HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-10-15, Page 1THE WINGHAM.
VOL, XLIII.—NO. 2125
Wear Greer'S Shoes and Ri.bbers
Hockey Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Wingham
Hockey Club will be held in the Council
Chamber on Thursday, 15th, inst., at
eight o'clock, p. m„ to organize for the
coming season. All those interested in
hockey will kindly attend this meeting
and start the season with enthusiasm.
WE find it necessary to close
ow place of business every
evening at 6 p.m. (with exception
of Saturday) commencing Sept.
28.1b, our hours will tie
8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
We sincerely hope that our
custurners will assist us by shop-
ping during these hours.
222f..A Store .
We Take the Risk
We know you will be delighted
with the O. -Cedar Polish Mop.
We know you will welcome
the relief it brings.
We know you will appreciate
the hard work k saves.
We know you will be pleased
with the way it dusts, cleans and
polishes --all at the same time.
That is why we say:—
Try the O -Cedar Polish Mop for 2
days at our risk. If it is net satisfac-
tory, we do not want ynu to keep it.
The price—P.M—will e eturned
without question if it is not all,and more,
than we claim. You to be.Le iudge.
'Rae gZ Thompsoft
Brussels Fair Notes.
Under the above heading the Benssels
Post of last week sive: -"What are we
going to do without Director "Tom"
Bennett"? He has removed to Wing -
ham. Mr. Bennett is one of the most
willing workers on the Board. A Fall
Fair without Charlie Knechtel, of Wing -
ham, in the Judges' stand would be like
a pie-nic minus the lemonade. He's a
former Brusselite that's why he is "it,"
Christie's urocery
Store opens 7-a.m. Closes 7 P.m.'
Try N. P. Soap
Here is a good Big Bar of Laundry
Soap. The quality is good and it is
highly recommended by most users.
Being in bar instead of cake form
it makes soap much cheaper. It is
blocked at 2X lbs. Per bar 16c.
1Lux for Ciea.nsiug
This is a a nluble preparation of ex-
ceptionally high merit. It will make
the hardest water soft, and in most
cases giving better results than will
, rainwater, Per packet 10c.
" 0 M. 0 "
For Bleaching is UNEQUALLED
A Slick Swindler.
A slick swindler is operating in On-
tario. Upon entering a town he lays in
a supply of small glass as, costing 10
cents each. These he fills with earth,
into which he places a couple of short
stocks of milkweed or any other plant,
and then annoints the earth with attar
of roses. Ile is now prepared to furnish
confiding purchasers with shoots from
the celebrated "Ceylon Rose" at $1.50
each, and does it as fast as he can
handle them. Those people who do not
read their own local paper are generally
the first to get bitten,
Death of Nelson Schaefer.
There passed away early Sunday
morning, Nelson George Schaefer, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Schaefer, in his
23rd year. The deceased young man
was stricken with appendicitis and an
operation was performed and he appear-
ed to have every chance of recovery un-
til a few days prior to his death. The
young man was born in , Berlin and
resided in Wingham for 'some three
years He was a member of the citi-
zens Band and was held in high eeteem
by a large circle of friends. Mr.
Schaefer is survived by his wife and
one child, his payents and five brothers
and two sisters, all of whore will have
the sympathy of the community in
their affliction. The funeral took place
yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon to
Wingham cemetery.
Accident to Balloonist.
Dorothy DeVonda, the famous lady
balloonist, who made the sensational
ascension and parachute drops at the
Dorainion Day celebration in Wingham,
met with a serious accident while filling
her engagement at the Dunnville Fair.
The ballon had been cut loose in the
usual manner and had risen some fifty
feet:when the rope attaching the para-
chute to the ballooi broke and as the
distance was too short for the parachute
to act, the banoonistshot to the ground
like a plummet. On being picked up
and a medical examination performed,
it was found that the extent of her in-
juries were a broken ankle, two broken
ribs and a severe shaking up. That
Miss DeVonda escaped instant death is
miraculous and is attributed to the life
preserver which she wears while making
her ascensions. "
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Very successful :Jubilee services were
held on Sunday. Crowded congregations
attending all theseservices which in
the morning and svenhig were conduct-
ed by Rev. Dr. Thurlow Fraser, of
Owen Sound, while Rev. Mr. Wilkins of
Trenton, a former pastor conducted an
old time service at 2.30 p. rn. The
service of Praise • was led by Mr,
Cunningham, Precentor, the congre-
gation sitting during singing and
standing during prayer, while the ser-
mon was of old time length. The
offering was taken in old style of a box
on a five foot handle.
