HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-10-15, Page 4,10•00...* Pcige 6 THE WINGHAM TIME.; October 15th, 1914 ESTABLISHED 1872 THE WINWIAM TIMES, U.B.E4LIOTT. PUI3LISIIRR Abra PROVILTOR TITURiDAY, OCTORF,R 15, 1914 EDITORIAL NOTES The financial statement of the Do- minion for the first half of the present final year. April to September, inclus- ive, shows a falling off in revenue of $6,818,548, as compared with the same period of last year, while current ex- penditures increased by $6,-818,538. Expenditures on capital account de- creased by $4,986,117. The net debt of the Dominion at the end of September stood at $343,386,584, an increase of $11,324 651 during the month. and of $43,799,809 as compared with Septem- ber 30 of last year. We may cottcast with this picture the spectacle presented by the Allies— Russia absolutely prohibiting the, sale of vodka and beer throughout her irn- rnense dominions, France forbidding the sale of absinthe, the British soldier marching through the best vineyards in existence, and temperately demand- ing. as many letters tell us, his cup of tea. The great victory over drunken- • ness in Russia has received far too little attention in this country. Since China proscribed opium the world has seen nothing like it. We have been well re- minded that in sternly prohibiting the sale of spirituous liquor Russia has al- ready vanquished a greater foe than the Germans. Is it fully realized yet that for the Allies, and for the first time in history, this is to all intents and purposes a "teetotal" war? We hope that the indiscreet people who insist on "treating" our soldiers and sailors on their return from the front will realize it very quickly. "The fight sternly waged by all the Allies alike against internperence sym- bolizes the other victory which must eventually be theirs. Troops who march obeying the Tsar's Ukase against drink, who carry in their knapsacks Lord Kitchener's admonition to adjure wine, already have an immense moral advent- a6e over armies whose officers set their men the example of looting every cellar they find. In the vinous excesses of the German forces we see a hint of their coming overthrow." It is interesting to note that since the publication of this editorial it has been announced in Petrograd that the pro- hibition of the sale of vodka is to be continued indefinitely even after the end of the war. This order is based principally on the tremendously im- proved condition of the country since the Emperor issued the edict prohibiting traffic in this liquor. The Russian authorities are so impressed with this startling regeneration of the peasantry that they believe it is likely to have an important effect on the social and eco- nomic conditions of all Russia. EARLY ELECTION POSSIBLE Persistent rumors of a general Dom- ipion election at an early date are abroad. Determined effort is being made by a wing of the Borden Govern- ment to bring this about, The idea seeme to prevail in some quaters that it will be possible for the government to hold a short non -contention session of parliament and then go to the coun- try for endorsation of the action of the government in connection with the war. The strongest pressure for an early appeal to the people in face of a politi- cal truce which has existed since the outbreak ef the war comes from Hon. Robert Rogers and his western follow- ers. They realize that under normal conditions with domestic issues to the fore the Conservatives would have a mighty slim chance in the prairie prov- inces. It is common knowledge here that if Mr. Rogers could have his way the writs would be issued for an elec- tion practically at cnce and parliament would not meet again. This isnot like- ly to occur, however, because Premier Borden and the better element in the Conservative party realize that the people would not regard an election with favour. It would disturb existing conditions and interfere seriously with our efforts to aid the motherland and and the suffering people of France and Belgium in this time of need. ADDRESS ON THE WAR. Hon. George P. Grahanain