HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-12-11, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance Wednesday, December ,1.1.,,2013 CouncH will send wellness centre programs tocommunity Lynda Hillman-Rapley QMI Agency Lambton Shores council have decided to that the programs for the Suncor Wellness Centre in Forest should go out to tender and to let the cur- rent operator, the YMCA be notified. Lambton Shores currently contracts operation and maintenance the Suncor Wellness Centre and wellness programming to the not for profit Sarnia Lambton YMCA. 1he contract ends May 10, 2014. In a report from Brent Kittmer, Director of Com- munity Services he provided alternatives for coun- cil to consider for the delivery of wellness centre services beyond the contract end date. BACKGROUND Lambton Shores owns the Suncor Wellness (;entre in I:orest, and has contracted operation of the facility and wellness programming to the Sarnia Lambton YMCA since 2(X)7. In late 2(X)0 the Municipality published a public call for "Expres- sions of Interest" to operate the wellness centre when construction of the facility was finished. "here were not any submissions from private com- panies, and the only submission received was from the YMCA. On December 7, 2(XXi Council author- ized staff to negotiate a memorandum of under- standing with the YMCA for the operation of the facility, and on May 7, 2(X)7 council authorized the operating agreement. A number of service changes were implemented in response to community feedback and a new operating agreement was agreed to on May 10, 2009. "Ihe current agreement has a five- year term that ends May 10, 2014. Recognizing this end date council has requested that staff provide a report reviewing the delivery of wellness centre services in Lambton Shores. In 2011 council asked that the issues pertaining LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES... A weekly Update on the Municipal Events in your Community Administration Doparlmonl - 7883 Amld000m Parkway, Forest. Ontano NON 1JO Tol 1.877.7864335, 519.786.2335 Fax 519-786-2135 Email adminestrabontkamblonshoros ca Visit our W ole Seto al www lambtonshoros ca Winter Snow Clearance & Removal With winter coming, please remember that the parking of vehicles on Municipal roads Is prohibited between the hours of 2,00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. and tickets will be issued to offenders. Our Community Services Department snowplow operators appreciate your cooperation. For questions or concerns please call tho By-law Enforcement Officers at: Glenn Bell - 519-3814899 or Keith Crawford - 519-238-8461 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE for GARBAGE & RECYCLING PICKUP There will be no garbage or recycling pck up m Wednesday. December 25' or Wednesday, January 1st However, a special collector for those rormally cdlectec on Wednesday, December 25th will take place on Saturday. December 28th. 2013 For those customers with pick up days scheduled for December 240, and December 31st, please ensure That your material is set out by 700 a m as the Landfill site is closing early For further Information please portant the Community Services Dept at 519 243 1400 or 1-866.943-1400 CHRISTMAS TREE RECYCLING Tho Munopality 011 wnbton Shoros will onco again provido Chnstmas too drop -cll dopots from January 2nd -17th Dopots aro located at tho lotlow,ng Community Sorwcos Yards 9575 Port Franks Road -Northville 6276 Townsend Line, Forest (old iron) e c -V, cos For furthor information pioato contact Cho Community Sorvico Dopartmnnt at 519. 2431400 01 1 866 943 1400 MUNICIPAL OFFICE HOLIDAY HOURS All Municipal Administration Offices will bo closed for the holiday season from Tuesday, December 24, 2013 at noon and re•oponing Thursday, January 2, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. Legacy Recreation Centre TIM HORTON'S December 73 December 26 December 27 December 29 December 30 January 2 January 3 TENDER DEMOLITION OF A BUILDING 1 '/a Storey Three Car Garage Corner of Church and MacDonald Street, Forest Sealed tenders clearly marked as to content, will be received until 11:00 a.m. December 17, 2013 for the demolition of a 1 'V, storey building, end the removal and disposal of all contents and building materials and the restoration of the site in accordance with the contract documents and all current legislations. (See tender documentation for further details on the disposal of the contents) A pre -tender site visit is scheduled for December 12. 2013 at 10:00 am (altemate Mmes may be available sec tender documents for details) Tenders must include a bid bond or certified cheque in the amount of 10% of the bid amount, an agreement to bond for 50% performance and 50"/x labour and material, proof of insurance, and WSIB coverage. Further details and contract tender documents are available at. http.1/www.lambtonsh0res.carliv nallocalgovernment/Capra JQroiects jertdorsandrfos.titm or by contacting the Lambton Shores Municipal Office, 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, • Forest, Ontano or by calling 519-786-2335. e \• The 2014 Council meeting schedule is now posted on the website. PLEASE NOTE... the first regular Council mooting will be hold January 16, 2014 at tho Legacy Centro in Thedford. 