HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-12-25, Page 1414 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, December 25, 2013 Another successful year for the Horticultural Society Another Successful Year For I he l lorticultural Society... The Grand Bend & Area [lout - cultural Society's (GBAIIS) Annual General Meeting and Christmas Dinner was held on Nov, 25th and after the meet and greet with Santa, a special pres- entation was made to start the evening. Two very deserving members, Joan Eagleson and Liz Putherbough were awarded Lifetime Memberships for their Horny contributions and ongo- ing service to the GBA1iS. (Joan Eagleson is pictured receiving her award from Judy McDonald, President. Absent was Liz Putherbough). After enjoying a delicious all-inclusive turkey dinner catered by I luron Shores Catering, Mayor 11111 Weber brought greetings and congratu- lations to the group. An overview Int the successes was provided to 72 members and guests. The ('resident's Report highlighted the 4 main areas of the organisa- tion: 'the Gardens; The Projects; I'hc Program; The Growth and I:oun(iation. Gardens: It was a wonderful year for our 15 garden sites. Even though we faced some issues when plants wouldn't root, the impatiens got fungus, and some bedding plants just died, the results were spectacular. This year the weather cooperated and our Volunteers were able to achieve wonderful results with- out facing the extreme drought conditions of 2012. We deserve years like this. So many people have commented on how beau- tiful they were. I couldn't drive down Ilwy. 81 towards town without being just thrilled. The entrance signs were the best that I've seen thein, and those bridge boxes and the Municipal Build- ing, the Chatnher...what a sight! '!'hank you to all of the people who make such a difference. Projects: Every year the lion. Society goes beyond its mandate and raises the bar by working with partners. 2013 was no exception. There were the upgrades done last fall and this spring to the Chamber, the North Sign, the Optimist Park boxes and the Post Office soil replac•einent. If you drive by the Chamber look at the gardens... the wood is gone, replaced with stone. We contributed money to the Native Tree Program for the beach and hopefully the solu- tion to landing the right plants for that area will start to make a difference there. We still have an issue with Phragmites in Ilar- hourside and will be tackled in 2014. We were pumped to work with the Chamber to decorate the bridge boxes, the Chamber Boat and the Gill Road Box for Christmas. Society Foundational Improvements: Any organiza- tion must constantly evolve and improve to remain strong and viable. Our I Iorticultural Society is no exception. During the last 12 months we implemented and revised our strategic and opera- tional plans. 'These plans have been extremely helpful to us as it gives your Board a minimal) to follow. They enable us to make decisions in context of an overall direction. 'Ihe Committee Struc- tures that \vere on the tables were the result of some solid brainstorming to capture what the !Lori. Society's needs and WHOM to accomplish, and watt resources ate required to do it. Members were asked to please take the time to owns"; It and see where help is required. .then to Identify where the fit is between their skill set., likes and dislikes, and what the Society needs. eve have been focused 00 increasing the community awareness,. and saw me in bet ship grow over 2.I%. We imple- mented a new program for Com- m ercial Members. It was a programs that gave then) expo- sure at our meetings, acknowl- edgement on our website. a This Month In Lambton Warden Todd Case County of Lambton *WardenToddCeee Creative County Funding The County of Lambton's Creative County Committee is advarxnog $11 125 to three t urnmunity protects looking to improve 4,01104441 vitality in the urea AppIH:Ahons were cW ltk111 IYI rrn4 100111119 approved el a retool Creillve County Committee meeting Approved profocts include • • $3,125 M the Hlutwalex Sustainability Intoatrve (ion Y Committee for'Kidun It Forward' an outdoor spstnuwhle naval festival "tures to bo hold throughout the County $3.000 to Storyboard Cultural Community Endeavour" for the'1 ustNal of Good Things'. celebrating the people of 1 amhton County and thou work And 55 000 Io the Knwanis Club of Forest for a Film 8 Food Festival In total. Me Cretttvo County Committee has advanced 547,825 in :013 ns inaugural your The colnmtltal cwrrws 4m annual bidget of 575 000 to award 10 partner protects, events, activates 04 workshops dont esti improve heritage arts and culturui v lality in l ambton County Una1k1c41ed funds will be carried over to 2014 !ht. newt ca'l for applications is anticipated to occur in January 2011 1-01 4140re n'lonnslron about the Crealrve County Committee visa www lambtunoniuxr ca and r. ick on tho -Creative County' tab under taw-RosKlnnts' heading OMPF Funding The prospects of en ducal 11e.r0170 t,vels and signitrcent tax rale incteas.n for local nxttipestal1 wen dlecussed with provincial representatives in Toronto recently A County of Lambton delegatioo comprised of Wooten Todd Case Mayor, Warwick Township. tint Weber. Mayor, Munrcipeldy of l amhton Shores, and John Innes, (nonoral Manager, Finance. Facilitl*s