Lakeshore Advance, 2013-11-27, Page 2626 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, November 27, 2013 Crawford throws perfect score at Grand Bend darts Gord Carter Keith Crawford adds his name to the perfect score list throwing 180,140, to lead the Wannabees in a 6-0 win over Doesn't Mutter. 'the Barley Boys took RiverBends Mis- fits 6-0 and The Point won 6-0 over Myles & Shafts, Paul Wybrow scored 174,104,17 as his team NOW lost 4-2 against the 1)iddlers. Standings after week 9 Nov. 21 Barley Boyz -46-, 'I)tll Waves -39-, Pointers -39-, Bent Shafts -35-, Wannabees -34-, River - Bend Overs -33-, Diddlers -33-, NOW 30-, Scorpions -28-, Doesn't Matter -25-, The Point -24-,Social Club -23-, Misfits -22-, Demolition -19-, Just its -18-, Shark Attack -16- Shoreliners -12-, Flytes & Shafts -10- Individual Point Leaders ('lbp'len) - Randy Bressette 60, Paul Wybrow 42,Lionel Walsh 40, Kaleigh Clemens 39, Mike Rahn 35, Keith Crawford 31, Rick Dellow 28, Joey Forrester 28, Kevin Poole 27, Gord Carter 27, 180s- Joey Forrester, Niall Bressette, Ron Crown, Keith Crawford, Men's l ligh Out- Randy Bressette 108, Men's High Score- Art Travis, Paul Wybrow 174, Bull t 11.11,101011.0. Santa has asked his friends at The Lakeshore Advance to help him by collecting any letters, pictures or short stories you might want to send him this holiday season. We will print them in the Dec 18th edition of the Lakeshore Advance for Santa to see. Email: lakeshore.advance@ sunmedia.ca Drop Off: 58 Ontario St. N. Grand Bend, 9am-4pm Mon.,Wed.,Thurs.& Fri. (Closed Tues.) Mail: Santa Claus, c/o The Lakshore Advance P.O. Box 1195, 58 Ontario St., N. Deadline for Submissions Friday December 6th at 4pm Out 50 - Rick Dellow, Kevin Poole, Ladies high Out- Jody Calderone 80, Ladies High Score - Peggy Johnson 165. Week 9 Top Guns Keith Crawford 180,140, Paul Wybrow 174,104;t,1 Ian Schofield 138, 13111 Fischer 133,11m Alce 133, Bob Stewart 133, Bob Glidden 132,T, Shelly Wood 127, Ron Crown 121;I;1;1; Joey Forrester 120, Jeff Baljko 120, Mike Cregan 117, Ivan Herrington 116,1', Bonnie Bartlam 115, Anna McKellar 112, Nialie Bressette 105;I1; l.loyde lioben 105,T, Shirley Fischer 105, Ruth Rowe 103, Dan Morneau T,T,T,T, Randy Bressette T,T,T, Bill Neely 1'1, Fred Etnpy T;1', Kaleigh Clem- ens 'Li; Steve Wells 1, Jim Crown '1; 'led Matthews 'I, Dwight Jennison 1; Ken Webb '1; Mike Rahn T.R.C.L. Zone Darts were played on Nov.16/ 13 in Corruna Ont. with the top 4 teams moving on to the District playoffs in Thamesville. First place went to Br. 447 Corruna, Second place Br.498 Grand Bend, Gord Carter, Rick Dellow, Mike Rahn, Brad Rahn, Third place Br.498 Grand Bend, Ian Clark, Janet Brock, Rick Davies, Carol Davies, Fourth Place 13r.498 Grand Bend, Paul Garrett, Randy Bressette, Kaleigh Clemens, Ryan.Thanks to ail the participants and congratulations to the winners. NOTE: Teams have until Dec.19/13, (4 weeks) to add players to their rosters, (Max.8) per team. Anyone wishing to join the league may leave your name & phone # at