HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-10-01, Page 6Page (3 ea 01,4AAAAAAilt4.14A41.441,44AA ILIVE STOck Nores. Ile alwaye on xstiare around keeled. even the geutleet buil. Ile may be eke the gnu that wastet .11 cattle sat tiorskse tney Im removed by applying eaetoi 461 Nisei' ruhlted in twice a day Ifor a week or two. Dark stables are freenent 4 v.rn,q.s or wea): eyed horses. Let 41 plenty of light into the stables. 41, , • 4 Outerete feeding doors for di Imes ere tievotnipg popular In t 4 many sectious. There is pract1- 1 1 cally no loss of feed where it i 4 these are used. * iI Fattening sheep lutist be made : to Mt as Immix as pussible, but * ,..3 must never be wade to turn r. A 4 from their food. it to, 9 VYYN'VrifrillfriVYTYYNYVVYYVT• to, 111E OXWARBLE FLY CAUSE OF TROUBLE [Prepared by Ohio agricultural experiment station.' Cattle grubs, where intestatiou is heavy, seriously Interfere with gains In fattening cattle and reduce the flow Of milk in dairy cattle. Cases demonstrat- ing this fact are numerous each spring during the "grubby" season. On a Wayne eounty farm ulnety-one grubs were extracted from the back of et fifteen -mouths -old Hereford heifer. The beffer bou1d have weighed 600 to 750 poundat this age, with average care and feed. Instead it 'Was weilk and emaciated anti weighed only about' 325 pounds. The fly (flypoderma Lineata) that cau.ses this grub is known as the ox warble tiy, the heel fly, or the ox bot The eggs are deposited upou the hairs during the spring and summer, and the eternal on licking them carries tile eggs or larvae into its mouth. The young maggot passes into the gullet From the gullet it migrates to the back, where it causes a lump or swelling no- ticed in late winter or early spring. In the spring or early summer months THE WINGHAM TIMES. ,••••••••••••Iler Shorthorn bulls aro noted for pre- potency, and when crossed with cows ot a. coarse description they improve the quality of the meat produced by cattle which are de- scended on the female side from inferior live stock. While classed as a beef breed, many families of pure bred Shorthorn cows have possessed In a high degree both milk and beef producing properties. Certain strains of Shorthorns are famous for their milk producing Ottalities. The bull shown is a fine type of the Shorthorn breed. tile grub emerges from the back of the animal through a small hole previously used tor breathiug purposes. Falling to the ground and burrowing in it the grub enters the papal state, evhich cov- ers a period of from three to six weeks. 'At the end of thnt period a two -winged fly emerges. Thus the complete life bistory covers almost a year. The most effective means ot combat- ing the cattle grubs in to squeeze them out and destroy them. This method has been tested by several co-operative dairymen's assoclatione in Denmark ane resulted in a substantial reduction of the number of grubs. The French 'Association for Grub Eradication rec: ommends the removal of the grub by means of pressure with thumb and fingere when the warble is "ripe." 'Wleen the warble Is smaller And flaw to the touch, the grub may be extracted by inserting a pair of small foreepa into ett6 opening of the turner. If the epening is too smell to permit the re- imoval of the grub with the forceps, it may be enlarged by a =ea Incision veith a sharp knife. Strong pressure will then force the grub feet through this artificial opening. Caro should be exeicised to destroy all grubs that are removed, otherwise they may pain Into the pupal stage and ultimetely die, velop into adult flies. After the re. moval oe the grubs an antiseptie should be Applied to the affecte4 portions of the hide, How to Win Battles More Victories are won by siege tactics , than by assaults. Apply this to business and see what it means: it means that continuous and steady advertising is more resultful than campaigns that come and go with long intervals in between. For an advertiser with goods to sus- pend his selling effort now is to make conditions worse for himself, which is supposed to possess every Canadian heart in these war times. Win and hold your p.osition in business by steadfastness in attack ..MWSKPOONSIIONSWIHRIOWIIPOISIIINNIMMIHNIMY 410111100.1.