HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-09-17, Page 5ose/SallOWIN4.441/4/08/10404.48.worgampo. #4, e#.
September x7tb, 1914
you get expert tailoring
in 20th Century Brand
W. A. Campbell
The Clothier.
141406,11.041/S4410.4b 414.4ergieSW,11.11,11,1V4111.114114 "Am /4/4,4W44,1V1111,144
Big or small, sweet or sour, and let us manufacture them into
Good Apple Butter, Jelly or Cider
For Apple Butter it requires one pail of peeled and cored apples
to each bag for cider, or we will peel and core them for you at our
factory wth a special machine for the purpose. Keep Apples for
peeling separate.
Boilers and Steam Gauges Tested. Safety Valves'Regulatee
Thresheimen: We can supply your wants We can supply your
wants. water and steam pipe fittitg, bicycles, auto, cream seperators,
and farm machinery repaired. Saw Gumming and Fitting. Knives
of all kinds sharpened. No job too small or none too big. Try us
and let us prove our statements.
E. Merkley & Son
PHONE 84. P. 0: BOX 62
Wingham, Ont.
0..?•//ira• •Aa.".......0•4••"0.0••••••••0•4010./W•A/a#4.••••••••••••••••••.#•••••W#•••••••••747....W:illk,
fffi •
* 111
WE are offering forty Ladies' and Misses'
Coats in Tweeds, Nap Materials, Blacks
and Blues These Coats are all new
styles, but were bought to sell at this reduction
price. Sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42. $6 95
Regular prices $12 and $15, Sale price •
See our Window Display
Hat Sale
Men's Fall Hats on Sale
./A We are offering this week
fffion sale many shapes in
browns, blacks, blues and
11 grey Soft Hats also a few
41) Stiff Hats, All siz.,s ask op
Sale Price ...... . ir/CP4
Ladies' Suits
Bargains in Ladies'
Blaek and Blue Suits .n
serges and rough materials
in tailored style. Sizes
:34, 36. 35, 40, Salo $5 00
Sale of
Boys' Suits
We have to offer 20
Boys' Suits on sale with
bloomer pants, in brown
patterns, Sale...
tweeds and dark $3.49
Ladies' Black
Short Coats
We. have a few Ladies'
Blaelc Short Coats also
dark Cravenettes in sizes
34, 36, 38, 40, 42,
Sale price . 98
'Phone 10. Wingham
'.1# • #
*4' .......••••••••••....1.“.•••##7.Z**/•64#1#••• ••••••••••••••
Ernest Shaw, eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Shaw, of the ist line of
Morris, passed away in Clinton on Fri-
day last in his 23rd year. The young
man had been in Clinton undergoing
treatment for inward trouble. The
bereaved family will have the sytn-
pathy of a large circle of friends. The
funeral took place on Sunday afternoon
to Bluevale cemetery.
BEr„,a ORE.
A pretty wedding took place on Sep-
tember 9, at the home a Mrs. J. Dolg
Belmore, when her sister, Helen E.
Inglis, was married to Mr. James C.
Davidson of Boston, Mass., the cere-
mony being eonducted by the Rev. Mr,
Gibson of Helmore, The bride, who
was given away by her brother, Mr.
John Inglis, wore white silk crepe de
chine. Later Mr. and Mrs, Davidson
left for Muskoka, and oo their return
will reside in Boston.
The TIMER has received a copy of the
historical sketch of Bluevale school
which was written by Robt. Black and
read at the recent re -union. We have
also received copies of letters written
by former Principals of the school who
were unable to. attend ' the re -union.
These will be of much interest to our
readers but extra advertising will not
permit of their publication in this lane.
They will be given a place in the next
issue of the TIMES.,
• mown&
Mrs. S. Fear, an old resident of the
8th line Morris, has inoved to Brussels,
carrying with her the best wishes of
many old friends.
At the raising at Walter Youill's,
Anson Shaw, 2nd line, went to the
stable to get his horse and in passing
behind a strange animal received a
severe blow withboth hind feet. The
only thing that saved Mr. Shaw's life,
in all probability, was the fact that he
Was so close to the beast. As it was he
is still nursing a sore leg and a bad
bruise on his chest. We hope ne will
soon be all right.
Mrs. Frank and baby, accompanied
by Mrs. D. Ewan and Mrs. Travis left
Brussels recently for. Flint, Michigan,
where the former joins her husband
who has a good position there.
