HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-08-20, Page 3' . TRE WINGRAg TIMES, kl'UST 20, 1914 Salting One's Smeke. .The strangest way of taking his ealt was probably Dr, Paree, Telfourel records that he *Used to fill his pipe halt with the finest tobaceo and laalf With salt, After that it is not very surprislog tO learn that he smoked "with a philosophical calmness." On one qccasion when the two nut Chariee Lamb's furious smoking of the strong- est tobacco filled Dr. Parr with as tonislunent. Gently laying down his pipe, he inquired how Larob had ar- rived at his power of smoking at such a rate, "I toiled after it, sir, as some s men toll after virtue," was Lamb's re - see ply. -London Graphic. Strychnine. Strychnine is one of the most power - fel vegetable poisons known, but it has very odd effects. Hp to about one thirty-second of a meiln it is often used In medicine as a stimulant. Very little more is required to bring on that pe - collar state known as "tetanus," in which the muscles lock themselves up Into such hard masses that they are al rigid. as bone. An overdose, however, has been known in at least one in. stance to cure itself. -Exchange. How He Felt. "You net as though you thoUght yourself superior to the government." .."Well," replied the genial egotist, "I do feel slightly superior. As a tax- payer when I owe the government any- thing I pay. When the government owes me anything it does as it likes about the matter." -Washington Star. Plenty of Hopeless Ones. .At the age of twenty-five a man can be forgiven for thinking he knows it all, but if he hasu't changed his mind at forty there is no hope for laim.-To- ledo Blade. CT 101t Ogbalsa (pronounced d,ysit), tQ gondola of Malta, is a survival, OM John Wigna.ceurt in "The Odd Man In Malta," et the oldest vessel ever used aticl *tellies little in sbape from the Egyptian boats of the dead. Actually the eye of Osiris Is still to be seen upon the prow. It is propelled by two ex- perlenced oarsmen, ono of whom al- ways staude. Wheu the Gregale wind is siveeping the inirbors and tbe steam ferries are unsafe you min still use the trusty dglialsa. It is a gay little craft, Painted in brilliant colors -in this re- spect a contrast to the somber gondola of Venice. Pleasant For the Callers. Two ladies made a format call on a distant nequaintanee. The maid ask- ed -them to wait until be ascertained whether the person inquired -for was In. Presently she tripped downstairs and announced that "the 41ady was not at home." One of the callers, finding that she had forgotten her cards, said to her'friend, "Let me write my name on your card." "Oh, it isn't at all necessary, miss," put in the maid cheerfully; "I told her Who it was." -New York Globe. With an Eye Toward Economy, Mr. Perry had been out for a day's fishing. As he proudly dis- played the contents of his baeket to his wife she exclaimed: • "Oh, Alva, aren't they beauties! But I've been so anxidus for the past hour, dear." "Foolish little one!" said Biqa caressingly. "Why, what could have happened to me?" "Oh, I didn't worry about you, dear," said the woman, "but it grew so late I was afraid that before you got back to town the fish markets would all be closed." ..IMNSWININOWN 11.40.0...........000.4..0.40.0..00 7,”Oet>1,4,04,4.4..04)**0,t9*. It. .0 A * iTh6 e Times .0 4.' • • . .. . • • • • • Clubbing List• . .• 4 • • • • • • 4 • laWil 0 , 4 . • • • • Times and Saturday Globe 1.90 • - • Times and Daily ' Globe 3.75 • •• • Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star1.85 • o • Times and Toronto Weekly Sun........., 1,70 -..i- o • Times and Toronto Daily Star 2 30 'i.. • * • Times and Tdronto Daily News..... ..... 2.30 2 • 'i> • Times and Daily Mail and Empire.- . 4.50 • * • Times and Weekly Mail and Empire..... 1.60 4> • Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 . • . • Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) ... 1,60 : • 'Ir • Times and Farm and Dairy 1.80 . 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For instance: . •* • - • • The Times and Saturday Globe $1.90 • 441; The Farmer's Adyocate ($2.35 less $1,00) .. . 1,35 • • • • • ' 83.25 • • !making the price of the three papers $3.25. • • • • •• The Times and theWeekly Sun... $1,70 •• . The Toronto Daily Star (82.30 less 81,00).. 1,30 • iat The Saturday Globe (81.90 less 81,00) .... 