HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-10-08, Page 7October 8st, tole},
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
he Secret
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
• Mystery- detective- love story,
all in one, and each of the three
good—that's "The Secret of
:Lonesome Cove." There's more
•In this book; there's a very in -
10 -4 teresting example of the effect
• of the study of heredity on a
inian's mind.
If, you are romantic, read it
, for the pretty love story; if you're
•fond of Mystery detective
stories, find out how Chester
Kent, clever, learned scientist
and invesligator, searched out
• the "secret." If psychology's in
your line, here's a case of the
• influence of the past on the
•present that is worth looking into.
From the time of the finding
•of the handcuffed body of the
-dead woman on the beach until
Chester Kent clears up the mys-
tery and the patient artist -lover
has his reward this tale is
• worth reading. It is one of the
• cleverest books of its well known
author, Samuel Hopkins Adams.
The Body on the Beach.
ONESOME COVE is one ot the
least frequented stretches on
the New England seaboard.
From the land side the sheer
-.hundred foot drop of Hawkill cliffs
-shuts it off. There Is no settlement
. near the cove. The somber repute
•'suggested by its name has served to
tkeep cottagers from building on the
',Wildly beautiful uplands that over -
'brood the beach. The straggling path-
-pays along the edge afford the only
eSuggestion of human traffic within
Ain't a mile of the spot. A. sharp cut
'ravine leads down to the sea by a
r l'tatber treacherous descent.
, • Near the mouth of this opening a
-"Considerable gathering of folk speck -
•td the usually deserted beach at
. oon of July 6. They centered on a
Jklark object a few yards within the
1 ood tide Wait. Some scouted about,
eering at the sand. Others pointed
. rst to the sea, then to the cliffs.
From some distance away a lone
an of a markedly different type from
e others observed them with an ex-
ession of displeasure. One of the
roup presently detached himself and
bled over to the newcomer.
"Swanny," he ejaculated, "if it ain't
erfessor gent! Didn't know you at
rat under them whiskers. You W-
ernher me, don't you? I used to
Ivo you around when you was here
"I've just come out of the woods,
l.arv1s. And as you have Some very
t teresting sea currents just here, I
'thought I'd have a look at them. Ne-
Ilbody really knows anything about
treoast currents, you know. Now my
. pportunity Is spoiled."
"Stollt? I guess not. You couldn't
Ilutve come at a better time," said the
oeal man eagerly. -
i"All, but you see I had planned to
wim out to the eddy and make Some
sonal observations."
ikt"You was going to s,wim into Dead
itn's eddy?" asked the other, aghast.
'Why, perfessor, you must havd turn -
foolish. They ain't a man on this
est Would take a chance like that."
"Superstition," retorted the other
•Urtly. "On a still day such as this
.there would be no danger to an ex-
enced swimmer. The conditions
.c. e ideal except for this crowd. What
to itl" as the village gone picnick-
eould Not Get Rid of Them
MI blood or e.tkin Diseases are co.used
by bad blood, and to get it pure, and keep
it pure you must romove every trace of
the impure and morbid matter from the
:system by a 1.1ou.1 cle.tasing medicine
!such as Burdock. Jiod Litters.
Mr. A. If. ITopp, Kipling, fiask., writes:
—"I was t,lat.ys 1.e..tweed with Boils, and
Atil.11(1110't et rid ef etcnt, end also had
all kinds of rimple- ttaiy f..t.ce, from
,early in the F.deittf.: t:11 1.de in the Pall.
One of thy Ire.... IL; rte. about your
medicine, and II.. 1 .1 to get some-
thing to 1.uri;y 1.1e.41. 1' got two
bottles of vot.r V:. ,e.k flood Bitters,
..and in tit..c t .as cured, and I
!nee lige(1. .„„.n trembled with Dells or
Pi npies s:ttet.."
I;lood Bitters is Inruiutaetured
..only by The T. Milburn Co., United,
Toronto. Ont.
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Copyright, 1812, by the noebs-Merrill
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
"Not sca'celyl Ain't you heard? An-
other one's come in through the eddy.
Lies over yonder."
Professor Kent's eyebrows went Up
as he glanced toward the indicated
spot; then gathered in a frown.
"Not wished up there, surely?" he
"Some time early this morning."
