HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-08-20, Page 2THE WINGIIAM TIMES, AUGUST20, 194
Grand Trunk Railway Systew; CANADIAN HEATHER. I
, Pure, clean, flavory
Town Ticket Office hgovernment publicatio
iss .recently been issued by the r0.
4 I An unusual n and strong, in sealed packets.
, minion Parks braneh of the Department
t of the Interior. It eoneists of a smell
We can issne through tickete Y14 ; souvenir booklet artisticaliy bound in
popular routes, to any point in Arnerige ! ,
-East, West, Swath, Northweet, Main.' ulli")," lerither wild grass paper and tied
toba, Naze Coast, etc. with an olive green silk cord. The let -
Baggage checked 'through to destine- tering i5 embossed in gold and a very
tion and full informationgiven whereby t unique design has been chosen for the
travelling will be make pleasant and l cover. The latter i$ cut out eo as to
free from annoyance. Tourist andform a sort of frame and in this is inset
return tickets to above potnte also on
sale at lowest figures, and with all
a spray of Canadian heather from the
Rocky Mountains park, the purplish
Single and return tickets to any pointea "is good. tea '‚flowers of the heather ageiest the wood -
in Ontario. Your business will be ap- brown background making a very at-
pree.iated, be your trip a short or a tractive color combination. It will no
long one. doubt be a matter of surprise to many - , , - -._ ,
We can ticket you through to anY to learn that Canada possesses a heath- Distribution of Rams and Boars by the The Sorehead.
point in Europe on all leading steamship er of her own, This ;dant is not, as it Federal Department of Agriculture
lines. Prepaid orders also Issued. When Grouch goes home, at close of
If it's about travel, we have
informetion and will give it to
has sometimes been called, a "poor re -
the .
I lawn" of the Scotch heather, but has
youla family connection and standieg of it$
own well recognized by botanists, and
B. ELLIOTT is nearly allied to the heather of the
British Isles. This booklet gives an in-
teresting account of the locality from
Town Agent G.T.R. Which the souvenir was gathered, Simp-
Times Office, Wingharn, Ont. son Pass about thirty miles south of
Banff, and of some of the legends and
stories connected with the heather in
other lands. 1ts main purpose, how-
ever, is to call the attention of Can-
adains to the National parks of the Do-
minion, not only to the attractions they
offer to those who are able to visit
them, but also to their value in the
national life. Their commercial poten-
tialities are somewhat startling. It is
pointed out that owing to the increasing
modern taste for travel, striking scen-
ery has beeome one of the most valuable
sources of revenue a nation can possess.
Notice of changes =et be left at this
office net later than satemlay noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week.
......... ...................-
, ..-.
C. N.
.7,0apte4 with
'Sailer of
(Toronto Star)
Perhaps not the least valuable of
patriotic services that the ordinary citi-
zen can render at this time is to keep
cool and to help others to do the same.
A lack of coolness in a time of national
and Imperial testing implies a lack of '
poise, if not of courage. It is certainly
qeite out of harmony with the best
British traditions. A few among us,
apparently, expected the entire German
navy to be sunk in a night, and the
whole Cerman army to be annihilated in
a couple of days. Neither of these im-
probable events having happened, they
become crest-fulten where they were
formerly cocksure, They have yet to
learn that it is the supreme teat of char-
acter to remain calm in a crisis -to be
able, if necessary, to endure both ex-
tremes of fortune, to he neither unduly
depressed by reverses, nor unduly elated
at success.
We all hope that the victory which
we know will ultimately crown the
British arms will be speedy and decisive.
But, if we are wise, we shell recog-
nize the fact that it is quite conceivable
that it may not be the former, The
British Empire is up against a formid-
able fue whom it would be the merest
folly to despise, after the manner of
the immature ones who delight in vocal-
ly consigning Germany to the nether
regions, by way of demonstrating their
own patriotism. And it may be that,
before the foe is finally subdued, Brit-
ishers will be called on to display, in
arnple measure, those qualities - the
'qualities of doggedness. of endurance,
of coolness -which have had so large a
share in making, and keeping, the Brit-
s): Empire great. It may be that only
by c iretant pounding away is the ulti-
mate victory to be achieved. If so, in
every quarter of the Empire we must
keep pounding away, we neuststay with
the !Lib, we must keep the flag flying,
and we must keep cool.
