HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-12-11, Page 3Wednesday,tteceinber 11, 20'13 '• • Lakeshore Advance ‘3
Building empires in Lambton Shores
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
OMI Agency
1.11111111011 SI ares council wiII Took at
bringing the service for \vater/wastewater
delivery in house (respite the fart that staff
explained that these are highly regulated
services with profound conseguene•e. for
non-compliance for system failures.
At the December 5th regular meeting,
Brent Kintner, Director of Community
Services submitted a report to assist
Council with considering the future serv-
ice delivery options for water and waste-
water, told for Council to make its decision
regarding the selection of the preferred
model of service delivery.
The report was received stating that
\vater and \vastewater services continue to
She a contracted operation; and that staff
)egln the process to BEP the water and
wastewater services contract, to be imple-
mented January 1, 2015; and that a budget
of $25,000 be funded from the. water
reserve to undertake the engagement of
professional services to lead the Request
For Proposal (REP) process.
Council also made a motion that coun-
cilor John Russell meet with staff to fur-
ther explore the possibility of developing
an alternative service delivery tnechanisnn
for Water and 1Vaste \Vater using Lamb -
ton Shows staff and/or other community
partners, and report hark to Council early
in the new year.
Lanilton Shores owns two municipal
drinking water systems and five munici-
pal wastewater systems it
Water Facltttles
• 'lhe'(lk)I(I pump station O'Ihedforl res-
ervoir o Northville Tower o Arkona
Standpipe o Forest bulk water station o
Northville hulk water station o North-
ville pumping station o 330 kilometers
of watermain o 788 fin' hydrants o 6450
water utility accounts and connections,
complete with water meters
Wastewater Facilities
■ Forest pollution control plant o Arkona
treatment plant O'Ihedfolrl lagoons
• Indian pulls treatment plant o (rand
Bend lagoons o 8.1 kilometers of force
mains o 73.3 kilometers of gravity
S1't%eI'S a till(\ Inlailnll'1lalnl't' hub's 0 1(
lift/pump stations
The operation of these systems has
let's rontructe'd to OMI (.1 12M11i11 since
shortly after amalgamation. The torrent
contract began in 2(K)8 with a seven- year
term ending December 31, 2014. Recog-
nizing this end date, and the potential to
review delivery of water and wastewater
services in Lambton Shores, Council has
requested that staff' provide a report on
the current industry trends for service
delivery in this area, background informa-
tion 011 the current contract with OM1,
necessary steps forward, a11(1 alternatives
for council to consider for moving for-
want.'Ihis report is broken out into vari-
ous subsections addressing each of these`
areas respectively.
Current Industry Trends in Water and
Waste \'Vater Service l )eUvery
Immediately after the Walkerton event
in May MX) many municipalities decided
to change film in-house to contact oper-
ating authorities for at least their water
systems, and in many cases the wastewa-
ter systems as well. Both systems are
highly regulated and require specialized
operations staff with very specific qualifi-
cations. Many lower tier municipalities
are large enough 10 have municipal drink-
ing water and wastewater systems, but
fate- staffing issues related to having a
limited number of staff members to over-
see the systems. Normal operating
regtirene'nts such as mandatory trailing,
responding to abuornlal (ir•oslstaulces as
well as covering for holidays and sick days
are challenging with a small work force.
Contract operating authorities have an
advantage. i11 this respect as they can draw
upon greater internal resources and staff
from other local contracts. Retention of
highly skilled operators is also difficult for
small municipalities as highly skilled
operators often use small municipalities
as stepping stones in pursuit of jobs in
larger centers with the resources for more
competitive wages and benefits and
opportunities for advancement.
In his report, Kinsler said, "'There are a
variety of factors that impact how if
municipality decides to staff its water and
waste'wate'r facilities. 'These factors can
include quantity and quality of infrastruc-
ture, complexity of infrastructure, internal
staff knowledge and qualifications, regu-
latory requirements, budgetary con-
straints and desired level of service.
Kinner says that staff does note the
potentially positive benefit of contracting
with an accredited operating authority in
the event of Safe Drinking; Water Act
(SDWA) infraction. As Council is aware,
on January 1, 2013 Section 19 of the til )WA
came into force, and imposes a duty of
care onto every person who exercises
decision- snaking authority over a munici-
pal water system. 'Otis includes municipal
councilors.'Ihe effect of this section com-
ing into force is that now council mem-
len an. immediately exposed to personal
liability in the event of a SI )WA infraction,
and have the burden Of demonstrating
due diligence to be absolved of any fault.
