HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-09-17, Page 8Phone 9 Fast Service."' Ci Page 8 MINOR LOCALS. --Patriotic Fund Reatlyr. J. Greer's advertieement. --Attend the Wingham all fair— Sehteniber 24th and 25t1i. —Frej A. Lewis, pianotuner, expects to be in Wingham in October. --Secure your tickets at McKihbon's drug stere for fall fair concert. —Every seventh cash salmi goes to the PatriotieTund on Saturay next at W, J. Greer's. --Mr. It. A. Graham has d the balcony in front of his store jhproved by a new railing. —.Boost the Patriotic Fun by buying your shoes at W. J. tieeasos next Sat- urday. See ad. --Mr. T. Fells is having a new addition erected at the rear of his butcher shop on Josephine street. —A number of people of Wingbani and district are attending the Western Fair in London this week. --The dog poisoner has commenced work again. His first victim being a voung deg belonging to Mr. A. Bell. —The volunteers have taken posses- sion of the new armouries, and had their first drill in the new quarters on Tues- day evening. —1Vitike your entries early for Wing - ham fall fair. The Secretary will be at the TIMES office every day and even- ing to receive entries. Owing to the press of advertising matter received late in the week, we are compelled to hold over some read- ing meter until next week. —Division Court will be held in Wing - ham on Thursday of this week with Judge Holt presiding. There are a number of cases to be heard. —Mr. A. J. Piton has sold his frame cottage on the corner of Patrick and Minnie streets to Mr. J. N. Pickell of Culross. Mr. Piekell intends moving into town. ----A lenge number of ratepayers have paid their taxes in order to take advan- tage of the discount. The amount paid prior to September 15th is much larger than at the same date last year. —Mr. Thos. R. Bennett, of Howick has been appointed agent for the Massey -Harris Co. for Wingham and district. Mr. Bennett will move his family to town in the near filture, —Mr. Thos. T. Field has sold what is known as the Wellwood farm in Culross to Mr. Thirchill, who will take possess- ion this fall. Mr. Burchill has the Hardie farm, next to his new purchase leased for a term of years. - a meeting last week of the Chiropractors Association, of which Dr. J. A. Fox of this town is a member, it was dec:cied to treat free of charge, all dependents of Canadians who are serv- ing the Empire duringthe war. —E. Merkley & Son are prepared to handle all kinds Of apples at their apple butter factory. Farmers wishing to have apples made into apple butter, jelly or cider should see Messrs. M,erkley & Son. Read their advt. in another colun.n. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, D. Bell spent a few days last, week in Toronto. Miss Elda Colvin ofTeeswater visited frieuds in Teeswater last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clouse visited friends in Teeswater last week. Miss Houghton, who has spent the summer atKineardine, is visiting friends in town. Mr. W. H. Webster spent a few days last week in Wroxeter and Gorrie, on businees. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clouse were visit- ing for a few days with friends in Kincardine. Mrs. (Dr.) Logan, of Buffalo, is the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. William Dawson, Culross. - Miss Mulvey has returned home after a few weeks visit in Winnipeg, Bran- don and other Western points. Mrs. W. F. VanStoneleft on Tuesday to spend a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Foreter in Cha leston, Mo. Miss Amellia Agnew left on Thurs- day laet for an extended visit to her brother, Dr..Agnew, at Vancouver, B. C. Mr. R. A. Currie was in Toronto last week attending the annual convention of the Canadian Embahners Association, • Mrs. James 'McManus, of Powassan, who has been visiting Mrs. T. Cassels for the past week, left for home on Monday. She was accompanied by her meter, Jessie McKenzie, of Teeswater. Mrs. Ilotnuth and Miss Margurete Hornuth have returned to the Ontario Ladies College at Whitby. Miss Horriuth has been appointed pupil teach- er at the college and will also continue her Wales. Mr. Iored Tipledy, of Blind River, paid a flying visit to Wingham last week and 'visited his sister. Mrs. Win. Chandler, of Turnberry. On his return home he was accompanied by Misses Margaret and Bertha Chandler. $5G00.00 Shoe Sale. Sleturday, Sept. 19th, willestart the gretkt, shoe sate at the 'Merchants Brocknridge Co. Day a night all this week we have been arking down and nutting in shape thr ig gime stock knit bought in To ont t a forced aale, Never before hav tl people of Wing- harn and vicinity 8nell a chanee to buy boots and shoes at such ridicukrus- Iv low prim. Remember the day, Satarchtv morning at 8 o'clock, at the 4!'ttt price atore. Merchauts Tlroekerage .4 40. THE WINGHAM TIMES NA- DRU- CO COD LIVER OIL Is one of the best Lung Builders A guaranteed cure or prevention for •'Coughs and Colds TRYIT Put, up in two sizes 5oc, ancl'$i .00 il•IM•••••••••••1 J. J. DAVIS Sucessor to A. L. HA -MILTON CORNER DRUG STa2.E WINGHAM ••••••••••••.