delivering an address in Hyman Hall, London, on Friday night last said: -The mothers of the British Empire are suffering more than sons because there is suffering greater than wounds. We all sit under a great shadow and are praying that it may be lifted. We are not only praying, but fighting to see it lifted. The untold agony of spirit as well as body will leave a sting that will not be removed in this age. Britain did everything to avert war, but betray her honor and backed up as she was into a corner, she had to fight. I would be ashamed to be called a son of Mother Britain if I was not prepared to do my duty as a son. For years and to night we of Canada are part proprietors of the British Em- pire. The fact that two such peoples as are in the United States and Canada can Iiveside by side for over 100 years with miles of open border between them, and no guns pointed either way, is the greatest object lesson for peace in the world. I charge that the manufacturers of armaments and their tools on the news- papers are largely responsible for the bloodshed in Europe. It is now the duty of the men at home to run their business even at a loss, rather than see men go hungry this winter. The soldier makes his sacrifice at the front; the businessmen must make it at home. Lives are above dollarsand cents. I would rather own a good farm in Western Ontario than have any job I know of. This is the farmer's meet prosperoua year. LIQUOR AND WAR What the London Times says, -Issue of Sept. 25th, 1914:—"The trail of the German troops is marked, as inntuner- alele esitnesses testify, by myriads of empty bottles. Their once proud sol- diery is now typified by the co'onel trJ :z cau:11lif /6Q0 beside a cask in an Epernay cellar. 'Rein* ICKII1E5 Nothing has ever equated or compared with the medicinat fats in 840iffs Emulsion to arrest the decline, invigorate the blood, strengthen the nervous systern,aid the appe- tite and restore the courage cc I3etter health. axpottos Entishilon pare Is melt h buffet-. Ing food, without harmful dug& Farmers Attention. In response to a communication from the Minister of Trade and Commerce at Ottawa, the Warden of the County of Huron held a meeting of his com- mittee at Clinton on Tuesday, Oct. 6th. The communication was to the effect that the Government of Great Britain having assented its acceptance of gifts of foodstuffs from the people of Can- ada, the department had made arrange- ments for the shipment of these con- tributions and asking the Comity of Huron to co-operate. The committee de- cided to confine the contribution to apples, oats and potatoes. Of apples not more than 4,000 barrels, of the following varieties, which will stand being brought to shipping point in bags on hay or straw without damage—Ben Davis, Baldwins, Golden Russets,Mann Canada Red and Nonpareil. There is no limit to the quantities of oats and po- tatoes.. Full arrangements will be made to receive, pack and ship donations and return bags to donor. The Warden was appointed to superintend the pack- ing and shipping. The goods are to be de/ived at the stations on the days men- tioned hereunder: Centralia, October 19, Exeter 20, Hensall 21, Brucefield 22, Clinton 23, Luckniew 19, Wingham 20, Belgrave 21, Londesborough 22, Gode- rich 21 and 22, McGaw 26. Auburn 27, Blyth 33, Walton 29, Wroxeter 19, Gorrie 20, Forslwich 21, Brussels 23, Ethel 23, Seaforth 24. CHURCH NOTES. Regular service will be held in the Methodist Church next Sunday. The pastor will preach at both services. Morning subject, "Echoes from the General Conference". Evening, "Blessings that the war has brought." Every person made welcome. At the recent meeting of the General Conference of the Methodist.Church held in Ottawa, the two Wingham dele- gates were honored in being placed on Standing Committees. Rev. J. W. Hibbert was placed on the Superan- nuation Board and Mr. P. Buchanan was placed on the Social Service Committee as layman representative from the London Conference. CHURCH OF ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE. Service (this) Wednesday evening. Subject "Sin