"Council may be interested to know
that the first jail sentence since the Walk-
erton tragedy was laid on a Municipality
of West Elgin operator earlier in 2013 after
an MOE drinking water investigation.'Ihe
municipality operated the system and 3
in-house operators were charged more
than $1$12,((X) for Safe 1)riuking Water Act
violations. Municipal council was not
charged under Section 19 because the
infraction occurred prior to the enforce-
ment of Section 19. \Vest Elgin has since
hired an operating authority to assist with
the operation of their system, "said
Options for council to consider \vete to
Renegotiate with OMI ; REP Contact to
Operating Authorities or Option In-
house Water/Waste Water Service
"It is staff's opinions that the disadvan-
tages of inhouse service delivery out-
weigh the advantages, in particular the
increased exposure to liability under Sec-
tion 1') of the S1)WA. As a result staff is
recommending that water and waste
water services continue to be it contracted
operation. The approach of BFPing the
contract (recommended below) will
ensure that Lambton Shores receives the
lest value for dollar in the services, while
also taking advantage of the additional
°Source protection committee revises proposed plans
Lakeshore Advance
A local source protection committee
has nla(11' revisions to proposed plans
to protect drinking water sources in the
Maitland Valley and Ausable Bayfield
source protection areas. The public is
invited to review the changes and pro-
vide written comments until January
21, 2014. '111e proposed plans will then
be re -submitted, along with public
comments, to the Ontario Ministry of
the Environment for approval.
The updated drinking water source
protection plans are posted on11ne at
www.sourcewaterinfo,on.ca. People
can also inspect a copy of the drafts in
person at the Maitland Valley or Ausa-
ble Bayfield conservation authority
offices during regular business hours.
Maitland Valley Conservation Authori-
ty's office is located at 1093 Marietta
Street in Wroxeter. Phone 519-335-3557
for business hours. Ausable Bayfield
Conservation Authority's office is
located at 71 100 Morrison Line, east of
Exeter and just south of I lighway 83.
Phone 519-235-2610 or 1-8RO-21111-21110
for business hours.
Written comments on the revisions
to 1111' proposed source protection plans
can be submitted until Tuesday, Janu-
ary 21, 2014 at 4 p.m. local time. They
can be seat electronically, by e- mail, to
infooesourcewaterinfo.on.ca or they can
he sent by land mail. Written comments
01) the revisions to the Proposed Source
Protection Plan for Maitland Valley
Source Protection Area can be dropped
off at, or mailed to: Maitland Valley
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resources and securities provided by a third -Marty contactor,
saki Kintner's lepwrt.
"Should Council not accept the recommendation of this
report, staff suggests that the lest way to determine the effective-
ness of in-house service delivery is to develop a detailed internal
service delivery model in pantllel with the RFI' process."
Kintner said internal costing would be completed in parallel
with the REP process and follow the sane' technical specifica-
tions as external bidder's. For stalk) fully cost out the option of
in-house operations, they need to be able to obtain guaranteed
pricing for equipment and services that are needed for opera-
tions. The in-house team would function apart from the staff
working on the RFI' documents in an effort to maintain objectiv-
ity and transparency in the bidding process.'lhis process is obvi-
ously easier to accomplish in larger organizations, and the north
for small municipalities is to hire u consultant like Watson &
Associates to work with a small team of staff to complete the serv-
ice delivery review. Professional fees to complete this work are
estimated to be in the order of$'25,(XK).
Staff recommendation was that, "Water and wastewater oper-
ations are critical services to the Municipality. They are highly
regulated services with profound consequence for non-compli-
ance for system failures. In particular the increased exposure to
liability under Section 19 of the SDWA is new legislative territory
yet to be tested by the counts. Stalk recommending that Council
select Option 11 and water and waste wafter services continue to
be a contracted operation:'
Council did not go with this option.
l aunbton Shores has not value tested the services contact on
the open market since' shortly after amalgamation. At this point
11) time Stal(l'allllat (h'tillitely say 111a1 the. current cost of services
is competitive. Staff is recommending that Council select Option
11.2 and RFP the water and waste'- water services contract.
Ibis option will require the services of an engineering consult-
ing firm to assist with administration of the I(FP process. Staff
recommends (hilt Council ap)pioV(' a professional services
budget of $25,(XX) to be funded fr11111 the water reserve to t'11stt1't'
no impact to the operating budget.
1 lam - 5pm
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