On Monday evening a tea meeting
was held and so great was the attend -
Death of George Leathorn.
It is with feelings of deep regret that
we this week record the death of Mr.
George Leathorn. Mr. Leathern left
Wingham on Monday, September 28th
on a trip on his bicycle with a view of
visiting his sisterat Dunheld. He must
have taken the wrong road as he reach-
ed Walkerton that evening. Had his
supper at Karmann's hotel and engaged
a room for the night, Leaving his
bicycle at the hotel he went for a walk.
That was the last seen of him until his
body was found in the Saugeen River at
Walkerton oh Tuesday, October 6th.
At the point where the body was found
there is a high embankment and it is
thought Mr. Leathern got too near the
edge and the earth giving away he fell
into the river. Mr. Leathorn was held
in high esteem by a large circle of
friends. He was a man well informed
on all the questions of the day and his
very sudden death is a severe affliction
to the membars of his family. He was
in his 55th year and was born in the
Township of Wilmot, Waterloo County,
and had resided in Wirighant for neaaly
fifteen years. He is survived by his
aged father, Mr. John Leathern and
three sisters and two brothers, viz: -
Mrs. Abell, Dunheld; Mrs. lames Ore,
Stratford; Mrs. Robert Orr, Ingersoll;
Rabt, Leathorn, Turnberry; and JAWS
Leathern, Vancouver, B. C. The
remains were brought to Wingham
on Friday last and the funeral took
plaee On Saturday afternoon film the
family residence to the Whighane
! READ OUR AD. liti &DEO
ance that an overflow meeting had to
be held, the large Forester' Hall and
auditorium of the church being crowded.
Addresses were given by Rev. Wilkins
and Ferguson, former pastors and Rev.
Budge, Stewart and Turner and a
splendid lecture on "Germany and the
Kaiser" by the Rev. Dr. Fraser.
Splendid music by the choir and solos
by Mrs. Halliday and Rev. Mr. McCalloh
of Oranbrook. An evidence of the good
will exisli ig between the several
denominations was shown by the
Anglicen and Methodist services for the
day being with drawn. The proceeds
amounted to about $300. Among the
guests was Mrs. Rev Stewart, widow
PASTOR FROM 1878-1883
stood alone, caning in 1878, Rev. W.
Wilkins. It was just before Mr. Wil-
kins carne that the manse was built
and the many trees on the manse lawn
now grown to maturity were planted by
that energetic young pastor. When
Mr. Wilkins left in 1882 the congregation
after a very lengthy vacancy sought to
secure the services of a Smtchrnan not
many months out from the old land.
Rev. George Law accepted the call and
was inducted in October, 1884, During
Mr. Law's pastorate, the first Woman's
Foreign Missionary Society was formed
in 1887. The first officers of the Society
were President, Mrs. James Wightman;
Secretary. Mrs. (Rev.) Law; Treasurer,
i\Irs, William Caesar. The first Presi-
dent and Treasurer are still living. In
1894 the Presbytery decided on a re-
arrangement of pastoral charges and
Knox, Belgrave and Calvin, East
Wawanosh were made into one charge.
This change necessitated the resignation
of Mr. Law. In the same month of the
next'year Rev. W. T. Hail was inducted
as pastor of the united charge. Early
in Mr. Hall's pastorate the Young
People's Society was organized. Mr.
Hall remained as pastor until 1901 and
he was followed by Rev. J. J. Haste,
who was pastor from 1901 to 1908. Rev.
J. A. Ferguson, B. A., was inducted in
March, 1909 and remained as pastor
until June, 1913. The present pastor,
Rev. A. M. Boyle, B. A., was inducted
on the 9th of October, 1913.
The present beautiful church building
was erected in 1899 and the corner stone
was laid by the late Rev. A. McLean on
the 24th of May. The work of building
the church was completed in November
and -the opening services held on the
19th of that month. The building was
opened entirely free of debt. Three
years after the church was completed
the closed shed was built at a cost of
upwards of 8700.0041nd this amount was
soon raised. The individual communion
service now in use by the congregation
was given by members of the family
of Mr. and Mrs. David Scott, sr., as a
memorial from their parents.
One son of the congregation has
entered the office of the ministry, viz: -
Rev. Austin L. Budge, of Creemore and
three Miss Irvine's, sisters of Mrs. W.