"Pshawl" said the other, turning to
look at the curving bulwark of rocks
over which the soft blow swell was
barely breaking. "If it were the other
end of the cove, now, I could under-
stand it."
"Yes," agreed Jarvis, "they mostly
come in at the other end on this tide."
"Mostly? Always." The professor's
tone was positive. "Unless my charts
are wrong. But this -well, it spoils at
least one phase of my theory."
"Theeryl" exclaimed the liveryman,
his pale eyes alight "You got a
theery? But I thought you didn't
know anything about the body till I
told you just now."
"Oh. my ruined theory has reference
to the currents," sighed the other. "It
has -nothing to do vvith dead men as
"This is a dead woman. Come and
see for yourse1f.4
Still frowning, Professor Kent suf.
fered himself to be led to the spot.
Two or three of the group, as it part-
ed before him, greeted him, He found
himself looking down on a corpse clad
in a dark silk dress and stretched on
a wooden grating, to which it was
lashed with a small rope. Everything
about the body indicated wealth. The
dress was expensively made. The
shoes were of the best type, and the
stockings were silk. The head was
marred by a ftightful bruise which
had crushed in the right side and ex-
tended around behind the ear. Blood
had clotted thickly in the short close
curled hair. The left side was un-
marked. The eyes were closed and
the mouth was slightly open, showing
a glint of gold amid very white and
regular teeth. An expression of dead-
ly terror distorted the face. Professor
Kent bent closely over it.
"That's .strange -very strange," he
murmured. "It should be peaceful."
"But look at the handl" cried Jar-
Here, indeed, was the astounding
feature of the tragedy, the aspect that
brought Kent to his knees, the more
closely to observe:- The body lay
twisted slightly to the right, with the
left arm extended. The left wrist was
enclosed in a light rusted handcuff to
which a chain was fastened. At the
end of the chain was the companion
cuff, shattered, evidently by •a power-
ful blow, and half buried in the sand.
As Kent leaned over the corpse a fat,
powerful, grizzled man With a metal
badge on his shirt front pushed for-
"Them's cast Iron cuffs," he an-
nounced. "That kind ain't been used
these forty years."
"What kind of a ship 'ud be carry -
in' 'em nowadays?" asked some one
in the crowd.
"An' what kind of a seaman'd be
putting of 'em on a lady's wrist?"
growled a formidable 'Mee'which
Kent, looking up, perceived to have
come from amid a growth of heavy
white whiskers, sprouting from a
weather furrowed face.
"Seafaring man, aren't you?" In-
quired Kent.
"No more. Fifty year of it, man
an' boy, has put me in harbor."
"That's Sailor Smith," explained Jar-
"Mr. Smith, will you take a look at
those lashings and tell me whether
.in your opinion they are the work of a
sailor?" asked Kent.
The old hands fumbled expertly.
The old face puckered. Judgment
came forth presently.
"The knots is well enough. The
lashin's a passable job. What gits the
is the rope."
"Well, what's wrong with the roper
"Nothin' in pertic'ler. Only I don't
know what just that style of rope
would be doin' onshipboard unless
It was to hang the old man's wash
"Suppose we lift this grating," Kent
suggested, "to see whether a ship's
name is stamped somewhere on It"
He heaved the woodwork up on edge
and held it so, while eager eyes scan-
ned the under part. Murmurs of dis-
appOintment followed. In these Kent
did not join. He had ineerted a finger
in a crevice of the splintered wood and
had eXtradted some small objet whkh
he held in the palm of his hand, ex-
aminieg it thoughtfully. -
"Wot ye got there?" demanded the
Professor Kent stretched out his
band, disclosing a small grayish Ob..
"41 should take it to be the cocoOn of
ephestitt Irnehniella," he announced.
"It's a specieof grain moth."
"Oh' grunted Schlagen "You're a
bn,Lco_*tor, eh?"
"Exnetly: answered the ot her, trn UK.
felling his trove to 1115 puelset.
Thereafter ite seemed to lose Inter-
est 10 the venter of mystery, %yin'.
drawiug to seam distance he paced up
and down the shore.
