HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-10-15, Page 5October xstb, 1914
ip." moi, loi Wip114,11/11,W•W4INWilVi.101+114/11,11/11,
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yOU get expert tailoring
in 20th Century Brand
W. A. Campbell
QRONTO` The Clothier.
Don't Let Your Apples go to Waste
when you may have them turned to good use at small cost by having
them made into Apple Butter. We also buy apples and manufactures
them into Apple Butter which we sell at 6 cents a pound; shipped in
15, 30 and 60 lb. tubs to any part. All orders attended to promptly.
Boilers and Steam Gauges Tested.. Safety Valves Regulatee
Threshermen: We can supply your wants. We can supply your
wants. water and steam pipe fittitg, bicycles, auto, cream seperators,
and farm machinery repaired. Saw Gumming and Fitting. Knives
of all kinds sharpened. No job too small or none too big.. Try us
and let us prove our statements.
E. Allerkley & Son
Ont. O. BOX 62
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'10 The Continental and Roger Garments are the Coats shown V
fy! this season in many styles in Navy, Brown, Checks and Materials fq
10 in Naps, Sea'ettes and Blanket Cloths in Blacks. We have nap ”
curls and Black Kersey Cloths ranging from $12.00 to $20.00 each. 10
'4 To shovv you in Velvets and Velveteens in black and white 1.0
checks, grey and black and Brocaded Velvets in blues, blacks, sky fp
10 and red. These are a few of the newest goods for fall. Prices
75c to $2.00 per yard. 10
it . 10
.11 Rugs in Tapestry, Velvet, Axminster and Wiltons, sizes 3 x 3,
8x3M, 3,I4x4, 3x4, 31x41, 414xi. 1.0
4.1 Lieoleums, Oilcloth, Surrounds, Stair Carpets and Curtain frk
10 Materials.
1.0 4......••••••0•1•MOIMI•NO.M f•oe
fe fffi
.10 HANNA & CO. fe
.f.e (.0
fe 'Phone 70. Wingham 10
Miss Shaw, our genial school teacher,
spent the Thanksgiving holidays at her
parental home in Bluevale. Mies Fan-
nie Turner accompanied her.
Mr. John McLean bas been busy
moving a house for Mr. John Webster.
Mr. Peter Leaver had the misfortune
to have his shoulder blade put out. This
is the third time this summer.
Mr. 0. Martin, Sr„ is at present on
the sick list. We hope to soon see him
around again.
Mr. John Jamieson has recently pur-
chased a fine driving horse.
A large number of people attended
the funeral of the late George Naylor,
Sr., on Tuesday of last week. The re-
mains were interred in the 'Wingham
Last week Joseph Vance, who was
holidaying here for a few weeks. re-
turned to his home at Tavistock. Miss
Ida Cochrane went to Tavistock with
him for a visit.
We are pleased to state that Mrs.
James Cameron, 12th con., who was
operated on a few weeks ago for ap-
pendicitis, is making a good . recovery.
She has the best wishes of a wide circle
of friends for early and complete con-
David Ballingall, 2nd con., was acting
queer and threatening to do damage to
himself and others. On Monday he was
taken before Jno, Leckie, J. P., who
sent him to jail at Goderich for medical
examination as to the soundness of his
mental powers. We hope he may be
speedily restored to his normal con-
This Conlition Cai Only Be
Maintatnel Through Bight
Red Blood.
It makes all the difference in the
world to a girl whether she developes
into a bright healthy attractive woman
or sinks into a sickly, unhappy, suffer-
ing semi invalid.
The girl whose blood is poor and scan-
ty—who is anaemic as the doctor terms
it—starts life under too great a handi-
cap. She is weaker and more frail
than her companions who have rich, red
blood. She is more easily fatigued in
body and mind, and work of any kind
eAbausts her. In time her, health
breaks down She becomes pale looks
worn out, is languid, irritable and ner-
vous. Her heart palpitates violent-
ly at the least exertion, and she falls
behind other girls in looks,health and a
capacity for enjoying life. Abundant
rich, red blood is the only thing that can
restore good health to the many thou-
sands of such girls. This rich,
blood can only be obtained thro
use of Dr. Williams' Pink P'
have given thousands of
faced, blo ()less girls,
health an
of proof.
to be mo
hams Pi
to health after more than one doctor
and many medicines had failed. I suf-
fered as so many girls suffer from anae-
mia. I was all run down. tortured with
headaches, could not stand any exertion
and had no appetite, though of course I
had to force myself to eat, I was in this
condition for nearly two years, and al-
though doctoringcontinually, seemed to
be steadily growing worse, and I was
very much discouraged and dispondent.
