The Wingham Times, 1914-10-01, Page 8140000PelOsegioniremostmetememegewateurdisasaliii-ti *As HEADQUARTERS FOR eta I FAMILY GROCERIES I If you have not tried us with an order for HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES do so now and see how we fill it. and our aim is to please in quality and promptness of delivery. TEAS i Fruit and Vegetables n Season A trial of our Bulk Teas will convince you that the quality is the best and the price is unchanged at 30c. and 40c. Fast Servicel Henry T. Thomson "The House oh Quality" Pt ['Free uelivery Phone 9 strasee~orsravsteatoolhem~, -.1 • —e7 Page 8 - wun'Ecutrizeu Many old friend; or will be sorry to hear of the, ilineas of Mr. John Leggett. ta lino -iv.' I jetty vs teemed rtsident. Itirast ton .AtIvoeate in reporting his. illiiess seta: .'Mr. john Leggatt, of the Oth :91aryhere, mar Holten, was !triolve, -. with a paralytie strolwi atior tho rbetor':.3 are It is ine' t to any how serious hr; 0 i is." nes,. wir) too!: an aetive part in raising inoney for the patriotic! fund Ilea reat on to be saisfied with the Let.. ort bold on Friday evening's e p t leth. The program Was given in the hi now veuerete shed recently erected bar the Presbyterian congre- gation. A large platform was erected and seat- provided for a crowd. And the crowd came, quite in expectation of those in =alarg.,e 'flat chair was occupied by Mtt:.or Irwin, of Wingliam. Stirring sos wore given by A. IL Musg .ove, M. P. I. Wingham, and R. O. Caeloren, of Lucknow. A lum- ber on 0- tl.rogram\vhich proved highly entertairing, was the military drill conduct try nr. Carrick to bagpipe 'Music. The "soldiers" were first put through a number of military evolu- tions. which were well executed. They gave an .oNumple of an infantry charge, followe.1 by a red exoss ambulance tak- ing eiti- ;f tho wounded. This military scene ylis concluded by ths tableau, "Tentin!,, on the Ohl Camp Ground," which was very effectively carried out, A numbor of patriotic choruses . were given by ocal talent under the direction of Alis .1arjorie Gordon, and other nuiribet:7. were given by Messrs. If. jobb and A.. Coutts, of Wingham, and T. Watson and T. S:Reid, of Lucknow. An aeroant of the affair would be in- eomplero if we tailed to mention the pretty Ljefi,etive decorations of the large ba. As became a patriotie con- ert, fings of the Empire and bunting were in profusion. This feature, as well as the general arrangements, re- flected great credit upon those in charge, and centtibuted much to the general see '..vet-ipts were about 875.00. THE WINGHAM TIMES SW:MMING UP STREAM. It is tl,e live, active fish that swim up !ttroten. The weaklings drift with the current or seek the quiet pools when the water is rough. tov aggressive business that pusla s for titles when times are dull. It's tl e. live, hurling, modern busi- ne7,s mom who harvests the profits. You will see the names of the live ones in he advertising columns of The Tr 5: h They deserve support, for they are workirrz for it. Tney are makers of gotfT, They are the live fish swimrng up strear... vortoven Miss Luella Shaw spent the week end at her lieme ir 131iieva1e. Miss &aura Strome, of Teeswater, is spending a few days with.. Mrs. Bert. Thomp,..m. im Aitch eson is at present Icinsy drawing gravel. Cot tutting is the order of the day Peoplo are busy getting their silos filled, -- Black Prince Visits Britale. I Xn. flowing robes and fez, Witii ri Mori= train, Joseph Musiage lit ale figure in Birraingham the other , aligembo, of Uganda, was a uotice. I4si. Prince Waligenabo is makin 4 torm uof some of Britain's leadit WU/Arial centres to inform blmseit A Of nut 'resources and the circum- etantlea under which our representa- tIVe maw/factures are produced, pa*'- ty:tro. with an eye to trade With °wit lartd, ,../ • , • Papyrus. he papyrus of ancient times wog' maolio from the papyrus plant. The tAtertor a the stalk of the plant aftel the rind had been removed was eu lab thin slips In the direction their length, and, these being laid ori a OA surface in succession, simi- lar /Alcoa were placed over them at right angles, and, their surfaces be- ing cemented together by a sort Ot glue and eublected to the proper de- gree of pressure and well dried, the papyrus was coraplete. \A -DRU -Go COD LIVER OIL Is one of the best Lung Builders A guaranteed cure or prevention for Coughs and Colds TRY I T Put up in two sizes 5oc. and $1.00 J. J. DAVIS Sucessor to A, L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE WINGHAM Sparing No Pains. "Would you tome to dinner next Sunday?" said Mr. Crossiots. "'Why, this is the fourth time in two weeks you have invited me to dinner. It's exceedingly kind ot you"— "That's all right. We have to humor our took in every way possi- ble. iAllo saya, she likes to hear you reciteand sing eomic .songs." An Expert. Sly- ?Jou- ean you Le so sure that you aro in love with me and with no ono en;o? Even 1 woader at times attlio,• tis,re is a possibility of ab - //Mutt., eortaInty in such matters. tre---Von laek Pxperienee and the corn/donee it begete. I've been in love fot••iy and pnOW 74 WI inters tood. "Ar = you fowl of moving pit-, taros?" No, hut my wife makes me move them whetli,r I like it or not." ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Read ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's. FOR SALE -An Art Huron Heater. Apply at TrmEs office. WANTED -A boy to learn the print- ing business. Apply at the TIMES of- fice. WANTED - Servant girl wanted; no washing; apply to Mrs. J. W. McKib- bon, Centre Street. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Mg stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. To RENT.: -Several rooms in the Kent Block, suitable for living rooms. Apply to THE WM. DAVIES CO, PC:W/1D -TwoYale keys and an ordin- ary key, attacked to a chain. Owner can have same by appiy at TIMES of- fice. FARM FOR SALE -175 acres; one mile from Bluevale and three miles from Wingliam. Apply to Bosman Bros., Biuevale. FOR SALE -200 acres of land close to the town of Wingham. First-class grain and stock farm. Will sell all or sub -divide and v11 in part. Apply to John S. Duckett, Glenavon, Sask. NoucE-Any person having any kit bags or other equipment belonging to the Militia Department must retnrn it to the Drill Hall. Wingham, not later than Saturday the 19th instant. This notice applies particularly to Boy Scouts ot whom equipment has been loaned. N. To SnIcLATE, Capt. (4,1M -Y. A telegrhm from Arcola, Saskatche- wan, states that John Hislop, brother of Archie Hislop, ex-M.P.P., was n- stantly killed by being dragged into the machinery of a threshing engine while fixing a belt. He was forty-eight years old, and leaves fivesmall children. Mrs. Vanstone and daughter, of Tor. onto, have been Visiting at .Jas. Artn- strong's, 10th coo. Mrs. Jas. Boyd, of Silver Corners, had her mother, brother and niece motor up from Lyriden and spend Sunday with her. Miss Eliza Bishop, daughter of A. Itishop, 8th eon , is away on a visit to Saskatchewan with relatives and friends She will be away for a month or so and no doubt will have an enjoyable holiday. Ex -Reeve and Mrs. Turnbull arid their grand -daughter, Miss Millie Me- Farlane, ism on a holiday visit with relatives in the State of Michigan. SCRANTON OR LEHIGH COAL WOOD KINDLING At Lowest Prices. R. J. Cantelon OFFICE WITH Dominion Express Co.'s Office MISS SPARING Graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized teacher of Flet- cher Music Method, Simplex and Kin- dergarten. Pupils prepared for Conssorvatory examinations in Piano and Theory. Theory taught by correspondence. Classes Re -Open Sep. 21 'Phone 165 OLD EVA.LE. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs, Itobt. Black, on Thursday afternoon, October 8th, commencing at 2.30 o'clock sharp. Good papers are being prepared on "The care of house planie for winter blooming," by Mrs. J. Black and on "Ilow to prepare a Thank4,dving Dinner," by Mrs. J. W. King. All ladies are cordially invited to attend the meeting. COMPliettti011. COW. -1 love and 1 ant loved! . Dora, --Then you must be perfectly intoy? 'The earliest snow in years fell in ora • No; it isn't the same minli ; goaee yesterday. DRAY BUSINESS eying purchased the Dray Business from Wm. Breckenridge, I am preparedto take care of business in this line. Your work will be given careful and prompt attention. A share of your patronage solicited. Robt. McGEE Phone 10 DIED. CAR11.-In Wingham, on Sept. 24th, Isabella Wishart, relict of the late James Carr, aged 83 years. DotasLAs-In Stratford, on Septem- ber 20th. Jane Reynolds, widow of the late Adam Douglas, of Grey township, in her 77th year. BOUN .1-1AMILTON—In BltieVale, 00 Septem- ber 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert am - Mon; a son. IEwiN -In Howick, on September 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irwin; a daughter. 1 MARRIED COLLINSON-PIERcE -At the Metho- dist Parsonage, Brussels, on Sept. 23rd, by Rev. D. Wren, 1VLA„ Mr. John E. Collinson, of HuIlett township, to Miss Rose A. Pierce, of Morrie township, MoNAM-MoNAryt--In the Presby- terian tnanse,Brtrcefield, Ont,, on Sept. 22nd, by ReV. Hall Woods, Mr. William McNair, of Grey township, to 1VIrs. Flora McNair,. formerly of Grey town- ship. Farm for Sale. ••4611 111111111111111111111111011•1111101101624111111iMMEN LATEST STYLES IN MEN'S CLOTHING OVERCOATS AND •FURNISHINGS Men's Winter Coats Made in the latest styles, with rag- lan sleeves and belted hacks at !tit), I $10, $20, $25 Suit Department We are showing some very novelty suits in, exclusive styles and cloth. 