Nearer and nearer to high water
mark his pacg took him. Presently
be was scanning the tangled debris
that the highest tide of the year teul
heaped up Almost against the cliff's
foot. When he rejoined the crowd it
had suffered the loss of one of its
component parts, the sheriff. Conjec-
ture was buzzing from mouth to mouth
as to the offieiat's suddeo defection.
"Whatever it was he got from the
Rocket," Kent heard one of the men
say, "It started him quick."
"Looked to me like an envelope,"
hazarded some one.
"No," contradicted Sailor Smith;
"paper would bare been all pulped up
by the water."
"Marked handkerchief, maybe," sug-
gested anothek.
"Like as not," said Jarvis. "You bet
,that Len Sehlager figured it out there
Was 'somethin' in It for him anyways.
I could see the money gleam in Ws
"That's right too." confirmed the old
gallon "He looked just like that when
ko brought in that half wit peddler,
thinkin' he was the thousan' dollar re
ward thief last year."
Professor Kent advabced and beat
over the manacled corpse.
"Have to ask you to stand back, per.
fessor," said Jarvis. "Len's appointed
me special dep'ty till he comes back."
"Wonder if Len knowed the corpse?''
suggested somebody in the crowd.
"Tell you who did if he didn't," saia
another man. °
"Who, then?"
"Elder Iry Dennett Didn't none of
you hear about his meetin' up with s
strange woman yestiddy evenin'?"
"Shucks! This couldn't be that wet -
man," said Jarvis. "How'd she come
to be washed ashore from a wreck be.
tween last night and this morning?'
"Elow'd she come to be washed
ashore from a wreck anyway?" coun•
tered Sailor Smith. "The' ain't been
no storm for a week, an' this body
ain't been dead twenty-four bours."
"It plumb beats me," admitted Jan
"Who is this Dennett?" asked Pro
fessor Kent.
"Iry? He's the town gab of Martin-
dale Center. Does a little piumbin' an
tinkerin' on the side. Just now he's
up to Cadystown. Took the 10 o'clock
train last night."
"Then it was early when be met this
"Little after sundown. He was risite
the hill beyond the Nook -that's Sedg-
wick's place, the painter feller -when
she come out of the shrubbery-popl
"How'd she come to be washed
alhore?” countered Sailor Smith.
He quizzed her. Trust the elder for
that. But he didn't get much out of
her until he mentioned the Nook. Then
she allowed she guessed she'd go there.
An' he watched her go."
"You say a man named Sedgwick
lives at the Nook. Is that Francis
Sedgwick the artist?" asked Kent.
"Tilers him," said Sailor Smith.
"Paints right purty pictures. Lives
there all alone with a Chinese cook."
"Well, the lady went down the hill,"
continued Jarvis, "just as Sedgwick
come out to smoke a pipe 011 till8 stone
wall. Try thought he seemed su'prised
when she bespoke him. They passed
a gew remarks, an' then they had some
words an' the lady laughed loud an'
kinder Scornful. He seemed to be
pointin• at a necklace of queer, fiery
pink stones thet she wore and &yin'
to get somethin' out of her. She turn-
ed away an' be started to follow, when
all of a sudden she grabbed up a rock
an' let him have Keeled him
clean over. Then she ran away Up the
road toward Elawitill cliffs."
"Well, this Corpse ain't got no pink
necklace," suggested somebody.
"Bodies sometinieS get robbed," said
Seiler Snlith.
Chester Kent stooped over the writh-
en face, again peering close. Then he
straightened up and began pulling
thoughtfully at the lobe of his ear.
"Say," said Sailor Smith, "what's
them queer little marks On the neck
under the ear?"
Back came Kent's eyes. "Those?"
he saM, smiling. "Why, these are, One
might suppose, such indentations its
would be rande in flesh by forcing a
jewel setting violently again:et it bY
blow or strong impact."
Men yeu think ft wajb ore. -1.
•••••101•1111•10.11.11101•1•11. n"'"'"'"
Thought She Would lose
, Her Little Girl
rum Severe Attacks of Summer
Mrs. Wm. Hirst, 194 Palmerston
keentie, Toronto, Ont., writes us under
of January 23rd; 1914.
rte. T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toro n, Ont.