More than ten thousand visitors from
elf parts of the United States end Can
le are attending the London Old Boys'
reu oion.
Twenty volunteer cadets of the Re y"
el Si ilitary College who have pa;sed
'het el cond year examinations will be
corn m ieeto ned.
WHEN you are next
investing, we shall
be glad to assist you in
making the selection that
, will be rnost suitable to
your needs.
'then request we shall he
pleued t� suggekt suit.
ehle inveettstesits for you.
A. H. Martons et Co,
Membere Toroato Stork Exchanges
As the distribution'of pure bred stal- day, from sawing wood, or shucking
lions and bulls, 125 and 414 of which hay, he's in a freurte 'of mind; he roasts
respectively have been located in dif-
ferent parts of the Dominion, has now
What Sampling Reveals.
A herd owner may ascertain from
the creamery that his average is 40 lbs.
of fat per cow for the month and yet
have a dim idea that some of his cows
are better producers than others, but
probably few men are prepared for the
veritable surprises encountered wben
they commence regular weighing and
sampling. To take the case of two 2-
year-o1d heif.rs that freshened this
spring, last month gave 30 lbs fat, the
other gave 46 lbs. One 5 -year-old in
the same herd of grade Jerseys gave
67 lbs fat and another 5 -year-old gave
only 36 lbs. The owner would scercely
beleive that one mature cow is thus
earning, with fat at 27 cents per lb,
$8.37 more than her stable mate in just
one month. What will the difference
be in a whole year? That is the crucial
Between two 3 -year-olds in the same
herd, that both fresheeed in March,
there was a difference last month of 19
lbs of fat, worth $5. Similar differ-
ences are to be found in many herds,
illustrating very clearly that is palpab-
ly unfair to take a general average of
the herd, unless they are decidedly
more even in production than those
cited above, Records of individual pro-
duction alone can give this valuable in-
formation to the owner. Milk and feed
records may be had free on application
to the dairy commissioner, Ottawa.
Servia has an area of 33,312 square
miles and a population of 4,393,315.
In rebuilding a church spire in Eng-
land recently, a 15 -horsepower gasoline
engine did the work of six men at about
one -twentieth the cost.
the work he had to do, he roasts the
housewife, good aid true, and says
been completed for the current year, it thing e most unkind. De roasts the
is announced that theLtse Stock Branch grubhe has to 1 at, he roa ts
of the Federal Department of Agricul- milk for being sweet, the slough for !
ture will undertake a further distribu- being sour, and when the meat is done
tion of pore bred rains and boars dare he sits in eloomy state, and throws
ing the months of August and Septem- some fits, and growls hour after hour.
ber and October next, to associations The children hush their laughter glad,
of farraers organized in districts in for if they worry dear old dad, he
which the satisfactory breeding animals knows where there's a club; the wife
in these classes are not already avail- goes round with wearer tread, she wishes
able. Applications for rams and boars, she had never wed that sort of
a large number of which have already dismal dub, A wiser man is Billiam
been received, should be made at an Bunn, who, when the long ,day's work
early date, as it will not be possible to is doe, goes home in cheery mood; he
consider those that are not made prior chortles, ,tind he cries, "Gee Whiz!
to October 1st. Farmers desiring to How good this nifty supper is," as he
secure the services of such stock should throws in the food. The children meet
arrange to organize an association in him with a yell; they like their daddy
their district and forward their applica- passing well, and be likes them some
tion to the Live Stock Commissioner, moie; his wife's been 'waiting for a
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, while to make him welcome, and her
from whom application blanks and all smile ie broader than the door. The
information with respect to the condi- humble home where' gladness dwells,
tions under which pure bred sires are where kind eyes smile, and laughter
distributed, may be obtained. It is un- swells, is heaven simmered down; but
derstood that all applications shall be home is likethe other place if on
reported upon upon by officers of the Live gruntied father's face there hangs a
Stock Branch antrthat favourable se- chronic frown. Walt Mason.
tion as regards any publication shall be
subject to the approval of the Live
Stock Commissioner. Letters address-
ed to the Department do not require
postage, Detroit Free Press,
(Montreal Herald)
The news that the Crown Prime of
Germany will himself head a large
force making for the French frontier
recalls that he possesses more than his
share of the Hohenzollern obsession
that men are hut food for cannon, and
principalities and powers but the divine
instruments of a rule of blood and iron
Almost every public utterance that the
Crown Prince has made has been a
glorification of human slaughter. His
000k "Germany in arms," published in
May of 1t113, Was a violent champion-
ship of Chauvinism calcelated to make
the dove of peace faint in the skies
over The Hague.