90 • • • • • 83 • . • • 90 * the four papers for $3.9o. • • • • • * If the pubicat on you want is not in above list let• • • us know. We - • n supply almost any well-known Cana-. . * :dian or American publication. These prices are strictly: • *cash in advance o. •• • Send subscriptions by post office or express order to., • • i• - • The Times Office I : • . . Stone Block • Cl?igidatiEgrY 'PURE BRED SIRES A POSITIVE CURE cAsToR NURSED A HOT TEMPER. IA FOR DAIRY HERD FoR RHEumuism Something Had to Give Way When William Morris Drake Loose. Though explosive tempers may not be admirable and temperamental ex- plosions are not always harmlessly, ex- pended, they are always preferable to soreness, sullenness, brooding, resent- ment or cold anger. Arthur Compton - Rickett in his study of William Morris -that "jolly vivid man," as be terms him -relates several new instances of Morris' violent thunderclaps of temper and swiftly ensuing sunniness and sweetness, Once while he was painting he was called from the room, and presently his startled model heard him furiously anathematizing some one outside whom he dismissed or ejected and then returned a.moment later still boil- ing with wrath. He could not resume his work, but made wild deshes about the room, growling and inutteriug, un- til at last in a culminating access of rage he took a flying kick at the door and with a vast crashing and splinter- ing smashed in a panel. It was too much for his model's nerves, ancl he started to Bee, but at that moment Morris, with his ire entirely gone now that the explosion was over, turned, with a beaming smile, and assured him genially: "It's all right, it's all rigbt, but some- thing had to give way!" 1 am grading my cows, up by using registered Holstein bulla, writes a cor- respondent of the Kansas Farmer, I have my second male new, and pay first half blood heifers are giving as inucls milk as two -year-olds as their mothers gave as ,mature cows. Sly plan has been to buy a registered bull calf in the fall. My first one at two and one- half mouths old cost me $50, including the cost of getting him to my place. I recently sold this bull off to grass as a four-year-old, weighing 1,575 pounds, the price received being $75. Although sold on n beef basis, be is to be used by another man as a breeder. Commenting on the above, the Kell- en:4 Partner says: The up grading system beiug prac- ticed by our correspondent is the surest as well as the cheapest method of im- proving live stock that can be prac- ticed. The use of a high class pedi- greed sire &Most invariably results in Producing a bunch of heifers far su- perior to their mothers from the pro- duction standpoint. This has been demonstrated over and over again, and yet ninny men attempting to develop FLAVOR OF .FOOD. tt is an Important Factor In Digestion and Good Health. If it were not for flavor we should not digest our food properly. Epicu- reanism in eatisig is the handmaid of good health. FInvor has 'been called tbe soulof food. The viands that are • most agreeable to our sense of taste, those we enjoy most, are those we tire most likely to digest well and from which we :tre most likely to derive tbe maximum of nourishment. A hook was devoted to this stiltieet hy . Fleury T. Finek of New York. Els ea fled it "Foid a nil Flavor," ln a re- view of it the Scientific. A nterican says: 'The psychic. factor of desire must pre cede ingestion or resnits will be unpro• pitious. To each vent spent for num moot we add live more for flavor. Fla vor, III short. has an appetizing value. a health value, a', commercial value. -The evolution of n discriminating appetite and the-cshication of the eoue must go Muni in hancl, But your glut ton is never au eploure. Rational mas- tication must accompany the highest enjoyment of food, awl (t) this enjoy• o inent lie perfect assimilati and health. It is flavor that stimain c 1-„ the now of the digestive juiees; it is the digestis'e juices that prepare the food ft». the extraption of nutriment." • • . o •• WINCHAM ONTARIO : : : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Professor Was Wrong. Several doe:Ides ago a learned profes- sor delivereil a coarse of lectures, in ono of which_ he proved to his DWI) sat- isfaction that the Atlantic) oven)) could never la) crossed by steam. Steno) power had been discovered and ap• plied on land, but he was confident it could never he applied to the ocean. Under the peculiar conditions of the heaving titles, the danger of storms. the rolling of the title, and so forth V011 could neVer apply steam to 1.111ri- gntion across the Atlantic. The book in which that lecture was published was on the first steamer that, crossed the. Atlantic. The captain took it along ns n sort uf curiosity. That book did not have a ,,,very large sale. but there 11115 1.een optite a run of steamers ever since. and the professor ccasecl to argue thnt steam could not 1)0 utilized cm the oven n.