H. Ferguson, have been for many years
missionaries in the foreign field.
A handsome souvenir booklet was is-
sued,in connection with the services and
same will be treasured by members of
the congregation. The booklet contains
a history of the congregation, the
session, Sabbath School and reminis-
cences as well as photos of the present
and former pastors, the church build-
ing, manse. The session, Board of
Managers, Women's Missionary Society,
the choir and six of the earliest and old-
est members of the congregation, who
are still within the bounds of the con-
Rural Mail frora Lucknow.
For various reasons the establishment
of rural mail routes out of Lucknow has
been long delayed. Now, however, a
number of routes are about to be Put in
operation. Delivery on No. 1 commenced
last week with J, D. Anderson in charge.
This route extends east along the
boundary to within 1.1. miles of White-
church, south.li miles and west to K.
Cameron's corner. Route No. 2, which
will likely open Oct 23rd, serves the
district Mo... "elfast and Fordyce; and
No. 3, for which the mail boxes are
arriving, will take in Laurier and
Lothian, C. Stewart will be driver on
No. 2, and J. Hamilton will have charge
of No. 3.
East Huron Teachers.
The 41st annual convention of the
Teachers of East Huron was held in
Brussels on Thursday and Friday of
last week, at which there was an at-
tendance of 112 teachers. Officers for
the ensuing year were elected as fol-
lows: -President. A. L. Posliff; 1stVice-
President, G. H. Jefferson; 2nd Vice -
President, Miss Rands; Sec.-Treas.,
G. W. Holman. Executive Commit-
tee, Messrs. Horton and Fowler, and
Misses McKay, McGregor and M.Scott.
Auditors, Messrs, Shillinglaw. A. Scott.
The sum of ;50 was voted to the Patri-
otic Fund. We received an excellent
report of the meetings but lack of
spase forbids publishing the same un-
til our next issue.
of the first pastor of the congregation
when it was only a mission station in
connection with Blyth. Of the names
on the first communion roll only two
now'remain, Mrs. P. Porterfield and
Mrs. Thos. Anderson. Another was
the late Mrs. J as. Ferguson who died
on FridaY, 9th inst.
The history of Knox Presbyterian
Church congregation goes back to 1864,
when services were conducted in the
old hall on the gravel road and prayer
meetings were held in the different
homes of the congregation. At that
time Knox was only a mission station
in connection with Blyth which was al-
ready some ten years in existence.
.Rev. John Stewart, who WP S in Blyth,
ministered to.the Belgrave congregation
for two years. In the winter of 1864-65
preparations were made for the building
of a churc'n, the timber being plentiful
was donated and the work done largely
.by bees. The contract was given to
Donald Robertson, brother of the late
Dr. Robertson, Superintendent of
Missions in Western Canada, whose
brother Duncan and sister, Mrs. Adam
Halliday, are still living in Belgrave;
and assisting him in hewing and pre-
paring the timber were james Anderson,
Rutherford Smith and David Scott.
The church was completed during the
',Anon FROM 18e4-1866
PASTOR FROM 1866-1877
Balmer of 1865 and the congregation
worshipped for SOr218 time without any
permanent seat8. The following year
permanent seats were placed in the
church At that time the village of
Belgrave was scarcely large enough for
a name and the church was known as
Knox Church. Morris, bat in 1868,
Donald McLean, the first treasurer of
the congregation, named it Belgrave
- _ —
after an English Lord. The first
secretary was Thomas Anderson, whose
life partner is still living.
In the summer of 1866 Blyth and Ee1..
grave was constittted a self sustaining
charge when Rev. Arch. McLean was
ieducted as pastor. Per eleven years
this happy relation continued When
Belgrave separsited from -;t4lyth. For
some seventeen yeara Knox, 13elgrave,
Store Robbed.
On Wednesday night some person or
persons entered the store of Mr. L. A.
Grisdale, Lower •Wingham, and carried
off a quantity of soap, tobacco, etc.
The entrance was affected through the
window at the rear of the store. Goods
to the amount of $20.00 were taken.
Telephone Service.
The service to North Huron Telephone
Co. subscribers was in bad shape for a
few clays early in the week. The
trouble was caused by work on the
cables in town and was remedied as
early as possible. The management
Was sorry for the interruption in service
and some was remedied as early as
possible and,it is hoped that subscribers
will in future receive the very best
kind of service.
Ticket Agent Convention.
