HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-08-20, Page 8rottrms) PARAGRAPHS. 1.1.01,10.1 The road to rnin is broad and crooks It's a corking good idea to bottle up your wrath. When trouble goes to sleep, throw away the alarm clock. Even when the worm does turn it retakes little nOise in the world. It a woman admits that she snores you can safely believe anything she says. It's a pity we can't insure our pipe dreams before they go up in smoke. A considerable percentage of those who attend church can't tell an boor later what the minister's text was. Over 200 umbrellas were found in the room of a female kleptomania She believed in laying up something for a rainy day. A roarried man who owns an auto - awhile is in a positiou to acquire a lot of experience. It probably never occurs to an eigh- teen -year-old boy that he'll be a man some day and know as little as his dad. There are but two really great dis- appointments in life, One is not getting what yon want and the other is getting it. The average man is willing to let his wife have the last word -and the soon- er she gets to it the better he eeems to like it. Some men are not content with being treated well; they want to be treated often. Why are people so foolish as to want their own way when your way is so much better? If it's easier to preach than to prac- tice, it must be easier to be a clergy- man than a physician. Somebody has said that any man who has a job has a chance. The trouble is too many are taking chances now. Paris is said to possess tnore sundials than any other city in the world. Many accidents are caused by fooling horseplay, and distracting attention of others. 'the Oriental countries are being flooded with cheap phonographs from Germany. Do not use hammers and mauls unlees the haedles are good and se.eirely fast- ened. THE WINGEAM TIRES, AUGUST 20, 1914 NA -DRU -CO COD LIVER OIL Isone of the best Lung Builders A guaranteed cure or prevention for Coughs and Colds TRYIT Put up in two sizes 50c. and $1.00 J. J. DAVIS Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE W NGHAM FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. Ott in Dakota if a thief steals one chicken it is called petit larceny, but if be gets away with more It is called grand larceny. This is certainly a dif- ference with a vengeance. Among the varieties to be admitted to the revised standard is the Single Comb Red Pyle Leghorn. This will be the ninth variety of Leghorns, and It's a dandy, like the rest of them. London game buyers have been warn- ed that many of the partridges and pheasants shipped there from China are killed in wood and field by poison- ed bait. American egg buyers are Imre- by warned that thousands of Chinese eggs are being shipped to tial country mad these antique, germ laden, yellow perils are likely to be sold. as the real American article. At the eighteenth exhibition of the Roston Poultry association there were over 5,000 entries. The association in- vited the "old guard" and seventeen veteran poultrymen responded. The oldest was eighty-two years, Ef, 13, Ma- son. The next oldest was I. X. Feich, eighty years of age. Mr, Felch recent- ly issued his sixty-first annual cata- logue. These old veterans started the ball rolling, and much of the success of modern poultry Is due to their early liforts. Poaltry health and hygiene seem to have been omitted from most of our agricultural College curriculums, bat „they certainly are as important as the productioa p1.4 pie psarket poultry ana eggs, if not mere its. The South Dakota state branch of the American Poultry assoCiation re- cently prosecuted a chicken thief for stealing $20 worth of poultry and had him sent to the penitentiary for eight- een months. While fresh home egss In Seattle were selling at 40 cents ana ehediser grades in Petaluma, Cal., at 38 cents Chinese eggs' butted It and sold at 29 cents. Broken glees Is a poor subatitute for gilt and often cuts the crop and pierces the gizzard. When you do find any frt the gizzard of a fowl that Is utinjured by it the glass Is worn smooth als button and no good for grit The first man to make and use an inenhatue was ridiculed end considered a sort of lunatic. Now the fellow wbo tries to run a plant withent one is called an old fossil and thought to be lacking practical gray matter. It doesn't require much room for bantams, and they certainly are inter- esting pets to have around and tine layers too. Pickle hard boiled bantam eggs and mall red beets in vinegar and yon have a good appetizer for that picnic luneh. Ducks are always on the go, and One wondere when they MeV, This ever- lasting waddffug, wiggling, quacking, TO Rtter.