Word was received in Brussels of the
demise of Daniel. McNaughton at his
home in Deloraine, Man. He had been
suffering,from a bad cold which devel-
oped into pneumonia and on August
26th he answered the roll call to the
skies. Mr. McNaughton was 67 years
of age and is survived by his wife and
3 sons. It is 10 years since the family
went West. "Dan" as he was famili-
arly called was a first-class mechanic
and spent a good share of his life in
this locality. He was a jolly hearted
man who had many friends.
The Farmers' Club meeting will be
withdrawn this month on account of the
Patriotie Concert coming at so near a
date. Noticeof October meetIng of the
club will be given in due course.
At a meeting of the managers of
Knox church, Jas. IsIcCallum, who
has been leader of the choir, resigned
on account of..business responsibility.
Dr. Kirkby was appointed to the position.
The choir is now in a flourishing condition
and is busily engaged preparing for the
musical part of the Jubilee services to
be held Oct. llth:
L. J. Williams has purchased the
hardware business of Wm. Moore,
)31yth and takes possession Oet. lst.
L. J. Williams has bought the fine
brick residence of 0. Hooper, Station
Rd. Blyth and takes possession Oct. 1st.
The ladies of Belgrave and vicinity
have been demonstrating beyond
question their patriotic spirit at this
crucial time in the history of our
Dominion and Empire. Having formed
themselves into a Patriotic League and
appointed certain ladies to canvas the
village and the various lines, the result
was a most enthusiastic and hearty re-
sponse. Up to the present the cash
donations amount to about $190 and this
sum taken along with doiations of
pillows, socks, etc. would bring the
total contribution up to $300. Eighty-
five ladies roet in the Foresters' Hal
on Tuesday to prepare material for the
Red Cross Society. As the result of
their vigorous efforts t .vo large bales
were got ready and shipped to Toronto
on Monday of this week. These bales
contained the following; -81. pillows, 33
shirts, 150 handkerchiefs, 35 eholeral
belts, 40 pairs socks, 33 housewives, 19
surgical bandages, 6 pairs wristlets.
other donations have been made since
these bales were made up. " The ladies
of this community are certainly wide
awake to their duty and zesponsibility.
Jubilee services will be held in Kbox
Church on Sunday, October llth, when
Rev. Dr. Thurlow Fraser, of Owen
Sound will preach at the morning and
evening services, In the afternoon an
old time service will be held when the
organ 'will be dispensed with and the
• song service will be lead by a precep-
ttor. Rev. Mr. Wilkins, of Trenton will
preach at this service. On Abonday
levening following a tea meeting and
entertainment- iil be held. Tea will
' be served during the usual time atter
which program will be rendered, Rev.
I Mr. Fraser will deliver a lecture earl
addresses will be delivered by former
pastors. There will a1s be a good
=laical program.
Baby's Own Tablets are e best
medicine for little ones. 1 ey are
guaraweed by a goverinn analyst to
be absolutely safe and 11 r fail to cure
constipation, colic, c s and simple
fevers by regulat' the stomach
and bowel, C erning them Mrs,
S. :Thermo ey, N. S., writes;
"I have use aby's Own Tablets for
my two ehil ren and think they are just
what little ones need. I would not be
without a en." The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
There passedpeaeefully away at the
age of 78 years and 6 months, a well
known and highly esteemed old pioneer
in the person of L. Holler, 12th Con.,
Grey 'township, after an illness of three,
months from cancer. Deceased was
born near Quebec in 1836 and in 18621
married his now aged widow. Her
maiden name was Miss Marie Schmidt
of Hesson, Germany, Deceased was a
member of the Lutheran church, Cran-
brook, but for the last few years at-
tended Union Methodist church. Those
left to mourne are, his aged partner,
in her 81.st year, and two daughters,
Mrs. Jas. Denman, a Grey township,
and Mrs. Jas. Hanna, of Erskine, Al-
ta. One son, Conrad, died at the age
of 22 years.
A blind mare belonging to Geo. Mc-
Donald, of the North Boundary Grey
fell into a gravelpit breaking her neck.
We are pleased to report that Wm.
Ziegler, who has been laid up with ty-
phoid fever, is making favorabie im-
provement and is now able to get
about. Hope he will soon be as hearty
as ever.
We are pleased to notice that Miss
Martha. Smith, 8th Con., who had het
leg broken some months age is able to
get about once more. The injured
limb will soon be as good as ever we
Misses Margaret and Jessie McDon-
ald, who have been holidaying with
their mother, Mrs. A. McDonald, 3rd,
con., have returned to Toronto, where
they hold good positions, after an enjoy-
able visit.