Dear Sit c;—"Last summer I had grave
eeiety for ttly little girl, who was just
;ten year old ta July lasts' She had con-
e- nt and eevere attacks of summer
eft:entail-It, and it. seemed to drag on her
eo long despite the many remedies I
tried. My neighbers told me she had
grewn so weak they thoueht I would
netse her. One nieht while. nursing her
nt old friend of mine. happened to come
to see me, and after telliag her ebout my
betty's lingering illnees she asked me to
try Dr. Fowler's Extrant of Wild Straw-
berry. I sent a little girl to our drug
etore and bought a bottle, and after
heving given the baby one doseI
noticed a remarkable change, and after
giving her three or four noses she was
well again, and began to walk, which
she had not been able to do prior to her
attack. • She is now a fine healthy child,
and I owe her life to that kindly advice
of an old friend. I would advise all
mothers to give "Dr. Fowler's" a prom-
inent place in their medicine chest"
'Yours truly,
(Sgd.) MRS. 'WU. HIRST.
When you ask for Dr. Fowler's Ex-
tract of Wild Strawberry see that you
get it
A S.:Sassiness.
The price of the original is 25 cents,
and is manufactured only by The. T.
Milburn Co.. Limited, Toronto. Ont.
begiin the old seaman winin several
voices broke in:
"There goes Len now!"
The sheriff's lienvy figure appeared
on the brow of the cliff, moving to-
ward the village.
"Who is it with him?" inquired Kent.
"Gansett Jim." answered Jarvis.
"Au Indian?"
"Gosh! You got good eyes!" said
levels. "He's more Indian than any-
thing else. Comes from down Ama-
gansett svay and gets his name
from it."
"14.m! When did he arrive?"
"While you was trapesin' around up
"Did he see the body?"
"Yep. just .after the sheriff got
whatever it was from the pocket Gan -
sett Jim hove in sight. Len went over
to him- quick, ate said somethin' to
him. He come and give alook at the
body. But he didn't say nothing.
Only grunted. The sheriff tells me to
watch the body. Then he says, 'An'
Pil 'need somebody to help tne. I'll
take you, Jim.' So he an' the Indian
goes away together."
Professor Kent nodded. He looked
seaward where the reefs were now
baring their teeth more plainly through
the racing currents. and he sigeed.
l'hen he Mule the group farewell and
set off' up the beach.
"He's a sort of a harmless ecientffic
crank," explained Jarvis; "comes from
Washington; something to do with the
government work."
"Kinder loony, I think," conjectured
a little, thin, piping man. "Musses
and moves around like it"
"Is that so" said Sailor Smith, who
still had his eyes fixed on the scarined
neck.; "Well, I ain't any too dum sure
thet he's' as big a fool as some folks
I know thet thinks likelier of their -
selves. He seen there was somethin'
queer about thet rope, an' he ast me
about the knots, right off."
Possibly the one supporter of the
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absent Auld itte;e witVaed. in bis lop
alty had be owe tile trove that Pre.
fessor Chester Kent had carried un.
ostentatiously from the beach, in his
pocket, after picking it from the grat
Ing. It was the fuzzy cocoon of a
small and quite uninmortaut ipsect.
The Washingtou scientiet seated on a
bowlder opened up the cocoon with att.
sorbed interest, pricked it until the
impotent inmate wriggled In protest,
and then cast it aside to perish.
Between the roadway and the broad
front lawn of the Nook a four foot
rough stone wall interposes. Looking
up from his painting, Francis Sedg-
wick beheld in the glare of the after.
noon sun a spare figure rise alertly
upon the wall, descend to the road and
rise again. He stepped to the open
window and watched a curious prog-
ress, A scrubby bearded man clad in
serviceable khaki was performing a
stunt, with the wall as a basis. He
was walking from east to west quite
fast and every third pace Stepping
upon the wail; Stepping, Sedgwick
duly noted, not jumping, the change of
level being made without visible ef-
Leaning out of the window he called:,
"Hello, there!" .
"Good afternoon," said the stranger,
in a quiet, cultivated voice.
• "Would you mind telling me what
you are doing on my, wall?" .
"Not in the least," replied the beard-
ed man, rising buoyantly into full view
and subsiding again with the rhythna
of a wave.
"Well, what are you doing?"
"Taking a little exercise."
By this time, having reached the end
of the wall, he turned and came back,
making the step with his right leg in-
stead of his left. Sedgwick hurried
downstairs and out into the roadway.
