HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-09-17, Page 4Page 4 11.1.••••,..6.4#•••.•••••••••••••,.........4 THE WINGHAM TIMES ,CPY Sapt COI I) r 17111, 1914 aaa'ael -tartar) um iSchool. The morning service will _be WINCIIIAN TINES Iserviee by the Rev. R. W. nalpenny, 1 in.the reairrangement of eircui Wiughara District as a feuntiation fe.t hound - certain propesed ehanges to he propo-sed conduated by tbe pastor and the evening . in the ;1 vales. The question will corao up for 11.S. BPIEDISUREI ASP PROPIETOR 1,1Provincial Secretaraa a the discussion at the meeting next May. _ afternoon there will be a rally THURSDA.Y, SEPTEMBER 17. sunday School, at 2.30, when special music will ho given by the members of ; EDITORIAL NOTES An extra. Canada Gazette announces that "it la contrary to law for any per- soo residont in British Dominions to trade or have any commercial or dnan- alai transaction a with any person resident or carrying on business in the German Empire or Austria-Hungary without perinissioa of the authorities." The war in Eurape seems to us in Am- ericitone of the most:unreasonable things that has ever happened in the world, aloreover, the war itself is to us not more terrible consequences of the war, and even the greater disasters which may fellow, effect England and America to. Both ecantries are sharers in the world's prosperity, in the world's pro- gress, in the world's sccial development and in all the achievements a civiliza- tion. The longer thewar continues the more civilization will suffer, the mare the European nations, which are the sponsers of civilization, will become ex- hausted and the more likely will be the eventual 'triumph a either militarism er Mongolism. New York Americara As we understand the theory ef the holy war, the Kaiser had a divine mis- sion to rescue England, France and Bel- gium from the impending menace of Slav denomination. They were pig- headed about it and refused to be restue& So, with a heavy heart, the Kaiser was compelled to thrash them in order to save them." With Germany's declaration of war against Russia, says the same paper, "the bloodiest war ever fought on earth and the least jastiaed of all wars since man emerged frora barbarism has apparently begun." Germany,we are told further, has "challenged pratinally the whole o Europe to satonait to her diatation and has set in mai= her :nighty military imachinery to enforce tb3 t dictation." - New York Tunes. The two meat enacuraging features of the situatien are (III that the Allies have at last began to fight without a • tbanglat of further retreat. and !2) that the reatien that the German steamroller could net be stopped is now espladed. It cant be stepaed and it can he pushed bk. Human nature cannot, endure e irripassible; and the steady march- ing. the ceaseless fighting, the appalling leas.es which the Kaiser has compe'ned his men to suffer, appreach the impos-• zible in the matter& human endurance. We have always said that it was a simpie questian of whether tae Germans aculd eantitue to drive the. Allies out of their entretzhei posittaris at the fearful cast required and still retain strength emzegb paess an and reap the fruit of their eletories. -3.1catreal Star. CHURCH NOTES. Service in St. Paul's Churah en Wed- neaday evening at 7.3a Rev. E. G. Dyrnazi will?, preach Har- vest Home Serroans in St- Stela:era Charea, Gerrie, next Suaday. P,ev. G.. Mason, of Pinkertan and Cargill has been extended a unanirraus call' to bezome paste: ef Kraix Cburch at Hatristam Wtth the Maithe Times. o! led by the orchestra and 11 an address will be given by the Rev. E. W. Halpenny. An infant bap- tismal service will also be held in con- nection with this service. A cordial in- vitation is extended to all to attend this service. 