Br.498 Grand Bend Legion Att: Gord Carter/Kaleigh Clemens Changing lanes at Town and Country WNW MORNING YBC -NOU 16113 AdanaMaler - 64,152 Cherie Bruton -134, 305 Wyatt Gower - 97, 236 Ashley Jones -165, 472 Brandon MOW -190, 484 Brady Laporte - 207, 526 Nage Wald - 216, 533 Aanin Beech - 226, 589 Lalren RS* - 240, 601 8iake Beech - 222, 625 Auetln Armstrong - 219, 635 MONDAY NNW LADIES - N01 18/13 Lade 3: Joeanne Durand - 219, 580 Lane 4: Barb Robinson - 223, 587 Lai 5: Amy Fritzley - 213, 575 Lane 6 Cindy Hendrick - 222 Sharon Lagerweet - 545 Ladle's High Average: Atny Fritzley - 188 TUESDAY NOW MENS NOK 19/13 Lane Burners: Darren Keyes - 291, 675 Strike Zone: Nathan Kraftcheck - 247, 647 Split Trevor Lansbergen - 258, 628 Maple taught Gerry Roeder - 242 .1k11 Panniey - 610 Men's High Average: Bob Pellow - 229 WEDNESDAY MORNRIG LANES - NOIR 20/1 Lade 2 Betty Sangster - 181, 466 Lane 3: Sylvia Bunn - 156, 375 Lane 4: Elaine Weida - 163, 449 CI NNt1NNA1t.S - NOY 20/13 Ashley Jones -100, Betty limerick - 89, Brent Butson - 116, 112, Brent Storey - 171, 152, Brooke Bell - 108, Bruce Stubbs - 122, 110, Chris Grotentraast - 77, 87, Chris Rowcliffe - 91, 117, David Bressette - 127, 122, Debbie Brownlee - 94, Devin Scott - 112, 114, Eloise Klungel - 151, 127, Emmett Kuiack - 88, 66, Gord Dickson -115, 195, Harold Kumm - 83, 73, Jack Wallace - 132, 118, Jamie Uvingston - 86, 95, Janice Sharrow - 112, 75, Joe Fahie - 109, Joeanne Durand - 128, 154, Karl Verbeek - 91, 142, Marley Baker - 96, 81, Mary Lou Masse - 111, 88, Rebecca Pickering - 98, 119, Richard Meyer - 95, 135, Roger Rammeloo - 122, 133, Roy Lebow - 116, 132, Ryan Jewitt - 95, 99, Scot Ferguson - 153, 91, Shelly Vanden- berg - 83, 92, 'Jammy Dayman - 119, Tim Goodland - 77, 96, Wayne Walper - 85, 71. GRANO CONN A FRISS - NOK 21/13 Lane 1: Ron Cleaver - 209 Grace Foekett - 474 Lane 2 Dieter Rewoldt - 172, 504 Lane 3: Ralph Simons - 244, 519 Lane 4: Mike l.udanyi - 225, 587 Ladle's High Average: Grace Foskett -157 Men's High Average: Mike Ludanyi - 182 THURSDAY NIGHT MIXU NOV. 21113 Lane 3r Bob Pellow - 281, 769 Lane 4: Jim Parmley - 230, 581 Ladle's High Average: Suzanne Coleman - 187 Men's High Average: Les Coleman - 225 Bridging the gap in the Port No Game WEDNESDAY - N -S Fkst - Cliff'lavitz - Mark Pettit Second - Mavis Reffell - Dr. 13111 Greenwood Third - J. D. Martell - Joy Croke WEDNESDAY - E -W Rest - Ann Smith - Anne Odonnell Second - Marilyn Topham - Ina Koper Third - Jean Potthoff - I larriet Bruner Games are Monday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 1:00 munity Centre. For information or partners FRIDAY - N -S First- Louise Vandenberk - Dorothy Linton Second - Vicki I lorley - Mike Alderson Third - Kathy Mackay - Teresa Puklicz Fourth - Sally Turnbull - Gladys Shaw FRIDAY - E -W Fret - Marilyn lopharn - Robert Mcfarlane Second - Mark Pettit - Joy Croke Third - Sharon Strong - Ann Smith FOurttl - Richard Papineau - Brenda Blair pm & Friday 1:00 pm at the Port Franks Com- ' phone 238-1239 or 243-3733