Lakeshore Advance, 2013-12-25, Page 1818 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Local travel agent joins prestigious travel group
Lakeshoro Advance
(rani Bend hone based
1ritve'1 agent, Mark Sherman,
is now it member of Canada's
Vision Travel Solutions (fur
merly Vision 2000), the larg-
est Canadian -owned travel
management company.
With the stlppolt of it net -
work of specialists in every
fillet of travel, from Cruises
& Vacations to (roup X
Escorted 'fours to Domestic
('ravel, Slti ntaIt says he is
able (o offer great value and
service to his clients.
"One of the things I pride
myself in is that the vast
majority of my business
comes from repeat clients
and the friends and family
they refer to Ing'. With more
than 10 years of experience
as a travel advisor, that says it
lot about the service and sat-
isfaction t provide," says
One of Shern►an's new
connections is Virtuoso, an
invitation only );rout) for the
travel industry that allows
agents to network with the
hest hotels, cruise lbws, air-
lines and toter companies
around the worl(I! For Sher
malt's clients, this means
access to exclusive travel
offers tient ill-(' 10)t available
anywhere else. Virtuoso
offers "the hest of the hest"
insider connections and
industry expertise along
with the gokian (' and know
how travelers require to
n) eke educa1cd travel
choices. Vii most) is the most
prestigious and established
travel network in the world.
I'ol more information,
contact \'lark Sherman at
519- 878-28112, or n)ark.shcr
ntan()Vision201), or visit
his weI)site at www.
'Puke advantage of our pricing for
Includes: Birthdays, Anniversaries
Weddings, Engagements, Graduations etc.
Actual Size: Pre -Payment is Required
Just bring In your photo & write-up and we'll do the rout.
Other Sizes & Prices available upon request
5K Ontario St., N.
( irand fiend
(519) 238-5383
Mark Sherman
United Way Perth -Huron at 80% of 2013 goal
Support still needed
as campaign
winds down
Dave Flaherty
OMI Agency
'Ike (Inked Way Perth -Moron is well
on its way to reaching its 2013 cam
paign gout.
Executive director Ryan Erb saki as of
the week of I )ec. 16, they were at about
80% of the $1.15 million goal for 2013.
Erb said things are rolling along well
for the campaign, stating they are ahead
of where they have been the past cou-
ple of years.
I le said l lnited Way officials have male
a concentrated effort to try and wrap up
the campaign a hit earlier this year (the
hope is by the end of February).
The annual workplace donation can)
paign and the (:are A Van partnership
with Scot iabank, which raised $76,1100,
have been great successes, Erb said.
"We've been very successful at get-
ting the word out there about the cam-
paign," Erb said, thanking the local
media for their help.
The requests for funding the United
Way has received is $150,000 more than
their campaign goal, so Erb said he
hopes the community can really amp
up the support over the (text few
"Even though the big events are
wrapped up, the campaign is far from
Erb also took the time to address the
issue of administrative costs.
Ile said of the funds raised by the
l)nited Way, 14% of that goes to admin-
istrative costs, information which is
released publicly in their annual report.
Ile has concerns because he is aware
of some e-mails and posts on Facebook
that he believes are misleading about
administrative costs.
"We just don't %%ant to see things that
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will make people hesitant about support-
ing non-profit organizations;' he said.
According to Erb, The Canadian Rev-
enue Agency states that non-profit and
charitable organizations should not
incur administrative costs that exceed
Erb noted that without that 14" that
goes towards administrative staff, the
United Way would not likely be able to
raise over a $1 million.
"1 don't think anyone would want to
see the United Way unable to raise that
money," he said.
Ile added while volunteers play a
vital role for the l)nited Way, their paid
staff also contribute significantly and
"they have to make a living wage."
As the campaign rolls on, Erb thanked
everyone who has donated so far and
said United Way is unique in that vol-
unteers make the decision where the
funds will go.
'ro make it (10101011, visit www.pertlt-
Kineto Theatre
" Frozen [3D) rr
Rating: G
Dates: Dec. 21,28,29,31
Starring: Kristen Bell, Josh Gad,
(dine Menzel
N )>v ;011 t\'U)cl 11) :1I) onfluI.iy Saturday.
1111.,,11. my O(1 .til
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For future showtimes visit