and Repentance". Sunday School Teachers' meeting after the Service and also a meeting of the Ladies' Guild at the conclusion of the service. Confirmation class on Thursday eve- ning at 8 o'cloek. The Executive of the A.Y.P.A. will meet orFriday evening at 8 o'clock. Next Sunday is Children's, through- out the Canadiati Chard,. The Child- ren's Servide will be held at 3 o'cicielt hi the aftethoon, at which serviee, all the S. 8. scholars will attend, and to thie service all the parents and friends of the children are specially invited. The offering e of the children et this service will be in aid of the Sunday Sehool Commission. The subjetts of the sermon at the Morning and evening Chil dr en Cry rices will be relation to the work of FOR FLETCHER'S the Sunday Sehoel. 1 1 .4014004314***Itto ererienteettetra ietreues ereseeeeneneete ea:lee see e eseesta ease:sot) WINGHAM MONDAY, OCT., 19th Prof. Dorenwe COMING TO or To .t.,ivro will be at BRUNSWI HOTEL with a sped ample stock of all the latest yles in hair goods. For I. es- There will be show •eautiful braids, switches, tra ormations, p o m padours, es, fronts, full wigs, etc , of finest quality hair and work- anship that cannot be excelled. Those who are desirous of seeing something that will beautify their appearance should not miss this opportunity of calling at the hotel during the visit. ealieseleeetettelet.111,41.4WaleStleiSisleSee GENTLEMEN;— "Are You Bald?" Come and have a FREE DEMONSTRATION of "The Dorenwend Sanitary Patent Toupee" which is the only structure of its kind. They are feather weight, indetectable, hygienic and will make appear twenty years younger. Worn by Men in. al! Station$ of Life and aver 24'0,000 in use, you °sweet 'woe eseeenevaassetteteateeseeseteteaissetseetesevateseessateetteemaasesemeoesi THE FALL WITH HAM ON LITTLE ON Canadian fall weather is e hard on little ones. One day and bright and the next we These sudden changes bri cramps and colic, and little stomach is ke t r ght the result may be serious. Th is nothing to equal Babys' Own T ets in keeping the little ones well. They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels, break up colds and make baby thrive. The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by rnail at 2.1 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. remely is warm and cold. on colds, less baby's MINOR LOCALS. — —Brussels tax rate for this year 20 mills on the $. —A large number of our citizens at- tended the Teeswater Fair on Thursday last. —Mr. Thos. poultry at the Thursday last. —Mr. F. McConnell sold Mr. Wadell's house on Edward street to Mr. John Weir on Wednesday last. —The Canadian Jubilee Singers will appear in the opera house, Winghatn, on Saturday evening evening, Octo- ber 31st. —Work was started last week on the sewer on Edward street Sewer work in the town will be continued as longsas the weather is favorable. —Mr. R. A. Coutts has purchased from the the T. A. Mills Estate, the brick cottage on John street at present occupied by Mr. Wm. Cornyn. —At Teeswater fair Mr. W. J. Gray won first prize for roadster driving horse and first for gentleman's outfit. He also won first prize for roadster driving horse at Brussels fair. —It it is travel, consult H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G. T. R. at the TIMES office. Tickets issued to any point and information cheerfully furnish- ed. —At Teeswater fair last week Mr. R. A. Currie won 2nd prize in the carriage class for his driving horse; lst for best groomed horse on the ground and lst for best lady driver. —We are pleased to report that Mr. Geo. W. Schaefer, who has been a patient at the Wingham Hospital is now recoverilig nicely and expects to return to his home this week. —The Teeswater News issued a patri- otic number last week. The Ladies' Patriotic Society had charge of the editorial choir, and contributed several articles. Tee number reflects great credit to the ladies of Teeswater. --!The contract of carrying the mail between the post office and the G.T.R. station for the next four years was last week awarded to Mr Alex. Reid. Mr. Reid