'Wednesday, September and the an- nual Fall Distriet meeting of the Metho- dist churches of Wingham District was held in Union church, Ethel circuit. Rev. J. W. Hilbert presided and the Secretaries were also in their places. There was a fairly good attendance of the parsons bat the laity was conspic- uous by their absence- Arrangements were made for Missionary and Educa- tional anniversaries. A committee consisting of Messrs. Morton, Wingham; Brill, Teeswater; and McDonald. Ethel, was appointed to prepare a map of Thins subseriberst cap get a daily riewspaper for one year at the following low rates: - Toronto News Toronto Star Mail and Empire G/obe World Free Press Moraing Free Press Evening Advertiser Morning Advertiser Evening 1.8o,' 1.80 2.75 2.75 2 25 2.75 1.85 2.75 1.85 All orders left at the Tins office will be given prompt attention. A mountain, 11.0ct0 feet high, which Miss Mary la Jobe, of Hunter College, New York. believes has never been mapped, was discovered by her in Brit- ish Columbia, about 150 miles north of ' Mount Robson. 111 MILLINERY OPENIN We beg to announce our Pattern Hatsid Parisian Novelties Tuesday, September 22nd ening of and foliming days. INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED MISS REYNOLDS 11020011101110.020101.100110 1 THE DOMINION BANK Offit EDMUND R. OGLER 0.P., PRESIDENT. W. EL MATTHEWS, ViDE•PRESIDIM, C. A. BOGERT, General Manager._ Trugt Funds Should Be Deposited In a Savings Account in The Dominion 13arik. Such funds are safely protected, and earn interest at highest current rates. When payments are made, particelars of each transaction may be noted on tbe cheque issued, widch In turn becomes a receipt or voucher when cancelled by the tank. WINGHAM BRANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. woormeamonurimmmk 114.41.11,11,11,110.0411,011.11.11011,0440114,11111 CASH FOR COAL Y getting cash for our Coal we are thus in a better posi- tion to keep stocked up and guarded against any shortage which is possible owing to dip- lomatic reasons. We are daily delivering theonly genuine Scran- ton Coal mined by the D. L. & W. Coal Co. Our Coal gives sats - faction and our prices are as low as it is pos- sible to make them for a high grade coal, . Have your supply put in early. All kinds of Wood at lowest prices* 1 A. McITAN LUMBER, COAL AND WOOD 4.40,1,01000W•0/00004),4'01r0•2 OCEAN TICKETS Via all steamship lines, outward or prepaid from the Old Couatry. Lowest quotations current for rates or tickets by any route. Apply H. B. ELLIOTT Times Office, Wirigham COLINIST FARES (oaza-way sacoam mass) From all Stations in Ontario to certain points in ACDERTA BRITISH COL. ARIZONA CALIFORNIA COLORADO IDAHO IHNTANA NEVADA OREGON TEXAS UTAH WASHINGTON On Sale Sept. 24 to Oct. 8 inclusive Pall particulars and reservations from H. B. RI.,Td01.T, Town Passenger and Ticket .Agent, Phone 4. W. P. IX/Mr:HAN, Sta- tion agent. rhone ZO. CANADIAN PAcuri HOMESEEICERS' , EXCURSIONS - TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA. SASKATCHEWAN Eaeh Tuesday until October 27, inclusive Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton and return 43.00 From Toronto and Statations West and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from seations east of Toronto. W. A. Sanderson, Town Arent. Phone 47* Beemer, tatiott A,stent, ague? MISS E. RUSH invites the ladies of Wingham and vicinity/to her Autumn Millinery (*ening TUESDAY SEPTEMBEA 22nd AND FOLLOWING f(kAYS Exclusive dtsigns Pattern Hats Newest Shapes and Colors 4swoomaon,....ornalmo MILLINERY PARLORS Opposite T. T. field & Go.'s Shop JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM 4.