HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-09-03, Page 8t) THE MOAN TIMES, SEHEMBER 3, 1914 CHURCH NOTES. Capt. Van Der Ven De Visser, o To- ronto, and lately of Holland. conducted the services in the Salvation Army Barracks on Sunday last. Special prayer services for early aeceseion of the war, were held in the Salvation Army Barracks on Monday afternoon and evening. Rev. J. W. Hibbert and others gave short ad- dresses. Interesting services will be held in the Methodist Church next Lord's Day, when the Rev. T. Albert Moore, D.D., General Secretary of the Temperance and Moral Reform Movement of the Methodist Church in Canada, will preach at both morning and evening services. A male choir of twenty-five or more voicewill lead in the service of song. A hearty welcome is extended to alb The Senior and Junior Chapters of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will xneet in the basement of St. Paul's aural, on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The attendance of all the members of the chapters is earnestly requested. Morning Prayer and Holy Communion mext Sunday at 11 o'clock, in St. Paul's Church. The Rector will meet his adult Bible class on Sunday at 2.30. The subject of the sermon next Sunday even - ming will be "Individual Responsibil- ty." The Confirmation classes will com- Arma.tion classes will commence on 'Wednesday, Sept. 9th, and will be held in the basement of the church. Regular services in the Baptist Church next Sunday. The pastor, Mr. A. C. Riley, will preach at both ser- vices. Morning subject, "Divine Suf- ficiency." Evening "The servant of Jehovah." ; NAVA10§—tEAR THE DEAD. Hence They Get Rid of Their Bodies as Quickly as Possible. ' One practice of the Navajos that pro. motes health among them, howeVer re- pugnant it may be for us, is their dis- position of the dead. In the presence of the living the Navajo is without fear, but his terror of the dead is ab- ject and unreasoning. The dead are believed to he possessed of malevolent feelings toward the survivors, with un- limited powers for working evil upon those who carelessly place thenaselves within the power of the spirits. So when any one dies the only anx- iety of the surviving relatives is to get rid of the body as quickly as possible. If there are any white men living in the neighborhood an effort Is made to induce them to perform the offices of undertaker. If not, the disposition of the body depends somewhat upon cir- cumstances. If the hogan—the mod- ern wigwam—is built of wood it is set on fire and burned with the body in it. If of stone the body is usually taken outside, the entrance to the hogan closed up with stones or sticks and a hole made in the wall opposite to per- mit the evil spirits to depart and to • warn passersby that the structure be- longs to the dead. If the death occurred in a rocky country the body will likely be taken to some crevice and thrown in it. It =ay be left uncovered to become the prey of wolves and coyotes, or sticks and stones may be cast over it. If the family lives in a sandy part of the reservation, with no convenient crev- ices or chasms near by, the body will be laid upon the sand, a little earth and some stones thrown upon it, and a pile of brush laid over all.—Christian Berahl. The Judge Who Didn't Joke. The funny sayings of a judge who never joked are found in "Arabini- ana," a selection of the dicta of Ser- geant William Arabin, who sat as 'a judge at the Old Bailey in London from 1830 to 1839. For Instance, his Iremark to counsel: "If you can show precisely at what moment the offense was committed and prove that the prisoner was not there when he did it he could not pos- sibly have done it" And be sagely kidded as an afterthought, "We cannot Invest ourselves of common sense in a '0ourt of justice." i 'Another axiom he delivered himself Of has been fathered on many other IDecnpants of the bench: . "If ever there was a case of clearer arvidence than this case, this case is 'that case." NA -DRU -Go COD LIVER OIL Is one of the best Lung Builders A guaranteed cure or prevention for Coughs and Colds TRYIT Put up in two sizes 5oc. and $1 .00 J • J.DAVIS Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE WINGHAM Odors of London. ' The sense of smell which enables an ;mine driver to avoid a collision or a 'tailor to steer clear of an iceberg is The least eultivatell of our senses, But *Rh a properly equipped nose and a little practice we ought to be able to telle where we are blindfold all over London, for every locality has its dis- *fact odor. Soho smells different from Southwark, Billingsgate differs from Pmehouse, Rotherhithe has quite a Spatial steel' of lb; Mivn, and Darkling It absolutely unique.—R. L. StevensoM A Netural Inference. 