has had the contract for some time and has given good satisfaction. —Rexall Goods are not cesting you a cent retire than before the War, and what is more, every time you buy a Reitail product a portion of your pur- chase money goes to swell the Canadian Patriotic Fund being raised by the Rexall Stores of Canada. —Mr. T. R. Bennett, who recently Moved to town, taking over the Mas- eey-Harris Agency, is an experienced auctioneer and is in a position to give this work careful and prompt attention. Dates for sales can be arranged for at the TIMES OffiCe. Mr. Bennett's advt. appears in another column. is Bowers was Judge on Teeswater fall fair on CASTO RIA 4•••••••• •••••••••••••m• 1.........._vw......_____„...._....., SAVE MONEY Save from $18 to $20 by having your SUIT OR OVERCOAT Repaired, Dry Cleaned . and Pressed We also put on Velvet Collars and make alterations. We never disappoint. All work guaranteed JOHNSTON'S Cleaning & Pr,ssing Works 'Phone 179 "We Know How" under new management. CHAS. G. JOHNSTON Manager 1.........-------,........................--...........1 J. G. STEWART Real Estate and Fire Insur Accident aild Sjc ess Insuranc Reli bl 'ork Moder Charges J. G.Stewart () Griffin Block, Wingham : CASH FOR COAL BY getting cash for our Coal we are thus in a better posi- tion to keep stocked up and guarded against any shortage which is possible owing to dip- lomatic reasons, We are daily delivering theonly genuinecran- ton Coal mined by the D. L. & W. Co& Co. Our Coal gives sat s - faction and our prices are as low as it is pos- sible to make them for a high grade coal, Have your supply put in early. All kinds of Wood at lowest • prices. J. A. MEAN LUMBER, COAL AND WOOD 44%**.s.s,vt4Alea4.4,w8,44 PRUPARED o Are You Ready to Defend Your Country? YOU are urged•to join the 33rd Huron Regiment and be ready when the call to arms comes. AN? able bodied man over eighteen years of age is eligible. YOU can either join either for home service or for service abroad. WRITE, Telephone or Se3 Capt. N. T. SINCLAIR, "B" COMPANY, 53rd REGIMENT Wingham Te contributions of Berlin and W erloo citizens, less than 25,000:in tither, are likely to amount to $140,000 „.....................- i THE DOMINION BANK aH EDMUND 5. 084.ER, M.P., PRESIDENT,' W. D. MATTHEWS, 1/10E-pRESIRENT, C. A, BOGERT, General Manager, , Capital Paid up, $5,963,000.00 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits . 6,963,000.00 A Savings Department Is conducted at every Branch of the Bank where deposits ot $1.00 and upwards are received and interest at current rates added. It is a safe and convenient depository for your money. WINGHAM BRANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. mIss srArtuNo DRAY BUSINESS Graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized teacher of Flet- cher Music Method, Simplex and Kin- dergarten. Pupils prepared for Consorvatory examinations in Piano and Theory. Theory taught by correspondence. Classes Re -Open Sep. 21 'Phone 165 .•••••••••SemoOM Having purchased the Dray. Business from Wm. Breckenridge, I an prepared to take care of business in this line. Your work .will be given careful and prompt attention. A share of your patronage solicited. Robt. McGEE Phone 10 FOR SA WINGH AM SALT ORKS OLD 1STA6113L First class tail trade. within 30 mi order, reason health. SINEee esale and re - other salt well . plant in good or selling, failing F. G. SPARLING WINGHAM, ONT. R. RENNET AUCTIONEE Will give better sat* action to both buyer and an seller than any other utio er and only charge what s r satiable, PURE BRE TOCK SALES A SPEOTALTV Sales condueted anywhere in Ontario Several good fertile for sale. Sale dates can he arranged at TIMES, office. Write or Phone 81, Wingham r41111,111906,1011/110•41WfbAilia.11111.1111014/41601k0 1611,111/11/0011/W 1)1111111A, V111,40106,11.46, 111 1 The Merchant $ Brokerage Co's. CLEARING SALE Farm for Sale. Lot S. )4, 15, 16, Cotr. 1, Morris, 100 ,$ acres; well watered; good buildings; large bearing orchard; 15 acres bu suitable for stock or grain farm/ miles from Wingham, owner e ir ing. Apply to W. Cpt.riosoGrGle, Stray Cattle i Strayed to the plumises the un- dereigned, lot 32, in. Itlialoss, Alicia Sept. lst, tt o o-yeatsold •, stems. Owner may e same by, i 0 oving property and paying expeneeti. 