HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-12-18, Page 3Wednesday, December 18, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 3
Harper Government proposes changes to support
agricultural sector growth through modernization
last week, the (;over►nllellt of Canada
introduced a new bill that will stimulate
investment and innovation in Canada's
agriculture sector and give Canadian
farmers more tools to compete and thrive
In world markets and at home.
The Agricultural Growth Act will
increase farmer' access to new crop vari-
eties, enhance trade opportunities and
the safety of agricultund products, reduce
red tape and contribute to Canada's over-
all economic growth.
"Ourgovenuuent is committed to sup-
,C;Ing Canada's farmers and our world-
. 7 . agriculture industry so they can
remain competitive in world markets,"
said Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz.
"Armed with the latest science, tools and
practices, our agriculture sector will con-
tinue to be an important driver of Cana-
da's economy:"
Among the key changes being pro-
posed in this bill are amendments to the
Plant Breeders' Rights Act (PIM Act) to
align with the International t inion for the
Protection of New Varieties of Plants
(L JPOV'91) which would update Canada's
legislation from the outdated tJPOV'78
framework. The amendments would
include Farmer's Privilege which allows
farmers to use seeds from the crops they
Strengthening the intellectual property
rights for plant breeding in Canada will
encourage investment in Canadian
research and development. That will give
Canadian farmers more access to new
and innovative seed varieties, which could
enhance crop yield, improve disease and
drought mslstance, and sleet specific glo-
bal trade demands.
'Ib help (aanadian fanners benefit from
the latest scientific research from around
the world, the bill also provides the Cana-
dian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) with
to enhance safety.
The bill also amends the Agricultural
Marketing Programs Act (AMPA) and the
Farm Debt Mediation Act (FDMA).'The
proposed changes are designed to:
• Simplify delivery and ease access to
the Advance Payments Program for
• Allow for multi-year advance guaran-
tee agreements and repayment agree-
ments with administrators improving
• Expand the use of cash
• Provide greater flexibility
and options for what will be
accepted as security allowing
producers to secure larger
• Provide greater flexibility
allowing breeding animals to
be eligible under the
• Adjust the rules related to
the repayment of advances,
producers in default, default
penalties and stays of default;
• Expedite processing under
the Farm Debt Mediation Act
giving producers quicker
These amendments follow
extensive consultations with
producers and industry and
will be cost -neutral for the
Bev Shipley
the authority to consider foreign reviews,
data and analyses during the approval or
registration of new agricultural products
in Canada, allowing for a more effective
approvals process.
"Agriculture worldwide is evolving in
response to growing global populations
and demand," said Bev Shipley, MI' for
l.ambton-Kent-Middlesex and Chair of
the Standing Committee on Agriculture
and Agri -Food. "Knowing that, our gov-
ernment will continue to provide better
tools and services to help (atnadian farm-
ers prosper on world markets and serve
the needs of Canadians."
The Act includes a new licensing and
registration regime for animal feed
and fertilizer operators and establish-
ments, increased monetary penalties for
violations, stronger controls for agricul-
tural products at the border and require-
ments for more stringent record keeping
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Lynda Milkman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance
Junior Achievement dollars The Grand Bend Community Foundation is pleased to be able to
offer a grant this year to support Junior Achievement of South Western Ontario.
Through the Grant, Grade 8 students at the Grand Bend and Thedford schools will receive the Junior
Achievement's Economics for Success program. The program teaches grade 8 youth about budgeting to live
on their own and within their means, interview do's and dont's, how to fill in a job application and looking up to
their role models to help them on their successful journey through their career.
Youth with Junior Achievement training have a better understanding of what will be required of them financially
after post secondary school thus making them better prepared for the workforce and our communities. The
volunteers also benefit from teaching programs by having the opportunity to obtain the materials from Junior
Achievement, being trained in the program and then teaching the program in the classroom setting. This grows
their presentation skills and allows them to make a difference in their community.
In the photo from the foundation are Hank Winters (back), (I -r) Judy MacDonald, Penny Nelligan, Shirley
Andraza, David Campbell and Stephanie
Donaldson. From Junior Achievement
is Becky Krukowski and Grand Bend
principal Anne Keeley.
Merry Christmas
As another year comes to a close,
1 would like to thank you for your
patronage, and wish you and your
family a very Merry Christmas
and all the best in 2014!
It'sn yme
sLA,0i,A1 6111' ` IR)M1.ULCUR
54 Ontario St. S., Grand Bend
\w'OL• ..A -.AMM\ /We/ HEEL..
Christmas Tree Recycling
Sponsored by Bluewater Recycling Association
Residents may drop off their Christmas trees at the
following locations for chipping:
Hcnmell - Richmond St. West
Zurich - Parking lot at the rear of the
Community Centre
Bayfield - Howard St. East in front of yard fence
Trees shall be free of all decorations.
The final drop off day is January IOth, 2014.
Dave Koster
Manager of Public Works
519-236-4351 x221
!Farm J