-Christlan Herald.- KURIOS FROM KORRESPONDENTS Q. Flow is a» egg divided? A. Fifty- seven per cent white, :12 per cent yolk. 11 per cent shell. Q. What is meant by bloody eggs? A. Eggs ill WiliCh StrellkS uid SpOls of blood. These are generally, caused by rupture of mall blood ves- sel in oviduct. Q. What is the most fregarht cause of soft shelled eggs? A. Overfat. Q. \VImt IS the ovarian), infindibalum. the uterus and the cloaks? A. The yolk cluster, The upper part of ovi- duct. whore yolk is covered with albu- men. The middle, where egg is cover- ed with shell, The 00(1 of ()viand, whore finished ewr rests n tnoment be fore entering rectum and from thence drops into nest. Indigestion and Headaches Arising Prom Constipation, Cured and Regular Habits Established by Dr. Chase's Kidney -laver Pills. In the western Provinces, where oo many thousands live far from doctors and drug stores, very many rely on Dr. Chase's medicines to cure dis- ease and maintain health and strength. This letter gives some idea of what perfect control Dr. Chase's Kidneys Liver Pills exert over the most com- mon ills of life. Mrs. H. K. newer, farmer's wife, leastburg, Alta„ writes :---"For about ten years 1 suffered from constipa- tion, indigestion, headache and lan- guid feelings. Treatment from two Or three doctors afforded only tem- porary relief, so 1 -horned to Dr. Chase's Miner -Liver Pills, and with inost satisfactory results. Headaches have disappeared, reguls.r habits es-, tablished aftd genoral health Very, inuCh better. Both my 'hate/bend and I east speak highly of Br. Chase's Kidney -Liver 'Pills. as we leave both been greatly benefited by them." Ono pill a dotie, Sas oabox, a, i 1.00, all dealers, or Edtraineon, B &C10., Limited, Toronto"' •••••••••••• The demand for pure bred dairy sires of the leading dairy breeds has never been greater than in the past year. The demand for good grade and pure bred cows never was greater than at the present time, the price never so high and cows of the high standard so hard to get. It would seeni from the outlook that there is a brilliant future for the breeder of high grade and pure bred stock of the right type and quality -the large producing kind, with good butter fat test, The pure twed Floistein cow pittured pro- duced 18,00e pounds of milk In six months. dairy herds do not make it a practice to use the hest sires possible in their work. It often happens that a man who is prinfresSivti eimugh to introduce a high Mass sire into n commtmity is given little recognition for his progressive ! spirit. When -it becoines necessary to dispose of the sire he oftentimes must sand him to the Innrket for beef. Out correspondent apparently had a neigh- bor who recognized lInd grasped the opportunity to secure a tried sire to he»d his herd. It often happens that a man buying yoting male must dispose of him be- fore he is in a position to know just how good he may be as a breeder. A notable instance along this line occur- red at the Missouri experiment station some years ago. A registered Jersey 1)1(11 TINIS sold at an ordinary price fox a good registered ball, and later it de- veloped when his heifers came into full production that he was one of the most remarkable producers of the breed. Where several men in a community are interested in the same breed such sacrifices as this need seldom occur, A good sire may be kept in a conanau• nity long enough to determine his men it as a breeder. Loss on American Wools. The high quality of American wools when properly put up, Is generally rec. oguized by our manufacturers, but so little attention is paid to the care oi American wool at shearing time that It usually sells for less than its real .vnlue and frequently suffers by com- parison with foreign wool. Such prao times as the indiscriminate sacking oi wool regardless of kind or condition, the use of improper twine and the use of insoluble paint for marking sbeee cause really unnecessary expense and loss in manufacturing, which has been variously estimated at from 5 to 20 pet cent of the original value of the woo) and for which the producer must pay by being compelled to accept a reduced priee.