••••••0.••••••••1•••••••MMENIMMINIIMIM... Iiitratevoitalt~ionseselP~Votsiikesitii kje . HEADQUARTERS FOR tug FAMILY GROCERIES If you have not tried us with an order for HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES do so now and see how we fill it, Fruit and 'Vegetables in Season and our aim is to please in quality and promptness of delivery. TEAS A trial of our Bulk Teas will convince you that the quality is the best and the price is unchanged at 30e. and 40e. Henry T. Thomson e)Free Delivery "The House of Quality" socarstsowtotwitoweisateammemostonatiossiormi HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. -- A meeting was held last Thursday for reorganizing the Girl's Athletic Associ- ation of Wingham High School. The following officers were elected for the coming year: —President, Miss N. Mc- Kague; Se'cy.-Treas., Miss G: Holmes; Form IV Repres., Miss N, Nicholson; Form III Sen. Repres., Miss A. Wilson; Form III Jun. Repres., Miss F. Lock eridge; Form II Repres., Miss 11. Ken- nedy; Form I Sen. Repres., Miss E. Dore; Form I Jun. Repres., Miss J. Currie; Basketball Convener, Miss J. Johnston; Tennis Convener, Miss 13. Howe; Archery Convener, Miss M. Currie. BORN KERR - In East Wawanosh, on Sep- tember 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Kerr; a son. DENNIS—In Lower Wingham, on September 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Dennis, a daughter. MARRIED IRWIN—ALTON—In Ashfield on Sept. 2nd, by the Rev. S. J. Bridgette, Wil- liam H. Irwin to Miss Mable E. Alton, both of Ashfield. - D1E1). LOUCHEED—In Wingham, on Septem- ber 13th, John Lougheed, in his 82nd year, WILSON—In Woodstock, on Septem- ber nth, Margaret 13ecket, relict of the late James Wilson, of Lower Wingham, aged 84 years, 1 month and 25 days. COULTER -In Turnberry, on Sept. llth, Ritchison Coulter, aged 74 years and 7 months. Pow-ELL—In East Wawanosh, on September 10th, Sarah M. Cochrane, wife of Mr. Thomas A. Powell, in her 48th year. SHAW—In Clinton, on Sept. llth. Earnest Shaw, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Shaw, aged 22 years, 1 month, and 5days. ANNOUNCEMENTS, 8tc: Notices Under This Head ten centsinHno for first insertion; five cents forMabse- tinent insertions. Get Parnell's Bread a Christie's. WANTED - Servant gi wanted; no washing; apply to Mr . W. McKib- bon, Centre Street.'2Y TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Blg Stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER, To RENT. —Several rooms in the Kent Block, suitable for living rooms. Apply to THE WM. DAVIES CO. WANTED —A good six or seven roomed house to rent, with all modern conven- iences and centrally located. Apply at Tiems office. FARM FOR SALE —175 acres; one mile from Bluevale and three miles from Wingham. Apply to Bosnian Eros., Bluevale. FOR SALE.—A good dwelling house in good location; nearly one acre of land. .Will be sold at right price. Possession given anytime to suit purchaser. Get pnrticulars at TIN/ES Orvion. Fon SALE For sale, eheap, at resi- &ace, several piecee furniture, including organ, tables, easel, sideboard, pictures, hanging lamp and heater, AIRS, MCCRACKEN, Franees St., So LOST—Between T. Field's b er shop and the North End Gr. ry, brown leather purse, - tiro handle, containing one $10.00 nd a small amount of silver. F • r will be re- warded by leaving same at the 'Mins Office. Noncr,—Any person hay g any kit bags or other equipment elonging to the Militia Department ust retnrn it to the Drill Hall, Wi am, not later than Saturday thel instant. This notice applies part arly to Boy Straits to whom equipmen has len loaned. N. T. StelSILent, Capt. SCRANTON OR LEHIGH COAL WOO? K11710LtNa At Itir7t7,Zaees. R. J. -Cantelon OFFICE WITH Dominion Express Co.'s Office MISS SPARING Graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized teacher of Flet- cher Music Method, Simplex and Kin- dergarten. Pupils prepared for Cons.drvatory examinations in Piano and Theory, Theory taught by correspondence. Glosses Re -Open Sep, 21 'Phone 165 DRAY BUSINESS Having purchased the Dray Business from Wm.Breckenridge, I am prepared to take care of business in this line. Your work will be given careful and prompt attention. A share of your patronage solicited. Robt. McGEE Phone 10. r- - -------'1--------: SAVE MONEY Save from $18 to $20 b having your y SUIT OR OVERCOAT ' Repaired, Dry Cleaned .i, and Pressed '''', We also put on Velvet lars and make alterations. • e never vlia ppm a All) wori uaranteed ,1 • JOHN' ON'S Cleaning & Pressing Works "We Know How" under new management. CHAS. G. JOHNSTON Markager L_________L......,...--.....—____,........%............„._..............-......