HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-10-15, Page 8tr.' 7... • -. Page 8 THE WINGI-IAM TIMES PERSONALS Mr. E. Smith was in Toronto for 0,, wok end. 1143. Peter Fishe is on a visit to friend:, in Paisley. Mrs, W. W. Hough spent the holi- day in Toronto, Mrs. Greer, of Toronto, is visiting her son, W. J. Greer Miss MarY Ritchie visited in Toronto over the holiday. ilifford Pain, or Toronto, visited J. 0. Stewart over Thanksgiving. Mr. and. Mrs. C. P. Smith are visit- ing in Toronto for a few days. Miss Henderson, of Pine River, visit- ed friends in town last week. Miss Eva M. Linklater wos home from Leamington for Thanksgiving. Mr, Gee. Tees, of Walkerville spent the holiday at his home in town. Mr. Fred Shaefer is spending a couple of weeks at his home in Milverton. Mr. and Mrs, W. 11. Rintoul were visiting in Toronto for a few days. Mrs. Dinsley leftfor Detroit on Tues- day where she will spend the winter. Arthur J. Ferguson visited with his mother at Auburn over Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Groves were visiting for a few days in Guelph and Acton. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walker visited in Stratford and Mitchell over Thanks- giving. Miss Elsie Rogers is visiting with relatives and friends in Stratford and London. Mrs. Mary Willson, of New York City, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. C. N. Grimm. Mr. E. A. Hammond, of London, vis- ited at his home in town for over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mahood and ,1.1.11,gs Helen Graham spent Thanksgiving in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wraith, were vis- iting for over the holiday with friends in Kincardine, Mr. Dewitt Holmes spent Thanksgiv- ing in Brussels, the gueit of Mr. and Mrs. Downing. Miss Sarah Turner, ar: Clinton, spent Thanksgiving Day with her cousin, Mrs. A. Cosens, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Proctor, ol Turn - .berry, visited for a few days with friends in Wiarton. Miss Margaret Tibbs was visit- ing for over the holiday with Mrs I. N. Crewston at Langside. Miss Ruby Duff, a Utica, N. Y., was tbe guest of Miss Burdetta Mc- Cracken during the week. Mr. John A, Allen, of Tillbury, visited for over the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Allen. M and Mrs. Sack Fern, of London, visitvil Mrs.. 3. F. McCracken, Blue - vale Road,,over Thanksgiving. Mrs. Roland Beattie and two children of Alliston, were visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKenzie. Mr. E. W. Linklater of Toronto, was home for over Thanksgiving. He is assistant Masterin Niagara St, School Toronto. Miss Minnie A.. Mooney of the Toron- to Conservatory of Music, spent Thanksgiving with her friend, Miss L. Hazel Brandon. ......•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••.,....! NA- DRU- CO COD LIVER OIL Is one of the best Lung Builders A guaranteed cure or prevention for Coughs and Colds TRYIT Put up in two sizes 5oc. and $1 .00 J. J. DAVIS Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE WINGHAM Miss Minnie Brown, late of the Times' staff, left for her home in Kincardine, prior to leaving for Los Angeles, Cal., where she will reside i;ti Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Schaefer and grandaughter, Miss E. Slemin, of Strat- ford, were visiting for over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Schaefer. Mr. a'nd Mrs. Robt. Maguire have re- turned home after spending several weeks with relatives and friends at several places in the Canadian West. Mr. W. J. Plenty, of the Oakville Star, accompanied by his son, Harry, wenvisiting at Mr, Flcuty's parental home for a few days. Conduoter W. J. Weames, of the L„ H. a B. is away on holidays and Conductor Robt, Ingram, of London is (,barp. of the train. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawrence, of 'fount° were visiting for over the Thanksgiving holidays with • Mrs. 1,nwronce's brother, Mr. John Amsbury, Misses Hattie Cameron and Kate Me- Diarrnid, of Brucefield Were visiting for over the:holidays with the former's consin9,Riessrs Thos. and,Hugh Gilmour, of Turriberry. Eva Bryant, former)y of Listow- el and recently of Toronto, has taken a p-qition as book-keeper with the Mer- chants Brokerage Company; Wingbarn. • Listowel Banner. Mr. ad Mrs. David Little, of Kintail spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. A. J. 4rinstrong, and was aecompanied back bv Mr. Armstrong's aunt, Miss Mary Alton, who bas been visiting here for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mellride, Mr. T. .1. McBride and Mr. and Mrs, A. Donald- son motored from liamilton last week and spent a few days at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. J. .I. Mof- ht. Mips Charles Moffat returned with them. ifigift~041~Avit*PtaitisPeaft0000 HEADQUARTERS FOR FAMILY GROCERIES If you have not tried us with an order for HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES do so now and see how we fill it. Fruit and liegetables in SEason and our aim is to please in quality and promptness of delivery. TEAS A trial of our Bulk Teas will convince you that the quality is the best and the price is unchanged at 30e. and 400. 