'Matrimony," sea the lady who bad just secured her third divorce, "is, aft- er all, an uncharted sea," "I, take it, then," her friend replied, ,,that you have pot engaged in your 'Valles ventures for charting pur- posW—Cbicago ItecOrd-Herald. Horses. It le estimated that the life Of t average horse in bondage is t five years. The wild borseV *bold thirt,-elght Oafs, MINOR LOCALS. *—Wingham fall fair on September 24th and 25th. —Plums for sale at once, cheap, at F. J. Hill's, phone 110. —Next Monday, September 7th, is Labor Day and a public holiday. —Get a copy of the prize list for Wingham fall fair at the TIMES office. —Send the TIMES to your friends. Only 25 cents to any address in Canada to January 1st, 1915. —H.E.Isard & Co. have had the front of their men's furnishing store renov- ated by a fresh coat of paint. —Mr. F. H. Roderus, has improved the front of his store by the replacing of the wooden steps by cement. —Mr. D. Bell has this week men en- gaged making the necessary exeavations for the foundation of the new addition to his brick store. —The High School reopened on Tues- day, netwithstanding the inclemency of the weather the attendance was fully up to that of last year. —Owing to the Labor Day holiday the regular monthly meeting of the Town Council will not be held until Tuesday evening, September 8th. —The Huron House of Refuge Com- mittee expects to clear s2,000 on the Dutch sets grown at the Refuge farm. Last year a profit of $1,200 was made on this crop. —Mr. John Rintoul, formerly of Wingham, has been appointed demon- strator for the Sawyer -Massey Co.'s line of steam and gasoline engines, threshers, road rollers, graders, etc., at the Toronto and Ottawa exhibitions. ' MED. HARKNESS—In Brussels, on August 30th, Robert Harkness, late of Culross, 48 years, 4 months and 20 days. GARTON—In Whitechurch, on Aug. 28th, Mary E. Garton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Garton, aged 11 years and 4 days. - PATERSON—In Whitechur eh, on Aug. 27th, Nellie Nixon, wife of Mr. F. Mc- Kenzie Paterson, in her 32nd year. Waaaaaa—In Wingham, on Aug. 25th, Jessie Waddell, in her 54th year. WILLIAM -1n Gorrie, on August 23rd, Mary H. Earngey, wife of Mr. J. R. Williams, aged 56 years and 16 days. BORN BUTTON—At Riverside, California, o August 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. E. G Button; a son. ROBINSoN—In Howick, on Augus 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson 6th con; a son. CARR—In East Wawanosh, on Aug 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Carr; a son Kansas this year will reap four crop of alfalfa. Philippines produce 40,000,000 pound of crude salt yearly. There is a lighthouse every fourtee miles along the English coast. More than sixteen billion gallons o water are pumped in Montreal anoua ly. Daily average about forty-thre million gallons. An Illinois inventor's tent can be sus- pended, fioor and all, from two trees at any desired height. ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Head ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's. Now'S the time to buy your wall pap- er at greatly reduced prices at Knox's. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Blg Stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. NOTICE - Boys found on my property stealing fruit, or destroying property will be prosecuted. Mrs. Jane Saint, Alice street. To RENT. —Several rooms in the Kent Block, suitable for living' rooms. Apply to THE WNI. DAVIES WANTED -A good six seven roomed house to rent, wit modem conven- iences and centrally located. Apply at TIMES office. FARM FOR SALE —175 acres; one mile from Bluevale and three miles from Wingham. Apply to Bosman Bros., Bluevale. Fort SALE. —A good dwelling house in good location; nearly one acre of land. Will be sold at right price. Possession given anytime to suit purchaser. Get particulars at TIMES OFFICE. OCEAN TICKETS Via all steamship lines, outward or prepaid from the Old Couutry. Lowest quotations carrent for rates or tickets by any route. Apply H. B. ELLIOTT Times Office, Wingham PLEASANT VIEW FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, 100 acres cleared, 20 acres hard wood bush; well fenced; good state , cultivation; wind mill; good water; bank I barn 82x52; good out -buildings; two storey brick cottage, 11 rooms. ROBERT LEATHORN, Bluevale. COURT OF ` EVISION Township o Turnberry Notice I's hereby aven that a Court beheld pursuant to he Ontario Voters' List Act by His Ho or the Judge of the County Court in th County Huron, at the Township Hal, Bluevale, on the 7th day of Septemer at the hour of 1 p.m., to hear and • etermine complaints of errors and omis• 'ons in the Voters' List of the Munk •ality of Turnberry for 1914. Dated at Turn • •rry this 21st day of August, A.D., 191 . 