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rax MVM,
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 23
Zurich Mennonite Church
37818 Zurich I(ensall Rd., West of Zurich
KIngsfleld Pastor: Ken Gatley
ZM(' Pastor: Tom Rocs
Sunday, Dec. 1
9:30 am
Worship Gathering
Pastor Ken Gazlcy
11 am Sunday School
Everyone Welcome
Church Service
Rejoice Together
Balla 'f Faith
The BahtV'1 Faith is based on
fundamental principles:
Independent investigation of truth
Recognition of the world's great religions
Elimination of all forms of prejudice
Equality between men and women
Harmony of science and religion
Elimination of extremes of poverty and wealth
For more information and your
free booklet,
contact 519-238-8092 or 519-238-1630
www.ca.hahal.org www.bahallambtonshores.org
I lwy. 21, North of Grand Bend
I:n)ail: st.johns()hay.net
Web: www.stjohnsgrandbcnd.ca
St. Anne's, Port Franks:
Sunday, Dec. 1
First Sunday of Advent
8:30 a.m.
Holy Eucharist
Fr. Grayhame Bowcott
St. John's By -The -Lake:
Sunday, Dec. 1
First Sunday of Advent
10:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist
Fr. (:rayhame Bowcott
"A Community of Faith to Ca11 Nome"
The Reverend Father Grayhamc R. Bowcott
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9 • •
St. Peter's Lutheran Church (FI.CIC)
Zurich, Ont.
Rev. Nadine Schu eller Karn, 1J
Organist Mrs. ('hiistme Eagleson
Secretary Jennifer Schcllcnbcr)tcr, Office 519.236-4697
Sunday, Dec. 1
1st Sunday In Advent
With Holy Communion
Service 10:00 am.
Sunday School at 10:15 am
Coffee Hour at 11:00 am
11r the people o/ .S: !'es,,'t tur tailed, by the ,eta. r 01641/41.
1' he d tcrteem iii d tcnr %lu/gtul,g rorl,vrr,giNlon.Krott In., ,,
Atoll 1!in Mfg 1, the'!,Y opt!,t hilt 1w 't4a At t,u tl•trruou1 .t dor R1YI.!
(;rand Bend Church of (:od
('Gnu' worship with us
1 Iwy 81 and 6111 Road ('hone 519-23K-2142
Office I lours: Wed. 1-4, 'Tuts. 9-12
Sunday Dec. 1
Speaker: Stan Desjardine
9:30 - 10:10 a.m. Sunday School rot All Ages
10:3(1 - 1 131 a.m. Coffee Time
11:110 win. Winship Service
Wednesday 1:15 p.m. Prayer t11 Bible Study
admiu('t ghcog.org
Grand Bend United Church
Main Street at Queen 519.238-2402 •
Organist: Elva McIntyre
December 1
11:00 am
Advent I - !lope
Worship Leader
Andrew Middleton
Message: 'File Promise of AdvenlYouth
Sundays I)cc, 1 & 8 - 7 p.m.
Cantata - Mary Did You Know?
New Members Welcome
Grand Bond school
For the
Last wook Lake Smith
stopped by Grand Bond
Public School to built
birdhouses with the
grade five students.
Ills: l y
llighway 21 at
Ausahle ('ut
Pastor Doug Watson
Sunday, Dec. 1
10:30 a.m.
Worship and Sunday School
(nursery provided)
Kith Club: Bible stories, songs, fun games
and more, SK - (,r 6, 6:45 - 8 p.m., on the
second Wednesday of each month
A1id•week service
Wednesday 7:90 p.m.
Zion Lutheran Church 14C -C
afir 148 Frederick St., Dashwood
Rev. John 1:. '1'remhu1ak
511)-237. 518
Sunday Dee. I
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 aim. Adult Bible ('lass
11:00 a.m. Family Worship
Everyone Welcome
www.huylnct-hn/ l ti,(tvh;ry.net
/ _
c.r(notiveily f)(()c.1OimlCl (. 1If4151 without (.tIlT1 )(c)rnls0
Sunday December i. 2011
9:40 am - Sunday School with classes for all ages
10:50 am - Morning Worship—Communion
"Spiritual Gins 2" (Pastor Morris—both servicer)
6:00 pm— Evening Service -"A New Power:
How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit"
Corner of Prince and Wellington Streets, Forest
519-786-3480 www.forestbapt1it.CB
We welcome everyone of all ages to foln usll
walls 1 .•,..Y ,,
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