111.M410111110.1•1111•11 Henry T. Thomson "The House of Quality" Phone 9 Fast Service,* Alt 006.1.1100,1101‘110~10.1.01111041.81,01001011.00" ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices 'Under This Head ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents for sV3se- cinent insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at Chris FOR SALE—An rt Huron Apply at TIMES olJee. WANTED—A good girl housework. Apply to Mrs. ate eral mks. Hand or Electric VEFU Cleaners for sale or to rent. H. SARD & Co. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Mg stoek of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. To RENT. —Several rooms in Kent Block, suitable for living ro s. Apply to THE WM. DAVIES CO. NoTICE —All accounts owl to the undersigned must be taid b ovember 15th, 1914. DR. STEWART. FOUND—Two Yale keys and an ordin- ary key, attacked to a chain. Owner can have same by appiy at TIMES of- fice. FARM FOR SALE —175 acres; one from Bluevale and three mile Wingham. Apply to 13osm Biuevale. FOR SALE OR TO R Scott Street, ow ed Wingham, will be For particulars ap • le rom Bros., T—House on the Town of I cheap or rented. to D. Bell, Chair- man of Property commIttee. VOR SALE -200 acres. of land close to the town of Wingham. First-class grain and stock farm. Will sell all or sub -divide and sell in part. Apply to John S. Duckett. Glenavon, Sask. NOTICE—Any person having any kit bags or other equipment belonging to the Militia Department must retnrn it to the Drill Hall, Wingham, not later than Saturday the 19th instant. This notice applies particularly to Boy Scouts ot whom equipment has been loaned. N. T. SINCLAIR, Capt. MAIMIED Miciun—Coix —At the residence of the bride's parents, on October 7th, by Rev. Mr. Boyle, of Belgrave, Mr. James Michie to Miss Jennie L., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. T Cole, all of Morris township. MED. SCHAEFER—In Wingham, on October 11th, Nelson George Schaefer, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Schaefer, in his 23rd year. IvErtousON —In East Wawanosb, on Oct. 0th, Mrs. James Ferguson in her 88th year. LEATHORN—n Walkerton, on Sept. 28th,George Leathorn, in his 55th year. CoLE—In Ethel, on October 4th, William Cole, aged 85 years and 18 days. STtrisoN —In Arden, Man., on Sep- tenther 29th, Jane Dick, beloved wife of Geo. Stinson, formerly of Morris, aged 60 years. JAMIESOlv -In Howiek, on October 5th, Emma, Minnetta Patterson, belov- ed wife of Wm. Jamieson, born May 17th, 1874. SCRANTON OR EHIGH COAL WOOD KINDLING At Lowest Prices. R. J. -Cantelon OFFICE WITH Dominion Express Co.'s Office G AND -TRUNK INIr Double Track all the Way TORONTO --C H IC A GO TORONTO --MONTREAL The International Limited . Canada's Train of Superior Service Leaves Toronto 4.40 p.m.daily, arrives Detroit 9.55 p. in. and Chicago 8.00 a. m. MORNING SERVICE. Leaves Toronto 8 a.m,, arrive Detroit 1,45 p.m., and Chicago 8.40 p.m. daily. Last Train out of Toronto at Night Leaves 11.35p. in., arrives Detroit 8a.m. and Chicago 8 p,m. daily, assuring important connections with principal trains for Western States and Canada. FOR MONTREAL Leave Toronto 9 a.m.,8.30 p.m. and 11 p.m. daily. Berth reservations, etc., at G,T.R, ticket offices. H. B. ELLrOTT, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent, Phone 4. W. v. &MOHAN , Station Agent, Ph one 50. tioxt14 VAN5T0NI1 —In Gorrie, on October lst, Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Veristone; a son. ScliAMV, - In Wingham, on October 7th, to Mr. *Ind Mrs. Nelson 0. Schaef- er; a Sell, Wm—In Toronto, on October 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. E. ft. Bird, formerly of Whighatri; a daughter. WINTER; TOURS TO THE LAND OF Sunshine and Summer Days CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, LOUSIANNA, ETC. • Limited trains leave Toronto daily, making direct connection at Detroit and Buffalo for the Southern States, and at Chicago for California, etc. Those contemplating a trip of any nature should consult Canadian. Pacific Ticket Agents, who wilt pleased to quote rates, arrange reservations and attend to all details in connection with your trip, or write M. G. Murphy, 1Distsict Passenger Agent, corner King and Young Streets, Toronto. W. A.sianaerFain, Town Agent, Phone 47, H. Eeenur, Station Agent, Phone 7 .11101•110111. AUCTION SALES Mr. John Leathorn will hold an auc- tion sale of general hotisehold furniture, wood and coal at his residence, Diagen; al street, Wingham, on Saturday, Octo ber 17th, commencing at 2.30 o'clock p.m. Everything is to be sold. Terms cash. F. McConnell, auctioneer. Mr. Wm. Naylor, of north half of lot 40, concession 12, East Wawanosh, will hold an auction sale of farm stock Ind itnplements oi the afternoon of Tues. day, October 20th, There is a good list of horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, and implements. John Pavia svill be the auetioneer. vieminswIrOsapibe A....101.01.1.,...0.0.mp000pee•••• Mill1110111011/111111111.111111M1111111111110~11~1Mtialin