Finally a friend urged me to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills and I discontinued
all other medicines and did so. In the
course of a few weeks there was no
room to do doubt that I had at last
found the right medicine. My appetite
returned, the headaches began to come
less frequently, and color was return-
ing to my face. The continued use of
the Pills for a little longer fully restor-
ed my health, and I have since been as
healhy and active,as anyone could wish.
I cannot to strongly recommend Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills to 'other weak and
ailing girls."
You can get these Pills through your
medicine dealer or by mail post paid at
50.cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.
Brockville, Ont.
eak, white-
ust, vigorous
high spir . Here is a bit
Miss eve Gauvreau, St.
ue ys: "I have reason
n grateful to Dr Wil -
ills for they restored me
Another of the pioneer residents of
this section passed away on Friday last
in the person of Mrs. J. Ferguson, at
the home of her son, Mr. Matthew
Ferguson, following an illness which
extended over two months. The de-
ceased lady was born in Stralane, Ty-
rone County, Ireland in 1828. On' the
134h of December, 1852 she was married
to her late husband and Moved to Glas-
gow, Scotland. In 1855 she came ,to
Canada and settled at Woodbridge,
Township of Vaughan and remained
there until 1861 when the family
moved to lot 41, con. 10, East Wawa -
nosh and later rnoved to lot 42, con. 10,
where she remained until the time of
her death. Mrs, Ferguson was a woman
highly esteemed in the community in
which she so long resided and had
lived to see many changes in the com-
munity. She was a Presbyterian in re-
ligion and had been a member of
Knox Church, Belgrave, ever since the
organization of the congregation in 1864.
There was a family of two daughters
and three sons. The daughters, Mrs.
James Williareson and Mrs. Wm. Bone,
passed away in 1890. The sons, Matt-
hew, resides on the homestead and An-
drew and John are living on adjoining
farms. The funeral to Brandon ceme-
tery on Monday afternoon was largely
attended, and the services were con-
ducted by her pastor, Rev. A. M. Boyle
assisted by Rev. W. T. Wilkins, of
Trenton and Rev. J. A. Ferguson, of
.Norval, former pastors, and Rev. Dr.
Fraser of Owen Sound.
Brick Church will hold their Annual
Rally Day Services on Sunday, Oct. 18.
Rev. I. A. McKelvey, of Ethel, will
preach at 10.30 a.m., and 7.80 p.m.
On Monday evening, Oct. 19, an enter-
tainment will be given. Addresses by
Revs, McKelvey, of Ethel, and "Boyle,
of Belgrave, readings by Misses Camp-
bell and Farrow, of Westfield. Music
by the Westfield choir.
George C Naylor, who passed away
on October 3rd, was born at Fisher's
Mill's, Waterloo County, on January
31st, 1843, When he was about 18, the
family moved up to East Wawanosh
and settled on a farm. Out of a large
family only four survive, viz:—Mrs.
Finlay Anderson, East Wawanosh ; Mrs.
Duncan Anderson, Preston; Sydney and
John Naylor, Elgin, Man. In 1869 he
married Elizabeth Taylor, of West
Wawanosh and they lived on various
farms in East and West Wawanosh,
until twenty-three years ago when de-
ceased bought the McCoy farm con. 8,
where he lived up till his death. His
illness lasted three months •and was
borne with great patience and fortitude.
In politics Mr Naylor was a Liberal
and is Methodist in religion. His hon-
esty of purpose and never -failing
courtesy made him respected by all
who knew him. The funeral to Wing -
ham cemetery on Tuesday afternoon,
October 6th, was largely attended.
Service was conducted by Rev. Mr.