Tne German eaglet revealed himself
as all for war. With hint internatioeal
arbitration is but a stuffed dummy of
prepeeterousness; diplomaey a weak
sister. The purpoee of his book seem-
ed to be to urge the nation to regard
all modern luxuries es but incidentals
without justification en their own ac-
count to east these aside when the Bin-
peror ealled upon them to handle the
sword. "Germany," he wrote, "can
only attain the plaee under the Snit
grodged her by other nations, by a
steedfastrelianeeon pod steel.
The only thing finer than a cavalry
charge of the guard a da Corps at the
manoeuvres will be the same charge
with a real enemy dashing to meet us!"
And thug he goee on, d earning and
preechieg the doctrines of a Nero,
thinking of nothing but ware and con-
quests mei of human oppression "with
good ateel." Civilization will be set
back a century if thie mad Ilohenzol-
lern caneer Newt eut out of the heart
of Europe. For, lethut I he mailed (let
Bad Cold In the Chest.
"1 am happy to tell you that I used
Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur-
pentine, and was promply cured of a
very bad cold in the chest," writes Miss
Josephine Gauthier, Dover South, Ont.
You can depend on Dr. Chase's Syrup
of Linseed and Turpentine to relieve
and cure all inflammations and irritations
of the throat and bronchial tubes.
[Frotn the New York Sun]
I can't afford the movies,
Although I love to go,
I'm cuttin down my smoking
To three igars or so.
I don't buy gum or candy
To please my children dear,
And now I've got to cut out
My daily glass of beer
I'm taking stand-up lunches
And sometimes none at all,
I haven't even money
To see a game of ball
But I'm spending every niekel
I save this way, and more
I'm buying all the extras
To read about the war,
What sleep is.
How an eye sees.
What electricity is.
How a firefly lights its lamp.
How seeds grow into tre'es.
How a rose makes is perfume.
Whence the sun gets its heat.
Why the compass points to the north.
What makes a bird build its firet
What causes the sex of a baby or ar;
What happens when food is oxidized
in the system.
What change takes place in iron when
it is magnetized.
What makes rain fall in some places
and not in others.
How a bloodhound tracks a man by
the smell of his footprints.
What makes an apple fall to the
ground and not fly off in the !air.
How a bird can fly in the dark through
a forest without hitting the trees.
How glands that are identical in
etructure secrete absolutely different
Why iron alone, and iron Only in par-
tieniar states, ia capahlp of being mag-
Whet happens when two volatiles of
hydrogee aed one of oxygen. are tom
bitted to form water.
The different(' between a live man
and a dead man, or a live dog and a
dead dog in other words, what Life
ortierb Were iestlec) for the enlist-
ment and mobilizatioe at Quebec of a'
Canadian army division of about 21M00
Two eubinarites built at Seattle for
prevail in Europe, and inevitably it will Chili have been purchased by the Gov -
he turned towards the destruction of I ernment of Canada and 5r,, at Bacilli.
demoracy on the American continent.male
Be went along from day to day
And took the w ather as it came,
When trouble's clouds hung low and
He laughed, and whistled just the
And when his skies were brightand fair
And when his perse was fat with gold
What joys lee had he tried to share
With everybody, young and old.
No pose has ever marred his style,
No strut has spoiled his modest walk;
On wealth he did not found his smile,
Nor of himself sorever talk.
But, friend to man, he went along,
Just filling every sort of day
With strength, cheerfulness and song
And helping others on the way.
He never claimed the thing, success,
He never won the master's touch,
He never hungered to possess,
Of gold or glory, very much.
But never was he known to shirk,
Whenever there were tasks to do,
And always was he glad to work
And take his station with the crew.
Men joyed to see him drawing near,
Men miss him now he's gone away,
He left no lasting record here
Of marble, o'er his lifeless clay!
For he was satisfied to plod
And serve his fellows to the end,
On every mile his feet had trod
He's now remembered as a friend.