301IX 3. JOIINSToN, I WhItechurch, P.O. ii16‘41,11414,1/410~41~106,1446/11,1"1",44iliiiloAVV16441111,11,1i,4111,11MINVIVS 1 AN EVENT THAT ECLIPSES ALL COMPETITIONS $2,000 worth of choke Merchandise bought at less than 50 cents on the dollar' to be slaughtered at less than wholesale prices, Shoes for men, women and children, Cloihing for men and boys, Ladies Jackets and Furs. We are proving conclusively that this is the greatest Money s lying event in the history of this town. No exagger- ated advertising, just plain facts. You owe it to yourself to get your share of the bargains before the great event closes. Such an opportunity may never come your way again. Theprices quoted today are typical of the savings throughout the entire store. Men's Well -tailored Suits Regular $12.00, Sale priee. .... Regular $14.00. Sale price .. $7.48 Men's blue cheviot Suits, regnlar $18.00, Sale price. $12.00 Fancy Worsted Snits, regular $15.50, Sale price ...... $10.00 Boy's Suits in blue serges and fancy tweeds sizes from 26 to 33, regular $7.50, on sale at ... • • ......... • ...... $4.48 Boy's Buster Brown Suits, size i from 22 to 26, regular price $4.50 to $5.00 to clear at 81.98 Men's $16.00 heavy tweed, well made. good fitting Overcoat, all sizes, on sale at,.. Men's Pea Jackets with good high collars, regular $7.00, on sale .. . ... Boy's Overcoats made of good heavymaterial from . $1.00 up All kinds and sizes of Sweater Coats at Wholesale prices. Ladies Jackets on sale at half price. Regular $22,00 on sale at 811.00 Regular $20.00 on sale at $10.00 Regular $16.00 on sale, at $8.00 Regular $10.00 on sale at $5.00 88.00 $3.48 Dress Goods . - 500 pieces to pick from. All Drees Goods, Silks, Satins on sale at less than makers All Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Laces, Em- broidery, Underwear fox. men and women, all going at wholesale prices. $1.00 French made Kid Gloves on sale at . ..39c Boots and Shoes We ha,ve just received another shipment of Snoes bought at 50 cents on -the dollar. This lot added to our large and well assorted stock, will give you an exeellent range to choose from, at less than maker's prices. Shoes for Men, Wonaen and Children Men's Romeo Slippers, regular n.co for 81'9 Women's Romeo Slippers reg. $1.50 for... . 0180 Men's heavy Shoes in elm and black, all eizes, regular $3.25 for, per $2.48 Men's fine patent colt, regular $5.00 for $3.50 Men's fine box calf, regular $4.50 frir .$2.98 Men's fine tan in button or lace, regular $5.00 for • One loftorof men's dongolas regular price $.300 • ........ • Womeret Dongola, Shoes tetail.a.;$2.25 for .$$1.$31:•425089 Women's tine kid Shoes replier $3.00 for .s$21:0988 Women's patent Colt regular $5.00 for Women's Gun :Siete' regular $3,50 for .. • We show a very large range of Boy's, Girl's and Children's Shoes in heavy, medium and ligh' weight, at prices to suit all buyers. ..••••••••••••ono.....memirraoi. The MERCHANTS' BROKERAGE Co. KERR'S OLD STAND WINGHAM _ Bank of Hamilton Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Paid-up, 3,000,000 Surplus - - - 3,750,000 SAVING Saving money does not indicate a miser- ly or stingy character, but rather one with self respect, The best way to open a Savings Ac- • count here. It is the safe way as wel as easy and convenient. The money is always available for an emergency. C. P.Manager ..,,,, pfelivary" 0 D PO 1 ,SMITH, Wingham, Ont t. s;I see l'r,f 1 i mIss srArtuNo DRAY BUSINESS Graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized teacher of Flet- cher Music Method, Simplex and Kin- dergarten. Pupils prepared for Consorvatory examinations in Piano and Theory. Theory taught by correspondence. Classes Re -Open Sep. 21 'Phone 165 .