Conway, of Auburn. Those left to
mourn his loss and cherish the tender
memories of a husband's arid father's
love, are his widow, five sons and two
daughters, viz.: Dave, Quitter, 1%tan ;
George, William and Milton, East ati-ms and friends are extended for a
long, happy and useful life. It is stated
that some future matrimonial alliances
were arranged this wedditig of whieh a
faller report will be given at a later
The popnlation of Guelph is now close
to the 18,000 mark
filat IDEVX.
Minutes of council meeting held in
Bluevale, Monday, Oct, otb, 1914,
Members all present. Minetes of last I
regular meeting were read and adopted t
on motion of Messrs. Rutherford and i
The following accounts were psssed 1
and cheques issued. Clerk of Division I
Court, bal, of cost, Barber vs Turnberry,
$6.03; F. F. Wright, culvert Grey 1
boundary, $4.03; James Powell, clean-
ing out drains, $5.00; Henry Merkley,
gravel, 0..20; Geo. Underwood, rep.
bridge, 50c; John Burgess, use of hall
Court of Rev., $5.00; P. Powell, Rev:
of Voters' List 1914; 135.68.
Moved by Mr. Wheeler, seed by Mr.
McBurney, that this meeting adjourn
to meet in Bluevale, Monday, Nov, 91h,
at 10 a. m.
P. PowELL, Clerk
Arthur J. Leach was electrocuted at
St. Catharines by taking hold of the cord
of an incandescent lamp while repairing
a Ive in his bathroom
There are over 20,000 unemployed in
Toronto, according to an estimate by the
Trade and Labor Council
Toronto, Oct.13 —Union Stock,Yards --
60 cars with 854 cattle, 195 calves, 1,030
hogs, 880 sheep and lambs, and 18
Cattle trade was very slow to -day,
with a good many left -overs from yes-
terdays market. There were but half
a dozen or so extra prime steers in the
market, the balance averaging a poor
medium. Prices generally were easier
in practically all grades, the decline in
last week's prices being from 15c to
Choice imIch cows steady to firm.
Lambs easier and 10c to 15e lower.
Hogs weak, at 25c decline, with
prospects said to be lower.
Yesterday's'receipts-were 221 cars,
with 3,756 cattle, 521 calves, 1,306 hogs,
2,219 sheep and lambs, and 822 horses.
Export $ 815 $ 8 40
Butcher cattle choice7 60 7 75
do medium 7 50 7 60
Butcher cows choice 6 75
do medium.... ..... 5 50
do common..... ..... . 5 00
do bulls ........ • ..... , 6 75
do medium
Many friends and neighbors of the
8thconcession of Morris township will
regret to learn of the death at Arden,
Manitoba, on September 30th of Jeanie
ack eldest daughter of late James
Dick of Morris and wife of Mr. Ceorge
Stinson, formerly of Gorrie. The de-
ceased lady was a native Glasgow, Scot-
land, and came to Ontario with her
parents when but anInfant. Her early
girlhood was spent in Morris. Twenty-
six years ago she went to Portage la
Prairie, where she married, and went
to reside at Arden, Man. Some years
ago disease of the heart began to trouble
her and.this was increased by a severe
attack of pneumonia last spring. She
was a faithful member of the Presby-
terian Church at Arden, and an earnest
worker in the Women'sMissionary Aux-
iliary. She leaves to mourn, her loss her
husband, one son and one daughter, who
will sadly missher counsel and care. Her
sisters are Mrs. John Jackson of Morris
Mrs, W. C. Landsborough, of the Kippen
Road, Tuckersmith, and Miss Agnes,
Dick -of Arden, Manitoba
6 75
6 50
5 50
do light 5 50
Canners and cutters .. 3 50
Milkers, choice 75 00
Springers 50 00
Common and medium-- 40 00
Lambs ..... 750
Light ewes . 5 25
do bucks ..... 4 00
Hogs fed and watered 8 25
do f.o.b.... ... 7 90
Calves 9 00
7 00
6 00
5 50
7 00
7 00
6 75
6 50
6 75
4 25
85 00
05 00
61 00
8 00
6 25
11 00
Wingham, July 29, 1913
Flour per 100 lbs 270 to 3 10
Fall wheat 1 20 to 1 25
Oats „ , . .0 50 to 0 60
Barley .0 52 to 0 52
Peas . . 0 90 to 0 90
Butter dairy .0 20 to 0 29
Eggs per doz ...... ....... 0 18 to 018
Wood per cord 2 25 to 3 00
Hay per ton ... ...... ...10 00 to 10 06
Hogs .. ..8 50 to 8 00
A Large stock of
comprising the best makes and most
up-to-date styles in this season's
productions. Some of our cut prices
are $5.00, '4'6 00, $7,50, $9.00, $10.00,
and $12.00. Take a look.