•10.•••••m Bank of Hamilton Capital Authorize() $5,000,0n0 Capital Paid-up, 3,000,000 Surplus - - - 2,750,000 AN IMPORTANT ALLIANCE When a young man first makes his alli- ance with e financial institution by open- ing a Savings Account he should look ahead to the time when his bank book I will aid his advancement. A growing bank balance assures an em - p1 anr that a youag man has mastered the painciple of economical manage-. ment. C. P. SMITH, Manager Wingham, Ont The Women's Guad wil1 meet at the t 1/4 Reatery on Friday aftereacat to make arrangements for the annual Harvest ten, which it is exp. -a -tad, wiTg' be hea) Oat. 5th. An atterarace af all the members is earnestav desire& Tae Annual Danzat'tm Tea of the. ' Wernen's Auxiliary wii) be be:a en Fri- , day evening in the basement, cam- ' anencing at a O'clada.. All the membera- cf the aangrega.tia'i are cardiaiiv invit- ed to taltetti. ii.tpec5a2 Harvest FestIvall F.'!er.c.TE..,-..,s tr,L Esc,. ecc.f.-..zeted. fin. the Sa:rati:ro Avny Es: by k.,-ljt.. tnti Mrs. a;.: -,..4s. ; Serv.ees :.a ,t'.....a.tilta:: 1,..t li a.m. a p.m. . t 1.11, at S..._.r...-,. A tn.as_:za. .. tteett:g al:3 ...sa:e cf fnEt oni vege- ta! _ -0..fs t -;Y!..., 4 Lk -s. li.i,:lts of. 877,y b:T_O re:,,:ai.,."E-4 Ll'..,,v, 'W. H. El ..3'zts, r:,..n. . A. 1 .±....rk:. G : Pre:'.. INL] L',- 11 .J.:.t.7....- +., 2 ; -,..L : •.7. r.t.!-:: S -t7 -':.:17,F. . 4: • t. r- IT • misT- • - * - - "•- a 6*-Atoe&-.11-ant•-tat•tw.Re.ov.p.11.**fkrAry***a.***gimi-Vii.-...ilkeoop**-~-4•411,--e*-011...410--,-,* THE MERCHANTS BROKERAGE C Has just Opened Out Another Large Stock Bought in Toronto At a forced sale, at a low rate on the dollar. The/ stock consisting of SOOTS, SI-1CD S AND Day (:)(Dris will be sold at amazingly low prices. Included in this stock is about $5 o.00 worth of up-to-date Boots and Shoes which will be sold at Slaughtering Prices along with the rest of th* stock. 1 HUH tk c a a.saften _ „Alla f ;rasa:a:a aatae taall raa aca after any z It!! c, aee taar I_ s • • • A FEW OF THE BARGAINS GROCERIES io lbs (Granulated Sugar for '7 bars Comfort Soap 4 large battles Extract And all other groceries reduced. All Chinaware and Crockery on sae at Half Price. MENS SUITS 50 N.len's Suits, sizes from 34 to 42. regular pfee. STIS.00 for $12.00. Regular $15.50 for $10.00. BOYS" BUSTER BROWN 5.UITS Regular rrice $.5 PC_A. kr $1.69. All cther suits Fel:ings at great redueti:ns, 100 Men's Overcoats en attkt.:.!„:a rice &v.' 0%ercoats frmS:1>a ands. LADIESCLOTH COAT Frc-!r, 50, n (ine harz ciat ;3:4 {FY,1: - . $1.00 25 25 • 0 $ Ladies $7.50 Cravanet at on sale at 1.50 each $25.00 Ladies' Fur jacket$7.50. $50.00 Electric Seal Jacket $10.00. $25.00 Astrachan Capes $5.00 Men's $10 Raincoats on sale at $6.48; Men's 87.50 Raincoats on sale at $4.98 All Dress Goods and Mande Cloths on sale at a a discount of 40 to 50 per cent. 12J and 14c. Print and Ginghams on sale 71c. I`Vc Flannelettes on sale 9e. 15c Flannelette on sale 11c. 15: and 20c. Double Width Lining on sale. 7!c. Men's working Shirts on sale 38c; Men's Ender - is at 43c; Men's Drawers at 43c; Men's Cashmere S;:ix at 19c; Men's Heavy Wool Sox 19c; Men's 50c T!es ter 3Sc l\len's 25c Ties for 19c: 81.25 fine Shirts. all size; ler _VI lines d collars at 10c; 25c Rubber itlilars 1. cr 2 6,or 55c. The alNwe are but a few of the many bargains Ell find, The Merchants Brokerage Co 111 ga. One Thing Certain The people of Wingham and surrounding coun- try never had an oppor- tunity equal to this, to buy their season's sup- ply at such low prices. aa 'a KERR'S OLD STAND