-United States Department oi Agriculture. Melon and Pumpkin Seed. Professor Hills of the Vermont ex- periment station found that two and one-half tons of pumpkins, including seeds, are equal to a ton of corn silage for dairy cows. The old belief that pumpkins diminish the flow of milk -When fed to cows is erroneous and has been exploded. At least there is no foundation for such a theory. ThE value of these succulent foods for feed. Ing cows with other feeds rich in dry matter and feeding nutriente is such that they should be utilized whenever possible. By far more cows go dry from not having succulent food than are turned dry by consuming the seeds of pumpkins and melons. Scours In Little Pigs. "An ounce of preeention is worth a pound of cure." and everything pont- ble should be &Me to prevent scours front starting. The bedding should be kept clean. Damp, unclean sleeping quarters often tend to cause this diffi- culty. The feeding of the aesv should be watched carefully. No abrupt changes should be made And no sour or polled feed should be given. A. feed of buttermilk to a eow with young pigs will tten Start the pigs to egotut, f000--ItatifieS Fanner. Hundreds a People Have Found "Fruit-a-tives" Their Only Help READ THIS LETTER Superintendent of Sunday School in j Toronto Tells How He Cured Himself of Chronic Rheumatism After Suffer. ing for Years. 5,5 DovunCotnee Roan, Oct„ rat. re13. "Vor a long time, I have thought of writing you regarding what 1 term a most remarkable cure effected by -your retnedy "Fruit-a-tives". I sufferedfrom Rheumatism, especially in my hands. I have spent a lot of money without any good results. I have taken " Fruit- a-tives" for IS months now, and am pleased to tell you that I ani cured. A.11 the enlargement has not left my hands and perhaps never will, but the soreness is all gone and I can do any kind of work. I have gained 35 pounds in 18 months", R. A. WAUGH Rheumatism is no longer the dreaded disease it once was. Rheumatism is o longer one of the "incurable diseases", "Ftuit-a-tives" has proved its marvellous powers over Itheu- mitism, Sciatica, Lumbago -in fact, over all such diseases which arise from ,)1110 derm)gement of stomach, bowels, kid aeys or skin. "Fruit -a tives" is sold by all dealers at 500. a box, 6 for $3.5o, trial bize, 25.:. or sent postpaid on recoipt cf by Fruit-a-tives Litnited, 0 MODERATE DRINKING. To the Editor: - Dr. G. Von Bunge, Professor of Physiology in the University of Basle, Switzerland, says truly: "Every drunkard was once a' moder- ate drinker and every one who leads others by his example to moderate drinking leads some of them to immod- erate drinking. He sets a stone rolling which it is out of his power to stop. It is not the drunkard who has to hear the reproach of seducing others. The se- dacers are the moderate drinkers, and as long as the seduction continues, im- moderate drinking with its conse- quences, disease, inganity and crime will continue. Anyone who is not aware of this does not know the history of the battle against drunkenness." "The chief cause of drinking is the tendency to imitate. The first glass of b >et- does not taste any better than the first cigar. Men drink because others drink. When once they have formed the habit there is no lack of excuses for I repeated drinks." "*From the first glass to insanity, crin-ie, despair, suicide, there are a thoufand stages of misery. Only those who sink to the lowest levels are taken account of by statistics. We must not forget also that all of these miseries spoil the happiness of others. How much family happiness is lost, how many tears of innocent fellow sufferers, how much Ceep rankling pain of which no intimation is to be found in statis- tits." "What shall we say of the man who thinks to himself: 'Let millions of my fellowmen every year languish hospitals and asylums; let millions plunge them- selves and their families into ruin, so long as I get my glass of beer?" (Sgd.) H. Arnott, M.B., 1.••••••••••••wp.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••!!