1 4 7114 bat an= areial School in the
provinbee Or ourees ard thorough
and practieal while our instroctors
are better thee yoa w ill find else-
where, We ds mere for our stadents
Ithan other similar ischools do. Our
rates ave reasenablo.
tq.in Soft 9.01 Child'S. •
"I was a great sufferer from eczema
and salt rheum for years," writes Mr.
John W. Naas, Luenburg, N. S. "Five
years ago three boxes of Dr. Chase's
Ointment cured me and the old trouble
ver returned. My skin is soft as a
child's now, and I shall always say a
good word for this Ointment."
[To an pld Englishman]
By t\inm Randall.
Wite fes our free eatalogue and
S33 what wa cad d for you.
Horne is to him a clinging memory -
He dres.ms while sleeping in his chair,
that he
Down flings himself to kiss the blessed
That dearer seems to him than aught,
save God
Forgotten are all tater loves and vows,
He plucks a primrose, neath the green-
ing boughs,
Or site 'mid bitiebelis On a grasey knoll
And harkens to the old, old church bell
"Ding-dong." How many a tale from
days of yore
Those wo .derfol enchanted days be-
Adventure led him far by land and sea!
How strong were then his arms, how
full his heart with glee!
And how his youth seems wafted back
From hedges in a hawthorne-blossomed
And the same roses bloom, and weleorne
Back to the sheltering walls where he
did live.
1 Ile thrills with joy at sonntl of skylark't
Gazes!, until the tiny speak nmong
The clouds is lost t and when it distils -
Ile wakes, to find his latbee wet with
In the Canadian Magazine for An.
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y. M. C. A. BLDG,.
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. ist. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J.W. Westervelt , J. W. Westervelt, Jr,
Principal Chartered Accountant
10 We-Prete/PI
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Limes
Ocean Steamships.
C. N.
.7,0apte4 with
'Sailer of
Marriage Licenses,
Office over the Advance Office.
Good AlaAt
at once to represent the
Old and Reliable
Foothill Nursories
A splendid list of frt. it and
orn3.tnntal stock for Fall
Delivery in 1913 and
Spring Delivery in 1914.
Start at once and secure ex -
elusive territory. We
supply handsome free out-
fit and pay highest com-
Write for full particulars.
Stove& Wellindoni
()Maxi o
$100 Reward, $100 •
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is et least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh: Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure not known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a con-
etiutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, actingdireetly
upon the blood and, mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroyingthe
fciondaticns of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the
constitution and assistingnature in
doing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers
that they offer One Hundred Dollars for
any case that it fails to euro. Send for
list of testiroorfials.
F. J. CHENEY& Co.. Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, fiec.
Take Hall's Family- Pills for consti-
BAPTIST CHURCH -Sabbath serviees
et 11 a m. and 7 p. In. Sunday School
at 2:80 ,i, In, General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev, A. O.
Riley, pastor. B. Y. P. U. meets
Monday evenings 8 p. m. W. D.
Pringle, S. S. Superintendent.
vices at 11 a. en. and 7 p. m. Sunday
School at 2;30 p. m. Epworth League
every Monday evening. General prayer
meeting on 'Wednesday evenings. Rey,
J. W, Hibbert, pastor, F. Buchanan,
S. S.eSuperintenclent,
vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday
School at 2;30 p. m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D. Perrie, pastor. Dr, A. J. Irwin, S.
S. Superintendent.
bath services at 11 a. m. and 7. p. m,
Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Rev.
E. G. Dymond Rector, Alese Al-
deron, S. S. Superintendent,
SALVATION ARMY OrreetrEte-Service
at 11 a.m,, 3p.m, and 7 p.m, on Sunday.
At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening.
l There will be special music provided in
the Sunday evening service from 7 to
POST OPPICE-Oinee hours from &,m.
to 6:30 p. rn, Open to box holders from
7 a. rte. to 9 p. m. P. Fisher, postmast-
PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will be
open every afternoon fe an 2 to 530
o'clock, and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock. Miss V. Cook, lib-
TowN' COUNCIL -Dr. A. J. Irwin,
Mayor; J. W. McKibbon, Reeve; H. B.
