HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-09-10, Page 44 THE WiNG11411/ D M ES, SEP IDIBER 19, 1914 IteerADLTettene iers 14144•4n Tu WINUA111. &LAO 1UBLISq£1i AND PROPISTOlt THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1914 4.141•11m., EDITORIAL NOTES. It may be necessary, Lord Kitchener says, for no less than thirty army divisions to be plaeed in the field and maintained by Great Britain, An army division consists approximately of 2.2,000 men, so that the force may reach 660,000 mein The war strength of the British regular army is 3'50.000 and of the Territorials (honee defence) 314,000. What a nunaber of reserves will be re- quired! It means a heavy tax in men and money on the resources of the Em- pire, but she will be equal to it, and Canada will do her share willingly in contributing either in taxes or men: - Stratford Beacon. The unanimity of sentiment in the this country against Gernaany is sur- prising, Jt is not anti -German and it is not pro English. It seems to be a judgement given promptly and spon- taneously on the merits of the case as seen by American eyes. As a people we have come in the last 50 years to be almost as near kin to the Germans as to the English. We respect the Ger- man ability and value German friend- ship; nevertheless, the American mind records and discloses with hardly appre- ciable dissent the impression that the English, French and Russians are fight- ing in this war in behalf of the liberties of all the world, and that Germany and Austria are seeking•to impose on the world a despotic authority to which it would be ruinous to yield. -New York Life. Brigden, where she has accepted a , school. Miss Gertie, who was visiting here, returned to her position in Toron- to. We wish them continued success. REVENUE KEEP/NG UP. The financial statement of the Dom- inion for the month of August shows that, despite war conditions, revenue is keeping up better than might be ex- pected. The total revenue for the month was $14406,104, being a decrease of only $351,749, as compared with August of last year. Customs revenue for the month was $8,245,148. a decrease os $1,600,573, but there were increases in postoffice and other sources of revenue The real effect of the war on customs revenue wili, however, hardly be shown until next month. since many cargoes were on the ocean when the war broke out. The cessation or cancellation of import orders will be reflected in the customs figures from now on. The revenue for the first five months of the fiseal year totalled $60,378,118, a decrease of $11,250,339, • as compared with the corresponding period of last year. The net debt of the Dominion at the end of the month was $332,061,933, an increase of only $188,118 during the month, but an increase of $31,311,038, as compared with August 31 last year. The statement shows Government temporary leans outstanding amounting to $8,273,333, representing advances from Canadian banks. CUL R0Sg. On Aug. 23rd, after a long period of patient suffering, Rehert McCellough of Con, 8, entered into rest. Mr. Mc- Cullough was born in the County of Antrim, Ireland on Nov. 12th, 1842. When five years of age he came to Canada with his parents who settled in the township of Buckingham, Quebec, where he remained eleven years. In 1618 the family came to Culross. Ilere Mr. 'McCullough spent the remainder of his life with the exception of six years 1869-1875 which he passed in the lum- ber woods of*Wisconsin. On April 4, 1883 he was married to Miss Jane Roane of Culross. He leaves a widow and six children to mourn his loss; Margaret, the only daughter and the two young sons, Ernest and Edward are living at home, Samuel and Robert at Quappelle, Sask.; and Gilbert at Dinsmore, Sask., also two brothers Samuel of Buckingham, Quebec, and James of Teeswater, the only two now living of a family of eight. In the passing away of Mr. McCullough the community where he lived has lost a kind, helpful neighbor, the Presbyterian church a worthy member, and the be- reaved family a good and faithful hus- band and father. MOERTS Miss Alice J. Bristow, who has been visiting her relatives in these parts for the past five weeks left for ner home in East Orange, N. J. Mrs Joseph Whitebred and daughter, Nellie, of Calgary, are visitors at the home of their uncle, W. H. Armstrong, 2th line. Mrs. Thos. Beilby, 8th line, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Calder, of Port Arthur, has extended her visit to her daughter, Mrs. Clark, at Indian Head and will not be home for •some weeks yet. Miss Myra B. Hood, of Pontiac. Mich., is spending her vacation at the home of her aunts, Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Blyth and yrs. Albert Cole; 6th line Morris. Mr. Ross, of New Zea:and, who is a nephew- of Mrs. Wm. Cochrane, 3rd line, was here for a short visit. He teils many interesting stories of that wonderful feed. Miss Ale Rozill and nephews, of Clintoe, levee hi.en holidaying with 11-•.