We have the Goods and can save
you money.
Are all in stock now. Our values
are better than ever,
1111 Es ISARD &COI
lsard's Sale o
Ladies', Misses,'
and Children's
Fall and Winter
JUST received another
shipment of
Children's Coats
bought at Bargain Prices
and will be/sold at close
Cut Prices.
See our Special Num-
bers at $2.50, $2.75,
$3.00, $3.50, $4.00. $4.50,
and $5.00. All well
tailored and will gi-e n
excellent wear.
I saw a mother holding
Her play -worn baby son,
Her pliant arms enfolding
The drooping little one
Her lips were made of sweetness
Ano sweet the eyes above
With infantile completeness
He yielded to her love
And I who saw the heaving
Of breast to dimpling ckeek
Have felt, within, .the weaving
Of thoughts I cannot speak
Have felt myself ,the nestling
All strengthless, love-enisled;
Have felt mys-lf the mother
Abrood anove her child.
—Ethelwyn Wetherell.
Subscribe for the Times
. At the comfortable home of A. T.
and Mrs. Cole, 6th line Morris, a very
interesting event was on the program
Wednesday of last week, viz. the
marriage of their daughter, Miss jennie
L. to James Michie, a well-to-do young
farmer of the 5th line. The nuptial
"bow was tied by Rev. Mr. Boyle, of
Belgrave, in the parlor under an arch
of evergreens trimmed with maple
leaves. Bride looked charming in a
gown of white brocaded silk. carrying
a bouquet of asters and ferns. The
good looking bride was given away by
her father and little Miss Eleanor Jack-
son, of Blyth, cousin of the bride made
a very cute ring bettrer, carrying it in
a basket of flowers.'' Miss Mar -y— Cole,
the bride's sister played the Wedding
March. There were 40 or 50 guests
During the signing of the register, Mrs.
(Rev.) Boyle sang, "01 Heart f
Thine." After hearty dongratulations
the company sat down to an elegant
wedding dinner. The numorous, useful
and valuable betokening the popularity
of the principals. The groom's gift to
the flower girl was a beautiful gold
pin. Mr. and Mrs. Michie, accompan-
ied by a number of the wedding party
motored to Brassels where the happy
twain took the afternoon train ard will
spend part of their honeymoon at (3 uelph
Galt and other points with relatives.
Bride's going away suit was alice blue
with white hat. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchie
will take up residence on the groom's
fine farm on the 5th line and will be at
home after November the first.
The gad wishes of a wide circle ef rel-
Wawanosh; Alfred A., Seaforth; Mrs
Wm. Lougheed and Mrs Stephert Wood,
Engin, Man. All were home for the
funeral except Dave. The pallbearers
were the four sonstwho were home.
n•-•7. '
,WASse' ,,EffiggEk
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Effective from August 1, 1914, to August 1, 1915, and guaranteed
against any reduction during that time.
Touring Car $590
Runabout ' 540
Town Car . . . . . 840
In Th?, Dominion f Canada Only
FURTHER we will be able to obtain tne maximum efficiency in our
factory production, and the minimum cost in purchasing and sales
departments IF we we can reach an output of 30.000 cars between
the above dates.
AND should we reach this production we agree to pay, as the buyers'
share, from $40 to $60 per car(on or about Augur t 1, 1915) to every
retail buyer who purchases a new Ford car between August 1, 1914,
and August 1, '1915.
For Further particulars regarding these low prices and profit-sharing
plan, see the nearest Ford Branch or Dealer.
Ford Motor Company
Ford, Ontario
A. M. Crawford, Agent,
g)Atg.' tarria.,‘4
t '$•••