Elliott, Wm. Isbister, W. A. Currie,
A. Young, W G. Patterson and D. Bell,
Couneillors; John F (reeves, Clerk and
Treasurer. Board meets, first Monday
evening in each month at 8 o'clock.
Wm, Robertson, W. A. Campbell, Dud-
ley Holmes, .A. Tipfing, A. E Lloyd,
Robt, Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves
Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in
Council Chamber on the second Tues-
day of each month.
Ricker, Principal; G. R Smith, B. A.,
Specialist in Mathematics; Mr. Ewing,
Specialist. in Classics; Miss 'White,
Specialist in Moderns and History; Miss
B E. Anderson, Firat Form.
Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss
Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans-
ley, Mise Barber and sYliss Bentley.
BoAen OF HEALTH. -Dr. A. J. Irwin,
(chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter,
'John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr, R. C.
Redmond, Medical Health officer.
A woman of Danzig tontracted lep-
rosy by evearieg at a fancy dress ball,
a wig made up of hair imported from
Dr. Annie Hubert has been appointed
on Blackwell's Island, N.Y., at a year-
ly salary of $1,80D.
Mrs. Rebecca Clark, of Woodgreee,
tng., is believed to be the king's oldest
subject, having just eelebrated her
110th birthday.
A girl may aelc all king'of queetious
Col, Hughes urges newepapers to ex- during the courtship eo that he wil
erciso patriotie carefalness and relic- think she thinks him a seeond Solomon,
ence in news shout military happen- and after marriage give him the pitiful
info. • 1look every time he opens hie mouth,
Children Ory
cAs-ro FR I A
For theatrical purposes an extremely
light motor has been patented to con-
vert and ordinary bicycle into a motor-
Official figures but recently completed
show that the metallie zinc production
of the United States last year exceeds
all former records.
Orders for the insertion of advertisements
en& as teachers wanted, buaineas ohanoes,
meohanics wanted, artioles for eale, or In fact
any kind of an advt. in any or the Toronto or
other city papers, may be left at the Visual
°Bice, This work will receive prompt attention
and will save people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements, Lowest
rates will be quotecl on applioation. Leave
or send your next work a this kind to the
TIMMS OFFICE. Whitetail!
Willgham General Hospital
(Under Government Inspection)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. RATES POR PATIENTS -Which
include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15.
per week according to locatioti of
room. For further information, ads
Miss L. Matthews.
Box 223, Wingham. Ont.
1 ondon6.8.5 1120. at
Toronto &Basiii.001i.m..0.45 a.m 2.80011
v- sardine..11.50 2.8.1 9.16 -
Analt4 room P."I'
Kincardine ems -11.00 Lan 2.80
London., 11,54 7.85 p,m.
Palmerston............ 11.24 a.m.
Toronto RBast - 0.80 tv.in- 0.16 p.
W. P. 111.7UGMAN' Agent, Wine:Ara
,r1tAtrre LatKVII
Tcronto and Beat - 6.40 eau., - 8.05
Teesivater .......1,00 10,22 p.m,
Teetwater.-40 &tin*. 8.58 p.m.,
Torento endRast. -.12 50 p.m. -10,22 pan.
H. BRBIIIIIR, Aesne,Winghtsra.
TtiAtit MMUS
OOPV111014T3 &C.
Anyone sendIng ante:itch and lietorlptteh MO
entekly o0e506414 onr OPinh'in free *nether, Moktrohttou 1g probably pateranb et, Communion.
Sons neatly ontitmentud. HANDBOOK On Patente
Sent. free. Olden /money tor peeurnuthatente.
katatta taken through Munn /s CM, tedehre
toy fatnotstsstlatttaat ilbar a, intim
Citlitifit Mtritat
.6. thandsomely illustrated weekly. Largest sir.
it,It1013 of anr scientific Journal. Terme tor
tt Ana, ',sat a year. postage prepaid. Sold by
1 11,611adataleta.
' IlategIttlIggEk,
:SOMA ;serene:1i 187e
la R1JBL1leUrt0
The TIMOS °Mee stone nioex.