(••••• Canadian National Exhibition PEACE YEtSR America's Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by West Indies Grenadier Guards Band Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Hour Boy Scouts' Review Canada's Biggest Dog Show BABYLON Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent Paintings from England, Scotland, United States and Canada Educational Exhibits Goods in Process of Making Athletic Sports Aero -Hydroplane Flights Grand Water Carnival Creatore's Famous Band Score of other Bands Dozen Band Concerts Daily Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Peace Year Fireworks .I.International Peace Tattoo to Bands 400 Musicians Aug. 29 1914 Sept. 14 TORONTO CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of s, ,41 When a girl jilts a young man she may do him a great kindness -but he doesn't realize it until later. No man ever lived long enough to understand why his neighbors dislike him. Some men will get out of bed at mid- night and run to a fire who can't be in- duced to get up at 7 a, m. and start one in the kitchen range. IL INSECT'S SENSE OF SMELL, 3 possibly an acre and a half MIAOW There ere two good reasons or the change Corn has demonstrated that it is the crop that produces feed in greatest abundance and not only in largest quantity but at leas expense than roots, therefore, tbe far-seeing farmer has erected a silo and grows corn. He gets gocd fecd, plenty of it and his labor bill for his hoed crop is eat in half. Why shouldn't he grow corn? Mangels, as a general thing, outyield tuinips, aro sown ard hoed earlier and ars generally preferred for feeding milk cows and young steeg, and so, to, they have rightfully shoved the good old turnip crop down into a small- er corner. On your next trip over a long or short distance just te call the crods of a few years ago and compare them with those of ti -Jay. and nete how the live -stock farmer in kt eping abreast of the times and changed cet,clitions which demand changes on the farm. - Farmers' Advocate. The most valuable faculty possessed by insects is their•ense of smell. Most insects hear very poorly, and ants in particular are absolutely deaf. With all their batteries of eyes bulging in every direction these creatures do not seem to enjoy very good eyesight. Some of the flying insects can't see well enough to avoid obstacles which to them should look as big as a barn. But when it comes to the sense of smell the insect world is far ahead of of any animal. Fabre, the great French entomologist, confined some female butterflies in a steel cage far from the natural haunts of the insects. To his surprise males of the species came from miles away and lit on the screen. He then confined the females in her- metically sealed jars and placed them near spots frequented by the males. No one paid any attention though the females were visible through the glass. To make sure of the sense of smell was the guiding force, Prof. Fabre brought out some bits of paper and twigs on which the females had rested. Males soon appeared and, ignoring the females in their glass jars, ,circled about the twigs and paper. If a strange ant of the same species is placed in an ant hill he is violently ejected. Every insect he meets recog- nizes him instantly as an intruder and helps in the ejection. If every Lon- doner could recognize on sight each stranger in town it would not be so re - remarkable, as out of town people might be identified by their clothes, cut of their hair, speech, etc. The ants all wear the same shiny uniform and are deaf and dumb. If a small mouse dies in a field certain undertaker insects have been known to come from a distance of more than a mile to lay eggs in the body. The house fly acts solely on the sense of smell. In his flying about he is per- petually trying to head in the direction of each breath of food odor he meets and dodges the turns with each eddy of air until he locates the source of the smell. Mosquitoes find you in the dark rather more easily than in the day. They smell their victims outside the house. Their sense of smell leads them to windows, doors or chimneys from which the man odor proceeds. In they go and soon you hear their song about your ears. II.) not suffer another day with - Itching, Bleed- ing, or Protract. Ing Files. No surgical oper- ation required. Be. Chases Ointment will roliove you at once and as certainly euro you. Me. a box; all dealers, or Edmanson Batt% & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sample box'free if you mention this paper arid enclose 2e. stamp to pay postage. POWER OF THE CHURCH, (Montreal Weekly witness.) The church could avert war if its heart was set in it to do so but the church occupies itself witilits conventional ser- vices arid takes little note of what is going on in the world. Indeed, pitiful to say, the influence of the church is Frequently on the side of strife. In England the parson who reads every Sunday a prayer for peace has generally a brother in the army, and his senti- ents are those of his caste. Yet the church counts itself Christian. He whom the church professes to serve is s ronger than the Northelitfes