• , : Zeia eel (eke. d fre,ltis. Mrs. Miffin!.44 - 1 , i to e i b! I , , , ! ; I . Bank of Hamilton - Capitol. Au: horized $5,000,0i)0 Capital Peid-up, 3,000,000 Surplus - - - 3,750,000 WHY A SAVINGS ACCOUNT It is best to put your moaey in Savines Bank Aceount here beeause, first it is safe; second -it is readily available in cash; third -the in' e,•est is e ,rtain ard , p:ompt. C. P. SMITH, Manager Wingham, Ont . i it) ' _ li 1I1 1 1 la _... ;r r .... ...,.. -i LOW COLONIST RATES TO PACIFIC COAST VIA CHICAGO, UNION PACI- FIC AND NORTH WESTERN LINE. Tickets on sale daily from Sept. 24th to Oct. 8th, from Chicago to Salt Lake City, Ogden, Los Angeles, San Fran- cisco, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Vic- toria, Vancouver, Kootenay District, and Canadian North West. Corres- pondingly low rates from all Canadian points. Through Tourist sleepers and free reclining chair cars from Chicago. Variable scenic routes. Liberal stop- overs. For full particulars, as to rates, routes, and literature, write or call on B. H. Bennett, General Agent, 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. GORRIE. Mary Earngey, beloved wife of J. R. Williams, of Gorrie, was suddenly called away from the scenes of this life on Sunday evening, Aug. 23rd, She had not enjoyed the best of health for some years, but was about as usual until the end came. She had attended service in the morning, remained to class -meeting, and was on her way to evening service when suddenly stricken with heart failure which resulted in her death a few minutes later. Mrs. Williams was the daughter of Wm. and Catharine Earngey, who passed away only a few years ago. after a long residence in Howick Township. Some 19 years ago she was married to her now sorrowing husband. She was a faithful and earn- est member of the Methodist Church, testifying on the last day of her life to her faith in Jesns Christ, and her desire to do the will of God. She was affec- tionate in disposition, kind to all with whom she had to do, a devoted wife and a thoughtful loving sister. EAST WAWANOSEL .Miss Lorna M. Currie left last week for Stratford to attend the Normal School. The late Henry Edwards, whose sud- den death was briefly recorded in our last issue was born in Durham County in the year 1842 and resided there until manhood. Be was married about fifty years ago to Evelyn Best and five years later came to East Wawanosh and purchased lot 37, concession 5, East Wawanosh, which then lied but little clearance, and through hard work and careful management made a comfort- able home for himself. The deceased was a man of fine qualities, somewhat reserved in disposition, but honorable and won the gcod will .of his entire PURE BLOOD MEANS HEALTH Pure Blood Can Best be Obtai id Through Dr. Williams Pink Pills. If people would realize the itoportance of keeping the blood rich and pure there would be less sick$ess. The blood is the means through which the nourishment gained from od reaches dy. If the meta that nd muscle is as folinws. Um by which If the blood wer of resist, ned, Dr. Wil- , up the blood. r of the body to streng,then the appetite, cure and any disease thedifferent parts of the blood is impure the nour reaches,the nerves, bone . tinted with poison and d • • ." tb• The blood is also the me r'e .•I .v. its.; W. Jewitt wi.: the body fights off disea t"- - • ;eel Eti, is thin and watery this enee to disease it wea t ee... tehuld • , Hams' Pink Pills buil ..• ;' • • e- They increase the abi eh,: 7.1 „ , je r reset disease. The nerves, increh'ee t • headache, backa ,•• 7%. :; t •rtee, e • •ehheitel. ;;ointe leteetise e -he th • 1.:••••'.•lf, elth :!‘f).1"0 C:ClIte Until r:•?_1•4. • •,1• • 41, tht.- WL01(' r.1.241(-tn. Toz. • •' it i!: quite es, • '.r.:prov.! healten as -,;-,21.2.if%.