WINoriekal, OtTTAInta„
Vanua or Sonsonv eon ote.--0 06 per haulm/re
advance, $1,.60 if not so paid. No paper disoon-
tinned:WI all arrears are laid, except at tile
option of the publisher
ADVA RV 31 tirG It 3.'2E5
13131.{,1Y ,40v1:13.1.,t0St
retie Year $4 10 (Bo °Doh Inserioni
Six Mouths 220 t104 11
Three Blonthe LOB " 11
One Mouth ,64 thio " it
One Week .20
Legal and oth-r sirrillAradvertisements. No
per ime for first insertion sat 43 per ilue for
each stibsequeat inseniou. Measured by a
noupariel sole, twelve tines to au bush,
Business eards of six lines ana under, $5.00
per year.
A.dvertisemeats 01 81tu-01ms Vaosnt, &Una
Eons Wanted, Houses for Sale or to rprit,
Artioles for $al% ate., not mcoceding eight
lines, 4,5c each tueertion: 11 for first month,
50c for each subsequent month Larger ad-
vertisements hi proportion.
Business uotices (naws typo 5z per counted
lino; as local or IldWa matter. 10c per line aaon
Insertion .
The Jon ATOAMCKextensive assortment of all requisites for print-
lieT ateokod with ast
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
oenatyfor turning out first ohms work. Large
type and appropriate oats for 'Motile» or Pest-
ers, Maud BIM, eta., and the latest styles a
choice fancy type for the liner classes of print,
Prom -tam' and Publisher
0LOES-Cornr Patrick and Centre fits.
Offices 4$
Residence, Dr, Kennedy t48
Residence, Dr. Calder 151
Dr, Kennedy specializes in Snrgery.
Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dis-
eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses
properly fitted,
DR. HORT. C. REDMOND, JD. 15.C,13, (Eng)
L. R. C. P. London.
Oilloa, with Dr. Chisholm
Late Member ouse Staff Toronto
General Hospital.
Post Graduate London and Dublin.
Successor to Dr. T. FL Agnew,
Office Macdonald Block.
w.11. Hambly, B.Sc., mu., 0.21.
WIngham, Ontario..
Special attention paid to diseases of women
and children, having taken post graduate
work in Surgery, Bartcriology and Scientific
Office in the Kerr residence. betWeen
Queen's hotel and the Baptist Ohureh.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54. P. 0. Box II&
Dr. J. R.. Macdonald
Wingham, Ont.
Office -Stone Block, over the Tams
0, R. F. PARKER, D.B.O.A.
Specialty -Chronic asnd nervous diseases
Eyes scientifically tested. Glasses fitted.
Tuesdays 11.30 a.m. 9 p.m. Office over
Christie's Store). Consultation free.
J. A. FOX, D.C.
ZatirnDrsetio is sucoessful in such diffinult
cases as Insanity, Epilepsy, Asthma, Rheuma-
tism, Heodaches, Constipation, Chroula &bra-
nch, Liver and Bowel Tronble,Founitle Trouble.
Office in Knox house, back of Post
Office, Entrance over Presbyterian
Church Walk. 'Phone 191.
Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p.m.
AUTEIThiJ. maim, D. D. B. s., u
Dootor of DentaiSnrgery (Atha Pennsylvania
D• sal College and Licentiate of the Royal
• ego of Dental Surgeon* of Ontario. 0/hoe
,1 odonald Bleak, Masbate,
co closed every Virednesdety afternoon
from Blow 1st to Oct. 1st.*
11 i1o4S, O. D. 8., L. D. 8.
Honor gaiduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeens of Ontario and. Honor graft -
ate of the Uhl varsity of Toronto Vacuity
Dentistry, f
Office over Pi, Z, Isard & Co'., store, Win -
ham, Ont.
Chloe otosed every Wednesday afternoon
from May 1st to Oot, 1st.
Private and Company lands to loan at lowest
rate of Inters/it, 'torts/ages, town and. ram
prontrti bought and sold.
001es, Beaver Blook. Mitcham
T litenesoee,
Vtlughara. Ont.
oupLev HOL116.5
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc.
Meet Meyer Block,Winghatri,
and anyone haring Ova Groh or other
artiCles they wish to dispose of, alionld adver-
tise the same for vial* in the Taiga. Our large
oiroulation tells and a witi Oran ge indeed it
you do not get a onatorner. We (isn't gnat/Mies/
Whet ter. will teit bedtime you may fah Merit
tor the article or atonic then 1*1. worth. Send
your advertisement tO the T11115 and try flail
08 dapoting bt ratite stook and attar