•••••••••SemoOM Having purchased the Dray. Business from Wm. Breckenridge, I an prepared to take care of business in this line. Your work .will be given careful and prompt attention. A share of your patronage solicited. Robt. McGEE Phone 10 FOR SA WINGH AM SALT ORKS OLD 1STA6113L First class tail trade. within 30 mi order, reason health. SINEee esale and re - other salt well . plant in good or selling, failing F. G. SPARLING WINGHAM, ONT. R. RENNET AUCTIONEE Will give better sat* action to both buyer and an seller than any other utio er and only charge what s r satiable, PURE BRE TOCK SALES A SPEOTALTV Sales condueted anywhere in Ontario Several good fertile for sale. Sale dates can he arranged at TIMES, office. Write or Phone 81, Wingham r41111,111906,1011/110•41WfbAilia.11111.1111014/41601k0 1611,111/11/0011/W 1)1111111A, V111,40106,11.46, 111 1 The Merchant $ Brokerage Co's. CLEARING SALE Farm for Sale. Lot S. )4, 15, 16, Cotr. 1, Morris, 100 ,$ acres; well watered; good buildings; large bearing orchard; 15 acres bu suitable for stock or grain farm/ miles from Wingham, owner e ir ing. Apply to W. Cpt.riosoGrGle, Stray Cattle i Strayed to the plumises the un- dereigned, lot 32, in. Itlialoss, Alicia Sept. lst, tt o o-yeatsold •, stems. Owner may e same by, i 0 oving property and paying expeneeti. 301IX 3. JOIINSToN, I WhItechurch, P.O. ii16‘41,11414,1/410~41~106,1446/11,1"1",44iliiiloAVV16441111,11,1i,4111,11MINVIVS 1 AN EVENT THAT ECLIPSES ALL COMPETITIONS $2,000 worth of choke Merchandise bought at less than 50 cents on the dollar' to be slaughtered at less than wholesale prices, Shoes for men, women and children, Cloihing for men and boys, Ladies Jackets and Furs. We are proving conclusively that this is the greatest Money s lying event in the history of this town. No exagger- ated advertising, just plain facts. You owe it to yourself to get your share of the bargains before the great event closes. Such an opportunity may never come your way again. Theprices quoted today are typical of the savings throughout the entire store. Men's Well -tailored Suits Regular $12.00, Sale priee. .... Regular $14.00. Sale price .. $7.48 Men's blue cheviot Suits, regnlar $18.00, Sale price. $12.00 Fancy Worsted Snits, regular $15.50, Sale price ...... $10.00 Boy's Suits in blue serges and fancy tweeds sizes from 26 to 33, regular $7.50, on sale at ... • • ......... • ...... $4.48 Boy's Buster Brown Suits, size i from 22 to 26, regular price $4.50 to $5.00 to clear at 81.98 Men's $16.00 heavy tweed, well made. good fitting Overcoat, all sizes, on sale at,.. Men's Pea Jackets with good high collars, regular $7.00, on sale .. . ... Boy's Overcoats made of good heavymaterial from . $1.00 up All kinds and sizes of Sweater Coats at Wholesale prices. Ladies Jackets on sale at half price. Regular $22,00 on sale at 811.00 Regular $20.00 on sale at $10.00 Regular $16.00 on sale, at $8.00 Regular $10.00 on sale at $5.00 88.00 $3.48 Dress Goods . - 500 pieces to pick from. All Drees Goods, Silks, Satins on sale at less than makers All Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Laces, Em- broidery, Underwear fox. men and women, all going at wholesale prices. $1.00 French made Kid Gloves on sale at . ..39c Boots and Shoes We ha,ve just received another shipment of Snoes bought at 50 cents on -the dollar. This lot added to our large and well assorted stock, will give you an exeellent range to choose from, at less than maker's prices. Shoes for Men, Wonaen and Children Men's Romeo Slippers, regular n.co for 81'9 Women's Romeo Slippers reg. $1.50 for... . 0180 Men's heavy Shoes in elm and black, all eizes, regular $3.25 for, per $2.48 Men's fine patent colt, regular $5.00 for $3.50 Men's fine box calf, regular $4.50 frir .$2.98 Men's fine tan in button or lace, regular $5.00 for • One loftorof men's dongolas regular price $.300 • ........ • Womeret Dongola, Shoes tetail.a.;$2.25 for .$$1.$31:•425089 Women's tine kid Shoes replier $3.00 for .s$21:0988 Women's patent Colt regular $5.00 for Women's Gun :Siete' regular $3,50 for .. • We show a very large range of Boy's, Girl's and Children's Shoes in heavy, medium and ligh' weight, at prices to suit all buyers. ..••••••••••••ono.....memirraoi. The MERCHANTS' BROKERAGE Co. KERR'S OLD STAND WINGHAM