-,.riz• • i.1d the cod liver oil lientielneent lee'. • telt• (Ire: te i'%Pel the qrezigth. ett".• ISehl• tholmculs rot otherrelief. k. f::. thc2f2coholic ont,stituttls. THE DOMINION BANK SIR EDMUND B. OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VIOE-PRESIDENT. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. Capital Paid up $5,963,000.00 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits . 6,963,000.00 A Savings Department Is conducted at every Branch of the Bank where deposits of $1.00 and upwards are received and interest at current rates added. It is a safe and convenient depository for your money. WiNIGHAM BRANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. immoann am01.14414.4m.4.444=4111, 1 deopeiawsito~utoAtesswevem~i~olie HEADQUARTERS FOR FAMILY GROCERIES If you have not tried us with an order for HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES do so now and see how we fill it. Fruit and Vegetables in Season and spur aim is to please in quality and promptness of delivery. TEAS A trial of our Bulk Teas will convince you that the quality is the best and the price is unchanged at 30c. and 40c. Henry T. Thomson "The House of Quality" Phone 9 Fast Service.. OFree tiefivery neighborhood. In polit ics he was Con- servative and religion M ethodist. To Mr. and Mrs. Edwards were born a family of six, two boys and four girls, namely: - Mrs. Kingsbury, Chelsea Green; John K., at home (lately of Dauphin, Man.); Thomas, of London, Mrs. Seguss and Mrs. Moore, of Dun- gannon; and Mrs. Chas. Keati ng, of East Wawanosh. 1caused by thin or pure blood. I If you are suffering and your blood Is ) thin or impure there is a large probabil- ity that your condition is caused by the " condition of your blood. Yon shoald ; study your own case. If you leek am- bition, are short of breath after slight !tecereiee, are paie or sallow, have to eppetite, are not refreshed by sleep, if you have backache or headache, Hien- inatie pains or stomach troeble, the treatmeht with Dr. Williams' Pink Pill.; for Pale People is worth investigating. 'You can get these Pills through Any medicine dealer or direct by mail at 5)) cents a box or six boxes for $2.5 ) from 'Ile Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Broe'e- Ont. FALL FAIR CALENDAR. -- -- Atwood . . Sept. 22-23 Blyth Sept. 29-30 Brussels ... Oct. 1-2 Dungannon .... . Oct. 7-8 Exeter .Sept. 21-22 Eordwich Oct. 3 Goderich Sept. 21-22 Harriston Sept. 24-25 Kincardine ....... . Sept. 17-18 Listowel .Sept. 16-17 London (Western Fair) .Sept. 11-19 Lucknow., . ...... Sept. 16-17 Mildmay ...... ... Sept. 29 Mount Forest . .. Sept 17-18 Palmerston Sept. 22-23 Seaforth ...........Sept. 24-25 Teeswater.... . . Oct. 7-8 Toronto (Can. National) Aug. 28 -Sept. 12 Wingham . Sept. 24-25 _Walkerton ..............Sept. 15-16 'hunch . ...... Sept. 23-24 Scranton OR Lehigh C• AL WOOD Kindling LOWES PRICES CASH FOR COAL BY getting cash for our Coal we are thus in a better posi- tion to keep stocked up and guarded against. any shortage which is possible owing to dip- lomatic reasons. We are daily delivering the only genuine Scran- ton Coal mined by the D. L & W. Coal Co. Our Coal gives sat s- • faction and our prices are as low as it is pos- sible to make them for a high grade coal, Have your supply put in early. All kinds of Wood at lowest prices. J. A. MEAN LUMBER, COAL AND WOOD Litt.11.1%•,410(1•41.411.41.12/164411,11.1111/11,44 BE PREPARED Are You Ready; to Defend Your Cfuntry? YOU. ere urged to jo Or, d Huron 1,he;litiei and be reedy 14n tl call to ams ANY tablq 1)6 ' man over t tie;hteee yeereof oe•e l't;1•' rem either join either far home service, or for servi.el elnoad, R. Telephone or Se J. Canteion Capt. N. T. SINCLAIR, INITH "11" (,.1),VIAMVZ, 345r1 REGIMENT ensitne Wirighani Deininien Express Co.'t 'Office • 4.444.4.4.40444444.44 .4.444444444••••••••••••••• .4.444•44444, 14W4•444.14444444. 4•404.4404.44 • 444444404.*44•44.0•444 .4,444.44444S4,4•444.44.444...04 larlroommt 444.4 e..".