2013 — 2014 Holiday Skate Schedule The real gift is the time you'll spend together! Tim Horton's and EastLink invite you to enjoy some time with your family and friends and skate for free at your local arena. Shores Recreation Centre TIM HORT ON'S December 23 10:30 am -- 17:00 pm December 24 9:30 am- 11:00 am December 26 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm December 27 2.00 pm - 3:30 pm December 29 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm December 30 1:30 pm - 3:00 pin January 3 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm 1toVi t) KUjt: M hDppti I) tldtlq xk(11e. 1)! 2:00 pm- 4:00 pm 12:OOpm-2:OOpm 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm 2:OOpm-4:OOpm Shores Recreation Centre LAST LINK December 23 December 21 January 2 2:OOpm- 3:30 pm 11:O0am-12:OOpm 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm CONTRACTORS TAKE NOTE: 1. , , I'. 1., -". -11e• 1 to operation of the Stlnt'ur Wellness Centre be referred to the Recreation and Leisure discussions and the Strate- gic Plan review. Council reviewed this motion during the lune 6 meeting. No formal motion was passed, hut a note on the resolu- tion in the agenda indicates that the platter is to he discussed during the municipal service delivery review. 'I his report is intended to fulfill that request. Outlined below are considera- tions for delivery of wellness centre services beyond the contract end date with the YMCA. The YMCA has continued to build their brand in Lambton Shores, which has resulted in increased membership year over year. 'I he YMCA has also inte- grated themselves in other areas of the Municipality, and have recently part- nered with the (rand Rend Optimist (;Iub to deliver youth centre services. Staff meet on a regular basis with the YMCA to review their c'ontrac't, and it is our understanding that the Forest wellness centre has execrated the YMCA's expectations and that the organizations is considering expanding their programming services. lb date the contractual relationship with the YMCA has allowed Lanthton Shores to deliver on a number of the strategic priori- ties outlined in the master plan as they relate to providing opportunities for diverse and affordable programming. lite options council were presented with were Option 1: Contracting Out Operations, 1.1 Renegotiate with Sarnia YMCA 1.2 REP the New Services Con- tract Option 2: In-house \Vellness Cen- tre Service Delivery. Staff recommended that the wellness centre services continue to be colt - tracted.'Ihat was not c'ouncil's desire. Staff also recommended that council direct staff to deliver a letter of intent to the YMCA, Prior to December 10, 2013, w to negotiate a 5i -year extension to theed current services contrac't.'Ihis was not council's desire. FINANCIAL IMPACT None at this time. Financial informa- tion will be presented after a new con- tract is negotiated, or the costs of serv- ices are known through a competitive selection profess. Drinking water protection CONTINUED FROM > PAGE 3 Source 81 Authority, 1093 Mari- etta Street, P.O. Box 127, Wroxeter, ON, N0( 2X0. Written comments on the revisions to the Proposed Source Pro- tection flan for Ausahle Bayfield Source Protection Area can be dropped off at, or sent to: Ausahle Bayfield Source Pro- tection Authority, 71108 Morrison bine, BU 3 Exeter, ON, NOM 1S5. "'lite revisions to the proposed source protection plans bring us one step closer to having plans ready for approval by the Province of Ontario," said Laurence Brown, Chairman of the Source Protection Committee (SP(:) for the Ausahle Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking \Pater Source Protection Region. "Provincial approval may take place as early as next year and that will allow for implementation of the local committee's policies to protect munici- pal drinking water sources." The revisions to the plans include correction of some typographical errors as well as adoption of some changes included in comments from the Prov- ince of Ontario, said lemur Allain, Pro- gram Supervisor for the Ausahle Hay- field Maitland Valley Drinking \Vater Source Protection Region. "The revi- sions don't change the effect of the local c'ontllllttt't''s I)lat1)S" she said. "The Ill' changes are being made to ensure the plans use the appropriate legal tools in the right places in order to implement the intent of the source protection committee." l'or more information on drinking water source protection in your region I )1 visit: www.sourcewaterinfo.on,ca 1.2 million Canadians —1 in 25 — carry the gene for cystic fibrosis. C;111.1( 11.111 ( t 0)1WItti 1 O1ltl(I,1t0)11 To learn more, please contact: 1-800-318-CCFF www.cysticfibrosis.ca