A patriotic Concert under the aus-
pices of the Whitechurch Literary
Society will be held on Friday -evening,
Sept. 18th at 8 o'clock, in the fine new
sheds of the Presbyterian church. A
splendid program hal been prepared.
Musical selections will be rendered by
the Lucknow orchestra and by Mr.
Neil McCallum on the bagpipes. The
special speakers of the evening will be
Messrs. A. II Musgrove, M. P. P.'of
Wingham and R. D. Cameron of Luck -
now, Messrs. II Jobb and A. Coutts of
Wingham will take part in the program.
Messrs. T. Reid and W. Watson, of
Lueknow will sing. A special feature
of the program will be a military drill
by a regiment of volunteers in charge of
General Carrick to the stirring strain
of the bagpipes, after which a tableau
entitled 'Tenting on (the Old 'Camp
Ground" will belgiven. Besides, a large
chorus, in charge of Miss Marjorie Gor-
don, will, render patriotic selections
thronghout the evening. Mayor Ir,win
of Wingham will act as chairman.
There is splendid accommodation in the
building for over 600 people; so come
and bring your friends. The minimum
charge for admission will be 25c for
adults and 10e for children, any extra
contributions being heartily welcome.
Toronto. Sept. 14 —Union Stock Yards
—156 cars, with 2,803 cattle, 178 calves,
1,334 hogs, 1,292 sheep and lambs, and
386 horses.
Trade Was good and prices steady for
choice butcher Cattle, but a slow market
for the commoner stuff. Good demand
for canners. Steady demand for good
stockers. There was a heavy run of
cattle offering, but with too large a
proportion of inferior quality. There
was a good demand for canners, the
Armours and the Swifts both tal,ing all
they could find
Hogs were quoted 25c lower at 0.50
fed and watered, but market • steady at
that price.
Lambs, 23e to 30c easier.
Light sheep firm. •
Export $ 8 00
Butcher cattle choice 8 00
do medium 8 00
Butcher cows choice6 75
do medium — — ..... 5 50
do eommon 5 00
do bulls........ 7 00
Feeders ' '7 25
Stockers • 7 00
do medium .... ..... 5 50
do light.. — 5 50
Canners and cutters .. 2 75
Milkers, choice ., 75 00
Springers :. . .. .. — 50 00
Common and medium,.. 40 00
Lambs .... . 8 00
Light PW CS . 5 25
do bucks ... .. ... . .... 3 50
Hogs fed and watered... 9 50
do f.o.b.... .... ... . 0 15
Calves 6 00
$ 8 05
0 00
8 10
7 25
6 23
5 50
'7 25
7 75
7 25
6 75
4 '75
85 00
05 00
61 00
8 130
0 50
4 00
11 0)
WING H.M. nit. itIC
Wingham, July 29, 1013
Flour per 100 lbs 2 70 to 3 10
Fall wheat . 1 23 to 1 25
Oats • „,. .11 :50 to 0 00
Barley ...„. ....... .0 52 to 0 52
Peas . .... .0 00 to 0 00
Dotter dairy .0 20 to 0 29
Eggs per dos ...... ....... 0 18 to 0 18
Wood per cord .2 25 to 3 00
Hay per ton ...... 00 to 10 00
Hogs .. „.„.8 50 to 560
Page 5
A list of Remarkable 9argain Huard Breaking Values in
lifteei depadmetts
New Goods are in stuck comprising twenty-tive cues this season's hest production
FREE1 In order to encourage t
gemorning shopping, wewill give a
• P useful
very customer buying Five Dollars or
more worth of Goods in any department. Time up to 12 o'clock each day.
iliCrt,6110,11,01,111.... mcw.c.......5..,101,••••••.........111....4'
Big snap in Wool Blankets.
