
tism, Heodaches, Constipation. Chronic Stom-
ach, Liver and Bowel Tronble,Fernale Trouble.
Office in Knox house, back of Post
Office. Entrance over Presbyterian
Church Walk. 'Phone 191.
Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p.m.
ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. 11. S., 1..!) S.
Dootor of Dental Sur gory of the Pennsylvanta
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
Qege of Dental Surgeons et Ontario. Office
tellacdonald Block, Wingham,
brace closed every Wednesday afternoon
front Nog let to Oot. 1st.
H. ROSS, D. 0.0., L. 0.8.
donor gpnaduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgbons of Ontario and Honor gradu-
ate of the.= vecsity of Toronto, Faculty of
Office over H. E. 'sant 8o Co's., store, 'ging-
ham, Ont.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
from .May 1st to Oct. 1st.
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interim,. mortgagee, town and farm
property bought and sold.
Oftlos, Beaver Blot*, Wingbani
Winithani, Ont.
OarliSterrSOfiCitOr, Etc.
Office: Meyer Block,Winghana:
Orders far the insertion of adtertistoneata
such as teachers wanted, In:nil:ma °hawser.
meohanics Wetted, articles for sale, or in hitt
any kind of an advt. in any of the TOrMato or
other any papers, may be left at the Tiliels
ofdeti. This Work Will reoeil'e prompt attention
arid Will este people the trouble of remitting
for and toreireraing advertisementa. Loweet
rates will be citote0. On tipplioatiolt. Leave
or send your neat WM* of thia kind to She
TINES OFFICE. Wiltzkomis