••44•, WAR! WAR! WAR! The Great War on Prices Continues at the Merchants Brokerage Co.'s Store (KERR'S OLD STAND) Each day we go through our large stock cutting the regular prices away down to refill the Bargain Counters and Tables, which look as though they were swept off by a passing cyclone, after each day's business. The wise buyers are laying in a stock and taking advantage of this Great Price Cutting Sale which will last until the entire stock is cleared out. Bring along your butter and eggs and cash and get $2.00 worth of Goods for $1.00. We pay, Eggs 25c, Butter 24c. Just a few of the hundreds of Bargains that you will find here: Dress Goods You will find 40c, 50c and 60c Dress Goods on a table at 19c You, will find 12c, 15c, 20c and 25e Dress Goods on a table at7c • You will find 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c Embroidery and Laces on a table at... 5c You will find $1.25 Velveteen on sale at 38c $1.00 Cloaking for • . . 50c $2.50 Cloaking for $1.48 $3.25 Cloaking for. ' $2.25 $1.50 Blue or Brown Cordu- roy on sale at. 95c Ladies' $1.00 and $1.25 Kid Gloves for 59e Ladies' Rain Coats $1.50 • Ladies' Jackets $1.00 All Underwear selling cheap. Men's $18.00 Suits, blue, gray and brown, best makes on the market on sale at $12.00 All Overcoats at less than wholesale price. 50 $15 Suits on sale at..$10.00 Boys' Suits as low as $2.75 Good value at twice the price. Men's $3.00 Odd Pants for $2.00 Overall and Smocks at 79c $1.25 Wool Carpet for 65e $1.00 Wool Carpet for. 50c 50c Wool Stair Carpet for .,19c 30c Stair Carpet at 15c All Men's and Ladies' Rain- coats selling at maker's prices. Men's, Women's and Child- ren's Shoes at great re- ductions. China $4.00 Fancy Lamps on sale .1, at . $5.00 Toilet Sets ..... All other Chinaware at Half Price. Groceries 4 large bottles of Extract...25e 7 bars Comfort Soap for ... 25e 2 boxes Pearline for 5c 2 boxes Handy Amonia... „ 15c Pint Fruit Jars, per doz .05e Quart Fruit Jars, per doz... 75 e White Wine Vinegar XXX per gallon 30c Lamp Glasses, each ..... 4e All other Groceries rehced. Our stock is large and well assorted. Merchants Brokerage Co. Breakers of High Prices Reduced Fares to LONDON Account "Western Fair" From Kingston, Renfrew and stations west thereof in Canada; also Detroit and Port Huron, Mich, FARE AND ONE -THIRD -Sept. 11-12-13- 14-18. SPECIAL EXCURSION DAYS -Sept. 15-16-17. Special train for London will leave Wingham, 6.20 a.m., September 15-16-17 Return limit Sept. 21st, 1914. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Round trip tickets to points in Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta via Chicago, St. Paul or Duluth, on sale each Tues- day until October 27th, inclusive, at low fare. Return limit two months. Pull particulars and reservations from H. B. ELLIOTT, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent, Phone 4. W. P. BURGMAN, Sta- tion Agent. Phone 50. PLEASANT VIEW FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, 100 acres cleared, 20 acres hard wood bush; well fenced; good state cultivation; wind mill; good water; bank barn 82x52; good out -buildings; two storey brick cottage, 11 rooms. ROBERT LEATHORN, Bluevale. DRAY BUSINESS Having purchased the Dray Business from Wm. Breckenridge, I am prepared to take care of business in this line. Your work will be given careful and prompt attention. A share of your patronage solicited. Robt. McGEE Phone 10 CANADIAN. PAcuric Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO Fare and One -Third, Daily until September Ilth, inclusive Single Fare on Certain Dates Return Limit -Original starting point must be reached not later than Tuesday, Sept. 15th, 1914. WEST1EN FAIR London Fare and One.Third, September 11- 12-13-14 and 13 Special Excursion Fares, September 15-16-17 Return Limit Monday, Sept. 21st. tar Ask any Canadian Paeific Ticket Agent for Booklet giving Exhibition program. W. A. Sanderson, Town Agent, Phone 47' 13. Reenter, Station Agent, Phone 7 The Backbone of National Prosperity FARMING is by common consent the basis of our national wealth and prosperity. The farmers of Canada have, for the past two years, been getting top prices for what they have had to sell and have been able to obtain what they have had to buy at moderate prices. The war means better times for the farmer. Where the foundations of national. wealth and prosperity are sound and assured, hopefulness may build her structures with confidence. Business in Canada can and will be good if our business men will do their utmost to keep the bottom in the business. Advertising is a good workman for the job. When the Canadian Farmer -prospers, all is well nealleslioesionstanansani. ,soiensiessresiireserrenfOrookreniva*