and the- Hearsts and the Krupps, but what if the church through which He must work on mankind, is against Him, or is supine in such great matters? It is safe to predict that when the church becomes really Christian, the world will soon be. A. Hebrew preached in Montreal once said, when Christians become Christian the Jews may do so also, but that is not a practical question. A church genuinely on its knees against war would be a church militant against war and would soon be a church triumphant against war, but while it is mobilizing too late its spiritual forces for this con- flict in the world's hour of need it finds that it has allowed the sensation -mong- ers to do the work of Him who claims te have control over the le tgdoms of the eartie and apparently still has. Now that war is at the door its voice is necessarily one of grief rather than of faith and hope. When ati irresistible foree meets an immovable body, or the other way about, there is bound to be something doing. While this is going on we had better get busy on Safety first work. The first eleetrie locomotives ever used on an English railroad soon will be imported from Germany. Corn, the Crop of Crops. In travelling over the country from year to year many changes are noted in crops and cropping. Perhaps tnost con- spicuous of all to the casual observer is the rapid increase in the acreage of corn and mangets, and the gradual, al- most rapid decrease in Swede turnips. Corn is now the main feed crop on hun- dreds of farms in Ontario where the Swede turnip formerly was relied upon to bring the cattle through the winter tri n healthy and thriving state, and the mange) crop ie fast crowding the rem- nant of the turnip acreage of the farms. It is no uncommon occuranee to see fields of anywhere from six to fifteen acres of corn with a strip of from two to five acres of mangels at one side, where, under former conditions, the large acreage would have been turnips and Swedes with only a small strip, A PAIR OF SLIPPER'S. Story of an Eccentric Man and a Curi- ous Monument. There stands in 41 church in Amster- dam an ancient and curious monument of white marble which always attracts the attention of visitors, and their curi- osity is usually heightened by its in- scription. On the inontitnent are en- graved two slippers of a singular shape, with the inscription "Erten Nyt," which in English would be "eve» noth- ing," or, more colloquially put, "noth- ing else." The story that is told of this strange devicc is as follows: A certain rich man whO was very extravagant in his tastes hemline pos- sessed of the idea that he had just so many years to live and no more, and he calculated that if he spent a stated portion of his principal every Year his life and his property -would expire to- gether. He wae lavishly generous to others as well as Indulgent of his own wbints, and it so happened that he died the very year he had prophesied would be his last. De had furthermore brought his fortune to such a low ebb that aft- er bis few debts were paid nothing re- mained of all his possessions aside from the clothes in which he was to be buried bot a pair of curious old slippers. Some of bis relatives to whom he had been kind during his life erected this strangely decorated monument to mark his burial place. -Washington Star. Human Strides. Many correspondents have been teet- ing the length 'of their stride, even those small boys who pace out the length of a cricket pitch in assurance that twenty-two long steps make tWere ty-two yards. But a walker from the city avers be comes as near as most men to the yard to the step on n long walk. He stands five feet eight and one-half inches, bus a swing team the hips and has always between tulle - ' stones stepped front sew to 1.710 paces to the mile. That, of eourse, Is a solitary walk. In u regiment the pace must be set by the average of the longest and shortest steeper. -London Opinion. Ancient Enamel It Is Certain that glazes having the composition of good enatnela were manufactured at it very eerie date. Excellent gle.ees are still pre- served, and some of the bricks which have been found among the ruins of Babylon have been ascribed to the seveoth or eighth century n.e. The glaze on the Babylonian bricks was found upon examination to have a base of soda glass or silicate nf sodi- um. Glazes of a similar character were alsb manufactured by the Egyptians as early as the sixth dye natty. There can be little doubt that the Greeks and ntrtiscans woe also acquainted with the art, o taw _