~11~~/11~1~11~/11.1~Hi PROGRESS. The cave men fought with their knotty fists, And clubs that were tipped with stone: With heads held high, and with fearless eye, They guarded their rights alone. They hacked at beasts that were huge and fierce, That prowled where their stores were piled, And they died at last, and their spirits passed, While the War God looked—and smiled. Long ages passed, and the archers came, With arrows and pliant bows; They crouched in lines 'neath the moun- tain pines, And slew as the reaper mows; And all the spears of the armored knights Flushed bright as a shining sea; And people died and their spirits eried, While the War God laughed in glee. They fight today, and the bullets new Are shaped like a needle fine; And cannons roar on the ocean shore. While blood flows red like wine. The airships flutter against the sun, To shoot at the frightened earth, And birdmen die in the heavy sky, While the War God shouts in his mirth. — Margaret E. Sangster.Jun. • Live Stock Naiad Salt. !Coop pieces of rock salt on hand at the feeding plaees a all stoek ele the animale may get a taste of it when they like. All etoek need gait oc- easionidly and are betiefited by it. It premetes appetite end digestion, and *Tide to expel worms. _ es, The Hee Herd. thelfertielty in a herd is the enrest index of the worth ot the atOCk end the skill a the breeder. A nniferra 'lot of AM wt1111 fed look better when fattened Mid eenrimitrid e higher prle On the msrkot also mixed lot CAUSE OF INSANITY. To the Editor:— A Commission on Lunacy in Califor- nia recently reported that sixty per cent. of those in the Asylums are there because of alcohol—that is five thous- and maniacs made so by drink. Dr. Dawson, Medical Superintendent of the Sonoma State Home for feeble- minded, last month told the Alameda County Social Workers Club that there are over 9000 feebleminded folk in California and said that alcohol is the greatest known cause of feehle•mind- edness, When addressing the National Asso- ciation at Indianapolis a few weeks age Dr. Alderman, a New York Specialist in nervous and mental diseases said, "Alcohol creates more insanity than all other causes combined." The most serious point is that alco- holic drinks often start insanity in an otherwise h'ealthy family, and that it becomes hereditary running down through several generations. We must all be mad if we do not grapple with this dreadful evil. Ff. Arnott, M.B, 1VI.C.P.S. Much kin From kidney Disease I'D LIKE TO GO It seems to me I'd like to go Where bells don't ring or whistles blow Nor clocks don't strike, nor gongs don't soued, And I'd have stillness all around— Not real stillness, but just the trees' Low whispering, or the hum of bees, Or brooks' faint babbling over stones In strangely, softly tangled tones. Or maybe the cricket or katydid, Or the songs of birds in the hedaes hid Or just some such sweet songs as these To fill a tired heart with ease. If 'tweren't for sight and sound and smell, I'd like the city pretty well; But when it comes to getting rest I like the country lots the best. Sometimes it seems to me I must Just quit the city's din and dust And get out where the sky is blue— And say, now, how does it seem to you? Th.etored in Vain Until Dr. Chase's Iiidney-Liver Pius Were "Mica. Kidney derangemeats are often with disorders of the liver 'bowols, and under these tonal- t.bni.•; ordinary kitin,.,y livAliefixe.; usu.- Ally fail to effect cur'. it Is bemuse of their unique, combined action on thn kidnoys and bowl_lo that Dr, Creaser: Kidney-i.,iver Pills are E0 (,vt..q in th it ,oraplteated easa, Mr. Emanuel liernard. farmer, St. Heat county, ;;.11., wpitc,4 eirchteen yosrr,4 V.Ice had with kidney and ;:reatly from headaeli..s, pains iar.veln and atoinaell, and her heart seaq affveted, leer a ytqtr she \cp.:, 'reatol be her doctor, with no appar- -nt benefit. then ma e ee.. users 4* Dr. l'bwe's Kidriny-rAvor with _lost satisfactory restilb. This c•ittro sueh a good opinion of Dr. Clitan's 1:10.ney-I.I.ver Pilin that we alwayg 1..eop thein in the house to he us.A1 for '11deratigeteents of the kidney, liver and bowels," Dr. (Ihrtse's Kidney- t,iver 25e a box, 5 for $1.00, all dc.stlers,nrEdmattA..41, Dates 8: Co.,. Limited, Toronto. —Eugene 'Field. HAD SALT RHEUM ON HER HANDS SO BAD SHE GOULD NOT WORK Burdock Blood Bitters Cured Her Mrs. B. Bell, Box 104, Newboro, Ont., writes:—"Some time ago I was troubled with Salt Rheuni pa my hands, and it vies so bad I could not do iny work. I tried several xnedicines but they all failed to help me. One day a friend told me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, so I got a bottle, and before I had taken it my hands were better. I iirn not afraid to recontmend B,B.13. to auss- body. There is only one way to get rid of all those obnoxious skin diseases, such as Vezeina, Salt Rheum, Boils, Pimples etc., and that is by giving the blood a' thorough cleansing by the use of Bur - stock Blood Bitters. ' This sterling remedy has been on the market for close on to forty years and you will find that it will do all we claini for it. See that our name appears on the bottle, label and wrapper. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont, — MOTHERS! What if this were your son? An anxious, grief-stricken mother ap- pealed to us recently. She wrote "I have a son fifteen years of age who has tuberculosis in ono lung. I have not the means to give him the care he should have. The doctors say that with proper care and attention there is every hope that he might fully recover, I would be very thankful if he could be admitted to ttto Muskoka Free Hospital if possible." Suppose that your son or your daughter were a consumptive. Suppose that he or ehe were pale and wasted and shaken by a hacking, strength -sapping cough. Sup- pose that you hadn't the money to provide the badly -needed medicine, nourishment, and skilled medical treatment. Think what a blessed relief it would be td you to know that the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives stands ready to help! Contributions to the Muskoka Free Hos- pital for Consumptives -will be gratefully acknowledged by W. J. Gage, Chairman Executive Committee, 84 Spadina Avenue, or R. Dunbar, Secretary Treasurer, see King Street West, Toronto. Sunshine for a Rr;ny Day. There's always „sunshine behind the storm, and if we wait patiently enough it is bound to come to us. Cheerfulness is just as catching as the blues, and does people a lot more of good. Worry and fretting never :tired any one of his troubl e or even made him feel any better. It isn't any use fretting when things go wrong—especially if one has done the besthe can. Help someone along the path of life and see how it makes your own burden grow lighter. The best way to deal with a pessimist is to set one's ownheart singing so loud- ly that it will drown out his doleful The greatest blessing that you can possess is not riches but a cheerful heart. If a man cannot smile in warm weather it is a sign of a freeze up in hie heart. • If you go to bed with a scowl on your face it is more than likely you will have I wrap a rag around my brow, and say, "I have the headache now," when ad dreams before morning. It seems as though the birch roust all some renowned. aeknowledged bore, comes knocking blithely at the door. be optimists because they're alwaya The bore is told of my distress, and singing -even in therein. goes away„ but thinks, I guess, that all It is not wealth that gives the true zest to life, but reflection, appreciation, my fierce, eonvenient ache, wouldstrike taste, culture. Labor and toil may be the doetors at a fake. My frau an - associated with the highest thoughts mums that the plaee needs cleaning up, it's a disgrace. "Go out," she and the purest tastes, begs, "and take away those old tin cans and bricks and hay, and make the whole blamed place appear as though white folks were living here." Whereat I heave a heftysigh, and wipe some beiny from my eye, and say, "Ali, naught would please Me more! I dearly love juet such a chore! But I am feeling half -way dead—I have a headache in mLY head." The headaehe has its eaily uee; it is the finest old excuse? With- ouf it life would be so blue! We couldn't dodge things as we do. )3ut, now, when things unpleasant come, with anguish we pretend we're dumb, and to our chambers we repair, and nurse our gilt - edge headathee there. Walt. Ma5011. 8 Boxes Curet Psoriasis, Mrs. Nettie Massey, Conseeon, Ont., writes: "Three doctors described my trouble as psoriasis, and one said I mule never be cured. The disease spread i all over me, even ourny face and head ' and the itching and burning was hard to bear. 1 used eight boxes of Dr. Chase's Ointment and am entirely cured—not a sigh of a sore to be seen. Icon hardly praise this Ointment enough." Headache. THE REAL RUSSIA. It Is Confined to a Very Small Seotion of the Vast Empire. In "The Russian Empire, Today and Yesterday," Nevin 0. Winter says: "In a strict sense, real Russia cov- ers only a portion of tne more than 2,000,000 square miles that lie within the borders of the continent. This narrower definition would certainly eliminate Vinland, Poland, the Raltie provinces, Bessarabia and the Cauca- sus and probably a part of the land of the Don Cossacks, the Crimea and the sections bordering on the Arctic ocean and thelower Volga. In other words, the real Russia has developed within