'AUL POWELL, , Clerk of the Tow ship of Turnberry. TOWN 0 WINGHAM , Court .f Revision, .. . Notice is her: •y given that a Court will be held p .rsuant to the Ontario Voters' List et by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Hu on, at the Town Hall, 3 Wingham, on he 8th day of Septem. ber, 1914, at 1 o'clock a.m., to heal and determine omplaints of errors ark s omissions in • e Voters' List of tla Town of Win am for 1914. Dated this 4th day of August, 1014. a OHN F. GROVES, Clerk of Wingham. f e Bu pRupARno The Jordon is the world's most crook- ed river wandering 213 miles to cover 00. Walter Welsh, Deputy Collector of Customs at Windsor for eighteen years, is dead Eight hundred men of the Royal Can- adian Regiment are about to leave Halifax for Bermuda, to replace British re ears. Canadian farreets are urged by Liverpool Corn Exchange members to enlarge their acreage of wheat for next year, as the best way th serve the Em- pira's need. ,W.illiam A. and David F. Gunn, sons of Rev, W. T. 'Gunn, Toronto, General Secretary d the Congregational Union of Canada, were drowned by the up- setting of their canoe at Point au Barill, Ont. reasawsmagmemswilimmammummii......al 1 Advance Styles in Fall and I Winter Wearing Apparell 4 Crompton's Corsets NORTHWAY GARMENTS We are Sole Agents for this well known line of Ladies' Coats and carry a very nice'assortment from $10.00 to $25 00. We take special orders for exclusive styles and cloths. Ask to see the new Style Book and Samples showing the latest Cape effects, etc. Children's Winter Coats Our Winter Stock is now to hand and it will pay you to buy early before the lines get broken. All sizes from 4 to to 12 years. Prices $5 00 to $15,00. The new styles are just to hand and the values are better than ever, Prices $1 00, $1.50, $2.00 and $3,00. New Dress Goods Suitings &c. Broadcloths are very new this season. We have a nice range to choose from in the Inewest shades at $1.25 per yard. Suit Ends Some very exclusive pat- terns in the newest tweed effects, No two alike. Price $2.50 and $3,50 per yard. Agents for Standard Patterns Produce Wanted Phone 71 KING BROS 1 gainowirmosowoloososowoolamostmompishira• . HEADQUARTERS FOR . FAMILY GROCERIES 404 Are You Ready o Defend Your, untry? YOU ate urged to join the 33rd Huron Regiment and be ready when the call to arrne comes. ANY able bodied man over eighteen years of age eligible. YOU can either join either for home service or for service abroad, WRITD, Telephone or See Capt. N. 1'. SINCLAIR, COMAANY, 33rd REGIMENT Vitillgh&M 1 If You have not tried us with an order for 1-10USEHOLD SUPPLIES do so now and see how we fill it. is the best and the price is unchanged at 30c. and 40c. A trial of our Bulk Teas will convince you that the quality Fruit and Vegetables in Season and our aim is to please in quality and promptness of delivery. TEAS Henry T. Thomson "The House of Quality" Orree pelivery Phone 9 Fast Service.* iiammoreasvivarowiradviotswesforooto (611,11A1141,61i1,11.1111~1.41144.41,164111 CASH FOR- COAL BY getting cash for our Coal we are thus in a better posi- tion to keep stocked up and guarded against any shortage which is possible owing to dip- lomatic reasons. We are daily delivering the only genuine Scran- ton Coal mined by the D. L. & W. Coal Co. Our Coal gives sat's- f action and our prices are as low as it is pos- sible to make them for a high grade coal, Have your supply put in early. An kinds of Wood at lowest prices. J. A. MEAN LUMBER, COAL AND WOOD ikirs000visvowoovoonwsioow-4 FOR SALE OrtXCHA. on. -City gro- cery, stock and fixture about $3700.00. Profits this year no rly $1500.00; will do better next year. JWiIl take 10 to 26 acres farm land clo to Wingham in part payment. 4t Box 1, WINGXAN DRAY BUSINESS Havitig purchased the Dray Business from Wm. Breckenridge, I am prepared to take care of business in this line. Your work will be given careful and prompt attention. A share of your patronage solicited. Robt. McGEE Phone 10 Scranotrp Lehigh COAL WOOD Kindling LOWES; PRICES R. J. Cantelon OFFICE Willi Dominion Express Co•'s Office Oleat^.1./0/%4144,44441/444", B911131111B11111811111111. V•11110••••••••••••••1111110111M1•11 SCI IOOLSHOF,S FOR Boys and Girls The Very Best Make with double toes ---solid -leather counters--- best hemi ock I soles ---in fact shoes that Can't Be Beat! 1111111111111111111111EN1111111111111111 W. H.Willis & Ce Sole Agents iggearl- For Ladies swag, eses44444,4%owaasesoessesoonosiesa' ANNUAL SALE OF Summer Goods Beginning Saturday, Aug. 15th Ending Saturday, August 29th Crum's Prints 10c. /All White Waists as follows :- Regular $1.25 Waist for Regular. 1.50 Waist for Regular 1.75 Waist for Regular 2.00 Waist for '85c. $1.10 1.30 1.56 other Waists at similar prices. Men's and Boys' Suits and Hats 25 per cent. Discount Carpets and Rugs 20 per cent. Discount No Goods Charged at These Prices Produce of All Kinds Taken loommoommorm* sla Ai MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGHANI, ONT.