and Cowl Services, County of Lambton met with Minrslry of Finance representatives includur7 Patllamenlnry Assistant Steven Del Duca to discuss the Province of (mono's planned reductions to the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund The meeting examined the significant reductions put forward by the province for small, rural municipalities Werwlck Township would potentially have to reran taxes 10% 10 replace the lost revenue. while Brooks Av,nslon would be faced with a possible 20% increase Warden Case noted the province ahoukt be providing advance and detailed notlficahon to nitalcitxellties as it relates to "alum cuts The County indicated it will continue to advocate for improved summit 10 rural rnunklpalales Lambton County Museums Strategic Plan After sevmmonths al mhs of piar n4ng, inc tiding aalwnuntty and weaor surveys, public meetings rind staff mtervwws, 1 ambton County Council has passed a five year strategic plan for Lemblon County Museums The plan •delifes 1141,40 ovMerchiuig goals kd I ambton Horittio(' Museum the Oil Museum of Canada and the 1amblon County Archives to attain by 7018 (1) Provide outstanding facilities exhibits and interpretation 12) Connect with engage and Inspire our comnuntly (3) Deliver excellence m management. operations and cll1100101 service The full pian can be view on the Museum website www Ickng n>tg Holiday Qreetlteps from Warden Case On behalf of l.anbton County Counct1 1 wouk1 Irk. 10 **tens wet nand Itreeloge of the holiday season end best wishes h,i peace and happiness in the New Year Please note ttIM many of the County s fecantres will be closed al 12 noon on Tuesday, December 31 41141 r.wsed for the day Wednesday. January 1 To avoid disappointment, please phone shoed d you plan 10 v nt a facility) . _ . /014 Schedule erne/on Count; cores-44/rd 4',V14n41.01 u;otmai ntrua.y 5 5t41. 14 5 a, h 19Ihl417011N'MAMn1•wrsl" ea. h ?7 (Mnfg01u0YAaswot d,wr: )'• M,11 Jura. 4 Joh 2 Auguil n int r'au , r 11'anMnl ;#010111 bet 3 loam( 1 Novembs, 5 November 20 )cc.mber 10 (NSenh•n 1! 3Ounr "900am Gurnnuttsa .lanuory 15 et$44ry 19 k(101111)4410,1 ,44n.ta, 4• April 16 May 21 June 18 July 40 vonhonv) August 20 September 47 Octobei 15 Novt404ber 19 /yaase moon* d Mit rne44:4(7 tide, hw 1 41/0140, i'00/11y C011101 and Rs cornet feee In 1014 Comma*, rnNArngs boon) 01900 • m m413 00 p :" alto Gb911C1 nlsetktps are schOd'Ied to boon of 1 15 p m urWaa atheists,. noted OFFICE OF THE COUNTY WARDEN A 780 Nroodway Sheol, No* 3000 WyomMno. ON NON 1 TO Telephone 510-8450801 To8 Free 1.866.324-8012 (-minor or Fax 519 845 3160 LJAMATON www lembtononlrne ca ,...m,ammneem®.. t slay 0 y'row4fy o lnnrnvtn r cert iticate of appreciation a n(1 an ,acknowledgement in the paper. The program generated over $2000. all of which has been turned right back into our Community. On overview of the upcoming year was slated with emphasis on fine tun- ing "our" gardens from getting better watering systems; selecting more drought resistant plants to getting new soil. It always evolves. We will continue to work on our foundation, streamlin- ing our marketing, increasing our focus on plant sourcing, and growing our Commercial Membership Program). We have some special project ideas on the horizon that will continue to raise the bar. We are starting a pilot commercial garden program. 2014 is going to be a fun year! An Annual Report was made available at each table which included Committee Reports; Structure and Par- ticipation; Year -find Financial Statements, A special thank you was extended to our many Volunteers noting that at least W F:"r [' COAST l '(HENS I utile kreun. .1,u! r%lttc'lt V l ore Kit,hin1 •14141011)\anrur. • I•nlclt,unnx•nt 1 not • 110111C1 1111,0 PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATIONS (:USToM DESIGNS & CA/LINTER-MPS t':kit (our,'i/I('11'nrnm 50 West tit. Goderich 519-440.0352 WWW, N'rxtcl4o%lAUchrns. nr1 F:mall: wc.tcnaakltld'huronl4Lo11,ra 178 different roles; tasks are being done each year on behalf of our Society. 'Mese contributions help to beautify our com- munity and make it a great place to live and visit! A very special thank you was given to the Board. These people are a talented, hard-working, kind, smart, energetic group who manage to blend their unique skills together to make ray role as the President a pleasure. Nomi- nations for the new Board were made by Cecily Boyle, Past President. She announced that 5 Directors will be con- tinuing, 4 were re-elected and 2 new Directors, Yna Hardens and Andre Belisle were welcomed, The evening ended with a special demonstration from Anita and Rebecca of Westland Greenhouses of a Seasonal Anthurium Planter. It was raffled and Jennifer Silverthorne was the lucky win- ner. 12 centerpieces using Westland's anthuriums were also raffled. It was noted that there will not be a General Meeting in December or January, Bests.g0 Wishes for a safe and happy holiday season was extended to all. /aril McDonald, President, Grand Betui & Area horticultural Societe' SIMON I)ESJARI)INF ('Mi', ('Ll', R111', F1'(' t'rrnl)nl rrnanrlal l'brn,,rr. 1 harrnrd1Ife f'srtrr,,nbr 519-238-6399 55 Ontario St. N. (:rand Rend • RItSI''s,'I'F'SA'.. & Investments • Reilrcnten, Planning & Estate Planning In H4,attt 1M,r rr4v 2000, (lir /Nn4NM It mar 141'1444. S'1'1':R1.1N.i