—...................S lif PRUPARLD o Are You Ready to Defend Your Contry? YOU are urged to join the 33rd Huron Regiment and be ready when the call to arms tortes. ANY ftble bodied than over eighteen years of age is eligible. YOU' tan either join either for home serviee or for service abroad. WRITE, Telephone or Set Capt. N. T. SINCLAIR, "B" COMAANY, 53rd REGMENT Wingham September 17th, 1914. 11111111111111111111111MINIUMMIMMINIMUINSIM Advance Styles in Fall and Winter Wearing Apparell NORTHWAY GARMENTS We are Sole Agents for this well lenown line of Ladies' Coats and carry a very nice assortment from $10.00 to $25 00. We take special orders for exclusive styles and cloths. Ask to see the new Style Book and Samples showing the latest Cape effects, etc. Crornpton's Corsets The new styles are just to hand and the values are better than ever. Prices $1 00, $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00. New Dress Goods Suitings &c. Broadcloths are very new this season. We have a nice range to choose from in the 1 newest shades at $1.25 per yard. Agents for Standard Patterns Produce Wanted Phone 71 Children's Winter Coats Our Winter Stock is now to hand and it win pay you to buy early before the lines get broken. All sizes from 4 to to 12 years. Prices $5.00 to $15.00. Suit Ends Some very exclusive pat- terns in the newest tweed effects, No two alike. Price $2.50 and $3.50 per yard. KING BROS WINGHAM FALL FAIR Thursday and F-riday September 24 and 25, 1914 FRIDAY AFTERNOON SEPT. 25th Special Attractions .. Free-for-all Trot or Pace, Half -mile heats, best three in five, en- trance fee $1 00 $15 $10 $5 Gentleman's Road Race, entrance fee $1 00, speed to count Forty per cent., style Thirty per cent., and conformatien Thirty per cent., no carts allowed • $10 $6 $:1 Best Gentleman's Turnout $3 00 n 00 $1 00 Tilting at Ring on Horseback 8 00 2 00 1 00 • Potato Race on Horseback 2 00 1 50 1 00 Fastest Walking Team 3 00 2 00 1 00 Boys, 16 or under, harness horse and. hitch to buggy, walk half around track, trot rest of way, no snaps or whip allowed $1.50 $1 Girls, under 16, Hitching Coatest, same as above... $1.80 $1 FOOT RACES Boys under 12, 100 yards • $1 00 Boys under 15. 100 yds 1 00 Girls under 12, 50 yards , . 1 00 Girls under 15, 50 yards .., . , . 1 00 Men's Race, over 15, 100 yards 1 00 Young Ladies' Race, 50 yards 1 00 Jockey Race, one man carries the other to end of course, reverse and return Sack Race, 50 yards Pat Man's Race, over 200 lbs 3 -legged Race, 100 yards - , Half -mile Race 2 00 BEST FANCY DRILL --By School Pupils. NOt less than 12 nor more than 24 parsons in each 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 50 50 1 00 $500 300 200 SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PARADE—There will be a parade of the pupils of the Wingham Public School and neighboring schools from Wingham Public Szhool building to the Fair Grounds, headed by the band, leaving the school at 12.45 sharp. WINGHAM CITIZENS' BAND Will furnish Music during the Afternoon Admission, 25c Children, 10c Vehicles, 25e Reduced Rates on Railioads The members of the Women's Institute will fur- nish meals and refreshments on the grounds • CONCERT.. -Friday, September 25th. A High-class concert will be held in the Opera House on the evening of Friday. September 26th. The following well-known artists will furnish the pro- gram: -11. Ruthven McDonald, baritone; J. H. Cameron, humorist; Ida George Elliott, soprano; Florence McMullen, Violinist. Seeure your seats early for this concert. Admission, 35e; Reserved seats, 50c. Plan of hall at McRibbon's drug store. W, J. CURRIE, President. H. B. ELLIOTT, Sec.-Treas. %.*Wislie*sievelei-WallessetwviteseeseleoseeeeweeeeevateNete 3 DAYS OF 3 SHOE BARGAINS Thursday, Friday, Saturday This Week .1 , 1 We are going over our stock and picking out odds and4 ends.and on these three days we will offer some EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS Ten per,cent. of our total cash sales of these three days we intend to hand over to the PATRIOTIC COMMITTEE to help make up Wingham's fund for that very laudable object. W. H. Willis & Co. Sole Agents leee-0-40. SH For Ladies 11..••••••••••••••W•••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••W.OWSOSOY.V0 FALL GOODS Seasonable Fall Goods Arriving Daily We have been receiving daily and passing into stock a variety of Fall Dress Goods, Velvets, Plaid Mantlings Etc. As all of the goods were bought months before, war broke out we are selling them all at old prices. Call and see them before buying elsewhere. We have a large range of Velvets in all the latest shades just arrived. 11111111.1••••11.1011..01.1. - Ladies' Chincillis Coats, newest styles. Heavy Wool Plaid Mantling for Coats etc. Ladies', Children's and Mens' Sweater Coats. We also have Bran Shorts, All kinds of Feed. FLOURS: Purity, Royal Household, Robin Hood, Golden City. Try our Robin Hood Oat Meal All kinds of Produce taken on Goods. Pam./ J. Ai MILLS Successor to T, A. Mills PHONE 89, WINGBANI, ONT.