-Sevire rooms in the splashing and diggieg with their Scoop Kern Block, stiita for living rooms. shovels is necessary to their digestion Apply to AV= CO. and enables them to gef away with , All accounts owin bushels of grub lit short order. by August 22th, or to court as 1 am 1 E. B. AU. NtfPsratIAAMAX THE WESTERN FAIR. The Western Fair. of London, Ont., promises this year to eclipse all previous Exhibitions. Entries are already pour- ing in to the general offices, The inter- est in the Live Stock Department is in- creasing every year, and the indications are that the entry of Live Stock this year will be the largest in its history. Unusual interest is being manifested in the Dairy Department, and there will be a large entry of cheeee and butter. The cold storage system installed lately affords splendid facilities for caring for the Exhibits. Butter making corn - petition will be carried on twice daily during the Exhibition. This always affords a very interesting hour in the Dairy Hall, where there is pleety of seating accommodation, The Poultry entry promises to be very large. In ad- dition to the cash increase in the Prize List, there is offered twenty two silver maps, divided among the different class- es. This makes the Poultry list very attractive, and will bring out at large entry, All information regarding the Exhibition given an application to the Secretary, General Offices, London. Rural Depopulation. Rural depopulation, which the census of 1911 showed to have resulted in a de- crease in the townships of old Ontario during the previous ten years of 100,000 still goes on. The reports of the bu- reau of industries published by the Gov- ernment of Ontario, and available to 1913, show the state of the assessed population since the taking of the cen- sus. The following Counties which are selected as being little influenced by the growth of towns within their bor- er, show these decreases from 1911 to 1918: - Bruce 1974 Grey ....... -2210 Huron 1720 Kent — 078 Lennox..., 571 Middlesex ,1374 Ontario . 809 Oxford 634 Peel 346 ' Perth . Peterboro liVellingtort 896 • • 248 956 BORN. HENDERSON-At Wilton, 'Wis. On August 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. T. idgar Henderson; a son (Edgar Gray). KIRBY.- In Brussels, on August llth, to Mr. and Mrs, Harry Kirby, (nee Maude Querin), a daughter, Pemllsosts-In Buffalo, On Aug. 7th, to Rev. and Mrs. a. J. Patterson, a daughter. KAAKE -In Wroxete ,r on Aug. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaake, a son. MCA TKOMPSON-OORDON -in Toronto, on August 12, by the Rev. J. W. Bell, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Geggie, Mar- jorie Gordon, M. A„ daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Gordon of Winghana. to Walter Palmer Thompson, Ph. 1)., professor of biology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. l'et1ess "trader This Rend ten tents aline for ilret Ittiertion; Are tents for Bubse. qUent insertioutt. a**. VW*. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie'. WANTED -Good general servant Apply at the Timm office. Peter Fisher, Apply to l. Mrt WAIiTED-A gogeneral servant gir Now 's the time to buy your wan pap- er at greatly reduced prices et Knox% Trans•ists AND Vatasna:7„Sig stock of select from at lowest pri es. W. J. OggEtt, tile meat be paid hey will be put ifl. ving town. ART, Diagonal # FARM FOR SALE -175 acres; one mile from 13luovale and three miles from Winghem. Apply to BOstrian Bros., Blueyale. Fon SenE.-A good dwelling house in good location; nearly one acre of land. Will be sold at right price. Possession given anytime to suit purchaser, Get particulars at TIMES OFFICE, Fon SALE -A comfortable seven - roomed house, with cemeet cellar and coal bin. Hard and soft water, a good garden, Apply to F. Gr, Sperling, Min- nie street or at his ogice, Salt Block. NOTICE -Having sposed of my busi- ness, all aeceunts jiwing me must be paid by August 21t. I will be at home every day until/ that date. Prompt settlement requejted. M. BRECKENRIDGE. FOR SALE OR EXCIIANGE,-City gro- cery, stock and fixtures about $3700.00. Profits this year nearly $1500.00; will do better next year. Will take 10 to 25 acres farm land close to Wingham in part payment. 4t Box 10, WINGHAM TIMES, SUMMER TOURIST RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST Via Chicago and North Western Ry. Special low rate round trip tickets on sale from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria, Edmon- ton, Calgary, Banff, Yellowstone Park, etc., during August arid September. Excellent train service. For rates, il- lustrated folders, time tables and full particulars, address, B. II. Bennett, General Agent, 46 Yorige St., Toronto, Ont. OCEAN TICKETS . Via all steamship lines, outward or prepaid from the Old Couutry. Lowest quotations current for rates or tickets by any route. Apply -H. B. ELLIOTT • Times Office, Wingham FARM FOR SALE. 100 acr BS in the Township of Kinloss, about one mile from Whitechurch. This farm will be sold at a bargain. For particulars appy to R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ont, PLEASANT VIEW FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, 100 acres cleared, 20 acres hard wood bush; well fenced; good state cultivation; windmill; good water; bank barn 82x52; good out -buildings; two storey brick cottage, 11 rooms. ROBERT LEATHORN, Bluevale. DRAY BUSINESS ving purchased the Dray Business from