HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-11-27, Page 9Lord of the ring -tones:
Bell seeks input on 11eW tower was rejected following public opposition,
tran1SI11iSSiO11 towers leading to the search fora second site. The new
tower is about four kilometers south of the 2012
Gerard Creces proposed location.
OMI Agency the Orchard line tower will serve the Pine Lake
Campground area, which has been notorious for
It was a largely uneventful night for Bell repro- dropped calls.
sentatives, as they sought public input on two The next stet) in the process is to seek council
transmission towers in Central !!aeon Tuesday, concurrence with the locations, before going to
Nov. 19. Industry Canada the oversight body for final
The turnout was small for a public meeting into approval. Notice was circulated to residents sur-
th(' matter, which featured plans for two toWl'1's rounding the towel', though tiled' were few tllait
one olnTower Line Road and another on Orchard turned out to the public meeting.
Lille. ()1(1' of the attendees was 1t'lltlt' SI('elll)t'('k,
The 'Power line Road location is intended to whose property the Orchard line tower is pro -
provide service to the 1 lolnu'sville area, and Joel posed for. l le said he was attending the sleeting
Swagerman of Fontur International the company mainly to see if there was any opposition to the
representing Hell Canada - said both towers would project. 1 lis only issue, be saki, was negotiating a
he providing the same type of service, though good price.
there is a notable difference between the two. Shehryar Khan of Montour explained that on
177. 'the Orchard line tower is being installed as part average about two per cent of all cellular calls are
of the Canadian Radio-television'I'eleconununica- dropped. When that number reaches four per
tions Commission's mandate to provide broad- cent, they get involved. As a comparison, about 12
band access to un(terserviced rural areas. per cent of calls were dropped following flit. 201 1
'Ihe towers will provide better connect to voice tornado in Go(lerich. 'Ih(' cause, he said, was too
data and wireless Internet for customers in the many people trying to use the service at one time,
area. diminishing the frequency.
'There are currently four towers in (ventral [(mon A cellular transmission tower provides service
between Rogers, Hell and '1'elus. to about 3,000 customers, which is the equivalent
A previous application for the I loin esville-area to 500 telephone poles.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 9
Gerard Creces OMI Agency
Shehryar Khan of Fontur Intenational speaks to property owner Jentje Steenbeek at a
Nov. 19 public meeting.
Waste management master plan approved at county council
Paul Cluff
SMI Agency
luron County council has approved
a waste management master plan.
Scott '1'ousaw, planning and eco-
nomic development director, told the
Signal Star at the Nov. 13 meeting that
the report sets out a course Of action
over a six-year period.
That will be achieved through inter-
municipal agreements and cooperation
to manage the flow and safe disposal of
waste, recycling and (IfVelston of house-
ha1(1 hazaucto IS wastes and recyclables,
he said.
The county is an enviable position,
province -wide.
The upper tier has waste manage-
Illt'nt planning authority while the
lower fie'f's own and operate landfill
sites and provide delivery of service.
Waste can be transferred from one
municipality to 0 landfill in another
municipality, without an environmen-
tal assessment, if both lower tiers and
the county consent to do so, 'I'ousaw
"It allows for optimization and maxi-
mization of landfill resources."
A primary concern arising from
municipal consultations is whether the
county should thin a Waste Manage-
ment Coordinator. The Mattel' Was
deferred for further discussion at forth-
coming budget meetings.
'I'ousaw said after the council sleet
Ing that other counties have coordina
tors, but "you have to look at the sere
ices that the (counties) provide:'
1:or example, other counties provide
household hazardous waste services
similar to 1 !mon and have either al 1)111'1
time staffer o1' someone attached to the
"We don't have that in the county so we have to
find that within our existing resources and we do
contract a little bit of that out to 011(1-1 Mum staff."
'There is a lot of contract management, though,
on the administration side,'ti)usaw said, and there
are "two or three funding organization and a half
dozen service providers" so it takes a lot to keep
the system operating smoothly.
Currently, 00 one is looking after the big picture
in waste management, including what is happen-
ing with waste flow and capacities. 'shat is why we
have been using consultants for manly years, 5o We
are talking about bringing some of that work in -
house and consolidating it with the work of house-
hold waste."
If council takes a pass on the position this year,
the county will get by, "and it can be reevaluated
in the future."
"There are a lot of these requests for various
types of resources coming to the council table and
budget decisions will have to be made."
1.2 million Canadians —1 in 25 -- carry the gene for cystic fibrosis.
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