The stranger continued his perform-
ance silently.
"Do you do that often?" he asked
The gymnast paused, poised like a
Mercury on the high coping. "Yes,"
said he, "otherwise'l shouldn't be able
to do it at all. It is in pursuance of a
theory of self defense',
"Wbat in the world has wall hopping
to do with self defense?"
"I shall expound," said the stranger
In professional tones, taking a seat by.
the unusual method of letting himself
down on one leg while holding the
other at right angles to his body. "Do
you know anything of jujutsu?"
"Very little."
"In common with most Americans.
• For that reason alone the Japanese
system is highly effective here, not so
effective in Japan. You perceive there,
the basis of my theory."
, "No; I don't perceive it at all."
. "A system of defense is effective in
proportion to its unfamiliarity. That
is all."
"Then ye -Ur system .consists in step-
ping up on a wall and diving into
obscrnity on the farther side perhaps,"
suggested Sedgwick ironically.
"Defense, I said, not escape. Es-
cape is perhaps preferable to defense,
but not always so practicable. No;
the wall merely served as a temporary
gymnasium while I was waiting for
"You have distinctly the advantage
of me," said Sedgwick, with a frown,
for he was in no mood to welcome
strange visitors.
"To return to my theory of self de-
fense," said the other imperturbably.
"My wall exercise serves to keep
limber and active certain muscles that
in the average man are halt atro-
He rose on one foot with an ease
that made the artist stare, descended,
selected from the roadway a stone of
ordinary cobble size and handed it to
"Let that lie on the palm of your
hand," said he, "and hold it out, waist
• As he spoke he was standing two
feet from the other to his right. Sedg-
wick did as he was requested. As his
hand took position there was a twist
of the bearded man's lithe body, a
sharp click, and the stone, flying in a
rising curve, swished through the leaf-
age of a lilac fifty feet away.
"How do you do that?" cried the
The other showed a slight indenta-
tion on the inside of his right boot
heel and then swung his right foot
slowly and steadily up behind his left
knee and let it lapse into position
again. "At shoulder height," be ex-
plained. "I could have done the
same, but it would have broken your
"I see," said the other, adding with
listaste, "but to kick an opponent!
Why, even as it boy I was taught•' -
"We were not speaking of child's
play," said the visitor coolly, "nor am
(concerned with the rules of the prize -
:ins as wiled to my theory. When
me is in danger one uses knife or gun,
i at hand. I prefer a less deadly and
nore effective weapon. Kicking side-
wise. either to the !Tont or to the rear,
I can disartn n man, break his leg or
my him senseless. it is the special
levelopmeut of tsuch muscles as ,the
miseries :Ind plantaris, I owe yob
'the textile:intim). I hope you won't
e,weettte for trespass, Mr. Lung -Lean -
.egg Sedge, ick."
Professor Kent Makes a Case.
14GYI" The artist had whirled
at the name, "Nobody's call-
ed me that for ten years."
"Jost ten years ago that
you graduated, wasn't it?"
"Yes. Then I knew you in college.
Yon must have been befOre my class."
The bearded ono nodded. "Senior to
your freshman," said he.
The younger man scrutinized him,
"Chester Real" said he softly, "What
on earth are you doing behind thAt
The ptoprieki:A9r itatistMedicineitct,
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Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Kent caressed the maligned whish -
ars. "Utility." he explained. "Patent,
Impenetrable mosquito sereen. I've
been off in the wilds and am -or was
-going back presently."
"Not until you've stopped long
enough to get reacquainted," declared
Sedgwick. "Just at present you're go-
ing to stay to dinner."
"Very good. Jest now you happen
to be in my immediate line of interest.
It is a fortunate circumstance for me
to find you here -possibly for you too."
Old interests sprang to life lind
speech between them. Presently Fran-
cis Sedgwick was telling hie friend
the Story of his feverish and thwarted
ten years in the world. Within a year
of his graduation his on.ly surviving
relative had died, willing to him a
considerable fortune, the income ot
which be used in furtherance of a
hitherto suppressed ambition to study
art. Paris, his Mecca, was first a
taskmistress, then a temptress, finally
a vampire. Before succumbing he had
gone far in a few years toward tbe
development of a curious technique of
his own. Followed then two years of
dissipation, a year of travel to recu-
perate and the return to Paris, which
was to be once more the taskmistress.