Wm. Breckenridge, I am prepared to take care of business in this line. Your work will be given careful and prompt attention. A share'of your patronage solicited. Robt. McGEE Phone 10 SCRANTON COAL (Not Imitation) Buffalo, N.Y., Idly 30, 1014 Mr. R. J. Cantelon, Wingbatn, Ont, Dear Sir: Replying to your enquiry of the 28th. We mine our owe coal just out- side the thy of Scranton. We own and operate mine colleries in the heart of the Scranton district, and our coal is the ertual of any, and superior to mazy, both in preparation and quality. Trusting this will be satisfactory. We thank you for enquiry and will be pleated to receive your orders. Itours very truly, THORNE, NEAL & CO. per T. M. Pyre, Northern Sales Mgr. R. J. Cant:0°n OFFM0 wrril Dominion Express Co.'s Office losiosimesmigommumpaisiaimmispoosiompoilt IWonderfully Low Prices on 1 Ladies' Wear Summer Goods House Furnishings For the Balance of Angust Two Extra. Special Val- ues in Women's •antl Misses Rain Coats 12.50 Value for $8.75 This Coat is inede from fine English Covert cloth perfectly rubberized. Sung fitting collar, set in sleeves and side pookets, $6,50 value for $3.95, Sizes 24 to 40 and Misses 14. to 20 years. Ladies' and Misses' Spring Coats' of Charm- ing Style. Half Priced and Below. 18 of this season's newest styles and cloths in the North - way make, on sale this week. Values from $10.00 to $20,00 at 25 per cent. saving. Ladies' Whitewear Underskirts, Gowns, Drawers, and Comet Covers, many broken lines to elmose from. On sale at 25 per cont. wring, Long Silk Gloves 69c per pair White, black, Pink, cham- pagne and blue, double tipped, sizes 6 to N. 36 inch Black, Guaran- teed IVIessaline Silk, $1.25 value for 98c A. • most reliable dress Silk, dyed in the skein, richly finished and a deep full black, a silk that can be depended on for good wear. Save Money Buying House Furnishings Now Rugs and Squares Velvet, Wilton, Axminster, Tapes try, etc. Handsome, oriental designs suitable for all rooms. Sizes 23x3, 3x334, 4x 4Ys at a saving of 20 per cent. Effective Curtains and Drap- ing Materials, scrim and flow- ered Net, prices 15c to $1.00 per yard. Oilcloths, Linoleuma, Matting Window Shades and Poles at special prices. KING BROS INVOIVom*O111.1101.11101.1.1•11.1. 1111111111111111111101111111111111111111MOMMEMIMMION We are the sole agents in Winghain for the D.L. & W. Coal Co's Scranton Coal, Any other dealers offering this coal for sale are merely offering an imitation. The following letter will bear us out in this connection Buffalo, N.Y.,July 6, 1914 M. J. A. McLean, Wingham, Ont. Dear Sir: — Replying to your inquiry in regard to ship- meLts of genuine D.L. & W, Scranton Coal, in Wing - ham. We absolutely rontrol the mining, selling and shipment of this coal, and it can only be purchas- ed from this office for shipment into your territory. In the last ten years we have neither sold nor made shipments to anyone in Wingham but your- self, and we will not do so in future, without first publishing in your local newspapers a notice to this effect over our name. You are, therefore, the only retailer at Wingharn who can supply the genuine D. L. Bt. W., Scranton Coal. Trusting that this is satisfactory, we are, Very truly yours, The Delaware, Lackawnna & Western Coal Co. E. H. Read, Sales Agent. AL. DEALER IN LUMBER, COAL AND WOOD orsivionionos00144000000.10•00000100 SPECIAL LINES IN SWEET CAKES, IN THIS LIN Z WZ ARE SPECIALIAZING 4 LINES WHICH YOU SHOULD HAVE. 4 STRAWBERRIES PINEAPPLES GREEN BEANS TOMATOES Henry T. Thomson 41frree delivery “The House of Cluality" Phone 9 Fast Service,. ***Ifeeetesosseeslassa, esseesowessseeseWisesieesa Everybody is Reading WAR NEWS I and therefore no one can be expected to spend much time reading advertisements. you must wear boots however and we have a few short words to say to You which it will pay you to read, no matter how serious the War News THIS:town and vicinity is being flooded asusual Ca with city catalogues and without any "if" "and"i"or" about it, permit us to state that we sell shoes (no matter what kind) at exactly the same price as quoted in "city catalogues" and in addition to that we sew all rips and tack all soles on:shoes bought from us free of charge. IN CASE you see a shoe you like in any cata- logue, in nine cases out of ten we have it and do not forget our prices are never more than those quoted in city catalogues. W.• Hs WilliS & Con Sole Agents zr.09.47- For Ladies .swcaq 1 14**4-1111111/11011444144114414sesiesessaa, ......_____ .. ANNUAL SALE OF Summer Goods Beginning Saturday, Aug. 15th Ending Saturday, August 29th Crum's Prints 10c. All White Waists as follows: - Regular $1,25 Waist for 85c. Regular 1.50 Waist for, $1.10 Regular 1.75 Waist for 130 Regular 2.00 Waist for 1.50 other Waists at similar prices. , Men's and Boys' Suits and Hats 25 per cent. Discount Carpets and Rugs 20 per cent. Discount No Goods Charged at These Prices Produce of All Kinds Taken ,.............. Jill AN Mil. LLS . Successor to T. A. Mills 141014' 89. WINGHAIVE, ONT. --..,,,,,