this narrower section, and whatever of Russian characteristics appear in the eliminated sections have simply been imposed by the conquerors upon a people alien by Meth and language. "The actual visible influence of Tol- stoy on Russia seems not to bare been great. Be was beloved and reverenc, ed by many, but no party claims or has ever claimed him as a leader. The higher classes rejected him because ot his opposition to all established gov- ernuient; the peasantry were repelled by his diatribes against religion; the revolutionists and anarchists repudiat- ed his .teaching because he had no definite plan to offer. Ens influenceon. thought and opinion in Russia veil) not compare with his influence In ' Russian nations." Young Author -1 don't know what's the mntter witb me, doctor. I've just published my new book, and I thought raaybe the strain— Physician—I can see. A bad case of new writls.—Bat' limore American. irrAnaaoo...o......a..L••••L•••• NEST AND HEALTH 70 AMER AND CM. MRS.WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STROP liAS been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, *with PERFECT SUCCESS, It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOBTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all AIN;PCings WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHCEA. It is ab. solutely harmless. Be sure and ask tor "Mrs. Winsioves Soothing Syrup," and take no other tr-Ind. Twenty -Ave cents a bottle. OetObCr 1St, 1914 WEIRD HOUSE WASMINU. dad For the Old ana Hometss 4'4..1.ve In Dutcn Nov* Quinaa Converning 14 peettlin nAton. 'red tinning the mimes lit inio 11 Sow oninen, this interestieg I» ren by '. I. It. \\Winston 11 ,ivographival Journal: "On ion et tlio irst steep ridge '1/4ve vault. to !he 11 '0 (0 tiVe dwelling that we lintl seen 444 ,Itt. country. It WAS 44 rertatitzular wooden ::•truettlre, raised on idles nl.to nye sso, from tho gromitt. A sloping !Oder or two or three notes lied to gel her lends to II narrow platl'orin is Ow livn 444(4441 44 ten or ''l 'o feet MO 114141 .114. Of the (1001' is i 'I'' 114? Oreplave, aelielly lined with sand or smith stmies. The walls are made of eplit poles placed closely together. sled the roof Is unitio of the leaves of pandenns or of a peen if aity eappen Ca grow In the neighborhood. There was e mys- tery nbont that first bons° which we were never able to solve. It was dently quite newly built, a emit' clear- ing had been made about it and a Yew banana and dracoenas recently planted. "Outside the house were a number of men, 'women and children, the men. occupied in cooking large quantitiee of yams and sweet potatoes and great lemons of Pig's flesh. We naturally eupposed that it was a sort or house warmbag, aPI in one sense it turned out to be. The men shook their heads and pointed in a mysterious way to- ward the house and made the curious sign which they- are accustomed to make when they talk of something dia. agreeable. Then they invited no te enter the house, where we found an old man sitting by the fire. He -urtui diseased and decrepit, brit appeared 1SY no means likely to die. Ho took. a keen interest In our appearance and enjoyed the tobacco which We gave hi "When We returned five days later we found the place utterly deserted and the house a blackened heap of ashes, on the top floor of which were lying the charred remelnie of humati bones It was impossible for any on to eay five days earlier that the old man was going to dincleede b.e mud foe Peaks of New Zealand. In southern New Zealand the line of perpetual snow is much lower than it is in the Alps of Europe. It varies, of course, in different parts of the range; but, generally speaking, a mountain 12,000 feet in New Zealand carries as much snow and iee as one of 15,000, feet in the Swiss Alps, and New Zea- landers point with pride to glaciers comparable to the Aletsch and the lifer de Glace. Shortest Charge to Jury. If brevity is the soul of wit, Zeidge Taylor, K. (1, has not many rivals among his judicial brethren. SumMing up a ease -which hiked several hours, says the Liverpool Post, be said no more than this: "Gentlemen, you have beard both sides. It Is for you to say which you believe." Even this does not represent Judge Taylor's best effort In the way of saving his breuth. A few years ago he delivered himself of what is supposed to be the sbortest suniMing up on record. fie filmed te the jury, rnised bie eyebrows Inquir- ingly, and remarked: "Weil, gentle - incite" The art of brevity could ne further go. The tiny germs that ause typhoid