1 Prices $15 to $30 Special values in Men's Raincoats Made from best quality Paramatta Cloth in Plain Tweed finish, guaran- teed waterproof, with raglan sleeves and slash pockets. Prices $10 to $22 50 Men's Heavy Sweatercoats Made from best Canadian Yarns, with roll or shawl collars, in the latest colorings. Prices $2.50 to $7 Fowne's English Doe Skin a. -ad Kid Gloves Doe Skin Gloves with black stitch- ing, very dressy and serviceable at $1.20 per par. Kid and Suede Gloves at $2 pair. Men's All -wool Underwear Shirts and Drawers, or Combination Suits in the best makes, Stanfields, Penmans, Wolsey, etc., all sizes from 32 to 48, I rices $2 to $6 per suit, Arrow Shirts and Collars The new fall and winter styles and patterns are here, and are sure to please you. Shirts $1.50 and. up. Collars 2 for 25c. WANTED:—Large Quan- tities Choice Butter and Eggs. 1000 Barrels Dried Apples Agents for Standard Patterns Phone 71 KING BROS 1 ISQ11)200Mtat ONNIUMENNOIRM OCEAN TICKETS Via all steamship lines, outward or prepaid from the Old Country. Lowest quotations current for rates or tickets by any route, Apply H. B. ELLIOTT Times Office, Wirigham Lot 5. 15, 16, Con, 1, Morris, 100 acres; well watered; good' buildings; large bearing orchard; 15 Sete% bush suitable for steel/ or grain farming. railea from Witigham, owner retir- ing. Apply to W. CLEGG, Proprietoa, CU tit088. Mr. and Mrs. .Alex, McGregor and daughter Mary Edna, Mrs, William McKenzie and Mrs, George Armstrong visited at Mr. McItechnie'N, Walkerton, on Friday. Mr, Olhiser motored the party over in bis Ford ear. •••••••••miromr. CASH FOR COAL Y getting cash for our Coal we are thus in a better posi- tion to keep stocked up and guarded against any shortage which is possible owing to dip- lomatic reasons. We are daily delivering theonly genuine Scran- ton Coal mined by the D. L. & W. Coal Co. Our Coal gives satis- faction and our prices are as low as it is pos- sible to make them for a high grade coal, Have your supply put in early. All kinds of Wood at lowest prices. J. A. MCLEAN LUMBER, COAL AND WOOD 41.4/6W.4.4t1e4Wrei,s4,44 G AND TRUNK Rsttra COLINIST FARES (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) Prom all Stations in Ontario to certain points in ALBERTA BRITISH COI, ARIZONA CALIFORNIA COLORADO IDAHO . MONTANA NEVADA OREGON TEXAS UTAH WASHINGTON Or/ Sale Sept. 24 to Oct, 8 inclusive Pun par -Hewett. and restrvationg front tt. 13, nbtioTT, 'Town Passentier and Ticket. A gent, Phonp,4. W. If. IlektOMAN. Sta• tiott Agent. l'holie 60. CANADIAN PAC I Fl C, COLONIST FARES (One -Way Second Class) From stations in Ontario to certain points in Alberta, British Columbia, California, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Idaho, etc. Sept 24 until Oct. 8 W. A. Sanderson, Town Agent, Phone 41' a. Bomar, Station Agent, Phone 7 B[ ['WARM cr Are You Ready to Defend Your Country? YOU are urged to join tha 33rd Huron Regiment and be ready when the call to arms comes. ANY able bodied man over eighteen years of age is eligible, YOU can either join either for home servite or for service abroad. WRITE, Telephone or Sea Capt. N. T. SINCLAIR, "B" COMPANY, 53rd REGIMENT Wing ham October 1st, t9t4 ' 4.4•4444ail.e*Vlb4re-14114411•11/41101/44 BIG BARGAIN SALE of MEN'S SHOES On Saturday Next Any time after 10 a. in., 52 pairs MEN'S SHOES Every pair are first grade with Goodyear welt soles In all sizes 5 1.2 to 10 $5.00 lines, for Regular $4.00, $4.50 and $1.97 Per Pair W• H•Willis & Co• Sole Agents 704 -0 -47 - For Ladies smog! 4141,,,i4"4,11,4114W1641441,14+441A/ 41.14.4•11/4".".114,1144.44S41111111.41 • SAVE. MONEY I Save from $18 to $20 by having your SUIT 011 OVERCOAT Repaired, Dry Cleaned and Pressed We also put on Velvet Collars and make alterations. We never disappoint All work guaranteed JOHNSTON'S Cleaning & Pressing Works "We Know How" tinder new Management. CHAS, G. JOHNSTON Manager FALL GOODS Seasonable Fall Goods Arriving Daily We have been receiving daily and passing into stock a variety of Fall Dress Goods, Velvets, Plaid IVIandings Etc. As all of the goods were bought months before war broke out we are selling them all at old prices. Call and see them before buying elsewhere. We have a large range of Velvets in all the latest shades just arrived. Ladies' Chincillis Coats, newest styles. Heavy Wool Plaid Mantling for Coats et. Ladies', Children's and Mens' Sweater Coats. We also have Bran Shorts, All kinds of Feed. FLOURS: Purity, Royal Household, Robin Hood, Golden City. Try our Robin Hood Oat Meal All kinds of Produce taken on Goods. J. AN MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGUAIVI, ONT. ' SVIC-Veki"Ak"---"."••