The 28th annual meeting of the Can-
adian Ticket ,Agents' Association was
held in Chicago last week and was well
attended. This Association has a mem-
bership of upwards of three hundred,
covering Canada from the Atlantic to
the Pacific. The meetings last week
were the most successful ever held by
the Association. Mr, Joseph Kidd. of
Goderich, was elected President for the
ensuing year and Mr. Wm. Jackson, of
Clinton as a member of the Executive
Committee. Dr. J. W, Shaw, of Clin-
ton is Honory Physician. Huron county
has been well favored in the selection
of officers in an association covering
the whole of Canada. The visiting
members and their ladies were royally
entertained by the railway men and
ladies. of Chicago. The visitors were
given every opportunity of seeing the
wonderful city in trips by auto, steam-
er and elevated railroads. The enter-
tainment was very much enjoyed by
the Canadians. Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Burgrnan and Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
Elliott, were among the visitors from
Gave Satisfaction at Brussels.
The Brussels Post of last week says :
'Monday of this week T. McLean, of
Winghtun, contractor of the Turnberry
street sewer, completed the work and
asked the inspection of the Street Corn-
mittee. The latter went over the
ground and found everything eorrect
and recommended the payment in full
for the contract, There will be some
necessary straightening up after the
filling in settles. Mr. McLean did a
good job and without fuss or feathers
stayed with it in proper style until the
work was done. The cath basins are
all in place and the connections to the
cellars finished where he had the eon -
tract for the latter. He had a good
ateady-going staff.
Automobiles in Ontario.
Ontario's important position in the
motoring world is reveled by the regis-
tration figures appearing in the list of
automobile permits issued by the Pro-
vincial Secretary's Department. This
book, which gives the automobile per-
mit number of every automobile owned
in the Province, with the name and
address of the owner, shows that
31,000 cars had been registered up to
the 1st September. Registrations made
since that date, together wit', regis-
trations of cars owned and operated by
automobile agents, bring the total
olose to 31,000. Of this number about
5,000 are cars owned in the United
States, which have been operated in
Ontario, leaving a total of 29,000 On-
tario owned automobiles. A great in-
crease in the number of cars owned in
Ontario is shown by comparison with
registration figures for 1913. Last
year a total of 16,458 cars were owned
in Ontario, as against 29,000 this year,
which means a net increase of 12,500
automobiles, or over 75 per cent.
It's Great to be a Farmer.
It is a great thing to be a farmer -
just a farmer. No matter what happens
the fsrmer's work will always be need-
ed. As far as the necessaries of life
are concerned he need not worry, and
after all, does anyone need much more?
He can be sure of food, shelter and
clothing at all times, and in all agui
that has proven the soundest kind of
wealth. Unless war overruns his fields
and destroys his crops, cattle and build-
ings, he is beyond the reach of want,
and even if this does happen be can
soon recover what hehas lost. Another
seedtime and harvest will put him on
his feet again. It is well to have these
facts in mind at the present time when
governments and business organizations
are ao completely bewildered by the
calamity that has overtaken them
Whoever may be worrying. the farme
need not Worry. 11.e may rest secur
in his lowly position.
The farmer of today is to all intent
and purposes an educated man. He ca
read and write and think for himself
Moreover he is a free man, jealous
the rights of freedorri.-Peter M
Arthur, in Farmer's Advocate.
\ \._-.._ •
1 1
. ., ....... -416
..... :.:„.,
- — ,,,,,,,,
There is nothing want-
ing from our rubber
I boot stock. We have
rubber boots for men.
women. boys, misses
and children.
We can save you money
on Rubber Boots.
We have a cash pur.
chaser for a good farm
near Wingh am. Call
and see us.
Ritchie & Cosenst
=,._________ ....77.-../
Via all steamship lines, out-
ward or prepaid from the Old
Couutry. Lowest quotations
current for rates or tickets by
any route. Apply
Times Office, Wingham
The House of Handmade Clothes
Made -to -Fit
A man Is known by t
clothes he wears. Nov P.
fore was appearanc nee-
' essary as W is to . A man
to appearw ressed must
have clotll hat fit him, and
the only w ty to have proper -
Ig fitted clothes is to order
a suit from us. Our suite
are tip -to -date in style, nobby
in appearance, fit like a
glove and give satisfaction.
We also do cleaning and
and pressing.
Leidiee' and Gents' Tailoriere.
... AnALArraAvia.A.AkliAL*4.114.114k