See our reduced prices of good
quality, clean, fine weave Wool
Blankets,$2.W, $3.50, $4.00
Flannelette Blankets. Fifty
pairs of English Flannelette
Blankets, fine heavy quality
finished at both ends, all sizes,
special line $L50, our war price
. . $1.29
New Plaids
• New Plaids and Checks, fine
for childrens wear, our price 10e
10 doz. all -wool Ribbed Hose,
seamless, fast black, regular
value 40c, war „ 29e
15 doz. heavy ribbed worsted
Hose, sizes 8, 8, 9, 9 and
10, 35c value. war price.... 25c
Hand Bags
A special line of new Hand
Bags up-to-date, extra special
while they last . 09e
Ladies' Coats
New styles and latest cloth
effects, bought to sell at $12.50
war price $10.00
Bargains in Children's Coats,
new styles, just in, prices be-
gin at
A line of fancy domet flannel
'Underskirts, regular $1 value,
war price 59e
Dress Goods
All the new weaves are in
for fall. A special line of new
plaid only 50c
Ladies' Boots, 30 pairs of
Boys' Bo0ts, a ',
'erieg- 5
School boot, bluch6nod strong
er cut, cut
Night Gowns 1,95
Women's Flannelette Night
Gowns made of fine English
cloth, special .. 75e
Just received new stock of
Velvets and Velveteens in all
the new colors. See our speciallf
line -at • ......
House Dresses
- Aline to clear, darlt,, light
colop, your choice $1.00
Women's U erwear
#argains in„ omen's Under-
wear. Extrei.pecial -Vest or
Drawers-4E1r price... .. 250
Window Blinds
Loce trimmed, green or
creamcolor, eo t pried . . —45 e
Second floor for bargains in
all kinds of House Furnishings,
Carpets, Oilcloths, Rugs, Lin-
oleums . , Reducad Prices
Satinette Underskirts
Fancy Satinette Underskirts,
new colors, good style, war
price 890
Bargains in Wrappers
Just received new Wrappers,
good roomy make, neat pat-
terns, blues, blacks and greys,
our special prices only $1.39
Men's Store
Boy's Underwear
(hey, fleece -lined Shirts and
Drawers, all sizes, 'war prices
. ..... .25e
e of heavy black twill
ing Shirts, regular value
ach. They go at 75e
Men's Strong Pants $2.50
value for. Ifi2.00
With every Suit of Clothes
or Overcoat sold at $10.00 or
over we will give a good Fall
or Winter Cap. The new Suits
and Overcoats are now in stock
Take a look at our "Fite Rite"
Brand. Stylbs and patterns
are sure to please.
New Sweaters
Monarch Sweaters are in.
Good Value. from $1.00 and up.
See special at $L30
Good Fresh Salmon, per tin 10e
Rice of good quality 6 lbs for 25e
Special blend of Tea 35c
Lauudry Starch per lb 08e
New cheese per lb. 1 Se
Corn Starch, package. .....0$e
Corn Syrup in pails 30e
Fancy Sweet Cakes, per lb 10e,
Corn Flakes 3 pkgs for. .. 25c
Soda Biscuits per pail. 25e
7 bars Laundry Soap 25e
H. E. IS D &
The Government has issued an order
in Council exempting from homestead -
ink duties thoSe settlers in the west
who find it necessary to seek employ-
ment elsewhere owing to failure of
their crops.
During the war the Canadian farmer
can double his,income by increasing his
William Eidt was killed on a farm
neat Clifford ny being, drawn into a
threshing macbine he was feeding.
Sir Charles Tupper, four of whose
grandsons are in his majesty's service,
sent $1,000 to the Canadian Patriotic
Dr. William Saunders, C. M. G. one
of the most distinguished scientists in
Canada, passed away at his home in
London, Ont., after a long illness.
Three hours after preaching a power
ful sermon on death, urging prepared-
ness for the inevitable event, Rev.
Mgr; Meunier, Vicar -General of Lon-
don diocese, died suddenly ot paralysis.
• Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Effective from August 1, 1914, to August 1, 1915, and guaranteed
against any reduction during that time.
Touring Car. . $590
4 CI
Runabout • • • • • 540
Town Car . . .
0 • 0 • a 840
'Th z Etariesa • t Cancatia. 0:1;
FURTHER we, wiN be to obtain tn,,..! mximum efficiency in our
factory production. and thz minimum cost in purchasing and sales
departments IF \VC We Can reach :111 output, ef (.1.(10 cars between
the above dates
AND should wcI
Cac.1 t."1.S rroll.::t inn we, a, ic. l,c) ray, :3 the buyers'
share, from $40 -to clri"on or ab. t 1, 101-5) to cverv
retail buyer wh, purcha.: n.:.o.-1:ord car b,:c.,,-,2„.11 August 1, 1014,
and August 1, 1"•:.'15.
1;'or Further px,..!culars low prices :and protlt-sharin,
plan, see the mares.... Branch u,,c 1')caler.
f`e,y(:!, Or.tario
A. ft,.;rJ,
4111 t.4";1