fever may lurk hidden from the eyes in any corner; they may be bidden away in dark comers for menthe and be care ried from person to person, but sunlight therri in a feve hours. Let the sun pour through the windows. Brawn blinds against the sun without may n'tean drawn blinds for death within. Clarence Meltenzie of Elora was electroeuted while at work on the Beaverton Hydro-eleetrie power line. Canada is sending to the War Office practically all artillery available, and giving alto guns ordered in England be ore the war. British Columbia is to have another mounted corps at the front, composed of some 500 expert riders and ceaels shots, under Col. Jas. McDonnell. The obje ctions.to Hearst's appeal for mediation is that it sounds too much like meddling. When You Suffer From Your Back YOUR KIDNEYS MUST BE WRONG Many women work day after clay witit an excrutiating pain in the back, and really do not know that the kidneys are the source of tide pain. When the back starts to ache you may be sure that the kidneye are not working properly, and the wily way possible to make a complete cure ie to take "time by the forelock" and get rid of all these attics and pains by using *et old atid Berne mighty tried remedy DOAN'S IKIONeV PILLS Mts. Sohn roeter, Peake Station, • write.s:—"I suffered front back- ache for three years, and X tried all hinds of medicine but got no relief. I was eo bad at times I would not be able to walk. A. friend told me to try your Doatiei Minty Pills, so I got five boxes, awl before I had three boxes used 1 was starly well. I used the other two, and -I cs,rt say your Doan's Eidney Pale ettre,1 not Wen for them I well be iugeriag yet," Doati's Eidneet Pills are 50 cente pet box or 3 for $1.25 at Off &Mere or teaileti dirt ott receipt of priest 1,/ 'ft.! : Milburn Ce., Limited, Toronto, Cal. Wiled ordering direct epecify "DJan'it." wive livea for months or even yenre. Whitt we may imnelne to Mire bap. !mood wns tine: That MI he Wita nfl nble 10 get :Omni tuts^ longer and tind his eWil food, Ids relations did not. in. tend to support him and that the preparatioos WO sow were really for 1115 tunern1 feast, hot we were puzzled »y their baring crernoted him in a newly hunt honse." MADE HIMSELF SAFE. Voting Bessemer Had a Cautious- as Weil am an Inventive Hoed. The most trivtni incidents have often originated the 1'ortune:3* of our richest men. l'oee, for esomple, the tortunes, mode out of Bessemer steel. This genius, young Bessemer, bad some idea DI' moltIng steel out of iron, but a poor, newly married young mon luta no means of eXperitnenthig on a large simile. The story I must telt as 1 heard It from on Intimate friend of Bessemer and Is a true tale. After Bessemer bad in his small lab- oratory experimented with the roetala, and at last obtained tbe desired result by blowing air through melted iron be found in the bottom of the crucible a little lump of the famous steel. Nowi the question was how to make the dis- covery public. He put the lump ot steel into his pocket and made his way, to Nasmyth of steam hammer fame. Hoeing the metal on Nosmyth's desk, he told him that he had made this ex. traordinary discovery, which woUltt revolutionize the whole metal world. Then came a little incideut which shows what wonderful heads these Scotch financiers possess. What do you think Nastnyth said to his excited, inven: or? "En, mon, It's vary reeky to showr your wonderful invention. The world is very dishonest." To which the aspiring inventor ro. plied: "Right, Mr. Nasrayth. I just calmlated who I was coming to see, so:walk My last halt crown I registered tho invention on my way."—London Sttand lkiagfts.ine. Whooping Cough, Mrs, Charles Lovell, Agassiz, B. C., writes: "Seven of our nine children had whooping cough the same winter and we attribute their cure to Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. We always have it in the house, andrecom- mend it as the king of all medicines. was formerly completely cured of pro- truding piles by using Dr. Chase's Ointment." PRINTING AND STATIONERY We have put in our office Stationery and can I WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, a complete stock of Staple supply your wants in WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYIT:G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us wher, in need of LETTER HEADS' BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line. wetmwiImoritrimro~ooRro••.oto.voon.ow.sho.im•sMW•omn..go• Subscriptions ttken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wingharn, Ont.