LATEST STYLES IN MEN'S CLOTHING OVERCOATS AND FURNISHINGS Men's Winter Coats Made in the latest styles, with rag- lan sleeves and belted backs at $10, $15, $20, $25 Suit Department We are showing some very novelty suits in exclusive styles and cloth. Prices $15 to pa Special values in Men's Raincoats Made from best qiality Paramatt.1 Cloth in Plain Tweed finish, guaran- teed waterproof, with raglan sleeves and slash pockets, Prices $10 to $22 50 Men's Heavy Sweatercoats Made from best Canadian Yarns, with roll or shawl collars, in the latest colorings. Prices $2.50 to $7 Fowne's English Doe Skin and Kid Gloves Doe Skin Gloves with black stitch- ing. very dressy and serviceable at $1.25 per p&r. Kid and Suede Gloves at $2 pair. Men's All -wool Underwear Shirts and Drawers, or Combination Suits in the best makes, Stanfields, Penmans, Wolsey, etc., all sizes from 32 to 48, 1 rices $2 to $0 per suit. Arrow Shirts and Collars The new fall and winter styles and patterns are here, and are sure to please you. Shirts $L50 and up. Collars 2 for 25e. WANTED:—Large Quan- tities Choice Butter and Eggs. 1000 Barrels Dried Apples Agents for Standard Patterns Phone 71 KING BROS The Rexall Stores of Canada Contributes to The Canadian Patriotic fund THE Rexall Stores of Canada, 400 of the leading Drug Stores in Canada have unainmously agreed to con- tribute to the Canadian Patriotic Fund, FIVE PER CENT. of their total purchases of all Rexall Te e Goods, Rexall Remedies and other merchandise anu- factured or sold by the United Drug Company, united, Torontc, from October i5th to December 3 1914. This action of the Rexall Drug Stores of Canada taken co-operatively, because as a co-operative realize how much more can be done unitedly ,and it has been taken for two reasons—to f raising a fund for the relief work of the ganization and a patriotic duty in an en staff of Canadian employ es busy. been under- anization,they an individually, a humane duty in adian Patriotic Or- vor to keep a large The 400 Rexall Stores 3f Canada e an appeal to your sym- pathy and support in th r doubly rthy cause for increasing the funds of the Can ion Pa otic Organization and for the support of Canadian wor men, . caus:— The fund that would be ness ean be tremendousl Canada will help a lit Rexall Goods at the Rexa n the basis of last year's busi- eased if every man and woman in y the simple process of purchasing Stores. No need to give space in this announcement to emphasize the high quality of Rexall Toilet and Medicinal goods. Sufficient to say that 7,000 of the leading Drug Stores in Canada, Great Brit- ian and the United States; that the public in these countries en- dorse the, to the extent of several million dollars worth of pur- chases a year. Better goods are not made, and you take no risk in buying, for every Rexall Store will returm you your money if any Revell Product is not entirely satisfactory and do it, too, without the slighte st objection. There's a full list of Rexall products waiting for you at the Itexall Store in your town. Ask for it—kindly pass the word along to your friends, It is the collective purchases of all that wiH make thie Rexall Store Fund for the Canadian Patriotic Organization work a big one. The Fund will be collected from each Rexall Store in Canada by the United Drug Company, Limited, Toronto, and will be paid by them direct to the officers of the Canadian Patriotie Organiza- tion. and the amount so collected will be published in this paper when paid over. Rexall Goods are made in Canada and you can procure them in your town only from J. W.* McK IBB ON The Rexall Store Or by Mail jfr tri any Rexall Store in Canada it United Drug Co tny, Limited Toronto - , , ,, --......... 4 October 15th, 4914 411011.1111•=1101.11. (1-11.114111141-11******Sitwe-Wessleseso 4frivallaliee,"4,1Wal/01110%1111 A Pleasant Surprise WHILE ALMOST EVERYTHING 'IS GOING UP IN PRICE It should be a pleasant surprise to the people of Wingham and vicinity to know that in the matter of rubber footwear We intend to sell in all cases just as cheap and in most Cases • cheaper thanlast year You will need Rubbers very shortly for the cold and damp weather is sure to come and when you do—do not forget that in most kinds our prices are lower than last year and in o case higher. W. HWiI.Iis & Co. Sole Agents 971e-947' For Ladies - .#021 411/6141-11,1141411444414.11414 FALL GOODS Seasonable Fall Goods Arriving Daily We have been receiving daily and passing into stock a variety of Fall Dress Goods, Velvets, Plaid Mandings Etc. As all of the goods were bouiht months before war broke out we are selling them all at old prices. Call and see them before buying elsewhere. We have a large range of Velvets in all the latest shades just arrived. Ladies' Chincillis Coats, newest styles. Heavy 'Wool Plaid Mantling for Coats etc. Ladies', Children's and Mens' Sweater Coats. We also have Bran Shorts, All kinds of Feed. FLOURS:. Purity, Royal Household, Robin Hood, Golden City. Try our Robin Hood Oat Meal All kinds of Produce taken on Goods. . A. MILLS Succbssor to T. A. Willis 1IION 89. WINGHAM, OT.