But, to his terror and self loatbing, be
found the power of application gone.
The muscles of his mind .had become
"All by virtue of a woman's laugh;
the laugh oE a woman without virtue,"
he told Kent. "It was at the Moulin
de la Gaiette-perhaps you know the
dance hall on tbe slope of Montmartre
-and she was one of the dancers; the
wreck of what had once been beauty
end, one must suppose, inuocence.
Probably she thought me too much
absinth soaked to hear or understand
as I sat half asleep at ,my table. At
all events she ansWered, full voiced,
or emelt:mimes question, 'Who is the
drunken foreigner?' by saying: 'Ho
wag an artist. The studios talked at
Mut five years ago. Look at him now)
that is what life -does to us, mon ami.
Inn the woman of' it. That's the than
of it' I staggered up, made her a
bow and n promise and left her laugh-
ing, Last month I redeemed the prom-
ise; sent her the first thousand dol.
lam I made by my ONV11 work and de.
dared my debt discharged. How about
"Postgraduate science, Agricultur-
al departntent job. Lectures. Inven-
tion. Judiciary department expert.
Signed. Chester Neat' Ten words -
count thetn-ten."
"tn teresting, but Unsatisfying," re-
torted' his friend. "Can't you expand
a bit? I. suppose you haven't any dark
secret in your life?"
"No secret, dark or light," sighed the
other. 'The newspapers Won't let me
"Eh? Won't let you? Am I to infer
that you've become it famous person?
W bat are you, anyway?" •
"'What I told yOu, an expert in the
service of the department of Justice.
I like to fintter myself that my pur-
suit is scientific."
"Pursuit? What do yob pursue?"
"Men and motives."
Sedevieles intelligent eyes Widened.
"Wait.- up -mid: "something occurs to
me, 1111 .11(.1e 111 a French journal
111)0(11 a 14i.rftli new American ex-
pert in nologY who knows all
there e -
most •I' -
the .f.'
118 '1
eon' and tnkes only the
ases. I reeell now that
,ed hint 'le ProfesSeur
l'hat sieetid be abOut
ley would Come to
10 Prenchman made
superior specieof
.tive, working along
.tir own", -
Kent. "The only
due: in work:gong, ant -
oessfully are the lines laid down fol
him by the man be is after."
"Sounds more reasonable than ro-
mantic," admitted the artist. "Conte
now, Kent, open up and tell Ole some-
thing about yourself."
"You remember I got into trouble
my senior year with the college au-
thorities by proving the typhoid epi-
demic direct against a forgotten de-
fect in the sewer system. It nearly
cost me my diploma, but it helped me
too, later, for a scientist in the depart-
ment of agriculture at Washington
learned or it and sent for me after
graduation. He :napped out for me a
three years' postgraduate course, whicb
I bad just about enough money to
take. While I specialized on botany,
entomology and bacteriology, I picken
up a working knowledge of other
branches -chemistry, toxicology, geol.
ogy, mineralogy, physiology and most
of the natural sciences.
"Once in the department I found my-
self with a sort of roving commission.
I worked under such men as Wiley,
Howard and Merriam and learned
from them something of the infinite
and scrupulous patience that truly
original scientific achievement de-
mands. At first my duties were large-
ly tbose of minor research. Then. by
accident largely, I chanced • upon the
plot to bull the cotton market by In-
troducing the boil weevil into tile inn
infested cotton area and cheektel thnt.
Soon afterward I wns put on 1 he 'de-
odorized rent' enterprise
ceeded in discoverieg 1110 sehetne
whereby it was laved to sell spoiled
tneat for good.
"What spare time I had 1 devoted
to experinienting along mechanical
lines and patented au iuvention that
has been profitable. Sometime ug s the
department of justice borrowed 1111. on
a few cases with a scientilic bearings
and more recently offered nte incideu-
tal work with them 00 such favorable
terms that I resigned tin' other posi-
tion. The terms include liltend mem,
tions, one of which I an) not taking.
And here I am! is that suffieient?"
( o 'I'( :10:
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome by
ently Tithe
Bifitt, ess
ems, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Small PM, Small Dose, Smelt Nee.
Genuine must best Signature